The Waynesburg messenger. (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) 1849-1901, May 20, 1863, Image 4
11111 For the liesseygr. TO MY WIFE. DY D. M. D Here ,taiets have gathered, Holding. * lotaitan °grids apart, 7 . '4 6 0:5t - ell meet my cherished darling, Fess to fade and heart to he .rt ; irt tfie [Werkea light of heaven, Fate to face and heart to hear'. tirea,ilia dark may here deceive us, Here Ow hearts we cannot knuw ; ailoonjire'll leave these scenes of darkness, Undeceived where we shalt go— To the peerless light of heaven, Undeoeiyed where we shall go. Arm, deception may deceive us, Hearts now trusted may be wrong, Bat we're going to that Being— Who wilt do us never wrong, In the peerless light of heaven Who vrill do us nothing wrong. ye may bear and we may suffer From the cruel gossip's tongue, Envy path, in ages always, All her poison darts wide dung , Bat the Reerless light of heaven Antidoiettite darts she's flung. PitesSuPkii, Pa. WELL PUNISHED. Dr. Abel, in one of his lectures, re lated a yiny striking anecdote of a Noviceundland dog in Cork. This dog wmpf • a noble, generous dispo sition ;,and when he left his master's house was often assailed by a num ber of little noisy dogs in the street. ne *tally passed them in al parent unconcern, as if they were beneath his notice. But one little cur was partipAlarly trouble,some ; and at length carried his petulance so far as to lltite the Newfoundland dog in the back of the foot. Thic proved to he a step in wanton abuse and insult ,beyond what was to be patiently en diiret,,and he instantly turned round, ran after Use offender, and seized him by the skin of his back. In this way he carried him in his mouth to tie quay, and bolding him sometime over ta miter, at length dropped him isti frt He did not seem, how ovelif esign that the culprit should 11;)9 punished capitally, and ho waited a littic while, till the po - ir who wasulins.ed to that element, was not only well ducked, but near sink ing, when he plunged in and brought him out safe to land. BP/ Ef OF NEURALOIA. As this dreadful disease is becom ing more prevalent than formerly, andfts the doctors have not discov p•ed any method or medicine that wig permanently cure it, we simply /date that for some time past a mem ber of 'ur family has suffertd most intensely. from it, and could find no relief from any remedy applied, un til vim. - saw an article which recom tneoded the application of bruised b9rse-radish to the face for tooth -413 neuralgia and tooth-ache are both nervous diseases, we thJught the remedy for the one Would be likely to cure the other, so we made the. application of horseradish, bruis ed .and Apphed to the sldo of tho body where the diseaso was seated; it gave a most instant relief to tho severe attack of neuralgia. Since then we. have applied it several *aPe,and with the same gratifying result*. The remedy is simple, cheap, and may be had within the reach of every one.---44Eurensn#Ae Herald. 17311k4 3C0113371. trgip undersigned w:i:1 sail at public ga l e the pram '. ham of the late Hiram Kent, dereaged, Vrankiln townihip. on 111111810.411/, 'ALMS 26, 1863, The following property, viz /101ME,14, CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS, WAGONS, PLOUGHS, HARROWS, Lied other Farming Utensils. Aleo, GRAINS of all kinds lathe bushel, and grain In On TERMB—Made known en day of gale. May 13, 1663. WM. GORDON, Ez'r. EXECUTOR'S SALE. The unders , gmed a ill eel' at public outcry, On Wednesday, June 17th, 1863. All the well knov,,p rr.:9.1 es ate of Jonathan Sharpies*, dec'd hang and - being tipen the waters of big fled atone Cruz. in the townships of Franklin Menallirn, and Redstone, County of Fayette ' and State of Penn- A 1 ,19.1414, containing in all ahout4oo acres. And al though more particular ripe, ificatiotis of said property will be given on day of sale, we will here give art line of the yriitiable divisions that the property may he 'offered in, viz • The Jordon tract of 75 et rev, with a good log and stone mansion, log barn, with sufficient of good Timber thereon; the 11 erre lot on the South side of the creek. with a tenant house, and stone coal an the bed of raid Creek ; THE IittMESTEAD LARGE BRICK ROUSE, Alan and other out huildings„ with over ONE IIUNI) RED ACRES of g,rsidjrael land, with Apple Orchard, Sac.; The Mitlseat printery, of about 83 Acres. w here on Is a stand Merchant Mtfl, with three ono of stone. ',Wgilliopse and enient for Miller ; a good `gap shop, with a tenant house con venient 1 1 ,t , r-10, also a tare log mansion. wlll whh abundance of tin her for building Mill Wins, Ac. The farm of over 100 Acres, prrucipally nn the &null a hie of the !reek, with :shawl:ince of c. al and timber, also a cabin and r:iiiith FllOll thereon And on the same day there will be sold 160 acres of Land. Ilytng and hying it. the county or Ma.iv ska, R11:1 State of lowa, being the smith Ea-t quarter or section in township 76, range .10 west of the Sth princi pal Inerialjan. , Alen. there will be sold at il,e same time, 2 woo cadinigg nearnine!.. nu t out wool picker. All persons ?d e eming to examine amd property, previous to day of please call tin Morvan Campbell resitting nit s aid promisee, or ill.: undett nosed, one toile west.-- Sale to continence qt 10 o'clock of Said dav, whit', due *Rendus .0 given add terms Wet.orsl ill lie :inole known w. RP.I.ErSS Executor. r say 12th, '62-7t. WC:7/s"I'IC,3O. IS hereby given to all having clam,. for the Bounty nf Fifty Dollar= promised tho saouemt p those Who enlisted in the U Hoed ft'ste,;.,.. A ice, and were. n u t urea into the zmo„,. a. mes. at their claim on the Stn day 01 June u, st. at Ow •doc, „f e ma ndasianera ut WayacAt•tvg. to /1.1:,,ive their er_ den, as 'w desire t o ClOre up t h e s. un,r 11111 day some tired apply, for we are. ,:.:.ermined to close it up on that day. E 1.0N6, MORTON, Cu're. JOHN 1•111011, F. Lokii, Clerk, )lay 13, m.o. Atte*. MOVICIII "IV fIONTILACToas. rrPC.Cor,'Ku,r,iteinn,','",u„"`" 6 .'rue4l."; , ' , "." , ' , ' , t'n ,l ,r i ngvli; o er at public ',tie, or outcry NV.e god day 0f..1 one, A one o'clock, of iiiritj day to idea lowest bidder. the- put ting nu of a good and oulfieieto food. an.; i„ „ wori armlike loan:ter, nn raid hnure nod they will find all the tat ,erapiete the raid toot The plan and sperificathnel will 1..: 1.0 nook known on raid day, E. NG, P. Tllatir•lf,MOßTfail, ttnnerr. !10I1N l'lttO .. Lava, rieik. M ty 1411. 