The Waynesburg messenger. (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) 1849-1901, August 21, 1861, Image 2

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n V Y 1111 iTt
Fora s o lied 4u fiarcat
N. Si EGLE SAII . : Al'
W. #. L,,,,!!4, A ,:. ; ,,,i f:L _trt,„ i.,11,..„ 0 „,, i:
Pr Ir •er batin 1 ',Tyr! :4 11,• ,1.0ei.:1 toc,:::e ll gr,
Oti , {ititt. riewont ---1'; uty Ch 6.ntirdsy
rnitarning ttett. Lyon m.o , :hett ent el Sp i nig
d atld and ra , a,a tii) v. itit Ow ene..4y ovl D a ,
' t i e' 'reek, on t - treeils Prairte, iiiar nii!,,:s
fil Itwest ut : - 7:prinf,li,!ld, n hero they had
n n a strop;; p o s:ifi,, i , t;,,„ Lyme tire,'
fir first gnu at tttettiy tuiauft!s puF7t sic
oe oeli, whea t h e ha!itt; iwau•Nl,a:4;ly coiit
nc ced. A severe eano.emding Was
It H t up for two or threo hours, whoa thi ,
o ut TOteu's artillery, pro'. lug fa., se
.e e for the ~my, they gradually felt
1k wk towards their encampment on W 111 t,,,
lt , ,, ' 3 Creek. Lyon's eavalty on the left
Elk, k, and Siegel's artillery on the right,
y 1 y began a terrific attack, and spread dis—
ci. er and dismay in the ranks ut the reit
, p , pursuing them to the camp.
rh L ite r shells from Totten':: artillery set fire
pit heir tents and baggage wagons, which
T e .re all destroyed. A'Loni. lane e.nd a
ssiksissippi regiment seemed to suffer ine!,3„t
d yid were almost annihilated. 1
Sot Some time in the afternoon, while Uen.
(aqua was leading his column, his horse
is sits shot from under bite. Ile immediate-
IT mounted another, and as he turned
amend to his men, waving his list and
eeteeiing them on to victory, tie was struck
tin the small of the hack, and 11.;11 dead to
ge ground. The cuinuiand then duvolvvil
I t,/General Siegel, and the pursuit was
iniinillUed until night Mil, when our little
mymy rested for t e 'tight in the ctiettly's
010 n Sunday morning, General Siegel
&daring thdt the enemy might recover and
teitempt to cut oil his command iron]
triKiagfield, fell back on that city, where
e e BMW Guards were stationed; then
ariaring that the great numbers of the cue,
y ty might induce them to get hettvecn icim
id id Rolla, General S'iegni concluded to
II 11 back 9n Rolla with his prisoners and
ggrgage traitts to me.A reinforcements.
ArAl the time of the &Tartu: , of the roes
npger the enemy hall not hoes seen, and
isis probable that Gen. Sie7(:l had not [mon
ststurbed on his mi!reh. Nino lebck
erero captured, inetnrliT; Colonf.l ui
ststinetion, the messenger out remember
gg his name.
Tile sword and horse of it on, t rat
bthh were arnono , the trophie' of he ticlit
El bank, iteinatwements for Goneral
:1:1 were on the way io itO ia, au,l tl,o army
apy be considered as
,evere, 6klrrulsl3 Na;'e Grafton—
ITsveztly-Otae Rebels Kt! Ica—
liretilher News From .prilag
Louis. Aug. 12.—'!'be following ac
niant of the battle of Springfield was fur ,
i.i , hed by an eye witness, wise fqt, Spring
..44.o on Saturday niernhig, came
ffougji to this place on horse hack. Our
lambed out of Springfield on Fri
'vening, 5,50 strong, the Horne
rds remaining in Springfield. Our
es slept on the prairie a portion of the
ht, and at about Sunrise on Saturday
Ining• drove in Om outposts of the
y, and soon after, the attack :meanie
eral. The attack was made. in two
inns by Generals Lyon and Stun es,
Gen. Siegel leading a flanhing toreo
at WOO men and 4 guns on the north of
nemy's camp. Tne might raged from
Ise until one or two o'clock in the af
om. The rebels in overwhelming '
•, chary,ed on Capt. Tuttens battery
0 4lidunct times, but were repulsed
eat slaughter, General Lyon (ell
yin the any ; he had been previouslytided in the eg and had a horse shot
under him. The Colonel of rue Oi
!'anias regiments hating become dis
, the boys cried out "General, you
and lead os on," he did so and at
put himself in front, and while acer
the men, received a bullet in Ow right
st and fell from hi,:im;•se. lie was
dif he was hurt and replied "no tint
1," tint in a few nuonwilis atterwartii;
•pired without a struggle. Gen. Ste
ad a very sei, crc.sttuggle and lost three
guns: his artillery horse.; were soot
Jr harness arid .their piece:. disabled.
deavered to haul the - toff, with a num
prisoners tic had tahen, bet
opnvelled he ..Landon diem, ficsi,hois
tiling the guns and disabling too
° At about nine o'clock the ene,
cd to be its great itiseider, end rc-
Their train of baggage. wagons
.. Our forces ivece too tin u.
cut to pursue, se that
consideret; a draw.
ollowing ts a partial list oi
.oufl , sd (in uni. side :--C;spz:l:,
wd:s ;
y wounded in the. 1.5.;
1, ul•tiu3 ii.aitsas Vol LI/Myr:, CVa.
- woanilud ; Copt. Plumrcyr,
s, (A: wled ; Captain Millur 411
ously woun.lisci ; Capt.,,
iale,l in in tiii shcaild; r, but ruck:
it a iIOV3t.; ham the 1);.1111(.; f L OA,I tc
cld : Captain Bioko, was slightly
; CO. viss wountiod in
leg, the hal/ pri.;ingthir“ , ;;ll; Capt.
y, his S:itlit
Itebela lion/ed.
o N . August 11.—A
e a few wises holy: )estla
e. Fairietnit. rn t WA'br,l4 , l
havin:r '
been rectei.c.l 11;-,It
organized body nc
mety, were tk;(4,:p.l witit;cl a Cew
Wett.ster, Get'. Kegs,' do:patetie.l
von, of Co. A, .llh tooi
ti filly men, from IVcbsicr. to
. After scouting nearly ta way',
he came sinlileniy on them at
eitiay . and lifter an hour's severe
nec.eeifett in killiii twe:ity.orie
ng the otin‘r.i to flight, without
to his cOrnnianti, 'Chi, ri•beli
two huridr&a; eninposed ut so-..... ,
rst diameters ot this county teal
k. 4 ',oat ran, :Sheriff of thin. ionn-•
the Let er rula.
c:'rcr•T, August 14.—1 t i:, under—
the Washmgeon newspaperr.
itor he required to Cooform, as
ittv, to the restriction viiie now
'telegraphic corTespondenee tiu
military movements.
'Ming six persons who were
it:ter Iht-! '•?.tth.•
here. They Lek _kin:: 11;•
AC yesterda.y, '.;:`rt•
wear Fertrt,.;
*We, the _
_ it,;oncd
.1-,lt we wi »o:, i:y
Whit: C.:
:=i3a; of A;
en , : .-, tit att.: /I,
...I 31
has :.,..,.i.::.r,..1
eP; v; .
