The Waynesburg messenger. (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) 1849-1901, May 18, 1864, Image 3
lotat PfpartmEnt. Another Wilful Attack on a Minister of the Gospel. The members of the South Tenmile Bap tist Church of Greene county, Pa., a few weeks since, took into consideration the pres ent high prices of the necessaries of lite, and with that christian benevolence, which has always characterized that dear people, opened their purses and made their Pastor the recipi ent of a handsome donation, The "pile" of green backs, and the many other "good things," that accompanied it, were thankfally received by their Pastor and his family, as a renewed evidence of the en during friendship of this church toward them, and it is his earnest hope that the good Lord may abundantly reward them temporally and spiritually for their acts of lore. A. J. COLLINS. Cot. D. Gray Purman. We are gratified that our former towns man, Lieut. D. GRAY PCRNIAN, brother of A. A. PrmrAN, Esq., has recently recruited a Regiment in Grant County, Wisconsin, for the South Western Array ; and in view of his sterling integrity, patriotism, and bravery, attested by his host of friends, and the hon orable scars he bears upon his person, he has been elected and commissioned as Colonel of the Regiment. His known ability and military experience will no doubt secure for him still higher honors upon other fields of strife. May success attend him in his fa- Declination. DuNKARD TOWNS AIP, May 16th, 1564. tare career MESSRS. JONES JENNINGS find since the aiinonncemeut of my name as a candidate for Sheriff, that I will not leave sufficient time in which to make a general canvass of the County, and my acquaintanceship with people being somewhat limited, I deem it advisable to withdraw from the contest, hoping to "live to fight another day" under more favorable circumstances. In this de clination my gratitude for the many kind ex pressions of my friends, prompts me to return my unfeigned thanks with the assurance that my zeal for the Democratic cause shall be strengthened by time and as I profess to be 0, Democrat from principle my friends will ,ever find me battling for the cherished prin ciples of that loyal old party whose watchword the Constitution, and her war cry the Union. Yours Respectfully, PHILLIP KUSSART Declination. 'WHITELY Towsstur, May 16th, 1864 MESSRS. JONES & JENNINGS:-YOU will please withdraw my name from the list of Candidates for County Auditor, as I have concluded to decline making a canvass for reasons satisfactory to myself, and my nu merous friends will accept my thanks ior their kind wishes to r my success. Let us stand together fellow Democrats, and by harm4.,ny of action defeat the enemies of our Constitution in the County, State and Nation this fall. Yulll's Itepectirdly, JOSEPII PATTERSON Declination. MT. Monias, PA., May 10th, ISG4 MESSRS. JONES & JENNINGS :—Please with draw my name from the list ofeanditlates for the Sheriffitity, at this time, as my business arrangements are of such a character as not to justify a canvass on my part. 'My friends have my thanks for the encouragement they ! gave me and I hope to merit a continuance of their favor by a consistaut support of Democratic principles. Yours Respectfully A. F. AMfNIONS. Silver Smithing. D. ILAs, it will be seen by reference to his ear(' in to-day's paper, has resumed the Silver Smith business. Mr. Haas is a good Avorkmdn, an honest man and well deserving the patronage of the public. See advertise meat. The Great Sanitary Commission Fai r in aid of the Sick and Wounded Soldiers, Will be open in Pittsburgh, during two weeks in the beginning of June. The arrangements for the fair are on the grandest scale. Five extensive Buildings have already been erected, which with others, will be filled with contributions of t,hings use ful, beautiful, cm ions and wonderful. The Audience Hall will seat over :JOOO per sons, and will be opened nightly fur exhibi tions and Concerts. Among the entertainments will be Concerts .by the celebrated GERMANIA BAND, of Philadelphia. A Military 14bibition of HYATT'S CA DETS, 160 in number, The Great ORATORIO of the MESSIAH will be given, 'kith 2.00 vocal and instument al _ Magnificent TABLEXUX VIVANTS and ANTIQUE CONCERTS, and various unique and attractive entertainments are being pre pared. Premiums worth Contending for. The Marble and Stone Cutters of Pitts burgh offer a MONLTMEMT, WORTH cVEP. 42000, to be given to the county of Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, or Virginia, whico shall donate to the fair the largest aggregate amount, in proportion to population. The Monument to be erected in the chief town of the county which shall gain it, to the memory of their brave soldiers slain in battle. The Allegheny County Agricultural Socie ty cife* $6OO in Money to the Agricultural Societies of the County which shall donate the largest amount in Live Stock: - Allegheny County is excluded from corn petions for either premium. Organize your county, township and School District Committees, and apply to every doctor, lawyer, merchant, clerk, farm er, manufacturer, mechanic, laborer, woman and child, to give Money, Live Stock, Goods Farm products, Manufactures, Useful or Fancy Articles, Curiosities, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Shirts, Sucks, Maple Sugar, or any , thing which can be sold, or looked at, to swell the funds. Let the Workmen in every MD, Shop, Coal-bank, Furnace, Boat-yard, Tannery, and of every trade, subscribe at least ; one day's labor, and send the proceeds to the Treasurer, with a liberal suns also from the employers. Christian duty, ifumanity and Patriotism alike call upon us to help our brave Soldiers, and our - beneficence must be worthy of the cause and of a generous people. Money to be sent to Holmes, Treasur er; Goods to Felix R. Brunt, or to the Chairman of the proper Committee. Freight settled in Pittsburgh. All the Railroads issue Excursion Tickets to the Fair. By order of the Executive Committee. FELIX R. BRUNOT, Chairman. Ottsbore]; May 17th, 1864. Schofield Pursuing the Rebels—The Oc cupation of Dalton Confirmed—The lteb., eels Retrerted to Rasa ca and Rome. PirmiiYurni.i., May 14.