151',3 I AGRICULIITRAL NO'l'lcE. , 0E eseutiwrs of the Greene ros i n) A.:tri , lll• o lrel SO - filly wjtlllnlil they' Am ilie nia; dilig m tarn irh.. id 1 , no tdi lad Sateirdly ill lity. to elect oft .re 6•l' the easeittd yeir. and sicitsitet (slier loi-inees, se:min im to the society. A foil att.m.:aiii i. 1.. de,,,..:,1,. b y order of the hood. 3. P. MITCIIENEIt. ' Nay 6th, 'at. ..• Cur. doiretaiT. . ,_ , u± Fmk SALM. Air 'nos likEsslicx coms-oryscx., a lot of Bonn avit's CILEBIIO.IVD HOLLAND fteteßS for Dyspenfia and Debitil7. ()Ay 00 d• par Bottle. Wisely sell at a dollar. ' NATUAKIEL CLARK. ALOAIIO .i. CLARK. Livgnthirit3S{.l g NATHANIEL CLARK, the Clothing Merchant has associated hiaMOn. ALOAZO .1. CLARK, in Company with . Itituself, in the t.:lotLitig -business. This is the Right place to get your SPRING and SUMMER Clothing.— If you want a Dress Suit, Fancy suit, or o busine-is, yen w dl find nu establishment the place to purchase Our business house is directly In Pront of the _Conn ,Llnute, in AII isun 'a building. Coma one and all shoulder to • Shoulder good we will send you home again with. your Arms lull of cheap and fashionable Clothing. The Present high piices caused by [Tailors in Arms have made a very aliert advance in our usual low pricen. Now is the limp to get good bargehte. WR expect to Carry on a CASH business, and will be enabled to nail at very short profile. If you will favor us with n cakl we will Aso on, Arms In show' ig you our goods, whe h.q you desire to pur chase or not We ask nothing for showing goods.— Bo come Right along, and see us, and we will greet) ou with a smile upon our race, and do our utmost tn pbmse you. We have made ar rangements with one of the best Merchant Tailors in Pittsburgh to manufacture goods to order, which they will Forward to us as mom us manufactured. So that pervons do siring goods "niad.J tclorder" can have them made in the latest style. Oir • March or Spring goods have already arrived. If you should be passing our esiablishinent please Halt, and we will try at least, to find you a good place to Rest: NATHANIEL. CLARK & SON wc:o.rxc)3o. LL persons .knawirg Alien= a Ives iodted to the A undersigned, persor ally, are requested to make immediate settlement, tte niy old business must be set tled up. In my al store the busintse will be settled by my son A. J. Cialk. All rte. °nuts hot eeti,led be fore first of tuna 1663, will he left with the proper •if. ficer for etillegion. 7 would very much regret this step, hut to protect myself. from g eat Ices, I will he tonic fled to adept It April 1, 1 , 63. N CLARK. PRINCE & CO. ALSO SIAIO7AOLVIII TAX DIATILSZAT ITYLTI or wmt lu9 MELODEONS! IH aoszwoon oAsza„ PRICES, VARYING FROM $46 TO $350. Elegant Descriptive Catalogues Maittatlng each Instrument, sent fine by mall on application. Addreis orders or commurdeadons lo either GEO. I. PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, N. Y. OEO. A. PRINCE lc CO., 87 Fulton St., New York. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., 43 Lake St., Chicago, 111. Or either of the Wowing WOoleaale Agnate HENRY TOLMAN & 00, Boston. Man. W. F. COLBURN. Cincinnati. 0. JAMES BELLAK, A. CXVESE BALMER 3 wEBER.... A. a aNORDTIEIMER. PRICE LIST Flue Octave, Male race. F to F. Five Octavo. Single Reed, F to F Four and a lilt Octavo, C. to F. =Octave, C. to C OUR LATEST IMPROVEMENT PRINCE & CO.'S GRADUATED SWELL Patented September 17th,1861/ Ms Is entire new idea, and its want has been notleed by all ae. Quainted with Reed Instrmnents The old Swell could never b?, cnlde to operate gradually ; the insnuit the peda I was touched for opening itt the change would be instannumous and abruPt . Our NEW SWELL is construct:3d ort scientific principles, and we are satialed. by our zuniring study and CSperhnenta that i t is the only one by which the tune of Road Instruments may be graduated from a mere whisper to ti.e full power of the iustrumw.t, and vice versa. The coltiate of tone Is also very much increased by this swell, and is now all that we could desire. • This. in connection with our DIVIDED SWELL. I which we pat ented In 1555.1 will be ad..led to all the, Melons:ma which we man ufac tare in the future. and without extra change. r One other feature ir. our Melodeons is the IMPROVED VALVE OR PALLET, being a corubbuttion of cloth and leather. prepared eceprently for the purpose. This valve we have used for the pest three years. and we And it to be the very thing that has beCII se long needed as a substitute for the India Rubber Valve. which has been is lose ever since Melodeon have been manufactured. turd which !Ina Owned so much trouble by the dissolving and adcking of the kudla Rubber. All of our instruments are now finished with this Improved Wee. and we can recommend them with confidence. Persons unacquainted with the Melodeon and its history, will Lear in mind that we are the pioneers and leading manufacturers. not only In the United Rates, but in the world. We commenced the manufac ture of Melodeons in the fall of the year 18 , 17, untslnFeLthat time tem finithed and sold • TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND I These instrnments are now in use mostly in the United States and Canada, but also iu Europe, Asia, Africk South America. mid the West Indies, and from