Huse. - eibism- Had a wise and timely esatrel, by some parental hand, been exercised otter the minds of Hume and Gibbon, how differ eat might have been their course and in fluence in the world 1 But, unhappily, they were left to themselves at a period of life when the self-sufficiency of which we speak was unchecked; and they fell easy vittinis to the temptation of thinking Wife highly of themselves than they ought to think. Hume, while in childhood, lost his rather, and seems to have met with no one who cautioned him against the absorbing shake to be known as a discoverer in phil osophy, which, as his friends admit, con trolled his tastes and pursuits before he bad arrived at the age of manhood. Gib bon's father lived to see his son growing up to matured years; and yet owing to various causes, he left the care of the boy to in structors who usually left him to take care of himself; the consequence was that his taint' ran wild, and the ambition to master abstract questions became a passion with the lad. It is melancholy to see him, when yet in the greenness of his youth, grappling with subjects beyond his strength; and his mind becoming bent and distorted under burdens from which no kind and faithful hand came to relieve him, while no friendly voice was raised to rebuke the presumption which so overtask ed his faculties. Speaking of his residence at Oxford as a student in Magdalen Col lege, and of the entire neglect with which he was treated by the Professors, he tells us in his Memoirs, "From my childhood I had been fond of religious disputation; nor had the elastic spring been totally broken by the weight of the atmosphere of Oxford. The blind activity of idleness urged me to advance without armor into the dangerous mazes of controversy; and at the age of sixteen I bewildered myself in the errors of the Church of somc," In way his mind wearied itself into confirmed disease, and arro gantly conceiting that no one ought to be lieve what he could not comprehend, he threw aside one set of opinions after an other, till he become self-schooled into a skepticism that grew with his growth, till he rose to be one of the most dangerous foes which Christianity has ever encoun tered. The oo6if t the War. The eoet of our army wis the field is $8,400,000 per week, or $1;M000 perday, or $50,000 every hour, $834 every minute. Rather' expensivt i buthry tlfie. When we efillne to pay the piper there will be fewer katrtets and more grumblers than at pres ent ackinar. Mirßy the surrender of Colonel Mulli gan and his brave followers, who, if they had had water, would have combatted to the last, General Price will obtain over two thousand horses and mules, a large lot of excellent arms, and a variety of equipments and baggage wagons, the very ;Mugs he has so much needed. Mulligan's command was one of the best in the ser vice, and that his gallant followers should all be taken prisoners, is mortifying in the extreme. mirin Kentucky matters are hastening towards a conflict. Occasional skirmishes had occurred and both parties were strain ing every nerve to secure possession of important positions. The railroad had been burned 54 miles south of Louisville. General Anderson had issued a proclama tion assuring the people that they would not be subject to arrest except in case of their giving aid and comfort to the enemy. INTERESTING TO DRY GOODS DEAL ERS.-A case occured in Buffalo last week, in which a husband, who re rased to pay a bill for some $ll2 brought against him by a dry goods dealer, for articles furnished his wife was sued. The husband's defense was that he had never ordered the articles, that he had never received them, and that their purchase was unnecessarily extravagant on the part of a woman married to a man in his circumstnces. The jury consider ed the defense a sound one, and gave a verdict to the husband. LIST OP PALESIECIMIX EVE THEIEFFERSON AGRICULTURAL BOGIE TY, to be held at Jefferson, Greene county, Pa. on Thursday and Friday, October 1111 r and Inth, 1861. CLASS I HORSE S, Oast Stallion, Yd licot Brood Mare beet 3 year old titanic/at Best 3 year okl Gelding 411. lieSt year old Mare, Dem t Draught Animal CLASH H Pest 2 year old Horse Colt, ' iießt 2 year old Mare Colt Best yearling Horne colt, Meet yearling Mare Volt, 24 Bert spring Morse Colt, 2d" " " pest spring Mare Colt. 24 ". CLASS 111. Hem pair Matched Horses or Mare. Hest. single Driving Animal, 2d Best Riding Animal. Trot!ing Animal in liarnesn, ut1444 Ba4dl, Rest Pacing Animal, CI.ASS IV. DURHAM CAT rtE Beet Bull, Best '2 year old Bull Beat yearling " '2d Beat Bull Calf, Boat Cow, 2d Best 2 yer 444 Ileife; 'treat Yearling, 41 pest tle4Ter Calf, CLARE V NATIVE OATTLE Best 414 *d 4- _ Best: year oid Bait id Ilest yerling Oti Cll4 Id A' nest 2 year. •I 4 Reiter, .. Bost yearbfg ad 0 0 '5lllOOlCk COO, 01 0 • . - 41, Rot &mk s c. Bert yearligg Back, • tack Limb. Best lot of Ewes, B in eniber, 46 s at lot of Ewe Lithos, 6 in in abet, CLAdd VIZ. SAXON? Bert Buck, 2d " Best yearling , Buck, Best Buck Lamb, Best ku of Ewes, Win number, 24 .. Best lot of Ewe Lambs, 6 in numb .1-, CLASS VIII SWINU. Ilea Boor. Best Brood Bow, 2d " Best Litter Pigs, 2d " " CLAMS IX. POUITRY Best Rooster, 241 Best Jul of Hens, CLASS T. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. Best Fulled Viotti, 10 yurds, qd 44 44 fo. Best Red flannel, •• 2d " Best dress " • 11000 2d a 1,00 Betel pair Blankets, home-made, 2.00 Id " 1,00 Best " " factory, 2 4 011 2d ~1 ,00 CLASS XI. LEATHER, ire Best Pair Boots, Best Calf-Skins, d iu camber Best Side Upper Leath, r, Beet Side Soal Leather, Best Double !farness, Next Single Harness, Best Side Saddle, Best Man's Saddle Beet Bridle and Matting;ln ci.Ass CLCYPHING Be.t Dress Coat, Rest Pair Pants, Best Vest, CLASS XIII. WAGONS, CARRIAGES, &c Bevil Family Carriage. by isialiufarturer, 4,00 2d " 2.00 Beat Buggy, 3,00 21 '• 2,00 Best Farus Wagon, 3,00 2d " 2,00 Best Ox. Cart, Best Sulky, Best Wkeel-Bower, CLASS XIV. CABINET WARE, iro Best secretary, Pest Bureau, Best Bedstead, L Best Meat Tub, Best Tight Baird, Best Hall Buodmi, Best Wooden Bucket, Best VVasbing Machine, Best Marble Work, CLASS XV. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &c Best 2 Horse Plough 2d " Best Corn Plough, Best Harrow, Best Cultivator. Best Feed Cutter, Rest Cooking Stove, 2.00 Best Parlor " 1.00 Best Draught Chaise, 1.00 Best Axe, Su Best Axe, Broad, 50 Best Mattock, RI Best Grain Cradle. 50 Best Spade. 50 Best ShoVet, 50 Best Manure Fork. 50 Best Hay Fork, Best Thresher and Separator, 3 00 Best Mower, 2 . 00 Best Grain Drill, 2,00 Beet Fanning Mill, Beat Horse Rake, Best Corn and Cob Dilill, Besot Core Sheller, 1.00 Beet Net of Horse Sboes and lb. of ELkariXvl COVERLETS Best COV erlet, CLASS X VII. -CIITILTS, WHITE. Best White guilt, 2.00 2ii " " I,OY rEAss XVIII. QUILTS, TANGY. Best Fancy Quilts, 2,00 2d .. .. 1,00 I'I.A4S XIX. QUILTS, SCRAP. Brat Scrap Quill, SAO 2d .. .. I,l* CLAAS XX. BONNETS. &c, Hest Made Bonnet, Dress, .• " Skirt, MASS XXI. 110IPSERY lieu Cuuuu Huse. Bea Woolen floor, 2d .. 11. Best " Hocks, C1.A212 X XII CA RPET2,Bc. Rest Rag Carpet, ten yards, 2 00 24 ~. . .. 1,00 Best Wool " 2,00 " Id " ~ 1 ,00 Rest Rome wade Linnet', 10 yards, 1,00 2d " " .. 50 Rest Linnets Thread, 2:. Best Sewing silk, 50 CLASS XXIII. NEKULE WORK Best Stand Cover, Best Hearth Rug, Best Lamp Mat, Best Ladies' Collar, Best Ladies Handkerchief, Best Silk Embroidery, Best Worsted Best Portfolio (on card board.) CLASS XXIV . LEATHER WORK, isc Best Leather-work, Best Grecian Painting. Beet Crystalized Basket. Beet Basket Tissue Flowers Best Wax Fruit, CLAPS XI, FLOWER'S Best Variety Dahlias, Beet Round Bogart, Best Flat " Best Basket Cut Flowers, Best Vase Flowers. Best Variety Verbenas, Best Variety Cut Roses, Best Rose Geraneuui, Beat I 'arms, Best Collection c.f Planta, 1,00 CI.ASS XXVI. JELLIES, ac. Best Preserved Peaches, 1,00 se • 544 Best " (411u/if:ea. I,UO 2d " 5() Best " Plums, 1,00 2d " 50 Best " Tomatoes, 1,00 2tl n ,• 50 Best " Apple.i, 1,00 2d " " 50 Best Currant Jelly, SO Best Quince • 20 Beet Apple 50 heel Quince Marmalade, 50 Peach se CLAAS XXVII LIGHT hIIIHAH Best Light Bread, Cake, " Pound " Fruit " Sponge " " Silver " " Jelly " Pone CLAIAS XXVIII, BUTTER, Beet Butter, 5 pentode 5 00 3.00 3,00 2,00 3.00 3.00 400 Rest Cheese, 12 pounds, 241 Best Cucumber Pickles, Variety Jar, •• Peach Pickles, Tomato Catsup, •, Lard, 5 pounds, •• Honey, 5 pounds, Cl.Afid XXIX. 1 11 11ORTICULTuRAL 1•ROD111"Pd- Best selection of Apples, Best specimen Aiiptm, ttal " Best Pears, Peaches, Plums, Quinces, CLASS XXX• GRAIN, VEGETABLES, are. Best specimen Whets. Corn,l,oo 46 44 5050 t?ets64 44 Rye ~ so 46 4,4 Sw larleyt “ " eet Potatoes, so . , .. Irish " 50 46 6 sew, 50 ill 44 Pumpkins. so . • o n Cabbage. 50 0 collodion of Godes Vegetables ' 20) fid 44 WI tso Best Milsiatisre Farm Same, V* 20U 2,4 X) MO 1 ,4: I'4l 16! It 11106W111, M. W. !sins r, Am. Iles 'y. WOE. lawaser, Co!. leftmost, N.e. 15,101. Vitristnunts. NMI FAT? GOODS FOR 1861, J. I. BURCHFIELD'S, MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. NEW CALICOS, NEW GINGHAAIS. NEW BLEACHED Alf USLINS, NEW PLAID FLANNELS, SATINE7'S, KENTUCKY JEANS. CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, RED FLANNELS, YELLOW FLANNELS, GREY FLANNELS. In addition to the above, we are clos ing out out entire stock at reduced prices for cash par money. The stock will be found one of the best and fullest it the city. Sept. 11, 1801-6 m. 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 o 0 1,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 1,000 WALL PAMIR, # milLeacleoas. EVERY VARIETY—LOWEST PRICES. JOHN T. DISOWNS, 112 WOOD STREET, CORNER STH.. PITTSBURGH, PA. Green and Huff Oil Cloth fur Blinds. Cord, Tassels, and Curtain Trimmings of every description. Also, a tine assortment of Gilt Cornices. Sept. /1, lOW. FOE CITIZENS OF GIEENE COUNTY TO OE7 THEIR lITALTIONZIRY, liktak Rooks, tout Records, ke., W. O. Johnston & Co.'s, Steam Priming House, Blank Book Factory, and Sta tionery House, 57 WOOD STREET, Sept. 11, PITTSBURGH, PA. 100 1,00 3,011 2,00 3,00 3,00 1,00 Manufa,turer of MILITARY, PLAIN AND FANCY And dealer in Gentlemen's Goods, Boyle Clothing, Jr.e.. 4; ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. SILK, BUNTING, AND CHINTZ FLAGS or all sizeo, re - met:wily an hand and made to order. April 21,1661-Iy. LOUGHRIDGE & MAXWELL, Brushes, Looking Glasses, AND Cl.ll2.llclareom'as Cicaskeols.oes, And dealer! in Variety and House Ftirttit:hing Goods &c., 72 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Sept. If, 1661. 