The Bradford Porter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1842-1844, March 27, 1844, Image 2

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Wednesday, Nardi, 270841
' .Por litsidtat in 1811,
• .oi WV roRF.
. For Tigi- President, ,
[Subject to decision of s 'National Convention.]
Hinton for Pre;Men
. Thatecx,
I. Geor ge - F. Lehman.
2. Christian
08. William H. Smith.
4. John Hill, (Phila.)
6. sgmueb E. Leech.
6. Samuel tamp.
7. Jesse Sharpe.
8. N. W. ifimple..
9. Wm. 11e1deurich.
10. cmiksadAhimst.
I I. Stephen Baldy.
12. Jonah Brlietiter.
Tor :Governor,..
-OF .138R48.
For Canal Commissioner,
C' As the &tier Editor iim4t necessarily
be absent_ for -several weeks, the entire charge
and control at the office , will devolve upon his
son, E. 0. - Goonaren, who is equally interested
ia=the•publication, and to wborkall payments,
communications; Acs, can be made.
- The Coons at their Old Tricks.
Those- who , have watched the prog
tiostications7 of ifie opening campaign,
have done it to little purpose if they have
not discovered loth/bitable evidence of a
' disposition on the part of the followers of
that reckless politician, “Harry 'of the
West," to again insult the common sir_v3
and shock the feelings of propriety and:
'decency of the' ober and i igent 'por
tion of our commuki , a repetition of
those diagraceArsceneiiwhich eharae
teriied„ the , shard,cider"l campaign, of
1810. Yes! this is to be the case,'and
if any have laid the flattering unction'to
their. heart that principle should be array
ed against . principle, and the coming con 7
test fought orr rational grounds, they are
doomed to asad disappointment. Al-
ready the paraphernalia Ofcoonery are
prepared, log cabins are reared by those
-who despise the occupants of these hum=
ble habitations of the - poor but honest
laboring than, who is now taxed by
them to build up `a monied, purse-proud,„
and` arrogantaristocracy, and 'even the
pilfering denizen of the fairest, that "same
old coon" is made to re-enact his pin
in a similitude to the transactions pEIB4O.
The revelries that made night hideous at
that time, are to find a counterpart at the
present time, and those same scenes of
dissipation and immorality in be , re
enacted to convince the free people of
this republic - that Henry Clay is the
most suitable candidate for the first of-.
five in their gift. And . this a people too,
distinguished for their intelligence and
sobriety, for their patriotism and for the_
unerring efficiency and justice of their
deelarstioniolade at the ballot box.
At the south, the,campaign is opened
in earnest.. lenry Clay is pereambpla
tins that portion of the country, and, en
deavoring by his presence to instil into
the breasts of his'followers a po'rtion of
that enthusiasm and, recklefisness which
distinguished the last Presidential eke.
tion.. He is assisted an his work, by
the notorious "and' infamous Bear; .com
monly known by the appellation of the
6 , Buckeye Blacksmith."
~ This is a fit
person to ciolbe work• which Mr.-Clay
himself would not stoop - to do. Uniting
in his person and habits the leading char-
Iteteresties of that animal whose name he
disgraces, his language is' composed of
.biacliguardisal and scrtlity an equal
for which we look in vain to the vocribu
lary of ! Billingsgate.: *his Bmta is the
person who said he tOotdd rejoice to
hear of the death of GENERAL ANDREW
Itessort," at a time when the whole na
tion with the - exception :of` a few,-like
himself, destitute of every moral feeling,
were in . daily ,the demise
the illtistrious u sage of the Hermitage,"
and ready to drop the tear over his grave
and simultaneously blend their voices in
a testimonial to his pitblic and private
virtues. He id the man, who was so
much rejoiced at the
_murder of Cilley
that be illuminated hie house.: While
. A i people were uttering . their detestation ,
of the brit - 41 means by which he was
6 stricken down, the house of Mr. Baer,
. We have had a testimonial of the suc
cess that awaits their labors in the result
of. the election at New Orleans, where
they had for several days, labored for the.
success of the whig candidate. The suc
cess of tilt democracy in that city, offers
a merited rebuke to these illustrious char
acters, and speakil loudly in praise ot i the
intelligence and indomitable resohition
of the democratic party. We do not be-.
live that appeals to the passions_of men,
are calculated to slevate the dignity of our
Henryovernment, neither • do'we believe that
n Clay is to to caught up by: the
whirlwind of enthnsiam and-placed withr
out reflection into the - Presidential chair.