all these Teuton we hove the most flatt,•ring testimonial of the high estimation in which they are bad.: At all In 411Pla0thi Exhibftions they have invariably been • AWARDED4HE HIGHEST 4 PREMIUM ! whenever exhibited ht competition with others. We shall take plea- Imre in forwarding by mail at our own expense' our Illustrated Ca- Vin Match every instrrtment we maimfactinesis fully describtal . irlanated by elegant engravings. IMI Melodeons of our manufacture, either sold by us or denten in any part of the United States or Canada, are warranted to be perfect in every respect. and should any repairs be necessary before the expiration of flee years from the data of sale, we hold ourselves Isdly and wining 103 make fhe seine free thfrided the i 7 blALLMairell by acettnt or desigla. • • MOW OUR MANUFACTORY IS CONDUCTED AA we am the &nears and leadhar manufacturers of Melia:lcons In She world, we have, of course, the advantage of securing the service! of the best mechanics in the Mishima: and very many of onr wort. me. .havo berm with . us since we commenced the numufacture et:MA:dm:v. • We employ now but the most thorough mochmsics, and have never just en appuntice in the establishment • Our work Is divided Into thirty'-nine (Eared lesoches ; each work man has his own part to perform, and is newer allowed to change (mut' : one branch to another. t The different parts RIC aqterstely inspected. and Pawed from one lc-, smotber to add to other parts, until the Melodeon Is complete. a The del lvet l og of Inaterbds and Inspection of work Is attended by, that, the gerwral foreman ; second, a krernaltof maittdriai foreman and inspector of vSyluth, a fontrows in tbs. deCun 'at .int. a imperils (Alm iced depastment. duties of the forernart are microns, being Wanly krooket eve out Mock, to carefully watch the making of the different parts. seen Me departments evenly balanced, and, In fact, to have an eye to /truing, and keep everything straight. is have mentioned the others to Mow that theatmost cam Is taker' In every department • 017 R. REED DEPAraIIE attr good guelity of the Melo deon depends on having perfect Iteces It is watssias..7 to hale the most perfect machinery to cut. burr. stnml•: pluae. Qc.. fis mod l as to ILO the utmost ease in Pausing nueralsousd using prop, -savor tines tor the composition 'of Tspri tea t^.l. r Thu superifftendant of ',C - Y.s departnica.t has bean with us since . • commence/neat of f. Utishwes. real. bC,,e'• a linfakhl worimall./mb turbinate& Improved nod perfected oil the nest:ll:eery fur waft:goer tailk and there aro no clubfeet...a iu afy other netnurectory. ' From er fact Cut our refals stir celebrated for their unitortnity. CVPIEXXIII attd BlrtNeD KIM of tore. we vet,- often receive Orders for tlrni. or solicitor:axis Irons manntacturer.r to snfl•lT them with whet Y.ay tw Mufti but as vrc never sell any part of oar insblmient separate, we sehritia &clue to fill with ore •nt. Nene the owners of our M.:Odell., rioSild at any time he to nn forffint.• r-a to ben`: n exit. they run;l:v blfbrfning no which it is. to. care by r tart men a new one peeped:: tnned mutt ready to pnt in, free el ii. . • +Armada for the male or our AtaksiC•ans can be found In al the int .1 towns of the Uniteo Mites and Canada • .Mdcos etthor am A. ptanteg 44 rArlde, thrt. A. p4ilva:4: co., HT redeem Ft., Work. fr.a. Lnke Et., tralengo. !the , ••11 ::Love V..brleNik /Longs BT. CLAIR, goza, ,ORNER OF PENN & BT. CLAIR STREETS, P 17TSB 4711,0,11, PA. J. N. A,NDEBSON, PROPRIVEOR. 1:17 - This vipular house has recently been thorough ly refitted and furnished, end now terms one of the most pleasant stopping places in the city Terms mod erate, and satisfaction warranted. April 8, Olagntsburg Nusiutss tarts. rattOZZAI22,, rr tIE undereigned would inform the citizens of I Waynesburg and vicinity, that they are prepared to take Photographs and Carte De Visites, Those wishing anything done in our line would do well to call soon, as the arrangement i: , hut for a then time, Particular attention will be paid to CARTF, DE VMTES, FERREOTypEs, We are also prepared to take life size Photographs in water colors. Pictures of dc-.easel persons taken almost life size from small Ambrotypes. HAAS & WIiPPE, April 8,1863. Near sayers' Corner. THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. GREEN & STROSNYDER. HAVING purchased the stock of Orocerieg lately belmicing to William Cotterel. will coilliblie the business at the old stand They will to a few days be in receipt of a large assortment of Prime Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notion,s, &c., which they will sell at the lowest prices for cash. Corn Meal, Flower, Butter, Eggs, and Cow"; Pro duce generally always on hand. • Maid/ 4th 1863. Re DOUGHERTY I CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER , Respectfully ,iotornis the public that lie has located in Waynesburg. Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. Fran, his experience in the business, feels confi dent his wsrk will give entire satisfaction lie will oat no low priced material. in any part of ins work, anti will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. shopon Greene street, ape square South of the Court rouse, Waynesburg, Jan. 25, 1860—no 34. WAYNESBUI.G MARIIILE AND STONE WORKS SAYERS & RINEHART, Practical Marble & Stone C'itters, Third Door East of the Court }Tense, Main strea. so they have, am' keen en hands a large and extensive assortn.ent of tine 141 r , and ornamental 6 MARBbr, WORh, • enc,b as 1110111111:C111,5, 1.010.5, tablet- and ---- • gravestones, of every variety and stye. Pariicui: , r attention paid to cars mg, which will be done by as good workmen as can be ;bend anywhere in the hosiness; as one of the firm has even practically engaged in the business for :werity-tive years, and the other eigittc•eu y,ars. They flatter them selves they cannot :re enrpafsed in gyint of skill and taste by any in the west. gcrpriur gityming in our line can have it furnished to any place desired at lower rates !tall :Inv other establishment uu tin: rountry. Persons can save Wiper rent by purchasing of us. All kinds of building work done in either marble 01 Moue. SAVEIItu & RINEIIART. Waynesburg, May 20, 16.57—T0.1i The undersigned would respectfully inlorni the Pub tic that he is now prepared and 1118!111 souring Cabinet 1217 az- , Itch as ItURENUS, TABLES', It EDSTEA 118 and every thing in thud line Ile w,lelvf. it understood that he keeps a llcarse and makes cottinS, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or CI , II I:try. at any hoar. tiAMII El. JEWEL. Waynesburg, Oct. 26, IS 11. 