11321 ii
by-!he }'rose
lr•rmill,,l Irj f e ...nvf- - this
r~iy ratliodo tinai.“;
love I,c(
...Trvn" ,- .• or ow i !ott
!hit ;;u netfroe:4- ithk.ut;.;ue irep, rl
to t()
le:070 at,' flpiln 01 , 1 CoarS. ',lllO en
forn,..inent ortlyt has in an-
Ling from stnnos of I ri! 1! Fir('
ioin - tecit; witohi they
'sr re attempting to carry to that city,
legsta 1,0.--11. is untler
9d09!: in tenll , , 10 in
torm Lurk Lvon,i titu, that Critkii
sohje,as aft" the r, 2 hct cltendev - ; ut
thts ('-o/yrametit, Slid :If,: alin , r the
NciorAity of EaHdral.
Tito Iry übleu of Ow New York 70th
(iliginio i d. Neu:intent) ivat all settled to
day. tetierai of the rial,tfetuler6 are stiff in
custody, but the tro body is quiet. 1 1 We
had not heard of :toy troubles in this regi
ment. Theltito nOIIS of them was that No.
meets, ut tlfugfq), 4,1 , 11...5.0.)(1 ,- _ , ,etett their col
our:l.—En. ettio2..l.
IL fiabh; iitfartnation has rettiih here that
f filet e ~sore two 11101.1i;arld
and sick at Culpepper Court House, and
one thousand wounded at Warrenton, on
Tnesday. Besides thes:• there w ere i:1):11t)-
vable sick 's,tblters at :Nrivati dwelling
A prolific cause of siclittes Wai the bad
water at I\l:mass-art. [This will account
for the fact latGly cointanincated front
liaelitnond, that great tit/amities of . wa—
ter arc sent riTim that place to Manasas
Junction in laitze tanks.—&n. onnos.l
The Itt ; ibel pickets approached yesterday
to within three mites of Alexandria; their
flags cook! be seen from our batteries.
The Treasury Departno is about to re.
halters° the States of New York and Perm :
sxlvania for the motley advanced in the pre
parations for the war. Pymnent wilt prop—
y be made in gold.
it is repeated here that Mr. Boteler, late
member of Congrer.s horn Virginia, has
teal Crcirri the el - roots or his wounth receiv—
es: at Bull Run.
steamer Jossipli Whitney has been
purchased for *%70,00 ( } In:- a f . . , :q11--I, o at anit
has been ori;iirrd to the Liroolip) Navy—
yard for
It i, stated by 1:1.- relatives of the late
Colonel Cam( roil t!wit
in the Alotilcmii,A, ne - Ir 11,114's
Run, of •,.4.-ar by the Con-
4, , 1 / /I oN
T': , ' prrss:)ro of Ir , the Treasu—
ry th•partitv.w. M"Ill 1, The
c . teri.A Itave reccived 1 0 Cocr mort.
ittlitt:l, ; 4 l ll y.
it i'; o!lki4fly
OPpartalent bps 01,11 Itldiast
irii~f:.:hncedcitted tile; ro!); , t PitbOurccit
bauti3 1/),13
I A Day of Fasting and Prayer Aprisintet%
I4VALMINGTON,AC!.I,O:,I. r;. - -- - 11y Ins: I ) :Thbi.-
dent of the United:St:UE . 9—a proclamation:
Witt:reds, a joint committee of both Itonatea
; of Congress has waived on the President of
the United States autivecinc.sted him to
I recommend a day of nablio humittittion,
I prayer awl fasting, to be observed by the
I people of the [Juliet! Stattet with folk :jolts
solemnities, and the offeaang or le ' l•yent
sepplitiation:.; to Aiiiii , ;lity (.ed for the safe
ty and welfare. of those S'at.c.., Ilk blesn
i lugs on their aims and a i , peob y roraura..
Cam to peace ; and whereas, i is fit and
beetnnim: in all pcoplo, at tiff times, to a.c
tinxivledge sand revere the SCiprehle gay,
Crime:nit of (hid, to ('OW in humble sub
imaiston to his eitas:keinvitti , , to vitiate:is
and deplore iheir sins and transgressions,
ii; fell conviction ;hat the fear el the Lord
to the befrinnintt, of wisdom, and to pray
with alt biryeney and contrition ibr the
paidon of their past offences and for a
hlessiug upon their pros - nnt and prospect - 1
ivy actions; and whereas, when our I,e
-tot e,) country once, by the blessing of
Con, united, prospereusand happy, is now I
afflicted wiiit factions and civil war, it is
iiceuliarly fit (or its to reetignii. the band
of God in this visitation, and in sorrowful
remembraace of our own faults and ellinaS
as a nation, anti a:, individual,, to leable
oursc,Lve,i before Him, and pray flrthis
mercy. IV() pray that We may be spared
further veninlittleiit, though most justly de
aarvcd ; that our aiins may he blessed and
made effeettial tut'the le-eF;tab!iiilizilellt 01 i
haw, order anti peace throughout our emm-
try, and that the estimable btion a civil
and teli. , ,ititis liberty, e.tinA ruder His
, tot dance anti hiessiug by the Tabor. acid
, .
sulicriugs of our tatherc, may fit restorcd I
is all its ereJittat eN.eeiki.,:y. Ther,Vror(: i, j
Ahriihaal LacohL l'lc;„;iji.,o_ 0f the iitilte ,, , 1
Lilte:;, eta appoint tile i‘e.,i. Titab,day in
;_,i tilt .._Let m xi, i:.; 0 it ' tit ,qThii',/!....:ii, ,
pi,ii . 4W met f:t . :t;a,. 1,.: - .li
. iii- pt.:pi, of ;he
Lr..; i
L .,;1c).) - .1.1iy to 411 .4ioi
..»).1 Leavitt t.) (.1 I) loo.);), .t ..ii d
1 t
( U 1
It' ,
is I' t'p
ut;tl ~.c:1;, • •
li ;it,il;(l,[y tir.o
to the Cuff i.e.tyriz,
liallon 8/,'y' ,;;; 'l'l,e , tuv of
Gra; v, and I.fitl , g down I,toi:ti!ni bly.nings
h td:cru•or, (C:
• P , -, 2 ,,,,f,•nr,
Vi%l. I). A ;";(' , 2 tiV Li Suac
tkr001.:„-111-'1,V at 1 ,;Vt...,,1tit.'10
Coll (212. die ;i1.:111 of
eu. I Eland, .t
taut, 4... 3.1!\ * of all:.
N,t 1 ,011:011 icav, IL ? Prus
',lent arid returu.b tiiiC l to Now York.
Letter trot,' Barry 141:t!,,raw
Tlic following letter front Ileory St, Ma—
graw, doi,i rly Ott this city, who SPCf; 101
Cameron's body, and is now a pris
-01101 in Richmond, has non received at
Washington: "A rrestt ou gfOLIIIII
noun oithitt tdc iinCS Jt C. A.
1:»;»0perly. We arc .11 , )1V
;n u iptarteroit in a tobac
co tioase, comphily with the c,lptured
Federal Crilltefti. it0.V...; met 11111.11 y ttiends
here oho have Otani execedia,, , ;fy
Indeed, s..osveie treated with itintincs
eutibiderajon from the time we were
pat under arrest at Fairfax Cyan flimsy,
'lncs officer in charg - it e l of us, i ni d I dt ! -
lieve of al! the prisoners, is a Lowlier of
Mrs. Lincoln—a Mr. T 1,11!, of Itleatueky.
When the United States government ro•
itescit the C. S. government as a beliiger
eut, anti tailrti to semi a flag of truce tin
dor tt tich thei: ticeaa amt wounded
a,• 1,t2.2: . 1 puoi,al',y , .1 ik.1 6 . ! 11 . 1 , .' . uk.l',,lu
rr,. i
bill 0
, L. , Pi: , .
