Ott! Wigan =Mk . • The true heroism displayed hy our .Mounded soldiers, white in the hos pings ordering all thtt, eau be en dured et psis and naffering, , has been e a trequent theme of praise.— Rev. Dr. Monfort, the Editor of The heivingjest retarued from vteftiteg his - eon, who was wounded at liettersborg, adds this testimony from personal observation ; *We were snack impressed with the patriotism of the wounded and dyfrig. Without an exception, as Ear as we had an opportunity of (deserv ing, they ezpremed their willing ness to ,-.."Ter and die in the cause of the country. 'heir joy at the fall of 'Vicksburg and Port Itudeon, and at the prospect of the hill of Charles ton, was ezpreesed in terms ofani mated triumph Wounded and resigned, living or dying„ they seem to resign everythihg to have a coun try, and they have no higher ambition than to have aided in the consum mation. These men have a right to the heart of the country- Let them have the offices they need and are 'fitted to fill. We trust that, other things being equal, the men with one leg wilt be able to ont run, for othce, those who have two. We hope that men with one arm will be able to make the most effective istninp-spetchee, and next to these, we Would like to see those enjoy political preference who have lesser soars, or who have passed unhurt in the midst of battle. Least of all. should they have honor or emolu ment who came not up to the help of the country, but cry peace, peace, when there is no peace!" The Cense Miles pu Fore Sum- MI An • Freglishman in Charleston, says a New York paper, writes as fbllows to his brother in the latter city was employed at Fort Sum ter yesterday in making iron bands and hooks for cotton bales, around each of which twO strong iron bands are rivetted, each connected with a flat chain behind the bale, and run ning up endwise; in which position it is lowered down to the bottom of the wall; on the top of this lower row of bales, others are fitted and lowered in a similar manner; the next upper tier protecting the sus pending chain of the lower, so that it is only the iron bands around the Wiles exposed to the shot of the en y.sp Under this mode of defence, Oily the guns and port holes are es peted. The heaviest guns were tried here against bales of compress ed cotton, without making much im pression ; indeed in many eases, the shot reboundl thirty or forty feet. This mode of defence seems to ren der Fort Sumter impregnable, but as , fresh troops are pourkt.g into Charles- trn, the capture of Fort Wagner by assuak is e.matter of doubt. If each should be the result, however, it is but one step toward the capture of Charleston. Even if Port Sumter were rendered untenable, it is already to be blown up and laid in ruins. Even then by far the strongest defences of Charleston remain, of which no de seription could glre say adequate idea. A GOO A.ND BEAVTIEDD IDEA. We permive that Gevernor Cur tin, of Pennsylvania, has hit upon the happy thought of buying some ten or twenty acres of the groat and glorious battlefield of Gettysburg as cemetry for the heroes who there laid down their lives that the nation might live. Tbts beautiful idea we hope will tie fully carried out. inclu ding a special division of the field to the soldiers of each State connected with the army of the Union. and a national obelisk on Cemetery Hill, with the names engraved upon it of every regiment, and with a book in side containing the name, State, reg ment and company oi every soldierth those three days battles, and in the entside incidental operations. We are glad to be assured at the some time that tho Union soldiers of this war who have died on ;Ater fields will not be forgotten. but that in some suitable way the government will preserve their names for the re membrance of a grateful posterity. —IV. Y. Herald. For Rail, Wee, Roaches. Bed Buff. Moths ia Furs. Woollens. Am, insects as Plaits', Mewls. Animals. Am. up tittle. 50e. al 00 %loam, Hodder, and Masan, and le nips ter !lamp. NAM iIIifITITUTIONP. !r. "Only infallible remodkm known." "Free from Ptgoons" "Not anniterone to the llpmap Family." "Rata come . oot of their holes to die." pe" Bold Wholesale all large cities. EMI by all Datueearys and RETAILER!. evelywhere. " of all worth'sp monsoon.. Bee ghat "Corrim." name is on each ho:, Bottle and Flank, before you buy. Er Address HENRY R. CORy4R, DISNIT 402 Baosowse. N. Y. sow by hew Soapy, jthernirk Clark and other fitkraytseab64, pa. May 6 , ms. --6 01 AgHI 1 3111 1 SIRS -00 To XAGISTCAPS LADIES LAMING eaITT,R4, fad priee /Km se ph i c *wow wept wily for sl,fi). All light Work #II pmporoon ft LIGHTCA rs. LAW! UUCP QAMJEZLIUS LIGIITCAP'S You con sue twenty-fiye Fur 4 ;unt- by buying 'Per SOOTS, SHOO, HATS and CAPS at GroturalConoty Shoe Store at LIGHTCAP'S. MIK IytNETS far 461 cents at LIGHT. 411.