The Waynesburg messenger. (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 02, 1862, Image 4
= Net latttg. TH'E BATTLWIELD. BY WM. C. BRYAN? Once this soft turf, this rivulet's sands, Were trampled by a hurrying crowd And fiery hearts, and ;trilled hands, Encountered in the battle cloud. Ah 1 never shall the land forget, How glisiCalle lifi:blbsd Orter brave— Gushed, warm with hope and courage yet, Upon the soil they fought to save. Nowell ise.alm, and fresh, and still, Alone the chirp of flitting bird, And talk of children on the hill, Asia bell of wandering kine are heard to solemn ghosts go trailing by The black-mouthed gun and staggering wain ; Me mart not at the battle cry, Offi belt never heard again I &km lest those men who fought ; but thou Who minglest in the harder strife For truth which men-receive not now, Thy warfare only ends with life. A friendless warfare lingering. long, Virrough - weary day and weary year; A wild and many weaponed throng Hang on thy front, and flank and rear Yet nerve thy spirit to the proof, And.blanch net at thy chosen lot. The timid gbod may stand aloof, The sage may frown, yet faint thou not Trxitledto earth, shall rise again ; The eternal years of God are hers; But Error, wounded, writhes in pain, And dies among its Worshippers. Another hand the sword shall wield, Another hand the standard wave, Till from the trumpet's mouth is pealed The blast of triumph o'er thy grave. Yes; though thou lie upon the dust, When they who helped thee flee in fear, Die full of hope and manly trust, Like those who fell in battle here. FARMER'S OMNIBUS. There are rye pounds of pure sul phur in every huadred pounds of wool. Carrots consume 199 pounds of MAU .to the acre; turnips but ninety pounds. A, cubic • foot of arable land will hold 40 pounds of water. It takes 5 pounds of corn to form one of 4.0. hree and a half pounds orcObleed meal will form one of pork. To addot4 psi eent of lime to soil that, is destitute of it, requires ten pouuds of slacked lime to six of cans sere.' Clay will permanently cure any soil that is sandy or leachy. Lime and leached ashes will always benefit leachy land. A ton oftimprifftrestaaiirespoduces only 500 poundsoLmoki; hence 500 ponnitiold - will produce a ton of plants' • go .1. *a to sandy land is far bettnr aka * sand to clay land. 169 tons to thg acre will give an inch in depth. Pure phosphorous is worth from $4,000 to $5,000 a ton; and as it comes from the earth is shows how scarce it-is. • A mold firmed by rotting clover is worth :moire than the same number of pounds of clover; 400 pounds .)f dry plants ; will yield 100 pounds of mold. • - Swampuluck, or peat, when dry, will take up, "without 'dripping, four times its own weight of water.— Hence the necessity of thorough drainage. . LimestOne land retains the heat the longest, black, peaty soils radiate the heat most rapidly, consequently cool soonest, and are the first to expe rience frost. OLOSE QUARTERS. An officer just .from McClellan's army, states that his post has for some time been so close to the rebel capital, that on a calm night, with the wind favorable, he could hear the clocks in Richmond strike the late hour. It must be impressive to stand on a picket post, with three or four thousand human beings around, with in a circuit of fifteen miles, and every thing as quiet as if you were lost in a wild desert. The thousand sounds of insects, and the rustling of my riads of forest leaves, would only add to the loneliness of the time, while to hear ,the chimes of midnight rolling soleninly out on the night winds, would be awfully impressive. At 'such a time the lonely sentinel would see phantoms and visions, which would make his heart "knock at his ribs," and send a thrill along his nerves like lightning. THUS IT Is. All that is valuable in this world is to be had for nothing. Genius, beau ty, and love are not bought and sold. You may buy a rich bracelet, but not a well turned arm to wear it ; a pearl necklace, but not the pearly throat with which it shall vie. The richest banker on earth would vainly offer his fortune if he could write a verse like Byron. One comes in to the world naked, and goes out naked.— The difference in the fineness of a bit of linen is not much. Man is a handful of clay which turns rapidly back again to dust, and which is com pelled nightly to relapse into the nothingness of sleep, to get new strength to c9mmence life again on the morrow. Self-defense is the clearest of allotaws; and for this reason—the lawyers didn't make it. sir To please everybody—mind your own business. -The beginning o€ anger is fool ' nets, And its end repentance. FUEMIr!PIIMPIitiworgIPMMeMIRIPKR." I I•MPITT 7f4 agnestrurg 13usiuess or,a6s: KAMIGTON HOUSE, • Waynesinuir, Greene County, Pa. S. JMRTZELL , Proprietor. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends that he has taken this well known Hose where he is prepared to accommodate travellers mid others, with goodand substantial meat, drink, &t. He will spare no pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not lorgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. S. HARTZELL. April 10,—No 44—tf ADAMS NOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa. JACOB LEMLEY, PROPRIETOR. THIS well known Hotel has been refitted in new style, by its present proprietor, who takeshis op portunity of informing the travelling public the is th t fully prepared to accommodate them with the esiAlte market :Afurds, besidta giving them comiortable OW ters and beds. Er He bas also fine stabling for any number of hor see. Waynesburg, April 16, 1662. WOOL CARDING. 