—A.special to the Evening Telegraph, dated Cincin natti, May 14th, states that Gen. Scho field's army moved from Bull's Gap on the 2d. After four hour's fighting on the 4th, the rebels retreated, the. Union troops pursuing them into North Car olina. The news that Gen. Thomas has ta ken Dalton, is confirmed, with• 5,000 prisoners, and 10 or 12 pieces artillery. The rebels retreated in some disorder to Reesoca and Rome. Our troops are in hot pursuit. Gov. Bramlette Calls for 10,000 Ken tuckians--He offers to Lead Them. Loctsvn.LE, May 1-I.—The following dispatch was received at the Military de patitment last night: FRANKFORT, Ky., May 13—Ei Journal: Ken tuckians to the rescue. I want ten thou sand six mouths troops at once. Do not hesitate to come. I will lead you. Let us h e lp to finish this war, and save our Government. [Sigiletl,] Tiios. E. BRAMLETTE, Governor of lientacky Death of GenerallSedgwick. WAsrincc TON, May 10,—InfOrmation was received here this afternoon of the death of Major General Sedgwieh, who was slick in a skirmish near Spottsylva nia. A ball entered his eye and passed through his head, killing him instantly. Immense Destruction of Life. Mr. Mcßride, the correspondent of the Washington Chronicle, in his letter from the front, dated yesterday, says : "The hemorrhage in the rebel army has been horrible, while our own is of no mean magnitude. All through the wil derness they are strewn, and the fires kindled by the bursting of shells con sumed the mangled bodies of the antag onists. In these several encounters with the rebels we have lost the present use of over 3:2,000 men. In Freder icksburg, at this writing, there are over 12,000 of our wounded. Sunday morning they began crowding into the town." It is believed that the enemy's loss on Tuesday fir exceed's that of our army, as it is known that the casualties in Gen. Heath's rebel brigade were enormous. A prisoner stated that nothing had ever been seen like it. The rebel dead were piled up in heaps on the ground. It is said that preparation has been made for 90,000 sick and wounded soldiers, in anticipation of the great bat tle that is innninent between the armies of Grant .and Lee. MARRIED, On Tuesday, 10th in t., by A. Hiner— man, Eq.,_ Mn. JAMES FITZGERALI i _) of Cam eron, W. Va., to 311 NAtistE, /3c). - EN, of Jacksonville, Greene Co. Pa. DIED, Of Hemorrhage of the bowels, on Thursday, the sth day of May, 1864, 13Es.r.‘Ans FEANK BEABOUT, oungeq son of W. S. and An na Beabout, of Pichlull tp., aged 1 year, 4 months, and 7 days. Itimag KtEttin. To be held olf . Saturday, the 2Slh day, of May. LSSLMBLY. We arc authorized to announce THOS. ROSE, of Perry towaaste, as a candidate for AFseuildy, 9ubject to the decir4iott of the Democratic Primary election. WE are authorized to announce Gen. JOSEPH GARRARD, of Cumberland re a candidate for Agsenibly, subject to the decision of the Democratic Primary Elections. Messrs. .1 ON E 8 & JENNINGS : Sirs—Be pleased in announce the mune of 'X M. A. PORTER, of Marion tp , a:, a candidate Mr A,senddy, bubjent to the decis ion of Ile Detriocratic Primary Elections WE are authorized to ;111,11011r1C0 JOAN PHELAN, Eeq., of Marion rp., ~e a candidate Ctr Asseutitly, Stib je,t to the decitiun of the Dentucratjc Pinnary Elec tion. SHERIFF. MESSRS. Florrorts :—Believing Yonongabela tp., to be entitled to something at the hands of the Itetthocra cy of the county, we beg leave to announce WII.,LIAM CLEAVE.NCLft, Est; , as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the decision of the Constitutional Dentociaey in c,ontradistinction to the Miscegenation, Abolnion, Jap Pathetic patty now in power. MANY McCLELLAN DEMOCRATS. W E are autnsrizetl to annoonce AHFRIR M UA I LEY , Of Si' holey tp., as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the Decision of the Dionocratic Primary elec tion. wr, are author : amd to annrome STEPHEN Kri'CUT, iticlit4ill as a catt•lida e for sul.i..rt to the Decigion of the Democratic Primary election. WE are authorized to antintuce I). H. PAEI„ Dunkaid tp., as a candidate for Sheriff; Fll idea to the decision of the Daniccratic Pi unary Election. WE are luthorized to announce HEATH JOHNS, of Washington tow i.ship, as a rall(!idate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic Primary Election. WE are authorized to announce J, LINDSEY yo DEIN, of Centre tp., as a candidate for t!ztniti, stih ect to the decision of the Democratic Primary Elec ion . WE are authorized to announce HENRY ft. 61L VEUS, of Way it tp., as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic Pi - ninny Elan iron. WE are toithorizca to announee JA GOB ',EXLEY, of Marion tp., as a candidate for :Sheriff, sohjest to the decision of the Democratic Primary Election. COMNISSIONER. 111E861t8. Entrons.—Do us the favor of am:mincing ELIAS SI'VET, Etq , Of Celare to., as a omit:Male for County Cottitni,t;ioner, subject to the Democratic Primary election, and ol;11,gt,. ilfeSbr.i. JUNES & JENNINGS :—Please announce, ny name s capdidate for County coeoe,ssieeer, sub jest to the decisions of the Denim ratic Primary E lee - !gm. JACOB Sinn VER, WhnelY IP. WE are authorized to announce THOMAS SCOTT, of Whitely towns I ip, as a candidate for Unninlission er, Filbject to the decision of the Democratic Primary Irection. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Nissans. EIDTORS :—You will please announce JO SEPH G. RITCHIE, Esq., cit . Mar;ou tp„ as a suit able candidate fcr Prosecating Atorney, subject to the decision of the Dentogra tic party at their Primary election, and you wMI greatly oblige MAN' 'VOTERS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE COUNTY. WE are talithorq.ed to announce C. W. 0. AVAD DELI., of Morton a candidate f.)r District At torogy. subject to thr 'decision of the Deniociatic Pri 'nary Election. WE are authorized to announce I). U. P. HUSS, ni Marion tp , as a candidate for District Attorney, &üb ject to the di.4sion of the Democratic Primary Elec tron. AUDITOR. Vt. c are authorized to announce A. J. MAWFIN, of Wayne tp., as a caudidate for Auditor, N4l4uci. in the decision of the Democratic Primary Eiecitoti. WE are authorized to announce WILLIAM GWEN, nt Jefferson tp., as a candidate for Auditor,eubject to the decision of the Democratic Ptituary Etectiou. POOR ROUSE DRUM, WE are authorized to announce MILLER lAIRS, of Morgan tp., as a candidate fur Poor Douse Diem' tor subject to the dccielon of the Democratic Primaty Lion. WE are authorised to announce A RTHUR RINE. HAUT, of Franklin township, as a candidate for Poor ►louse Director. subject to the decision of the Demo - Primary Election. G en. Jesse Lazear, sends us the following list of the killed and. wounded in the late battles Dee).