-1 , oiliv e - owe ? . 0, - . ,t l ,/ ""-•." : '..- :. , . orals near Foto I, : ~.. a source of much ' o 'to ,' - t Richmond Whig. t &tar li, . that, bye a b huldflash Washington would have been won, Baltimore sectired, Ph delphia invaded, New York punished antll;rl4tOn. annihilated; . but it now Noma that the defensive policy adopt ed by Davis and Beauregard is likely ieinairee-lehrwar of it. Wi'thou't an offensive • war, the Waig sees no pillieetkeitterecess, antilt says: "If affairs are to be administered as at present:lore:bad as .ell be looking fletibr twigs of submission, and the sooner the'bettecr. An endless war, which affords no opportunity for either vita ity orrevenge, is a bootless ugdtralcing." The United States Government has the navy at its corn- Mind and without some offensive movemont•en the Potomac, this can not be averted. An uneasy feeling, itisys, has begun to exist, and sup planting ,generous confiden ce. Mut terings and coMplainings are heard; ?nany ,or the appointments which have lein iiiade `li me tilled the coon- PT with apprehensions of some great #sester." This is certainly not a Tory hopeful view of rebellion, and rith united councils on our side, and fl, steady purpose to strike rebellion with an overwhelming force, where its the most strongly arrayed, would * "all f rolability, add to the bauses *Already' depressing the hopes of the insurgents: 'Attempt to Buy Off Prentice, fredrge '1). Prentice has proved I:di:itself an incorruptible patriot.— Aniong the many schethes for °grat ing Kentucky oat of the Union was a persevering attempt to buy Pren tice, or failtag tliksit, to buy his pa per. ftis . stated aat he was first approsOed with the modest offer of $25.000 4 embiell was of course, prompt ly -desffined. The auxious buyers, ttinkitig perhaps their bid had been below lrefltiCiPs estimate of is hon or, liVtlitsgt . bilr bffer, *Ad tbxoTigh ,p l ll old 13Zifitiefil friend, who has sauce been quartered at Fort Lafay ette, he was informed that fifty thousand dollars was in a Louisville bank, 1415 5 ,10 tlie draft of George Pliefttiee, proViire'd . the Journal e rt h conducted accordiAg trice,rtain terms. An increased se verity upon the disunionists in the col nruns of the Journal was the response to this proposal. Next. came a rail road man from the far West, who es .9howed all polities, and wanted an influential paper to support the Paci fic Railroad enterprise. He would give Prentice $25,000 for tbe Journal. bid was too low, and George D. Prentice remains unbought and un- PlirchaqP.a.bie• .11ow the Government is Swindled. . .._ . The' united States Quartermaster at Cincinnati, lately wanted one hundred gins of hay. Iris agent can yaiseLt4. nai.rXet Jinel tonna thqt rell dMW - wat - the is - ffor the qlral ity he we - Me. One marsh ow eve r, pro posed to fur4li. 4 ,i,knine dollars and fifty cents. 'TE6•ls"taYchitk was made. A t ha hay was closely inspected, the officer suspecting that something might 'go Wrong.; but the quality was limind en be good. After it'had been shipped, however, it occurred to the qamettermaster *het the , weight might be short. He then telegraphed to have G'tedigßedlittPa iT rkerOb , upon latrivali and it was found to fa Ishort twettAt tons. This is one of the ways in which the Government is swindle! . lintiquity of Amy Draekers. A letter from Col. McLean's Erie Regituesit says :—"To-day the Col. Ordered an inspection of some hard bread, or army crackers, to be made, which resulted in condemning forty six barrels oat of fifty. The Col, is bound that his men shall not be swindled out of their just and appro priate fodder by any of these cussed sharks. There is talk now of making requisitions for flour, and detailing a iMilf wen to go to the ovens ofAlex gandria to bake for the regiment, and so keep them in fresh, soft bread.— At _crackers we eat are stamped 4 1810,' and the boys says they have seen several marked 'B. C.' " . . WHAT "RIP-112,W MEAN .—Many Le i rrs have, since the war begun, . • . inqtury as to the origin of the terms "Rip-raps." For the benefit of the uninitiated, we give the follow inf • information: In engineering a 7prap" is a foundation obtained by throwing stones together in a heap vtitboht order, in deep water or on soft bottom. The battery on the channel between Fortress Monroe and Soirell i f Point is constructed on saoh a eialfoundation, and is there- Roe sttied the 4Rip-raps." The fortifieition , wasbegun about twenty riOrs ago. Loose blocks of granite IrEtNiPited up to a height of twenty or V feet, and permitted to remain 7l' leers, for *a purpose of settling the fOundation. The blocks were talteddoWn tq the water-line a year aspolad nothing more has been dope to the fortification since. iA rebel prisoner recently cap- Van hy one of our scouts at Ed wards' Ferry was astonished to learn that oar army was not almost entire !), oo:speed of Abolitionists and rad ical Repithlicans, and that our main 0450 wee other than to emancip atel lo o,B _ tOrOugliottt the South. He said . Irtho . fa,et was generally known to the workb3g people of the South that our sole object was to sustain the Gov ernment and preserve the Union in tact, there would be a revolution in tAlNlMadpocerestOrt4.44 eyond measure to be esenaaelckinridge Deets constituted a largo component of the itarai and *Se paw et '7' 444 ,71 v , " TaesdiO, -add iwt agretsis *gib' a alleigued /s=ll NIMME *SW PALA 4001,6 FOR J. M. inikeratilarWS, MARESTITRItIIt, PITTSSURCUI, PA. NEW CALICOS. NEfIegirINGLIA.O, ELEA OISE b AtiffSLYNS, NEW PLAID FLANNELS, SATJNETS, itexructr JEANS, CASS/XERES, CLOTHS, RED FLANNELS, YELLOW FLANNELS, GREY FLANNEL+. 