1E 'gad ftpadmmt. The County Finances. The Annual Exhibit of the condition of the finances of the county will be found in to paper. The settlement of the accounts of the various officers by the Board of Audi tors has been tedious. and laborious, but may be relied upon as correct and scrupu • lonely just to the tax-payers. The county has never had more efficient Auditors and Commissioners, or officers more watchful of the public interests. Joseph F. Randolph, Esq. This affable and good-natured gentleman, late Treasurer of the county, retired from Oboe on Monday last, and in obedience to the popular mandate was succeeded by our Junior partner. Cu!. hommos. Mr. RAN point has made a competent, obliging, and attentive officer, and retires with the good will and well-wishes of all who know him or have had business with him during his term or service ; and we are mistaken in the es tigmte the people have formed of his fitness and capability, U he is tot soon recalled from his retirement to positions of equal respon sibility and trust. In any event, every, body pronounces him a princely good fellow and "q9d's noblest work—an honest man." "Jest So." As some of our friends predicted, "BIG Jot," since he got possession of the county puree and funds, "refuses to nrvmx," and the distressing poverty of the Senior Editor is likely to continue at !oast two years longer, indeed it should'ot become a life-long affildion,) nnless he can get a "contract" from the government to furnish blind mules at $950 a head, spavined horses at half the money, or rotten pork at 19 eta. per pound (Won't somebody give us a letter to Stanton?) Col. Jassmsras is a very clever man,—no doubt of THAT, and no doubt "all the world and his wife" think so ; but for about the °ne in:mated and nineteenth time in our brief political experience we have had occasion to remark the wonderful difference hinted st by a "Roman Consul in the early days of that celebrated Republic," between the pro fessions of men moron anti their practice • obtaining office." \. Recruiting Service. Bete.' E. IL limon, of Co. I, Bth Pa. Racer ea; ; son of L L MINOR, Esq., of - this plane, has been detailed on recruiting service, and will open an office in Brownsville in a few days ; but is at present looking around Hoeg his friends here. "En" has been one of the best and bravest soldiers in his Regi ment, and would hive had a commission klag ago if the "powers that be" had done him *tine. A Chance for Bargains. Oat nrighbor, J. C. LIGHTOAP, it will be seen tv hiss advertisement in another column, is closing out his large and varied assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps AT 008 T, as Ire intends toleave the county in the Spring. Hie numerous Mends will be sorry to hear of this determination, for his courteous bearing and uprightness of character have made him not only a n agreeable acquaintance, but an excellent althea. Before leaving, however, he s disposed tc do the people all the good 'he can by offering them great bargains in his Goods, which embraces almost every sort of boot-ware and head-gear. Buyers would do well to give hint a call. The Benefits of Politeness. Owning politeness to excess is said to be raising your hat to a young lady in the alismt and allowing a couple of dirty collars and woke to fall out upon the sidewalk.— Our lone and solitary friend, JOE PORTER, has been exposed in this style "severial times" lately, but don't seem to mind it, as be says "he's getting used to it." Nor does it seem to interfere with his business or his bargains to customers. His stock is being fast cut down with a view to replenishing, and our readers•will find it just the time to buy to advantage. Give biro a call. Disobarged. MOILIIR &AYERS, SPENDER MOCLZLLAN, Joint Wirral, FRANK LINDSEY and CRAWFORD CkytnamL, all of Waynesburg, have just been discharged, after Ms months service in the Park Battery of Pittsburgh. They have all reached home and look well. On a Visit. Dent. Col. H. M. Muss, of the 2(1 Mis souri Oavalry, formeriy an employed in the Messenger office, and a good and gallant fel low, Is on a brief visit to his family and Mends in this county. "Indian Lost." An exchange paper illustrates the condi -Ition ofnestegade Democrats pretty well. An Italian who had lost his. reckoning in the woods, soddenly stopped and exclaimed, "In dian Lost ! • but unwilling to recognize his own blunder thus, he thought a moment, and added, "No! Indian not lost—wigwam lost." There Mows that leave the Democratic party never get lost—the party is lost. The Commutation Clause. phe lover breach of Congress has reduced the commutation clause in the Senate en rothfent bill to .1300, and refused to exempt 14 - 0 108 W s amen. MARRIED, By Bev. L ,17, Dec. 30th, Mr. WM. FLENNIKEN and Miss ELIZA ANN HART- Y l, ia hi Greene Co., Pa. gle the 14th of January, by the same, Mr. JOB X. STEVENSON awl Miss MARY A. DELANY, all of Greene Co., Pa. ;month, 1964, at the house of Simeon Dian, hi Wayn_eubdrg, by Simon Rinehart, Eee„ Mr. MER CAGE and Miss MAR „ CUNNINGHAM, all of Waynesburg. _ - DIED, la %might% osWicti, _lB6, of %Moe ' eir the Trim, son - % it ' fk eh Ala The 4e000.011141ae. hi ef *mkt Milles, - andlimilifaeiletirefdielleetlibm, Joe br Ittiereliew, anti all who knew him. It 110 . •[!4.:' ANIVIIIPMITURII IN -GRIRNE CU 3rC)3R. 11143 M. STATE AND COUNTY TAX LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 1863, AND PRE VIOUS YEARS, AND SHOWING THE AMOUNT COLLECTED, AND THE AMOUNT OUTSTANDING. Townships. COIMV levied. Since paid. Yet due State levied. Sinai paid Monongahela, *43 50 *43 50 Jackson, 259 14 259 11 Collectors. Justus douth, IStepheu White, Morgan, John Ca eenlee, Whitely, !Horgan, Franklin David Liars, John Porter, John Worthington, Morgan, Franklin, 0 ilawre, Centre, Wayne, I efferaon, Mario ~ Car. aurougli, John Greenlee, James Acklitt, Alexander Hennen, Jesse Wells, Wm. Knieely, E. Phillips, John Gambert, J. C. Burnett, Jefferson, Cumberland, Morgan, Perry, Whitely, Jackson, E. Phillip,. 13, Delany, C. Young, Wni. Wade, Eli Rose. Isaac Waiver, Alexander Cumpston, Gilmore, D. Delany. Cumberland, H. Stephens, Greene, C Young, Morgan, Rice Phillips, • Wayne, L. Barnhart, Ricithill, 1. Bennett, Alleppo, Jesse Wells, Centre, Isaac Shriver, Jackson. M. Burroughs, . Morns, J. Acklin. Washington, Gilmore, Franklin, Car. Borough, Marion, James White, Gooden, J. Diiuihi ny, Jawed Coegray, /Aleppo, Cumberland Centre, Dunkard, Car. But. Gilmore, Jackson, Monongahela, Marion, Richhil I, Springhill, Wayne, Washington James Graham, D. Delany, George Sellers, Z Furman, Isaiah Paddle, J WI) te, M. Gilbert, C Burwell, J P. Crosgray, .1 Gregory, Isaac Hupp, B Phillips, John lams, Alleppo, Cum eriand, Car. Borough, Centre, Franklin, Dunkard, Gilmore, Jackson, Springhill, Monongahela, Morgan, Washington, Parry, Richhill, Marion, Wayne, Whitely. Greene, Jefferson, L. NHIIO, Ray Dowlin. faddist, George Sellers, Japheth Smith, D. Paul, Eakin, Gilbert, Owen Chaney, C Burwell. John B Bell, A Day, - B Howard, A P Cogswell, J Tayl .1 Rush, B Phillips, Eli Rose, F Seaton, J Kelly. Alleppn, Cumberland, Cat. Borough, Centre, Bunkard, Franklin, Greene, Gilmore, Jefferson, Jackson. Monongahela, Morrie, Morgan, Marion, Perry, Springhill, Wayne, Washington, Whitely, L Miller, Ray Dowlin, Liget Murdock, George Sellers, J Davis, Japhetb Smith, II !Stephens, S Eakin, J Kelly, Id Gilbert, W Cleavenger. J Rosh, Joel A Harris, J Taylor, A Howard, A P Cogswell, Morford, Peter Crosgray. A Day, Keener &rambler, Total, AN ACCOUNT OF THE EXPENDITURES OF GREENE COUNTY Election Fees, II 873 33 Cleaning street In front of public buildings, A aressors' Fees, 375 50 Western Penitentiary, Ruad Views,74 00 Slate Lunatic Asylum, Constables bourns, 98 52 Boarding Jurors in Criminal cases, Court Douse Repairs,* 891 83 Merchandise fur prisoners, Court cryer, Absolorn Hedge, 12 00 Coal for Jail, Obadiah Van Cleve, Esq., 24 05 Coal for Court Douse, Printing, Wm. T. 11. Parsley, 300 Swearing County officers, Jones & Jennings, 300 50 Commissioner fees, Wm. Braden, late Commis- LK. Evans, 175 00 sinner in fully 144 36 Commonwealth fees, 272 87 filial Long, 295 50 Ti,uitav es, 101 75 Daniel Throckmorton, 275 40 Lost money, 622 67 John Pryor, 230 00 Fox Scalps, 19 22 Commissioners' Clerk Fees, B. F. Long, 133 ClO Bridge building and repairs, 782 50 Job Throckmonnn, 123 Interest on Purchase money of Poor Rouse farm, 24 1 00 County Auditors' Fees, John G DIMSMOT% Sheriff's Fees, 258 00 Thomas Scritt, Taking care of Court House, 88 IS Israel Brees, Road Damages, 40 00 Auditors Clerks' Fees, Justus F. Temple, Stationery, • 77 83 Grand Jurors, State Auditor, John C. Flenniken, 15 00 Petit Juror., Redeemed Serb. " 400 Relief granted, Soldier's Bounty, . 