The Waynesburg messenger. (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) 1849-1901, April 16, 1862, Image 2
Saul if *I gag, Nacre of Washington /IL 0. WASHINGTON, April 7.—The follow ing communication has been forward ed to the Navy Department by Com mander Rowan ; U. S. STEAMER LOUISIANA, Washington, N. C., March 26, '62. Six : In obedience to your orders of the 20th instant, I proceeded to this place, arriving at the obstruc tions, about five miles below, on the morning of the 21st. The naval col umn consisted of this vessel, the Del eware, Lieut. Commanding Quacken bush, and the Commodore Perry, Lieut. Commanding Flusser. We were accompanied to the obstructions by the steamer Admiral, an army transport, with eight companies of the 24th regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, Colonel Stevens, and a small tug boat. We met with no resistance, the batteries having been Abandoned and their armament re moved by blasting and other process es. We soon forced a channel through the piles, though they had been driven very deep, in triple rows, and cut off three feet below the sur face. At eleven o'clock last night, we arrived abreast of the town, the Delaware bringing from the transport the fired officers, two companies of troops and the regimental band.— The authorities, with many of the .citizens, met us on the wharf, where J. briefly explained to them the ob ject of our visit. The military then formed, and we with to the Court House, where, with all the •ceremonies, we hoisted the flag of the Union. The troops 'returned to the Delaware with un broken front. I found ' on further consultation with the authorities on whona made my demand for the restoration of the Hatteras Light property, that under lying an apparent acquiescence of the people of the town and neighbor hood in permitting the building of gunboats and. the construction of batteries to repel the approach of the Union forces, was a deep-rooted .af fection for the old Union, and not a little animosity for its enemies. The latter elenient not being diminished by the importation of troops from a distant State. Tbp result of this state of affairs was to be anticipated, the abandonment of its defences by the troops , followed by the destruc tion of what remained of rebel prop erty by the people. The launched 'gunboat had been towed several miles up the river, loaded with tur pentine, and fired on the night of our arrival. A few hundred bushels of meal and corn, left in the commis sary stores, was distributed to the peer by my orders. The most valua ble part of the Hatteras Light prop erty, the lenses , have been taken to Tarborough. I have hopes of their recovery through the instrumental ity of the people of Washington.— 'The rest of the property is secure with the channel buoys and moor ings. In addition to the batteries on the other side of the obstructions, the enemy bad thrown up breast works east of the town extending half a mile. They had also fortified their camps, which commanded the high road. A sketch of the river, from `the obstructions to the bridge above the town, enclosed; it includes all the fortifications. The woods and swamps in tall and Hyde county are represented as being alive with refu gees from the draft. Many of them encouraged by our presence came in. They are deep and bitter in their de nunciations of the secession heresy, and promise a regiment if called to aid in the restoration of the flag. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. Milainta, Lieutenant Commanding. box Fortress Monroe—The Merrimac-- Adsloes from Yorktown. BALTIMORE, April 9th.—The Old Point boat has arrived. She left at eight o'clock last evening. Our letter says that the rebel steamer Nerrimac is confidently expected, with several other gunboats, on the first favora ble day. The weather is cold and foggy, with northwest winds. The latest from Yorktown, by telegraph to-day, is that everything is progressing .aatisfactorily, but that a battle is not ex pected within a day or two. An order has been issued from this De partment announcing that Capt. Wm. D. Whipple, Assistant Adjutant General, has been appointed by the President an addi tional Aid-de-Camp to General Wool, with the, rank of Lieutenant Colonel.— Jientenant Colonel Whipple will continue to perform the duties of Assistant Adju tant General in Chief of the staff of Gen. Wool, which office he has filled with great ability and success since September last. BALTIMORE, April 9th.