.. 'tti };
~,~i:~'.~i%c:C7 _ .., ,:,,.33 . .
;ti thaZ
.1 , A
h t:
_ .
f‘ . like the t
. ~t ht, .k.i,
,-,• t y l t ar ~s, r v, r o. it, or i
% ' lac,
1:le vt uit. VC":7:
is .a I'C~-
227 J 2
all oily Ia
For the Messenger.
ran July 30, tfleti.
,(fans. Ritchie the peo
ple of North Western It'H 'lda and flenth
‘Vesiern l'etinsylvanda have nkvalt.i her)
united in bonds et tliendshtp an good
wilt toward each other, havit: the sane
geographical ideroity and a diversity of
ioti2rests, I have thracht it wotibl
1 be inttn-esfillt• ta many of your roodp.m:3 to
know son:ell...rig of the sayinga and doings
1 in this part (d lhe OZ ' d Ditrrtini, ic , in
the darkest hours of our country's history.
\Viten Elea, McClellan announced to Gen.
Scott, in his official repot;, that We..:tertt
was now clear et armed reiwk,
expccting that Gen. Cox had <nrrerdr~i in'
rennin. , a ti cl infesting hues vtith;t l of the
Groat Kanawha, headed by t.r..-.-Gova. rn.a
ise, his (l'ileCh oxpeetati o n s were
not fully realized. Wiae's army had been
occupying - Charlestown, the county seat of
'Kanawha counly, and uoa icou 4 / f f_bri—
fied, while his forces were aul, - nwnthw 1 4'
rcinforceme»is from I:entucky and Ten—
nessee, anti by Virginians pres4ad into thc,
service front the ay.r: - ortudinli country.
About the time Gen. lkfcCiellan tvas
cleaning - out the last sceesasion': from
the triolln;nins, COM Ca?: aseandle.„ ; -
ihe Great i‘tanav,lia, with a force (.1' ahont
7.000 nwn, with cavalry and artillery, to
clean cut the Kanawha V a ll e y,
When about twenty miles up the Valley,
in a direct inn of Charlestown, his fteOlttt
portcd it lamp' detachment of 1 .-Vic'f.; army
entrenched, and prepared ti)r resb:tance,
about, five miles ahead. Gen. Cox Mime
6:ttely detached a part of two regiments
of infantry and artillery, with a battery of
two field pieces and a company of dragoons 1
under command of Col. Norton, with ors
dots to cannonade and annoy the rebels to
their entrenehmeals, and draw them out it
possible, with a view to ascertaining their
strength and position; but not to attempt
to lima. their entronehments unless it should
appear that it conld be done without hat:-
zioal„ or in Other words, not to atterupt their
fortifications unless the enemy give kic
bail and abantione/1 their Is thought
that Uolcutel Norton concluded to make it
vilurge, for insorand of obeying, eiders, hat
tilleatlVOk to storm the (alumina' badttndes,
nod dhi to; but the rebels were reinforeed
immediately, awl the fineat hien romed
with some loss, and compelled to retire.
The tt/Ontt of the tit, - A'ttu ititttrt! it; yet if)
be told, I SUpp,iO, t:il ' Ord , d s Jnti
merriment a I tel wt:el s for the re
Scone throe. Colonels, "i.Vondrelf,
it 1 1 (2. F1.1111.11i:ky, anti COL Pcvii,
loiti of thc, 01)1 , 1, and Loot. c o l,
Neil; all two captatti, ail beldio : '
Gen. ifrie:ade, bad.: it into
:1:€;1 hauls that fun would result fro: t the
tAzi s
lull, asi. C(Wl'i-11`,
I hey fill took horses atol t h rf , i
S~ivt ' a till till elatilt!!tor.
tic trronnit, (--;:pecii) - y; 2.:1o0; ; (.e:i
runiiin , . : c; Lot tau HAIM
I "Cc, and tv!icif tiluy hill
with I'lWiY ;; , )111•.!
hied of nbitalitt the pursiliit;
caettiy. and werc %it 11101 S, i/l•
Cilitlif."2: (2UL, NIICIOn, ‘`.llo
was left tvoundeil 00 the fig td. And 'do_:y
are all and tio;,e they holy
retrain se; becati: , :fi it Ihey—aad iad Li
cf is/Joh re,ainicntui coilvoni.dec.; as
iti - ,ve in the iititi—wert: in tie
the enemy, it would be batter ter the Fier%
Whitt ritrht had Ilteso eilleurs to
lolly° their pitsis I II
their had been cant ea in le
liderce, where the cuiniciinii:_cr-4
As soots as Gcn. MeCietiaA learncii the
c-ctilition of things ou Kaitay,lia, be order
ed tien. (' , u% to move nu Chmlestotvii aud
occupy the attention of the enemy, hitt toll
attack him is Lis S!IOIROOld, lntt laCe aim
and eumny hint. At the same 'hue he or
dered Gen. L.'cizetteranz, orie of his litattit
lain Chainploll.i, to leave G!ark:Aiurg, with
'7,000 then, and march th.wit the Gaitlev
riv e r, o ne of the I:rathdies of (,'arc/
told take Vise lit the roar alai cut
at! his retreat. how these operations have
rt , :inltoti, we are not isif,amot.l.
Our late,t iiitorniat“.l is, that •,1-,
a l ipronci)f:(l Lhar!eztoli, \Viqc reqs..:,-;d;
and that Cox atter qurrisonitig Charlestuviut
conti ll u e d the pursuit. It N h,:p0.1
that fitiz.eneranz tviil Lac, Wise, but it . twt,
they have brolien tip the ne,,t, and West ern
Virginia is char, bxeopt swan srnalf squads
ct plunderin2- parn,:s %who stii nitost tlw
tt onritu, but, (;:,n n
During R'ise's stay at Chadvs;own, Mach
wa:, sevoral the Union nom 01 thc!
~uiwuudding' l' , “.lltii have
vvas t.rk it tj the
4illty. hez•hic.: )11i , A.,1 , utny acre
i ;IV - . lJ Ch. , 41,11.0g. It ..'.!•;
;1 4,1
f• lo,' ,•-•
, an p.c.;
which had h,t
a.s*A•t:3if lilt Cilll
iu Li, :v ti <i~ul nia~L; t,~ti~' Cu;uuiui~s~ u, C~>;
i IIU (:U1.?~....~.~1:.
1.!,01t1 atoi:tt
stn.nti uf and annnuni..i,ll, uad
St:lli a collipally oi avagoons h. 1 “ ,! with
left ilottledi:itcl),:i.);.:
iy ti
t>,;;l I.)und:;'(,l dro%;
111::1)1 .)11, 1'111(1 they do
~0. . ; tat iiii3 d . ,11,a1ii,e .. .. - itatot, ;10.',1ir;3 bp
It leas been a wondor alp(
(..t..•t LUC hi!,( . 151,1 i Call ittdi/Cti
iil ihe SoMit gintlt•i tt :!!), to t•nt .. . , :14c ili Ittit;
ei,lttroverby against tkeir
witt.n Way all httow that this i
a nugro nor nevi.f e%pecting to, Uu•
thvt. i ItetOriMlC> chat VCS'y has uk.vays
opt•ratod iAlcresl6 - of tht.. , l‘ Inert
Sortie ni thy. su , Grels of this strange pro
retdilv been (leveiopinr ,
hr sonn^ extent in (Ins pail of
the country, arni I givy, yak . ' au in—
..,:anet. or two. it has but it iscuveri kt that.
secessionist.~ arc in the habit of fluid-
inv, - secret hluminf;s, the salty: tri know
nothings, and they are visited by strangers
from üboin we know nothing.