—Corp. Jas. Lucas; John Lockhart; Isaac Isinmingor. WonNvan.—Capt. J. M. Kent, slightly in the arm; Lieut..Jas. A. Woods, slightly iu the arm; E. Headly, mortally wounded; Elijah Haynes, lost a leg; David Conrad, slightly; French, wounded iu leg; Silas Chapman, severely; Boyd Lemley, slightly; Jas. B. Morris, wounded in the head. Making, F 750 OU which being added to contributions heretofore sub scribed by Pittsburgh to the Iron and Sic. I Department of the Fair, makes the magnificent tom of about .54,000. It is proper to aid that handsome contributions have been received front other committees—for example, on Glas , , Drugs, etc.—so that Pittsburgh is well worthy of our best thanks and gr,,Lenil remembrance: Cot large liberalty. We are plmteed to note these evidences of liberality on the part (dour manufacturers as faint foreshadow logs of their prospective contributions :o our own fair. P0:2640M t 4 AN MARY FAIT.—A meeting of the Pitts burgh Sanitary Committee was held at their rooms, .o. 59 Fourth street, Totisday afternnon, I lie President, ThOlhaS Bake% ell, Esy , was requested to tender the services ola large number of Surgeons mid nurses, who had volunteered to proceed at once to the army in Virginia, to attend the si k and wounded sol diers. The 'allowing dispatch was forwarded to Gen. Moorhead, in: Washilr,iiin City, and a reify is ex pected thiS:MOthing, toiren the COWlllhhee Will again meet to select the required number from the volun teers: ' "lfon. J K Moorhead, Mia9hiugton wan} tiLirgoont: and male nurses shall we scud to in relieving the wanly the V; 0111/fied. The committee al,n sent on a check for several thousand dollars to 4,:cii; Moorhead, to i.e used by the Pennsylvania Soldn2r,' Rehel Association. A !arse stock of supplies are also being shipped to Fortress Monroe, Washington sod the Western Department. As the demand for supplies are very prcsfing at this ems, the committee again call upon our citizens . f .r contributions ofsanitary stores, and we I.tve uo doin that the appeal w ill be respo n ded to w i; It- ',lt I iberality. Notice is herd by given to ail creilitor9, s, and other persons interested, that the eciitors, Administrator , and ti{c•., . at:CC/MOS in the IlegiFter's (Alice. at d that will be prei , ented to Ow Oriihan's I!, within :uul for the Comity of Greene on ILth of June next, for contit illation and allowa,-e. Final account of Samuel Harvey, Guardian of Elmore A. ItusbeL Account Of Louis Kuhn and Mary Laugstretlr, Adruir.- istralors of Samuel Langstreth. AreMilit of Johnson Way chuff, Guardian of Caroline Hughes, minor child of James Hughes, dec'd. Account of Wnt Gordon, Executors of Hiraut Kent, &Teas( d. Account of Antos Brewer Ex 'r of Israec Russell, deed. Account of Win. l'aicel, Ex'r of Lewis Huge, dec'd. Account of.lacoli Cole, Executor of the Estate 01 Isaac Ehriver,duc'd. Ft•purate and final account of David 11. Johnson, are of •he Executors, of thz last will and lestallient of Joseph . li..lnheson, deed Partial Account °Huhn LLidsey and L, D. Ingram Ex, emitms of the Estate of Mary Lindsey. dec'd. Account of Byron W. Wa1.5011, Executor of the B,l.ate ofJohn Watson. &cid. rinal Amount or Thonma Was and Charles Lucas Ad ministrators Of no (Wei Lucas, deed Final Account of Daniel Goodwin, Executor of John Goodwin, deed. Account of Dr. Wm. B. Porter, Guardian of William r 4 priwls deed. May 11, '64. PETER BRA WS, Register. UttN DEIVICFINT Errigi IS 01,11.....wriag Is lit 70b CnN * 4l 4I NFORMS iyo,ut hl e te Da citizens guer ie oL G b r u e s e u n i L a c co and unty e a: u n i t :l i; he the same old trade the SILVER SMITE IiTTSINZSS. Ile is prepared now to repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, in the very heat style, shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. lie has on hand the very best Clocks for Sale. SHOP.—CampLelPs Rowe, next door to Squire Webbg. Waynesburg, Pa., May 118, 1€164 tf. List of Applicants for Tavern Li cereies for June term, 1864. Enoch liennan. Jolly Town, Greene county, Pa. Joel L. Swim', Waynesburg, Pa. Joseph Miind le, Willow Tree, Greene enunty, Pa. George Cowell Davistowii, Greene county, Pa. Isaac J. Hupp, New Bteepart, da do jiaay 11. J F. TEMPLE. Clerk. TS hereby given that Sarah Norris left the subscriber without arty just cause o r provicacion and that I pay •o debt. of her contracting hetesfter. May ABNER MORRIS. LATEST. OC7D New Hat Ail (i WM. FLENIING, ‘, . PITTSBUROI.I, 1 . . ! NE IV HAT ..1..V.,"; C persons visiting first class establishment, fitted up if. styl e , with every convenience fur dm andßetail Trade. A large stock 01 ev,iy and quality of HATS and CAPS 4.p.. hand, which will be sold at the very l o tto Ildr.Flemingi3 a Practical Hatter, and guarai action to purchasers. Oct. I, Is. THE SANITARY FAIR ! Mr. Bvinot, Chairman of the Executive Committee, has issued a circular calling upon all employers and others to co-operate with the committee in order to secure for the Fair the proceeds of one day's labor, from every man, of whatever trade or' occupation, in the territory embraced by the fair. By a little effort this desirable object could be hilly accomplished, and pie hope that every person who has the comfort and welfare of our soldiers at heart Will give their aid a id influence to this end. For the convenience of those Who will engage in soliciting such contributions, we publish t..e circular 1,60177, hi such a form that it call be clipped out and pasted on a sheet of white paper: HELP FOR THE SOLDIERS. wE the undersigned, hereby give the WAGES OF ONE DAV, er the SUMS riET OPPOSITE OUR NAMES, to the Pittsburgh ?Sanitary Fair, for the and WOUNDED Soldiers. iTtie name of the estqhfisiimem, mine, profegsion, or trade, and the lo cality, will he here inserted.) Let the Proprietor, Manager, Boss, or patriotic man, paste or copy the above on white paper ; get it signed by all the men of the thin, mine, furnace, shop, boat yard, store, trade or occupation to which he lielontis, or