40 wid idea to tie maws, we are clos ing out our entire stock at reduced prices for cash w manor. Tias mock will be found one of the test aid fullest is the city. Sept. 11, 1861—dsn. W*LL PALFER, larizacicwvir SElllmemaeonis. EVERY VARIETY—LOWEST PRICES. JOHN h DEZOIICHE, 112 WOOD STREET, CORNER STH.. PITTSBURGH, PA. green and Buff Oil Cloth for Blinds. Lord, Teasels, and Curtain Trimmings of every description. Also, a line assortment of Gilt Cornices. Sept. 11, 1861. ' THE PLACE FOR CITIZENS OF GREEN" COUNTY TO GET THEM STATIONERY, Blank Books, tout Records, &e., Ia AT Mr. G. Sohnston di Co.'., Steam Printing House, Blank Book Factory, and Sta tionery House, 57 WOOD STREET, Sept. 11. 1361-Iy. PITTSBURGH, PA. • it. WILLLALIESOIf, manufaysturer of PLAN(ANVIANCY 15133X3ELTEI, And dealer in Gentlemen's Goods, Boys' Clothing, &c.. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. SILK, BUNTING, AND CHINTZ FLAGS of all sizes, constantly on hand and made to order. April `24,1861-11. LOUGHRIDGE & MAXWELL, Manufacturers of Brushes, Looking Glasses, AND CrkalareXellii 40 1 0/16011ekiii. And dealers in 'Variety and House Furnishing Goods, &c., 72 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sept. 11, ISM. WM. lIITEHMAN N. DANIEL SHUPE. L. U. VO!GT. L. H. VOIGT & CO.. (Successors to L. G. Graff,) 247 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., Produce dt. Commission Merchants. Rerei andaeli Flour. Grain, Butter, Cheese. Pork, Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Eggs. Beans, Tallow. Grease, Green Fruits, Dried Fruits, Potatoes, Booms, Timo thy, Clover, Flax and Grass Seed, and Produce in gen eral. Purchase on orders at lowest market price, all kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, and every descrip tion of merchatlise. Ship your Produce and draw at sight. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. IRON CITY COLLEGE. 110881.00 Pays the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successfUl Comi siertial School in the country. tip wards ofTwetve flux DR ED young men from vw EN TY- F:MIIT different gnaws have been educated foe business here u ithin the past three years, some of whom have been employed as Book Keepers at salaries of $2,000 Per Annum, Immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac counts when they entered the College. t' sons half price. students enter at any time, acd review when they please without extra charge. Fur Catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cow ley's Rusinees and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large engraving of the College, enclose twenty-five cents in letter stamps to the Princi pals, ' JENKIS & SMITH, Sept. 11,:186I. Pittsburgh. Pa. G. HAMHER.I. [H 0. DSOLER• HkinklEß Pi. DAULER'S CABINET WAREROOM No. 178 SMITHFI INLD snmor, Between 7th &met and Atrawberry Alley, PITTSBURGH, Pl. Constantly on hand a large assortment of elegant and Fashionable FURNITURE, warranted to be of the hes materials and workmanship. Prices low to suit -the times. All orders will be promptly attended to. March 6, 1861—no 39-Iy. M. WHITMORE l Gco. J. DUFF C. H. WOLFF. S Thos. H. LANE. Whitmore, Wolff Duff & Co. SIGN OF THE ANVIL.. Importers and Dealers in lEE MO w IL IEL NI, NO. 30 WOOD ST., 3 Doors above St. Charles Hotel, Sept. 11, 1561-Iy. PITTSBURGH, PA. WM. E. DI BARENWE, 89 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of HATS AND CAPS, And dealer in Children's Hats and Cape, and Straw Goods. Military Caps made to order. Sept 11,1881-Iy. B. P. SHOPE, DrEsimaurr TAILOR, NO. TA SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Sept. 11, 11361-Iy. .1. D. FACHIN F.R. Jxo. M. lavrix. FACKINER & IRWIN, Manufacturers of every desdription of N a rriialVl l l l lo . l l l3Ell NO. 103 SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. A full assortment of Pittsburgh Mumfactured Fur niture constantly on hand, which we will sell at the lowest price FOR CASH, which is our only terms. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. WILLIAM FLEMING, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hats and Caps, and Straw Goods, NO. 171, COS. WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. Also, Carpet Raga and Umbrellas. Goods at lowest Cash Perms. Sept. 11,1861-Iy. J. J. GILLESPIE, Manufacturer of LOOKING GLASSES For Oho Bade, Oval, Pier and Mantle Ghipses; Gilt and Bosewood Mouldings, Looking Glass Plates, &c., NO. ES WOOD STRBET, next door to Citizens' Bank, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sept. 11, 1861—ly. W. W. TOTING, (Sticeessorto Cartwright & Young,) MANUFACTURED AND DAL IN OIL TOOLS, CUTLERY, Ewe;load wad Dania/ Instruments, GUNS, PISTOLS, &c., 97 wow) STREET, COIL OF DIAMOND ALLEY, PITTSBURGH, PA. Particular attention paid to putting up Lightning Rods, and to Manufacturing Trusses., Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Repairing with punctuality and dispatch. Sept. 11, 1861-41ni. P. RETRIES. J. S. Anima. 