In ibis particular quarter several secession
ists whom I could 114111 C-", have kit and join- ,
- ed (Ito tch l army. Some of 'heir wives,
Mitt are strong. tit the rebel faith, and not
as discreet as (.V{l. ‘Vaghing ton, have
"let Mr ea': out rf Me 'wallet" to seine extent.
One of the women, whose husband is sup—
posed to I,e 111 the artnv, was deptornef her
condition a tbw nays ago, to a Union to
nialo r,l nib . ;tint e!tHe dr,•,••
, 1
IL° :';,^
i r:;;. ;
!.! ~ , : i 1:.!,,i :.!. - ii.:.!..T.11. ;,'. , :i %.,
'a'i,r. t , 70 ,72-c
, !i!•1 ;•,1,
:'i!:`:; of
•, :1 .:J iii(:
` .O 4
111 , .0 are
ct. Ln;S tittle
St ! lie. 1
met 11'3,
sire lisp finiNky , ,Ac
"Wily C". 141 ‘t yoli take such a I,11; 11) ; ,
reply was, "Thm alt she ferny; qhe knt:;v
; whielr were owned by the "Union Lin
{ colSites'' already - CiAt . e.tCl, " &712.
SO ihk to ,t part id"
1) y 1., 1 4 ,; i di fig rrtxas to
tip ..r,il2;,
OOt 11 0 1 t 101 iliO I , l`.:“Mary SI):Pli)%1' Of Slin't!•
rY Ow 'Ferrite'
iik - srs. Rt . kid- !,‘, • lenazz://I;si--;11 thy last
to the "Viesoene;of " 1 noticed the retie: ,
tarn! 01 . tt. nn , ier
OW l't.•.`.! I, astt:ntiue, a,ltit It
;:u;'llled to 1/t; (.11 to t
WI ",,arkyitAtn. I 11:40 -
I iel`d ;op a portion
1;' , *J.1.:',....2C51.11111a11d, ICit
a Sriiiitivly (:;fection I;xial
tie , aningly 'ma: a view of ereasitt Wt 'a
pc,:it in eat-a: It,. _ad :Ain Of the F.
should take 11 cut beads to lar• absent
the tu f rital
r or Gen. Cox. ‘Velt, Gen.
it Set its, has al itt Charteitowil
anti 1i,,, i - ioii-ted the Star:; and iStripu6 on
the Court HOw-,-, pI tee of the snaireild4.
:Hob has Leon reigtda pit'd to
tftut i,laet for six wi_elot more- Ca
UCH. roach, W j iaLitot
and /271, CWlC;Lding, that lie
cvni , / cal to be a little farilliie
Hie last aeG(P.IntE; Wke tit's"
he rou;.lie,i.wountdilii , ,
ltut'sucrl by a deHteiii,wiii of Cut's (Ira-
I goons, who vi ere becoming a great annoy
ance to him, inr his trains ‘vere principal
ly drawn by oxon, and any person who
has over driven this kind of team, on a
dusty road, tattler a hot sun, especially
tvlicre thn oxt-tt ace worn out, f'an t . orto
some idea hoW fast the fioyeenor is getting
;Alt of the wOy. ihs only risout to keep
Cox from overtaking hint, \A ilb :mine ur his
canna); srtul, was to burn the bridges, Mar
lip the road, and rut Elms seross the way„;
and this ho was working at as for —dear
filo" wht n last heard from. Whether Col.
Tyli,r (nil( ) commands the atlyance of
(10a.v./Amman%) Will get a tree across
not vet known.
The ,•not ilitite tsiiiHy, and rimy
chyle his I,lica_ters; but it he ittn,i,
thing is ceitant, his oxen, v,itgollS, ifittl
of \Aar, &e
!welt iii) thn hands of the
;/J,l),y; ),r1
to: r. i•cc;111
anti : ;Iy havc v:nro prt• 41
vi!! insHiio •
It; , vrry7
..:;L;c11 si,(; ;Io•
t indt
or! ' •
, % 1 •
(,0.`;•!w. , 1
I .ler ber hp, al! u: tin
;wad. assure! tiit: ‘vouvin ii);11
hav- her oxcit avaitt, tnt;
1K...1 not 1,c,211 I•ctill -, 1,4,1 at the la,a, ac,rounts.
hpn! Uwe') g 6 into
to I.t ytart , befort; lea% stniuunding w•is re,t very
Iles:: et proVi:Hll - 4 al. hest, ;Ltd t.,oJoucuni_
raittet. 1: (ibiO rive: tiein cut 61r,
ere ;e idaiolcred the y pout or
atalvation, ul,iiv the Lndi',i,„•rs reduced
And Ili , is not .11.;.:
noinni , nned tnion awn into his
ta.rvic,. , as 0,..011 as ai rtti - , , ,t and
c;,rilihuti to ,I 0 Iso nlO.ll ibarati.
Tit , lle
:So LnWil lit ea beg,ln to feel
:ben - own stJ!w;th, and tlicit h.nNn:7
tilHr hands, ornlco Ohio ( )poll rtoll.-1.-
and afar a eunshierahle in lit, in
which a nulnl,er wurc they
tentr‘A‘t-d. ont ‘4" cany to the innulwr ut
atteet. sit buratre.i, itlizzaing for the Stars
and Stripes and ti' Nurtlwrii army. In
this way they iaa, , !inat i.llO 4icn. Cu\ 's
rani!) and i:Orwil,leled thetasscro , , aynnt
that Ibay had been in the rehcE sor,Act, and
Cor hial now 01 deal With (lean as he might
sec, propni. said that the oily' ininish
iileh; had to indict was for thtnn to go
quictly home to their taaidies—and While
about 0110 third el !bozo on their
Way Teioteing . ” itoitieWord, the ell
llSLeti iii Om V. S. army for the %var.
c"ininon inikf,, although ia the inidz,t
fly armlet, them
.narah and ca,dittei 011110ir evtl day, know
tad. little td . ill iniontiohs td . those who
coanunnd, o.e tax. out.
nii-nt thc nitr..;•ineni , t heron:
Nov,. lit :Jai), an the (treat Ka-
11,01 IN; z , l , l;w.ict..(i
ccuti4l tit IL !11t:3 ‘kith it an
( A. 1111"
d v.Ht
I ,rnti,tcs ;IttLl iw.vl, - ;,, u3 fut. a itt . it.ititctitii
oil the Ohio river., auil the
other; awl iiethi seem to
;heir uitjeci rutitiii!, (if 7,;(.
a few t . :ti.iliteneil litit ;iJeiiis
me there is CiiieN ill Viciv". If
thzt , i,;ll,;“ coiirse iliev
eta to be I.e.tvti:itht•, they v . ail eitticentritto
near the cent co
0( Ow dlfs terminus ,if the
Ro•Li nnp.d, bare noi. ,
ikna Virgiata, at dilt, - 21 - o'nl poin , x, an
or 40,000 Inc!), and the ad
sauce o 1 ihirti!ed cofition,s,seios !low to he
n; thin for the roint above iitdicateil. It
will eTeWV, such an alarm ;It Richmond
I that a largt; purtieu of their fufces must be
ti.r . :7tv.r, from Ni.. - mas,stts and tinhmond 1 ,,
revent the grest \Vest from tikin , ,. a near
j cut to the Capitol of the f(_:(ltitederato
t States. If the G. S. troops sltattlii occupy
I Covlngtun, which would o4en a direct
I commimieatiN) yv Oh East T:muessee and
I Richmond, us a matter of J:ourse A des
perme eXort would b o made to dislodge
) them, and in that ease our troops would
j have the advantage of the bract works rind
} masterd batteries 54 ,- c , and white the refiek
I would he concentrating fercas sufficient to
I dislodge them, it would hen good time for
jGen. ;fuller to makca driveinu Itictrinemi.
if there shour.d be alymt 7'5,000 or 60,000
hien slipped into FortreJA; Monroe. In
this event rrio sli;cpinl; Iratteries and.
dmthle breasted v.mrlis at ,itlanassassvould
I • •
0 .: .d ;.,-.:. ii. ! , ,, ; c;e u‘d •,.'1(.•..d1:,-.1141.TI1e;'•
;; i7^ii ~. _': i:! it S' :: 11):::t !'!!: !:~
.9:10 •
A ,0"s. three tnor;Ills n,fl
111 ) , way ; Ul.O.
i I . I , r 1)
~;. .? ..