2490 00 Interest on Soldier's Bounty, •Including Lumber Pa/chased !fir Court Mouse roof, which has since been disposed of without loss to the County. - We, the undersigned, Commissioners of Greene County, certify that the above is a true statement of the expenditures of the county for the year 1863. DANIEL THROCKMORTON, JOHN PRIOR, JOHN G. DINSMORE, JESSE HILL, Clerk. Commissioners. DAVID A. WORLEY, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF Ain't, due Worley at last settlement, •28 45 Am't. of Jury fees in Worley's hands •16 00 Am't. for services rendered the county Ain't. of fines in Comith cases 20 00 for the year 1863, 219 74 Am't. of orders drawn by D. A Worley, THOMAS LUCAS, SHERIFF, IN ACCOUNT WITH GREENE COUNTY, Tiippie.sparens eming„.. ors 00 . *WI _ 1.852. 1853. 140 53 1857 134 42 25 tr/ 61 0.1 ISM. 81 81 123 37 4 75 73 18 37 34 79 73 11 49 8 53 1839. 238 83 00 07 24 48 72 41 25 04 9 75 60 . 67 1860: 206 $2 69 67 21 68 98 00 18 57 11l 28 3920 75 ►2 22 00 44 64 1861. 9 60 791 63 /61 97 6 75 17 81 17 73 291 05 140 35 1 II 113 48 237 50 1862. 269 06 177 81 1119 81 668 75 159 52 78 00 663 33 90 70 925 76 925 76 661 96 661 96 86 37 80 37 210 38 134 58 74 81 74 81 667 93 140 00 676 62 561 11 11502 115 02 283 41 274 79 459 80 34 51 540 21 495 27 447 11 248 37 249 22 249 22 340 54 340 54 433 12 339 35 738 92 738 91 1861. 617 31 257 14 2947 29 1331 18 336 67 187 19 1968 82 909 04 1909 98 1245 98 3102 78 2201 87 1450 70 1194 04 689 14 551 09 2611 08 1576 74 641 51 344 58 1648 29 910 36 1623 68 1211 75 2284 21 1835 41 1509 36 847 74 1078 73 666 711 2218 86 1168 66 393 77 160 10 1315 69 72 , 66 1707 31 1317 36 1738 SO 1875 33 1645,345 51 29,351 70 FOR THE YEAR 1863 GREENE, FOR THE YEAR 1863 DR. .118 19 FOR THE YEAR 1868. VI. To oinottet of Genie', - the cos*, Md. 46 /red To Whom . dee eft We !event, 111149 ... .. .:,. HO 53 74 42 25 in 01 01 II 64 EME 28 81 193 37 4 75 73 18 37 34 79 73 II 49 6 95 /13 di 38 14 46 47 4 VA 100 115 28 83 66 07 24 48 5 74 55 04 0 75 41 it 14 33 1 TS DB 63 55 85 286 85 150 179 00 224 20 193 44 296 09 1113 2 23 6 b 7 11113 24 07 14D Ild 18 19 SO 61 1 82 20 00 302 la 399 00 93 93 L 52 60 31 11 7 Qs 49 10 609 96 62 15 260 89 269 e 4 lld 34 Q 1 78 611 07 81 43 572 63 85 04 71 80 217 03 527 93 15 50 B 36 20 55 136 62 212 01 119 02 164 03 23 70 117 78 280 86 108 82 414 119 44 94 198 74 0177 17,386 81 13,288 75 11,848 87 Balance due Worley, J. •F. TEMPLE, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF GREENE, Amount of services rendered the county, JOSEPH F. RANDOLPH, TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF GREENE, AUDITED JAN. 1864. The Treasurer stands charged with the following amount of tax assessed oti Real and Personal Estate, for the year 1863, am' previous years, to wit • Yet dro The Treasurer stands charged with the following amount of Relief tax assessed for the year 1863, and pre vious years, Balance due Treasurer, 91 02 1954 EOM 10 76 34 14 .68 47 • 38 COMMISSIONERS IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF GREENE, 102 23 ELIAL LONG, Amount due Long at last settlement, Amount of services for the year 180, 4 53 11E1 DANIEL THROCKI4IORTON, Dr. Am't. due Throckmorton at last settlement, $ 98 00 Am't. of orders drawn in favor Am't. fur services for tae year 1863, 251 Ou of Tht ockmortoa, Balance due Throckmorton, 55 85 124 10 100 00 In 44 rn JOHN PRIOR, Dr Cr. Am't. due Prior at last settlement, $ 19 50 Am't. of orders drawn for Prior, $230 00 Am't due for services during the year 1863, 237 00 Balance due Prior. 