—The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the American says that the storm which commenced on the afternoon of Monday and continued lhrfloughout yesterday, doubtless prevented the Merrimac from coming out as she in tended. She is now looked for confidently as soon as the weather permits. A person who was on board the steamer Rwacocus when she went up with a flag of truce on Monday, says that the Merrimac was then lying off Craney Island. The Yorktown, Jamestown, Teaser and four mall tugs were in company with her—all under steam. No particular change in the appearance of the Merrimac from that presented when she was here before was policed. It was the impression of those on board the Rancocus that the whole fleet was on the way down when the flag of truce appeared. The storm must have been severely felt in the army now advancing up the Penh:k ola, deprived, as tbey_are, to a great ex tent, of the shelter of tents, and compelled se constant watchfulness in the face of the enemy. The roads, none too good before, Teal IfiQW be brought to a horrible condi tion, and the public must not be impatient in expecting early results in this direc tion. We have whir reports here as to the of relp en the Peninsula, the . . character of the fortifications, . nt Anne , sbl, big naddinslim llor di* of U duet ono-bait Whams* is tom ailjr )6, they *Rho ateressau. . - PM Chin s %Num and Waal No. 10. dis patch to the Trme, dated Cairo, sth, says that a teamster, who has just returned from Commerce, says that S. J. Rethen, one ofJef. Thomp son's Colonels, is in the swamps back of that place with a squadron of cav alry, estimated at 200 men and fears are entertained that the Union men in that vicinity will be subject to fresh persecutions, and the report is cur rent to-night that Jeff Thompson has assembled a force of considera ble strength at Alcomb's Island, twelve miles west of New Madrid.-- His. position is represented by the rebels as very strong. A special dispatch to tl* Post, from Cairo, says that Daniel Wright, formerly a sailor at Oswego, arrived there to-day, having deserted from Gen. Beauregard's army a week since. He says there were about 60,- 000 troops at Corinth, but no heavy guns around the works. One regi ment was under arrest, being rebel lious. Their army presented a state bordering on . insubordination. Our informant thinks there will be a stampede, if attacked. A special dispatch to the Chicago Times, dated New Madrid, sth inst., says that the gunboat Carondolet ar rived there last night, having run the rebel blockade at Island No. 10 without damage. She had in tow, on the side exposed to the batteries, a barge loaded with hay, to proteot her. The night was intensely dark and stormy. She passed the first bat tery before being discovered. The second fired on her as soon as its guns could be brought to bear, but owing to the darkness and the speed with which she moved, the fire was totally harmless. A third battery also continued its fire, but not a shot struck the boat.— She passed the fourth and fifth bat teries with the same fortunate result. Fifty-three shots were fired at her. Three miles below the Island the rebel. floating battery opened on her ; and continued firing until the Caron dolet was out of range. All through the passage a continuous fire of mus ketry was kept up from the shore, and many bullets struck the boat, but all hands being below, nobody was hurt. Th 2 Carondolet did not discharge gun during the passage. She passed the last battery within an hour after leaving the fleet. A telegram from the Island, at six o'clock last evening, says that very heavy firing was heard in the direct ion of New Madrid. It is thought the Carondelet was engaged with some of the rebel gunboats. From one to eight o'clock heavy reports were heard every minute. The escape of the Carondolet from injury, in running the blockade is attributed to the fact that she hug ged the shore of the Island so closely that it was nearly impossible fer the rebels to depress their guns sufficient ly to hit her. There is great rejoic ing throughout the fleet at this sig nal success, Surrender of Island No. 10. NEW MADRID, April B.—The gunboat Carondelet ran the blockade at Island No. 10, on Friday night, and the gunboat Pitts— burgh on Sunday night.. All the batteries of the enemy opened fire, but not a shot struck either boat. Gen. Pope has succeeded in getting four steamers and five barges by the channel cut through the swamps from Phillips' Landing, above Island No. 10. This ex traordinary and herculean task was as— signed to Col. Russell with his regiment of engineers and mechanics, and has been well executed. It was essential to the crushing of the enemy, and the capture of the Island. Yesterday the gunboat Carondelet, Cap tain Walker, accompanied by Gen. Gran ger, Col. Smith, of the 43d Ohio, and Capt. L. H. Marshall, aid to Gen. Pope, made a reconnoissance, by order of Gen. Pope, to Tiptonville, the object being to draw the fire from the masked batteries of the ene— my. A large number ofbatteries were dis— covered at or near each point where troops could land, and there was a continual fire of heavy guns all day. The Carondelet attacked one battery on her way up the river, and Lewis