of the town in which he hers, and collect and transmit the amount to NATHANIEL HOLMES, J Treasurer of the Fair, Pittsburgh, Pa. The recei pt of the money will be duly acknowledged by letter anti in the newspapers. The sound of the battle; the groans of our brothers and defenders; the memory of the g.orieus dead, and our hopes of success itt the struggle, calls on us to be prompt and generous. May God nut it into the heart of every christian and patriot to respond with his nine or his treasure. Fur the Executive Committee. FELIX IL MIL NOT, Chin. The ladies of Chicago are oak ing vigorous efforts to make their conctibkohms to our lair worthy of that peat city. In the I'oct we find a raid from Mrs .1. V. I eMoy he, chairman of the Chicago Committee, from which we mike the following extract : there arc any ladies in .be city ult.) have no: been trtitie.d of the effort that is being made to grt up a cuntributio int the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair, and wonlit be willing. to aid, we take this means of to Iling Mein that we will lie most happy to receive assistance either in work or by money. lilt had heou 1,1,5,1111 P, all w. uld have bean solicited personally ; but the time was so short that thin could ma be done, and we hope that all who saw or heard of the beautiful and substantial contribu tions that Chicago received. final Pitishur h at the time, of the Chicago Fair, will be willit., and anxious to helves in CAII undertaking." It was the intentitm of the Executive Committee to hare Pr silent Lincoln make the midi, ss at the open ing t.f Ihe Fair. It will he seen by the rid owing letter, however, that the Presiden will be unable to be pres ent EXECUTIVE MANSION, Waniiing.ion f ite, April ISii : 1 fear it wi I not be peesible we to assia at thy: 01 Fair, but bet en fot y ti success will of coarse, be with vim. if the use of my itaine tan avail anything lot so good a par poee, it ar: ebtirely nt your SI.TVIII.I. I am, very truly - , your atll. servant, A. LINCOLN. Felix R Bruno% Esq., S. F. Vun Bonnhura, Esq R•Io D. filet;,,wasi. • . DONATIONS.—In the St. Louis Pittners C,ett, it) flail, Chat Ina!' of the Committee 00 " hot/ and Steel, " 01 the Gleat Weetern Fair. returns pro found thanks Lathe following named additional dona tions front the Ittrge-Iteatteil 111:11111facilli ems of Pittsburg adi. ices of Which liars bean reretred Imy Jones, Boyd & Ut. (send of their own MALI Llfile tars) thirty cast steel saw plates—assorted tools, cast-Bleu! valued ;.d. e:ko 00 Singer, ls,i/l4id: ,(Send of Weir own inann f.acture) one caosteel Laeuell loading cannon, valued at 150 On Park, Brother & Ca..(send of their own mann iAtre),assorLed 4 04 4 g, Cav/ steel valved at 100 00 Register's o oi,..;Lu. \V a 3 :it, ;'a ., Ma 3 11, PETER BROWN, Register Nw - .3L - ;. ac 44 These Bonds are issued under the Act of Congress of March Bth, 18649 which provides that all Bonds is sued under this Act shall be "Exempt from Taxation' by or under any state or municipal authority. Sub scriptions to these Bonds are received in United States notes or notes of National Banks. They areto be "Re deemed in Coin," at the pleasure of the Government, at any period not less than ten nor more than forty years from their date, and until their redemption "Five per cent.interest will be paid in Coin," on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually and on all other Bonds seini_annually. The interest is payable on the first days of March and September in each year. Subscribers will receive either Registered or upon. Is, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds arc re on the books of the U. S. Treasurer, and can be ti only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds y .ble to bearer, and more convenient for Cl/111- er,p Stfl'fe '` ••i ~• to this loan will have the option of hal"- ; ilonds draw interest from March let, by pay cruet/ interest in coiri—(or . in United 'Stites L , ; the notes or National Banks, adding fifty per cent f..,r j-emitim,) or receive them drawing interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these Bonds are Exempt from Municipal or State • Taxation, their value is increased Irons one to three per cent. per annum, according to the rate of tax teviey in various parts of the country. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay Over Eight Per Cent Interest in currency, and are of equal convenience as a perma nent or temporary investment. It is believed that no secarites offer so great induce ments to lenders as the various description of U. Sr Bonds. n all other furies of, the l'aita or alitlit y of private partks or stock companies or sep_ (trate communities only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United States the. whole property of the country is holden to secure the PlYlllent of both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums front SSU to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus made equally available to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be converted into mo ne y at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. It may be useful to state in this connection that the total Funded Debt of the United States on which in terest is payable in gold, on the 3rd day of liar clt , Bri4 was 5766,965,000.. The interest on this debt for the corning fiscal year wilt be 645,07320, while the ens toms revenue in cold fur the carrent !Ural year end ing June 30th, 180-1, has been 69 far at the rate of user , t.'1100,000,000 per win um. It will be seen that even the present?gold reveno sof the Government are largely b cacess of the wanly tits Treasurer for the payment of gala interest, While le recent increase, of the (arid will doubtless rais e the annual receipts 11 , 111 OS LOUIS on the same amount of mwormtiofis, *-.130,0(10,000 per annum. Instructions to the National ac:in as loan agents were not issued iron Tie,1,11,, until Nla 2' l ,!att in the rest three t‘etdts of the ,übm:riptionB averaged luta - a than "Ten Million:f a 132111112 Subscriptions will lie received Lv the First Nmional !lank of Pliiiadidpldri, Pa Secood National Bank of Pa hick are depositaries of Politic looney, and all Respectable Banks and Bankers flit - out:Alma the country. [acting as v!touts 01 the N tional Depositary Banks.] %VIII furnish further inforota tiun on application anti Afford every Facility to Subscribers. May Is. 1661.