. tY• 11 - a neoeinv,i
b trq u y to the
•r,t ;act L.7e.f1 1 ,-
of t t. e r y almost raralis
0,..„;4 11;ld I
111 , !
AugutA. ti, Fml
,‘ i,
?ICU , V, a
.1. )1 , -
I'fl l'I:::71"i
1 .0_ 1 !
a . a!
i ; t{ { :S, &c
F.:: ii -. ,i. - .: N!,.: , .3c.t - I. , :fer.
r , .--
; L I
'' . ..n .4k
tobkelorza , L,
, 1 yiehlitor ~ ' , fie Jai tin; ileiSt huanittiti crop.; f l. me i iti,; m ...Seam Itieputett:lte. '
that AA!) It; :.i tot yea,..- - .. It .0.,,,;th, ot;tl,i; )leer}' Clay wi, the te:‘ll effiAbollit oki t tin.
Alta - fruit: , c: ).; :Lit 1.. 4 ) v,itt, i i ..., low '
j;tlt h
hot . ,,r ' iuo,tH.; , Tile hits -3 ,111) Recut 1111 lilSlly alarrnel
‘vitett ow
c.,..,;i, -: , ia thc ‘l,itt;.Xf LA .1 forcible and sad„, „ a t- j ,,.
this is not so,
that nut "nee happy, I ' ll n '''''' ''''''''' ''' i ! I :t i t I ' : ' l'a Il i : : and S l "- ti ' l7 ' l.; l 'A -l i ii i l l : i I +l i r l q l , 41.' 1' h C il 1. ( :: 1 d it..4 0 ‘. : f li a t-: 1 - .
I and (nStitiCi4 it COUIVry NV 111 1,42 i l;:illirC,,r . to ,
~..i . , . i 4r.). s sWat :Wt.::: ink) our midst. l'11:3 tuitl, ,
peace :Hail li/0.41/c:city is hard to ti.. 11.
long talked tit' p„r Did ,(al.i i.„ hay,: co l ,:1 1 ;; lia'" ,
St1,1"""r bit! L'"i"'' :' °Y. : "ll''rl i ".. i' i l" I '' l ". ..
irot,t4ec.., il lu l u .1., ~.,c;1.11‘,„ %V ,1,C,1, ~,i.
'., La last. 'l't North and the South ha,,e b.- '
come arrayed in conflict, and the liiistutv . i ' d 'js" i ill ' 4 '' ' ' 'l"l 10"41;'); '' ) d''Cl ' ll'll'4
' ' Ll
01 the Atat riedit race show.; that they ar... ' vary
4:"li'it ' .'d
'''-;1"1 '
"i'l'-i' • l"'v'
not cavity Inteked du„ „. l'lrs olv.•, e., i;
h'l'ci"l' alai
ii"t i l"(.l ', "' ' ' ', L'"tt"'
poor itopeti
Ile art
:1 w. l.,,iit.: a 10.".41.:.i0,,,,t,,,t,i1 o_, ' at.ic I•lrk., , It 1',41,1.,/ -
( 511110! 1 , 0 ,-- n ,k at an d „ did " beii ,,, c ,
j , , 11 „ 11
... l cr . m.iiik the Liel ib , !l Ili' , _ , Jfdilltiii: .: l 1,:I,I,,11 i
1 ~ ~ 1 ' ~ ,' ' ' ' E i ,- )i the 1 , 1,1)0,1i1.,,,I1 jl,lrl V ..; 1.. i . ., i.,, ul lit.
Sel% 01, 111 OP 111 111,.: riLnl, tlierelole ti0 , ....,i11-- ~ ~. till.; '., ~ : i . - I i i i '
I prOtlllSe i... 1'.1i1‘..,..1 of II either side. ..i'in.;;(!...; r .,: 1 1. 1 : 1 ' ,tt.1 •', -
jj ` j ' j '; ' 1 1 . „ 1 .'2 - : ,` - j ' i ''', ; : . : ','; ''' '' ..t " .
loot It woeld F•uem that *lii.•lo"' is tit,: %,..,,d, i i ' "'" •••) d "-""''''
let. the coaci•JplVii,'C., i,, \Viral. 111(' ) 1211,, , , , l ilt ' 1 ,1' . ... ' ~ ::: 1!. ,,, , : . ‘ V ,;; i i,,,, . c ou ld i i
' :al. - W.IV Lilt.11 , ;;.111.!Z haVC 11101 it. i>1.,....i1v etai • ..
, -"'
; -' i -. ' " ,, ~,- i j.. . ---i ' ; ‘;l, :' , '
iDiet (HI ihe :1,1 , 1 t , Bathe, tutu (Ai,: fi11 , .. i '''.
' s'
; 'Th" , '‘'ii t".
their Jr, ;.; It; they I, J2 jj J .Jo.,
j ) t ,, 1,,. i ' ll ' l U'l ;% , ty t(.• tilt I.{, V. ‘viditt., c.d i , o ,
rhol. i
jz..j m
~,It. i ni,m i.,01,,,.
~ , , ,,hi.,.. „:1•J:11 svi; here amt's. 1.. , i all e. ael iJ aail
Presinctoial tlcetio„ th;„ tilould eill,J!. a t , •" it tlwi"'l Area II it; (- ", I "," it , lh '''''
extichle.,;, rti,,,
..,tic..; •en..ri:c poiliJs Jut ;;;,• tio! to 1/ii IJri:tilllol --
teed I Ira tOW result would be civil war, and 1. l.4ljui y et we hay( ' ''''''`g 0. h i ''" el ' ers el 'r
the j ,2, - ,e;pel, ii.i2Jl others. pr.ito,ez that the ',
i l
i l a n a l , itv es o c it d. N i Zj o li t t , l l .• zi l u t i i . 'ellit l lli . lig opinion c , „ tin . ; ' ~,,t o.
may ettffluttlu ttl ti;,
eittite at.toilla6t, ,
.rahe party ...N.AIII. 1
. 'slavery
uctieve that there wile not a lt,..ttociatie
speech nine in Greene County hut what j .16,„,aND, ;:•-,,,!/„. Lt', l'inl.
pointed out precisely this state ol things. ! " M,! /),. , :c Nii• ,-- ;:low tiro Id setet... '' a
211110114 h I ant now at the littad-waters of sunjeet for mit• 01 your tratds. tvlinfh, treat- ;
Salt River, I have not chae J rrd ley opiii. ' ed in S i o popular and eorniens,.:ii nay, I
ion. I never had ;'itly love fur the Medi- thild, t.ould I‘ aateleted with great a u i 1
ttonists of the North , nor the lire-tutters' of ' ''' ,lo .i .:L' =et . I '..'.'%1 -1 ' 0 .i ) . 11 !ti ( ). 1 .