26 50 05 17 JOHN G. DINSNIORE, Ain't. of services for 1863, Is 69 GRF,ENE COUNTY, SS : We, the undersigned, Auditors for the County of Greene, do hereby certify that we have Audited the accounts and vouchers of the several County officers, to wit : Joseph F. Randolph, Treasurer, D. A. Worley, Proth'y, Thomas Lucas, Sheriff, Throokmorton, Long, Prior, and Dinsmore, Commissioners, J. F. Temple, present Proth'y, and the directors of the poor, and find their several acconnts as above stated, as witness our hands and seals, Jan. 23, 1864. THOMAS SCOTT, ISRAEL BREES, Auditors. JOHN CLAYTON, 151 60 31 91 7 93 49 10 509 96 62 IS 1160 89 259 64 118 MI Account of Barnet Whttlatch, Jacob 65 64 Loar and William Davis, acting Com missioners for the purchase of a farm and erection of the house for the em ployment of the Poor. 390 00 838 20 55 136 62 212 61 11902 164 93 23 70 117 78 28066 The Commissioners charge themselves with orders drawn by them upon the :Treasurer of the county an tollows : I. For R. %V. Downey, for farm, 65000,00 2. Sayers and Grove, for building House, 7000 00 3. Sundry or der for building porch. stable, smoke-house, privie. and ntlier expenditures, 1244 26 4. Jesse Hook. 0111111118S10111a lees. 39 00 5. Alfred Myers, do 6. William Davis do S. Jacob 1 oar, do 8. Barnet Whitiata, Commissioner and super- inteadiug the faun, ace., 9, IL W, Downey, Clerk and Counsel, 165 45 CR. Whole disbursment as above, $13,981 C. Audited 1863. .1. G. DINSMORE, THOMAS SCOTT, ISRAEL BREES. DM 80 55 20 188 28 91 94 297 79 Directors of the House of Em ployment of the Poor in Ac count with the Co'ty of cireene to Jan. 1, !SG& 1,649 68 The Directors are ehargaele as fidlows 1 Balance in their hands at laskannual settle ment, 19" 98 2. Whole amount of orders drawn for the rnr- rent year, exclusive of the Directors pay, *4,178 81 The Directors are entitled to credits for monies ex pended as follows : For labor on the Farm and house, $373 24 Flour, meat and g , ain, 599 09 Dry Goods and Clothing, 1436 30 Groceries, 932 53 Sawing Bills, 417 70 On Steward's Salary, 355 15 Conveying paupers to the house, 4920 Grave digging, 10 00 Potatoee, II 00 Locust posts and front trees, IFI 38 Furniture for house, 82 00 Shoemaking, 94 75 Physician's bill, 7 50 Mi:k Cows 40 00 $ 400 154 41 140 50 34 00 008 16 87 Is CO 575 54 SY3 95 00 45 00 30 00 431 07 077 36 468 06 502 00 Henry Lightner, Chaplin' s B Davis, Balance in Direetors' ha Aarnn Shelby, 39 00 William t avie, 30 00 Daniel Fuller, 600 C. A. Black, 33 00 Audited January 7, 1564 Tuom AEI SCOTT, ISRAEL SREEs. JOHN CLAYTON. Auditors. House of Employment for the Poor of Greene County. Directors' Statement for the year 1863. Greatest number of paupers during the year, 82 Present number, 55 Male, Female, 28 Insane and partially deranged, 7 Outdoor Paupers relieved, 6 CU PROM WHAT TOWNSHIPS SENT. Franklin, 5, Wayne, 10 Perry, • 1, Dunkard, 4 Aleppo, 2, Richhill, 8 Washington, 2, Cumberland, 6 Jackson, 7, Springhill, 1 Morris, 2, Morgan, 1 Centre, 1, Monongahela, 2 Greene, 2, Born in house, 1 PRODUCTE OP THE FARM. 110 00 104 99 248 99 Pork, pounds, Corn, bushels, Oats, " Potiwtoefi 44 Beet, pounds, 1200 Cabbage bowe, 300 Onions, bushels, 8 011 Swa t 4 $ Mine, bur Art, tombola, 10 1400 Saw-legs,. • 000 . 11:E1 UP TO JANUARY 1, 1864. PB OUT-DOOR PAUPERS DIRECTORS' PAY TO JAN. 1, 1684 DR. $32 43 Amount due Temple, DR. The Treasurer stands credited with the following amount of outstanding taxes, for the year 1563, and previous years, $46,748 57 By commission on $29.361 76, By amount of orders redeemed, Balance due Treasurer at last settlement, Amount of Relief tax outstand ing, for the year 186:1, and previous years, $1,533 23 Commission on $583 05 43 34 Amou•tt of orders redeemed, $1,576 57 FOR THE YEAR 1863 Dr. • 89 30 Amount of orders drawn in favor of Long, Balance due Long, 2!5(x) 030430 $349 c 0 9256 50 Dr. • 12 00 Due Dinsmore, hay, tons Wheat, bushels Rye, Shirts, Dresses, large and small Chemise, Socks and stockings, pairs 60 Coats, men's and boy's Bed comforts, Skirts, Handkerchiefs, 30 00 VI 50 97 50 Socks, Pantaloons, Apront Bed ticks, 120 23 50 00 813,981 49 Sheets, Pillow slips, Sun bonnets, Burial dollies, 1 urn spun. cuts, MEI Candles, pounds, From the foregoing exhibits in connection with the Auditors' state ments, tde public can see the opera tions of the Farm and House during the year 186 t. The aggregate ex randitures are sometihng larger than those of the previous year; but when the greatly incresed cost of provi sions: and other necessaries for the support of the