—duets 'Treasurer's Notice TAX-PAYERS OF GREENE CO. The undersigned, treasurer of Greene coun ty, hereby gives notice that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly approved May tith 1e55, he will attend in the several Townships and 80. roughs, at the times and places designated, betv.euu he hours of 9 O'cl,oCK,.A. AND 5 O'CLOCK, P 31. , to receive the. State and County Tax for li 01. to wit Whitely township, on Monday, June 20th, at Elisabeth Morris', Newtown. Perry township, on Tuesday, June 21st, at Mrs. Burrows', Mt. Morris. Dunkard township, on Wednesday, June 22nd, at Phillip Kusarts. Monongahela township, on Thursday, June 23d, at Wm.Mestrezatts, Mapletown. Carmiehaels Borough, on Friday, June 24th, at Henry Jennings'. Cumberland township, on Saturday, June 25th, at Henry Jennings, Carmithaets. Morgan township, on Monday, June 27th, at the place Di holding elections. Jefferson township; on Tuesday - , June 2Mi,, at the *lnghrara House," Jefferson. Washi ngt on township, on Wednesday, June 29th, at Suttons Store. orrig township, on Thursday, June Mull, at E. Barke..s, Esq. RichhiLi township, on Friday, July Ist, at Jlrs. Bryan?. Center township, on Saturday. July Cud, at Wayne township, on Tuesday, July sth, at Strostuiders Store, Roberts Run. Gilmore township, on Wednesday, July eith, at Jolleytown. Sproighill township, on Thursday, July 7th, at Whites Mill. THOS.. HAI,EIVELI.." Aleppo township, on Friday, July 811, at the place of holding elections. Jackson township. on Sat ur d a y. Jaly 9th, at Peter M. Grimes', White Cottage. Greene township, on Tuesday, July 12th, at Jeremiah Stcwerts. Franklin township, Wednesday, July at S. Grcens, Vridgepori. Jlsrion township, on Thursday, July 11th, at the Treasures' Office. The Books will be in the hands nt the Treas urer, at his alike on and after the Ist day of lane, where any one desiring to pay their will have the opportunity. Titcrc %t Lea deduction ot 5 per cent, on State ~rid previous to the 25th of July. United , ; - ,Lc:s or L,r6,1 Pennsylvania currency will be required in payment 0 1 taxes. All Mercantile licensee must at; lifted on or itelore the Ist day of August. JAMES S. JENNINGS, County Treasurer. Treasurers. Office, May 11, 1864. Orphan's Court Sale. Dl' virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Greene cotuity, the undersigned will sell on the premises on Saturday, the 41.11 day of June, ISGI, the follo‘t tract of land, viz : all the right, title, interest and e,:ate of the Honor children ofJohn Yhilhps, dee'd , of in and to the same, situated in Morris tp., Greene ronsty. Pa., adjoining lands of the heirs of.l ()lin Mattox,dec'd, Reuben Sanders and others, containing 41211-Mll2 AUL% More or less, upon which is erected two Cabin houses, and about 25 acres cleared. Snig dA One-half the purchase on the confirmation of the sale, and the rei , idue in nine mouths thereafter with later lefst from the date of the confirmation. If the widow does not release: her dower, the one third of the pur chase mousy to remain in the hands of the purchaser during the natural lair of the widow; the interer.t of to be paid to her annually during tier natural life THogAs lAMS, Guardian of minor '64. children ofJohn Phillips, dec'd. May 11, A&dnistrator's Notice, T fiTTERS of Administrati.m having beer. granted .4 to the undersigned, by the Register of Greene County, upon the estate of Benjamin Ilittfmati, late of Center Township. notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselles indebtO to said estate to make immediate payment and all mime baying' e!aiiiisittrailiSt the same, to present them to the undersigned duly authorized for settlement. . _ _ MARY S. DUFFMAN 4- C. P. JORDON, May I i, 'O. Administrators Administrators' Notice. LETTERS 01 Administration on the estate of AMOS MARTIN, deceased, tate of Jefferson town ship, Greene county, Pa., `rave been granted by the Register of said county, to the undersigned. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay the same, and those having claims against said estate are requested to present thew duly authenticated fur settleatruit. THOMAS W. TAILOR, SAX% BAYARD, Aliady. April 6 U. S. WO BONDI National Bai Pa. AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS TO THE MASONIC, IREBrethren of Newcomb Lodge. No. I 279, A. Y.M.., intend celebrating the an niversary of St. John the Baptist, on tliik 29th of June 12C4, in CARNICHAELS? Greene county, Pa., by public procession. They respectfully invite neighboring Lodges, Chapters, and Encampments, and traveling brethren in good standing, to participate in the ceremonies of the day An address will be delivered by Rev. S. T. Stewart, of Pittsburgh. To meet at the Hall at half-past ten o'clock, A. M. ISRAEL L. CRAFT. ISAAC BURSON. THOS. 41. LAIDLF, JOS. SEHOW WK., JOHN J. CHEF, HENRY J. JENNINGS, JESSE WALTON, Committee of Invitation. April 2711, '64, CLOSING OUT The old Stock at old prices, to make room for SIMMER GOODS. Call soon and get bargains. WM. A. PORTER, Greene House. Waynesburg, May 4, 1864. Egli ACRE LOT 11111 SALE. lIE I.4' n . VßVA lr."*'' A r l ' : ', ZN ','u l b i n' , sale in V o n t ) ; outfit ou the hill North of Wayeesiiiiig, einitainleg FOUR ACRES, store or Jess. Terms made known on Jay of sale- it. i'AuLev. May 1, ISlil,-41. E. S. SAVERS. T. HOSKINS() N NEW STORE v. SAYERS & HOSKINSON, SAYERS' (:I)ENER., IV.I I_% -- !. - 111 7 12G, PA AYERS & IMSKINsoN nave just opened an ex ensive and cutirtty nem, stock of Fashionable Dry Goods, Bought in the eastern market, at the very lowest cash ;airs, comprising all style_ of thiitmost nisitionattlo and serviceable textures of Gentlemen and wear It is useless to entilintrale. They live everYllllug in the line, With Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Crisis 6c Shoes.— Wares of all kinds, and a complete variety of the best. arMei.C) lat.lM Alt of which they propose to sell at the very lowest figures, depending on the quality and cheapness of their goods to gain them custom. Alan 27th, 1601. Look at This! To all whom it may Concern! "-- ripHE untier,i , zned would respertf, , lly in c*...., ,-..),•••,.. 