the Scull!. I believe nott that hotit alike 'j "it it. taaititest that the ultras of that '
are diseitionist;L at heart, and would j party am Cx? r,•itirly mischievous, and are :
i" , 1 1 .(' ( i .CSilliCrioll of Ito. Uftton, and ptave, bullying: all illt; country to ecariltt ce,tis, , - .:
Wlll Iliil'ef be restored in this country en , querices. They are not to f.„.;_! coileiliatea ;
Itit both ism., aro pot down, and 1 beli eve
j by the Whilv:. Ea1.410.-;•. 5 :‘,1 with a single I
I that the country would rejoice with ex. idea, they etrre for notlii„g, elm , . 'They ' ,
ultaitt pay if they were put down, and the would see the Administration of the Goys
way to do this without .shedding much emu - lent precipitate the nation into also
' Wood is to coniniettee at the liallot-liox.--- lute ruin li, hire they would 1,.;thl a helping
Let us of the North vote for no ttilt that is hand to orrest ii. ; career. Thy tr ea t
tinctured with Abolitionktii, and the colt- i curet, and !ft.:hut:no.; mord ; th ea; „h . ) treat
servalives of the South rote for no ii.ati I diem t,-„, ...Ito so for agree. with theat as
that us :t disunionist, and both isins will ,to admit slavery to he no evil, wi 1n ,,,„. ;
j . - ) c.1,(1( r, and peace aiiii preseicti.y 1 tit. if' conduct inward Mr. lirig , .!;S , Mili Mr,
Grit.once nioro !eight ill our land. I set; I Adams in Aida ,aeii n .,ett,, an d ~ .,,,J, J , a rd, lei ,
trot,' '' - .0 "Alessert:J!;er," that the I.)einneras i "I tt ill t.siv.• you an outline of the talati
ey et Ureenu County hale /1 4 )1fliilLI,'11 ii I tier in whit•b. / would handle it : ,Show the
g,,cd County ticket, all men oi tinaultied I ofig,j),. ..Islave.y. l'r;ire its iffiro.itielion to
character, liiilit l'iti.SlLlCsili 31140 down to j tilt! Ittilidli Dovernmenr, t;11.,‘•. - how it is
Coromor,—mcn that will do honor to the I disposed of by Dr Vederal Constitution ;
District and Ijouitty, ail pot...sussing the t that it is loft to the States, except ill re
intaltricationJ; as laid down by Jellerson, gaol to fut!;itivi•g, direct taxes, and repre
"hone! ty diet eapilbility,:t. and as to tilt it sentation. Shoo; that the ae - itatiidi of the
election in, one harbors a da.l.n. lit de-1 Attestiitit in the tree States will lir!..„ de
inoetacy at Caoeue fa:utility has.; al„;t3•3 ) J.:troy all harmony, ;tad finally Iliad to ilis-
Lean loyal to her party and Ili(' 1 - 11101 i. - tillifill - per a etual war _jh o ~....; I, r nij „„j j ,,l
Thejaattle n; Bulls Bolt east a . i4 1(.0111 Ov..'/', fit the Ail ieati .ace --ultituate alilitar . >;,los-
NJ.; hare,—taunt ware iii• efe i•et lainly s•a toi::- 1 potisrn.
inahageti.ent tit our part, or vietuty tvetild 1 '•illit the blot ajnl anti object of your
have crotviital lair ;,milt'.. The j 1.111( r o ast I ir,lCf 1 , 11H111,1 LW 0 00,1 0. Its /ilbOrin , : r,/ , f , ,
Litt V. ill! I ,lll' ....0'.061.6.-irikli(ltt :111t1 its 0111<! , r3. in 1/0, 8010 iVrf! , : u4:tilisi aolifirM. iit'pit,.
Scott 5.... y; 111.11 lie %V.... 6 net ready 10 .lil2 14, ft.. et.a:_a.,111..L.../•,; i,. ilieiii iiri,,ii.i i . i li ii ;(
th. , ,i, Inc was urged info it ny lire _Aiiiiilini,,,- .aliiiinion. 'ilk ...,iivi.ns, Li,)lii lira, ~,,,i , i,i
ir , ,i, li and ti:,-e,_;jry, on est.. , ..." 1).10 outer, he tlisper,:ed Orono:neer the Lition ; they
risi. CPc ct - :l%Ltrf.... It N siated, I.y wet', l i wite'al , •:•1: • ifild ceJrpcl.:,ioii ivii,l, ih.J t fri(.
lin th , ... , !:*1,111 , .1 that o'-',l' aria, I Zu'i'uf;-I*--toilit 1 1.•.: •?...:, Brat;, fit- itisit, lh ,
(fri )ac d -'( 4ne . ; 4it ter! ,-,;•;„ fie r ‘T/i')u ),;.1, ( I
i..i.'., /1,1 ~. ;'", of r,S f11 , r,11 (!lid Oil tilt
Ad.', a ; tae ultras; !, I)itit
In 11 nnlii tEn y 6.!
Ir, Se :11; ; 31'y 10/12,i'r, (Jr y
i:;I For Sri lilt' 1::1'
'-• 1!, , ,e Olt : 111,';1
ity it t 1 L';'"
tl 11!.;1 c:c tigt.t
Anti il
eanoot hout:raiby ll,t mado lll-ttw "11
.' mall and 0.1,; S,Uth, and 1;Ii5 Ad—
mink-lrxion is too weak to carry ott the
war, 1(11 them resign, and their places he
filled by more honest and discreet men.—
a 'nail is allowed to judge from reading
the impers, pillage, rolwer: and plunder
:,...ems to he uppoiiiiiik 111th this Adminis
trini.m. This war seems to have afforded
them with a good chance of handling
money, therefore each man attends to his
cool fas.oi ite. There was never a time that
honest men were needed- more than now,
when millams 01 Uncle SarnueFs money
fe o, 1 10 fiandh t d, 1 belicve it is . tint IreaTon
to sptAis i tails 11101 olljlll to be Tern
amonL.,- our rulers, unless the reign
of John letams is about to usher in. It
this old hidra hcede.l mqnsler, thu sedition
law is about to show its head again, we
will have to hold on,-,-but until that illus
trious day shall come the people will have
"fr e e speech and 1 - roc i>ft'Si. , ." The histo.„
ry of die world proves that the great lost
tor looney and power is apt to wake men
beconat corrupt. 111 this Democratic• lie
public of ours, hoimolore a Mall had the
right to speak of oily of the ahnses of pow
er or ifitirellictimis of its officers, hut it
Si...CMS now that if a man gives au honest
opinion relative to usage of our soldiers,
he must be arraigned in some little pitiful
abolition sheet as a traitor or a coward. It
seems that the powers that ho are so pure
that not a word must be said about them,
it you do so you are immediately branded
by 501110 Ltainicss Linatic us a I.!;ecession
ist. For my part I don't believe that there
is one Secessionist in Greene County, un
less it is some one that is an Abolitionist.
