• t thifiperii. the alwataOriOr farm ,gja and others are putting down their wis ter's* and we may add, their next yeairis seat, it may be of service to re:publish, the following receipt: To one gallon of water take one and a half pound of salt, a half pound of brown sugar, a half ounce of saltpetre, and a half ounce of potash. in this ratio the pickle to be increased to any quantity desired. Let these be boiled together until all the dirt from the salt and sugar rises to the top and is skimmed Qs, Then throw the pickle into a large tub to cool, and when cold, pour it over your beef or pork, to remain the usual time, say from four to dix weeks, accord ing to the size of the pieces, and the kind of' meat. The meat must be well covered with the pickle, and it should not be put down for at least two days after the kill ing, during which time it should be slight ly sprinkled with saltpetre. The above is recommended as an old and oft tried re ceipt for curing meat, and one which has alw; - ,ys given satisfaction. Be a Man of your Word. When you promise to do a thing, do it. be a man of principle in your word. Do noltoay .that you intend to-day to visit you' r sick - friend - ' acigtoor, and then surer the preemie of business to crowd it out of your mind. He has been watching for your coming during the ' peek that is past. Could you have seen the bright smile that illuminated his countenance when he said, "I hear his voice—his footsteps on the stairs," you would have said that the inlepiog of that promise was worth more to you than much "choice gold." But when the vision had disappeared, and you carpe sot, there was pity and sorrow, even for you, written upon those features. For dollars and cents had become a formidable barrier against the priceless gem in every man's character, which either shines in its own conspicuous light of love of the tru►, or is set in the midnight darkness of distrust sknd falsehood. Then, if you wish to do good, and wield an influence for truth, be a man of your words ; for truth is the essence of heaven. THE EMT PAPER FOR THE TIMES MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER, widely known as the most Valuable and Popular Journal in its Sphere—as the BENT AND CHEAPEST combined Agri— cultural, Horticultural, Literary and Family Newspaper on the Continent—will en ter upon its ?Malcom!' Year and Volume in January, 1862. It him tong surpassed ail rivals in Variety and Usefulnossof Contokts, and of late is, more than ever before, THE FAVORITE HOME WEEKLY! This is proved by Its kumense and rapidly increasing circulation throughout the Free States, Canadas, &c., and among s intelligent classes in- both Town and Country. Itt addition to a great amount of Practical, Instructive and Entertaining Reading upon Agriculture, Horticulture, Domestic Economy, Science, Att, Edu cation, &c., leak. a variety of Eimravings, Music, Tait*, Poetry, &c., &., it contains a complete and carefully prepared WEEKLY SUMMARY OF TRH LATEST WAR NEWS, So that every reader may be fully advised of the Eyants of the War for the Won. The Roast. ardent ly labors for the preirettration and perpetuity of the American Union, as the great means of securing the permanent prosperity of the People and Country.— Though , standing aloof from party politics, it is always obi Steely for the Union, the Constitution, and the 'Laws. Henault is, and will continue to be, Patriotic, Progressive, and Timely. hi both Action and Sentiment—furnishing a weekly variety of appropriate reading for the various members of the Fenny Circle. The earnest advocate of Right gad contemner of Wrong, its Practical Departments are Itunructlee' and Vaittable; and its Literary and herrestrages hteresting and Entertaining, while the hieratTenee the whole paper is unexceptionable— the constant aim being to promote the Pecuniary In terest, Moral and Intelecnf/ Cohere, and consequent = Welfare of the tear of thousands of families It id,* fact, the BEST RURAL dmrp FAXIL NEFFSARPER In tkineries, u bath press and people attest. Its •Edi toss, with hundreds of Contributors and eorrespon dents,labor to render l'lta %MAI, an able and reliable exPloint• elf /Industry, Skill, Progress, Improvement, aniluftniteer testis Co elevate the masses and benefit theentbutry.-a paper emitnintlyadapted to the Wants of the punk) and dines.. Its Reports of the Grain, Pitottsion Cattle, Wool and Fruit Markets are invalu ble—and lost "yen in a slow monthly, (Of only 12 is hies per year,) but in a large, beautiful and progressive ,Iyou • Style, Form, Terms, &r.. Volume XIII, for 1662, will maintain the enviable reputation the RURAL New-Yosasa has acquired for both contents and appeagence. It will be published in superior style—with New Type, good white paper, and many. flue Illustrations. Its form will mintinue the same as now—Double Quarto—with an. Index, Title Page, &c., at close of year, complete for binding. TIDRXII. Always In Advance-85 a year; 3 copies OF taxildsr 'IMO; 10 for 615; 15 for $1; 20. for s2s—with a free copy for every club of six or more IFIY - Now is the time to subscribe and form clubs. Ef ficient Local Agents wanted in all places reached by the United dsates and Canada mails, to whom we ofialltty to give Gpod Pay for Donn , Good. Etrdpecimen Nuutbers, (from 6to 13,) Inducements, &c., sent free to all disposed to benefit their neighbors aun community by introducing the pa per to more general notice and support. Address, D. D. T, MOORE. Dec. 21, 1861. Rochester, N. T. NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS, AT G-EO. HOSEINSON'S. peauty, Fashion and Cheapness Combined. lop A$ net received from the Eastern Cities a large Ak stock of seasonable goods, among which may be enumerated Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Dittudin -Delaines, • *reach Gingham, Darage Delaines. Domestic Gingham, =coached Zlnelizl, Drown Zbastims, Cloths and ores, - Wreak ramillicertes, Fish, Salt, Earl:ram Aneencarare, Za aad Caps, Moots and Shoes, &c., - Together with a variety of NOTIONS. Customers and the public generally are invited to Canand .axamine his assortment of Goode. Sold cheep for cash, or country produce. GEORGX JJOSKINRON. Waynesburg, Nov 6. 