1 form hi, did ctignitters,, friend' , :lint the 1.,tt;,1i.. ;:p11( rally, that he lia.l rhltirneJ Iv V. itylleSi , lllT:, tht,l hilehh,i a SADDIMRY Saar, On Main Street, one door east of the Farm- ers' and Drover s ' Bank, V7ayne3b - arg„, %vim coils'adtly ;ill art ti *,-; in lie , line, -lit h tientlenien'iii es, flatness. ni gust every . Untie, nseally key in an e,taintslitinit nt the kind Pious it ishins In buy mill pleaoe give no a idir bid ire Wit: 11 . 1 S- 1 "4 %V! Mm, ter oursitlee , tvu can sell as e wnrk us wr rv..r d'id. All wick turi•d tie* hest inideri:ii in the inariict, and made in a neat and h.-nitwit] tirinher. "War:awed Ind to rut in the eye:. _ IVro nosl,urz.: April 27. ISI; -tt GRAND FLOTILLA TIIE D 1.11. E .w I Mi" ! FIRST SPRING ARRIVAL OF CLOTHING A, J. SOWERS, A LLI ON'S lAJILI)IXG. opposite the public square, did assortment of ready made Clothing bir SPRING AND SUMMER. WEAR, and is prepared to tress any customer, from the small est boy to the largest man, and fit him tidily in tho "Height of Fashion." Ile has, also, a tine stock of Hats and Caps, For men and boys, tted a good variety' or useful No lions. A which ha Wars for side at the vary cheapest prices going. 'MAL ir-IGOWL TG.3ED Mr. SOWERS is also a pra tieing Tailor, and keeps a good sap ply cicithi, Cassiineres, S,ce , which lie will make op to orilcr. Also, cutting and waking clone when the cloth , are furnished. Way twslptirg, April :11" 1n64.-6m. IS'l m li7C7'49.3Et'll'iS CHAMPION SALVE ! Because it Never Surrenders to Anything in Existence For old sores, barns, p , his in lhr side hal biensi in the hack, toothache, :titter; C. 41123 itild frozen N. It --Pare the en; n and sproad the salve on a piece nt thii k uniolw ~r linen, thinly applied ; then apply it to the Ware anti kter dry. Renew the plaster every hdittli day till This is a sure !lung. It in,. been in use fur seven years in (M.o. sea sic pMre in this State, and given entire satisfaction is all the :Use it. Price, 2fi cents. Made and sold by STEWART 011'E is hen aiVen thini Sinwart's ceiehrattal. Ct:lwinf.l Salve ran now be obtatned at any of tit e following tall & Co., Persley; & Carpenter, Rosersvi'l• ; M. Hell Craysville; ISayar i & Item itt, Itic,.'s Land lug; Isere Hooper, Miner & to., Way rieFdiute. The Celebrated Itetriede for external diseases, twelve )earit in new at the old Pnce. • Alay 4, 1564 Adminiktratoes Notice. LETTERS of Administration haw beer grit - Mid to the undersigned upon ine estate M . \VW 13 : 01,11 . lute or Nlonongalir tp., Ittic'd AU person , thetittaqvcs intlehred to estat e , are her e by n o tmi ts t to pay the same. and those having claims against said esrate are requested to pr,geta them duly Lutdentscatt,d rorsettlement. .IAnES A. BLACK, Alay -1. 1,6-1. Ad cohost rat, ftr BOXES of the SPECIFIC PILL, WILL PROMPTLY AND PERMANENTLY l I RE ur Sperntatorrhea t Srutinal Weaticitess, or Involuntary Nightly or Uatly Looses, however Ori.mally Calised. or however AJgravated iu dri racier; \viiile they will speedily ccerect those morbid a , uliiriv tts which spring from the pri mary disease, or Iron! s,emt vice. Till] SPECIFIC PILL is equally applicable to the treatment Of every kind of Genital or Urinary ',Tit:, lion, Incapacity, or Impotency ; Diabetes, Litre or "Brick-Dust" Deposits in tile Urine; Milky Dist:Mut:- es ; Inflammation or Wealine's oil the Kidneys. sue. Cleryinet, Lawyers. Students, and all who follow se dentary. orcupatmrs. -r it - hose fir, in and Nelsons System are oser-tvoik.o. u peculiarly siiiiject to weakne.stes of the Geditml titian' Oilcans, Thell 4 - 4 should cat fail tie TUE sltrittrii; Persons afflicted with oily ono or more of the above disorders, are sure to have. Bestial, and sometimes nKsstnf the following SYMPTOMS. Deranged Digestiom ; Loss of Appetite ;;:i.oss or Consti•nited Bowel 3 ; Frtfnl and nervous, of heavy sleep, with lustful dreams; Trouhled lireathieg; Failure of V.&e; Irregular action of Old Heart ; Pus tuhous Eruptions Oil the Face and Neck ; Headache ; Affections of Vie Eyes ; Loss of Memory ; Sudden flushes of Heat t;rid il!usloings ; General Weakness *I Indolence; kv,?r,toin to Society; Relaxed condi tion tie Dlsminished Size of the Genital Organs ; In. voluntary Nightly wool Daily Emissions ; Freopteut (lot sire to pass Water, with peculiar attending sensations; Alelanchuly, &c. Professional Opinions.—"l have u,:ed your nii.E.C/ VIC PILLS' In many tnt , es of ripnrinittorrlien, and with the most pc! t vet socces."—J. MII.T4N SANDE:RS, M. I).. IL. LI, Brooklyn. "It is near a 'specific' a.; any medicine ran 1).!. I inivetnred very severe cases wtih six to ten (I(ises." 11. KEITH, M. I)., S.I. Repertory of MeJ. Science, New York. "I know of - no remedy in the whole Material Medi ca. mina/ to your Br:a•trtc PILL iu 'emina! r:r Vrinu ry weak ness."—A oniect livitun. M. D., I'mr. of Or ganic Chemistry atid Physiology, N. Y. Personnl Winchesrerts won. thy or all Confidence. and ecvotes ni.nvelf entlinvias ti'M.ily to these rreparations"— D. MEREDITH Rees M. D. 1,1,. D., American Gazette, New fork, "I have a personal know led , ,to or Ma. WIN cii ESTER HON EST.IF AND INnown, and can assure tile Cruces sion and the Nitta. that um l'aErtittnno,ot otN RE RELIED ON."--4 AS. IL. CHILIoN M 1). CDOIHSI, New lork.- THE SPECIFIC PILL. L. tot a Itonwoitothic reined.. nor does it contain ME Rau y, Iron, Can tharides, or any injurious ingredi ent 11" Price ;$1 per box, Fix boxed [when ordered at once] for S 3. Sent'by.tirtil. Soul wholesale and Re tail of the sole Gboterat Ltei•ot in RI! 'United States by •F. 1111;3!ri=niSTZIn, 564 Of 41114 IS6i, .?1 0 . v ; - touß Ak-c Bt.- RAILROAD CERTAIN? WAllll:463'fsatfi'i THE- OHIO ! N. CLARK & SON pAVE ekzantly titter] urf, the mom rnit:rly necu .l Nod by '1 honras BradVt-y,z.nd haviNg made heavy I:olcfl3ses in the first, are now prepared to offer a la ger amid more tashionable stock of 3NIIIII MD '111141,11 Clothing than they have ever done, and would kindly invite their many good and faithiul customers, and all otllern W h o have ver been so fortunate as to give them a call, to stop in TWO DOORS WEST OF THE ADAMS INN And they will show you styles and qualities that can not fail to please, "and at such reasonahl , prices you 0. tll imattine.yourself"litlin!,* i• 3 the good old days of pence and plenty. Our assortment cannot lie surpass ed. Nees' and th vs' wear of evert• tlrade. Vests from the foi,st sill: velvet to the cheapest cottonade.