The democratic party present, a broren
and impenetrable ph•Aanz, able at any
time to Cope with the incongruous forces
of coonery-; . and are. marching, onward
under their ilinstriousileader,to a certain
victory. .
and l'lce President.
' Senatorial.
13. George Schnabel.
14. Nath'l B. Eldred.•
15, M. N. Irvine.
16. James Woodburn. .
17. Hugh . Montgomery
18, Isaac Aukney..
19, John Matthews.
20. William Patterson:
21. An4rew Burke.
1 22. Jahn
23: Christi:* Meyers..
124. Robert Orr.
COMMENT-TO Mn. WastoT.—The
Democratic. Union, of the 16th inst.,
contains the following tribute to the tal
ents and democracy of Ma. WusroT
%. The position assumed by‘bis leadi9g
county (speaking of Bradford) of the
Noith had a powerful and Controlling
influence with the Democracy ofihe
State ; and ultimately led to the victory
which was achieved in the 4th Of . March
Convention. It would be unjust to
that democratic section of the State,-and
especially. to Bradford county„not to
acknowledge the services rendered by
- ii - -delegate in that convention, DAVID
WILMOT, Esq,; to the cause of Democ
racy. The instructions which he had
received to support VAN &non and
Johnson were redeemed with an ability
and fearless independence seldom sur
passed. Mr. Wilmot was the strong
champion of Van Bureaupr the floor
of that Convention, end the insidious
efforts which had been made to prostrate
thii distinguished Patriot and States
mr, were met.,by him and resisted
with .that success Which is evidence of
his ability to serve his constituents and
the Republican party of the State:—
There were many' more gentlenien of
distinguished talents and high charac-•
ter as debaters,in that body, and nobly
did they acquit themselves in the per
f?rmance of their duty, but when the
resolutioii offered by Mr. WOOD of
Allegheny, 'declaring Van Buren and
Johnson to be -the choice of Pennsyl
vanowthe delegate from. Bradford took
the floor, and advocated the resolutions
in-a speech of such thrilling effect aa-to
be remembered with pride and pleasure.
The vote which immediately followed
is the' evidenclis we offer to Mr. Wil
mot's constituents, of his power and
abilities as" a public debater, as up to
that period the enemies of- Democracy
had piofessed lobe entirely confident of
the defeat of Mr. Van Buren in Penn
oylvania, by oendini f tlegoteo to the
National Convention uninstructed."
A Maui or. SETTERING.—The Co.„
lumbia_ Enquirer, relates an adventur e .
which happened to:Dr. T. A R. THORN
TON, of Conynghazn, Lnzerne county,
on Thusday evening, 14th inst.; which
was one of suffering and peril. The,Dr.
hid been on a proftsional visit, and on
his return, became benighted and finally
lost his path in a awamp. While en
deavoring to find his way from the
swamp, , on foot, be encountered a huge
my: Retreat was ont of the questiOn,
but by loosening one of his riding leg
gins, and infusing it with spirits ofharts
home, be succeeded in keeping him at
bay, walking backward all night At
daybreak, the wolf disappeared. The
doctor, in a state of utter ezhauatation,
finally succeeded in teachings habitation
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when he
told his story and fainted away.
Derma or A Jtmos....We learn that
the Hon.- Casniss G. Dormer, Presi
dent Judge of the lath - Judicial district,
composed of the counties' of Columbia,
Lycoming, dr.c.,,died at his residence at
Sunbtuy, on th e 10th inst. after a ehbrt
-The Governor has appniuted General
Josern B. AWTIIOI44Ir, of•Willitunspon,
as President Judge, to supply Aldo
'Donnel's place.
was Mating in light, to Acetify its own
tee icy for that_deplorable event! He
is attended in his cootie, by: the Kat
tacky parnii-maker, tor' wbom we - will
have more charity than to judge him by
the company: he keeps,, and the potency
of their arguitents is:much strengthened
by the performances in the musical' way
of a certain Colonel, who has lent his ta
feats in that line, for the enema of Mr.