1:1=1 L. IC. VOIGT & 00., (Successors to I. G. Gratl,) 217 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., Produce & Commission Merchants. Receive and sell Flour, Grain, Butter, Cheese. Pork, Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Eggs, Beaus, Tallow, Grease, Green Fruits. Pried Fruits, Potatoes, Brooms, Timo thy, Clover, Flax and Grass Seed, nud Produce in gen eral. Purchase on orders at lowest market price, all kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, and every descrip tion of merchadise. Ship your Produce and draw at eight. Sept. 11, Pays the entire cost Inc Tuition in the most popular and successful Commercial School in the country. Up wards of TWELVE ii UNDRED young men from TWENTY EIGHT different States have been educated Mt business here 'n Mint the past three years, sonic of Who'll have been employed as Book Keepers at salaries of $2,000 Per Annum, .diately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac- counts when they entered the College. ErMiniste sons half price. Students enter at any time, and review when they please without extra charge. For Catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cow ley's Business and Ornamental l'e 1111 l and a large engraving of the College. enclose twenty-fire cents in letter stamps to the Principals, JENKINS & Sept. I 141661. Pittsburgh, Pa. G. N•NMER.] [H G. DIVI.E.R. HAMMER k DAULER'S GABINET WAREROOIII, No. IT SMITHFIELD writ CET, Between 7th Street and Strawberry PITTSBURGH, Constantly on hand a large assortment of elegant a nd Fashionable FURNITURE, warranted tone of the lest materials and workmanship. Prices low to suit the times. 111 orders will be promptly attended to. March B, 1861—no 39—ly. M. WII ITMORE 1 GEO. J. burr u. H. WoLrr. S / Mos. 11. LANE Whitmore, Wolff, Duff dt, Co. SIGN OF THE ANVIL. Importers and Dealers in 50 W.O JO 9.5 50 ICS ME AL, Mt 3120 NTT 1 2 1.3 D, NO. 50 WOOD ST., 3 Doors above St. ri.trles Hotel, Sept. 11, 1.^61-Iy. rrsuuJlMl, PA. WM. E. DE BARENNE, rig WOOD s3TREET, PITT6BURGH. PA Wholesale and Retail Manuilleillrer of HATS AND CAPS, And dealer in Children's Hats and Caps, and Straw floods. Military Caps made tu order. Sept 11,1561---ly. B. F. SHOPE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NG. SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Sept. 11, 1661-Iy. J. D. FACKINER FACRINER & IRWIN, Manufacturers of every description of NrCriI.T.I9CII73EI.3II, NO. 103 SMITHFIELD STREET A full assortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Fur niture constantly on hand. which we will melt at the lowest price FOR CASH, which is our only terms. Sept. 11, In6l-Iy. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hats and Caps, and Straw Goods, NO. 171, COR. WOOD AND SIXTH STA., PITTSBURGH, PA. Also, Carpet Rags and Umbrellas. Goods at lowest Cash Prices. Sept. 11, IS6l—)y. J. J. GILLESPIE, Manufacturer of LOOSING GLASSES For tba trade, Oval, Pier and Mantle Glasses; Gilt and Rosewoe.l Moulding.., Looking Glass Plates, &e., NO. 86 WOOD STREET, next door to Citizens' Rank, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. OIL TOOLS, CUTLERY, Surgical nail Dental Instruments. GUNS, PISTOLS, dm, 9T•WOOD STREET, COIL OF DIAMOND ALLEY. Particular attention paid to putting up Lightning Roils, and to Manufacturing Trusses, gupporten, eta. Jobbing and Repairing with punctuality and diopatch. sept. 11, 1801-6 m. P. Rairmaa. J. S. SEYNIER.. 11. b. Reiman (Late at Miller& Rieketeen's ) FOREIGN FRUITS, Nuts, Confectionery, Sugars, Fire Works, &c., Nee. 126 and 126 WOOD STREET. above Fifth, Lam No. 39 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, Pk. Sept. 11, 1861-604. DRUGS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, &c., NO. 2916 LIBERTY STREET, between 7th and Smith field Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. &NIL 11, 0161-Iy. J. C. KIRKPATRICK & CO., Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Ilastape, Garbnaiad Irdwiaatint On% 72 THIRDOTHIRIPP PITTSBURGH, Pk. Always on hands fon Stock of Oil La Chandeliers Shembeepoeskuussiessp..- TH°S. iiPSEAR, Airreampf` AIP zaw, tie' ORANie MEW. • oept. 1 .0 1110 .4 1 0! 1 , At THE PLACE OM a. WILLIALICSON, CEME=I Manufacturers of 1=1M32 IRON CITY COLLEGE. $85,00 PITTABURGII, PA WILLIAM FLEMING, W. W. YOUNG, (Buceouorto Cartwright & Young,) 111•NOVACTUIIIIN AND DISALWR IX PITT:IBURGH, P♦ TIMMER St. BROTHERS, (Successors to Reymer & Anderson.) wnoLituLic DEALERS IX JOHN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in box Vibertistmals. ILILT T. SOWN, VW • CANDY MANUFACTORY, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, Preserves, Sardtnes, f) - c. IST LIBERTY STREET, Having's large connection with importing hams , s, East, lam prepared to furnish Country Dealers with a large assortment of Foreign Fruits as they arrive in their season, on equally as good terms as th_y can buy else where. I am 'env receiving a new crop of Oranges. Lemons, Figs, Dates, Raisins, Prillles, Plums, Currants and everp description of Nuts Also, Fresh Peaches in Cans of a superior quality, Pickles, Preserves, Olive, Oils. Catnaps, &c. Common Fancy and Crystalized Canines, nianufac tired front the best of materials, and will be sold at the lowest prices. t would call special at'ention to lily Cough Candy. It is not surpassed in the Country for the cure of troughs and Colds. TRY IT. February 27, 186 I—no 38. C. YEAGER ar. CO, 110 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, P.i. HAVE now. opened a large and well selected stock...of DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, .1 N D GOODS; Which they will sell as low as any Eastern House. A call and examination of the same is respectfully solicited. March 1 I —no 40 ly. w. w. POUR Y. DA VISUN. BLAIR & DAVISON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Saddlery, Carriage & Trunk 11.3 RD WARE AND TRIMMINGS, No. 127 ‘VOOD STK ECT, PITTSBURGH, PA. March fi, WM. P. [JAL B. L•ZICAR. 