— Plant and Fancy Cassimere pants, of French and Amer ican manufacture. Also M A:RS El 1.1,E5, LINEN, sAaiNE - rr A di COTTON ADE pants. COATS OF EVERY STYLE, r..1.s and mucks, Li111:11 dusters. and ritintutur Cassi were Overcoats, and the very Isr.est, the A fine assortment of lIATS and CAPS, comprising all the best aria iiew est Eistern § yles. A greater va riety of NOLl,lllSal,(ltinzti's turn's:ling goods than will b, found in nine similar eraab:l,bilient. %White, Colnren and aye Shins, Scarf; and Ties—among %%hien are the Harvard and English Ribbon Ti,.— zsuspai:dt rs. U.otts, Hosiery, Linen C.llars, Plain and linibruiderLd, and DCD PAPER COLLARS 2 A treat improvement on the Lockwood Collar. (fR N V'S pertatt, linnincled MJided superior io 011r,d,iiity lit, I.t Lose, 01 tell, and “It 4; ht , a.; Si.jit-111::!::: nu lilistake—Two doors ktst of the Adams and nearly lypilSiii; Joe Va icv'aConfectionery. May 4. '6l.—tf, rzEw Gi OD S, Lon AVINa :natio ext , nsive impr.lvements in their still,. MIMI. are better prepared than ever to ac , enweew, teeir rie,teli:ers. They are otle,ring the bent and latest slyles .% 11 4:ss k • Alpaces ati klreds, Poi) (le Cher re::. F l ier o.l.l,4:J:twat ,401 id " * " 01 tdl,l Mined Chalista, ill n - erd, we have a full line of the latest style. of J. T. HOOK Ladies' Dress Goods ! :hauls,Clo%ks and Al:vines, Collars a:id Sleeves, Em broidered Seta, Bonnet Sills, Head Nets, Gloves and flo,iery, hest pi lay Kid Gloves, Prima and Ginghatits Ilako.rAis and Sholeions, of all and prices.— Tr11111;II02,, I,lllSiStill:4' of Quilled RUilloils, IStaids, Butt. a A.lso, a larg.., ass.nuie;it of Linen plain and lienisticlied. Mourning Goods A .lar:a and full assortment of the most fashiona ble Atourning G,Hls Unit con hl be Lad livirl'ilir'Sf, W30.4111z?.., cir,tlw, cas , nn..res, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Cotton aues, Shirting Flannels, &c, HARDWARE, MUM iM GEN Coffee, Tea, Sugar, filolasszcs, Salt, Tobacco, &c, &c HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 3-4, 4.4, 5-4, 1t)-4 bleached Sheeting, 3-4, 4 4. 5-4 unbicached Sheol ing. Colin!' and Linen Table Clotic., Line) Sheetings lied Tiekiiii.f and Window Ciirtins (fur stock is eitnipiete in eves y line, anti if our friends want good bargains. all we Dave to say ha that thin is the Ware to secure their]. 1f Cali sou II before the rush begins. May 4. inzi4.—tf B Y virtoo of a writ of Vendirioni ponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene cnun ly, and to me directed, there will he exposed to public sitle at the house of the widow Ilumgarner, in iletror. son, nn Saturday, May 2Stit, At one o'clock, p. ii., the follow dig pr,ifid:y, viz:-- All the right, title. interest and eh in of 1!f'r1,1.11:111t, ot, in and to a certain lot of ground in the village of Jot felson, fronting Main street lio fey t and ronnt ng hack feet to Mulberry alley, adjoining Edward Parkin son on the is,rth..hcob French on the :South, and has erected thereon a large FIZXISIE DWELLING IJOUSE, Frame Ave!! 01 water and SI)1110 frith tree 3.— Alio, all oth lot, adjthithth lauds of' EAtha.rd Michael Aletthrer th a th l raethag to Nlth eth, thielec abut three and a half acres, more or Takes into ;iNrc•lll.i,,rl thl . priCJi;II:. 01 1,0114, Kin ca id al the it "lEdward a, Tilos LUCAS, Slwrilf. May 4, IbC4 Orphans' Court Sale. In the Orphan's Cvort of Creche co.. An, 2, March 'Fern', !SC A.. In the matter or the Partition of th lieu to Dante( Evans. Sr., tate ur "tituppo in -ant rout: t)r, tlu ',1., I :lth:trine EVlTlA(widow), 1,11 , tn. intermarried v. it, John Lemons; Susannah itoet :fu Elias ;f2,rze :;vacs, !tan nish s, . TetttMe, Ehanitan tol Litern of ans.. Elti.a. C. Evans. Sar ah .Lu n e Pews, John Evans, and MLitt, L. Evans, tenor t Mullett oittaiti Itattiel Evans, Sr., th.c*(l; Mat - !tat et in, re n amed with James Cattipsey ; Jacob Evans anti Jereinvitt Evans; Evaas, Sau:acl EVA:Ia, littclo,l intern:allied with John hlurphy ; Ann inter married with Ganes Jackson, and to the chilthen of 'Ettottlas Ev thm'd, viz Benjamin Evans, alai B e nj a min tiller , guardian of Tho , . Evans, a Minor. You, awl edi It to' you, are ziotitied that, by virtue of a tint of partition issued out of the Orphans' Court of Gietnie county, an inquest will be held and taken upon the premises ht Alleppo and Springhill townships, rut the 3,st. day of May, A. U., 1361, at 12 o'clock. M., of said day ; for the IMIlAse of Making partition at. val. tuition :mil appraiseuteat of the sidil real estate, as in tie said writ reMlired ; at Which time and place you can attend, it you think proper. Tll(1'd Sherif. eheriirs 01 - Pce, Waynesburg Pa., April 13, ISO, DY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, issued 1,3 out of the Court of Collllllotl Pleas of Greene coun ty, and to me directed, there will be enposed to public sale at the door of the Court House, in Waynesburg, on Monday, the 6th day of June at 1 o'clock, P. NI., the following property. viz : All the right, title, interest and claim of the ihilerulant, or, in and to a certain tract of land situated in Spring. hill tp., Greene Ca , In,, adjoimr g lands of Jonathan Whipkey, Daniel Evans and W. Ml:et - nun, containing One Minaret] and Twenty Acres, Wore or lEss, about 40 acres of which are cleared, and Lae erected thmcoe one hewed log dwelling house, log stable, also an apple orchard on the premises. Taken in exer•ntion as !he property of John Ly:t n at the Fait of John Barger for use of Jacob French, now tor use of "Timm C. Bell. Tilfj.S. LUCAS, She! ill. trs 0111te, Wayte,burg, Pa., May 4, 1664. By virtue o i . a writ of Ventiitient Exponas, issued out of tie cifiirt of UOIIIIIIOII Piers Of lifeoMC 0,1111 ty, and to we directed there w Le exposed sale at the house of %idols liumilarner, in .liiilersitit, on Saturday, May 25tla, .1561, at 2 o'cloce. P. M., the following property, viz : All ihe right, title, interest and claim Of defendant, of, ill and to a certain piece or parcel of land in Jefferson Cireei. county, Pa., bounded by lands of John Haver, heirs of Ruth IJowlsworth, John Smith and others, containing SIX ACRES, more or less, all cleared, and under fence, and in a good state of