1861-sm. • ‘, ON TO RICIVIIIIOND BUT BUY YOUR elw XX I IV CI. BEFORE YOU START. N. CLARK, AT the Clothing Emporium. opposite the Court Hanle, has just returned from the East With a large and elegant assortment of Clothing for MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Which was bought on vet favorable terms, and will be sold at EXCEELOGI r LOW PRICi.: FOR CASIJ. Call and Welk at his stock. which embraces Dress Coats, Over Coats, Vests and Pants Of all styles and at all prices. s/411111 aax.ct CELICSMI And indeed everything in the Clothing had Furnish ing line. Cloths, Cansimeres, lee., also kept on hand, and Oarment, of all kinds made to order on short no tice Nov. 0, /80!-,34ri. DR. S. A. DAY, • V raetising Physician and Surgeon, NBERA lite professional services to the citizens tiof MOUNT MORRIS, GREENE COUNTY, PA. tfring studied with a compe , ent physician, Dr. Blotch ley, and attended the Lectures, be feels confident he can ren d et . satisfaction to Wore entrusting themselves o .his professional care. Nov. 13, 1861-tf. . ROPETODADRY ,„„eferlt i e's e AdOiNfi, • tit their Foundry ea Water street, aridgeport, Fs,„ nanst the C, P. Church, are prepared to funinik Ep,ginas and Inachbiery for Saw and Grist Mille , Oil WiOls —Topiaries, & C. Fancy /son Ra il ing fie yards, lialcieniss, edntoses, kt., al ways on hullos made to order on short notice. Plough jesViruid Camino. of ni0141410. L, KAMM ESTEEM', PITTEIBUROME, PA. NEW CAL/COS,. NEW HINGHAMS, NEW BLEACHED MUSLIN'S, • NEW PLAID FLANNELS, SATINETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, CASSLMERES, CLOTHS, ED FLANNELS, YELLOW FLANNELS, GREY FLANNELS. in addition to the above, we are dos l's out our entire stock at reduced prices for cash par Honey. The stock will be found one of the best and Oiliest in the city. hiSept. ii, 1861-6 m. WALL PALM, vvrimi.ci.c:vcr .9132.acte, es. EVERY VARIETY—LOWEST PRICES. 30H11 J. DEZOUCHE, 111 WOOD STREET, CORNER 5TH.,. PITTSBURGH, PA. Green and Buff Oil Cloth for Blinds. Cord, Tassels, and Curtain Trimmings of every description. Also, a fine assortment of Gilt Sept. 11, 1861. A. V. SCOTT. W. H. STUAGEOX. N. U. WALAIR, SCOTT, STURGEON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC N''.ALIWIr arCPCZIrIng And manufacturers of all kinds of Looking Glasses and Children's Coaches, NO. 62 WOOD STREET, CORNER FOURTH. Oct. 9, 1661:ly. P 11" r. THOS. L. IicCILELLAND, COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Dealer in Flour, Grain and Produce Generally, NO. 6 SMITHFIELD STREET, Opposite the Monongahela House, Nov. 13, 1861-6rn. PITTSBURGH, PA. THE PLACia; FOR CITIZENS OF GREENE COUNTY TO GET TIMM ST.A.TIONZRY, Blank Books, Court Records, &c., 18 AT W. G. Johnston & Co.'s, • Steam Printing House, Blank Book Factory, and Sta tionery House, 57 WOOD STREET, Sept. 11. IS6I-Iy. PITTSBURGH, PA. - - - - R., WILLIAMSON, Manufacturer of MUT &SY, PLAIN AND FANCY ISUELIRMing And dealer in Gentlemen'sGoods, Boys' Clothing, &c.. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. SILK, BUNTING, AND CHINTZ FLAGS of all sizes, constantly on hand and made to order. April 24,1861-Iy. LOUGHRIDGE & MAXWELL, Manufacturers of . Brushes, Looking Glasses, ♦ND • Chilclareca'sss And dealers in Variety and House Furnishing Goods, &c., 72 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sept. 11, 1861. WM. lIITCHMANN. DANIEL SIAPE. L. H. 0010 T. L. H. VOIGT & CO., (Successors to L. G. Graff,) $47 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA.. Produce di. Commission Merchants. Receive and sell Flour, Grain, Butter, Cheese. Pork, Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Eggs, Beans, Tallow. Grease, Green Fruits, Dried Fruits, Potatoes, Brooms, Timo thy, Clover, Flax and Grass Seed, and . Produce in gen eral. Purchase on orders at lowest market price, all kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, and every descrip tion of merchadise. Ship your Produce and draw at sight. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. 0. MANNER.] [ll G. DAELER. HAMMER 1k DAULER'S CABINET WAREROOM, No. ITS SMITHFIELD STREET, Between 70/ street and Strawberry Alley, • PITTSBURGH, PR. Constantly on handa large assortment of elegant and Fashionable FURNITURE, warranted to be of the bee materials and workmanship. Prices low to suit the times. All orders will be promptly attended to. March 6, 1861—no 39-Iy. M. WHITMORE} GEO. J. DUFF. C. H. WOLFF. THOS. H. L•Ni. Whitmore, Wolff; Duff dit Co. SIGN OF VEIN ANVIL. Importers and Dealers in .sais 30 0 N7iir Mt. 3111 NO. 50 WOOD ST., 3 Doom above St. Charles lintel Sept. tI,PITTSBURGH, PA. WI. E. DE BARENNE, SS WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, Pk. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of HATS AND CAPS, And dealer in Children's Hats and Cax, and Straw Goods. Military Caps made to order. Sept 11,1861—1 y. B. F. SHOPE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 75 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSIALII, PA Sept. 11, 1861—ly .1. D. FACNINEN. JNO IRWIN. FACKINER & IRWIN, Manufacturers of every description of FICTIIMTIETT_TXI.III, NO. 103 SMITHFIELD STREST. PITTSBURGH, PA. A full assortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Fur niture constantly on hand, which we will sell at the lowest price FOR CASH, which is our only terms. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy-. WILLIAM FLEXING, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hats and Caps, and Straw Goads, NO. 171, COR. WOOD AND SIXTH PI ST., TTSBURGH, PA. Also, Carpet Bags and Umbrellas. Goods at lewest Cash Prices. Sept. 11,1861-Iy. J. J. GILLESPIE, Manufacturer of LOOKING GLASSES For the trade, Oval, Pier and Mantle Glasses; Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings, Looking Glass Plates, dec., NO. 86 WOOD STREET, next door to Citizens' Bank, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sept. 11,1861-Iy. W. W. YOUNG, (Successorto Cartwright & Young,) MAN VFACTERER AND DEALER IN OIL TOOLS, CUTLERY, Surgical and Dental Instruments, GUNS, PISTOLS, &c., 97 WOOD STREET, COR. OF DIAMOND ALLEY, ' PITTSBURGH, PA. Particular attention paid to putting up Lightning and to Manufacturing Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Repairing with punctuality and dispatch. Sept. 11, IS6I-6nt. I'. RUMMER. J. S. Itsvmst. H. b. RZYMER (Late at Miller & Micketson's.) ERYMER & BROTHERS, (succeseors to Pxymer & Anderson,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS, Nuts, Confectionery, Sugars, Fire Works, &c., Nos. 126 and 128 WOOD STREET, above Mb, Late No. 39 Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sept. 11, ISOl—tim. JOHN r. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in DRUGS, OILS, vaalnezEs, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, &c., No. 296 LIBERTY - STASI/3T, between "Ith and Smith field Streetp, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. J. C. KIRKPATRICK & CO., Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lamps, Carbon and Imbricating Oils, 'Pi THIRD STREET, PITTEBEROD, PA. A/ways on hand a full Stock of Oil Lamps, Chandeliers, Shades, Wicks, dcc. Sept. 11, iddl—ly. THOS. C. LAZEAR, Arra= 41.7 LAW / NO. IteitANT IF • .... . • .. PITTIIPTYPO, PA.. SOS - it. lalk•-iir Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, . Preserves, Sardines, eirc. 187 LIBERTY STREET, Raving a large connection with importing houses, East, lam pu'pared to furnish Country Dealers with a large assortment of Foreign Fruits as they arrive in their season, on equally as good terms as thy can buy else where. I am-tow receiving anew crop of Oranges, Lemons, rigs, Dates, Raisins, Primes, Plums, Currants and everp description of Nuts. Also, Fresh Peaches in Cans of asuperior quality, Pickles, Preserves, Olive, Oils, Catsaps, &c. Common Fancy and Crystalized Candies, manufac tured from the best of materials, and will be sold at the lowest prices. I would call special attention to my Cough Candy. It is not surpassed in the Country for the cure of Coughs and Colds. TRY IT. February 27, 1861—no 38. .onuitua, PA DRY GOODS, Which they will sell as low as any Eastern House. A call and examination of the same is respectfully solicited. March 1 1861—no 40—ly W. W. MAIRI [JOHN S. DAVISON. MAIR & DAVISON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Saddlery, Carriage & Trunk HARDWIRE AND TRIMMINGS, No. 127 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. March 6, 1861—no 39-Iy. wm. P. BECK.' PAS. B. LAZBAB. =CAC & LAZEILIA., 185 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, pA. Wholesal Grocers and Dealers in Country Produce. ORDERS for Groceries, P;ttsburgh Manufactures, Flour, Grain, &c.. filled at usual terms. • CONSIGNMENTS of Produce solicited. February 13, 1861—no 36. R. R. BULGER, Manufacturer of every description of 36 1 1 RNITTJR3EI, NO. 45 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. A full assortment of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly On Laud, which I will sell at the lowest price; for cash. Aug. 21, 1861-Iy. Bankers and Exchange Brokers, CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. Refer to the Banks and Bankers of this City, and to Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co., New York City. Special attention given to the negotiation of Corn ntercial Paper, Loans, &c. Stocks and Securities of every description, bought ani sold on Commission.— Collections made on all parts of the United States; and uncurrent Funds taken at the lowest rates. Wesolicit the correspondence of Banks and Bankers, and can offer favorable terms to parties who may open accounts with us. Aug 21, 1861-1 y J. B. H I I. IL, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Office, No. 953 Penn suet, .MnLk Ward, opposite Penn'a R. R. outer Depot. BUM, Coy. ofMorrts St. &. Mulberry Alley .IPX 1 1"1"038 - ETPWriEr. ALL KINDS OF Lumber, Flooring & Weather Boarding FURNISHED TO ORDER. irr Orders will receive attention Wien at the office of Beck & Lazear. April 24, 1861-Iy. P.4, 1 ?;80A '!" COMMISSION MERCHANT, Fish, Pig Lead, Spelter and Produce Generally, No. 25 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH; P.R. Agent for Gothie Chimney Tops, Stone Water Pipes, St. Louis Fire Clay. March fi, Is6l—no ..IPT-T3FILIVX I IOI7R.23 WAREHOUSE No. 38 and 40 Smithfield St., OPPOSITE THE GIRARD HOUSE, PITTSBURGH, PA. THE undersigned are constantly manufacturing and selling at reduced prices, every description of Parlor, Chamber, y, Dining-Room, and Office mirnst.NlTl7.l=l..M. Warranted to be of the best material and workmanship. Furniture forshipping. Customers can rely on having goods purchased from this establishment, securely and properly packed tor transportation. Steamboats supplied as usual with promptness, and on liberal terms. T. B. YOUNG k CO. March 27, 1861- 42-Iy. J. & H. PHILLIPS, Nos 26 and 29 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT ; GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, TABLE OIL CLOTHS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. .Also, dealers in Leather Belting, Lace Leath er,lndian Rubber Belting, Hose Steam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Rubber, 4-c., Wholesale and retail buyers will rind ouretock large well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 24, 1861-Iy, ENTERPRISE WORKS I DOWN & TETLEY, No. 36. Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, Pa. M•NUFACTUREIIB OF IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, SINKING OIL SALT AND OTHER WELLS pEDERS SOLICITED & PROMPTLY FILLED. .14410 RIFLE MANUFCTURERS, usipoimiciatak DIALES DeaWa sailliask• Samilikot Gw SKIRT= APPARATUS II 1141/11/AlikeiliATlll4llll 14.10011-ar• .."