• Aug. lf, N Writ &NMI. 11410111 WORIMILI• CUM. `AIMEIBTI@IRI /MUM% CIANIE..The 'leering liprchamt has N assectimed ble ilown ALONZO 4, MARL is Company tvitß himself: in the Uniting business. This is the Right plate to pet rev SPRING mod 8171111 Malt Ityos o.llllt 41 • Dress *alt. FILRef Mut, Of one for 1111141R050. FAO (vin find nn emblishoteot the Owe to purchase Our basemen honor isnlitectly to Front or the Coil Rowse, in Antson'a baildiag. Omar one and aX :kookier in Shoulder awl we will send you hose again with your Arms toil lir cheat, and fmitionable Uothing. The Present hi& prices causer' by waiters is Arms have made a very shgtt advance in our usual tow prices. Now is the time to get good bargain*. We erpeet to Carry on a CA.BII busineto, and will be enabled to sell at very abort. profits, If you will favor us with a call we will USE GUI Arms _ in showi is our good*, wholbet you desire to nor thane or not. We ask nothing tot showing goods go cow Right along, and see us, and we will greet you with a smile upon our race, and do our utmost to please you. We have made ar rangements with one of the best Merchant Tailors in Pittdburah to manufacture goods to order, which they will Forward to us u soon as manul*ctuted. So that patrons de siring goods "made to order" can have them made in the latest style. Our March or Spring rods have already arrived. If you should be pulsing our establishment please Halt, and we will try at least, to find you a good place to Rest: NATHANIEL CLARK & SON w - cowscm. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, persoi ally, are requested to matte immediate settlement, as my old business must be set tled up. In my absence the busincse will be settled by my son. A. J. Clack. All accounts not settled be fore first of June, 1863. will be left with the proper of ficer for collection. I would very much regret this stop, but to protect myself front great It I will te compelled to adept it April I, 1563. N• CLARK. Hil HUM SAYIH ASSOCIITIOI cars IiVIIVIATAISN's IVO Chartered by the Legislature Mk "27 , '62 J. F. RANDOLPH, President; J. P. TEMPLE, Sec'll; WM. A. PORTER. Cashier, MAW AAAAA .—Wm. Davis. IL W. Downey, Norman Worley, D. W. Braden, J. L. McConnell, Josiah Por ter. irr All Business Commu - ticatinns should be ad dressed to Wm. A. Porter, Waynesburg, Greene coun ty, Pa. Celia:times promptly attended to. Loan. and Discounts made. Engines's day every Thursday. D ec . 3. 'fi2.:6lnos, THE VP-TOWN OROCRY. STROSNIDER & SIMINGTON H AV bel N onU urcl s uuted to the stockof G green ktro _ snider evit rie :on i tali z t e u lY r tke . business at the old stand. They will in a few days belts receipt of a large assortment of Prime Groceries and Piovi§lons, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notions, dce., dic., which they will sell at the lowest prices for cash. Corn Meal Flower, Butter, Eggs , aiAt Country Pro duce genera) , always on hand. March 4th SADDLES AND HARNESS SAMUEL M'ALLISTER, Saddle. Harness and T k Maker. nid Hank h(, Mainatreet. Sept. If, is;i—l•• TOBACCONISTS. HOOP r:l4. 81. HAGER, Martufaeturent and wholesale and retail dealervin tobaivo, degais and Snuff; Segar Cases. Pipes, Wilson's Old Building. Main Plrpet. isepd 11. 1861 ly. BOOKS , &c. LEWIS DAY, Dealer in school and kliscell..tienue Hooka, Illation try, Ink, Magazines and Paper/. One door rapt nt Porter's Stnne.lllain ettreet. Sept 1861 j:Jr;VI:4 F AMERS' & DROVERS' BANK, Waynesburg, Pa. C. A. iILACK, Preet. J. LAZSAR. Cashier ISCOUNT D•Y, WEDNESDAY Sept. 11, 1861-I Y. gitte DARDY MAUL HACK RUNNING RFIGIII.ARIN GETWEEN HYNES ill INIT WEB. THE undersigned respectddly informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above polite, he has placed upon the oute two new and conimodinus Hacks for the Aw -1 comruodation of the travullng community, One wil I leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn ing, dundays excepted, at o'clock, and will arrive at liken' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave dices' Landing at the same time and arrive in Waynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared fur the accommodation of passengers, TIMOTHY DOUGIIER, Proprietor. August 7th, NC. no. O. HUGHES & OLIVER, ocomassmitinirClusarrai Rites' Landing, Greene ON, Pa. Are prepared with the !arise% and beet Grocery and For4arding Rooms in the l 4 em, for all goods on con signment. and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of the river, convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for shipment to Pitts• burgh, ur toe Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms. They hope by strict attention and long experience, In business!, to receive a liberal share of patronage. in addition to the abuve, they will keep on hand guns sesottnient of FRESH GROCERIES. limn the head of market, at wholesale prices, to ameom outdate all who will favor them with their patrouage. Apti 1). MO. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 3Pazaziamk. Medteal Ad.vtee given Gratis by the Acting Surgnnp. V a lu a ble REpoll.TO on SPERMATORILIKEA or SEMINAL WEAKNESS. aid other Dieeates of the Sexual Orearoond on the NEW REMEDIES em ployed.