101721 a. R.C.C3rMFLOS. AT THE WAYNESBURG -'TEAM MILL, has fitted up his CARDING MACHINES in fine older - and secured the services of a competent assistant for the purpose of CARDING WOOL. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the Wool growing public and assures them that every care will be taken to do work in a scienAfic manner. May 21, 1862. WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. WS. ROGERS respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has leased the NEW STEAM MILL at Waynesburg, Pa., where t e will always be found ready to accommodate all who may call on the shortest notice. Grinding done on the same terms as by water mills. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. Orders for either can be left at the Minor at Yeator's store. (Jan. 27, 1862 ELI ATEN. Z. W . PHELAN. &Imre & PHELAN, CABINET FURNITURE ROOMS one door east of Minor's Store, where all kinds of Furniture will be furnished to order in the most approved style.— COF FINS will be put up with the greatest possible dispatch, at low rates. W•VNESBURG, May 7, 1862. TOBACCONISTS. HOOP ER & HAGER, Manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealersin Tobacco, Segars and Snuff, Segar Cases, Pipes, &c., Wilson's Old Building, Main street. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. WATORMS AND JEWELRY S. M. DAILY, Main street, one door East of the old Bank Building, keeps always on hand a large and elegant assortment of Watches and Jewelry. fr7Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry• wil receive prompt attention. [Dec. 15, 1861— ly FOUNDRY. • DUNN & DOWNEY, At the Waynesburg Foundry, on Greene street, keep constantly on hand Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Grates, Plough Castings. an d Castings of all kinds. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. BANK. FAMERS' & DROVERS' BANK, Waynesburg, Pa. C. A. BLACK, Pres't. J. LAZEAR, Cashier DHIC.UNT DAY. WEDNESDAY. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. SADDLES AND HARNESS SAMUEL M'ALLISTER, Saddle, Harness and Trunk Maker, old Bank build Ing, Main street. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. LIVERY OPENED AGAIN. THE undersigned would inform the citizens and peo ple generally, that tie has resumed the LIVERY BUSINESS again, anti is able to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, with everything in that line. W. G. W. DAY, WAYNESBURG, May 7,1802-3 m. Proprietor. The Union Forever Second Arrival of Spring and Summer Clothing. NATILANIEL CLARK, ALLISON'S Building, opposite the Court House, is just opening a large and elegant assortment of Ready - Made .ICa d'M 313 I\7' GI- For Men and Boys, purchased on very favorable terms for Cash, and will positively be sold at short profits for current funds. His stock embraces not only Garments of all descriptions, but CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, HATS AND CAPS, and even , thing in the furnishing line. 0.. V• Business and Dress Suits got up on short no tice and in the most fashionable styles. Waynesburg, March I9th. 1862, HOPE FOUNDRY, .113 rows". os - a7iLia), THOMAS FAULL & SONS, at their Foundry on Water street, Bridgeport. Pa., near the C. P. Church, are prepared to furnish Engines and Machinery for Saw and Grist Mills, Oil Wells, Tanneries, &c. Fancy Iron Bailing for yards, balconies, cemeteries, &c., ways on hand er made to order on short notice. Plough Castings, and Castings of all kinds. Sept. 11, 1861—IY. '4 u. SHE undersigned Treasurer of Greene county, will I meet the tax-payers of the several Townships in said county, for the purpose of receiving the relief and direct taxes for the year 1661, and alt taxes tot the year 1862, at the following times and places, viz . InJackson Township, at the house of Peter Grimes, on Tuesday the Bth day of July, 1862. In Alleppo Township, at the house of Augustus Mil er, oil Wednesday, the 9th day ofJuly, 1862. In Springhill Township. at the house of Isaac Hupp, on Thursday, the 10th day of July, 1862. In Gilmore Township, at the house of Enoch Hennen on Friday, the 11th day of July, 1862. In Franklin Township, at the house of John A, Stro snider, Bridgeport, on Monday, the 14th day of July, 1862. In Marion Township, at the Treasurer's Office in Waymesbursi, on Tuesday, the 15th day of July, 1862. All persons paying their State taxes before the Ist day of August, next, will be entitled to an abatement of five per esstunt on the amount thereof. All mercantile lirenses not lined on or before the Ist of A ugust, next, will be left with a magistrate for col lection. JOSEPH F. RANDOLPH, - • April 30, Its 62. Treasurer. TREASURER'S OFFICV., Waynesburg, April 22, 1862 TREASURER'S NOTICE Persons having business With t. ,, e County Treasurer are informed that he may be found at his office in the Court House at Waynesburg on the Ist and 3d MONDAYS and TUESDAYS of every month. J. F. RANDOLPH, Treasurer. April 23. 18132. HE -DOUGLAS MEMORIAL.