AliusiliMir pram Gls the following ode breathes a spirit which mutt coinntetd itissif tb eiery pa , triode citizen. It was written by the Rev. Dr. Gnus, of Charleston, and was sung at , t,4e 4tli of July celebration, ie / 8 3 2 04 tle; rnion party of that I city. had the satisfaction to be present, and to assist in the choir. The procession had moved.bethe Baptist Church to listen to an oration by Colonel DRAYTON, one of the influential men c)f the Unionists, while the Nullifiers were beaded by the great Maness; by HAMILTON, and others. ammtryi natal morn i HA oar spreading kindred bora i Man, thoa banner noryattOrn, Waving o'er the free! While this dim, in festal throng, Millions swell 'the patridt's song, 81411 not we ttie notes prolong? Uslkwod jabilgel • Who would sever Freedom's shrine Who would draw the invidious line? Though by bulb ode spot be mine, Dear is all the rest,— DeiF to me the South's fair land, DelitiklWaniatneLinountain band, Dear New England's rocky . strand, Dear tkityraulfillgett: By our abate iput.e and free, By our ia.yeg deep-rooted tree, By thettoistM demi armory. By our WASHINGTON- By our common kindred tongue, By our hopes—bright, buoyant, By the tie of caunta7 strong, We will still be one. Fain* rAlave ys.bl6d'itr vain? Ages, must ye drop again ? Maker, shall we rashly stain Blessings sent by Thee? No ! teeerve our solemn vow, While before thy throne we eto*, ,Eveko ruaint4tin, as now, "flisiow—Liberts,." The effect of the ode was truly When thachoir came to the last four lines of the last verse, the Whole audience arose spontaneously, and there was an awful grandear in the sound of the thou sands of voices exclaiming— No! receive our solemn vow. While before 1.11,y tbrone we bow, Ever to natiottAmiete now, Union—Liberty 1 Choir and ,orgin and barman) , were 4rowned by the4.lll ejetulations ; but it started fee/inert unsuited to the sacred ness of the place of meeting, and the light of the uplifted eye had to struggle through tears., and there was not a man present who would not, at that moment, have cheerfully sacrificed life, fortune and position to Union—Liberty I—Journal of COmtne.rce. Idlotttfillitful Me. ,bOyle says : Nine-tenths of the miser ies and. vices of Manhood proceed from idleness ; with men of quick minds, to whom it is especially pernicious, this habit is commonly the frnit of many'ilisappoint =exits and schemes oft baffled ; and men flail i,rl their schemes not so much for tha want of strength, as froth the ill direction of it. The weakest living creature, by concentrationg his poiVers upon a single objeot, can aecomplish something ; the ; strongest, by dispessing his over many may fail to accomplish anything. Weight of traitle by Meastitetheiit. The Irish Farmer's Gazette gives the following Ws an approximate rule for obtaining, by measurement, the ,dead weight of cattle : " Take the girth in inches behind the fore arm, square it, by multiply ing it by itself; multiply that pro dttet by the length, taken in inches, from the top of the shoulder to a line perpendicular to the bdttocks ; Multiply that product by the decimal .07958, and divide it by 576, which redrwes - it to stones of 14 lbs. each, 8 of which make 1 cwt." NW MINA COW SWIMS WIAIIVM 1 .ALVI pram: 41101011111111 COP !TA7il •ALTILICO Nearly Opposite the Court House. QR. CLARK respectfully informs his friends that he has returned from the East with one of the hest selected asso oPrkithiaghe ever brought to this market, Whir. hae Itillraqp z ibr meth or cOmitry produce. His assortment consists oT 1111.4 TH," PANTS, TRITSI. IdIIIRTS, and everything the can be wanted in his Cloth will be cut and manufactured to order fir cos . 4omers Trz 4 The latest lastuoni can be found at hid store all the dime. , 1 reithertfofly ask my enstotners to call and they will and that I will sell them the hest kind of clothing and t such cheap prices, that will surprise them. Fern siting Goods of all Jan& Will belopurl at, my titore. N. 11.—tiers and Caps of Ale Weed style at extreme ly low prices. Waynesburg, Oct. .29, 1 262-30 . - - - 010 NE COVEITY, SS : j' l Julre Ttiriiiinansl'sfi2oro, of 4 said a tCh°ehinittaYtte6rf L Partition and valliation of the Real estate of,llfichael Strosnider, dec'd. And now, to wit, Sept. 10, 1462, the Sheriff's return to the inquest is conti n ued by the Court, and rule on the heirs to come into Court at next term, and accept or refuse the real estate at the valuation, or show cause why thiejewhe wet tw sot& To be served as to those tiviwgwart of thit co!inty by pubtinition i n tha "Waynesburg Messenger' fur six consecutive ;weeks to he sent by mail to their several tiost fly the qoprt. es . ly:A. WORLEY, Clerk. ak,,, Thi tlfe eitaltichittit StriAnitter will take no tice of the above role, and appear accordingly. Oct. Ste TIPS,. LUCAS, Sheriff. iIIINEIMIINKRIIS I ST , SS: fri dm Orphans' Court of said County, of Juile'rectia, IVA. No. 36. In the matter %RP , of the Partition and valuation of the Real Eitatiaof Evans McCullough, decd, Antlosow, to wit, September j 6, Inquest confirmed, end Usk upori the heirs to appear , at net Term. and acceptor refuse the Real Estate At the valuation, or bow cause why the same shall cot be sold By the Vourt, JASIN. The heirs of the sail Evan McCillough, dee 4 d. will tike notice of the above rule and appear , accordingly'. THOMAS LUCAS, Sheriff. 