H. Marshall, aid to Gen. Pope, accompanied by some soldiers of the 27th Illinois, landed, spiked the guns, broke the carriages, and threw the rebels' am— munition into the river. Thin morning the gunboats Caronde]et and Pittsburgh proceeded by order to the point selected by General Pope for his forces to land, and in two hours three batteries were silenced and the guns spi— ked. At eleven o'clock the first division of four regiments of infantry and one battery of artillery, commanded by Gen. Paine, crossed the river, followed by Gen. Stan— ley's division under Gen. Granger. The whole force crossing the river in the lace of the enemy was a magnificent specta— cle, and reflects great credit upon General Pope. Cniceno, April Bth.—The Alps arrived at Cairo this morning, bringing Second Master Lord of the gunboat Benton, with dispatches from Commodore Foote an— nouncing the surrender to him, at mid— night, of the entire position, men, guns and transports. The number of the pris— oners was not yet known, nor the amount of ordnance stores which was captured. Captures at Island No. Ten. Three Generals, 6,000 Prisoners, 100 Siege Guns, &o. MOT 4. SIMILE FEDERAL LOST ! ST. Loris, April B.—General Pope has captured three Generals, six thousand pris— oners, one hundred siege pieces, several field batteries, immense quantities of small arms, tents, wagons, horses and provisions. We have not lost a single man. The at. Johns Harbor Blockaded with; oe-- Vessels Crushed. ST. Joys, N. F., April 4.—The coast is still completely jammed with ice. Many foreign vessels are close by, but found it impossible to get in, and it is understood that the crews in some of them are ins starving aanditictn• Aballt fifteen vailk spas hos been ornelted by_th4r • The *Amer for Seetientl bee- not et been able to sail, iteatag'to the aktbehorWir. MILE 1 Ow of the Bloodiet Battles of Mod ' era Times I GEN. A. S. JOHNSON KILLED ! ! Gen Beauregard Wounded ! OWL LOSS 18,000 WO 20,000 I REBEL LOSS 35,000 TO 40,000 ! ! Brig. Gen. Wallace, Cols. Pegram, Ellis, and II a,J. Goddard Killed. GENERAL SHERMAN WOUNDED! GEN. PRENTISS CAPTURED TWO DAYS SEVERE FIGHTING ! COMPLETE ROUT OF THE REBELS I INTERESTING PARTICULARS &c., &c., &c PITTSBURGH LANDING, via Fort Henry, April 9th 3:20 a. m.—One of the greatest and bloodiest battles of modern days has just closed, result ing in the complete rout of the ene my, who attacked us at daybreak on Sunday morning. The battle lasted without interruption during the en tire day, and was again renewed on Monday morning, and continued un decided until 4 o'clock in the after noon, when the enemy commenced to retreat, and are still flying towards Corinth, pursued by a large force of our cavalry. . The slaughter on both sides .has been immense. NEW YORK, April, 9.—The special dispatches to the Herald give many particulars of the terrible conflict at Pittsburg Landing. The rebel General, Albert Sidney Johnston, was killed by a cannon ball. Gen. Beauregard's arm was shot off. From eighteen thousand to twen ty thousand of the U. S. forces, and from thirty-five thousand to forty thousand rebels are either killed, wounded or missing. Our loss in officers is very heavy, but it is impossible at present to as certain their names. The following are among the num ber: Brigadier General W. H. Wallace, killed. Colonel Pegram, acting Brigadier General, killed. Colonel Ellis, 10th Illinois, killed. Major Goddard, 25th Illinois, kill ed. Lieutenant Canfield, 72d Ohio, mortally wounded, since dead. Lieutenant Colonel Kyle, 41st In diana, mortally wounded. Colonel Davis, 4th Illinois mor tally wounded., Gen. W. T. Sherman, wounded in the hand by a, cannon ball. Colonel Sweeney, 42d Illinois, acting Brigadier General, wounded. He received two shots in the only remaining arm, having lost one in Mexico; also a shot in one leg. Col. Sweeney kept the lead until the close of the fight, and he excited the admiration of the whole army. Colonel Dave Stuart, of the 55th Illinois, acting Brigadier Genaral, was shot through the breast, on Sun day. Ile returned to the field on Monday. Colonel Charles Craft, of the 31st Illinois, acting Brigadier General, shot through the right shoulder, and dangerously wounded. Colonel Rayne, of the 48th Illinois, slightly wounded. Colonel C. McKenny, of the 17th Kentucky, slightly wounded. Lieut. Col. Stout, of the 18th Ken tucky, slightly wounded. Lieutenant Col. Morgan, of the 25th Indiana, badly wounded in the head. Col. Mason,of the 71st Ohio, slightly wounded. Major Eaton, of the 18th Illinois, acting Colonel, fatally wounded. Capt. Irving W. Carrow, General Grant's scout, head shot off by a can non ball. Capt. Preston Morton killed. Capt. Dillon, of the 18th Illinois, killed. Capt. Mace, of the sth Illinois, killed. Capt. Carter, of the 11th Illinois, killed. Major• Page, of the 57th