221101, &. LAIZZIAII., IS LIBERTY - STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wholesal Grocers and Dealers in Country Produce. ORD.lghti for Groceries, Fitslitirgla Manufacturts, Floor, &e.. tilled at usual tern's. (It\+lGN NTS of Produce solicited. February 13, 3ti. R. R. BIITS.GICIL. ?donut:mimes of every description of 11:7 Wit .1%7" "1" 3E: N 0.45 SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTSBURGH, PEN,CA. A full assortuant of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly oil hand, which I will sell at the lowest prices for cash. Aug. 21, 1561-Iy. R. PATRICK & CO., Bankers and Itachange Brokers, CORNER OF Wool) AND PIM! sTS . ., PITTSBURGH, l'A. Refer to the Banks and Bankers of this City, and to Messrs. WiIIMOW, Lanier & Co., ,New York City. Special attention given to the negotiation of Cow inercial Paper, Loans, &c. Stocks and Securities of every description, bought am sold on Commission.— Collections wade on all parts of the limited States; and ncurrent Funds taken at the lowesrrates. We solicit the correspondence of Banks and Bankers. and can offer favorably terms to pal - lies %Vila may open accounts with us. Aug '2l, 1,361-ly J. B. H 11, 11, 7 Ilatii4 Mill and Lumber Yard, Office, No. 953 Penn greet, Ninth ;Ford, opposite Petio'a H. ft. outer Depot. Mill, Cur. otMorrie St.& Mulberry Alley 3E'' ES 331CIFIL ar XX ALI. KINDr, OF Lumber, Flooring & Weather Boarding Fl aNIMI11:11) TO ORDER. ijj — Orders will receive attention it left at the office of Berk & Litzear. April 21. iNikebViEet WOOS .Imo M. iRWIN COMMISSION MERCHANT, Fish, Pig Lead, Spelter and Produce Generally. 11io. 25 WOOD Silt WET, • PITTSBURGH, Pd. Agent for Glothie Chi ttttt ey Topa, Stone Water Pipes, St. 'Louis Fire-Claw. March 6, 1861—no 39—ly 3F9I73FLIVXIVIMEILITI WAREHOUSE No. 38 and 40 Smithfield St., IPPOSITE THE (IRARI) HOUSE, PITTSBURGH, PA. TUB undersigned are constanny manufacturing and a selling at reduced prices, every description of Parlor, Chamber, Lica as y, Dining- Room, and Office PrI:TILIVITI:7IEL3II. Warranted to bent' the best material and workmanship. Furth it ore forshipping. Customers can rely on having goods purchased f his establishment, securely and properly parked for transportation. Steamboats supplied as usual with promptness, and on liberal terms. T. B. YOUNG & CO. March 27, 1861- 42-Iy. J. & H. Nos :)ti and .28 Si. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANCFACTURERS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT, GREEN 011. CLOTHS, FURNITURE OH. CLOTHS, WIN DOW SHADES, TABLE 011. CLOTHS. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. .11so, dealers in Leather Belling Lace Leath er, Indian Rubber Belling, Steam Packing, Tubing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Rubber, 4-c., e. Wholesale and retail buyers will find ouratock large well selected. and at the lowest prices. April 24, Ififil—ly. ENTERPRISE WORKS ! !MOVED BORING TOOLS, 814010 OIL SALT AND °TILER WELLS °Oaks iOUtITIiD & PIIONIPTLY rILLED. Ai^ Mitilitagnila4ol4 DIMMIHNIPMAINVEfiIeakiI soliaraftmullit litttiiit vOltretAit AM' 24 , PITTRBERGH EITRAM REFINED WHOLESALE DEALER IN PITTSBURGH, P.l HENRY H. COLLINS. I=l I=l .1101171Nr dr. Tir2SST, No. 36. Weed Street, PErTSISURGIFI, Pa. MA NUFACTUNIIIRS OP f Fu la 6ABINET z siieTi. LANl NEW GOOD S, P UBLIC attention is Ladled to the new° Cabinet Ware room, room one door eam of Minor's Store, where all kinds of Cabinet Furniture will be furnished to ardei in the most Unproved style, and on the most reasonable terms. Bureaus, Book-Cases, Cupboords, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands, &c. Also COFFINS Will be put up with the peatest possible dispatch and at the very cheapest rates. ATEN & PIiELAN. Waynft.burn, May 8, 1861. THE EXCHANGE! J. TAYLOR & CO., Having opened a Wholesale and Retail LI. quer Store in the Basement of the ••111A NI I LTON HOUSE," Waynesburg, Pa., would inform their friends and the public generally, that they are prepared to tw ee edate them with the hest of Brandies, Wines, Gin, Ruin, Pure, copper-distilled Rye Whiskey, ,ke., on the most reasonable terms for cash, or good grain, such as wheat, rye, corn, oats, &c. Confectionaries and Oysters always on hand. Give them a call befbre purchasing elsewhere. Waynesburg, Pa., June 22, 1859.11.3. WAYNESB - Ult G MARBLE AND STONE WORKS SAYERS & RINEH Practical Marble & Stone Cutters, mmediatelT East of the Court Rouse, Main stree WHERE they have, and keep MI hand a 1 large and extensive assortment of tine and ornamental ) 11111 MARBIA WORK ) „„ it , such as monuments, tombs, tablets and grave stones, of every variety and style.