*";4'77171 4 1 H WHAM REPINED CANDY MANUFACTORY, WIRDLICSALE DICALLR IN PITTSBURGH, P. 9 C• YEAGER & CO, No, 710 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, P 3 HAVE now opened a large and well selected stock of TRIMMINGS, A' ND ERNCY GOODS, R. PATRICK & CO., HENRY H. COLLINS. FORWARDING AND I=l Af ST the G l o il u W rt T il ' it hu A rtry n' e s ve ll it l e ° l7 l"l1 eac ll week, at 71. o'elook. se o o rticans: DAVID BUCHANAN, P. G. } T. I. PORTE E R, , V. G. L BARNS N. G. J. P. TEMPLE, Sec'y. 13. F. HERRINGTON, Treas. W. A. Portia, Chaplain. Nev. 6, 1861. .1V" MI w GOODS MINOR dz CO.'S TILE Farmers' and Mechanics' Exchange are now opening a very large and well selected stook of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Which have been purchased on such terms as will ena ble theni to sell at LOWER PRlCE4than ever. LIES' DRESS GOODS In endless variety. Their stock of Silks, Merinoes Plain and Figured Delains, Plaids, Grey Goods; in shor every description of Ladies' Wear is large. A supply o, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS. Bonnets, Ribbons, FloWera : Feathers, Bonnet Velvets and Silks. MOURNING GOODS, &c. WIADI unimi• u will IN a HMI ! Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tweeds and everything n the Staple and Fancy Goods Line. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS ! Their stock is large and is selling at prices to suit the times. Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, &c. Kept constantly on hand in great variety and at low prices. The public can feel assured that they can pur chase Good at old prices, and prices that will defy competition. Call and examine their stock, you can not fail to be suited. PItC;DUCE taken in exchange for Gonda and the Cas!l never refused. MINon & Co. Waynesburg, Oct. 23, 1961.. ELI ATtN NEW 'CABINET SHOP. PUBLIC attention is called to the new Cabinet Ware room, one door east of Minor's Store, where all kinds of Cabinet Furniture will be furnished to order in the most improved style, and on the most reasonable terms. Bureaus. Book-Cases, Cuphoords, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands, &c. Also COPMNS Will be put up with the gteatest possible dispatch and at the very cheapest rates. .ATEN & PHELAN. Waynesburg, May 8, 1861. THE EXCHANGE! J. TAYLOR & CO., Having opened a Wholesale and Retail Li quor Store in the Basement of the •`IIAMILTON HOUSE," Waynesburg, Pa., would inform their friends and the public generally, that they are prepared to ac commodate them with the be*( Brandies, Wines, Gin, Rum, Pure,mipper.distilled Rye Whiskey, &c., on the most reasotll.lsle terms for cash, or good grain, such as wheat, rye, corn, oats, &c. Confectionaries and Oysters always on hand, Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. Waynesburg, Pa...lune 2.2, 1859. tio3. GREENE HousE, Waynesburg, Greene County Pa. S. HaRTZELL, Proprietor. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friend that he has taken this well known House Where he is prepared to accommodate travellers and others, with goodand substantial meat, drink, &c. lie will spare nu pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not torgetttng to give due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. EL HARTZELL. April 10,—No 44—tf HAMUMON HOUSE, WayneeburrGreene County, Penn'a. V HE undersigned respectfully announ -1 ces to his customers and to his friends, to strangers, arid to the public generally, that he has rented and is now the proprietor of the Hamilton House, here tofore an excellent and pupular hotel, and that he will spare neither pains nor expense to render entire satisfac io n to those who may favor hint with their patronag April 27, 1859. JACOB LEIBLEY CABINET MAKING. JAMES GANIER & CO., Weald respectfully inform their :friends and the pu lic that they have now on hand a good assorimeut all kinds of OAIIEVEZIT WARE, such as is usually kept in shops in this part of the coun try, made of the best materials, and by the best work men. fa - " They still keep a Hearse, and are, at all timesp prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or country. Waynesburg, January 29, 1860-Iy. NOW READY. The Waynesburg Steam Grist Mill, having been stopped a mouth for repairs, is now in operation. We are also happy in being able to announce that we have made arrangements with Mr. Rogers, Esq., of Rogers ville, to assist in grinding. Mr. Rogers is well known to be one of the best millers in in the County, and he will hereafter superintend the grinding. Best quality of Flour, Meal and Feed kept for sale cheaper than can be had elsewhere in town. We expect to have the Carding Machine in opera tion in two or three weeks, having fated to get ready as betbre announced, owing to a disappointment in getting some, neWcards, belts, etc. Aug 14, 1661. THOMAS TIOGE. OWATCHES & JEWELRY. S. M. BAILEY, Main Street, one door East of the 04 Bank Building. The public are respectfully informed that I have re plenished my stock, and am now prepared to furnish, at the lowest retail prices, Gold and Silver Watches, Of all styles and qualities, including the famed Angli can manufactured Watches; also, all descriptions of Or namental Jewelry, sorb at ltredalions, Bracelets, Gold Chains, Breast- Pins, Ear Drops, Ear Rings, Fin ger Rings, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver, Pen and Pencil Cases. And everything in the line—and actualities and prices to suit the most fastidious purchaser. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, /Ice., still promptly attended to, and all work repaired by him will be warranted to perform satisfactorily for one year. He respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage. Waynesburg, June 13. 