Illinois, killed. Gen. Prentiss, with several hun dred of our men, were taken prison ers on Sunday. Further of the Hattie at Pitts burgh Landing--Two Accounts of the Engagement--'70,0000n Each Side. Telegraphic dispatches received Thursday night give additional par ticulars of the late hardly contested battle at Pittsburg Landing, Tennes see. We have two accounts—which we give below—the first by the Cin cinnati Times' correspondent. He says:—Our forces were stationed in the form of a semi -circle, the right resting on a point North of Crump's Landing, our centre being in front of the main road to Corinth, and our left extending to the river, in the di rection of Hamburg, four miles north of Pittsburgh Landing. At two o'- clock, on the morning of the 6th, four hundred men from Prentiss' division, were attacked by the enemy, a half a mile in advance of our lines. Our men fell back on the 45th Missouri, swiftly pursued by the enemy. The advance of the rebels reached Col. Peabody's brigade just as the long roll sounded, and the men were fall ing into line. Resistance was but short, and they retreated under a galling fire till they reached the lines of the second division. At. 6 o'clock the attack became general - along the entire &Int of our lima. The mum/ in large force &FlJl:ribs **eta of Divine*, and fell on the Forty-eighth, Seventieth, and Seven ty-second Ohio. nese troops had never Wore been in action, and be. leg so unexpectedly attacked, made j frier lineeand were in fill retreat for Cor— es able resistance as possible; bat inth, pursued by our cavalry. The forces were, in common with the forces of I engaged'on both sides in this day's battle General Prentiss force to seek sup- ;are estimated at about seventy thousand port on troops immediately in their 'rear. At one o'clock the entire line eac Another Act:mutat of the Engagement. on both aides was fully engaged; the Dispatches to the Chicago Tribune and roar of cannon and musketry was Times give the following details of the without intermission from the main battle, gathered from gentlemen who were center to a point extending half way down the left wing. The rebels made on the field immediately Ether the fight:— a desperate charge on the Fourteenth Prentiss' Brigade, consisting of the Sixty- Ohio battery, and it not being suffi- first Illinois, Seventeenth Wisconsin, ciently sustained by infantry fell in- Twenty-fourth Indiana and- Seventy-first to their bands.. Another severe fight Ohio, were attacked by what seemed to be occurred for the possession of the the entire rebel force. General Prentiss Fifth Ohio battery, and three of its had no artillery, and his brigade was cut guns were taken by the enemy. to pieces and forced to retire. General Desperation of the Conflict.--Our Lines i Prentiss and many of his men were taken Could not be Broken, prisoners. At twelve o'clock the entire By eleven o'clock a number of corn- line was fiercely engaged but in full re manders of regiments had fallen, and treat. At four o'clOck the enemy had ta in some cases, not a single field offs- ken Schwartz's battery of six guns, Dres ser remainAl, yet fighting continued den's battery of four guns, Waterhouse's with an earnestness which showed battery and two Ohio batteries—names not the contest on both sides was for "death or victory." Foot by foot the known. Thousands of our soldiers, who had taken refuge under the hank of the ground was contested, and, finding it impossible to drive back our cen- j rivsr, utterly refused to fight; in fact, they ter, the enemy slackened their fire, could not, as officers and men were mixed and made a vigorous effort on our lin inextricable confusion. The army at left wing, endeavoring to outflank this time seemed utterly defeated. At this and drive it to the river bank. This' juncture the gunboats Lexington and Tyler wing was under General llttrlburt, opened a tremendous fire of shot and shell and was composed of the 14th, 32nd, upon the enemy, and kept it up every half 43th, and 57th Inds., Bth, 21st and hour during the night. Some of the shells 18th Illinois. Frontins• : , its line, how ever, were the 34th, 57th, and 77thand many dead set the woods on fire, reb- Ohio, and the sth Ohio cavalry, of els were burned. At seven o'clock in the Sherman's division. For nearly two evening the firing had generally ceased. hours a sheet of fire blazed from both Van Dorn and Price.... Arrival of Rein columns, the rebels fighting with a torcements. valor which was only equalled by About midnight the rebels attempted to those contending with them. While I plant a battery within three hundred yards the contest raged the hottest, the of our siege guns, but were driven away by gunboat Tyler passed up the river to our gunboats, and the siege guns, suppor the point opposite the enemy, and ted by three regiments of Mitchell's divis poured in broadsides from her im iob, which had arrived and crossed the mense guns, aiding greatly in forcing river about six o'clock in the evening.