110811IMIELA LODGE, Igo. 558 liklEnT in Waynesburg. in Allison's 11.111, onionsite jtj. the Court House, on Thursday evening of each week, at tit o'clock. opri e E,,,,, N. irl ORLEY, G 3Ss (err, Tilos. N. (4. 1). It /11 - 9 A %'. G. J. F. TEMPLK. :4••c'y. W• A. PooTLR. Trey. Nov 6, 1864. Phillidelphis, Ps ....I/stroll, Mich ...St Louis, No . ..Temoki. C. W SETTLE UP. lA, persons indebtetl to the suhscriher, I,v it or - 1_ Book A ye. tt nt , are requestedL sail a n d se!de by the let of Nocerntier I. A I a te• unto ir,,, , at!,,1 at that thtte, will he le:i •wnli 311 o liir er fur ~ e lmr t otm _ __ ,' ad it, the n ise sollictent " first rail I have tivnte on my customers for motley since I einmenced business. Sept. 3, '62. GEO. ilos•KiNsoN. 'UHF. unilerfitgited kill 0111 continue the inaun fa c.tpre of all kiails of Furniture and resiiscitol.y so!i. - its a continuaiice oldie pati..nage so i,zoeadtcl late tirai. COFFIN , will lie uis poaj— hle dispatch El.l ATEN. Wayii,sburg, A ..grint 13, 1c0..2. EH IiLTON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. IL/IRTZELL, Proprietor. Pn!to•r!ber ri•spertlully his :hat !it has taken liol we!l known 11o• - se wilt-, lie is Kellar,' to ar.r,.ri'.n:drt,• with goo , atiriiini.srtoriiti . Ilr trill pains Or attei:liMl iu recd,llrig happy tiltritig their Noi"itt Witt: him, not t iirgettliig, to give due attention to I!.Cif lonrsee and arriagen, &c. April 10,—No 44—tf ADAMS ROUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa, JAcOB LE}ILEY, PROPRIETOR, %tell known Hotel has heel' ietitteil in new Mylehy its prtt-t,nt proprietnr, who ia , :eg this op• porlllnily of iliff,titi , lef tl.e 11dt/china lotto a, ihat I.e to prepare,: to acriontnotiate thew with the liqgt the market tfortla;hoshlts giving them comfortable quar ters a,.1 netts. Er Ile hag ale° tine stabling for any 'mother ofluor -et; Wayneghtirr, A pril 16, 1862. iramAsußEws NOTLG'E. !Vona haring Itiodneea with d•e Crart3 Treasttrer are inhtrivect that he may he found LI bia otthe in the 2mirt House at Wm) nesburg on the Ist and 3d MONDAY. sad TI P:SHAVS of every month. J. F. RA.\ DOLPII, Treasurer. April 23. !See WOOL CARDING. 17.71Vr. MJERL Et, t T WA V!Stitltttilllt'Pri TEAM A 111.1., hae ttled Lot ARDIM; Ma1:1111;\ ES in Ilrva miler And rertirril the servireg of r rontitatera aatiatant for the outpost! of CA:11)1NC; WOUL. lle rezinijrlfrilly culirtis tho itationage wt. Wool growing it i altlic and ttraorrs thew that every care will be taken to do work In a arieatific manner. May 21, 1b62. W A N ISILT It (1: A 111 M I 1.3.. ji NI. ROC I'Rr 4 t .1 , 114'1 h illy inform hi. friends and yy Ltm publit that lie late leased the NEW *TEAK ylli,J, at Wa)nesbarg, Pa., where ! a will always he raw] ready to accommodate all who may call on the ,horast roti e Grin•ling done on the saute terms as by water mills. PLUUR and FEED kept a (Instantly .11I . tand. infers for either ran be left at the Millfir at Yeator's store. 4Jan. 27, 18112 WATCHES ROM lEWELAW S. M.#3 AILY, llaia street, line door East of the old Bank Building, keeps always on hand a kitcyte and elegant assortment of WHlrh and Jett elry. IL - / - Repairing of Watchee and Jewelry will receive prompt attention. [Dec. 15, le , Gl ly ramp - DRY. • UUNN & DOWNEY, At the Waynetdmrg • St;nadry on Greene Street, keep constantly on hand Cookin g and Pastor Stoves. Gatos, Plan* CaStinp,aa# pllStillp of all hunk . • Spits 1141851 ky, • IN THE LATEST STYLE trl FAA INEOTYPES, 11t . MU all. EV, &c. 1,006 AT M~" runtrxrtUßE, HARTZEI.J, " T AL Cr " A Nptlonal Democeatie Newspaper to be Publis.hed Daily and eekly In the .City of Philadelphbt, BY A. J. GLOSSBRI;NNEIt, & CO., At J. GLOSSIIIIENNER, FRANCIS J. GRUN WILLIAM H. WELSH. Frill; AGE will advocate:the principles, and policy of the Peimicratic party, and will, therefore, neces sarily favor the restoration of the Union as it was, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that of this Commonwealth. I t w ill f ree l y an d fairly discuss all legitimate subjects of newspaper comment, including, of course, and pre eminently at this time, all ouestions connected with the existing unhappy condition of oar errantry. It will fearlessly criticise the public acts of fiutitic servants. and defend the legal and constitutional rights of individual citizens and sovereign states, against as saults from any quarter. It will deck to 'awaken the minds of the people to a Ilio.per sense of the actual condition of the Reruhlic— to present to them, Truthfully, the fearful perils in which we stand as a nation—to' exhibit the magnitude of the task that is beano them, if they would check our downward progress—and to inspire them with patri otic determination to apply the remedy for our nation -1144115. . In brief, it wilt, in all thincs, aim to be the faithful exponent of Democratic principles, and to render it self worthy to be an organ of the Democratic patty, under whose auspices our country prospered se long and so well. The restoration of that party—the party of the Constitution and the ;Union—to power in the leoislative and executive governmental htanrhes of the States