1860-Iy. R. DOUGHERTY, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the rlhlic that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. From hie experience in the business, hs feels confi dent his wsrk will give entire satisfaction. He will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any Litt superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square South of theCourl ouse, Waynesburg, Jan. 25, 1660—n0 54. LOOK AT THIS. The undersigned would respectfully p inform the Pub lic that be is now pr epared . and mane accusing Cabinet uch as BUREAUS, TABLES, (BEDSTEADS and every thing in that line. He also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and snakes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or country, at any hour. SAIRUELJEWEL. Warnesbarg,Oct. 26, 1559. 5 : 7 WAIN. ROUEILT REYNOLDS, Proprietor, Jefferson, Greene County, Pa. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken charge of the. Nation al House, and is amply prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. IiODT. REYNOLDS. Jetfereon, Greene county, Pa., April 2s. 'sB—noso INGHAAME HOUSE, BY I. THOMAS, IirAPEWS9N, ORENNS COUNTY. PA 4*Pf:TTIIMAY. C0117.111111* PRODIICE Of an kinds. ilsoeivsti stt this !:Xrios in parrirfnt of debts. • or . • on eas eame I. R. K. CAMPBELL, Raving just received a large stock of goods from the Barters cities, which he is determined to sell as low as any other establishment in Waynesburg, for cash or aood produce, consisting in goods of the following: 3:MIL"Sir 4:314:PC:13=1/S, Clothes, Ca.sinieres, Buffalo, Cord, Shawls, Ticking Blankets, Flanne.s, Lindseys, Drilling, Canton Flannels, Check. Under Shirts and Drawers, Silks, Ginghams, Merinos, Alpackas, Cashmeres, Faramettoes, Cobourgs, of all colors, Delaines, and Plaids, Lavel:a, Cloths, Debages, Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds Mohair Caps, Collars, Fringes. Silk and Tabby velvet, all kinds of Ribbons Silk Ribbons, Cambrick, Swiss Mull, Jackonets, Figured and plain Muslin. And many other articles to tedious to mention In advertisement, 200 pieces of Calicoes, 200 pieces of Brown and Bleached muslins, Ladies Cloaks, a beau tiful article Ladies Skirts. 3 EXA5.Xit.1:11:77.45L11L30, Mill and Cross cut Saws, Stilyards, Knives and Forks Table and tea Spoons, Door Locks, Pad Locks, Fau cets, Hutt Hinges, of all sizes, Screws of all sizes, Sprigs and Shoe nails, Sash Fastners, Shears and Scissors, Curibard and Chest locks W.... at saws, Saustge Chop -, aim staffers; Cast and Shear steel Trowels, Cotlee M ills, and Augurs, Wrought and cast Nails, Shovels [ and Forks. QUEENSWARE. Stone, Liverpool, and common Ware iu Sets or by the piece, Glass ware and Glass Lamps. GROC ERI ES. Sagar, Tea, Coffe, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Cinamonn Cloves and Nutmegs, Tobacco, Rice. Spanish add Com mon Segars, Ropes and Bedcords. WOODEN WAILS—TIOS and Buckets Coats, Pants and Vests, Caps and Bonnets. The best and cheapest Stock of Snots and Shoes in Waynes burg, Ladies, Gentlemens, Misses and Childrens. PATENT NErancrrams. Prandreth's Pills, Parry Davis' Pain Killer, Nerve and Bone Liniment, Gpedildock, Castor and Sweet Oil, God fry's Cordial, Datentan's Drops Essonce Cinnamon, Freys Vitmifuge and Cough Syrup, Woods Hair Re eterative, Richardsons Sherry wine Bitters, Alicoks Porous Plaster. The above will he sold tow for all kinds grttin, Feath era, Butter, Dried Apples, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Lillilen and Flannels.— Flour and Salt by the barrels. Nev. 30, no2o. Z. %V. PHELAN MARBLE AND STONE WORKS SAVERS & RINEH kll. T, Practical Marble & Stone Gutters, y East of the Court House, Main stree WHERE they have, and keep on hand a large and extensive assortment of fine and ornamental /C such MAR as monu BLE ments, to WORK Imbs, tablets and mot' P grave stones, of every variety and which will attention paid to carving, which "•""'"'"' will be done by as good workmen as can he found anywhere in the business; as one of the firm has seen practically engaged in the business for twenty-fire years, and the other eighteen years. They flatter them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill and taste by any in the west. Persons wishing anything in .our line can have it furnished to any place desirei: at lower rates that: any other establish:neat in the country. Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of us. All kinds of building work done in either marble or stone. **AYERS & RINEHART. Waynesburg, May 20,1857-1,0.9. WAR! WAR! WAR! New Grocery & Provision SiTORE DANIEL OWENS, HAS the pleasure of announcing to his old customers and friends, that he has refitted the Led with Store Room, Oppositethe Courthouse, and is prepared to carry on a GROCERY & PRODUCE BUSINESS. Ile is determined to exert his best efforts to meet the wants of the community, and hopes by careful atten tion to business to merit public favor. lle will keep on hand constantly a stock of superior FAMILY GROCERIES. Queensware, Hardware, Confectionaries, Notions, &c. Please call and examine for yourselves. Produce ta ken in exchange for goods. 1). OWENS. May 5, 'hl—tf. NEW GROCERY. Two doors East of "Messenger" Buildings Main Street, Wayneshuro-, Pa. ISAAC 11001'111., 1100 ESPECTFULLY • announces to his .. p d friends and the public generally, that he has ust opened an entirely new stock of. FAiIILY GROCERIES, of a superior quality, selected with an eye to the wants of the community. He Hatters himself that his stock is all prime and fresh, bought at low prices, and will be sold accordingly. lie keeps every article pertaining to an establishment of this kind, and hopes to merit a sharo of the patronage. Ilia stock is comprised in part of the folio ving : Teas, Coffees, N. 0., Crushed and Pulverized Su.garet Molasses, Starch, Soda, Cream Tartar, Salt, Pepper, Caudles, Crackers, Soaps,Tobacco. Also, a superior variety of Cigars', and a ll other articles ueually kept in a Grocery. CONFECTIONARIES. His Confectionary Department is supplied with a va riety of Candles, Cakes, Raisins, Drops, Chocolate, For eign and Domestie Fruits. Also, a variety of Notions which will be sold an low as they can be had at anyoth er establishment in town. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Give him a call, at the new store room, near the Messenger publication room. May 18, 1859; n 0.50. DAMY MAIL HACK RUNNING REGITLARLY BETWEEN WAYMIRE ADD HET LAHR. THE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above points, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ac commodation of the travnllng community, One will leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn• ing, Sundays excepted, at 7y o'clock, and will arrive at Ricee' Landing iu time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave Rices' Landing at the same time and arrive in Waynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of passengers, TIMOTHY BOUGHER, Proprietor. August 7th, 1661. no. 9. ABF._ WAYNESBURG TO RICES' LANDING. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the public, that his line of Hacks will leave the greene House in Way nesburg,every morning at 7 o'clock, arrive at Rices' Lan ding in time to connect with the Boats leavingthat place for Pittsburgh. All persons wishing a commodious con veyance between those points will find it to their advan tage to give him their patronage. His terms are moderate. _ . December 19, 1860—no 28 HUGHES & OLIVER, 0 -raters, Forwarding and COMMISSION IIIarEILCZA.NTS Ricca' Landing, Greene Co., Pa. Are prepared with the largest and best Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the 02.4.-3, for 411 goods on con signment, and also on the bank of the river, convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for shiument to Pius burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms. They hope by strict attention and long experienee, in business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they will keep on hand a gone assortment of ' FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to accom modate all who will favor them with their patronage. April 11, 1860. S. & S. SSIDGUTION I Grocers and Commission Merchants, RICES' LrINDING, P 4 The above gentlemen give notiee to the public, that by the death of a former partner, the late firms of Stro snider gr. sedgewicks, and pedgewicks & Co., have beer, dissolved, and the business connected therewith mast be settled whit them' 'and hereafter the above Mantes, will be continned ;mit peomptly 'intended to by•the above Arm. Alsb;imeither, Shoe Findings, ice, an went aim pod aiperepent of illialkprensurid be kept on land. All up Commtinskrtflei !!0 re 74 0 61111 the=s i cru i mt on. ' WAYNESBURG dices' faOing, = THOMAS BRADLEY GOOD WAREHOUSES, floods ! l , Vitmelf f ac intents. ' GREAT INDUCEMENTS NEW FALL GOODS! Immense Stock of Silks, CLOAKS, DUSTERS, DRESS GOODS, &c., &c 3Ft. Z I%T . T 19 e Of all the eelebrated makes, front Q. cents up. SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, The most popular brands, which we retail at Whole* sale pried. Also, Flannels, Illankets.: CloSbs, cashmeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans, eouse.Keeping Goods, • Hoop Skirts, kc. N. 11. As we do a large wholesale busiee ,, s in con nection with our retail, we are able to sell Goods at RE TAIL CHEAPER than any retail Ito 'ice in the city. COME AND SEE, whether you wan.' to buy or not. J. W. RARKEI: & CO NO. 59 MARKET STREET, Oct. 9, 1861:3m. Pittsburgh, £ '.' rn ^ L...., C) C 4 4 . .:114 .401 -4 4 c-4 ^.--1 C• 1 G 0 F. 4 0 ::--.) . g .1 c::: • c , ;LI c • , A ,, Ls, ~., lei - 017 7.n I . A ; ''S I) 4 Q _., z .1 2, , R a E-4 ••••' k ,''', Cf.' ie CI) A P" ,--, v. • 0:- - 4 -' ° '::; 14 '-'' a t i ? - I ..'. '-'1 • it '7.-4 •-•":".7' W . .t ' • = 41' ,__i Z 0 r x: S: ''''. 01 Q LiJ -= in :e, ••14 . -., Q -g cr. If - ;,;( 0 tr; 0 = D., e. c/, w 3 ..--_, TN b—r . 5 4 >, -.--, •T - - 0 Z. ';:- .1 - is z 0 'f: c:4 - cc _k4 a = 0 '•• 0 !I. E - 1 0 il .2 6,-4 Z 7 fil 14 :., e ; _ H A 7. A ; r ;..p r, T. a: g: E-4 L'_ ° . - '''' ;•-4 "" p ''. 71-' A j.: 14 ._ - .9 . '3' W ;Vi .),- PLI* 7.;.: 0 ? E 'I. 0 bx '.. ...-' C 'P . A 1 4 '..- 4 . . ,---) 41 7 - ) '" ' MI (~, r ., 'i .. e r:, 4: c •• ' . • ~- = — , ` 4:l M • • • ;- : 6 ; Z 61,4 .. f . : 0 _ • 7.1-,, ;14 - ` 1 iii ..• P-1 Z' '' ZI L .I 1: C.) --.2 ' ...T. cr. Z. 5 , ~. , ~ , - . 7n a g ''' L r" 0 E.-4 M C':l . X, 1 4 4 p--, 4 . 1 at , H - r s 4 In H 0.1 r, _ e.: 0 cr... =, ~..„ ihl © . , 4 c. 6' 7—, : :;- -' 0 ' 4 ' , - 4 I= 4 • • ..., ~ • ..., c4."' ,-, . .-", r'l ck __•• % 2 ,- .. '..,.: Q . 0. , " ZI .* ' 4 l 1-.1 A CI • 4 e" , — 4 '"" Z., ' 4 r—) 'a ATTRACTIVE DRY GOODS!!! O. HANSON LOVE, NO. 74 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., AS Just received a large assortment of 1 1, Beautiful all Wool De!eines, Magnificent Silk Rnbrs, Velvet Flannels, Rich Silk Robes, Very Cheap. Handsome Black and Faney Dress Silks, Stella and other Shawls, Needle Work, Collars and Sets very cheap. Toweling Sets less than half price, Canton and Wool Flannels, all colors, Bleached and Unbleached Shirting and Sheeting. Prints, Ginghams, Hosiery, low for cash. C,ct. 9, 10131..fim NEW FALL GOODS. CP a. es kt. TOW offers for sale, at the very lowest market prices, 111 to wholesale and retail buyers, a very large and well seleett.. - : stock of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBED WOOLEN HOSIERY, BOSTON HOSIERY, UNDERSHIRTS & DRAWERS, ZEPHYR WORSTED AND KNITTING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, VELVETS, SILKS, PLUMES, TARLETONS. BOMBAZINES, ENGLISH CRAPES, BLACK AND WHITE SILK LACE, AND A FULL LINE OF MILLINERY GOODS; HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS, SKIRTBRAIDS,T.APES,COMBS, PINS, NEEDLES and all kinds of NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS This notice is especially intended for Country Mer chants and Miliners who visit the city for the purpose of buying goods. HORN E'S TRIMMING STORE, NO. 77 31•AEEET STREET, Oct. 9,1691,2 in VENITLIAN BLINDS! G. P. WERTZ, HUH FACTORY, NO, 72, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET ST., W•RSROOIS ON FIRST FLOOR, PITTSBURGH, PA. THOSE wishing to turnish their houses with Veni— tian Blinds °Wm MOST EXQUISITE AND ELABORATE FINISH, Will find it to their interest to give then calf fu;nu - e purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics. Every attention is paid to the wants of customers. PRICES LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! OLD BLINDS REPAIRED NEATLV, or reimulPled. 