—THEDI TPLOMA OF MEMBERSHIP of the DOUGLAS MONUMENT ASSOCIATION, beautifully engraved on steel, a bout nine by twelve inches dimensions, is now ready for distribution to the subscribers to the monument Fund. The engraving consists of two full length miniature vignettes, one a fine portrait of the departed statesman, and the other America offering a wreath besides a bird's eye view of the grave of 'Douglas , , on the shore of Lake Michigan, as it 110 W ap pears at Cottage Grove. To all persons forwarding to the Association one dol lar or inure, will be sent one of these diplomas, with name and amount duly inserted thereon, and signed by the President and Secretary. Contributors in the sum of ONE DOLLAR will be come life members of the Douglas Monument Associa tion; in the sum of TWENTY DOLLARS, honorary life members, and in the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, honorary life members of the Board of Trustees. WALTER B. SCA.TES. President. LEONARD W. VOLK, Secretary. N. 11. Local subscriptions received and solicitors for contributions are being authorized in the loyal States to take charge of the Interests of the association. Pamphlets and circulars containing the organization. constitution, by-laws, and the appeal will be sent to all who will forward their address. Communications should be directed to the "Secre tary Domino M mument Association," Chicago, Illi nois. May 21.-3 m HOWARD ASSOCIATION!, PHILADELPHIA—for as Rule! o/' tka Sick and I Distressed!, ajtictad witk Mutant and Citron' Thiess gi s, end sapsoidaly Disease. of the Sexual 07- _ . • Illedieal Advise men Gratis by the Attie( Derepeon. Vehiele IMPOSTS ea SPERNIATORRH/DA or Withitii-EDD. sad other Diseases of the a • 4:14t NSW REMIDIIIB em ployed hi thelob iiii sealed levier envel ° PI 64ieja.' b ees Dr. J. figiLLIN OUGHTON, Hots Associadon. No. IDooth Ninth atitat, *ltutelphitt, Pa. Dee. tb, 111111-Iy. R. DOUGHERTY, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfbily informw thi public that be has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of,Every Description. From his experience in the business, he feels confi dent his work will give entire satisfaction. He will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square South of the Court ouse, Waynesburg, Jan. 45, IB6o—no 34. CABINET 111AK'ING. JAMES GANIER & CO., Wculd respectfully inform their friends and the pu lic that they have now on hand a good assortment all kinds of 4 j iIIAUSZNIIT 1/711211, such tg ilian ally kept in shops in this part of the coun try, niKtile of the best materials, and by the best work me** ErThey still keep a Hearse, and are, at all times, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or country; Waynesburg, January 24, 1880-Iy. LOOK AT THIS. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Pub lie that he is now prepared and mane acturing Cabinet Ware., uch as BUREAUS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS and every thing in that line. He also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and makes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or country, at any hour. SAMII EL JEWEL. Waynesburg, Oct. 26, 1555. FILY MEY & CIRIECTIEY. Two doors East of "Messenger" Buildings Main Street, Waynesburg-, Pa. ISALAC HOOPER, RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has ust opened an entirely new stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, of a superior quality, selected with an eye to the wants of the community. He natters himself that his stock is all prime and fresh, bought at low prices, and will he sold accordingly. He keeps every article pertaining to an establishment of this kind, and hopes to merit a share of the patronage. His stock is comprised in part of the following Teas, Coffees, N. 0., Crushe 1 and Pulverized Sugars Molasses, starch, Soda, Cream Tartar, Salt, Pepper, Candles, Crackers, Soaps, Tobacco. Also, a superior variety of Cigars, and all other articles ueually kept ill a Grocery. CONFECTIONARIES. His Confectionary Department is supplied with a va riety of Candles, Cakes, Raisins, Drops, Chocolate, For eign and Domestic. Fruits. Also, a variety of • - Notions which will he sold as low as they can be had at any oth er establishment in town. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Give him a call, at the new store room, near the Messenger publication room. May 18, 1859; n 0.50. WAYNESBILNG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS & RINEHART, Practical Marble & Stone Cutters, Third Door East of the Court House, Main street. iti+• WHERE they have, am' keep on hands a r ' large and extensive assortment of fine and ornamental MARBLE WORK, 3111: such as monuments, tombs, tablet-, and grave stones, of every variety and style. Particular attention paid to caning, which will be done by as good workmen as can be found anywhere in the business; as one of the firm has seen practically engaged in the business for ;wenty-five years, and the other eighteen years. They flatter them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill and taste by any in the west. Persons wishing auyining in our line can have it furnished to ally place desired at lower rates than any other establishment in the country. Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of us. All kinds of building work done in either marble in tone. SAYERS &RINEHART. Waynesburg, May 9.0,1857-ImA gitts' Yanbing, DARN MAU, HACK RUNNING REGULARLY BETWEEN WAITER 1111 RILES' LAIDING. THE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above poirts, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ac commodation of the travnllng community, One will leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn fog, Sundays excepted, at 71 o'clock. and will arrive at Ricee' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave Rices' Landing at the same time and arrive in Waynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of passengers, TIMOTHY DOUG HER, Proprietor. August 7th, MI. no. 9. HUGHES & OLIVER,, ?niters, Forwarding and COMMISSION MERCHANTS Rices' Landing, Greene Co., Pa. Are prepared with the largest and best Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the r't. , ce, for a❑ goods on con signment, and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the hank of the river, convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for shipment to Pitts. burgh, or the Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms. They hope by strict attention and long experienee, in business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they will keep on hand gone assortment of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to RCCOIII modate all who will favor them with their patronage. April 11, 1860. S. & J. SEDICIWICE, Grocers and Commission Merchants, RICES' LANDING, PA The above gentlemen give notice to the public, that by the death of a former partner, the late firms of Stro silidiir & Sedgewicks, and Sedgewicks & Co., have been dissolved, and the business connected therewith must be settled wito them; and hereafter the above business will he continued and promptly attended to by the above titan. Also: Leather, Shoe Findings, &c, as well as a good assortment of Mill Saws will be kept on hand. All up COMMiSgiOn must be paid before the goods are removed. March ti. 1861—no 39—fun. rim on. KAWI(? KAI kiiiiiiffilli. ROBERT REYNOLDS, Proprietor, Jefferson, Greene County, Pd. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken charge of the Nation al House, and is amply prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. ROBT. REYNOLDS. Jefferson, Greene county, Pa., April 28, 'sB—noso INGHRAM HOUSE, I. TIFIOMAS, JEFFERSON, GREENE COUNTY, PA Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. THE GREAT CAUSE OF XIII7IVIALN 31\01119/311E1Mtlir Just Published is a Sealed Envelop; Price Siz Cents. ALECTURE, BY DR. CULVERWELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of Spermatorrhcea, Con sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Impaired Nutrition of the Body, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and the Backtlndisposition, and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Ap prehension. Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Headache, Affections of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity, the Consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, kc., kc. This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above-enumerated. often self-afflicted evils may be re moved without medicine and without dangerous surgi cal operations, and should be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal to any address, in a plain sealed envelop, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAd. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4586. April 15, 1861-Iy. KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. rrHIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia and alt bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee, win use this without in jurious effects. One can coataios the strength of two POPO , of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. MlCo3l.l4oNcklachis Macircra,ll33., The purest and best RAKINb POWDER. known, for making light, sweet and nutritious bread sat cakes. Price A ~ Ilani ty K. O. pepubcs, chi:mitt: callow Of Made 'CliMuttt iitriets, PRILADRIAMIL, had u lX uedf SOLD ALL DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. March b, 11$3-17. 4*rg: • CO D. GRECO his associated JOHN RICHARDSON with hint and will carry on the WHOLESALE DRY GOODS BUSINESS, at the old stand, No. 99, Wood S , Pittsburgh, Pa., where they have just received a full and complete as sortment of goods, which they purchased at reductd prices MICOPt. CULISTEE and which will be sold at very REDUCED PRICE 8, for net cash, or short credit to A No. 1 buyers. The old customers and all wanting goods are invited to Call and Examine the Stock, at small profits and quick return, is our object. We save the services of Mlt JOHN DEN WOODY. who will be glad to see his old friends and customers, at his new place, next door to his former place of business. D. GREGG & CO., No. 99 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. April 16, 1P62-3m. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. AN ORGAN MELODEON, WITH FOUR STOPS AND TWO RANKS OF KEYS OF 5 OCTAVES. THE ABOVE INSTRUMENT has been in use in a private family less than two years, and is in ex cellent order in every respect. The style of furniture is very handsome, and equal to the best wade Pianoforte. Maztufucturer's price 5200 in Boston; .for sale now for $12.5, cash, by JOHN 11. MELLOR, 81 Wood Street. /rAsON & HAMLIN'S BOSTON MELODEONS M AND HARMONIUMS.—THE SCHOOL HAR MONIIJM, the most useful, elegant best and cheapest instrument ever invented for the use of schools, lec ture rooms, village churches, vestries, etc., etc., etc. Price. $ 80 5 Octave Double Reed Melodeons 5 Octave Piano style Melodeons. • 5 Octave Portable Melodeons.