11. D./LIMIER, Mate at Milton' t Ritketsetes ) REYMER Si BKOTHE'RS, Dloceeseors to Replier dr Anderson,) WHOLESALA DIAL/CRS of r °REIGN rauxTs, Nuts, Confectionery, Sugars, Fire Works, &e., Nos. 126 and 128 WOOD STREET, above Fifth, Late No. 39 Wood Street, PITTSSIMIkL, PA. Neyt. 11, 1861-44 n. JOHN P. SCOTT, Wholes*leCieelez , • DRUGS, OILS, VARSIZSILBS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, die., NO. 206 LIBERTY STREET, between 7th and Sunk ifehl Streets', PITTSBUitGIi, Sept. l i, 1861-17. • J. C. KIRKPATRICK St CO., Ailutientiaii, nut WhQbwls .nd emit enklsne to Lapp, Cartuaaad ilairricating Oa* 74 TIURD SUMP PITTSBURG?", PA. Always on band a tall Stack oftNl Lamps. Oland.' Ism Owl% WWI& ea. RePl.' Thel—ly. THOS. C. 4..AZEAR,, 240 :1111aNit#1,:te l l, t. •••., •: , rionedintia PA "104 , jl3lllrl - Tiirtistinents W i I go SOWN. ITIUM agrlxsp VANOT MANCFACTORY, WHOLSIALY Foreign and Domestic Frail*, Nta3, Pickles, Preservei, Sardmes, irc. 181 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSPURGH, Having a large connection with importing houscs. Esbt, lam prepared to furnish Country Dealers with a large assortment of Foreigu Fruits as they arrive in their season, on equally so good terms as th.y can buy else where. I am •tow receiving s new crop of Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dales, Raisins, Primes, Plums, Currants and everp description of Nuts Ales, Fresh Peaches in Cans of a superior quality, Pickles, Preserves, Olive, Oils, Catsaps, Common Fancy and Crystalized Candies, manufac tured Crum the best of materials, and will be sold at the lowest prices. 1 would call special aVentioo to my Cough Candy. It is not surpassed in the Country for the cure of Coughs and Colds. TRY IT. February 27, 1861—no 38. C. YEAGER & CO, No. HO Market Street, PITTSBURGH, P.B. HAVE now opened a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS , TRIMMINGS, N D FaINCY GOODS, Which they will sell as low as any Eastern House. A call and examination of the same is respectfully solicited. March 1 1861—no 40—Iy. W. W. NAIR.] [JOHN a. DAOI.OH. MAUR & DAVISON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 1W Saddlery, Carriage & Trunk Hs2RDW.RRE AND TRIMMINGS, No. 127 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. March 6. 186 I—no 39-1 y IPM. P. [JAI. C. 11..AZICAR. MICA tic raIiZZAR, 185 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wholesal Grocers and Dealers in Country Produce. ORDERS for Groceries. Pittsburgh Manufactures, Flour, Grain. &c..filled at usual terms. CONSIGNMENS of Produce solicited. February 13, 1861—no 36. R. 21.. .111:11.0111R, Manufacturer of every description of ll' 1:7 3FL IV X IV IE7 MIL 3EI . NO. Ca SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN' A. A full assortment of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly on hand, which 1 will jell at the lowest prices fur cash. Aug. 91, 1861-Iy. R. PATRICK & CO., Bankers and Bzchange Brokers, CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTLISTS., PITTSBURGH, PA. Refer to the Banks and Bankers or this City, and to Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co., New York City. Special attention given to the negotiation of Corn mercial Paper, Loans, &c. Stocks and Securities of every description, bought ant sold on Commission.— Collections made on all parts of the United States; and u ncurrent Funds taken at the lowest rates. Wesolicit the correspondence of Banks and Bankers, and can offer favorable terms to parties who may open accounts with us. Aug 21, 1861-ly J. B. HILL, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Office, No. 953 Penn sreet, Arista Ward, opposite Plinn'a R. R. outer Depot. Cor. ofMorrls St,* Mulberry Alley P1TT15.1E311:7211.13 , -.TX. ALL RANDS OF Lumber, Flooring & Weather Boarding FUKNISHED TO ORDER. jJ Orders will receive attention if left at the office of Beck & Lazear. April 14. 1861—Iy. fait '1" Et i:r ilit NODS A HENRY H. COLLINS, COMMISSiIri m" MERCHANT,"b I= Fish, Pig Lead, Spelter and Produce Generally. No. 25 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, P.S. Agent for Gothie Chimney Tops, Stone Water Pipes, St. Louis Fire Clay. March 6, 1881—no 39-Iy. NwIII72=LIVIrffII7.IELNII WAREHOUSE No. 38 and 40 Smithfield St., OPPOSITE THE GIRARD HOUSE, PITTSBURGH, PA. THE undersigned are constantly manufacturing and selling at reduced prices, every description of Parlor, Chamber, Lanai y, Dining-Room, and Offlee .IE I T-T.R. Warranted to be of the best material and workmanship. Finn iture forshipping. Customers can rely on having goods purehased from this establishment, securely and properly packed tor transportation. Steamboats supplied as usual with promptness, and on liberal terms. T. B. YOUNG Or. CO. March 21, 1861- 42—ly. J. & PHILLIPS, Nos 26 and 28 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, TABLE OIL CLOTHS: CARRIAGE CLOTHS. Also, dealers in Leather Belting, Lace Leath er' Rehm., Rubber Belting, Hose Seam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian • Rubber, cte., tte. Wholesale and retail buyers wilt find our 'lock lust well selected, and at the lowest prices. April SC tset—ty. ENTERPRISE WORKS ! 1 M'Wg & Tinexarz, o. ae. wood incest, PITTSBURGH, Pa. MANDTACTUSISIN OP IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, MIN OILS AT Ali; OTHER WELLS ORDIIIIS aottcnia a oiarn.Y Naas. , • Lao *WILE .jrivircminits, 1 pilaw ro , , Ao i av ist - aresw voirruis•ftlitits eatifilittelibtaid ma k arks. l: -`• . . ' ' 1,7197T -XLIstOR & CO.'S ;TM Firmere• and Mechanies' Exchange are now A opening a very large and welt selected stook of FALL AND WINTIKR DRY GOODS, Which have been purchased on such terms as will ena ble theni to sell at LOWER PRICES than ever. LADIES` DRESS HOODS In endless variety. Their stock of Silks, Merinoes,, Plain and Figured Deign's, Plaids. Grey Goods; iu shor t eery deerripticrn of Ladies' Wear is large. A supply o f FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS. Sonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Bonnet Velvets; and Silks. MOURNING GOODS, &c. min nilli las whil !! Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tweeds and everything the Staple and Fancy Goods Line. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS Their stock is large and is selling at prices to suit the Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, dr.e. Kept constantly on hand in great variety and at low prices. The public can feel assured that they can pur chase Good at old prices, and prices that will defy competition. Call and examine their stock, you can not fail to be suited. PRODUCE taken In exchange for Goods, and the Cash never refused. MINOR A CO. Waynesburg, Oct. 23, 1861. ELI ATM, Z. W. PHELAN NEW CABINET SHOP. / BLI C attention is tailed to the new Cabinet Ware room, one door east of Minor's Store, where all kinds of Cabinet Furniture will be furnished to.ardel in the most improved style, and on the moat reasonable terms. Bureaus, Book-Cases, Cupboards, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands, Me. Also COFFINS • Will be put up with the peatest possible dispatch and at the very cheapest rates. ME!!E Ii i THE EXCHANGE! J. TAYLOR & CO., Haying opened a Wholesale sad Retail LI. quor Store in the Basement of the ••HAMILTON HOUSE," Waynesburg, Pa., would inform their friends and the public generally, that they are prepared to ac commodate them with the best of Brandies, Wines, Gin, Rum, Pure, copper-distilled Rye Whiskey, &c., on the most reasonable terms for cash, or good grain, such as wheat, rye. corn, oats, &c. Confectionaries and Oysters always on hand. Give them a cad before purchasing elsewhere. Waynesburg, Pa., June 22, 1859.1).3. GREENE HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County Pa. 8. H.IIRTZELL, Proprietor. V HE subscriber respectfully informs his friend that he has taken this well known House Where he is prepared to accommodate travellers and others, with goodand substantial meat, drink, lice. He will spare no pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with him, not forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. April Io,—No 44—If HAtilibTON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, renn'a. THE undersigned respectfully announ ces to his customers and to his friends, to strangers, and to the public generally, that he has rented and is now the proprietor of the Hamilton House, here tofore an excellent and popular hotel, and that he will spare neither pains nar expense to render entire satisfac ion to those who may favor Min with their patronag April 27, 1859. JACOB LEMLEY CABINET MAKING. JAMES GAMER & CO., Weltld respectfully inform their friends and the pu lie that they have now on hand a good assortment all kinds of O ARELVET WARE, such as is usually kept in shops in this part of the coun try, made of the best materials, and by the best work men. ErThey still keep a Hearse, and are, at all times, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town oi country, Waynesburg, January 24, 1860—ly NOW READY The Waynesburg Steam Grist Mill, having been stopped a mouth for repairs, is now in operation. We are also happy in being able to announce that we have made arrangements with Mr. Rogers, Esq., of Rogers ville, to assist in grinding. Mr. Rogers is well known to be one of the best millers in in the County, and he will hereatter superintend the grinding. Rest quality of Flour, Meal and Feed kept for sale cheaper than can be bad elsewhere in town. We expect to have the Carding Machine in opera lion in two or three weeks, having failed to get ready as befo ,. e announced, owing to a disappointmentin getting some new cards, belts, etc. Aug 14, Mit. THOMAS HOGE. VcATCHES & JEWELRY. S. M. BAILEY, Main Street, one door East of the Oa Bank Building. The public are respectfully informed that I have re plenished my stock, and am now prepared to furnish, at the lowest retail prices, Gold and Silver Watches, of all styles and qualities, including the fumed Ameri. ea% nawacitetured Watches; also, all descriptions of Or namental Jewelry, such ae Medalions, Bracelets, Gold Chains, Breast- Pins, Ear Drops, Ear Rings, Fin ger Rings, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver, Pen and Pencil Cases. And everything in the line—and of qualities and prices to suit the mast fastidious purchaser. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., still promptly attended to, and all work repaired by him will be warranted to perform satisfactorily for one year. He respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage. Waynesburg, June 13. 1860-Iy. S. S. PATTON, - - - . lieu • RESIDENT DENTIST, MAIN STREET, WAYNESBURG, PA. All week warranted unexcelled either in natural appearance, durability, or sca th es, of workmanship. Work insured from one to ten years. and CHARGES MODERATE. April kl, 1858—n040. R. DOUGHERTY, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the public that he has located In Waynesburg. Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. From his experience in the business, he feels confi dent his wet* will give entire satisfaction Be will use nolow priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. Ali new work will be • Warranted for One Year. ishopon Greene street, one square south of the Court ouse, Wavnekburg, lan. 95,1860—n0 34. LOOK AT TIES. The undersigned would respectlially)nronn the Pub lie ghat he is now prepared and menu wising sollcoiaaliroltl7l7E4x - er, ueh as BUREAUS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS and every thing in that fine. He also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and makes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or co AMUELJEWEL. untry, at any hour. S Waynesburg, Oct.. 16, ISbe. Administrator's Sale THE undersigned administrator of the estate of Philip Roger*, Aec'd, in pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Greene county, Pa., will sell et public sale, on the *remises, on the 26th day of November neer, a piece or parcel of land, situ ate in Wayne township. adjoining lands of D. A. Worley, Alexander Yager. and o th er*, containing about POUR ACRES. the improvements are a GAR IN HOUSE, a Young Orchard, end about two awes clewed. Terms made known on day of tale. H. J. ROGERS, Administrator. Oct. 2,1861-4 t. Administrator's Notice. ESTIRS of Administration hawing beem .panterl to the understood, upon the swots of DANIEL • TIGHNIR, ate of M uu ongaltela township, deed. Notice is hereby (Oen to all pennons indebted to said estate to make immediate poyatest.,'anti shore boring Mhos Nat primmilair AIM tidy 141106ndeatiet for mea ns UN. V. DOD ' •V. HOU r.r . Ile! , Si /011-44. • 1 . 