% the ISopeneary, tent in sealed letter epre'- °pee, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKII.LIN 010(10111TON.'Hirward Association. . ,Me. 1.11•616 Moth Sterol, ID tNSdi~7s, lit. January IL 1063. XPNY Ak.N•ro I Game sass ors, BSI,,LING OFR WUOLSRALE OR RETAIL JAS. W. WOODN ELL, tr: add 91 Third street. opposite E. Edo emboli" di Co. aird 110 Fourth street. sue. e,'02111 ST. CLUB, HOTEL, CORNER OF PENN & BT. cukta STREBTd, PITTSIII.7RGIM, PA. J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. my -This popular house has recently been tboromfit ly refitted and (widened, and now forms one of tl,e most pleasant stopping places in the city. Terms mod erste, awl satiefactinn warranted. April 13, '63-Iy. 111 agutsbarg Nusintss Garbs. NIOTOSIAM. THE undersigned would inform the citizens of Wavnesburg and vicinity, that they are prepared to take Photograpb and Carte De Visites, IN TUE L►TfiwT STYLE Those wishing anything done in our line would do well to call soon, as the arrangement is but for a I. hort time, Particlutar attention will be paid to CARTE DE VISITEId, IMELAINCOTYPES, FERREOTYPR6, A MIHROTYP Eta, &c. We hre ahin prepared to take life size Photographs ip WAti3i cola:. Pictures of deceased persons taken almost life size front small Ambrotypes. HAAS & WHITE, April 8,1863. Near Sayers' Corner. Re DOUGHERTY, CARRIAGE IRANI:IF/Lan RER, Respectfully informs the public that he has located In Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. From his experience in the busigess, he feels confi dent his werk will give entire satisfaction lie will use no low priced material, in any part of his work i and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square South of theCourl mute, Waynesburg, Jan. 85,1860—n0 34. WAYNESBUhG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS & RipEIiART, Practical Marble & Stone Cutters Third Door East of the Court Souse, Main street, WHERE they have, an? keep on hands i large and extensive assortment of line and ornamental ; MARBLE WORK, such assmonuments, tombs, tablets and grave stones, of every variety and style. ay , Particular attention paid to can ing, which will be done by as good workmen as can he wand anywhere In the business; as one of the firm has seen practically engaged in the business for twenty-five years, and the other eighteen years. They flatter them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill and taste by ally in the west. Persons wishing anyoung in our line can have it furnished to ally place desired at lower rates than any other establishment in the country. Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of its. All kinds of building work done in either warble of tone. SAYERS & RINEHART. Waynesburg, May 20, 18.57—n0.2 CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE f ij JAMES GANIER & CO., Wc tad respectfully inform their friends and the pu lic that they have now on hand a good assortment all kinds of CULIMNIIT 1111L11313. such as is usually kept in shops in tins part of the coun try, made of the best materials, and by the best work men. fErThey still keep a Hearse, and are, at all times, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or country, Waynesburg, January 24, 1860-Iy. LOOK AT THIS. The undersigned would respectfully inforrn the Pub• lie that he is now prepared and inanu acturing Clarllcal33.ebt Ware, itch as BUREAXS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS 'and every thing in that line. Ile also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and makes coffins, and is pre pared to attend rails in town or country, at any hour. SAMUELJEWEL. Waynesburg. Oct. 21. ibbk. HOSHIMKA LODGE, No. 558 I. 0. F • EET iu Waynesburg, in Allison's Rail, opposite .111. the Court House, on Thursday evening of each week, at 6/ o'clock. OPPrtocas: N. WORLEY, P G. Scow, THos. N. G. D. K. I'. Huss, V. G. J. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y. W• A. PORTaft, Treas. Nov 6,1862. SETTLE UP. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or Houk Account, are requested to call and settle by the Ist of November next. All aced - tints unsettled at that date, will he Jett with an officer for collection.— word to the wise is sufficient " This is the first public call I have made on my customers for money since I commenced business. @cid. 3, '62. GEO. HOSKINNON. ruaztrzram. ENE undersigned will still continue the manufacture I of all kinds of Furniture, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage so getiemualy extended the late firm. COFFINS will be furnisloid with the greatest posbi• ble dispatch. ELI ATEN. Waynesburg, August 13, 1862. HAMMON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. S. HaRTZELL, Proprietor. Fr HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends that he has taken this well known Hose where he is prepared to accommodate travellers mid others, with goodaud substantial meat. drilla,trt. He will spare no mins or auention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. R. HARTZELL. April 10,—No 44—tf ADAMS HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. JACOB LEMLEY, PROPREBTOR, plus well known Hotel has been refitted in new I style, by its present proprietor, who takes this op. portunity of infor g the travelling public that he Id fully prepared to accommodate them with the best the market :Arcade, besidcs giving them comfortable quar ters and beds. 11:1 2 * He has also fine stabling for any number nfbor sta. Waynesburg, April 16, 1862. TILICASI7REWS NOTICE. Persons having business with the County Tretumrer are informed that he may be found at his office in the Court House at Waynesburg on the Ist and 3d MONDAYS and TUESDAYS of every month. J. F. RAN DOLPH, Treasurer. April 23. 