Dmsocunc Caammor!.7—..'rbeßTad-
Cord Argus, glad of:any keine tizien
*laver to'conyince the democratic party
that they are divided, has seized With
avidity upon a paper.printed at Ilarris ,
burg, end paraded 'before Jut readers
ezvacts from it columns indicating the
non concurrence of, the editors ialhe
- Democratic nomination. - We are
happy toile)/ that whatever may be the
course of the Democratic Champion, it
is not expressive of the wisheeand feel
ings of any - portion •of the democratic
party. his a small paper which ;wat
established before the. uomination l os
tensibly for the purpoio of supporting
the ,nomination of Mr. Shunk,and did
played an amount of apparent warmth
and zeal whieh was highly reprehen
sible. Now that Mr. Muhlenbiag is
nominated, it-is perfeetly rabid, and
carries its feeling, so far as to lead is to
suspect that it wishes any thing but the
success of democratic principles. We
hAT a wile,' and unscrupulous foe to
contend against.; a foe who will suffer
no occasion to pass "which offers to dis
tract and divide the democratic party.
But they will fail in this instance, for
be it friend' or foe, the democratic party
are too well united, to, be divided . by
.the attempts of an anonymous publica
.! Tam. OF Gov.Donit.-i-Welema front
the Newport Rhode Islander, that Mr.
Door came into cond . on Tuesday, and
withdrew plea filed by,his counsel on
Thursday last; and made a speech- ex
pressing his eirneetdesire for `4 speedy
trial,and protesting that he"with'drew the
aforesaid plea contrary to the advice of
counsel, in consequence of the long
time allowed by the court to the Attorney
General to file an answer to ii, which
made it almost impossible, if that
plea was contined, that ie could,
have his trial at this term, and ihe wish
ed to make it evident that he desired
an immediate trial. The Coin took
until afternoon to coosider it and fix a
day. The Court subsequently announc
ed their determination to proceed with
the trial on Friday, 26th of April next.
Gov. GILBIER'S REsuaris.—Tie
Richmond Whig states, that the re
mains of Gov. Gilmer reached that city
on Thursday last, and were escorted by
a military and civic procession to the
capitol, and weredeposited in the hall
of.the House op Delegates. - The pro
cession was one of the largest and most
imposing ever beheld in Richmond ;
and the whole proceeding was solemn
end impredsive. They were to be
escorted on Friday morning to the
packet boat, whence they will be taken
to the family burial place, where the
ceremony of imerment will take place.
—Martin Luther, of Warren, has been
indicted in Rhode Island, under the
" Algerine act," for acting as Modera
tor of a Town - Meeting under the Peo
ple's Constitution. The jury were
out about an hour, and returned a ver
dict of Guilty; recommending the pris
oner to mercy. • The Court sentenced
him to six months imprisonment, and
to pay a fine of five hundred dollars.
Tam OF J. B. Wur.t.Ert.-The trial
of John B. Willer, member of Congress
for an assault upon• Mr. Shriveri - repor....
tor of the Baltimore Patriot, on the 25th
of January last, took place before the
Criminal Court, at Washington, and
Mr. Weller was fined $I0; and costs.
paper states, ou the authority of a let.
ler from. England, that Queen Victoria
is partially insane, and that the recent
excursions to France and Belgium were
on purpose to afford occupation and di.
vent her mind. ,
ComstuTsn.- 7 .-John L. Brown, the
young man sentenced to death
. for run
ning away with a quedrOon slave, of
which be wee enamored. has been par
doned by the Governor or South,Caro
line. Be is to be . publiely whipped.
SPECIAL ELEcTioN. l 7 —The epecial
election for member of Congress in the
Allegheny district, in place of Judge
Wilkins, resulted in The election.. of
Commas Wows the • whig, and an
timasonic candiditew I '
'Cruet) sy nui r Wise.—One Thomas
- Barely', of New York;; waS on &pithy
week, so beaten by bis - Wife Oak. he
died next day. Both werei f intoxicited,
Witte- CosseerrioN:=',Tere is'to be.
a great Whig convention St the Type-
Callen bathe. ground, In, tuilians,:may
".11 GEiZAT EXCITEMiNT.,•!•4 'Jeri mao
recently murdered the family of s Ger
man-shoe-maker in Jefferson county, III:
Lotiitt park- says the affair hid
produced great excitement, and theeditor
adds—PcOn Monday; notice was spread
throughout the county, and on Tnesclay
morning, one hundred persons or more,
had assembled at an early hour around
the bonne Wbere. the negro was confined.