and of the Union, we believe to be neces .smy to avert snatchy, and the liner ruin of the Repnb •tip. To contribute to that restoration will be our high eel ann. The Non's, Literary, Commercial, and other depart ments, .str.ifi receiye doe attention, a i m Ai riti eon _ ducted as to make "The Age" worthy of the attp,trort of the general reader. —The many difficulties now surronnding an en terprise of the magnitude cf that in which the under ure engaged, require them to appeal to the pub lic for a generous support, and to ask for "The Age" a liberal patronage and extended circulation. The present state of the preparatory arrangements warrant the expectation. that the first number of,the Daily will appear heroic the close of the present month (Fcbritary, 1b63,) The Weekly will be issued soon hike rea fte r. rt roes of subscription. DAILY. WEEKLY, Per nunii ...... •• • •1F.6,01.1 Per annum $2,00 Six 111mitIN 3.00 Six N!oullis • • •• • • • 1,00 Three nontli.• • • 1,50 Three 711 , iiths 50 Copies delivered at Oft , Ten eopi,s to one ad. 17.00 counter, and to Ag'ts I Twenty " " 32.00 and Carriers. 2. eta. eachThir y " " 45, , 10 Pay ment requored itivatiaidy in advance Address, A. J. GLOS:=HRENNER & CO., Mii, ',63-2.0i. 435 (Alt:Milli! St., Phila. D. M. RAKE, MD rs, DOCKERT M. I) 3331,5. DAZE IiOCHERT, 147 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., °FEIGN HOUgS-7-g A.M. 1. • 3 P. M. 6. •8 P.M August 20, 1866. BANK, I , AMER S' & DROVERS' DANK, Waynesburg, Pa. C. A. BLACR, J. LAZEAR, Cathier DISCOUNT DAY. WEDNESDA7. sow. I I. 1861-Iy. NOTICE. A persons Aniviving thcomekv,cs indebted to nn are remiesied to call and settle the 1 , 71.1iie. I,,fOre the first ;My toi M y, es Tin el that lime my boots a nd not, W ill be lilt to lilt 0 Justice for collection. 4t is hoped 'ilk , entire will not be disregarded. I b,ive rpe liabilities to tweet and ut friends must respond 0. W. LRADEP Waynesburg, Apri 1,1683, STEAM GRIST AND SAW MILL aroma a M rj`H£ EXECUTORS ttv WILI.I.SM ARMSTRONG deed, will idler al Private hale, the Steam Mill, situated nut Mttddy Creek, ralinheidatid tp...Greene ELAMMit a quarter of a mile front the Monongahela River, The Mill is a first class one, nearly new, two ruin ot atone and can be run by w a ter power a portion of the year. A COMfOr able Frame Dwelling, Iloage, 4 lot of ground connected LW :the properly The MIN js'copveniently unmated to a rich :ted fertile sec ti.oi of the county, convenient to market. and has au excellent run of custom. For terins and further par ticulars. inquire of the undersigned. RUSSELL ARM:4TRON G ALFRED ARMSTRONG, Executors J.:arnocliaels, Pa.. 29. 1462-I v. A LECTURE TO TUN° MEN Just Published in a Sealed _Envelope. Pt Ice. Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, I're.,lthent and Radienl Cute of Sper.thttorrhot or Benti.l Wee'thes 4. 1 . 1, voluntary Lthlit.sioes: Se,7,totl Debility. and Idipedi- Ilif itCs t 4, )1 or ree,e geoel s. (:44111,41411p 1i0n. 1' pilepsy (((Cr tits; INteehil and toefthav itv. re.thhiov hem Ahuse. t. r ity 11.1 , 13 T. J (tiI.VERWIi!..L, M. D. Author of the Grecs Book, td-retihw nuitiof. in lhtw adthitahle Lee Vire, deafly prove. frost, hin 1.%11 riverietn - e that the HYVIII consequences of ise!f May be etlecinahy iettinreil tritluvn tfeiltrive, steel yk allow clui.gerous of etatii.ns. huug,e , il!FIT11111.eots rings. or OW tel rare y,ertaitt by kbi h every ,ufferer. 11,) 'wetter what I.ts r,nulililai 11185 be, may rtlre.hilliveir a/A fa,,Nr.N . ;. TUIS J.E..4.111/p. WILL PROVE A, 3008 'IL , 11101.$,Zil,s rtiol;;AN!s. s e w 11,4, oral, tri address, iii sealed (o, !he or two postage stamps, hy uiltlrty - - CHAS J. 17 KLINE Ar. CO, 127 1:.wc , ,),,Ntv , .• Oahe box, 4:k6 Match 4, 1663. WATCI-IE6, TEWELTLIZ AND tNEL-WARE. rjIIIE udldvreig• respeld,dlllly invite c Hier well ,n1 ,, ,•14.,1 k elf FIJK, (itolil and 1:41:1 1-weir), eel every kind and .v Hely tcf ;dy Ins—comprising till of lift pediyoi. and tat:st Intztwirul S( )(,11) SILVER WANE. tlit• 6.!.!. make a!ilver Plated lA. are. Earl' art i , •re it warrarded to hr st. repreveutial. Wal, 1:ei.!!%10 .Ic,k city CdlCillily repaired :ma laiiscs.c -•IAryl; ;•.:ivellfar haricy.) No !:%2 3li liKlsr Sheer, PHILA. Mardi I!, GP..Erai"ll CIOUNTIT. The Commonwealth of To THE SHLitlkr U.rl:l<E2N'.l'oc,Ty, it"h r ereas, Num utp ididiu i!. Iluirw,n, dill. I/II ill . I ay or JA.1111., erei L'/ nit of our V,,tiuty C ,. urt If '111:V10111 I'•(I IS. rot till, ti/lIWy CI:1•01 . 11.!, s'at ,- .1. that Ste ht•divi•letfd 11,111 the bonds of AAZltriillolly, ell- Lel,(l 111, I. 1,11 NV .!I.trim. the(efore. rotnatattd you the said Sheritr. 111 t 3..0 ((lake knw.. to .11e said Allegheny W.11.111111', by jtil.lit,ll.,ll, act onling to art of As.Feni'dy, that setting all butocess and excuses 'what*. ever, he he and tiiip•Air In MN proper flerson hethre Judges at W.tytiesivirm. al a e .at vi of conoli.,ll thpre to b,;:: 11.11411.11 i t the r4)11/i,y of :! The SProt.,l {fun_ do} i rune ; tttri:l the eto answer the bill or pelt lth or the raid Nat it isJ t..rl( t 3 let to'll friend tv rueful H.llutfinan. and to shoos• cause. ii aty he have, ss by she, the said Nancy El.zahetit shotild riot lie (livorred front the bonds of to.atrittiony, warred intO vvit4 the said A P- ¢h try Hardin, atureald3 to the act the Airsepr i toy 111 such case wade . • • and provided. ll fitness the Hen , as.• Lindsey. President of nur sLiil Celia at VI aynesherg, this 34tli Oay ~1 Man - li, A. 11. 