cultivation. Taken in execution as the property of Swan Lucas at the suit of George Teagarden for use of Henry Ltise, jr., now for use of W. 1), Rogers. Tilol3. LUCAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Waynesburg, ANS 13 lIOLD R UNATING TARO JG II CONNECTING WITH English Walking Coat. Just Arrived at SERIFS SALE. Sheriff's Sale. SHERIFF'S SALE. nitakiptia. flr. Hoofland's GERMAN BITTERS PREP/RED BY DR. C. BT. JACKSON, Phila., Pa• IS NOT A Bar Room Drink On .9. SUBSTITUTE FOR RUM 0$ AN Intoxicating Beverage, but A lIIGEILY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EXTRACT A PUJIE TONIC, Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious DUI% AND WILL EFFECTUALLY NU LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, and JA Hoofland's Geri Bitters WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or N ervous Debility, Disease o the Kidneys, and Diseases aris— ing from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOW IN3 SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive 01,;uus Constirdiem Inward PM Fulness of Blond to the Head, Acldity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust Ibt rood, Fuliii-es or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sulking Or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swiuueiu2 of the Dead, Hurried and Difficult Breathinti,.Fltittering at the 'Vail,' Choking sensations when in allying posture, Di u: , ,-; of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Per ,ll, Cot . the SLIII and Eyes, Pain in III: Sete, flack, Lhesti &c., Sudden Flushes of at. I:iti Mut: in the Fiesh, Constant Imaginings 01 Er it, and groat Depression ufepirits. Howland's German Bitters NVILL GIVE YOU G(MTI Ar PETITE, SWING NI:I:VE:8, 11EA1: V NERVE, '11:A1)1" FEELITN GS, ENERGETIC FRELIYGM, - IIEA LTV FEELIPiait A GOOD CONSTITUTION, A STRONG CONSTITUTION. A HEALTHY CONSTITUTION, A SuLND CONSTITUTION. I= ITU 4K =3 Delicate =I Thin ET=I Depressed WILL 'MAKE THE Sallow Complexion Clear. WILL MAKE TILE Dull Eye - - Clear JIL Bright, Will prove & blessing In Every Family, Can be used by perfect varoty by MALE OR FEMALE, PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name At Bitters, put up in quart bottles, compounded of cheapest whiskey or common ruin, costing twin 90 In ni cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Co riander seed This claEs of Bitters has caused and will centinue cause, as long as they can be cold, hundreds to die tb death or tile drunkard. By their use the system is kagt continually under the influence of Alcoholic ettiniti tants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created aagkept rip, and the result is all the horrors attends/at upon a drunka•d's life and death. For those who desire and will have a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Let one bottle of Ilootiand's German Bitters and mix with three quarts of good Brandy or whiskey, and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in medical virtues and tills excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bib ters iu thi• market, and will cost much less. You will have all Ole %lilacs of BOOFLAND'S BITTERS in con iiecinm with a gond article of Liquor, at a touch less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. DELICATE CHILDREN, Those suffering from INTARASMUS, wasting away with scarcely ally flesh Oil their bones,.are cured in a very snort I. one; one hurtle in such cases, will have ino,isurpnemg effect. TißeF.ti Iloni fevers of any kind— Those Bitters tv renctv }our strength in a very short time. FEVER AND ACUTE, The chills will not ',item if hen Bitters are used No p,ISOII in a Fever and Ague District should lee Without thew. From Rev. J. ..Yefelon Brown, D. D., Editor 0,1 the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. mop ugh not iliNpoired to favor or recommend Patent medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredi en,s and effects; I yet know of no sufficient reasons v.,;1 1 1, , a mail may not testify to the benefits he believed luta:wit' to have received from any simple preparation, the hope that he may thus contribute to the hermit% of oil'. rs. . . I do this= the more readily in regard to floofland'ii Grimm' prepared by Dr. C. If Jackson, of MI6 city, because I was prejudiced against them for ninny under the impression that they were chiefly an alcc hone 1111Atore. tam indebted to my friend, Robert rihitimtitkm, isq., ha the removal of this prejudice by proper teat., and for encouragement to try them, when lion great and long continued debility. Tim use, of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental yip! . whicli I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. 1 therefere thank oog and sly friend for directing me to the use of them. Phila., done '2: 1 7 'ti2. J. N, BROWN, ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! AND THE VRIENDS OF SOLDIERS We call the att.:mann of all having friends in the - army to the fact that "11001FLAND'al German Bit tors' will cure nine-tenths of the diseases induced by expoßtres arid privari,ns incident to camp lite. In the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion arc suffering from debility. Every case o t that kind can be readily cured by lloodand's German Bitters. Diseases resulting front disorders of the di gestive organs are soceilly removed. We have ito hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will he lost. Tile fir° (trietarS are daily receiving thankful fetters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitters, sena to them by their hitnde. BEWARE Ole COUNTERFEITS that tho signatore of "C. M. JACKSON," is un the wRATPER or each bottle. I'iIICES. ; 31,ti0 pt:a HoTTLE, OR HALF DOZ. 10,00 `• Olt HALF Doz. 4,00 3i1":07u: 517.1.: 75 • " The, I,nr ,, e Size, on account of the quantity the tacit ;lea hold, are touch the cheaper. ;Should your nearest druggist not have 1171 article, do not b.: pot oil by any of the intoxicating preparations that :tiny oticred in its place, but send to us, and weforward, securely packed, by express. Principal Moe and Zanufactoryt NO. 631 ARCH SIREET. JONES & EVANS (Succegeor to C. Al. JACKSON ic C 0,,) 7V' a -9p t•S fit ., rikindig lijQ' For Buie ay Druzgista Li uited :mos. sTRONG I Hearty, Stout, Lively, OLD os YOUNG" and Degie tlfl tkr