Our informant states that be understood
it had been upon to hong the ne7
gro at 2 o'clockon'ruesday.. Welearn
that the murderer inade a full confession .
'and stated 'the he .was incited to the deed
by the lope- of getting money to carry
, hiar-to Caninia;",„l:l6'also stated that last
year, whilst residing in this city, he mur
dered a man,- and threw him intoChci
tean'e pond. He told other tales which
are'rather incredible." , '
{ We. learn from later dated that the ne
gro was taken to the spot where he:exe
cuted hidhellislideedS, and publicly exe
cuted in the presence. of the assembled
neighborhoed \ ,
following is the hig glectoral ticket
put in; nontination by the Harrisburg
Chaster Butler, \ sereto ,,: a.
Townsend Havens. "
Henry Drinker, Jos.G. C !Arbon
James Pollock; John P. etherill, .
Frederick Watts, John D. ipeteeJ,
Daniel M. Blayne!, . John 8. Littell,
Jamie, Makers, Erne: T Halloweil,
Andrew J. Ogle, Benjamin Frick
Darn Washabaneh, haw. W. Vanle
John L. Gow, Wm. 'hitter,
Andrew W. Loom* John B. Heisler,
James M. Power, John Hillinger.
William' A. Irvine, Alex. E. Brown, \
Benj. Hartshorn, Jonathan J. filoicun,
Tl \ ei_l:Yli - iGTrIVES.—Two neighbors,
in lianeock4o. Ohio, being dissatisfied
with their wives, agreed upon an el
change. One received his neighbor's
wife and two of his four children and left
the 'country. . The other received his
wife, and his four children, and a deed
for his farm as boot. A warrant was is
sued, and one of the women taken into
Lamm. on Dunn t"—A: negro
girl from New Orleans, a few weeks
since, absconded from her owners, while
on . a visit to - Mobile. She was caught
in that city, after they had returned honie
and was sent up on board the steamer
Lalla Rookh. She remained on board
until within fifty yards of the Columbus
(Miss.) wharf, when she leaped into the
stream near the tvhiel house, and was
MERITED I'n/usu.—The Washington
Globe, the editors of which are personal
ly acquainted with Mr. Muhlenlitirg,
pay him the following well merited com
pliment: '.The State noi)iination for
Governor is in keeping with , that for the
Nation. .tin honester manl a sounder
demOcrat, a purer patriot than HENRY
A. MERLENBURG cannot be found."
Maynard, another of the sufferers by
the Richmond. Club House - accident,
died in that city on Monddy , last, from
the - effects of the wounds he then re
ceived. The compiler mates that
bore' his 'prolonged and severe suffer
ing with manly fortitude.
ful epidemic is raging in the county of
Recliingliam N. C., at the present time.
It is ~represented as a fever of a highly
malignant character, accompanied -in
some cases by congestion of the.brain,
in other the lungs, liver and bowels. t It
is killing off great numbers of people.
named Mortori, living at Cincinnati; got
up in heesleep, and' jumped from a see.
and story window to the pavement be
neath. Strange to say, she received no
other injury than a slight sprain of the
ankle. -
Corearrai.—Hall, -the' murder of
Dim:Bacon, has been tried and found
guilty: He was sentenced 4o be hung
on 20th June. He has made a full. Con;
Cession of his guilt exonerating all others
supposed to have participated in the af•
LICENSED TO Kir.r..—The-Supretne
Court of Missouri have decided that a
physician is not liable to indie c tment for
manelaughter whenideath results from
his Unskilfulness or4nOrance, provide
ed has intentions idministerinithe
medicine are good. , , ,
D eattreric Mikan% in
_ sat . WHIG&
..-401111 it. Williams, demotrat,
elected Mayor of Detroit at the election
on The 4th inst. by 144, ',Majority. • The
%;hi g :lust" spring was 'upwards
- •
,• , •
_item teals all Nations.