186%--ft craw SCEOOL EOUSE. • ra of the District. No. 4. in Wuhington rtAr, Will sell at public - etc*" on Dater day, d day of November, t0)1111 lowest and bon itillWrAkeenectien of anew Frame ached beeee near ehem Church. in and lewd*. Albs and specifications will be shown on day of sale. The old building will be sold on the same day. BENJ- ROM& Pnis.B. of D. WM. H. SUTTON, Oct 99.'89. P 11111412, gliangesiboissiengisit AVANT, S. _ THII MIST AND IIIbeTIIIIIIIIIIILEINSTRIMSNT mile, and selling at Ettramily Lew Prim, to suit tlie Cam& PIANO FORTES OF ALL SIZES AND INSULATED IRON RIM AND FRAME OVERSTRUNG BASS, Containing Every Real Improvement These instruments are far superior to any other Piano Fortes made, for durability, purity, and sweetness of tone, perfection of elastic touch, and for keeping intone. FULLY WARRANTED FOR 5 YEARS Send for Descriptive Circulars, giving prices and every information. Satisfaction guaranteed, or mone and expenses refunded. BOARDMAN, GRAY& CO., Albany, N. Y. y July, 30th, 1862.-Iy. D. M:DAKIL, MD S. L. HOCHERT M. DRS. aaaa ffic ZIOCETART, 147 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., U7' Onuce Hoursa--7. • 9 A.M. 1. .3 P. M. 0- 43 P.M . Atiguet 90, 1860. young NEW F'AbL AND WINTER DRY tiODD;,„ iliiiiiiirailt & ile,nit 59 MARKET ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. NEW" SILKS, PRINTS Ist 121 cents, new styles; LONG CLOTHS at 12} cents ) BROWN 6HEETINGS at 14 cents Country Merchants will be vipplitil hi Dress Goods cut in length to Suit their tratleott the Piece or Package price. Oct. 1, '62-6mos. VENITI.aIt BLINDS! G. P. WERTZ, MIMI HID FACTORY, 1111IOSE wishing to furnish their houses with Venii., tian Blinfis of the MOST EXQUISITE AND ELABORATE FINISH, Will find it to their interest to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics. Every attention is paid to the wants of customers. OLD BLINDS REPAIRED NEATLY, or remodeled, ii desired, to appear the same as new, of the LATEST STYLE, without extortion. Those having Dwellings, Churches or Public Build ings to furnish with Blinds 4; Revolving or Stationary Minitel* Would save money by giving me a call, Corner of Third and Market Street. - -GEORGE P. WERTZ. Oct. 1, 11465t1y WHEELER & WILSON'S "Sewing Machines," NO. 27 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, VENNI Awarded the First Premizq at the UNITED STATES FAR, MACHINES sold in the United States, WHEELER & WILSON'S Improved Sewing Machines, REDITCED PRICES, with increased confidence its merits as the best and most useful Fat ils%Poying Machine now in use. It does equally well on the thickest and thinnest fabrics, make§ the lockstich Ito Possible to toweVel, with the es itential advaota4e of being alike on both sides. binning no. ridge of chant pp tke under simple in con struction more speedy in movement, and more durable than any °Mgr machine. We site Alit instructions to enable the purchaser to sew ordinary seams. stitch, hem, fell. quilt, gather, hind and tuck, all on the same machine, and warrant it for three years. Circulars containing testimonials from ladies of the highest standing. East and West, giving pricet, &c., will be dirnished gratis on application in persimi or by letter. • Sewing Machine Needles. Silk, Twist Cotton and Oil constantly on band. Pittsburgh, Oct. 1, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, NI. E. Corner 4th and Market Streets., Has just opened his second supply of PALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising, In part— D. A. WOKE'', Clerk STYLES, WITH OUR PATENT -AND iftsur g , - NEW SHAWLS, NEW DRESS GOODS, And an Immense stock 'di every description of DZY 800 D p N. 8.