Tint Democracy of the-County have always
been defenders of the Union, arid never
served any thig but the Stars and St
Thi.v haVi, nercr IWOII earry a flag'
that had but siNteen S.ars on it, thereby
ignoring: cam-half of this Union. The
;b_ntic.erlitic peal}' has stood by her coun
try in ail its struogtes. and is detending
her now as the army recoldsteill prove.—
not let me say that although the I.l.attortra.-
cy ol the North are willing to stand at. the
cannon's mOlllll to detionl this Union,
she is ever willing to give the South her
i';onsiitutional rights, and no wore. Our
motto has ever been the Constitution and
the Union. No Nortir, nn Some. no last,
Ilut till'' gtari,ins (Ott li ni‘qi of
ours, iin'tt 10 us by our fathers is now in
pwil,—this no One Can deny, in; to the
cause, every ono has his own opinion, I
know I have mine. Itat no time to
norito it now, these things ww.4
it not by au honorable emopromise, at the
ertunods month and at till point of the
bayonet, I it was not treason in
l,ster, • Uthy , end Cass, to 000/promise
ill 1850. when this 1. Won was shook from
its centre to its vireo nferenee. At this
critical juncture these three venerable old
patriots stepped out on the finer of Uon
giess viet shook Lands on it with tears in
their eyes, in order to save the shedding of
u thrill ol jriy that loaped from
tine hilts and valleys on that eventful day
will ever be remembered, while history's
bright pages shall last, "Thsscd are the
peace-nuaars, (‘'-•.." I that it . the i
trans of the }dud, Moth North mat Sot
would pray for
tr ,, uhlos, insiead of preaehing!.o
ra.; and sword, that it , vuald ba tar
LL alight Sara 111"Itl'y . F,...1(111 and
o rphati's tear, and ;rola
helot, - ushered into etcra:t:,,"wll', - ,•,1 a ;no
inent's %vartlino . , flat as I lihe
to enjoy lay 'Jail tees a CCO.,lo.ctl
to tot others enjoy theirs. ititure
tell , Nino i.a right. ;-:er.: trem the
that your woor;111.
t, ;n, Lc a: ,r, iS th- , C.
lic,t colap. - :sed of ail
ervati , o sawn
1n _;urtl a itt~ t
1., - 2.e (1.: , 11 - ,! t iiP V !! •“ive;
r: r, r,~, ;~,,. 1
• r
!1:1 11
' •
t it'i-.
iT i lion no•v it! , .!
Ser "th .1
it , ;;
that you ^rn hio!
!• Ihr-o . !.,.,: iii,h•2,o;m
. .. . di
if t;:;it 11ti,.,..,-
: tillil s:1,1
',\,5. ' ,1,..
, ,
in. , 2DP.:a-
• v !-> a Der $
S , •
IO liiii
ardi:Gioadii; .-,how that
tit; tr t is t.; Hit;• .•;;;:;1;t ;.,c the I:1-
ltdioly; ‘l, oita in.ta and thc lah;;Fing
t; (;titan, t 'no %%nth; l a ltorin L t : it i all
to Ito. d.• pis(' I and tlegratti;ti -,nctition at
the hhati.
517011; rOir Opyo,, : ition to cot
onizitti,m. Snow buntane.
awl patriotic ann. That thay arc those
whom (~ i i has tle parate,l. Why . do Atm
litioniFts; colonization ? Cu keel)
and aptalf2:amate togtAller the to too race,
i n violation f Gud's WM, and to keep the
blacks here, tha t the! may inierli>re with,
degrade, and dett3se the laboring whites.
Show that the Uritisly Government is cos
.operating with the kbotitein.i.sts for the
purpose of dissolving the Union, &c. You
can make a pewertid article that tvill he
felt in every extrelitiity it; the Union. lam
tiectectly satisfied it will do great good.—
Let ine beat from you at this subject.
A Poor Excise,
A standing and a very weak argument
advanced in justification otevery infraction
of the Constitution of the ITnited States
which necessity may scorn to render neces
sary, is that the ret,el , hat , tutrllytli:<regt,r .l
the Constitution. So they do- and r That is
tile very reason why it is neuussary to use
force in order to compel ttcyrn to obey.—
ileum/se they Are treacherutts to the Con
stitution is no reason why we should tram
ple upon it. A bad examplit ought to be
avoided, not itillowed. If their acts arc to
afford justilication of our acts, then we
would he excusable in reshing into rebel
lion because they have re betted. Away
with such inisera le sophistry! The Con
stitution has ;tot coastst to i.e tho srlpretm.,
law of the land, though it is its on the
one hunt by armed rebels. and on the oth
er by subtle enemies, who insist upon trety
timt it my an old won - I
-out suit of clothes.—
tilizirisborg Patriot.
A Blow Bet weon the EV6
Sprint 2 -11 4 ,1, 1 ihytibil,;t7an, in a
Lttc ig:suo
" i ftwontt it ccrttiiti c 2: s: Dt.m,,erat.4
thPre Dro at an a!tHopt. !
it) gat a
pvace Ith , vurhent. `rho h , ii
who nhil,cu.: ;hl,-; po',lco rnnyhm , nt inLy p6s—
sihly hicau ;11; -, ittipposttitin i a pit
the expense o f their grand senso, and
proposition tAill (Ind fi•w , u pp t
hiln i4na.
To xvhich th- New Vork .1,11)•: i '
re olie,
Tim 11 , 1HOivan mar, perhaps', re - !all
the IN:ma, iat:l'rcstilent Lincoln's innut,raral
which vs .• pf:r):C
you go to tear: yura canner tight 'Nap.
A 'nil when af,kir inue/1 lox) on boil,
770 gain on either, yore
i.,!cntical question as to It rn,Y o/ int ereourso arc
ro;ein upoa
Cold Isl ootic
An aitolition it - witt!tor of Cr tit t i-o•ts from
Or: Clevt• titsiriet,
dk, \vim w ;I
to the Ludt,' a toot 101ft:cling tfeserip;;tot
Ont 1 . 1 (MI t%if' in ,pCN
liffig 01 thP t ifitrf.; of tho xvontidoil znd
%%cm out rtoltiic to tr,at on his carriitge,ho
" we paisoti tho poor demented, cA
11aCtSted rvtitht , s tvbil c m!ii not climb Int o
ric g".c. ise,! ~ u s,
got nn ti it, ovor It aC f n)2l
f , vnry wny on. 11; 1,,
k ire '7 , 1 ill
e n a ;:,1
eeiih ea oot,
poorfit got ira in sp4le I' UI, ct:;l cry
co awed Iwo C. I fin 'L i g
114 c ?1,t,. , rtmt /L! ttimhicd
1 U
I i ,
corrrrn•nt ur..n tll.s
.t I
-st reg.,
alit' its rv:o.
i 5•
t ,l
. .
Vt'1,0:11 i1 , 42411:11:ir'
cilotts'f--I)ip ",11i1t - I.llit rt.1)1:1
L,t: iticn i3-LaC:l
Olt= 00'rr, an't 1 1:407.t/
frA: ofdlaih they taSit , Nl
iida, with the cYci;”:l-,'',,n
ica aiut-er~.r.'^d
_ uit 'I
in tin,: 10 day?.
I:tlitis ail the hack, bream., &C., in ;vie
7,1 - :,7'Tilf.; f. Actrt-; Oti TIM.: STitJTF:
Phitsh"rizir errv.---1,, ut pure hti!_riihthle
tin ii.i;er 1:1
it 'it a tii
:kill 'went y
'Vivi• hanil
a') t 1) , ,,1P?Vei111,1 ill 1 , 1 , .1.411‘111:
jinni Ili:Q . 10(i I hi , ttot Vt. 0..11. rt.i
./',',llllg, VU!,I% I .
i :10111:LI i'colc. Of, flrat irs •
b. .•n urc•aly atlialca and ualtUr!,
1!“.. air:Oration 1.1 Has (in
I can cla,rCall!, vcc‘l4.itccall
.Icarm . •
iENJ:III)N 451, ) ) ttfil.".