1, desired, to appear the same as new, of the LATEST STYLE, without extortion. Those having Dwellings, Churches or Public Build ings to Furnish with Blinds dr. Revolving or Stationary Shutters, Would save money by giving me a call, Corner of Third and Market Street. Oct. 9, 1961:1Y 11. .D. BRECHT BRO., LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, Gilt and Imitation Rosewood Mouldings. Dealers in French Plate and Window Glass, 14S SMiTIIFIELD STREET, IFIEMLER'd BLOCK, between Fifth and SiNth, 11 Pittsburgh, Pa. City Glass at Manufacturer's Prices. Particular attention given to repairing Paint ings, Iteguilding Frames and business cards liame,l at wholesale price. Oct. 9,11561,1 y. :ro. 397 Liberty St., near Pa. R. R. Depot, PITTSBURGH, PA. TIHS house has been lately enlarged, refitted and re-furnished, and is now in the best of order for the accommodation of boarders and travelers. The BERT ts" ~VSTERS RECEIVE!: DAILY, Sold wholesale and rev 1. or served in every style. The delicacies of the season always on hand, together with superior brands of Liquors, &c. Oct. 9,186111 y. Steam Cracker and Bread Bakery. W. C. MACKEY, Manufacturer of I=l- A. 0 lE. 31111 MIL AND FAMILY BREAD CAREe, Igo. 44 Smithfield at., near Third, Oct. 9, 1801:1y. PITTSBURGH, P. DR. CALVIN KING, 11171 t.. .5.9 0 0 1. 3 =3"gr ili r 47 IllTrilkufilueu STREET, rirtestraca PA. ;MS Imparted hi all So billa fairkei, r 40444.44 realliustion Oc WE RAVE JUST RECEIVED AN and Checks, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts; Gloves, and Mitts of all kinds selling very DIEM .13 . 1.1. 3r e• r , as . JOSEPH HORNE, PITTSBURGH, PA First Premium and Excelsior GEORGE P. WERTZ Manufacturers of RUSH 110 - USE, M. RUSH, Proprietor, 4119 - 7141014 ►RESTORED: Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope : A LECTURE ON THE .NATDRE, r TREATRIENT AND RADICAL' CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness nEmissions, producing impotency a Co ti nt Consumption and r !Mental and Physical Debility. By ROBERT .1. CULVER WELL, M. D., The important fact that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without inter, nal medicines or the dangerous applications ofcamt its, instruments. medicated bongies, :Ind other impera ea) devises, is here clearly demonstrated, and lie en irely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated authur tully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perleelty, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This lecture wilt prove a boon to thousand: and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ddres, post paid, on the reecipt of two postage stamps, by ad= dressing Dr. CH, J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, bl e w y o o. Post office box 4,586. April 24, 1861—no LINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEABOIEER. A STANDARD MEDICINE for the speedy, radical and effectual cure Di all diSeaSeS arising from IMPURITY OF THE 111.00 D. This medicine has wrought the most miraculous curer to desperate cases of Scrotith, Cutaneous Disettses, Pimple!: nu the Face, Ohl ,tulamrri Ulcers, Tetter A tfections, Pysimpsia, Carrretottr Formation. Erysipelas, Bone, More Eyes, Scald Ilead, Eln,iinatie, Affections, rostiv,ness, Tall Itta,on, General Debility, Foul Rtoinach, FEN ALE CoMPLAi and all Diseases originating in an Impure state of Ow Blood. Mercurial Disenseß, Liver Complaint., Low Spirits, Tut ABOVE IRA PORTRAIT OF °Arai M'CREARV. Sworn statement of David Pil'Creary, of Napier v.,. Bedford C °limy In April, 1536, as near as I can remember, a small pimple made its appearance on 'any upper lip, which soon becanis enlarged and sore. I used poultices of sorrel, and a wash of blue vitriol, without effect.— Finding th , _. sore extending, I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who pronounced it CANCER, and pre a wash o f sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of no avail, I carted upon Dr. swim% of Davidsvill:;, Somerset enmity, who also. pronounced the disease Canes', and gave me internal. and external remedies—the latter consisting principally of caustic; but all tii , n;, purpose en the disease con tinued 7preading toward the nose. I next used a prep aration of aisenir, in the form of salve. This for a time checked the disease, hut. the intlamation soon in ma ;ed. 1 called upon Dr. Smile:, of St. Clairsville,. ~.,.card county, who also pronounced the disease Can cer, and applied a salve svid to be a never tailing rem edy, but it had no eftett ahatever in checking the. spread of the sore. In December in the same year, the. disease had eaten away a greater part of my upper lip, and had attacked the nose, when I went to Cincinnati where I consulted Prof R. S. Newton. of the Eclectic Medical College. Ile pronnutirr,d the disease "a cu taneous Cancer, superinduced by an inordinate use of mercury." Ile applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me internal remedies. Mv face healed up, but the in flammation was not thoroughly removed. In February,. 