— the enemy back. Up to three o'clock the battle raged with a fury that de- Our informant pe sists in estimating our fies description. The rebels had loss on Sunday at three thousand killed, found every attempt to break our and five thousand wounded, as a low fig lines unavailing; they had striven to tire. During the night the rebels were re-- drive in our main column, and find- inforced by Generals Van Dorn and Price, ing that impossible, had turned all from Arkansas, with a very large force.— their strength upon our left. Foiled General Lew. Wallace came up with the in that quarter, they now made ano- 11th and 23d Indiana, 44th Illinois, Bth then attack on our center, and made Missouri and Willard's Battery, and in every effort to rout our forces before reinforcetnents which had been sentthe morning f i ercely mornins fiercely attacked the enemy's left wing. They went into the fight on a for should come up. double quick, with trinenflous shouts, Strategic Movement of the Enemy.--The Gunboats at them. and did terrible execution. By ten At five o'clodi there was a short cessation in the firing of the enemy, their lines falling back for nearly half a mile ; they then suddenly wheeled and again threw their entire force upon our left wing, determined to make a final struggle in that quar ter, but the gunboats Tyler and Lex ington, poured in their shot thick and fast and with terrible effect.— Meantime General Wallace, who had taken a circuitous route from Crump's Lauding, appeared suddenly on the enemy's right wing. In the face of this combination of circumstances, the rebels felt that their enterprise for the day was a failure, and, as night was approaching, fell back un til they reached an advantageous po sition, somewhat in the rear, yet oc cupying the main road to Corinth.— The gunboats continued to send their shell after them until out of range.— After a wearied watching of several hours of intense anxiety, the advance regiment of General Buell's army ap peared on the opposite bank of the river; then the work of crossing the river began, the 36th Indiana .and 68th Ohio being the first to cross, followed by the main portions of Nelson and Bruce's divisions. Cheer after cheer greeted their arrival, and they were immediately sent to the advance, where they rested on their arms for the night. All night song steamers were engaged ferrying Bu ell's forces across, and when daylight broke it was evident that the rebels too had been strongly reinforced.— The battle was opened by the rebels at seven o'clock, from the Corinth road, and in half an hour extended along the whole line. At nine o'clock the sound of artillery and musketry fully equalled that of the previous day. The enemy was met by the reinforcements and the still wearied soldiers of yesterday with an ener gy they could not have expected. Regularity of our Fire—Enemy in Pull Retreat. It became evident that they were avoi— ding the extreme of our left wing, and endeavoring with perseverance and deter— mination to find some weak point by which to turn our force. They left one point but to return to it immediately, and then as suddenly would they, by some masterly stroke of generalship, direct a roost vigorous attack upon some division, where they supposed they would not be expected. But the fire of our lines was as steady as clockwork, and it soon be came evident that the enemy considered the task they had undertaken as a hope less one.. Further reinforcements began to arriye, and took position on the right of the main center under Wallace. Gens. Grant, Buell, Nelson, Sherman, and Crit tenden were everywhere present, directing the movements for a new stroke on the enemy. Suddenly both of the wings of our army were turned upon the enemy, with the intention of driving them intoan extensive ravine, at the same time a powerful battery stationed in an open field, fired volley after volley of can -1 nister into the rebel ranks. At half past eleven the roar of the battle shook the earth. The Union guns were fired with all the energy that the prospect of the en— emy's defeat could inspire, while the fire of the rebels was not so vigorous, and they evinced a desire to withdraw. They Anal , ly fell slowly back, keeping up a fire from their artillery and musketry along their whole column. As they retreated they went in excellent order, battling at every advantageous point and delivering their Are with considerabbtaffeet, bnt they.were closely pursued by our columns, a galling fire: beingkept upon their - rear. The en ..somyhed now biota drivea bowl owlet- they had driven the rebels back two miles. About, ten o'clock the rebels were rein forced, and for a few minutes our men were forced from the field. Two Hours of Bloody Work—Buell