10 +eti , G ' Seasintakit - Vryo&mtgl Having just received a large stock of goody from the eastern cities, which he is sieteratined to sell as low as any other establishment in Waynesburg, for cash or mood produce, consisting to goods of the following: jaximir 4211-CPC1 1 1:110, Clothes, Cashmeres, Buf f alo, Cord, Shawls, Ticking Blankets, Flanne,,,, Lindseys, Drilling, Canton Flannels, Cheek, Under Shirts and Drawers, Silks, Ginghams, Merinos, Alpackas, Cashmeres, Paramettoes, Cobourgs, of all colors, Detainee, and Plaids, Lavel.a, Cloths, Debages, Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds Mohair Caps, Collars, Fringes, Silk and Tabby velvet, all kinds of Ribbons Bilk Ribbons, Cambrick, Swiss . Mull, Jackonets, Figured and plain Muslin. And many other amities to tedious to mention in advertisement, 200 pieces of Calicoes, 200 pieces of Brown and Bleached muslin, Ladies.Cloake, a beau tiful article Ladies Skirts. 313496.111.1:11i717.43.11.318, Mill and Cross cut Saws, Sti!yards, Knives and Forks Table and tea Spoons, Door Locks, Pad Locks, Fau eels, Butt Hinges, ofall sizes, Screws of all sizes, Sprigs and Shoe nails, Sash Fastners, Shears and Scissors, Cupbard and Chest locks, Meat Saws, Sausage Chop pers, and Staffers, Cast and,Shear steel Trowels, Coffee Mills, and Augurs, Wrought and cast Nails, Shovels and Forks. QUEENSWARE. Stone, Liverpool, and common Ware in Bets or by the piece, Glass ware and Glass Lamp. GROCERIES. @agar, Tea, Core, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Cinamonn Cloves and Nutmegs, Tobacco, Rice, Spanish add Com mon Segars, Ropes and Bedcords. WOODEN Wgag—Tubs and Buckets 4r:3 1c > 3a.1 3 a . Coats, Pants and Vests, Caps and Bonnets. The best and cheapest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Waynes burg, Ladies, Gentlemen., Misses and Childrens. ' / s.)ls,q Prandreth's Pills, Perry Davis' Pain Killer, Nerve and Bone Liniment, Opedildock, Castor and Sweet Oil, God fry's Cordial, Bateman's Drops Essence Cinnamon, Preys Vitmifuge and Cough syrup, Woods Hair Re storative. Richardson. dherrywiue Bitters, Allcolks Porous Plaster. The above will he sold low for all kinds grain, Feath ers. Butter, Dried Apples, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Linnen and Flannels.—Flour and Salt by the barrels. Nov. 30, no2ti. WAYNESBU It G MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS & RINEH tRT, Practical Marble & Stone Cutters, tnldi ate' ly East of the Court souse, Main stree \y,. WHERE they hav e , and keep on hand a • r large and extensive assortment of fine and ornamental r il l •O a " MARBLE WORK, f 4 1111:,,_ such,as monuments, tombs, tablets and graystones, of every variety and style.— _' Particular attention paid to caning, which •"'"'"--- will be done by as good workmen as can be found anywhere in the business; as one of the first has seen practically engaged in the business for twenty-five years, and the other eighteen years. They flatter them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill and taste by any in the west. Persons wishing anything in our line cart have it inniished to any place desired at lower rates than any other establishment in the country. Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of All kinds of building work done in either marble or stone. SAYERS & RINEHART. Waynesburg, May 20, 18.57—ti0.2 S. HARTZELL WAR! WAR! WAR! New Grocery & Provision 6itr3llrealliEß.llE • DANIEL O WENS, HAs the pleasure of announcing to his old customers and friends, that he has refitted the Led with Store Room, Oppositrthe Court House, and is prepared to carry on a GROCERY & PRODUCE BUSINESS. lie is determined to exert his best efforts to meet the wants of the community, and hopes by careful atten tion to business to merit public favor. He will keep on hand constantly a stock of superior FAMILY GROCERIES. Queensware, Hardware, Confectionaries, Notions, &c. Please call and examine for yourselves. Produce ta ken in exchange for goods. D. OWENd. May 8, '6l—tf. NEW GROCERY. Two doors East of "Messenger" Buildings Main Street, Waynesburg, Pa. ISAAC HOOPER, RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has ust opened an entirely new stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, of a superior quality, selected with an eye to the wants of the cointounity. He flatters himself that his stock is all prime and fresh, bought at low prices, and will be sold accordingly. He keeps every article pertaining to an establishment of this kind, and hopes to merit a share of the patronage. His stock is comprised in part of the following: Teas, Coffees, M. 0., Crushe 1 and Pulverized Sugars Molasses, Starch, Soda, Cream Tartar, Salt, Pepper, Candles, Crackers, Soaps, Tobacco. Also, a superior variety of Cigars, and all other articles ueually kept in a Grocery. CONFECTIONARIES. His Confectionary Department is supplied with a va riety ofCandles, Cakes, Raisins, Drops, Chocolate, For eign and Pomestie Fruits. Also, a variety of Notions which will be sold as low as they can be had at any oth er establishment in town. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Give him a call, at the new store room, near the Messenger publication room. May 18, 1859; n 0.58. DAILY MAIL HACK RUNNING REGITLARLY BETWEEN BYES MI Eat LAM THE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above poirts, be has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ac commodation of the tint/Wing community, One will leave the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, every morn ing. Sundays excepted, at 74 o'clock, and will arrive at Ricee' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave Rices' Landing at the same time and arrive in Waynesburg at noon. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of passengers, TIMOTHY BOUCHER, Proprietor. August 7th, 1861. no. 9. T.T.2M-411D AWL W WINESBURG TO RILES' LANDING. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the public, that his linear Hacks will leave the Greene /louse in Way nesburg, every morning at 7 o'clock, arrive at Rices' Len ding in time to connect with the Boats leavingthat place for Pittsburgh. All persons wishing a commodious con veyance between those points will And it to their ad van tivi give him their patronage. His terms are moderate. THOMAS BRADLEY. December 19, 18154—n0 28. lIIIGHES & OLIVER , Grocers, Farwarding and 00.1116.11115510 N INIMIALIIIALN2II Rices' Landing, Greene GI., Pa. Are prepared with the largest and best Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the piste, for all goods on eon airmen), and also on the bank of dm river, &invariant for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for shipment to Pius. burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms. They hope by strict attention and long experionite, is business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. la addition to the above, they will keep on hand a gooe assortment of FRESH GROCERIES. from the bead of market, at wholesale 0/11C411/, to aceom modate all who will favor them with their patronage. April 11, 1800. &a.snsilWfint. Grocers and Cosemiseion A, erchants, The above 'endemism give notice to the public, that by-the death of a former partner, the late firms of Stro snider & hedgewieks, }ad litedgeWteks & Co., Wye been dissolved, and the business connected therewith mass* grated What shear and hereafter be above beldame will be sontiened_ond . progaptly atteedled fa by*. abortellna: Wee: Whaer i alrtaggsigg, gar, as well en good asse=te pvium ea band. All ap tbegisadelhewsolwal* - "AWL 410-41*-I,l* R. S. CAMPBELL, ..ices' ' n~rag, = GOOD WAREHOUSES, RIVES' LINDING, P 4 ~• *Safi 4 0 ORNAT INDUCEMENTS NEW FALL GOODS! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN Immense Stock of Silks, CLOAKS, DUSTERS, DRESS GOODS, Sce X' .IFt. I Da' ril El, Of all the eelebrated makes, from 61 cents up SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, The most popular brands, which we retail at Whole sale prices. Also, Flannels, Blanket., Cloths, Cass 'metes, Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans, House- Keeping Goods, Hoop Skirts, &c N. B. As we do a large wholesale business in con nection with our retail, weare able to sell Goode at RE TAIL CDEA PER than any retail house in the city. COME AND SEE, whether you want to buy or not. J. W. BARKER & CO. No. 59 MARKET STREET, Oct. 9, 1861:31n. Pittsburgh, Pa. I . w 0 P z = 4' 0 2 . ..: 0 e 4 . ~`I . '' b 1 . ,_,-.. - * - m ~. k W:1 :§, Vi 0 44 T? Q M 0A a) 'r 0 Z.34q . p q 2 ,i ,t, ''' t o p i g il l 1 4 4 ' : ." 1 A ^ ~% g a r.) CP E. " C-Z p 0 LA 4 AB A 4 . Q . g iX 19 2 g Q pA 0 = al 0 g. w 0 ~,4 5.% ~ m sl VA A= 4 EA V " r rn ›, t -I IkA ,-A di t s 0 G W . a 0 ii> 1:4 .r, ...., E"i 0 . 4 ii pa ; ~-1,,, ni E 4 Ai -, 7.. --AZ .4 i q a pr ai I) . 4-. r 44 Li P 2 5 Di relt.' rAT A x 1-1 ,--. 4.0 ::: . ' ,4 5 i 5 S i 7- 0 v.: 6 4 .) g ■ 4 Zs E-I .:: 0 0 ■ A; ~E -I 7 . O; 4 , 21 &;'. ° 8 44 . .; gi; .. 4 g r rn ; 'll 4 = , 7- , 6 = m ir z ,'" gni CT4 E • :-. 1 A* • A z il A rt.' '' rz4 le gi % '^' ^ :4 a ow ' g. - r. r...., , 0 z :I 0 0 _ E. _, 'd 0 % --1 2 a ,-4 ..'s fr-7 - --4 ' i; ~..,-C P , 2 . Q ..1 0 a ,-4 i. , 4 g -7..) I ATTRACTIVE DRY GOODS!!! O. HANSON LOVE, NO. 74 MARKET STREET. I A 8 assortmenttnslreceivlalarge ofl tutfulal l ;ooltelaits Magnificent SA Robes, Velvet Flannels, . . Rich Silk Robes, Very Cheap. Handsome Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Stella and other Shawls, Needle Work, Collars and Sets very cheap. Toweling Nets less than half price, Canton and Wool Flannels, all colors, Bleached and Unbleached Shirting and Sheeting. Prints, Gingham'', and Checks, Balmoral and Hcop Skirts ; Hosiery, Glove', arid Mitts of all kinds selling very low for cash. act. 9, 186.1:6in NEW PALL GOODS. NOTICE TO C) as ix Sza.3rers. JOSEPH HORNE, NOW offers for sale, at the very lowest market prices, to wholesale and retail buyers, a very large and well selected stock of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBED WOOLEN HOSIERY, BOSTON HOSIERY, UN DERSHIRTS Ss DRAWERS, ZEPHYR WORSTED KNITTING MA TEltI N A D LS OF A LL KINDS BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS VELVETS. SILKS, PLUMES, TARLETONS, BOMBAZINES, ENGLISH CRAPES, BLACK AND WHITE SILK LACE, AND A FULL LINE OF MILLINERY GOODS; HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS, SIORT BRAIDS, TAPEs,cor4BS:PIN-S,I;iEEDLEIS, arid all kinds of NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS This notice is especially intended for Conntry Mer chants and Miliners who visit the city for the purpose of buying goods. HORNE'S TRIMMING STORE, NO. 77 MARKET oTREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Oct. 9,1861.2 m. VENIZIAN BLINDS! G. P. WERTZ, First Premium and Excelsior lIIITIAI