— Particular attention paid to cart ing, which will be done by as good workmen as can be found anywhere in the business; as one of the firm has seen practically engaged in the business for twenty-five years, and the other eighteen years. They Hatter them selves they cannot be surpassed in point of skill alai taste by any in the west. Persons wishing anything in our line can have it furnished to any place desired at lower rates than any other establishment in the country. Persons can save 20 per cent by purchasing of us. All Muds of building work done in either marble or 51011 e. M A V FAS & RINEHART. Waynesburg, May 20, 1851-1§0.2 GREENE HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County Pa. S. 11.4RTZELL, Proprietor. r lL imiK andweriber respectfully at his friend that be has taken thin well known !louse IV here lir is prepared to accommodate travellers and others, with g land substantial meat, drink, &e. Ile will spare no pains or attenti o n in rendering his guests coinfortahle and happy during their sojourn with hint, lint forgetting to give due attention to their horses and carriages, 6r.c. 3. HARTZELL. April 10,—No 41—if HAMILTON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Penn'a. ►IIHE undersigned respectfully annunn -1 ces to ills customers and to his friends, to strangers, and to the public generally, that he has rented and is • the proprietor of the Hamilton house, here tofore an excellent and popular hotel, and that lie with spare neither pains Her expense to render entire satisfa, ion to those who May favor Mal with their patronag April *27. 1859. J ACI lit LEMLE CABINET MAKING. JAMES GANDER & CO., aid respectfully inform their friends and the pu iiC that they have now on hand a good assortment ail kinds of 0 ABINEIT WARB, sit, It as is usually kept in shops ill this part of the coun try, made of the hest materials, and by the best work men. LEP - They still keep a Ilearse, and are, at all times, prepared to attend promptly to funerals, either in town or Collllify. Way ue.ilou rg, January 21, 'SCA— I y NOW READY. The Waynesburg Steam Grist Mill, having been stopped a month for repairs, is now in operation. We are also happy in being able to ant ll t ce that we have made arrangements with Mr. Rogers, Esq., of Rogers ville, to assist in grinding. Mr. Rogers is well known to he one of the been millers in in the County, and he will hereafter superintend the grinding. Rest quality of Flour, Meal and Feed kept for sale cheaper than can be had elsewhere in town. We expect to have the canting )l ash in opera tion in two or three weeks, having failed to get ready as befieie announced, owing to a disappointment in getting some new cards, belts, etc. Aug 14, lhtil. THomAs HOGE. NOW= YOr tu N I KE r FOR PlC "Secure the shadow ere the satmlance fades." The undersigned having purchased the Photograph ing Establishment of Jeremiah Schroy, including his whole apparatus and fixtures, would respectflilly ielforni he citizens of Waynesburg and surrounding country that he is prepared to take pictures of every style, from the smallest to the largest size. I). lIASti. WaV11.4.11.11M. Jan IS. ISid)—nn.33' DS. S. DODD. lire. t oria^uAx - 1;c. Mill.utz-64eicori.. Respectfully begs to inform his patrons and the public in general that he may he consulted gmtuitiously on all diseases and operations incidental to the brute creation. Fee moderate, and in Chronic cases a contract of 110 cure no pay will be made if desired. Residence at Morrisvile, one mile Castor Waynes boro, Greene Co.. Pa. N. B.—Orders left at the Greene Illouse, in Waynee burg. will be promptly attended to. rit=a9 R. DOUGHERTY, OARRILG 11UNUFAOTIT 1111 R, Respectfully informs the public that he has located in Waynesburg. Pa., where be intend!! to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. From Ins experience in the business, ht feels confi dent his work will give entire satisfaction lie will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square doish of therouri crse, Waynesburg, Jan. 23,1860—n0 34. MK AT THIS. The undersigned would respectfully p inforni the Pub lic that he is now prepared and wawa acturiug Clal.l.zset 'l7liTesxeo, uch as UURNAUIA. TAIII.IPS, lIEDiSTEADS and every thing ill that line. ,Ile also wishes it understood that he keeps a Ilearse and wakes coffins, and is pre pared to attend calls in town or country. at any hour. SAMILIELJEWEI.. Waynesburg, Oct. 2d, Legal Notice. Letters testamentary having been granted to the un dersigned apes the Ilmme ef Wm. H. HUSS, deed, late (Weenier... Township, Notice is hereby given to all weep . 