• • - IM=MtMEZZIE 4 Octave Portable Melodeons A splendid selected lot of the above instruments just received direct from the manufactory in Boston, and fur sale by JOHN H. MELLOR. St Wood Street. A liberal discount to Clergymen and Teachers. • April 16, 18132-Iy. NEW PIANOS. Now receiving a new supply of Piano Fortes from Chick9ring & Sons, Boston, Hazleton Brothers, New York; Hallett, Davis & Co., Boston; George Steek, New York, and Haines Brothers. New York, all of which will he sold at Eastern Factory prices. JOHN H. MELLOR. 81 Wood street, between Diamond and Fourth. SECOND HANDED PIANOS At $25, $5O, $6O. $75, SRA $125, and $l5O, for sale by JOHN H. MELi.OR, SI Wood Street. April 16-6. nos. Ta. 7 .4ILT-m-T-2131V/ 7 16 CARPET STORE i NO. 87, FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. SPRING STYLES OP 1862. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR RUGS, HEARTH RUGS, MATTS, AT LOWEST RATES FOR CASH. April 16-3inos. • GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO Ccytiamtr - v IVic>rc3l3,etzwtist, 3:1 XIL Ir Gp- 4:=1C11:10 El, AT BARKER & CO,S, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, 59 Market Street. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ..1V 3EI "VIT ar C) CO 3C) MI for sale at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. GOODS CUT IN LENGTH TO SUIT .7. W. BARKER & C 0.% 59 Market Street. THIRTY NEW STYLES OP SPRING CLOAKS AND MANTLES. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Now Sii llx. , AT 50 UPS. PER YARD AND UPWARDS. ViAA'o,*l. The largest and choicest selections ever offered in this city, at 12i CTS. PER YARD AND UPWARDS April 16, 1662-3 m COUNTRY____ MERCHANTS ATTENTION !! T. A. BE'CLELLA.ND, Auction & Commission Merchant, No. 55 Fifth Street. PITTSBURGH, PA., WOULU call the special attention of country Mer chants and the Trade to a very large and varied usortnient or FOOTS, SII'OES & GAITERS, For Ladies Gelds, Misses. Boys and Children's wear just received from Boston. * having special arrange ments and being in regular receipt of Goods, we are prepared to offer better inducements both in regard to PRICE and QUALITY of Goods than any other house in the West. May 21, 1862. ID (DID:32I:Ia . w PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. HIS system is Eclectic, connected with Unoscorix. He has paid particular attention to the study of this "Old German Mode" of distinguishing diseases, and respectfully solicits those living at a distance labor ing under "chronic affeetions,"• that have not been cured because perhaps their diseases were not under stood, to send him a vial of their urine for examina tion, and the necessary medicines can he sent them. Office and residence, 132 Grant street, Pittsburgh. May 28, 1862:tf. NEW SPRING GOODS J. M. BURCHFIELD'S, North-East Corner 4th & Market Streets PITTSBURGH, PA. JUST RECEIVED, AND HAVING DETERMINED .TO CLOSE OUT HIS ENTIRE STOCK, HAS MADE GREAT REDUCTION.S Fancy silks for 50 cents worth 75 Fancy silks for 1,00 worth 1.25 Embroidered collars for 50 worth 1,25 Embroidered setts for 1,00 worth 1,50 " for 3,00 worth 8,00 NEWEST STYLES SPRING DRESS GOODS. Best make of eitlicos for 12 Yard and a quarter Bleached mulling for 12 This stock will be found full in all departments, and cheapest West of the mountains. April 16.—limos SEED STORE ti HORTICULTURAL ICOMP'ICOT. d. KNOX, No. fig, Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Po, VEGETABLE TREES OF ALL KINDS.. Our Seeds are Procured from None but the Best Sources, and are Warranted Genuine. BEDDING OUT PLANTS. A large stock of the finest Verbenas, double and sin gle Petunias, Fuschias, Geraniums, Roses, &c., Dahlias, Summer Flowering Bulbs, Hardy Tu berose-Rooted Plants, Japan Lillies, &c. Green-House Plants, Halving Baskets, Roses. Vases, Winter Blooming Bulbs, Ornamental Trees, Deciduous Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Hardy Vines and Creepers. FRUIT TREES. Apple, Pear, standard and dwarf, Peach, Cherry, Plum Apricot, Nectarine, Quince, &c, SMALL FRUITS. Having made SMALL FIIVITI a speciality, our stock of Plants is unequalled anywhere in the country. We call on to our collection of Strawberries, Raspberries, Siaekberries, Grapes, Curran, Goosiber via, au. GARDEN ISPLEMIN9 April 16-41 C 4 *ll PRODUCE Ora kindle Received at this Office in payment of debts Vitistrurgt rattbertistments. J. M. 1111111.11,0 i. DZALleft IN FANCY AND STAPLE 3CO Xt. Y C3l- CS CS rl >8 . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED. No. 41, SMITHFIELD RT., CORNER OF THIRD, PITTSBURGII, PA. April 16-6 mos. .1. F. Bccgaists. HENRY B. LONG. BECKMAN & LONG, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Agricultural & Farming Implements §%115 1 0,a '4% Agents for the Buckeye Mower and Reaper, Wood's Mower and Iron Harvester, and Bockstock & Ammon's Nursery, irrAgents for Cook's Sugar Evaporator. Sorghum or Chinese Sugar Cane Seed, of supe rior quality, alwayS on hand. No. 1.27 Liberty Street, April 16, 18621 y. PITTsBUROH, PA. "I"$E HOWE SEWING MACHINE. INVENTED 1845-IMPROVED 1860. ADAPTED TO ALL KINDS OF MANUFACTUR- ING PURPOSES. Sewing Equally as well on inns llns, Cloth and Leather. CORNER OF PENN 4z. ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA A. M. M'GREGOR, AGENT April 16-lyr J. & H. PHILLIPS, Nos 26 and 28 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENTe GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, TABLE OIL CLOTHS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. .111 so, dealers in Leather Belting, Lace Leath er, Indiau Rubber Belting, Hose Steam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Rubber, 4-c., 4-c. Wholesale and retail buyers will find our stock large well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 24, 1562-Iy. 3E1.MTV1C:017.431.3:11, SIMON KAUFMAN, MEM= KLEE, KAUFMAN & CO., Manufacturers and Wholeole Dealers in EC, Ma 0 ne' 1_ DJ Ca-, No. 80, Wood street, next door to corner of Fifth, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Always on hand, a large assortment of Cloths, Cassi meres, Vestings and Furnishing Goods. Pan. 29. P. REYMER. J. S. REYMER. H. D. REYMER (Late at Miller & Ricketson'e.) REYMER & BROTHERS, (Successors to Reynter & Anderson.) WHOLESALE DEALERS FOREIGN FRUITS, Nuts, Confectionery, Sugars, Fire Works, &c., Non. 126 and 128 WOOD STREET, above Fifth, Late No. 39 Wood Street, - PITTSBURGH, PA. March 11, 1862-6 in. , 0 *as,oo Pays the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successfill Commercial School in the country. Up wards of TwEt.vs HUNDRED young men from TW Ea TV cm-1r different States have been educated foi business here u ithin the past three years, some of whom have been employed as Book Keepers at salaries of $2,000 Per Annum, Immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac counts When they entered the College. Ministe 3' eons half price. Students enter at any time, and review when they please without extra charge. For Catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cow ley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large engraving of the College, enclose twenty-five cents in letter stamps to the Principals, Sept. 11, 1861 KNA.BEIS PIANOS I=l WILLIAM KNABE & CO. Tabove Pianos from their Factory possess all the I superior and latent improvements, including the 4G11.31 4 WE TREBLE. Overshung, Improved Full Iron Frame, Felt Covered Hammers, &c. THALBERO, one of the most eminent pianists ir, the world. says : "I have great pleasure in certifying that I have tried your Pianos, and find them equal, if not superior, to any in this country. A smug' their Breit qualities, which distinguish them, is the evenness of tone, the agreeable and easy touch, and volume Of tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly de serve, I am, sir, yours truly, S. A ISERG." C. GRODE, the well known composer, Wilmington, Delaware. says that '•they cannot be surpassed by any in the market." H. ViEtammg•rs writes :—"I was delighted on hear ing the clear and full free of one of your first class Pianos." I - The above Pianos are warranted for five years, For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 43 Fifth street, 2d door above Wood st., Patterson's New Building. [Jan. 29, 1862. 3. R. ViTELDIN, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, Priastar do Mt r; AND Manufacturer of Blank Books, No. 101 WOOD STREET, BETWEEN DIAMOND ALLEY AND FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wrapping, Wall & Window Paper. CASH FOR RAGS. April 16, I/462-6m. NOME MADE SHIRTS R. 1i717X1-NIAIALTICEPCION MANUFACTURER OF SHIRTS, COLLARS, WRISTBANDS, BOSOMS, AND FURNISHING GOODS. No. 47, St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. April l6—lyr. Wall Paper I Wall Paper ! THOMAS PALMER, No. 91, Wood St., Between 4th *. sth., SECOND DOOR BELOW DIAMOND ALLEY, PITTSBURGH, PA. 150,000 Rolls Wall Paper to be sold this Spring. Also a fine assortment of Glazed and unglazed Green and Figured Curtains, Fire Board Prints, Lesters, Ste.— New Patterns—Bright, Beautiful and Showy. Come all, and see for yourselves. Our motto is, "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES." April LIGHT ! LIGHT ! ! LIGHT !! I LAMP AND OIL STORE, NO. 82 FOURTH STREET, PITTSRITROH, PA' lAM prepared to furnish dealers with the best quali ty of refined Carbon Oil, at the lowest market price; also fuming Fluid, Campheue, Benzole, Alco hol, &c. I have also on hand and for saleat wholesale, and retail, a great variety of Lamps, Chandeliers Pendants, Bracketa, Globes, Chimnies, Shades, Wicks, CIVIL OM. together with everything pertaining to tha Lamp trade. Churches supplied with fixtures and oil on the most favorable terms. Orders respectfully so P. HAYDEN. Nov. SO, 1111614 m. THOS. C. LAZEAR, ATTORIRMIT AT um", NO. 63 GIIANTISTREST, MTSBURG, PA lisia. 11,18d1a1r I= JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa THE PLACc: FOIL CITIZENS OF GREENE COUN:PY To GET THEIR STATIONERY, Blank Books, Court Records, &c., le AT W. G Johnston at Co.'s, Steam Printing House, Blank Book Factory, and Sta tionery House, 57 WOOD STREET. ept. 11. Li6l-Iy. PITTSBURGH, PA. Bankers and Exchange Brokers, CORNER OF WOOD AND PIFTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. Refer to the Banks and Bankers of this City, and to Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co., New York City. Special attention given to the negotiation of Com mercial Paper, Loans, &c. Stocks and Securities of every description, bought ant sold on Commission.