1663. D. A WOlti.bY. Proth'y. To A I.LEGRLXY W. lIARDIN :—You will pease take notice of the alto e order, anti appew accordingly. May 6, 'O3 4t THOMAS I.Ul'A', aREENIS COUNTY SS: Is the 14roltAn's la net ~ 1 said :eutif v, of .l.uite Term 1662, No. 4. lo the !limo.' of the l'aftitiffo and V l ustiou olthe Real Estate of Michael Strosni der, ifee'4. A tol now, to w • it : Sefeettther IN 1862, the Slieritrs return to the leipiesi is colalimed by the I'm iht, and rf le 01: the heirs to conic into Court at neat Terri, noel arrefs or returse the:He ' ll ' Estate at the vat Ima; fell, Or show CaI:SY WbV the same limit lie soh!. ' 1 • o he served us to those lit lug ~l it of the county b'" l • Uiliratiott :It the "1k allesofirg Meseeffger, " for ,tx, coloiee:ftive w rks, Cod copies to lie setit by mail to then se f "iral Poi: OW, es 111 And Hon , blerch 'ad, 1863, the aleore rpie removed, and ma 'e re urnabfe to the first day of nest Term .11,y the Court, 1). 41. %'11121.1 ;I', Clerk. Ayr Ru, 1863.-131. FARM Hai Si4tA, T l , L , , , , , , , , 4 i i i r;,, c , ( l , : i ff n7, , , . g l a iiLca n rm fors ale, situate in One Hundred and Fifteen Acres Nora or lesa, on which is eurted floe Hewed log dwelling houpe, three Cabin Louses. log barn • and oilier nut buildings, t. r Inrm is well 'watered and well fini te red, and w. II . • aided for Flllo . ll,lpy Grazitis purpo ses TERMS of sale modprate payments. For fuithpr par inquire of JUSEPII DURBIN. 4 );?rcla 25. 1863. X v 2CXCI.7I I O/1. 1 61 NOVICE. L'EGIItt testamentaryupon the estate (.11nR A EL kviet÷, )41,. of Greene cougy, having bees granted ItiAtte Rgirter of Greene county to the estate are req4eoed to nutlereignell, personbourteg claims against the nu those indebfte lb maid agate are nEquestml to pay present them for settlement, the same. AMOS BitliWWA, Ires• April IS, 1861. 'CHEAT SALE OP BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AT JU T opened and ready for inspection and eale, one nt the largesi and best selected STOCKS OF GOODS in my line, that ever came to Greene county. The only place in the county yutt can have a good choice The limited amount of goods: ltept on hands by other persons thronghout the county, in my line, often com pel Nations to purchase articles they do not like, or go without. This inconvenience may be avoided by giv ing me C,49.3r-ar..a as I now have on bard as good an assortment o f good as can be found in other Shoe or Flat Stores in ad joining counties. I will sill the fallow lug ankles a very little advance on old prices Take particular NO TICE' What I say I mean and intend to do, as I have bought largely and have bought low; beirg in the city when gold ,yras down to 40 per cent, I will sell accord itrgJy I addition to my BOOTS, SHOES. FIATS an' CAPS, I have added a splendid lot of Ladies' gloves, which, for variety and beauty call only be appreciated by examining them. Chi:area's Hose, Stispssihrs, Neckll•s, rortetotnie,s, netitletnen's r3o..ks, Children's lints and Caps. Nan Rannets, Blacking and Iliacking Brushes. In fact, au Rl39OrttliCla too numerous to mention. Thankful for p .pt favors, I ask, ruPp‘mtfully, a cou tiauauce of the Way riei3tairg, April 5, INIi:A.-31.1, GREENF GUISE RE-OPENED. Great Bargains in Dry Goods AND CLOTHING I WILLIAM A. PORTER H4: 4 just returned ("min the Eastern cities with the large- t stock of GOODS ever Lioughtto ti place, which was nont!lit low and will Le sold at about old prices. hir Cash OT Produce. lie invites particular at tention to his large Stock o,f BOOTS AND CLOTHING ! Wrd. A. wall he found at thr.“Greene House;" Joe will remain at the old mom up town, Call soon at .either stand. Way tteshurg. ON HMS SAVliii MOCittoll 1,1),111.1 . 74 7 AVVA”, VN,t l Chartered by the _Legislature 311‘. 27,'62 J. F. RANDOLPH, President; J TEMPLE,fieety; WM. A rownat, Cashier, tit AN•LIKRS3.—Wm. Davi4, R. W. Downey, Norman Worley, D. W. Braden, J. L. McConnell, Josiah Por ter. 117 - All Bus hess Comma iirations should be ad dinssato Wilt. A. POrter, W:lytiCSF. rg.Gl.e.ttle.COUll - Pa. Collectiows promptly uvended to. Loans and Discounts made. Rosiness day every Thutenlay Dve. 3 'll2.:emns, CHEAP ADiD FASHIONABLE t.ej T. j JAMES OANIER & CO., rerneerfolly inform their friends. and the pa Lc that' tite,y have now oo /mod a good assortment ad kinds of OADINIBT WARE. h RP is usually kept in shops in this part of the cane try, made of the best material#,und by the beet Work nien. still keen n Hearin., and am, at all tiirtup lotTI:tr.11 to tittedtil pnntipily to funerals. other in 10i5... fa bi.i.,ndsy, JYn. iii 24. 16114-Iy. SADDLES AND g..aaignss. SA NI UEL NVALLISTER, Trttitk )taker. old (Lull: Be. Won sino-d. Sniit. 11, In —I - - TOP 4.OOONISTS. HO( iP lIAGEIt, Manufacturers and whnlnsale trutt rntnil dntt,r, r 0 t,a, ; ,,, snots and Snuff. Aegar Casns, rived, &c. Witenn's old Building, Main street. qont 11, 1861 ly. 'icte Nitatiitg, /JAiLli' !ILAICiiAPH RUNNING I . OLGuL4ILLV BEIM'ECki ilifallilii II 1111" LAITIII THE undersigned respectfully ilifornis the getWrollb 1 . 111 , 11 , , that having o.untral the carrying ufthr !nail between the above ruin ts,IIP has placed upon the rut tr... new 4,e t l l!iteks for the at riiiniutu.a; ion or the trt.rullrg ce.tumenit3, .opeAvil I leave the 11.inse, Way iteehorg, ev et y Junin :.lllTliiityS et 7f O'clllek. 3lld will arrive at I:i ee' Landing in time for the. Itoatto Pittsburgh, the :cave itioliog at the saint' time and arrive in Way ileshii re at tioon. Nap:tins will be spared fur the aerommodation of passengers. TI 't 01'11 Y DOUG irigy, Proprietor. A 1,1 pmi I no. 9._ G & 01. I E , Grocers, Fem.:Ming and COBIttraISSZON IVIZROMEADITS Ricer' Landing, Greene Co ., P a . Are pri-pared with the largest and heat Grocery and Forwarding Rooms hi the ; for all goods on con signment. and also vV4JI.-lotisEs, ~ . on air bank of the river, rokvettipvt for boats to lona, for storing all kinds of produce., for. shipment to l'itts. burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms They hope by strict attentjon and long experinnet, in buainess, to rprei,ve a WO - I share of patronage. In addition to g a i boye, thay will keep on baud gooe assorttniM,t o nig 1-1 GROGERI&4. front the head of imaket. at wholesale prices. 