-ONLY ONE PRICEL First Premium and Excelsior NO. 72, CORNFIR THIRD AND MARKET ST., WARghOOlll ON FIRST FLOOR, PITTSBURGH, PA. PRICES LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTED 1 FOR THE YEARS • ISSS, 1559 and 18606 UPWARDS OF 80,000 MORE THAN 20000 SOLD THE PAST YEAS. We ofTer to the public AT WILIJAM AIJNIN ER & Co r. M. straourixErin, Black Reps ; Colored Reps; Valouers ; Figured Merinos , Plain French Merinos; Plain Black Silks ; Fancy Silks Mous De Baines, new styles Traveling Dress Goods; Cloaks: Shawls; Flannels: Blankets; Clotho; Castameres; Satinetts; Kenrucky Jeans; With a tit Ilamortment of tow goods. Oct, 1,4111-1 y by, !ohm exits: FRESH ARRIVAL Cara NI a WINTER GOON! IT Is with great pleasure I announce to thC citizens of Waynesburg, and Greene county, that I am now receiving and opening my NNA 11M.1 erric•cmr. coo Which for Beauty, Variety, and CheaPtibis and subetantiality, will prove sati'sfactol to all com petent judges. I have greatly enlarged my stock and am better prepared how than ever before to supply the wants of the pdblic. I in vite an examination to a partial list el my stock which consists of t FINE BOOM, LADIES HATS, ktr DO., MISSES HATS, toinsz no., HUN BONNETS, Em i rs DO., LADIES' HOSE, YOUTII'd DO., LADIES' BOOTS, LADIES' 11XLMOR ALS, VALIESES AND TRUNKS, MISSES' BOOTS, MEN'S BROGANS. FRENCH FUR HATS, BOY'S DO., YOUTH'S DO.. CONTRABAND DO., BOY'S CAPS. MEN'S DO, CHILDREN'S ((Ate, A variety too numerous to mention. Thank ful for past favors. We hope by attention to business, honesty and integrity to still merit a share of public patronage, at Sayer's Corner. J. C. LIGHTCAP. Waynesburg, Sept. 10, '62.1f. HOSIIIMKA LODGE, No. 355 1. 0.. F. i i 4,oolllp EEt in Waynesburg, in Allison's Hall, opposite M the Court House, on Thursday evening of each week, at 7} o'clock. OFFICERS: T. I. PORTER, N. G. H. BBARNES, P. G. , of ORMAN WORLEY, E.G. • J. F. Tesirt.E, Sec'y. B. F. HERRINGTON, Treas. W. A. PORTER, Chaplain. Nov. 6, 1861. SETTLE UP. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or Book Account, are requested to call and settle by the lst of November neat. Ail mccunts unsettled at that date, will be left with en officer far collection.— ;`A word to the wise is sufficient " This is the first public call I have made on my customers for money since I commenced business. Sept. 3, '62. CEO. lIOSKINSON. TURNITURII. rim:lE undersigned will still continue the manufacture 1 of all kinds of Furniture, and respectin hy solicits a continuance of the patronage so generraisly extended the late tirin. COFFINS will be furnished with thelreatest possi— ble dispatch . ATEN. Waynesburg, August 13, 1 9 89. HAMILTON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. HdßTZELL, * Proprietor. TILE subscriber respectfully informs his friends that he has taken this well known Novae where he is prepared to accommodate travellers end others, with goodand substantial meat. drink, &c. He will spare nt. pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not lorgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. 8. HARTZELL. April Io,—No 44—tf ADAMS HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. JACOB LEMLEY, PROPRIETOR. 9111 Is well known Hotel has been refitted in new style, by its present proprietor, who takes this op port ti ity of informing the travelling public that lie is fully prepared to accommodate them with the best the market affords, besides giving thent comfortable quar ters and beds. ID — Ile has also fine stabling for any number of 'tor ses. Waynesburg, April 16, 1862. TREASURER'S NOTICE Persons having business with the County Treasurer are informed that he may be found at his Mike in the Court House at Waynesburg on the Ist and II MorinArs and 'Pt.; ISSD•YS. of every month. J. F. ItAN DOLPH, Treasurer. April 23, 1862. WOOL CARDING. I:7IiTIVC. AT THE WAYNEsI 3 URLI 'TEAM MILL, has fitteiLtip his CARDING MACIFINES in fine older mot secured the Fvrciros of a competent as9istatit for the purpose of CARDING WOOL. Ile respectfully solicits the patronage of the Wool growing pithlic and assures them that every cars will 1.4 taken to do work in a scientific manner. May 21, !862. WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. VM. ROGERS respectfully inlbrm his friends and the public that he has leased the NEW STEAM MILL at Waynesburg, Pa., where 1.. e will always be found ready to accommodate all who may call out the shortest notice Grinding dune out the saute terms as by water mills. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. Orders fur either can be Ist). at the Minor at Yeator's store. (Jan. 27, 1862 WATCHES AND JEWELRY S. M. BAILY, Mail, Street, one door East of the pitl flank Building, keeps always on hand a large and elegant assortment of Watches and Jewelry. 117'Retairingof Clocks, iAlatchss and Jewelry wil receive prompt attention. [Dec. 15, 1861— ly FOUNDRY: DUNN & DOWNEY, At the WaynAturg Foundry, on Greene street, keep constantly on hand Cooking and Parlor Stoves. Grates, Plough Castings. and Castings or all kinds. Sept. 11, 1561-Iy. 14 A MERS' & DROVERS' BANK, Waynesburg, Ptt. (1 A BLACK, l'res't. J. I,AZ EAR, Cashier. DiSCOUNT DAY, WEDNESDAY. Sept. 11, 18(i1—ty. 4cfferson. ROBERT REYNOLDS, Proprietor, Jefferaux, Greene Comety, Ps. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken charge of the Nation al House, and is amply prepared to accomirodate all who may favor hint with a call. ROBT. REYNGIODS. Jailer/Inn, Greene county, Pa., April tB. '5B--noso INGZIWIE B'OIIOE, I. THOMAS, JSIPTERSON, MUMS COUNTY, Sept. U, 1801-Iy. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, EMBRACING a general assortment of School Books, Bla Books, Bibles, Histories Gift Books for children, &c., Foolscap and Letter paper, with envel opes, to match in great variety, Pens, Ink, Slates. Pencils, &c. 1 am also prepared to sell School hook s, S - ationery and Almanacs to (Mutiny 11^nlers at Pittsburgh prices by the quantity, to sell again. Give me a call, one door east. of Porter', store, Waynesburg, Pa. Oct. 29,'62. Lr.WIS DAY. CABINET MAKING. JAMES GANIER & CO., Weald respectfully inform their friends and the pu lic that they have now on hand a good assortnintit all kinds of GAMIN= WARE, mach as is !ism aliy kept in-shops in this part of the i:01111- try, wade of the hest tiiaterials, and by the best work men. fU - They still keep a Hearse, asid are, at all times, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or country, Wa,*nesbare, January 24, The undersigned would respectfully inform the Pub 1k that he is now preparrd and mann acturing Gaizziarkat, ware, uch is BUREAUS, TABLES, BEDSTEAUS and every n thing in that line. He also wishes it Understood thSt 'e keeps a Hearse and makes coffins, and is pre parcd to attehd calls in town or country, at any hour. SAMUELJEWEL. Waynesburg, Oct. 26, 12.1 k. FAMILY GROCERY & CONTINERY. Two doors East of "Messenger" Itui!dings Matn Street, Waynesburg, Pa. ISAAC ELOOPEIR, ESPECTFULLY announces to his kt friends and the public generally, that he has ust opened an entirely sew stock FAMILY GROCERIES, of a superior quality, selected with an eyo to the wants oft he community. He flatters himself that his stork is all prime and fresh, bought at low prices, and will be sold accordingly. lle keeps every article pertaining to an establishment of this kind, and lions. to merit a share of the patronage. HIS Stock is compriSed 'it part of the following: Teas, Coffees, N. 0 Clothe I and Pulverized Sugars Molasses, Starch, fs'hda, Cream Tartar. Salt, Pepper, Candles, Crackers, Soaps, Tobacco. Also, a superior variety of Cigars, and all other articles ueually kept in a Grocery. CONFECTIONARIES. His Confectionary Department is supplied with a va riety of Candles, Cakes, Raisins, Drops, Chocolate, For eign and Domestic Fruits. Also, a variety of Notions which will besotd as low as they can he had at any oth• er establishment iutown. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Give him a call, at the new store room, neat the Messenger publication room May IS, I 8511; n 0.50. HISSES' HOSE, CHILDREN'S [POSE, BILK . HATS, OLD UNION DO.. DOY'S DO., CUILDREN'S CAPS MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS & RINEHART, Practical Marble & Stone Cotters, Third Door East of the Conn House, Main street. `V HERE they have, aim' keep on hands a large and extensive assortment of fine • and ornamental o 'l MARBLE WORK, such as monuments, tombs, tablet. and = - „ grave stones, of every variety and style. MIL- Particular attention paid to cars Mg, which will be done by as good workmen as can be found anywhere in the business; as one of the firm has seen "medically engaged in the business for twenty-live years, and the other eighteen years. They flatter them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill and taste by any in the west. Persons wishing anything in our line can have it furnished to any place desired at lower rates than any other establishment in the country. Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of us. All kinds of building work done in either marble to tone. SAVERS & RINEHART. Waynesburg. May 20. 1R,57—n0.2 ®ALLY MAIL HACK SAY EM AID RICH' LIMN THE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above points, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ac romnoodation of the travidlng community, One will leave the Hamilton !Louse, Waynesburg, every morn ing. Sundays excepted, at 7i (o'clock. and will arrive at Iticee' landing in tune for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave Rices' Landing at the same time and arrive in 'Waynesburg at noon. No pains will he spared fur the accommodation of passengers, TIMOTII Y DOUG HER, Proprietor. Augualth, 1861. n0..9• • 07 -Peers, Forwarding and COMMISSION MERCUANTS Rices' Landing, Greene Co., Pa. Are prepared with the largest and best Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the lace, for all goods on con signment, and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the hank of the river, convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for shit:lw%; to Pitts burgh, or tile Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms They hope by strict attention and long experience, in business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they will keep on hand gooe assortment of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of iii4rket, at wholesale prices, to accom incident 411 ‘vhn will favor them with their patronage. April 11, IS O. _The above gentlemen give notice to the public, that by the death of a former partner. the late firms of Stro snider & Sedgewicks, and Sedecwicks & Co., have been dissolved, and the business connected therewith most be gelded who them; and hereafter the above business will be continued and promptly attended to by the above firm. Also; Leather, Shoe Findings, &c, as well as a good assortment of Mill Saws will he kept on hand. All up Commission must be paid before the goods are removed. March 6. 