1862. WOOL CARDING. 'WPM% RO4IEI.IELIEI, AT THE WAYNESBURG -TEAM MILL, has fitted up his CARDING MACHINES in fine older and secured the services of a competent assistant for the purpose of CARDING WOOL. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the Wool growing public and assures them that every rare will be taken to do work in a scion** manner. May 21, 1862. WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. LITM. ROGERS respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has leased the NEW STEMS MILL at Waynesburg, Pa., where 1 e will always be found ready re accommodate all who may call on the shortest notice. Grinding done on the same terms as by water mills. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. Orders for either can be left at the Millor at Yeator's store. (Jan. 27, 1864 vrairames Ain) MINTAILAT S. M. MAILY, Main street, one door Rest of the old liamkPallding. keep always on hand a lame and elegant 'assortment of Watches and Jewelry. Erßetairisi of Clacks. Wasefigio . amtisivOry wit receive Malant stlestioll• -131$0:iS,NOL-17 OMITS INN OM CLOTH. 11111 141014 Mat'l REDUCED PRICES OF McFarland, Collins & Co. Nos. 71 & 73 FIFTH STREET, Next door to the Post Office, We have just received an entirely new and 60* assortment of SAM% slAss Tove smss, Vt2italq? 6:1114113M1214 And all goods in our line : which having been just purchased for CASH when prices were at the lowest point, we are enabled to sell at from Ten to Twenty-Ave per Cent Less than Prices of a few Weeks ago We respectfully solicit an early examination of our stock by buyers in town and country Prices will most probably advance before Fall, therefore now is the time to secure Carpets at this point. Country Merchants Will find our new stock la worthy of attention Fifth Street, near Smithheld, between Post Office and Dispatch Building, in the new and elegant iron ware house, Nos 71 & 73. D!CFARL&ND, COLLINS &s CO. J. W. H . FARLAND. HIEN Rir H. COLLINS. JACOB OLOSIMPI July 29, 1563. IDUII I / 1 112 Mann tsf+T-1 it 01 Cti izl2-1 DRY G(tIoDS Good Fast Colored Calico, 16. 18 and 20 repute Domestic Ginghams, 25, 2.8 and 30. Brown Muslim:, heavy, 25 to 37k. Bleached Mushily, 20 to 35, best yard wide. Chauies, IS to 37. Good Stout Kentucky Jeans, 50. Best do warranted all wool filling, 60. Heavy Cotton pant stuff, 50 Linen " " hest, 371 1 ight Cotton " " 25 to 33. r SHE undersigned would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have now received and opened, at their old stand in WaysEllanttO, PA.. Another large and carefully selected stork of SPRING & SUMMER GbODS. Consisting of a lance and beautiful assortment of Ladles , Dress Goods, such as MOZAMRIQDES, CH ALLIES, WOOL DEL.AINES, DELAINES, BE REDD,. &c A large lot ..f JEANS, TWEEDS, SATINETS, and CASSIMERES. A beautiful as sortment of SUMMER BALMORAL SKIRTS. A large Stock of SPRING etallTd. Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, In this department, we have spared no pains in select ing. and we flatter ourselves we can please all of every ,a,te. Beetitil Oil*lS* Fur Men and Boys' wear, BALMORAL and CON GRESS GAITER'S for Ladies' together with a very large lot of MOROCCO and CALF SIIOES ! 3EL.4k.Mt.1:1 VIiT,49LNI. IEI , GLASSWARE, HATS AND GAPS, QUEENS WARE, GLASS and NAILS, and indeed everything kept in a first dims store! Remember we give the highest market price for all kinds of Produce. Give us a call. May 20, Ibh3. MINOR & CO. Lewis Day's tationery Packages. HERETOFORE Packages o f Stationery have been considered a humbug from the tact that they are usually made of very inferior paper, &c. We have just examined one of Lewis Day':. Packages, and find all their articles of the very best quality. each packa4e. containing : IS sheets of good writing paper. IS envelopes. steel pens pen holder. Price, 25 cu, Put up and for sale. wholesale and re tail, by I.E VV IS DAY, Bookseller, Waynesburg, Pa. N. B. Agents wanted for the sale: . of thew.; Packages. June 17,,1863. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, CORNER OF SECOND AND LO'IVST STS,, HARRISBURG, PA. ROBERT VAUGHN, Proprietor. June to, 1563. EXECUTORS OF Wlti.lAM ARMSTRONG dec'd, will offer al Private Sale, the Sieam situated on Muddy Creek, Cumberland tp., Greene b ounty, Pa., al a quarter of a mile from the Monongahela River, The Mill is a firmelass one, nearly Dew, two run or stone and can be run by Water power a portion of the year. A conifor able Frame Dwelling Houle, A lot of ground connected with:the property The Mill is•conveniently situated to a Hob aid fertile see tiou of the county, convenient to market, and has an excellent run of custom. For terms and further par ticulars, inquire of the undersigned. RUA:MU ARMISTRONG A LFREG ARMSTRONG, Executors. Carmichael*, ra.. Oct. 29. 