MID }IVORY, NO. 72, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET ST., WARRHOOIR ON FIRST FLOOR, PITTSBURGH, PA. THOSE wishing to turnish their houses with Veni tian Blinds of the MOST EXQUISITE AND ELABORATE FINISH, Will find it to their interest to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics. Every attention is paid to the wants of PRICES LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTED! OLD BLINDS REPAIRED NEATLY, or remodeled, if desired, to appear the same as new, of the LATEST STYLE, without extortion. Those having Dwellings, Churches or Public Build ings to furnish with Blinds it Revolvingor Stationary Shutters, Would save money by giving me a call, Corner of Third and Market Street. Oct. 9, 1961;1y H. D. BRECHT & BRO., Manufacturers of LOOKING GLASSINE!, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRA bil Ea, Gilt and Imitation Rosewood Mouldings. Dealers in French Plate and Window Glass, ris SMITHFIELD STREET, TILEMLER'SLoCK, between Fifth and Sixth, If Pittsburgh, Pa. City Glue at Manufacturer's ?MCI!. Particular attention gives to repairing Paint ings, Reguilding Prunes and business cards framed at wholesale price, Oct. 9, 1961:1y. RUSH HOUSE, M. RUSH, Proprietor, No. 397 Liberty St., near Pa. R. R. Depot, PITTSBURGH, PA. %MIS heuse has been lately enlarged, refitted and L re furnished. and is now in the best of order (or the accommodation of boarder, and travelers. The BEST OF OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. Sold wholesale and lute or served up in every style. The delicacies of the erosion Mity. era hand, together with superior brands et Liquors, 41r.c. Oet. 9, 1861:1y. Steam Cracker and Bread Bakery. w. C. MACKEY, Manufacterer of Cl Jeka CI 3EL 3D 3EL ID , AND FAMILY BREAD k CAKES, No. 44 KnithKeldi K., near Third, Oct 9, 1991:1y. PITTASURGA, PA. DR CALVIN 'JIANG, 11171141***111311VUIT, 4, smrrairtit* thuirr, ?mama**, rA vw=uo4••=iist, MANIIOCItD! wow, !slit, LOW *WOK just Published, in a Sealed Esivekpe : A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATIIRRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nertfousneu, and involuntary Emissions, producing impotency, Consumption and Mental aniPhysical Debility. By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., The important fact that the awful consequences a self-abuse may be effectually removed without inter nal medicines or the dangerous applications ofcaus ics, instruments, medicated hoagies, and other invert cal devises, is here clearly demonstrated, and the en irely neW and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated anther tally explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perteclty, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This lecture win prove a boon to thousand, and thousands. In April, 1858, as near an I can remember, a small pimple made its appearance nn my upper lip, which ' soon became enlarged and sore. I used poultices of ' snrrel, and a wash of blue vitriol, without effect.— Finding the sore extending, I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who pronounced it CANCER, and pre scribed a wash of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr. Shaffer, of Davidsville, Somerset county, who alio pronounced the disease Cancer, and gave me internal and external remedies—the latter consisting principally of caustic; but all to no purpose as the disease con ' tinned spreading toward the nose. I next used a prep ) station of arsenic, in the form of salve. This for a time checked the disease, but the inflatnatton soon in creased. I called upon Dr. Stetter, of St. Clairsvilie, Bedford county, who also pronounced the disease Can cer, and applied a salve slid to be a never failing rem edy, but it had no effect whatever in checking the spread of the sore. In December in the same year, the disease had eaten away a greater part of my upper lip, and had attacked the nose, when! went to Cincinnati where I consulted Prof R. S. Newton, of the Eclectic Medical College. lie pronounced the disease "a cu taneous Cancer, superinduced by an inordinate use of mercury." He applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me internal remedies. My face healed up, but the in flammation was not thoroughly removed. in February, 1857, he pronounced me cured, and I left for home. In April the disease again returned, and so violent was the pain that I count not rest at night. Late in May I returned to Cincinnati, and again placed myself under the charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained un til September. during which time he used every known remedy, and partly succeeded in checking the disease, but when 1 returned home there were still three dis charging ulcers upon my face. 1 continued using New ton's preparations, and also medicine that I got front Dr. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing until it had eat off the left side of my nose, thecreate r yortislaof my left cheek, mid Acid attacked my left eye. I hid given up all hope of ever being cured, sines Dr. Ely said he could only give relief, but that a cure was impossible. In March, 1858. I bought a bottle of "Blood Searcher;" but I must confess that I had no faith in it. I was vet,' weak when I commenced taking it; but I found that I gained strength day by day, and also that the ulceta commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was taken, my face was healed as if by a miracle. I used the fourth bottle, and I have been healthier since than I have beep for the last seven years. Although my face is sadly disfigured, I am still grateful to a benign Providence who has spared my life, and which has been done through