1861—no 3:1-1tn .731:7111a8N Just Published in a Sealed Envelop; Price Six Ceuta. A LECTURE, BY R. CULV ERWELL, ON TIIE CAUSE AND CURE of Spermatorrlnua, Con sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Impaired Nutrition of the Body, Lassitude, Weakness or the Limbs and the Back, Indisposition, and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Ap prehension. Loss of Mentoly, Aversion to ;!;11ciety, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Headache, Affections of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity, the Consequences of Tomtit - al Indiscretion, &c., &c. ID -- This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above•enumerated, often self-afflicted evils may be re moved without ilb. , dicine and without dangetolas surgi cal operations, and should be read by every yolith and every man in the land. Sent under seal to any address, in a plain sealed envelop, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by adifressing Dr. CIIAS..I. C. KLINE, 127 Bow n ery, New York, Post Office Box 45815. April IS, DIIII,ADELPIIIA—for the Relief ef the Sick and Distressed, afirlicte'd irEth VirldeMi cnd Chronic lleseass,and especially Diseases of the Sexual 'Or gans. Medical Advice given Gratis by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable REPORTS on SPERM AToRIGICE A or SEMINAL WEAKNESS. and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES eta ployed ill the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter env opes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. THIS preparation, made front the best Java Coftbe, I. is recommended by physicians as a NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have beencompaßed to abandon the use of coffee, will use this without in jurious effects. Doe call contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 emits. 312c.callcoolx.'es 7-geocretlint., The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, an making light, sweet and nutritious bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. _ . Manufactured by M. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, coma of Broad mut Chesnut streets, POILADELP/11a, and SOLD HY ALL DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS: March 5, 1862,-Iy. A drn I ialstallOA'S Mica. ETTERS of Administration having been merited to the undersigned, ripah she a' ate of maws late of Alleppo tp. Penn:4A blaming sett Yes indebted" to as estate are requeM to *Mee forwent and pay the same, and those having chum against said estate are requested to present them pieperty authenticated ter settlement. WM. LONG, Adni'r., Alleppo tp. Nov. 1% 'ft. 41.1 P JIJST RECEIVED BY LEWIS D.SLY LOOK AT THIS. WAYNESBU h G Nanbing, RUNNING REGIrLARLT BETWEEN HUGHES dk O.LINER, S. di. J. SEDGWICIE, Grocers and Commission Merchants, RIVES' LINDING, PS THE GREAT CAUSE OF HOWARD ASSOCIATION, N 0.2 South Ninth Str‘et, Philadelphia,. Pa. IL DOTIGVERTY, CARRIAGE . '. UFACTURER, inepectfully informs • that be ted in Waynesburg, Pa., wb • - 4T4 11 ' •niln. . * mum Carriages , i ct ire . 11\4 . - From Ms experma . t 111 , 2: Van& dent his work will giv . ~ -' • . ,„,- will use no low priced material, "any 'part • - ' wink, and will not employ any but sup workuilia. AU new work will be Warranted for One Tear. Shopon Greene street, one square South of theCouri ogee, Waynesburg, Jan. an, Inilk—ito 34. To Destroy—Rats, Roachm., &c. To Destroy—Mice, Mole*, and Ants, 20 Destroy---Bed-Bugs. To Destroy—Moths in Furi„Cloths, &o. T. Destroy — Mosquitoes and Ftbas. To Destroy--Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &. To Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin IBEI `•ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN. Destroys Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin need-he so no longer, ill they use "COSTA RV' Ex terminamrs. We have used it to our satisfaction, and ila box cost S 5 we would have it. We have tried poisons, but they effected nothing ; hot "CosrAn's" article knocks the breath nut of Rats, Mice, Roaches, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand a❑ over the country.—Medina [O.] Cia:itt. "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. ''Costar's" "Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. "Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. 