After the Enemy. The other divisions of Bitell'.s army now appeared and at once became fully engaged.' For two hours all the destructive elements of earth seemed to be striving for Mastery on the battlefield. At last the Southern chivalry broke and fled in all direc tions. Gen. Buell followed the flying foe with twelve thousand troops, mostly cavalry, smiting without mer cy those who would not surrender. He was reported to have taken Cor inth, with all its immense stores, arms and ammunition. The rebel troops were mostly from Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi, with many from Georgia and Alabama. Our inform ants say they could ride through the battle field where our forces were posted, but the dead lay so thick in the enemy's lines they could not do it there. They assure us that the rebels occupied our camps on Sunday night, and took care of our sick and wounded. They destroyed nothing, expecting confidently to have our entire army next day; they thought the battle already fought and won. Breckenridge Taken Ohioans Die. graced. On Sunday Gen. 3.lcClernand cut his way through the enemy, who had surrounded him. Most of his troops behaved with great gallentry, but the Fifty-third Ohio was ordered to the rear in disgrace for refusing to fight. Our informants state that John C. Breckinridge was taken prisoner. They say they saw his pass to general headquarters. • The roles' special account of the Pittsburgh battle says that the di visions of Gens. Prentiss, Sherman, Huriburt and McClernand held the entire rebel force in check, although the enemy were constantly bringing up fresh forces. The enemy gained no advantage until about noon. Our line remaining unbroken, except Gen. Prentiss' command, they being com pelled to fall back and abandon their camp. The rebels were commanded on the right by Gens. Beauregard and Johnson, and on the left by Gen. Polk. Shortly after noon the enemy made a grand attack on our whole line. Our forces obstinately main tained their ground. The entire force of the enemy was seventyfive thousand- Our line fell back, under a heavy pressure, in good order, about three-quarters of a mile, abandoning their camps to the enemy, and took a position on the bank of the river. Here they stood immoveable and fought obstinately for five hours, the ground being fought over and over again. The Rebels Scattered Like Chall—Br agg With 25,000 Troops The gunboats Tyler and' Lexing ton bad got in raking range by their position on the left, and poured in a storm of shot and shell that fairly annihilated them. Immense siege guns had the same position on the right, so that wherever the rebels turned they met iron hail which scat tered them like chaff. They ad vanced no more, but stubbornly held their position, and night came with outany change. In the meantime Buell arrived on the opposite bank of the river, having made a forced march all day. Eight regiments were crossed and took their position inthe 04114% and engaged tbho enemy. The Jight. continued with unparali ailed obstinaoy and appalling slaugh ter until darkness closed. During the night puell crossed - wits thirty thousand men. Nelson took a posa. tie* ea tom, WOoehijs the oen tre. The battle was renewed in the morning by the arrival of twenty-five thousand men under Gen. Bragg, who were precipitated upon Gens. Sher man, M'Clernand and Wallace's di visions. They were held in check, however, and at the same time Gen. Nelson threw himself upon our right with his division, supported by Gen. Hurlburt's and all our other available force. Gen. Grant Leads the Charge and the Enemy are put to Flight. The enemy after maintaining their ground until three o'clock in the af ternoon gave way, and a decisive blow was given by Gen. Grant him self, who headed the charge of six regiments in person, precipitating the whole body upon the enemy's centre with such desperate force that they broke and ran. Retreat ()ace became general, within half an hour tt e whole rebel army was falling back in dismay. Our overjoyed sol diers followed them, driving them through our camp in complete disor der. They were soon driven into the broken country, where they would not form or fight. There was no relaxation in the pursuit at last account The cava:ry were eleven m il e s &opt the rivet- nod still ing. Tie fugitives threw away their arms, and when exhausted would lay down and wait to be taken prison ers. We can get no estimate of our loss, whim) is immense, however.