inmates is consider ed, the directors cannot but think the institution bas been ecomomi. cally conducted. Beaides this, the number of paupers relieved during the year has been materially greater and the expenditures embrace the item of sawing lumber for the barn, which being for a permanent im provement need not again soon oc cur. /4,291 79 10 00 ;945 4 00 63 81 The expenses have also been greater then they should be, through the practice or rather the necessity of paying for almost everything in I County orders. Could the Directors and Steward be furnished with money to purchase the necessary provisions, clothing, etc., we are satisfied that a saving of at least ten per cent could be effected. We therefore earnestly recommend that the law be so changed that the an nual estimates shall be collected by the Treasurer and paid in cash upon the orders of the Commissioners to the Directors. It will make no dif ference to the tax-payers, as under the old system he paid the poor tax in cash, and urder the present, there are but few mo pay their county taxes entirely in orders. We also again refer to the utter unfitness of the building under its present arrangement for the proper and humane care of Insane paupers. One room has been fitted up, so that some degree of comfort and secnrity has been attained ; but if the insane of the county now at Harrisburg and Pittsburg Hospitals, are brought home, and put in our house of em ployment, as it is now the intention to do, some suitable provision must at once be made fur their reception. This will necessarily involve us is conskinmate expense, which migut have bees avoided by sdiferent ar- 1 rouge/Tient of the ?tomb when the house was built. It was not how ,ever, we pregame, contemplated at the time, that the Wong - paape** shenkl (mew Oar laaiw--iretkligar, #4,461 79 2422 10i 80 WORK DONE IN HOUSE DIRECTORS' STATEMENT. and hence no suitable provision was made for such. AARON SHELBY, WILLIAM DAVIS, DANIEL FULLER. Poor House Directors. Feb. 8. 1864.--4 t. ED! • 32 43 Democratic Meeting. The Democratic voters of Wayne tp. will meet at the store of B. F. Bally, on Roberts' Run, on the 22d of February next, at one o,elock, P. M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the ensuing March election.— Also, at the same time and place, the Dele gates of the several divisions of the Demo cratic Union organized in Greene county will meet to attend to important business relating to the county and District elections, for Oc tober next. MI $17,386 81 880 85 28,27., 15 205 76 Each organized division will be entitled to three Delegates. Also, any township where in the Union has not yet been organized, shall be entitled to the same number of dele gates that , a Division has. We hope the Del egation will be composed of men with pure hearts and clear heads. A comfortable house will be furnished for the occasion. By order of the President. An address will be delivered on the oc casion. 'W - 31. L. COSGRA.Y, Pres't. Jan. 22d, 18G4. 846.748 57 $950 08 1 , 49 649 00 51,576 57 The Commissioner of the General Land Of fice received an interesting letter from Mr. G. E. Upson, dated Bannock City, Idaho Territory, Nov. 23d, 1863, giving a descrip tion of the gold region in that vicinity. He says: "Bannock City, or East Bannock, is situated in a tributary of Beaver Head, call ed Grasshopper river. The mountains on either side of the stream in the vicinity of the city are fully five thousand feet above the level of the stream In this valley or gulch, and clear up the sides of the moun tains, diggings fir over twenty miles have been discovered, and claims have been staked oil wherever a show of gold is to be seen.— The highest yield thus far to the pan has been five hundred. The average yield to the pan is about five dollars." r 95 50 8 80 8301 30 EMI 6275 40 73 60 MEE tz-The following loans are now in the European market seeking capital: Russia• 200,000,0001, German Diet, 42,500,- 000 f., Austria 250,000,000 f., Spain 75,- 000,0004, Italy 200,000,000 E, Sweden 181,500,00 f., Denmark 37,000,000 f., Prussia 25,500,000 f., Greece 200,000 E C-'56 50 • 12 O co- It is said that Washington Irving re alized on his works the sum of $206,888. SAPONIFIER, GR CONCENTRATED LYE, TAMILS/ SOAP MAILIM. iirAR makes high p:ires ; S ,ponifire helps to re ‘ duce them. It makes SOAP for FOUR cents a pound by using your kitchen grease. t_AUTIoN As e purim.is l.yes are offered also be careful and only buy the Patented article put up in IRON cane, all others being COUNTERFEITS. 