111 2.5 r, 50C. AND RI 00 BOXES, BOTTLES AND FLASKS, $3 00 ASP $5 00 SIZE; FOR FLA N TATIoNs, SHIPS, BOATS. HOTSLs, &C., &C. —Sold Everywhere—by All WirocrsALE DRUGGISTS in Thu large shire Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Stile&lin Brothers & Co Harm!, Risley & Kitchen. B. A Falvnestock, Dull &co I Bush Gate & Robinson. A. B. & I). Sands & Co. M. •Ward, Clore & Co. Wheeler & Dart. ' McKisson & Robbins. James S. Aspinwall.,. S. Barnes & Co. Morgan & Alien, F. C. Wells & Co. Ilall. Rorke' & Co. I Lazelle. Marsh & Garner. Thomas &.. Fuller. Hall, Dixon & Co. P. 1). Orvis. Conrad Fox. AND ()VIERS. Philadelphia, Pa., T, W. Dyntt & Co. R. Stincinaker & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Cs. French, Richards Sr. Co AND OTIIERS And by DRITC , ASTS, GROCERS, STOREKEEP ERS and RETAILERS genera-Hy in all COUNTRY 'l'ows and linA.AcEs, In the UNITED STATES. WAYNESBURG, PA. I._Sold by ISAAC HOOPER And by tl e Danneisra, STORMEEPERS and RElTmums generally. AiI — OO.7NTRY DEALERS can order DS above. Or aaoress orders direct—[or if Prices, Terms, &e., is desired, send for [lS62] circYlar giving Reduced Prices] to NEWRY R. COSTAR. PRINCIPAL DEPOT—No. 452 BitoADvvA4 - , N. Y. Way itesburg,,August 13, 18132 tlittsburol e CHESAPEAKE BAY OYSTERS. ELI YOUNG, • AT THE CORNUCOPIA, NO. 40 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., WILL be receiving daily , throughout the season, fresh CHESAPEAKE BAY OYSTERS, FISH, GAME, &c., Zby‘ which he will furnish at lowest market rates to Hotels, Restaurants and private families.— Oysters by the single Can or less. Oct. 9, Fifth Avenue Exchange, DAN. BARNARD, NO. 72 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, I'ENN'A., LTAVI }'ears ezperirnre 11 in , Ist i r i C e l h h , a , :l ,in t e n , a s ny he is prepared to supply tie hest the market afford , . Ills Bar will be furnished at all limes with the hest Wines, Liquors, and Ales; and refreshments will he furnished at all times, day and night, Sundays ex cepted. 'rhankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, and assures his old custom ers, and the public generally, that no pains or expense will be spared w hich may tend to contribute to the comfort, convenience, and satisfaction of his guests. Oct. 9, 1861:Iv PITTSBURGH ALIL7CTXO/V X-X01:719/ 3E2. Tw.r.AR DAILY SALES at 2 and S o'clock, a MASONIC HALL Alit TION HOUSE, No. 5, titi freer, of prints, Delalnes, Dress Goods, Ky. Jeans, Satinettes, Cassimeres, Table Cloths, Towels. Linens, Umbrellas, Hoop Skirts, Table and Pocket CutlerY, Yankee N.tions, bOOTS, sitaEs & GAITERS at Private Sale during the day and evening. All Goods Warranted as Represented. T. A. MeCLELLAND. Auctioneer. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. AN ORGAN MELODEON, WITH FOUR STOPS AND TWO RANKS OF KEYS OF 5 OCTAVES. tIMIE ABOVE INS - CRUMENT bas been in use in a . 1 private family less than two years, and is in ex cellent order in every respect. Tile style of furniture is very handsome, and equal co the best made Pianoforte. Manufacturer's lint, 919110 in Boston; for sale now for $125, cash, by JOHN if. MELLOR, 81 Wood Street. MASON k Da%AMIN'S BOSTON MELODEONS AND HARMONIIiIIs•—TiIE riCilool, ITAR- MoNIUM, the tan% useful, otegant best and cheapest 'imminent ever invented fur the use of schools, lec ture moms, village churches, vestries, ere., etc., etc. Price. $ 80 5 Octave Double Reed '_Melodeons 150 5 0. tave. Piano style Melodeosis 100 5 Octave Portable Melodeoni.- • 75 4.1 Octave Portable Melodeons 50 4 Octave Portable Melo. eons ...... •• • • ...... •• •• • 45 A splendid seleeted 14 of the above instruments just received direct from the manufactory in Boston, and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOR. 81 Woed Street. A liberal discount to Clergymen and Teachers. April 16, 1862-Iy. Savo" PIANOL Now receiving a new supply of Piano Fortes from Chichester & Soar, Barton, Y atleton Brothers, New Volt; Hallett, Davis & Co. Boston; George Steek, New York, and Haines arekiers, New York, all of which will be sold at Eastern Factory prim- JOHN H. Mit'LLOR, bee Ikiairawd alfirkoNrat• kitthib itintitat rtellt* At $95,130,1180, $75, $lOO, $125, and $l5O, for sale by JOHN N. 11111LLOR, 81 Wood Street /4re 10-14os. iUsburg lbbniistmtes. 89 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of NATO AND CAPS, And dealer in Children's Hats and Caps, and Sue Goods. Military Caps made to order. Sept. 11,1861-Iy. FANCY AND STAPLE D_. "V' 3 79 . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED. NO. 41, SMITHFIELD sT. CORNER OF THIRD, PPI I TSBURGII, PA. April le—A [nog J. F. BZCIpIAN. IiENRY B. LONO. BECKMAN & LONG, Wholesale Retail Dealers in Agricultural & Farming Implements , N.2. 1 A70. 