— Some of our regiments had not above one hundred and sixty to two hundred left. Gen. Prentiss Wounded and taken Pris- I. Gen. Prentiss displayed conspicu ous bravery during the first part of the engagement, and before he was taken. He had just led a gallant charge of one thousand men against a superior force of the enemy. He was repulsed, receiving a musket ball in his arm. At the same time his horse Ras killed, and before he could extricate himself the enemy was upon him. lam informed on author ity direct from the rebel camp, that Gen. Beauregard made his advance on Friday to within a few miles of Geu. Grant's position, and during the night resumed the march, ,;om pletely surprising theta. How Gen. A. S. Johnston tvzs Kilted Gen. lltirlburt, whose division was held in reserve, made himsel the main prop on which the fortunes of the day hung. He acted w;th the utmost promptitude. Gen. A. S Johnston was killed in the forenoon of the second day's fight, during an attack on his position by our forces, while endeavoring to rally his men. Apparently fearless of danger, be rode along the entire front, waving his sword and shouting to his dis mayed and frightened men. When the rout was at its height, a cannon ball struck him, crushing his skull and killing him instantly. His body was found by prisoners, and brought to Gen. NelSon's tent. Later—Rebel Treachery—Bragg Report- ed Dead A Cairo dispatch says that the en emy in making the first attack on Sunday morning carried the Stars and Stripes and wore Federal uni forms. Gen. Bragg is reported kill ed. Provisional Governor Johnston, of Kentucky is wounded. A priso ner states that Gen. Prentiss escaped in the confusion of the retreat. In the second day's fight our total loss was about 7,000. This is the esti mate of military commanders who were in the engagement. Of those about 2,000 were taken prisoners and the balance killed and wounded in the usual proportion. General Wallace, of Illinois, was reported dead, as it was thought impossible that he could live. He was shot in the back of the ear, the bullet coming out at the nose. He was, however, living on Wednesday, and was im proving. Gen. Halleck passed Cairo on Thursday en rout for Pittsburgh. Five thousand prisoners are expect ed at Cairo to-night from Island Ten. Every preparation is being made for the reception of our wounded at Pittsburgh. Movements on the Lower Potomac, PHILADELPHIA, April s.—The N. Y. Times has the following special dispatch from the Lower Yotomac: Hook's division, Thursday, April 4 : A regiment of picked men, belong ing to the Excelsior Brigade, left Liverpool Point, under command of General Sickles, early on Tuesday morning, for Stafford Court House, on a reconnoissance. The troops landed at Slippery Point batteries, and marched from thence past Dum fries, through Acquia, to Stafford Court House. Ttwre was some skir mishing between a body of 600 cav alry and the advanced corps of Gen. Sickles command, six miles this side of Stafford, and the firing was con tinued on both sides until we reach ed that place, on Wedneklay, at 4 p. in. The rebels in their retreat set fire to the town and all the stores. Our forces . promptly stopped the con flagration as soon as they entered.— A numberof prisoners, horses, stores, &c., fell into our hands. From Brooke Station a force of 1,200 rebel infant ry, and a battery of six field pieces, were moving up to support their cav alry. After remaining in Stafford three hours, camp fires were built on the hills to deceive the rebels while our forces withdrew from the place. Gen. Sickles, with part of his corps, arrived back at Slippery Point this morning. The rest came in at Brent's Ferry, opposite Liverpool Point. The corps marched forty eight miles in seventeen hours, over the worst kind of mountain roads... At Fredericksburg there are but few troops, and they are lining hack to Richmond. The citiieus stato_that the Confederate cvvilitiMenOt.Wollil abandoning Virginia. " • " Mir The rebel battikiii on leland. No 10 can throw balls into three Statee --Kentucky, • Misetntri sad Temessee. 041,111 WA D. GRUM has associated JOHN RICHARDSON with him and will carry on the WHOLESALE. DRY GOODS BUSINESS, at the old stand, No,, 99, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Ps., where they have just re c eived a full and complete as sortment of goods, which they purchased at reduced prices FOR C,..egusix and which will be sold at very REIiUCED PRICES, tor net cash, or short credit to A No. t buye.s. The old customers and 311 wanting goods are invited to Call and Examine the Stock , as small profits and quick returns is our object. We have the services of MR JOH N IJUNWOODY, who will be glad to see his old friends and customers, at his new place, next door to his former place of business. D. GREGG & CO., No. 99 Wood :Street, Pittsburgh. April I& 1R62-3m. NEW SPRING GOODS J. M. BURCHFIELD'S, North-East Corner 4th &Market Street. PITTSBURGH, PA. JUST RECEIVED, AND HAVING DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT 1115 ENTIRE STOCK, HAS MADE GREAT REDUCTIONS Fancy silks for 50 cents worth Fancy silks for 1,00 worth Embloid , red fir 50 worth Embroidered sects 1,00 worth " for 3,00 wart': NEWEST STYLES SPRING DRESS GOODS Best make of Calicos for 1111 Yard and a quarter Bleached muslins for 111 This stock will be found full in all &partravals, and cheapest West of the mountains. April 16.