10 accom modate all who will favor them with their patronage. Apri I 11, 1860. I. & J. EUIDGIATICIE, Grocers and Commission Merchants, RICES' I.4IVRING, P.R. The above gentlempit Five notice to the public. that by the death ..fa flamer partWgr. the late firm. of eitro snider & etellgewicks, and Sedgeivicks & ?rive been dissolved. and the business connected therewith mast be settled wild them; and hereafter the above lowinetts will he el:twinned and • promptly attended to by the aboye#4. Also. Leather, Shoe Findings, &c. as well as a good assortment of Mill Saws will be kept on hand. All up Commission must be paid before the goods are removed. "arch 0. Nell --Ho 3n—f pr GREENE COUNTY, SS: I N the Orphan's Court of Itis,id County of June Term. ISN't, No. 7. In the matter of hrif, sale of .the Real Estate of Thom as Board ilec'd. ktul now. to ' c ep: March !9, ISO, the Court appoint Nounan Worif;y. Auditor, to a-certain belts the {Ors der' 1, according to Act of Assembly. Aiy the Court. D. A. WORLEY. Clerk. I will attend In Il e do i,•s - of the nhnv,• aponintisiont at the Protlionotary.'s office, in Wayarshurg,on Thurs day. the 14111 day ofJ tine. A. D.. Itit3 May 13.'63. NORMAN WORLEY, Auditor. 331110TIVOR'S NOIFICIL LETTERS trstnmetitary upon the estate of fillitA X KENT. of Franklin Ip.. have been granted by the wooer Qf Greene County to the undersigned. All persons beeline &Mat against the astute are regueeted to present them for settlement, end yhoee iodated to aid emus are relpetl.teti to Mae sear. May LI 183. •• • FM. CORDON, Ez'r. I Viiisicti 3birertistmtnis. 'l4 Fifth Street .Masouie Nall, Pittsburgh, Fauna. TT A yING jolt been in receipt of a very . large con j.". sigonient of all kinds of Gents',Ladies% 211,2 " 4, Boss and Children's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, would call the particular attention of Country Mer chants and dealers to the same, guaranteeing that both in re.taro to PII/Cl? and QUALITY OP GOODS we can give Netter sari -faction than any other house in the West. One call we think will suffice to prove the correctness cif the ;thrive assertion. as we are continu ally in receipt of goods direct from Boston. Pittsburgh, April S, 'tia -ly. DRY GOODS STORE D. COtCIO73EIR ekt CO", 75 Market street, Pittsburgh, iON lINUE to 'devote their whole attention as itt years past, .to.the sale of moult ING and IioUSEFURNIS WING DIU GOODS In their MOURNING DEPARTMENT will be found at all times, a full assortment of Deep and Hal" Mourning Dress Goods, Shawls, &c., &c. In their HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT, Housekeepers will find Sheeting. Table. 1 Melts. Pillow Case Muslins and Linens, Towellings. Quilts, Napkins, &c.. &c. We invite persons visi tir.g the City to purchase either of the above class of Goods to give us a call, as we keep good Gonda and are determined to sell then) at the lowest Cash rites. April 8. 1863.-2 m. R. R. BULGER. Manufacturer of every des , !riptioli of 3ar• 1:7 - I•7' X irr "Cr NO. 45 SMITHFIELD STREET. • PIrfSBIIRGII, PENN'A. A ftett a , 5021.111. nt of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly on hand, which I will sell at the lowest wirez fr.r rash. Aug. 41, 18t11-Iy. J. C LIGUTCAP NEVER., OR NOW, IS.THE TIME TO Bi3Y The price is steadily advancing in the Eastern Markets. IHAVE ou hand i 1 1 400,000 Robsof Wall Paper to he sold this Spring, new and beautilul styleffl, and selling at Id prices, also FiGU I) CURTAINS. 11. AI Ni AND NATIN GREEN WINDOW PAPER., ke., Call anilierulliillP for yourst.lVPS. %V itolesale Deaie , s respectfully n que,tt d to call and examine our stock and prices before plrrhsting else- Fifa No 9r, Wood' street, betwesn 4th and sth Sts. 4nd door below Diamond A lley Pittsburgh. April ma* 1 ! 1 ' 1 04P,k, -vP 1863. NOW Olt NIVVER 11% 111111123A1L1 4.041 beats all thy West in STYLE, QUALITY ADM PRICE, Wall Papers • Borth rs, Deeorationii, Testers, Cur sins, Lamb:rapes Fire Board Prints, ete , of Foree.m and Domestic man ufacture, for sAle by W. P. MARSHALL. April I, '63. S 7 Wood Sr.. near Fourth, Puts. HOWE SEWING ra.aomNE. INVENTED 1845-IMPROVED 1860. ALAI TEL TO ALL KINDS OF IVIANUFACTUR- IN PURPOSES. Sewng Equally as well on mum lins, Cloth and Leather. colimm OF PENN & ST. ('LAIR STREETS, ST- NICHOLAS HOMEL, : colt:N4g GRANT ANO 4TH STREET PITTSBURGH, PA. FLU L, Proprietor. April 4. J. & IL 111111,LIP.t. Nps 26 and ( lair Street, Pittsbarsh, ea. MAN CFACTUR Eits FLOOR ()IL CIA rr[k. 'UNA NSF A i:E Vl' GEE EN ()IL CLOTHS. FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES. TABLE ()IL (I,oTirs, (TOTES. dealers in Leather Belting, Lace Leath er, Indiau !lubber Belting, Hose Steam Packing, Toiling, IVheut Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Buliber, 4-c. Wholegale and reinAll)k l y,ers will find ()sr stock large well Fele:led, and at the lowest prices. April 24. Ik62—lv P. BEI MER. J. S. REIMER. it. 1). RHYMER. ItEYPOIER & BROTFLEAS, kir)y).psale DealetA ip 11.1ttile w Nuts, Confectionery, Sugars, Vire Works, also Manufacturer') of all Varieties of Fine Cream Candies, Chocolate Creams, awn, Jelly and Licorice Drops, Jelllea, Syrups, 40. NOS PIG AND 128 WOOD HTSBIT, •BGYE Firm, April 8, 1863.-bin PITTSBURGH, rA. Young's Eating Saloon, TURNER VIRGIN ALLEY AND SKITH,FIELD STREETS, Where O'OlTif.Rai and all the dehraeiee of like veartn will be served up in the moat pal.tiapie PIVIO. kLi VOUNII. Curlier Virgin and Alley alm.thfle at., v S. * H. ar. C. P. 31 AR is LE, ANXIF4.OIIIIRERS AM) I,EA I MO; IN BOOK, OAP, LETTER. A " ull kinds of WRAPPING Ph PER have lemov ed from NO. Si WOOD STRIP:b.:2'IO No. 33 Soilikaold Street, PITTSBURGH, ph. Cash 1 . 