10 110 27 PENNA. SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Philadelphia—No.l2l Walnut St., Pittsburg—Pitt St. and Duquesne Way Nov. 25, 180.-3 too. ger Grover & Baker's Sewing hiatitlNES for family and manufacturing putpose sea the best in use. A. F. CLIATONEY. April 8, 1883.-Iy. /8 Fifth St., Pittsburgh, Pa cryziNew Hat ar d Cap Stars.— WM. FLEMING, No. 139 WOOD Stree PI7'7EBURGH, PA, has established a NEW HAT .I NU CA P HOUSE, and . . 1 persons visiting the city will find it a first class establishment, fitted up in the latest modern style, with every convenience for doing a Wholesale ai.d AO ail Trade. A large stock of.every variety, style and quality of HATS and CAPS kept constantly on Ilan d, which will be sold at the very lowest prices.— Mr.Flenting is a Practical Hatter, and guarantees satts. action to purchasers. Oct. I, 1862—1 y. HOW TO SAVE TUE DILA,PT. rpHE citizens of Centre township offer a !private Boun ty of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for recruits Application may be made to John Kent, Treasurer of the funds. at Kngersvillc, or T. H. ateighen, Hamilton House, Waynesburg. Feb. 3d, 1562.-3 t. EEO THE PU aIIC Will take particular notice that I am selling oil my entire and extensive stock of I'l' Wil t Virri t HATS AND CAPS IT COST, As lam going to leave this county. I offer one of the rarest opportunities to those ujio may wish to supply themseives with GOODS for Spring and Summer wear. ALSO, Any person wishing to go into an established paying business can have an opportunity, as I will sell out wholesale. ;A"- Any person knowing themselves in- debted to me by either Book Account or Note will please settle up, and pay otf before the Ist day of April, or their accounts will be left in the hands of proper authority for collection.— By paying attention to this notice you will save cost. JOHN C. LWHTCAP. Waynesburg, Feb. 3, 1864. SHEEP AT PUBLIC SALE. r(HERE will be exposed at Public Sale, at the Iresidence of SIMON E. MSS, in Franklin town• ship, ou Tuesday March 1, 1864, 400 HEAD OF GOOD FAT SHEEP. TERMS OF SALE :—Four mouth's credit with ap proved security. S. R. HUSS. Feb. 3, 1864.—ta. SETTLE UP SETTLE UP HAVING dissolved his former partnership ikbusi nese, it becomes necessary for the undersigned to close his old books, He would, therefore, respect fully give notice to all, to whom he may be indebted, to present their clams, and to all knowing themselves indebted to hint to come forward. against the let of Marcia, (RH, and PAY UP, or their accounts will be left with the proper officer for colleetion. A. J. BOWERS. Feb, 3. 1863.-41. Greene Gaunt, sa, TN the Orphan's Court o County of Deellmber 1 Torso, 1863, No. 11. In the matter of the settle. meet ot the account of George Ketst, Executor of Glessrge Kent, deed., balance in arouniant's hands $4,978 79. And now to wit, Dee $3, 1863, account coudrmed, and the Court appoint Geo. 1.. Wyly, EAR, auditor, to dims ibUte the balance io hands °fillet Ex ecutor By the Court. J. F. TEMPLE, Clerk. , I will attend to the duties of the above appatalinest at the office of Wyly dr. Bethany's, on Tuesday, the he of Mania next, at which time and place all persons interested can be heard. GEO. L. WitLY, Aud. Wayiwesbang, Feb. 3, 18.4. t•m. ADERISTUVWS NOTICE. FLTEr de of tamed ta the . V ia liN i re U.= • 'e l et ee c ark beteby , . 41 " i Adme`v.Daitkett Feb. 3. 1564.--64 Gold in Idaho. Valuable Estate lor SAL JIM • IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Greene County. there will be offered at public out cry, on the prenees, in Morgan tn, in said co., on Thursday, Feb, 251 b, 1864, at 2 o'clock, P M., the Homestead Fatin of JAM HUGLIEs, Er , q., containing 230 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of II C. Ifoulsworth. S. Smith, Lot I.e oliard, 130101 non Manson and oth ers. There is erected on this farm a good TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Log Barn and other out buildings. Two Apple,'Or chards and a Sugar Camp. This body of land is will situated on Ten Mile Creek, about one mile and a half above Je derson, and NS well watered and timbered. TERMS.