101. ikameekrea indebeed *said mem* make laimae, MAW. sad tespef 1 1 $00111= aplase i tke same ee imisma Mama miry make fame • .eilinqipai. - 1 1 1. ii4lllld ea mom the amt. VOW ea li tailft ir e Lir= 1118*JAKIN ROSS, Olt. 4,1681. Itiecutm GEORGE HOSKINSON HAS just received from the Eastern Cities a large stock of seasonable goods, among which may be enumerated Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Delaines, French Ginghams, Barage Delaines. Domestic ~s • Bleached aluslins, Brown Benslin.s, Cloths and Cassimeres, Fresh Family Groceries, Fish, gait, hardware, Queensware, Bats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, dcc., Together with a variety of NOTOINS. Customers and the public generally are invited to call and examine his assortment of Goods. Sold clwato for cash. or country produc,!. GEORGE HOSKINSON. Waynesburg, April 17—no 45. R. K. CAMPBELL. Having just receiver! a large stock of goods from the &Went cities, which he k determined tit sell as low as any other establishment in Waynesburg, for cash or aood produce, consisting in goods of the following: DRY GHQ ODES, casimem., norm°, cord, ri c ki hg Blankets, Flame.,, Lindseys, Drilling, CaltlOli Flannels, Cheek, Under Shirts and Drawer+, Silks, I:Unthaws, Merinos, Sdpackas, Cashmeres, Paramettoes, Cohourga, of all colors, Delaines, and Plaids, Lavel:a, Cloths, Debares. Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds Mohair Caps, Collars, Fringes, Silk and Tabby velvet, all kinds of Ribbons Silk Ribbons, Cambrick, Sialso Jackonets, Figured and plain And many other artii les to tedious to ottoatoll in advertisement, tilt pieces of Calicoes, 100 pieces of iirtown and Meat-lied tun tins, ladies Cloaks, a beau tiful article ladies Skirts. MICAIRLI:IIZ97.4I.3FLM. Mill and Cross 1:11t Saws, Stilyards. Knives and Forks Table and tea Spoons. poor Locks, Pad Locks, Fan eels, Mutt Ilinses, °fall sizes, Screws of all sizes, Sprigs and Shoe IlaitS, Sash Fastners, Shears and Scissors, Cuphard and I locks. Meat Saws. Sans ege I7hop tiers. and Stu tiers, Cast and Shear sleet Trowels, Cutler. Mills, and Augurs, Wrought and cast Nails, Shovels and Forks. QUEENSWA RE. Stone, Liverpool, and common Ware ScIS pieta., Irlams ware :thil Wash Lampe ROC Eli I I.S. S.ivar. Tea, Cidre, Spire. Pepper. Ginger, rinamoriri Cloves and Nutmeg's, 'Tobacco, Rice, Spanish add COM' won &Tars, Ropes and Helicon's. Woonts WARE—Tubs and 'tuckers goats. Pants and Vests. Caps and Hon nets. Tile 'rest and cheapest Stor.k Uoids arid Stowe, io W:tv nes burg, I.adies. thintleniens. Misses and childcens, PATENT ELEDICIMELS. Prandreth's Pills, Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Ner ie and Bone Lininiens,Dpedildoek, Castor and SWeet. Oil, (sod fry's Cordial, Baseman's Drops Essoswe China 1111 l ts, Preys Vitessifure and Cough Syrup, Woods Hair Re storative, Itichardsons Sherry wine Hitters, Alleoks Porous Plaster. The above will be sold low for all kinds main. F'eath era, Butler, Dried Apples, Lard, Pork, Baron, Liunen and Flannels.— Fl o ur and Salt by the barrels. Nov. 30, no2n. zsT ti;:WA IC WAR! New G roeery& Prow union Me 'Jr ICOR AE • DANIEL OWENS, liAS the pleasure of announcing to his old customers and friends, that he has refitted the Led with Store Room, °posit, the Court House, and is prepared to carry on a GROCERY & PRODUCE BUSINESS. 11., is determined to exert his hest efforts to meet the want* of the counnuurift, and hopes hi careful alien ti4lll lo Merit public faVOr. He will keep MI hand constantly a stock II f superior FAMILY GROCERIES. tiiieensivare. Hardware, Confectionaries. Notions, &c l'lrase call and examine tor y - ourselves. ['rods.•.: to ken ut e DIU:Mgt! for pods. D. OWENS. Nlay N \V GROC Y. 'lieu doors East of ".IlessPitu-er" Buildings llat Nlreel. IVay nesburg, ISAAC HOOPML, his I~lricuds and the \ hi pu blic 11 1 11 . ( :• " 1 1 1 1 y ee t I o R has opened it, entire() new stock of FA Al I L 11.()C E:Itl Es, of a superior quality, selected vi lilt all eye b. the wants ot . Hitt coinutunity. Ile Hatters Itiniselt that his snick is all prime and fresh, bought at low 'Prices. and will Le sold accordingly. He keeps every article pertaiteiue to all eSiallliSlllllellt ni this kind, putt hopes to merit a share 4 it' the patronage. His stock is comprised in part ‘if the tollowin2: Teas, tolrees, N. 0., 'ruslir I and Pulveriatul Sugars Mal:La:Ws. Starch, Soda, ('resin Tartar. Salt, Pepper, Trackers, Soaps, Tobacco. Ali., a superior variety of Cigars, and all other articles netiall . t kept in a Grocery. CONFECTIONARIES. Ills Confectionary Department is supplied with a va riety .11C:1'1411es, Takes. Raisins, Drops,lirwolal.t, For eign and Domestic: Also, a variety of Notions wliieli will he sold as low as they can be had at am oth er e.stablishinent in town. Country produce talool it, Ins. hange for eonds. Give hint a call, at the new store r00t,,, near the Messenger publication room. May IS, IN:0; Pus' DAllaY W3A4 HACK RUNNING REGIALARLY BETWEEN BYNUM kill RICE' LAMM. 'PRE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public. that having the contract for the cam Mg of the mail between the above 'mugs, he hap placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks for the ar - coutimodation Of the travulli r , community, thie will leave the Mullin/11 House, 'Waynesburg, .'very morn ine ° , Sundays excepted, at 7; o'clock, and will arrive atlticee' Landing in time for the float to Plusher...A, the other will leave Rices' Landing at the same time and arrive in Waynesburg at noon. Nn pains will he spared for the accommodation of passengers, TIMOTHY ROUGHER, Proprietor. August 7th, 1861. no. 9. lAA cs raom WAYNESBURG TO RIOES' LANDING. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the public, that his linear Hacks will leave the Greene 11011240 in Way neshu re t every morning at 7 o'clock, arrive at Slices' Lan ding in time to connect with the Boats leavingthat place for Pittsburgh. All persons wishing a commodious con veyance between those paints will find it to their advan tage to give him their patronage. irr Hie terms are moderate. THOMAS BRA DIA; V. December 19. 1860-110 48. HUGHES & OLIVER ! Forteardiag and COMIMISIOAT MIULCKANTEI Riees' Landing, Greene (Jo., Pa. Are prepared with the largest and hest Grocery and Forwarding Rooms in the lot all goods on cow eiginment, andah.ri GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of I,he river, convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, fur shipment to Pitts burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the most reasonable terms. They hope by strict attention and long experieue.e, in business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they will keep on band a gone assot intent of FRESH GROCERIES. from the head of market, at wholesale prices, to :memo militate all who will Nem them with their patronage. April 11, 18110. S. & 3. ISEDISSIME, Grocers and litneraission liferchants, L4NDING, The above sentlevaentriye notice to the public, that by the dew tiferFoseuesimmairaame late Orme of Otto IcPr, A l 2l datimmticks & Co., ha ve beeirentr use evaimieveonsected therelyit Ii Wspottlipto attended to et hi e of rw n tt. ws 1 11° 'ept apelltiftweiekill Wait be paW before the goods are reenoired. Marcia 6,111111-60911-6 a. lipPE FOUNDRY, 31Elardi-oviraftarsrille, THOMAS FAULL & SONS, at their Foundry on Water street, Bridgeport. Pa., near the C. P. Church, are prepared to furnish Engines and Machinery for Saw and Grist Mille, Oil Wells, Tanneries, &c. Fancy Iron Railing for yards, balconies, cemeteries, &c., nl ways on hand or made to order on short notice. Plough Castings, and Castings of all kinds. Sept. 11, 1861-I.Y. Cook'M Portable Sugar Evap. orator FOR making Sorghum sugar. The most rapid Evan orator in the world. Is very simple and beautiful in its operation. Is a self-detecator and dispenses with all chemicals. Makes a beautifully clear hot ey-lihe Syrup, and is the only Evaporator which has made Sorghum Sugar strecessfully. Is portable, always in order, cheap, economises fuel, and never fails to give perfect satisfaction Terms, &c., of Evaporator: NO. 2 Pan 45 by 72 in galv. iron, $l5; sante size, cop. $65 " 3 ` , 45 by 90 44 55; 0 •• ' 75 " 4 "45 by 109 " 6. 5 ; " " " 65 Weight without brick. Cap'y of boiling good Cane Juice No. 2, 245 lbs. N 0.2 about 2 bbls. per hour. ~ 3 230 lbs. " 3, " 3 " " 4, 3341 lbs. " 4, " 4 " ELI' MESS, BATES &PAY, Mansfield, Ohio. THOMAS M. McCI.ELLAND. Agent for Greece county, CarnticAaels, Greene county, Pa Sept. 25, 1561-3 t WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MACHINES. Price with Hemmer and Feller, * a 43 , 0 0 . 1111;) MACHINE HAS POINTS OF' SITE RIORITY PECULIARLY ITS OWN. srtry hti.vo, HEMMING, AND FELLING WITH MEM=2I3 It forms a flat, even. and elastic seam, which is war ranted not to rip iii wear, even if the seam is cut at trequent intervals, and also miler all circumstances "to survive the wash tub " A Patented device of great utility to learner», pre vents the posiiihility of the machine being run in the wrong direction, or the balance wheel wearing a lady 'a &et». Another feature which deserves particular attention is The Wilcox Patent IVeedle cannot be set wrong. Two thousand Stitches, or two yards of work, can he done inn one minute without dropping a stitch. These Machines, so simple and accurate in their con struction, supersede the use of the shuttle; and with rile thread produce all the practical results of the two thread in:whines; and inore, fiir these tell without bast ing, and hem the finest liu witl puckering. Although at about half the price of the oilier first eh e.s 111:1ChilfieS, they will accomplish double the sew ing in a given time, "It is emphatically the goo I, low-priced Family Sewing Machine that the public have been long wait ing Mr."—Bodo, Transcript. "It is indeed a wonderful l Mellon, and for fami iy u s e especially. no other will bear comparison with it."—Pli f ladelphia Evening Journal. "Median wonder."—Scientitic "Among the best and 1110,1 serviceable. Sewing Ma chines. Light and elegantly finished, and so simple in its couslruction that it seems almost impossible for it to get out of repair.—Pittsburgh Chronicle. ••flas c hilted with its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of the higher priced ma chines."--Pee usy lyanian. "This machine, in the opinion of the committee, fills more nearly the requirements of a perfect family machine than any on exhibition."—Franklin institute Exhibition Report of 18.54. "Taking into consideration simplicity, cheapness, durability, and doing all work, the committee were unauiuunisly iu lavor of the Wilcox & Gibbs as a sin gle thread machine."—Pennsy I vania State Agricultu ral Society's Report. "We st, in justice, express our confidence in the merits of the Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine. We consider that a great desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond doubt, that two threads are not, as was supposed, necessary tlag I instrument."