1651, lie pronounced me mired, and I left for home. fa April the disease again returned, and so violent was the pain that I conin not rest at night. Late in May I returned to Cincinnati, and again placed myself under the charge of Dr. Newton. with whom I remained un til September. during which time he used-every known remedy, and partly succeeded in checking the disease.. bet when 1 retorned home there were still three dis charging ulcers upon my face. 1 continued using New ton's preparations, and oleo medicine that I got from Dr. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing until it had atr,fr the ief: side of my nose, the,a seater portion of nay left cheek, sad had attacked my left eve. I had given up all hope of ever being cured, since Dr. Ely said he could only give relief, but that a cure was impossible In March, ItLid, I bought a bottle of "Blood Searcher,"' but I must coufcss that I had no rani' in it. I was very weak when I commenced taking it; but I found that , gained rtr.l4.;‘ll day by day, and also that the ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was taken, my fare was healed as if by a miracle. I used the fourth bottle, and I have been healthier since than I have been for the last seven veare. Although my face is sadly tllstigu red, I am still grateful' to a beni . Tit Providence who has spared my life, and . which has been done through the instrumentality of, LINDSEN '9 IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER. DAVID M'CREARY. Sworn and subscribed. this 31st day of August. A. D. 1855, before n 0,,, one of the justices of the peace in, - and for the borough of Hollidaysburg, Ble.ir county, Pa. JOHN GORLEY, .1. P. Witness—U. J. JONES We also refer to the ease of Nancy Illleakney, Elderton, Armstrong county. Pa., cured of Scrofula after being usable to get out or bed for three years. To thecae of a lady in Ansonville, Clearfield coun ty, who was also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst form. Co the rase of George Meisel, residing In CarroiP towu, Cambria county, Pennsylvania, who was so badly afflicted with Cancer that it ate his entire nose oft, and his case was worse, if possible, than Mc- Creary's. • Thy particu'ars of these cases—every one of which was cured by the use of the "MoodSearcher"—map also be found iu a circular to be had of any of the agents A BAD SORE LEO CURED. —Pitt sburgh, September 18, 1801-1 hereby certify that I have had a sore leg for over a year. It was ‘tiVered with ulcers and sores so that I could not work for nearly a year. My :eg swell ed an that I was unable to do anything for a lung time, for at least six months. I tried several of the neat doc tors in the city, hut without any beneUt; iinally I called on Dr. Keyser. at No. 140 Wood street. who only at tended me about two weeks, and gave lee but two bot !len of meUkine, and 1 am entirety well, and havecon tiuurri w,ll for six months. I run employed at the Eagle Engine House on Fourth street. Is :'.ere- any one ME see toe. THOMAS FARRELL. READ THIS CPEIC.-1 was afflicted with a horrid di sease in toy feet and ankles, so much so that for six weeks I was confined to my bed, and at other times to toy chair, where I was cemmelled to sit for weeks. I was in the care of both our eminent physicians for a, longtime, but they could do nothing to effect a cure or ease my pain. My teet and legs became very much swollen, and having heard of yoi!. Blood Se%refier lalthough I had very :iLi;e faith in I was induced by Messrs. Alexander '& Son, agents at this place, to try it. I had not used one bottle before I began to find immediate relief. I tried another, and am now OW to walk about wllliturt crutches. I have tried other patent medicines, but received no benefit. I taint pleasure in recommending your Blood Searcher above all others, to those who may be afflicted as I Live been. Yours, truly, PF.::.11 RISHER. t.t.o, frolig Co., Pa., Dec. 12, IBSA. We, the untiersisheil citizens of Apollo, being ne quainted with the nicts in the above statement, testify to their correct:l,,F. JAS. X. WißVaili, 3. S. ALEXAND3II., JOIs. M'GAKVIN, WM. MILLNR. ri4NeER CURED.—.\ b /ter from England, Ma. .JQIIN POPE, of Blaenovon, near Pontypool, I,lontnoutlis%:re,;:igland, ritee as follows: BLAENOI,ON, Aug, IS6I. Siß•—An old woman in tins place has wished me tq write you rniecting LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCH ER, f.otit which she found great benefit tii:d wishes tal have a firth , more. She hits been suffering front e. disease of a cuta»eou3 nature tor the last six or severs years. Iles bri e oho is living in America, ob tained it for her, and sent her eighteen bottles. She is now (tube not of it, and I hate written to her daugh, ter twice and have received no answer; of course she is ail loos to get more, to net completely cured. I her I would b . , ) ou for the agency in this country, and she felt very much pleased to hear me say so. 1 cots beg to ask you on what let rims you will supply mei you will please hear in mind the carriage, and supply me as cheap as possible. The carriage on the one dozen bottles was .£1 Ss Cal. The medicine was a present from her daughter. I would like to have the Blood . Smuck er a itif or small cast .if you can send it in that way. or in pint or quart bottles.. 1 wiLt send a bat Ilimougit hook or registered letter, ever will be most Con venient to you, if you will send me carrier's receipt of the parcel as security. I would send you a stamp '4 answer this, but as it is unccr:7 of this reaching you, on account of the country being in sixes and levee*, g term which is commonly used, you will be klad enough and thaw me with the pmizoge. Yours, respectful (Signed.] JOHN POP rW e have seen the letter which is published lit to. day's Dispatch, from John Pope, and believe it is gets "re:—Ens. DISPATCH.) DR. DEO. U. USysign, ROLE' 1110VIIIT01. PITTSBIJRGH, PENN' A M. A. HARVEY and W. S. CREIGH, Waynesbrint ; HATHA WAY, Cartnichaeltown. M. STANLEY, Harro.rd Fort. J . . F. STEWART, liavistosvp. WM. BLACK, Jefferson. J.Q, *SACK CO., GraßefliVe• 1111111.1111 IA d, Martitiositle. sad 117 I V hteict obes• iots .11111.151Py. Oer is,