1884-1 y, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN I Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price, Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cute of Sper.natorrhant or Seminal Weekness, In• voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impedi unins to Marriage generally, Nervousness. Consump tion, Epilepsy and fits; Mental and Physical incapac ity, resulting freni Self-Abuse. tic—By ROST. .1 CULVERWELL, M. L. Author of the Gress Book, The world-renowned author. in this admirable Lee ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awtu consequences of Seltabuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations; bungles, instruments. rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at one certain and effectual by whirl every sufferer. no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. nos I.tcroas WILL PROVE SOON TO THOUSANDS •ED TROESAIE DI. Sent tinder seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six c ents, or two postage stamps, by addressing. CHAS..I. C. KLINE Sr- CO, I " Bowery , New York, Post Office Box, 4586. March 4, 1863. Administrator's Notice. ;ETTERS of adminintitition having been trailed to the utuLainiguad upon The coos. of laillk,ft &WELL, he'd, Lin e a *eerie tp., notice is hereby 018° to all Pell ol 4 l having Wanda &OM the endue to mmeent the arty matthenticalee foe eettlemetht, and "UM" indebted to the same to stirs immediats payment. J 4 1 17 * 2 . murinAß STSWaT. ' r[IIIIBVRGEf.• New Stock just received at the PITT*BURCU ig,`Please observe the direction.' OF STAPLE AT Minor & Co's. WAYNESBURG, PESX'A NO HUMBUG! STEAM GRIST AND SAW MILL xi c• iv. IS .A. .7Ca 3E 1 VkibititiFtric NOT ALCOHOLIC: A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETEI3LIIII XITZ/LACT, A PURE TONIC DR. ZOOPL.AIND'S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED • DR. C. 111. JACKSON, Phila., Pa. rim. effectually cure LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE. Chronic or Nat VOUS Debility, Diseases of the kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inn ard Piles. Fulness of Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Wright in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and" Dull Pain in the Dead Deficiency of Per spiration, Yellowness of the Skin and f:yea. Pain in the Side, Back, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes it Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant linaginings o Evil, and great Depression of Spirits, and will positive fy prevent Yellow Fever, pillions Fever, &c. THEY CONTAIN NQ ALCOHOL OR BAD WRISREI ! They WILL CURE the above diseases in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and universal popular ity of Hoottand's 'German Bitters, (purely , iegetahir,) hosts of ignorant Quacks and noscrupillous adventiii era, have opened upon Roaring humanity the gond gates of Nostrinns in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely too pounded with Injurious drugs, and christened Ton ics. Stoniachica and Bitters, Beware of the innumerable Alcoholic preparations in plethoric bottles and bigbellied kegs, under the mod est appellation of Bitters ; - which instead of curing, on ly aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed suffer er in despair. HOOFLAND'S GE MAN BITTERS: Are nut a new• and untried article. but ina;e stood th test for fifteen years trial by the American public ; an their reputation and Sale ate not rivalled by any sintila preparatiou. The proprieters have thousands of Letters from the soon etnihent CLERGYMEN, Vt'l'ESß, PHYSICIANS, ♦ND CITIZENS, Testifying Of their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects and nii-dical virtues of these Bitter.. DO YOU WANT 00111E7711N° TO BTRENGTHEN _ YOU) DO YOU WANT A GOOD A°PETITEI DO YOU WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR CONSTITU- _ TION 1 - DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELLI DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF NERVOUSNESS? DO YOU WANT EN EDGY 1 ' DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL 1 ==l OM If you do, tisc NIPS GERMAN BITTERS From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Relijious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general. through distrust of their ingredi ents and effects; 1 yet snow of uo sufficient resent's why a man may not testify to tt•e benefits lie believes himself to have received front any simple preparation, in the hope that he may this contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Ifoodand's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced egainst them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I ant indebted to my lriend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal 3f this prejudice by proper tests, and thr eurouragemeut to tri them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief,rord restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and bad almost despaired of regaining. 