—Onc-third of the purchase mousy on con firmation; one-third iii one year thereafter; dne Valid iu two years, with interest from confirmation. JANES HUGHES, JOHN FLENNIKEN, Edecutore. Jan. 20t1i, 1854 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Bl' virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of L recut: county, I will expoee at puhlic sale on the preinisus in Jackson tp„ on Thursday, February 18th, 1814, at 2 o'clock, P. M., a tract of land containing One Hundred and Forty-five Acres, more or le F 9, adjoining lands of ticiah Ankrornargleic, McCullough, Isaac McCullougliNt.heits, and ItSfulen, Staggers. Between titi and 70 acevis of the above tract are cleared and under cultivation. There are erected, on said facto, A LOG HOUSE, and other outbuildings. There is also an apple °retard o ti the premises. TEithl.3.—One-third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of the sale, one third in one year thereafter, and one-third in two. years, with interest. JOHN lICOTT, Adtit'r Jos. Morris, decd. Jan. 20, ISII4 Orphan's Court Sale. BY virtue of an- order of the Orphan's (lour. Greene county, the undersigned will sell V premises on Saturday, March sth, 1864, the following described Real Estate, io wit ; a was, of land situate in Wayne township, Greeno entintyt adjoining lauds of Henry Shriver, William Spra_ !gnaw Cosgray and others, containing about FIFTY ACRES, on one hail of which there is a life'eatate of Jautes Cosgray. There are about thirty wee cleared on the tract. There are erected on said property a Log Iftoisa, Log stable and Log barn. TEtims._inie third of the purcho• , - tr Itt•Y to be paid at the confirmation of the sr in six months, and the remaining third t 'ova imams, with interest front the confirmation. SIMON STROSNIDER, tivardlto of James II and Rebecca Ann Coograr. minor Jan. 27, '6l. children ofJ. P. Comay, des'd EXECUTOR'S SALE Or ILYA Agrarik7.ll. Greene County, ss : IN the Orphan's Court of said County, of June Tim, 1663 . No. 3. in the matter of the partition and val uation of the Real Estate of Enth Doulsworth, decd. And now to wit: Dec. 23, 1863. The. heir! called to wit: Hugh C. Iloulsworth appears in open Conte and r< fuses to take any Dart of the Real Estate at the valuation and appraisentent, aitd the other heirs being severally called each make detault. Whereupon the Court order and decree that the Executors of said de ceased make sale of the Real Estate, to wit : Purpart No. I. being a house and lot in the town of Jefferson, Greene county, Pennsylvania, situate oa Main street, and adjoining lots of-- Purpart No. 2, being a lot of ground in Jefferson tp., Greene county, Penna., adjoining lands of John Smith's heirs, Michael McGovern and other", cont la ins five Acres and fourteen perches, upon the follow - lug terms, to wit: One-third of the purchase money to be paid at continuation of sale; one-third in one year thereafter with interest front date of confirmation, and the remaining one-third in two years thereafter, with interest front date of contiruuttkin. The Elmo - tors will make report of their proceedings therein to the next Orphan's Oourt to he held for Greene county. JUSTUS F. TEMPLE, Clerk. In pursuance of the above order, the subscribers will offer at public sale, Rn the premises in Jefferson, the property mentioned in the above or 01 Court, on ILVIW• UItDA V, the 20th of February, 1864, at 2 o'ciasa, P., AI ELIJAH nliniVid, Jan. 40,'81. ILUCII C. HOU LBWORTII, t SHERIFF'S SATZ B' virtue of a writ cf Fieri Facies, issued out of We Ai Court of common Pleas of Greene county, midge to me directed, there will be exposed to public. sale at the Court House, in Waynesburg, on Saturday the 20th day of February next, at *o'clock, P. 111., the fol lowing property, viz: All the right, title, interest and claim of James Kincaid, of, in and to afertain lot of grouna situated in the village of Jefferson, frontlet on Main street sixty feet and 'tinning back to