Abokit 11140,000 worth of property has
been' ranwered kepi the Steam frigate
''llliiennri, by weeps of divers in sub-
Marine armor. •
Franklin was an Observing; and sen
sible man, - a t nd his conclusions were.
seldom incorrect. Be .4 A news;
paper and bade in avery. 'house, - a
good schOol bowie in every district, all
studied and appreciated as they merit,
are the principal supporters 'of• virtue,
mash ty, and civil, hberty."
George Bethink, of Glenville, (N.Y.)
Lung himself on the oth inst. Insani
ty,from religions excitement on the Mil
ler question, is mid to hive led to the
rah act. He has , left , a wife and six
children. '
The Democrats gained a dreat victo
ry in New Orleans at a Senatorial eke!
tion. The _Buck Eye , Blacksmith,
.Ptimp Makei and Mr. Clay,. left
next day !
The - Baltimore American
.atates that
Herr DriesbaCh was admitted to bail on
Saturday evening, it appearing that.his
wounds were of a more serious charac
ter than those received by the boy.
Mr. Seth Sprague, of Duxbury,
Mass. recently presented thirty six
hundred dollars to a Protegtant Metho
dist Society in that town to enable them
to build a meeting house.
A resolution has p a s t 3 the Missis,
sippi _Legislature, granting permission
to R. S. Graves, the absconding treas
urer, to return to . that State. - •
The number of houses erected in
'Cincinnati from January to November,
IS t 3, was 1,003.
1- •
e public debt of Mexico - is
mate \at e 82,000,00, and bears an
annual \interest of $5000,000. The
actual in c ome from all sources of rev
enue is aboOt $14,000,000, and the an
nual expentil urea of the Government
are a little over 148 sum, : .
Ex-Governnr l'oble, of Indiana, died
at Indianapolis on he evening of the
Sth ult. ,
A book was printed uring the tune
of Cromwell. with 'the following title:
~ Eggs of Charitf, lay pd 6 the Chick
ens of the Covenant, ind b Heil with
the. water, of Divine Love. .a4e ye
and Eat." .
Gen. Jo. Smith is to be run as a an
didate for the Presidency by- tl;e ?i ,r-_
'mons. i
- .
The bill to elect inembers of Congress
by plurality instead of majority has
passed the Massachusetts "Douse of
Representatives.. , .
The New Haven Courier states that
Mary Rogers, the segar girt, said to
have been murdered some time since,
has arrived at Derbey, Conn, and is
living with her mother there.
Quite an excitement was raised at
Harrisburg the disco veryo f a couple
of skeletons under a building once pc
copied as a dissecting , room.
The Baltimore papers give notice of
preaching by a reverend gentleniatt on;
ly 17 years'efage.
Horse-hair bonnets have made their
appearance in Broadway, New York.
The New York Evening Post, refer
ing to'the honors paid to the memory
of the Princeton's, dead, says that nine
ty minute guns were fired between the
hours of 11 and 12.
Nathaniel Green._has been appointed
Post Master at. Boston.,
John Snyder is the denificratic can
didate for Congress in the 13th district.
The election takes place on the sth 01 ,
April next.
Captain stockton is,recovering from
the wounds received on board the
Princeton; Col. Benton is seriously
injured and still unwell:
A little boy, aged B,y ears, son of
John Talmadge, of Honesdale, was
drowned by .falling from .a bridge into
the Lachawana river. fits body has
not yetbeen recovered.
A mortal combat took place on the
27th ult. between - Mr.. - Samuel Wim
bish and John Baker the latter a son-
in-law of the former, and both planters
in Louisiana. Mr. Wimbish was shot
Witte head by a pietol bail , and expir
ed in a few minutes.
A &effetely took place between two
American midshipman at the- Sand
wich islands. Nine shots were ex=
changed, when one of the parties hiv
ing been at last wounded. the contest
was given over. .
, .