— Collections made on all parts of the United States; and u ucurrent Funds taken at the lowest rates. Weaolicit the correspondence of Banks and Bankers, and can offer favorable terms to parties who may open accounts with us. THOMAS LEMON, (SUCCESSOR TO JAMES LEMON,) Manufacturer and Dealer in FURNITURE, OF ALL KINDS, Sole Manufacturer of WELLS' PATENT SPRING BEDS 118 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 13, 1861-Iy. - EDWARD SPENCER, NECROILIUNT TAILOR, No. 200 Liberty street, Nearly opposite Band, PiTTSBUROH, PA. Oct. 9, 1851:1y. S. 8. & C. P. MARKLE, IidANUFACTURERB AND DEALERS IN BOOK, 'OAP'', 'LVVTII3I,.. AND atildeditai WRAPPIN 6 ( S I4.TER have reinev. ed from NO. F 7 WORD BMW to Vittsbutt ltretdbemtnts. HENRY HIGBY, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, No. 122, Wood Street, East Side, Fourth Door above Fifth. HAS constantly on hand a complete assortment of goods in his iine,suited to the wants of private fami lies, and country merchants. Also, fine Vitrified Iron Stoneware, very durable, for Hotels and Steamboats; Table Cutlery, Plated German Silver Tel and Table Spoons, Forks and Castors, Tea .VVaiters and Trays ; and a great variety of the cheapest and best Self-Seal ing Fruit Cans and Jars. H. Highy is sole Agent for and owner of PUTNAM'S PATENT CLOTHES WRINGER In and for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. It is one of the greatest labor-saving inveentions of the day, and no housekeeper should be without it. It is sold at a price within reach of all. April a - . w_ vvrcocorpclirmmar_i, 97 & 99 THIRD STREET, (NEXT TO BANK OF PITTSBURGH, MANUFACTURER OF N'll.Y MitN X 'X' la XL 3E3 r ..p * • 4, Is la .4 iii._----rq SUPERB PARLOR Library, Dining & Bed-room Furniture KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. lt?The largest assortment to be found in this city, and will positively be sold at the LOWEST PRICES to suit the times. Goods packed and shipped to all parts of the country April Id, 1862-Iy. J. T. COLVIN COLVIN gr. MASON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, WOOL AND PRODUCE, NO. SMITHFIELD STREET, OPPOSITE MONONGAHELA HOUSE. PITTSBURGH, PA. April 16-Iyr 1562.] TO MERCHANTS. [IS62. HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS BONNETS, &c., AT WHOLESALE. DICICORD & CO., 131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., HAVE now on lauds for their Spring sales the largest and cheapest stock of Hats, Caps, straw Good Bonnets, Shaker Hoods, Palm-Leaf HOS, And all the new styles of MISSES' and LADIES' HATS to he found in any city, which they are prepared to sell lower than they cau be purchased elsewhere.-- Please call and examine our stock. M'CORD & CO., April 16, IStl2-ly. Manufacturers. ST. CLATR HOTEL, CORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. Cheap Bills, and good fare. Stabling for any number of horses. April ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, CORNER GRANT AND 4TH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. FEUL, Proprietor. April 5. R. R. BULGER. Manufacturer of every description of 3E* X:IL 1V - X "V TY R. 3EI , NO. 45 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. A full assortment of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly on hand, which I will sell at the lowest price; for cash. Aug. RUSH HOUSE, M. RUSH, Proprietor, No. 397 Liberty St., near Pa. R. R. Depot, PITTSBURGH, PA. THIS house has been lately enlarged, refitted and re furnished, and is now in the best of order for the accommodation of boarders and travelers. The BEST OF OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. Sold wholesale and ren• or served up in every style. The delicacies of the season always on hand, together with superior brands of Liquors, &c. Oct. 9, 1661:1y. ROOFING! ROOFING! GRAVEL, CEMENT AND CANVASS ROOFING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, And In the most Durable Manner. -HAVING the most competent wDrkmen in the city, who understand their business, we can safely say we can do work as cheap, and, if anything, better than any other firm in the city. Repairing done with atten tion and care. Materials for sale, with all the instruc tions. Enquire at 75 Smithfield street. Jan. 29, ISO. B. F. SIiOPE. WALL PAPER, MliTiro.ciszEw iSkui,cle. sr. EVERY VARIETY-LOWEST PRICES JOHN J. DEZOIICHE, 112 WOOD STREET, CORNER STH.. PITTSBURGH, PA Green and Buff Oil Cloth for Blinds. Cord, Tassels, and Curtain Trimmings of every description. Also, a fine assortment of Gilt Cornices. Sept. 11, IS6I. 'PI \\l/ 119 (Successor to G. Parys A. Co.) Pittsburgh Steam Refined CANDY MANUFAC'FORY, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, Preserves, Sardines, Catsups. Fire Works, &c, No. 187 LIBERTY STREET. Feb. 26, 1862. PITTSBURGH, PA. R. PATRICK & CO., Aug 21, 1861-1 y No. $3 Math'told prrrenuitoii, U7Caah or Trade for Rap. Nay. 0N144y ux VAiitrthi JOBS CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Dealer in FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 42 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURG, Will keep constantly on hand Old Monongahela and Rye Whisky, Bran. dies, Wines, Gins, &e., January 29, 1862. Steam Cracker and Bread Bakery. W. c.