1 4,5 Agents for the Buckeye Mower and Reaper, Wood's Mower and Iron Harvester, and Bockstock & Amnion's Nursery, rrAgents for Cook's Sugar Evaporator. ULTSorglinin Chinese Sugar Cane Seed, of supe rior quality, always on hand. No. 127 Liberty Street. April 15. Prrn , Britoo, Ps. HOIATE SEWING macianvm. INVENTED 1845—IMPROVED 1860. ADAPTED To ALL KINDS OF MANUFACTUR- Sewing Equally as sell on muti.. lies, Cloth and Leather. CORNER Or PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, April 16 a. Ac H. HILLIPS. Nis ZG and '26' St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR Oil, CLOTIN, TRANsPARENT,CREEN OIL cLoTiits. FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES. TA ISLE OIL CLOTHS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. dealers in Leather Belling, Lace Leath er, Indian Rubber Belting, Hose Steam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothino-, and all other articles male of Indian Rubber, c`-c. Wholesale and retail hoyiirs trill lind our/Oink large. well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 54, 1862-Iy. .rt, MC)NrAL JACOB KLEE, li/NlO , l KACFMtN, JUSKeII KLEE' KLEE, KAUFMAN & CO., Manufacturer,' and Wholesale Dealers in C, IA Co 31EIE _l_ No. SO. ,Wood street, next door to corner of Fifth PITTSBURGH. Pa. Always on hand. a large assortment of Cloths, Cass meres, VeSti ngs and Furnishing, Goods. [Jan. 29. lENASE 7 S PIANOS. MANUFACTURED UT WILLIAM IiNAI3E tt CO riillE above Pianos from their Factory possess all the 1 superior and latest improvements, including the . _ . GRA FIE TREBLE, Overstsung, Improved Full Iron Frame, Felt Covered Hammers. &c. TuncaEßG, one of the most eminent itianists in the world. says : "I have great pleasure in certif . % tog that I have tried your Pianos, and find them equal, if not superior, to any in this country. Aiming their great qualities. whirl, distinguish them, is the evenness or tone, the agreeable and easy touch, and volume of tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly de serve, I am, sir, yours truly, S. THALHERG." C. (:none, the well known composer, Wilmington, Delaware. says that "they cannot be surpassed by any in the market." 11. VisesTestrrs writes :—"I was delighted ou hear ing ihe clear and full tstie of one of your first class Pianos " rirThe above Pianos are warranted for five years, For sale by CHARLOTTE RIX. 31E, No. 43 Fifth street, 2d door above Wood et., Patterson's New nodding. (Jan. 29, ISra. J. R. WEILDIN, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, Printerdi 3E3 io zd. AND Manufacturer of Blank Books, No. 101 WOOD STREET, BETWEEN DIAMOND ALLEY AND FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wrapping, Wall & Window Paper. CASH FOR RAGS. April 18, 1062-Om. JOSEPH MEYER & SON, Manufacturers of FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. Warehouse, No. 135 Smithfield St., Proprietor, Between Sixth Street and Virgin Alley, Nag. 13, Mt ly. rurEsminii, PA PORTRAIT AND r.ti!T TIRE FR A M E:5, Gilt and Imitation Rosewood Mouldings. Dealers in French Plate and Window Glass, 12S SMITHFIELD 'STREET, TIEMI.ER'S hetw , en Fifth And Sixth, LI Pittsburgh, Pa. City Glass at Manufacturer's Prices. Pali icular attention given to repairing Paint ings, Reguilding Frames and business cards frained at wholesale price. Oct. 9, 47 SMITHFIELD STREEI PiTTSLIURGIi, PA. rrEETII inserted in nil the late styles, at 1 moderate prices, anti satisfatlion viarati teed. rkt, u, ly. JAMES LOUGHRIDGI4], (Successor to Loughridge & MaxweU,) Manufacturer ut Brushes, Looking Glasses, Crlailclx-e23. 7 ,61 Ccoecc3l3.e.ns, And dealer in Variety and llonse Furnishing Mods &cc., 72 WOOD sTRELT, P ITTSBUIR:11. PA January 29, isra HOME MADE SHIRTS R. 1:717 XlaLa X .d 2%. WI MI COW' SHIRTS, COLLARS, WRISTBANDS, 1.10A0315, AND FURNISHING GOODS, No. 47, St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. April 16-Iyr. P. Barnum. .1. S. RETMER. H. D. Amman (Late at Miller & Ricketson's REYMER & BROTHERS, (Succes.ore to Rt• tiler & Anderson.) WEIOLESA LK DEALERS TN FOREIGN FRUITS, Nuts, Confectionery, Sugars, Fire Works, &c., Nos. 126 and 128 WOOD STREET, above Fifth, Late No. 30 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. March 11, 1862--601. EDWARD SPENCER, ECERCHA.NT TAILOR, No. 260 Liberty street, Nearly opposite Nand, PITTSBURG'', PA. Oct. 9,1861:1y. THOR. C. LAthEAR, A TTORN.IIIT AT LAW, NO. 69 GRANT STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Sept. 11,1881 ly WM. E. DE BAYONNE, J. M. 11IVELROY, DEALER Iti 10- 4 = n ING PURrosEp, purrsnu RGII, P A. M. NUeREGOII, AGENT H. D. BRECHT & BRO., - A/anti facturers of LOOKING GLASSES, Mt CALVIN KING, SURGEON DENTIST, MANUFACTURER OF s i nr i lbluttistnitnk JOON CENNINGLIA My Wholesale Dealer in FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 52 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURG, Will keep constantly on hand Old Monongahela and Rye Whisky, Bravo dies, Wines, Gina, &e., Ake. .lanuary 20, Steam