131 , t1ght r•iccirir ity froiri 0:1,1:t• :v.•••• 1.•• f..te
".1: !)11t 11 . Tritla r,rr I. , e(:tath t•, thltt
v the relief liw,',.easmi
ti Itai ~ atlicer
SlIc;1 :11 Nelirak , ia. ' ,;: -
5v.1.111t12 , IY , A.
try Pnoi. 1), C.: elcct,.
e'l! in 4,, I:carl Nth; I, !If',
ha% 1,4 . 1 , r 111'111
~t a U'vtaiataliv. 1 Ils.
I,:, ;mil, I 4.,,n , t1 /111 , 1 .
•6.111.1 V:, liPl3 , ly roiol;,•11 tr
and I , rtiere f /ma e,e,l one rfecfly re
1,1 Illay
. .
k u.l I kil.qc a la Ms
co. M aid; , 1Z H. ))n
‘! Ai SireGq.
. • ..' 'l7 S. :,I 'fa qr.::
t.y ail
ky) r( 4: WANTIf tricLast
•*;:i TINE: 107.VC,LIEN T
t'. l'• I .tf:r. l l.Nurr.tra, an eaturineut
L0d , ..11, atui , v , troutttr,f 10 bring out
t !‘
'V I I q CHI
.1 • • q. Loudon ao4
I't ts,
.; r~
', :,. ,it
. ;;c ^u nY.
't II . 1 (,
the ail 01'
t),". I•Liin . ,
!hi .
t... 1,,
t a-hig
,I,v; 12-but GL',
1 giving sat],fac
d 1. L) Live 1.1:'e.1 it. -• The 11 , i,Icrm
t•C;t:, t.! r. r. 7.e ~.ttee;,..:ll, let;
h., 3 141,y e.L.3
eL:ole the
i tAt
i •
/ 4 1.ge2ti'ilt,
, „ti pill' !may 13iii,,L.3
in,! frow 1 I
t'~~i.~ nl.Estts
{:•14, ; ..;,Vc . P.) ' tl
gener:+ eon
, cause.l primeipally
!;_, probably more
t forme, than any
of which may always
,it,..ll„nt!•i i,t d:e iii , 7,mnents of the digestloto
Ct:7C 'l . Wirapat fan by using
t BITTERS, as pc,
i 116W110. For this tli-,!mse every
inn viii it:ow:intend Litters of sonic kintl;
nny t, , umi on article known to be infal
t heir Bitters, as a pro
n., of tin , / strengthener of the sya
: and among them all there i 3
n „ t . i„nn.i a ainee people than
the I'Vota Wil 4 Yra I preparation ema-
PA( 01, !• i tin experiments which
bade t,o- , e , 1 to peove the value of this great
prep,.irmi ,n in iin..rettlo of medical science.
F ,‘ A,iir —T his trying and provok
ing , lice :n whieli fixes ill relentless graq on
o L , nly of rain. reducing, hint to a mere eha
itt a s!:rue.time, nod remiering'hits
t:nd rientitlly Vail be driven
ftstm tits I c Iv by the use of 110STETTIM'S
LEN., ~t.) li ITT E iR7'. Further, none of the
alto; c mated diseases cart lie contracted, even
iii et:p es , l cii witioim, if the - Bitters arc used
11:; t, •!; .Uri "I, they neither create
no , (, the- pahile, and render un
y nm.- change ttf diet or interruption
cfy or
f ;
? f,~~~
; , 1 in
or.iin I,ur: leepo
the complaint is re
:.3 oonsb - ;tent Willi] the rro ,
dI;(.11,-1 tl , .or,,ugh finl permanent cuie.
r,irs, who are
Coriqitntion. nrA.
nif crH arc illy:thy - illc as ft
and vigor, 9.nd DecLi
only hc‘, tried to IQ %pprOi.dr.L , . And to a
mr u;: !•• 1••,r-ite tttcsc Bittcra are incli3
1411 , n:11e, e the mother's P.Onr
i..i „r.;. i= ic;l?, - kuwate to the demands of the
he: strength must yield,
1•, l 11:•:'e. it
.s whero !I• good tonic, such as
t in; -Li • t ,isncc ;led to hotiati,
• • oil .trerrt a:11 e igor co the sysl
;.- :,:ci)11.1 try this remedy
f••• c•-; . • • o'; `,4Yity, and, before so doing,
.;:.nett physician, who, if he is
—;•:H: • , i c virtue of the Bitters, will
re :»iimenit their use in all eases of weakness.
T.ITIO.:!. —We caution the publio against using 1 ,
a:, N.- ..t" t!,•• y imitations or counterfeit, but ask I .
iLr 1 ' = CZt. E131:1 , ..TRD Srrou,s.clt BITTERS .
Clat, ea:,h bottlo ling the words "Dr. J.
11,,torwry, liitur,' brown On the
ci ;Le and rt .cviq2ll LQ/ tho metal/id cap
~,veriirg the, cork, ~ ?.,11 that OUT alltOgrr.r.f,
is on the lri 'I
rreptlrc'd n• imld by HOSTETTIM.
Pittsbur:;!l, }'a., am! sbld by aLi
dru;2;gi.;b. grocor:, arid dealers granaloyijr,.
tlirt. - ofdlout the tr,litea Ctt-,tes, Canada, gOttth
America, arid Cl orrz
& Vatia ,
NI, A. Harvey
flat &
& Hun
11. If. lantt. , ry.
A (law.: 93, !Win— (y-.
p n OF. DE GRA 7'll '9
'I4I7 I :LiCgI°)ELIC:, COIL,.
NE ‘v pitkci . l-1:--1:1,Trie cures -I':
prettumiliii ;If death: relieve the 1:(111 • , k
• D, GraflC.: is initrvol of 0. s r !Ff.
it".l OW. k•Vvr)tilill!!,)
11 ra1:11 , . Tt,111:, r". taro riiinDtes.
in Startrn 6 tl V,' Inin , lll,
WM to flues
Ear Altik.. k. Piebl
Curt, Pilo:, Swelled la.tnda, Len data,
1:11,1,As, Sait It to,
kiv days.
Cr, Ifewortliatr.o. Scrof
;.'o•o•I and Imeti,
Cilia, and 0 ,, to it.,
Ili \ A., ..41
po Viet; W ANT
•,_•Ih"!1 , 1):,171.1/
T°l 0 : r1
1 -4 7a3ker3 and Hair.
• •
• ;„,.,• A11116;11161111
y 1.14v0 olltaietql
t , ;•_ yt•tetiniirtat:ll4
rri f ,:titAitt;
;•.iil 10 the
~•• • ,•• sprihg UillT
..„ •
or tow}.
;,, color.
;•.., , .t.,loao's 10404
;,. th,..! fk,r
; „,ty A ,t Doi' ,f for 4 404 Itrt
- ..;1 t,t4tett: tio.,) 644 . ,
: .. , by ali 1)4410 .
••t , ttt::ttettt" twap..144,11 So bay
~ t t , t t:i toztly who dome it
oil 4v
~ ,,:keti o tratilttoPritike
. 1111 ,
, -.t.r atiiiterii
91 AC 441548 4 6 , 4 41 1, New rtit, A
V! , irch l'ffn---ro
i 1.4.1 1 . 1
Waynesm g,
N o.w tow 4, r
Whicly, Pn
juxtly ceiebratell am!