1 therefere thank God and my friend for directing me to she use of them. Phila., June 23,'61. .1. N. BbOWN. razzzatrzasm. NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name o hitters, - put up in quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest whiskey or COllllllOll rum, costing from 40 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or co riander Seed This class of Bitters has caused and will continue to cause, as lung as they can be told, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the si stem is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stimu lants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, end the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunka•d's life and death. For those who desire and will have a Liquor Bitters. we publish the following receipt. Get one bottle of Hoodand's German Bitters and mix with three quarts of good Brandy or whiskey, and the result will be a preparation that will fat extet in medical vitiates and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bit ters in the market, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoon.ann's Harms in con nection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these interior preparations will cost you. Attention, Soldiers ! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS We call the attention of all having friends In the army to the fact that ••11OOFLA\D'el German Bit ters'' will cure nine-tenths of the diseases induced by exposures and privations incident in camp lite. In the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering limn debility. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by ❑ootiand's German Bitters Diseases resulting from disorders of the di gestive organs are ilieedly removed. We have no hesitation In stating that, if these hitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might he saved that otherwise will he lost. We call particular at .to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, wlime .ife, to use his own language, "has been saved by the bitters." PHPLHIADVLI, A ugus , 23rd, 1862. Nesse:. Jolter lt E114118:—Well gentlemen, your ffoodaud's Genital* Hitters have saved my life.— There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of any comrades, some of whose names are appended, and who were. full" cognizant of all the circumstances of in' case. 1 am, and have been for the last fuur years, a member of iSheituan's celebrated battery, and under the immediate comma:id of Capt. R. B. Ayers. Through the exposure attendaut upon my arduous duties. I was attacked in November last with intimation of the lungs. and was fur seventy two days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack oftlysentery. 1 was then removed from the White Mouse, and sent to this city on board the tlteanter "state of Maine." from which I landed on the Cbth of June. lattice that time I knelt been about as low as any one could IT and yeicontain a spark of vitality. Fur a week or mote I was scarcely able to swallow auything, and ill did force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again. I could not even keep a glass of water on my atom ach. Life could not last under these circumstance% ; and, accordingly, the physicians had been work ing faithfully, though unsuccessfully. to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told me they could do no i n ure for tae, and advised hie to see a elery man, and to make such disposition of my lim ited lands as best suited nie. An acquaintance who visited toe at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as a foilorn tope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now, thank God for it, getting better. Though I have take., but two bottles, I have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wile and daughter from whom I have heard nothing for eigh'een months: for. gentlemen, I ant a loyal Virginian, fr the vi. einity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitten I owe the certainty 01 life which has taken the Owe of vague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to me in life. Very truly Yours, ISAAC MALONE. We fully concur in the truth of the above inateinent as we had &Spatted of seeing our commie, Mr. Ma lone restored to health. JOAN CULIDLEBACE. let New York Battery GEORGE A. !WELL' r, Cu. C Ilth Muine. LEWIS CHEVALIER, 99A New York. I E. SPENCER. Ist Artillery Rattery, F .1. B EASE WELL, Co. 8.. 3d Vermont. . , HENRY B JEROME,Co. H.. do. HENRY T AM/Oa:ALI) Co C. 6th Make. JOHN F. WARD. Co. E. 5 5th Maine HERMAN 110 - 11, H, 72d New York. NATHANIEL B. T110?iIA10, Co. F., 95th Penn ANDREW ./ KIMA ALL Co. A., ad Vermont, JOHN JENKINI2, Co. 8., 106th Penn. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I Bee that the signatnre of "C. Y. JACKSON," is on the WRAPPER ofeachbottk. PRICE PER BOTTLE 15 CENTS, OR HALF DOZ, FOR •4 00. Should your nearest druggist not have t P - 7 , article, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating ' ,reparations that tuay be offered in its place, but send to us, hod we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Alanufactoryl NO. 631 ARCH MEET. JONES & EVANS, (aucceaor•to M. JACKSON at. Co") 3Praprie*orig. 7 FOR SALE by Drviprisi• WPVlbig• tenni in the Mired ficAmsh paw IRth, iii: Slitrfistintnis. BOOT AND SHOE AvonoN 1114111.144114 9 t3 AUCTION HOUSE, Fifth Street, Masonic Ilan, Patisburek, Penna. II , nNG just been in receipt of a very large con signment of all kinds of Gents', Ladies', Misses Boys and Uhildreti's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, would call the particular attention of Country Mer chants and dealers to the same, guaranteeing that both in retard to PRICE and QUALITY OP GOODS we can give better sari-faction than any other bonne in the West. One call we think will suffice to prove the correctness of the aboveassertiott, as we are continu ally in receipt of goods direct from Boston. Pittsburgh, April 8, '63.