-mAcKEy, Manufacturer of .IEI. .A. MC MI Pt. MI AND FAMILY BREAD & CAKES, No. 44 Smithfield et., near Third, Oct 9, 1861:Iy. PITTSBURGH, PA. I= L. H. VOIGT & 00., (Successors to L. G. Graff,) 247 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., Produce dlt Commission Merchants. Receive and sell Flour, Grain, Butter, Cheese, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Eggs, Beans, Tallow, Grease, Green Fruits, Dried Fruits, Potatoes, Blooms, Timo thy, Clover, Flax and Grass Seed, and Produce in gen eral. Purchase on orders at lowest market price, all kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, and every descrip tion of merchadise. Ship your Produce and draw at sight. Sept. 11, 1t361-Iy. M. WHITMORE 2 5 Geo. J. DUFF. C. 11. WOLFF. S THOS. 11. LANR Whitmore, wow, Duff di. Co„, SIGN OF THE ANVIL. Importers and Dealers in 312, NAT AS, R..1E1. NO. 50 WOOD ST., 3 Doors above St. Charles Hotel Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. PITTSBURGH, PA. JOHN N. MASON 89 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of HATS AND CAPS, And dealer in Children's Ilats and Caps, and Was Goods. Military Caps made to order. Sept 11, ISOI—Iy. Wholesale and. Retail Dealer in Hats and Caps, and Straw Goode, NO. 139 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Also, Carpet Bags and Umbrellas. Goods at lowest Cash Prices. Sept. 11,1881-Iy. J. D. FACKIIQKR• .INO M. IRWIN. FACICINER & IRWIN, Manufacturers of every description of ..IPT_TMILNITIC7IEILIB, NO. 103 SMITHFIELD STREET. PiTTSRURGII, PA. A full assortment of Pittsburgh Monufactured Pup. niture constantly on hand, which we will sell at the lowest price FOR CASH, which is our only terns., Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. VENITIAN BLINDSS G. P. WERTZ, HIM HID FACTOIY, NO. 72, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET ST., WARRROOM ON FIRST FLOOR. PITTSBURGH, PA. 7 IHOSE wishing to furnish their houses with Veal tian Blinds of the MOST EXQUISITE AND ELABORATE FINISH, Will find it to their interest to give me a call befbre purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics. Every attention is paid to the wants of customers. PRICES LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTED! OLD BLINDS REPAIRED NEATLY, or remodeled, L desired, to appear the same as new, of the LATEST STYLE, without extortion. Those having Dwellings, Churches or Public Build. ings to furnish with Blinds & Revolving or Stationary Shatters. Would save money by giving me a call, Corner of Third and Market Street. Oct. 9, 1861:ly CHESAPEAKE BAY OYSTERS. ELI YOUNG, AT THE CORNUCOPIA, NO. 40 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., WILL be receiving daily, throughout the season, fresh CHESAPEAKE BAY OYSTERS, FISH, GAME, &c, which he will furnish at lowest market rates to Hotels, Restaurants and private families...— Oysters by the single Can or less. Oct. 9, 1801;ly. Fifth Avenue Exchange, BAN, BARNARD, NO. 72 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENIV.A., HAVING had many years experience in the business. he is prepared to supply the best. the market affords. His Bar will be furnished at all times with the best Wines, Liquors, and Ales; and refreshments will be furnished at all times, day and night, Sundays ex cepted. Tlitnkful tin' past favors, he respectfully solicits • continuance of the same, and assures hi's old custom ers, and the public generally, that no pains or ezpens• will be spared which may tend to contribute to the comfort, convenience, and satisfaction of his guests. Oct. 9, 1861:1y. JAMES LOUGHRIDGE, (Successor to Loughridge dr. Maxwell,) Brushes, Looking Glasses, C:lcrabcame.ins, And dealer in Variety and Rouse-Furnishing Goods. &c., 72 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. January 29, 1862. JOSEPH MEYER & SON, Manufacturers of FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE AND MIAMI& Warehouse, No. 135 Smithfield St., Between Sixth Street and Virgin Alley. Nov. 13, IS6I ly. PITTr3B URGII, PA LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES. Gilt and Imitation Rosewood Mouldings. Dealers in Preach Plate and Window Glass, 128 SMITHFIELD STREET, - EMLER'S BLOCK, between Fifth and Sixth, j Pittsburgh, Pa. City Glass at Manufacturer's Prices. Particular attention given to repairing Paint. ings, Reguilding Frames and business cards framed* wholesale price. Oct. 9, 1861:1y. DR: CALVIN RING, SURGEON DENTIST, 47 SMITHFIELD STREET, rpEETII inserted in all the late styles, at m% 1 moderate prices, and satisfaction 'teleran: teed. Oct, 9, 1861:1y. J. C. KIRKPATRICK & co., Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail Dnalsm In Lamps, Ciarbim and Lubricating Oils, 39 WOOD ATRRET, PITTSBURG/I.P*. Always on hand a full Stock of Oil Lampe, Chandeliers, Shades, Wicas, dsc. ' Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. X. J. GILLESPIB, Manufacturer of LOOKING GLASSES For the trade, Oval, Pier and Mantle Glimmer Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings, Looking Glass Plates, &a., NO. 86 WOOD STREET, next door to Minns' Bank, PITTSBURG% PA. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. JOHN P. • SCOTT, Whole's* %taint DRUGS, OILS. VAILITISIVISS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS. NO. 296 ÜBERTY STREET, between 7th end elottit- Geld Streete , Pirrasuitaa. PA. Sept. 11, 1661-1 - B. P. NOM *O2lOOll, NO. 7541111Tiiinip) ErrAnnisinn;4; Sept. 11, 18$1.—ly =X= WM. E. DE BARENNE, WILLIAM FLEMING, First Premium and Excelsior GEORGE P. WERTZ A., ,e Proprietor, Manufacturer of DM H. D. BRECHT & BRO., Manufacturers of PITTSBURGH; PA indl i" EKE=