_-, ,A *nisian,n'amed Roseau liies6,is,to
lie hung•Ai Bridgeton N. J., "dn . FridaY
2 iiitii - or:Aprii: . The 61iirt'Pf Taidoil 6
refused - 1 . 4 'pardon her'. :• . i • :
COrreBPOßdente fr°ll/RatriAl
&muumuu, ldsico `2l,lta
The subject of tee bat hem al iett ' it i
length during the last three or foal 4 7 ,.
the following joint resolutions h e t 4
both hrene4s..,the Hem by talizi k
vote, and 'the Senate hfcnae &Ratk
(Mr. n.) o
Wniasse, The'presenttarifpr• t,
ewer the purposes of revenue, ac ,‘
y ... ,
American industry the encouragem ent ,
to the.development of the greatnaczoitt
country : And toh&eas, permensncy is oz .
nue laws are indispensibly neec, cy t , the
tection of the capital and labor eta b tti
manufacturing and a 'cultural opt*,
der the sanction of the laws, onac citatzt
snre and advance the prosperity de w .
great interests iv hich, combined, roaci t ,,,
wealth of the nation : And wham s A la
now pending. in . the Congress da le 1:;,
States, the operation of 'which wadi._
injuriously, the irriportsat staple 144 424
this Commonwealth; therefore,
Resolved, 4 - 4 TtlakPV s enalen ioC.
be instructed, and our repreicetatirn ~
ted, to Oppose any change in the ir on ...
which might prove injurious to the ~.
taring and agritultural interests alai
monwealth, sternly to resist any red 4 r 4 „
the present duties on iron, coal sei t 4
to ornit no effort to sustain all the grof„„,
of the nation calculated to foster , sat „
American industry.
Raolt'd, That a copy of the reao6.,
forwarded to each of our members in tie
- ate and Congress, with the Jess and „;
tacked. .
The Reventie Bill after fear da3i.,
ion in thefriouse passed committee of
and is now on second reading.. It. '
very slowly, and its ultimate fate Us ee l
On Saturday Mr. illoumfort, from fa
mitteeef ways and means, repotted de ...
appropriation billof the Session. The
amount of the appropriations amount to
53,000,000. The following arc the nut
portant items.
Expenses of Government,. $250,00
Common School purposes, 200,001
Ordinary repairs on Canals and
Extraordinary repairs,
Repair bridge's, Su., on public works, 34,090
Check MI creditors, ' 200,000
Collectors Pay. ecc., - Oto
Intereat on 4th May, issues, 2401
" " Dowestic creditors scrip, 13,C1D1
Loan due Southmark Bonk, 12,Q
Interest on Funded Debt, 1,916,2
The bill giving - Oit the public pi
the lowest bidder has passed, and is no,
hoods of the Govenor. •
Some Strange developments ban
here within the tact few days. It
clearly made out that W. J.
clerk of the House of Representatives
faulter to the amount of sone SII,C
, rhaps upwards of $20,000 ! The
transactions are not fully maim
dric B. Wright, late speaker of the
impli Led. More anon.
You &c. P
Mason of Virginia, has been nor
es Secretai y of the Navy andcor
Hon J. E. CALTIOUN has au
the office of Secretary of State, ti
him by President Tyler. •
' The Hon. WiLsos SnixxOti
ent Governor of Ohio, has &el.
ed by the nomination :as 51inist
—The Hartford' ' times says:-
fact came out 2 on the evideace
befoie the•Comtnittee of Congress ,
pointed to investigate the affair of
Cilley duel, which We hare•not
in print. it is this : An Erpre3
on the ground at the time of the
and the moment that Cilley
ed immediately and carried the r:el
Henry Clay."
adelphialiedger says of Mr. Mu
burg, the democratic nominee fi
ernor Muhletiburg come
the-old Democratic county of
which will no doubt, give hint
t,y support in October nett._ lb
able man,: of unblemished rep
andlnis fiilyd many important
under the (imminent."
.contrary to all expectations, hoc,
ed.the city of Utica, N. y., hush
democratic caoclida'te .was elected
about 50 majority. Last year:
Whig majority wasithotit -200.
log events cast their Shadows Wel
late . elections .for officers in Cumber
-county exhibit. a cheering result'
democracy. Cumberland promo.
Inajorityzfor the i lemneratio'c odi
next fall. Returns from other COn
show a favorablcresuli.
F:no-u.vreinst;.--Eggs. are 1139
by meant; in public at y'
city and atm( t cort.siderable atleaa±
i ;~ I