-Iy. D. M..DAKE, MD S. L. 110 C K ERT M. D DBS. DAZE aic ROCRERT, 147 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., t ry- OFEICE Es-7. •9 A.M. I. •3 P. M. 6• •8 P.M . August 20, 1862. J. H. HILLERMAN, NO. 75 WOOD STREET, PITTbBURGII. AVING remoddlcul his store and filled It with ev il. ery variety of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, is ready to wait upon his customers, (whole. sale and retail) and show them a rood Inc of goods as is to be found in a first class Eastern Ileums, and offers them for Cash, as cheap as t .ey can be sold J. 11. IiII.LERMAN. Pittsburgh, April 8,1863.-6 tn. 75 Wood St R. R. BULGER. Manufacturer of every description of NI 17 3FL IST I wr 11:7 NO. 45 13,41TRFEEI.11 STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A A roll assOrtint nt of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Contitamly on hand, which I will aril nt the lowest price: for cash. Aug. Yl, it3til—ly. 11 :*n HOWE SEWING 1111A,OHISTE. • INVENTED 1845—IMPROVED 1860. Ap.ts.t.TED TO ALL KINDS OF MANUFACTUR— !M PURPOSEd ewng Equally as well on mum llns, Cloth and Leather.. CORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. April A. M. M'GREGOR, !WENT. ST- NICHOLAS HOTEL. CuRNER GRANT AND 4TH STREET PITTSBURGti, PA. FUR L, Proprietor. April 4. ('k' (. :i -# U PREME COURT 73 Xiarket St. 73 Market St. ILEA.E. YE I HEAR YE! IN the name of the peodie of the United to you are hereby summoned to appear before the under signed, Judge, of the Supren.e Coon, to show • ause why you should not save one•half by pulebrottng your CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, SACQUES & CIRCULARS, From M. J. SPENCE, No. 73 Market St., Pittsburgh, AT PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL The above Court will be open from day to day until further notice at No. 73, Market St. LAURA CHEAP, ludges of the Ladies ANNA I►UARBLE, wants of the !Voided NM:CIE PERFECT, States. 1:0" Fail not to appear under daniar to the pockets. Pittsburgh, April, S, '63.-Bni. PALZ:I.IgiI Cloak, Mantilla and 'Shawl Emporium. WILL open every few days a splendid assortment of the newest designs in Saco., es, Circulars and Mantilens ior Si ring and i.unitnex Wear at prices that defy competitisti. Also, a handsome assortment ot every vartett of Shawls; a complete stock of children.s Cloaks. H. GIiNSENHAIIISER. & CO.. No. 68 Ma•ket eat. I door below 4th. Aprrl 8. '63.-Bin NEW SPRING GOODS. SECOND ARRIVAL AT J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Figured All Wool De Twines, for lii . New Style Figured Spring De Lames, Traveling Dress G.iods, Poplins, Alpaccas, Silk Cloaks, Shawls, Dusters, Bleached and unbleached 'dueling, Irish Linens, Shirt Fronts, A lot of old Goods very cheap Pittsburgh, April 8; 1863. timos. . J. & EL Nos 26 and 28 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR 011. CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT. GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, TABLE OIL CLOTHS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. Also, dealers in Leather Belting, La..le Leath er, Indiau Rubber Belting, Hose Steam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other &tides made of Indian Rubber, 4c., 4-c. Wholesale and retail buyers will find ottrstock large well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 24, 1862-4.1 y. P. REYMER. .1. B. REYMER. 11. D. REYMER REUTER & BROTHERS, Who:esale Dealers in tetalliV SUM, Nuts, Confectioner}, Sugars, Fire Works, Aid also Manufacturers of all Varieties of Fine Cream Candies, Chocolate Creams Gum, Jelly and Licorice Drops, Jellies, Syrups, &ie. NON 126 AHD 128 WOOD STRE IT, ABOVE FIFTH, April 8, 1863.-Bm. PITTSBURGH. PA Young's dating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, When OYSTERS and all the delicacies of the season will be served up in the most palatable style. EL) YOUNG. Jorner Virgin and Alley dunthfle It Pittsburgh. Oct. 14. '&l.•v S. B. & C. P. MAR KLE, MAMUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOK, OAP, LETTBR, AND all kinds of-WRAPPING PAYER have reams ed from NO. 27 WOOD STREET to Np. ;3 Sni*h*eld Street, PITTrIHUAGO, Cask frrar Tracilftfor Ravi Ni *. '3, 14.11-1 i THOS. C. LAZEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. SS GRANT STREET. .pt. 11.0141 lv ST' NOR SALIM, AT Tug *& *A. ovvion, a Int of Noma err, Caursatasso fiotr.arro &Irmo for Ir*trpria mot beau*. fboiy 10 tie par amtle. liiatat at a Ault*, 'fftilVlLD 16111. TUE PA' -T SOAP =ANUS& The public are cautioned against the lITDRIOUS as tides of LYE for making SOAP. now offered for sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye 4, that made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAN't FACTURING COMPANY, their trade mark for it be, ing "SAPONIFIER. OR CONCENTRATEDOLYE " The great success of this article has led unprinciple parties to endeavor to imitate it, in violation of tht , Company's PATENTS. An Manufacturers, Buyers or Seyers of there Spu.v lone Lyes, are hereby 'Milled that the Company bays employed as their Attorneys, And that all Manufacturers, Users or Sellers of ltite, is violation of the rights of the company, will be proetica ted at once. for sale by all Druggists, Grocers and Count?) , iStoros The United States Circuit Court, Western District Pennsylvania, No. I "of Slay Term, in 1862, In suit of the "•Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company," vs. "Thos. G. Chase," decreed to the Company, on Nov. 15, 1862. the exclusive right granted by a patent owned by them for the Saponifier. Patent dated October 21, 1856. Perpetual injunction awarded. 