— Christian I d coca te and Journal, June 21, 1800. '•We have these machines iu use, and think mole highly of it than of any of the 'mintier we have tried." —Etch mond Whig. The undersigne.d, Missionary to Constantinople, has r•x:uuined more than twenty different kinds of Sewing Machines, and after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox & Gibbs' Patent, he has purchased one of them as the best adapted to the wants of his family, and as the least liable to require repair. Roston, July 3,.1800. The u ndersigned, during eighteen months, has had in almost constant use, in his fa uily, Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine,:uprin which has been made clothes of his large family-I"MM Madill to pilot cloth—including the clothing required for his several boys; and in no case have the seams failed, although in hard service. llw machine now in use in his tinnily has required no repair. and is in all respects, well appointed, efficient and durable. .1 ACOB CIIICKERING, Bo.flon. Send for a Circular. JAMES WILCOX, Manufacturer. No. 508 Broadway, New York, Opposite St N icholas Hotel. Aug. 2S, 18(I-2m. ELIXIR PROPYLAMVIE. THE NEW REMCDY FOR RHEU iatt Lit Poring the past year we have introduced to the tire of the Inefikai lorulesnion of this country the "iv Crystdii:ed Chloride of Propyloneine, ow a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; mod having received from wasp sources, both from Is.”,ictans of the highest :goading and from patienta ft,. Hoot Flattering Testimonials of its real VI'HMI iu ihe treatment of [lris irlinfirl and obtain/Me disease, We are induced to present Oto the public in a farm IKEA DV 10k lA/MEDIATE usE, which we Pepe will commend lord( to those who are suffering with thi s ;Mir fora rottiplaint, and In the S. edieal practition er who may feel disposed to lest the powers of thie ryinedy. I'IMI'VI,A3IINE, in the form nbrive 6cu N: iias reeeliliy been extensively experimented with in the PE N ILOSPITAL, and a hb MARKED SUCCESS as wilt appear from the published mcounts iu the medical journals.) It it carefully put lip ready for itnediate ure, with full directiuns, anal ran be obtained from all the druzgaits at 75 ITION per bottle, and at wholesales o BULLOCK & CRENSAAW, lirit,, , Tods and Manufacturing Chemists, Philadelphia. Julie 2u. 1361-1 yr. GREAT CURE IJIMMA .91. AT =PRA IMBENITIC BIND IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, AND A SURE CURE FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It is a sottenietitly arranged Baud, containing; • timaicated compound, to he worn Arolllllll the Waist, without injury to the t delicate persons, no champs di habits of living is rt., ',Hired, and it entirely removes the disease front the system, without Producing th• in jurions ellitcts arising from the oist of powerful internal medicines which weaken and !Jemmy the constitution, live temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medial propertiem contained in the Band, time contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through th'• pores "(the skin, effecting in trent iiintance apey flirt rune, and r estores the parts afillicteg to a healthy contlitiOn. This Mind is also a most powerful ANTI AlLscitati il. agem, and will entirely relieve the system from the perm it tOIZA edi c ts of Mercury. Moderate 1.1515 arc cured in a few days. and we are constantly of its efficacy in aggravated 0r 1011 4 :intuiting. PEACE ttP2 Off, to he had of Druggists gonerally,•or can he sent by mail or e press, w ith fulPdirectioas for use, to any part of the cosintry direct from the Principal °nice.. NO. 409 BROADWAY New Work G. SMITH E CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Seat Free. jr - Agent. Wanted Sold by \%M. A. I.OIITER, Waynesburg, Pa. June. IS, ItiG I , M. & P. I yr. 41A ROOD! HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Ennakpe : A l.liel'Ußß ON THE NATURE. TREATMENT. N D DADIcAI. (TICE OF SPERM ATORRHOZA, or Sentinal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness; li.votuiltary proditeial impotency, I . 01161111Ipti )))) and Menial and Physical Debility. By ROBERT J. CUI.k ERIN ELL, M. D., Teo. i mint rant fart that the awful consequence, of .elf-abuse a ty 1,41 of removed without inter nal medicines or ille dangerous applications ofeaus i. s, instruments. itiedkated hoagies. and other imperi cal devises. is here clearly denimistraled, and the en fel V Ile W and highly sareessful treatment. as adopted by Ilie celebratedalit hiir Hill) explained, by means of w hub cr am one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cos. illetehy avoiding all the advertised nostrums of tlw day. This lecture will prove a boon to thousand and tl xm sauds. Sent Tinder seal. in a plain envelope, to any address, peel paid, on the reecipt of Iwo pinging* amp. bs ea_ dressing Ur. CH, J. C. k LIN F., Ca Bowery, New York Polot otfive 1,,,x 1,536. a4pril 21, 1861- —ion 4,li—ly 11/1.21811iL4, 4141WiOa. ROBERT REYNOLDS, Proprietor, Jejfer.rox, GreenaCessatif. Pa. The auhmeriher respertfulle hslanas his friends and the travelling Public, that he has taken charge of the Nation al 110use,and is amply prapariliottaeoutmodate all who may favor hiss with sea& ROWF. REYNOLDS. Jettereon. %sane comity, Pa., April 18. 'Ss—noso t. THOMAS, sillimgason, -canna COUNTY, PA Sept. It, 11161.-4 y. elsualks for soft **tile *ace. OLIVER CRANE ROIIIIB;