1..r0r Trudefor Raga '3, 0,31-1, THOS. C. LAZEAk, ATITORMIT AT LAW, X 0.63 oIt:EXT 11121047 ? PITTSBVINIA I%t. 11,1861 BOOT AND SHOE AIIOTIOPL AIICTXON SOUSE, PITTSBURGH Mourning and glouseinruishing WALL PAPER, I . II6MAS PALM l:6 "~.'1~F7 PI ITSBURGikI, P 4 April Itl -lyr. A. M. M'GREGOR, AGENT NEW SPRING GOODS. SECOND ARRIVAL AT J. M, BURCILFIELD'S. Figured All IV,iOl Da Lainee for af:y. New e , o) le Figure , ' Spring De Luinee. Traveling: l Dress Goods, pi. Am.. Aire... 4s, silt Cloaks, awls, Duelers, lili , i,li,l andyiibleaepeii Milsllus, 'hisli I.irt-iis, A or pt . : 4,4 • nods ren cheap Piiii.hurgi .. April S; 1863. eiciis. .1104.11411Miallf, G3LIILY A.O 0 C Manufactured at ALBANS", N. Y. TBE DEBT AND MOISTDUHABLEINSTUU BENT math., and selling at Extreme/1, Leto Price', to suit the time- PIANO FORTES OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES, WITII OUR PATENT INSULATED IRON RIM AND FRAME -AND OVERSTRUNG BASS, Cofitaining Ev ry Real Improvement Thetie instriunents are far superior to any other Piano Fortes made, for durability, purity, and sweetness of toile. perfection of elastic touch, and for keeping in tune. FULLY WARRANTED FOR 5 YEARS Send for rieseripti7e Circulate, giving prices and every information. Satisfaction guaranteed, or MOW and expenses refunded. BOARUMAN, GRAY & CO., Albany, N. Y July, 30th, 1662—1 Y HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Medical Advice given Gratis by the Av:tille Surgeon. Valuable REPORTS on SPERMATORRIKEA .or SEMINAL WEAKNESS, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES em ployed in the Dispensary, seat iu sealed letter envoi. opus, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN lIOD,GIITON, Hammel Ageociation. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa- January 14, 1863. ittsl l ur g . STEINWAY & SONS' TILE BEST PIANOS IN 'MR WORLD. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS WE would respectfully direct the attention of cltk setts of Wayneshurg and vicinity to the vast and universally admitted superiority of the Fianna Agile by STEINWAY & SONS, New York. The tone of these instruments more nearly resembles the "human voice" iu the prolonged and singing qual isles of their sound ; and they combine in a wonilerfn. degree POWER and SIVE.ETNESS. Both On instruinental performance, and as an accontpai.l, meat to vocal music. they ore altogether unrivalled. We Challenge Cosapartson, and we Was rant them sul•eriur in every respect to anything elst in the shape of a Piano Forte Sold at New York Factory prices by H. KLEBER & BRO. No. 53 Fifth Street, PittaburgA. Site Agents for Steinway's Pianos for Weto.4l) Pente-yit - unia, Eastern Ohio, and North Western VW. IL KLEBER & BRO No. 53 Fifth Street, Pit tabor g3i, Pa., Sole A . ece is for the • • Carhart Itarmonieme and Me. lorleor:, - ' for Western renneylvania, Eastern OMo ami Northwestern Virginia. elef I. '42 Iv. ENABE'S PIANOS BLINUFACTURBD BV WILLIAM KNABE & CO above Pianos from their Factory poemese all the superior and latmt liimmvenieote, thik .d GRA FFE 711.F18L E, - - . Overettung. Improved Full Iron Frame, Felt Covered lia M ers. &e. Tx At t emeg, one of the most eminent o.,innlsts In the world, says : "I have greet tilsasure in certifying that I have tried your Poulos, and find them equal, If not superior, to any in this country. Among thetr melt qualities, which distinguish them, in the evenness of tone, the agreeable and easy touch, and volume of tone. Wishing you ail the success you so highly do serve, I am, sir, yours truly, TEI C. Gross, the well known composer, Wilmington, lelaware. says that "they cannot be surpassed by any in the market.. Vieu 'TEMPTS writes :—'.l waw delighted on hear it,7 tint clear and full t , nu of one of your first clam Pianos " 7The above Piax,os ate warranted for five yew% sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME, Nil. 43 Filth,2d door übove Wood CL, Patterson'. New BeiWine. [Jan. 29, 1861 WHEELER &.) WILSON'S "Sewing Machines," NO. 21 FIFTH STILES?, PITTSBURGH, YBltN♦ Awarded the First Premium at the 'UNWED STATES FOR THE YEARS 1858, 11450 and 1860. UPWARDS OF 80,000 MACHINES sold in the United States, 'MOits THAN *Q.OOO SOLD THU PAST VEAL We offer to tho pubito. WHEEtiEII & WILSON'S Improved Sewing Machines, AfX.'l" REDVOI3V rBiCES,I with iIICICII94III el/1A.1..11re Of its n Prits an the beet isad most useful Faintly Sewing Machine now in wee. h dogs equally Well oil the Ihtt nem and thinnest fabrics, 'oaken ttw I. , rkstirb ossible to unravel, with the ea sential advantage of being alike on both entre, forming no ridge or chain ou NSF unser side—is simple in con struction more speerit in move. nt, and more durable than any wher machine. We vivo full instructions to enable the purchaser is saw ordinary reams stitch, hem, fell quilt, gathar, tiud and luck. ail on the same sant:line, and warrant it I - or three years. Circulars containing testimoniaM from ladies of the highest standing. 'East and West, giving prices, ace., he furnished gratis on application In person or by letter. • itewtt; Machine Needled, Twist Vinton rad constantly nn hand. WILLIAM SUMNER & 015 Pittsburgh, Ort. I, 'ls2—tf. VENIT/ADT BLINDS; G. P. WERTZ, First Piemiinu and Excelsior VIIITIII BLIND FACTORYI TH/RT AND MARKET ST., IV•IIRRoOM ON FINNS FLOOR. • PITTSBURGH, PA. ri 111 tt4E wi,shillg to furnish their houses with Veal] Min 8111111 e attic /IIT 1.:X.9.111E1TE AND FLA IioRATE Will find it to their interest to give the a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is Cot up by the best inechanicv. Every attention is paid to the waals eI curitorners. • PRICES LOW. ALL V4'OllE. WARRANTED! I t 1.1) BLI \ltfi Kb:P.4IMT y A11.1,0r romnrieled, if desired, to ajpe.ur the winks as new, of the LAMM' STYLE. without extortion. ThAre Vitying Dwellings, Uhmrtlips or Public Nfld. ines in feriiirli with 114 side I4evolving or Stationary Shutters, Would rave money by giving we a call, Corner of Third and Market Street. 041 1 1. It I Y CORI\4I3 COPIA. SALOON, . No. 'I Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. FRED: WEISS, P.ROPRIENO.R. Rambla i GEORGE P. WERTZ