127 Walnut street, Philadephia. Pitt St. and Duquesne Way Pittsburgh Mav '27. 1863. STEINWAY & SONS' kilialdirflifi PIANOS, THE BEST PIANOS IN THE WORLD. E would respectfully direct the flu est ion or MN. zens of Waynesburg and vicinity to the trait and universally admitted superiority of the Pianos made by STEINWAY & SONS'. New York. The tone of these Instruments more nearly *ambles the "human voice" in the prolonged and ,Ongingqual . ities of their sound ; and they combine in a wonderer degree POWER and SWEETNESS. Hotit frit brit - - Sant instrumental performance. and as an accompani went to vocal music, they are altogether unrivalled. We Challenge Comparison, and we Was rant them superior in every respleet" to anything alit in the shape of a Piano Forte Sold at New York Factory prices by H. KLEI3EIt & No. 53 Fifth Street, Fittshurgh. Pole Agents for Steinwa3 '8 Pianos for Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio, and 'North W,Ftern No. 53 Fifth Street, Pliteburgh 4 Ps.. Sole Agen to fia the "Cattail linrinoniurns and V e !orient's." for Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio :And Northweshon Virgient. Oct. iv. • WILLIAM KNAEE & CO. 1E above Pianos from their Factory possess ail th superior and latest noprnsktmeitts. including tits. A GRA' FFE . rit EEL E. Overstiung. Improved Full Imp Frame, Felt rose,te Hammers. Ace. THALBCRO, one of the most eminent pianists work), says: '•I have great pleasure in certifying that I have tried your i'lance, hod find them equal, If not superior, to any in this country. Among their' great qualities, which distinguish them, is the evenness!. of tone, the agreeable and easy .touch, and velume cit! tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly de serve, I am, sir, yours truly, S. 111111ALBEllp." C. Daosa, the well known comp:kin, Wilmingtdn. Delaware, says that "they annmit'be surmised by any in the market." U. VIEVITEMPTS writes :—"I was delighted on bear ing the ricer and full erne Of ( - Ufa of out Rust club l'ianoe " frigr - The above Tianos are warranted for five years, For sale by CHARLOTTE SHAME, No. 43 Fifth street,ld door above Wood at., PAtterson•s New Building. [Jan. 29. 1862. WHEELER & WILSONI "Sewing Machines," NO. 97 FIFTH 83'REhT, MINNA UNITED STATES " FAIN" NACMNES sold in the United States, WHEELER & WHAM'S Improved Sewing Machines, with increased confidence of ite merits as the best and most %literal Family Sewing Machine now in use. It does equally well on the thickest and thinnest fabrics, makesthe inckstich impossible to unravel, with the es sential advantage of being alike nu both sides. forming. no ridge or chain on the under ride—ie .1(1/1.1iC in con' struction more speedy in movenp nt, and more durable than any oilier machine. We Give full instructions to enable the putt haver to sew ordinary seams, stitch, hem, fell. quilt, rather, hind and tuck, all on the SUMP machine, and warrant it fur three roam Circulars containing testimonials from ladies of the highest standing, East and West, giving prices, &c., will he furnished gratis on application in person or by letter. Sewing Machine Needles, Silk,Twist Cotton and (8 constantly on hand. 11111111 111.1111 RCMP tosr. wishing to mrnieh their holism, Is itb Vent 1 tiau Blinds (tithe MOST EXQUISITE AND ELABORATE FLlSlfill t Will find it to their interest to give nip a call before, purchasing elsewhere. My work ie cot ttp by the bu t mechanics. Every summon is paid to the wane of PRIcBS LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTED! OLI) BLINDS REPAIRED NEATLY, or remodeled, id desired. M appear the same as new, of the LATEST STYLE, without extortion. Those having Dwellings, Churches or Public Build , ings to furnish with Blinds in Revolving or Stationary Shutters t Would save money - by giving the a. call, Corner of Third and Market Street Oct. I 1P62;1y ptTTsatißoil, rh.. -OR GEORGE HARDING. Esq., of Phila., and WILLIAM BAKE WELL, fAsq., of Pittsburg.: The SAPONIFIER or CONCENTRATED LYE TAKE NOTIOE, TEE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. CON • FICIF1114 : itts u WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS 11. TiLEBER & 13 R 0 EN.A.BE'S PIANOS I= Awarded the First Premium at the FOR THE YEARS ISSS, 1859 nod 1860. UPWARDS OF 80,006 MORE TIIA ?41 20,000 SOLD THE PAST TRAK. We offer to the public ALT AZIDI7CED PRICES,( WILLIAM SUMNER it CO Pittsburgh, Oct, 1, VENITIAN BLINDSI G. P. WERTZ, First Premium and Excelsior NO. 72, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET ST.. WAREROO.IO/ ON FIRST FLOOR. PITTSBURGH, PA. G Emu:F. p. WERTZ CORNUCOPIA S.AT.OON, No. 7 rime Street,' r'/TT. iu6G7l, Pa. FRED. WEISS, FROFETET(YR Ortuber • I Ftr. fy