Mufbeyry• Ally, adjoining lot of Edward Parkinson on the North, and Jacob French on the South. and has meted thereon a large Frame dwelling house, Fame stands, Well of water and some fruit trees. Also, an out lot adjoining lands of Edward Parkinson. Michael Mc- Goveto, and running to Mill street, containing abort three and a half acres, more or less. • Taken iu exueuthin as tka property of Janes Kin caid at the suit of Edward Parkinson, surviviag M• thias Humid, dec'd. THOS. LUCAd, Sheriff's Office, Waynesburg, Pa., j Sberie January 20, 1864. SHERIFF'S BRIE BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Espana', issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene to., and so me directed, there will he exposed to publit sale at the Court House, in Wavitesbusg, oa Saturday Feb. 20th, 1364, at 2 o'clock, P. NI, the following pre party, viz : All the right, title, interest and claim of d efeitdant, of, in and to a certain tract of land, situate in Jackson tp. Greene county, Pennsylvania. Wink. ing loads of Johnson T. Smith, John Strukdale, Jobe Eistininger and others, containing 98 acres,_ more os less, about nine acres of which are cleared, and has erected thereon one log dwelling lonise, Taken in execution as the property of Petry. Van drutT at the suit of George W . McCormick. • THOS. LUCAS, Sherift, Sheriff's Office, Waynesburg, Pa., Jan. 20, NW - GREENE COUNTY, 88 N the Orphans' Court of said ceuuty, of September Turin, 1863, No. I. In the matter of the partition or In the matter of the partition, or valuation of the Real Estate of John Steel, Deceased. And now, to wit, December 12d, 1863 , the Sheriff's return to Inquiet Lion :confirmed, and the Grant et a rule on the Heirs and legal Representatives nt said de ceased, to crate into Court, on the first day of next Term, and accept or refuse the Real Estate, et the valuation, thereof, or bid for the same, or show cause why the same shall not he bold. By the Court Jan. Bt, 18 , 3. JUSTUS F. TEMPLE. Club. CREENE COUNTY, SS: TN the Orphans' Court of said county, of September J. Term, ISO, No. 11. In the matte r of the partition. or valuation of the Real Estate of Benjamin Jennings, Esn , dec'd. And now, to wit Dec. 21, 18113. fiheriff's Mugs to Writ of Inquisition confirmed, and the Court grant • rule on the heirs and legal Representatives of said de ceased, to come into Court on the first day of nest Term, and accept or refuse the Reel Estate at the val uation or bid hir the same or 01111 W cause why the samo &hall not he sold. By the Court. Jan, 20, 18111. JUSTUS F. TEMPLE, Clerk. GREENE MINTY, BSI TN the Orphan's Court of said county of Are. Term. 1849. No. 12. In the matter of the settlement of the accoyut of William Lang, Administrator of Wm. 1.. Mania, dee'd, Balance in aceouutant's hood. 1652,35. • And now to wit : Dec. 913,, 1883 , acetlunt confirmed and the Court appoint G. W. G. Waddle, Eisq., Audi tor to distribute the funds in the AcministratV u tdb. JUSTUS F. TEMPL I will attend to the duties of the above 4pointment at the Recorder's Office, Wayntsburg, Pa., on Thurs— day, the 11th day of February, 1864, at which inns and place, aft parties interested cau attend if they sta proper. U. W. G. WADDLE. Auditor. LEGAL NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary upon the estate of Maantel llinegardett, late ut Wayne tp., °nevne allittly, deed., having beau grained by the Impales Weald county to the undersigned. AU gem= insiSting themselves indebted to said estate are. hereby uptiAsd to pay the saute. and those haying claims against that estate are requested to present them duly autheaties ted fur settlement. .1. A. BaNTEIS. VatteUe Tp., Moaougatia Co., W. Vs. Jen. 6,1864. Executor. LEGAL NOTICE. y XTTRIId of Administration of the estate of EMS AMUR LINTON, dec'd , late of Monongahela tp . Mleene Amami'', Pa., having been granted by the Register of sad county, to the unassigned. AU per sona kauwiag themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay the same, and those having claims against said e w;e1,41 to Pre l nat them duly authentic* ." j ai ,. 11, NKR Ada's.. 'Tito Lost relibuie 1"A rTclAt isur ssessiie . and is its* at bill promared to wait urn MOM W*ool !a 0 y Z 7