the instrumentality of LINDSEI 's /51PDOVDD BLOOD SICARCHICIL DAVID Iid'CREAD.T. 00 4Z, PITTSBURGH, PA., Sworn and subscribed. this 31st day of August, A. D. 1858, before me, one of the justices of the peace in, and for the borough of Hollidaysburg, Blair county, Pa. JOHN GORLEY, J. P. Witness—U. J. Jones. We also refer to the case of Nancy Bleakney. o Elderton, Armstrong county. Pa., tilted of Scrofula after being unable to get out of bed for three years. To the case or a lady in Amsonville, Clearfield COUR ty, who was also at with Scrofula in its worst form. fo the case of George Meisel, residing in Carroll town, Cambria county, Pennsylvania, who was o badly afflicted with Cancer that it ate his entire nose oh, and his case was worse, if possible, than Me- Creary'e. The particu'ars of these uses—every one of whisk was cured by the use of the •'Blood Searcher"—may also he found in a circular to be had of any of tie agents. A Bin BORE Lao CURED. —Pittsburgh, $ eptensbilt 18, 1861-1 hereby certify that 1 have had a sore belles over a year. It was covered with ulcers and sores as that 1 could not work for nearly a year. My leg swell ed so that) was unable to do anything for a long time. for at least six months. 1 tried several of the best doe tors in the city, but without any benefit; finally i called on Dr. Keyser. et No. 140 Wood Street. who only at tended me about two weeks, and gave me but two boo tleg of medicine, and I am entirely well, and have con tinued well for six months. lam employed at the Eagle Engine Meuse on Fourth street, where any one can sea Me. Tnone. FAX/CILL. READTHIII C 13111.-1 was aMicted with a horrid di sease in my feet and anklet, so much en that for six weeks I was confined to my bed, and at other times to my chair, where I was compelled to sit for weeks. was in the care of both our eminent physiriaas for longtime, but they could do nothing to effect a cure or ease my pain. My feet and legs because very much swollen, and having heard of your Blood Searcher (although I had very little faith in it►, I was induced by Messrs. Alexander & Son, agents at this place, to try it. I had not used one bottle before I began to find immediate relief. I tried another, and am now eh* to walk about without crutches. I have tried other patent medicines, but received no benefit. I takes pleasure in recommending your Blood Searcher about all others, to those who may be afflicted as I hare been. Yours, truly, Peres Swum GEORGE P. WERTZ APOLLO, Armstrong Co., Pa., Dee. !2, 1859. We, the undersigned citizens of Apollo, being as quainted with the facts is the above auttoment, :esti* to their correctness'. Jas. X. M'lnvatx, J. X. ALex•Mbili. Jos. brlienvin, WK. Stst.s.m. riItNCEE CUMED.—A letter from England, lids. JOIIN POPE, of Elaenovon, near Peni,ypolik, Monmouthshire, England, writes as follows: BLANNOVON, Aug, 1111. Sir —Au old woman in this place has wished me I. write Yen respecting LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEAIDDEP ER, from which she found great benefit and wistoo to have a little more. She has been sneering from It disease of a cutaneous nature for the last six or seven years. Her daughter, who is living in America, ob tained it for her, and sent her eighteen bottles. idhe ie now quite out of it, and f have wrhren to her delight. ter twice and have received no answer; of course abo is anxious to get more, to act completely cured. I told; her I would write to you furthe agency in this Country and she felt very notch pleased to hear me say co. I now beg to ask you on what feints you wilt supply meg you will please bear in mind the carriage, and eimily me as cheap ae possible. The carriage on the one dose* bottles was XI es 6d. The medicine was a present Void her daughter. 'would like to have the Blood Segue* er in ajar woman cask, if you can send it in that way; o r ie pint or quart bottles. I will send a bill Meng* bank or registered letter, which everwill be most con. venient to you, if you will send me carrier's receipt Of the parcel as security. I would send you a stamp tee answer this, but as it is uncertain of this reaching yeti; on account of the country being in sizes and sevens, term which is commonly used, you will be kinstersisiglt and charge me with the postage. Yours, respectfully. [Signed.] JOHN pops: " [We have seen the letter which is published'n toe day?l, Dispatch, from John Pope, and beliere it it geif nine.—Ens. Durant! . . . sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ddress, post paid, on tbereecipt of two postage stamps, by ad dressing Dr. CII, .1. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York Poet office box 4,586. April 24, 1861-n0 48-IY, LINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SZIALROND R. ASTANDARD MEDICINE for the speedy. milts/ and effectual cure cd ail diseases arising from IMPURITY or THE BLOOD This medicine has wrought the most miraculous surer in desperate easel of Scrofula, Cancerous Formation, Cutaneous Dioceses, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples on the Face, Sore Eyes, . Old stubborn Ulcers, Scald Head, Tetter Affection*, Rheumatic Affections, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite. Low 'Spirits, Foul Stomach. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, and all Diseases originating in an Impure state of the Blood. Tile Anovic to A PORTRAIT Or DAVID 'SUCRE/MIN Sworn statement of David M'Crearv, of Napier op., Bedford coutay Da. GEO. H. KEYSER, 60L1 PROPRUCTO6, PITTS BURGS, TENNtA. .A. HARVEY and W. E r CRSIGH, WaYto ll6 .44' HATHAWAY, Cantiddakeiteiwn. HUNAN, Hanqi* Hart. F. 'THWART'Da nU Wiaa, ALILATLAOHwann. C-_,LatCll.lO.V.z. Ir. Thial#4.l! 110