—limos. IiTIVOCIO.TZINA7.IEX-a.T-a s 97 & 99 THIRD STREET, (NEXT TO BANK OF PITTSBURGH,) MANUFACTURER OF XT N" X 9L° TY MIL ID AND 31C-3111C 2111 L. UHL SUPERB PA It LOR Library, Dining & Bed-room Furniture KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 17-The largest assortment to be found in this city, and will positively be :old at the LOWEST PRICES to suit the times. Goods packed and shipped to all parts of the country, April 16. 1802-Iy. HENRY RIGBY, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, No. 122, Wood Street, East Side, Fourth Door above Fifth. HAS constantly on hand a complete assortment of otts in his line. suited to the cants of private fatui ties, and country merchants, Also, fine Vitrified Iron S ohea are, very darai.le, for Hotels and Steamboats; Table Cutlery, ilatea German Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Forks arid Castors, Tea Waiters and Trays. • and a great variety of the cheapest and beat Self--Seal ing Fruit tans and Jars. 11. Rigby is sole &gent for and owner of PUTNAM'S PATENT CLOTHES WRINGER In and for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. It is one of the greatest labor-saving investments of the day, and no housekeeper should be without it. It is sold at a price within reach of all. April 16—lyr. GREAT INDUCEMENTS -TO Country IVteerc3hea.n.tes* DRY CA- CO CO EP 0, BARKER & CO,S, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, 59 Market Street AS IMMENSE STOCK OF NE w 40r. 0 0 3:0 191 for sale at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. GOODS CUT IN LENGTH TO SUIT J. W. BARKER & 00.8, 59 Market Street. THIRTY NEW STYLES OF SPRING CLOAKS AND MANTLES, AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Nam SS 31 h. , AT 50 CTS. PER YARD AND UPWARDS 70\11•S Wo"Al#0 The largest and choicest selections ever offered in this city, at 121 CTS. PER YARD AND UPWARDS, Together with a genera) assortment of NEW GOODS, WILL BE ON EXHIBITION TO-DAY April 16, 1862-3 m. SEED STORE & HORTICULTURAL Tammtacer. J. KNOX, No. 2 . 9, Pitch Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, VEGETABLE TREES OF ALL KINDS . Our Seeds are Procured from None but the Best Sources, and are Warranted Genuine., BEDDING OUT PLANTS. A large stock of the finest Verbenas. double and sin gle l'etunias, Fuschias, Geraniums, Roses, Arc , ikc., Dahlias, Summer Flowering Baths, Hardy Tu berose-Rooted Plants, Japan Lillies, &c. Green-House Plants, Han , ing Baskets, Roses. Vases, Winter Blooming Bulbs, Ornamental Trees, Deciduous Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Hardy Vines and Creepers. FRUIT TREES. Apple, Pear, standard and, dwarf, Peach, Cherry, Pilll2l Apricot, Nectarine, Quince, &c, SMALL FRUITS. Having made SMALL F atlas aspecia)ity. our stock of Plants is unequalieu anywhere in the rountry. We call auentioa to our collection of Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Grap e s. Currants. Oociaber ries, &c. GARDEN IMPLEMENTS A large assortment, including Garden Spades and Forks; Hoes of every description; Steel and Wrought Iron Rakes; Garden Trowels, all sizes; Hedge, Box, and Grass Shears; Ladies' Pruning Shears, and Scis sors; flower, Grape and Fruit Gatherers English rived back Lawn Grass Scythes and Hooks; Lawn - G , aus Rakes; Garden Lines and Reels; superior quality Pru ning and Budaing Knives, Green House Syringes, &e. Books on Gardening, Farming and Rural Affairs. April 16-3inos. T. A. iffcCILMLLAND Anotion and Commission Merchant, 55 FIFTH STREET, MASONIC HALL. Sales effected of Stocks. Merchandise, Hardware, Cutlery, Hoots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Clothing, Sta tionery, Fancy Goods, Notions, Heal Est‘te, Furni ture, acc. Underwriters, Executors or Assignees' sales prompt ly and legally attended to, on moderate terms. Sales settled promptly. Consignments solicited. BOOT AND SHOE AUCTION HOUSE. Every description of BOOM Shoes and Gaiters. for Men's Women's, Misses', Boys', Youth's, and Chil dren's wear, can can be found at the Masonic Hall Auction House, No. 55, Fifth Street T. A. McCLELLAND, Auctioneer April 16--lyr J. 4r, N. riciLLIPS, Not 26 and 28 St. Clair Strati, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'ISANTITACTu REFS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT/ GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHARES, TABLE OIL CLOIMEIS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. Also, dealers . in Leather Belting , . Lace Leath , ' er, Indian Rubber likelting, Hose Stews Packing, Tullis* Wheat Drills Tubes. Mating, awl all other articles made of hulian Rtthher, 414!: • Wholes& and Mail burins willow ostoosit huip will and so ioweet prides,' 1.25 1,25 1,50 8,20