Cracker and Bread Bakery, W.C. MACKEY. Manufacturer of CIRAGIL 1E ai . AND FAMILY BREAD & CAKES, No. 44 Smithfield st., near Third, Oct. 9, IBM11:137. PITTSBURGH, PA. HENRY HIGBY, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWAHE No. 122. Wood Street, East Side, Fourt Door above Fifth. lIAS constantly on hand a complete assortment of goods in his line,suited to the wants of private farnip lips, and country merchants. Also, tine Vitrified Iton. Stoneware, very durable, for Hotels and Steamlisstit Table Cutlery. Plated German Silver Tel and Table Spoons, Forks and Castors, Tea Waiters and Trays • and a trigat variety of the cheapest and heat Self-Ssad ing Friar tans and Jars. ID—II. Rigby is sole Agent for and owner of PUTNAM'S PATENT CLOTHES WRINGER In and for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. It is one of the greatest labor-saving inveetitions of the day. and no housekeeper should be without it. It is sold all 1: price within reach of ail. April 16—/yr. .7. W. VETC)C2b3Crii7l7lEialie 97 & 99 THIRD STREET, (NEXT TO BANK OF PITTSBURGU. MANUFACTURER. OF T_T 11 3" IT it MI lIHIC _AL 31C_ JEW alliter. SUPERB PARLOR Library, Dining & Bed-room Furniture KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. The largest assortment to be found in this eilh and will positively be roll at the LOWEST MEM to snit the times. Goods packed and shipped to all parts of the comma". April 16, 1862-Iy. .1. T. Cor.vm. Juicy N. M.. COLVIIIf 8t MASON, COMMISSION „MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN • FLOUR, GRAIN, WOOL AND PRODUCE!) NO. 6, SMITHFIELD STREET; opposlTE ;MONONGAHELA House; PITTSBURGH, RA. April 16-Iy, 1562.] TO MERCHANTS. rimit HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW ROODS BONNETS, Ac., AT WHOLESALE', 1 11 1 1 00.11.10 & 131 Wood Street, Pltbsburelk, Pa., HAVE now on hands for thew Spring maim lie largest and cheapest stock of flats,. Caps, straw Good Bonnets, Shaker Hoods, Palm-Lsaf And all the new styles of HISSES' nod LAMM' HATS to be found in any city, which they are prelate, t o sell lower than they tau he purchased elsewhere* Please call anti examine our stuck. 'WOOED CO.. April 16, 1864 Iy. Manufactus* ST. CLUE HOTEL, CORNER OF PENN & BT. CLAIR STEMET J. N. ANDERSON, 1 3 ROPRIET0.11. —Cheap Bilis, and good Owe. Iltsbring fa sir numb rof horses. April IS—Ayo. ST. NICUOLALS 210'1 1 .13Z, CORNER GRANT AND 4TH STRIMIL PITTSBUR(III, PA. FRILL, Proprietor. April 4, R. R. BULGER. - Manufacturer of every description of .; 1:7 el" Ml' aERL, 311. NO. 45 SMITIIFIELD STREET, pirrenußcit, A full assortment of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURI Constantly on hand, which I will Jell u the lama price.: for rush. Aug. 21, IStll—ly. RUSH HOUSE, M. RUSH, Proprietor, No. 397 Liberty St.., near Pa. R. R. Dep ot PITTSBURGH, PA. 'lllll3 house ham been lately enlarged, re fi tted MIS I re furnished, and is now in the best of order foe the aeroustriodation of boarders and travelers. Tait BEST OF OVetTEitS RECEIVE!) "'haw, Bold wholesale and mew ‘l, or served up iu eveit The delicacies o 1 the season always on hand, wand/ with superior beands of liquors, &c. Oct. 9, 18W:1y. ROOFING ROOFING! GRAVEL CEMENT AND CANVASS Rool7Kair DONE OE 15110!T NOTICE, And in the most Durable Manner. HAVING the most competent w,rkmen in the t who understand their business, we can safely ea we can do work as cheap, and, if anything, better th any other arm in the city. Repairing done with attar lion and tare. Materials for sale, with all the inane& tines. Enquire at 75 Smithfield Street. Jan. 29, 1962. B. F. 8110Pfa WALL PAPER, 1 A7.1.113.c110w EVERY VARIETY-LOWEST PRIGOIL JOHN J. DEZOIJOHE f 112 WOOD STIZE ET, CORNER 51 . 11. ' PITTSBURGH', PA:. Green and listr Oil Cloth ter Bliarto. Card, Tame* and Curtain Trimmings of every deacrtirilna. Alga. fine assortment of Gilt Cornices. dept. 11, 1561. 11% o iI3 ki) 'V As (Successor to G. Miry"! & Co.) Pittsburgh Steam Refined . CAI DT 111 N UFACTPRIK, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign and Donteslic Prune , Nuts, Pickki, Plecemi i , Sarthues, Ciusups. Fire Works.&c, No. 167 LIBERTY STREET, Feb. 1562. PITTSBURGH, PA. THOMAS LEMON, (SUCCESSOR TO JAMBS LEMON Manufacturer and Dealer In R NI T Q a OP ♦LL %INDIO, • • Sole Manufacturer of WELLS' PATENT SPRING REINV 118 Fourth at Pitiabarih• Pa. C Nov. 13, 1861-Iy. J. D. FACILINER. Aso. IL AMOR FACKIJUM, YAWLS ) Manufacturers of every dessalosa of NO. 103 SMITTIFISLD STREET. perromm o joa; A full assortment of Pittsburgh MemuStaseasa •P s,_s• ohms constantly on hand, rve• wet NS at elas lowest price FOIL CASU, which la our sob , WOW Sept. ii, 1861—Iv. LI& aII&AC.. Ps, lILWRILLIM I ( MAVINAMFR *kW DDAMINDLID BOO', q 04 iriallTl i tall. Ald infante di APlAtara havell111 " 21. esteozelto.lF. OeD ei xo. as saitxxota pinasosl e v. Cash Er Or Tradefor H. ha. rat T-lip