The Bradford Porter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1842-1844, March 27, 1844, Image 1

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337. Va-9233D.Mtid
5,,,,,, ro
e fallowing beautiful and touching effu
"ene to us from some unknown hand, in
(if it is entitled to the appellation
licl ; i i i. Aioq,) called "The Blue Stocking,"
. 0 „ok little sheet issued by the ladies
orr igsti l g for thiee - or four consecutive days,
•; terontinnance of a fair held by them
I,e3e.Gt of the Presbyterian. chuich.--
rleare all from ladies' pens, and as a
„edcourse written expressly for theillue
J' We select theetwo following as par
charming. while at the same time we
the three numbers of the Blue Stocking,
se bare leceived; (March 4,5, and 6,y
very many articles to admire ; and we its
or lady-friends at Harrisburg that We in-,
hrre•after. to extract largely', about a feet,
the Blue Stackjng.”)
The Rain's Return.
tle Spring, with thy balmy air,
„ a , h 5 sunny skies, and thy, flowrets fair,
1111,1 thee is.AFlcome
LI sway from the South, in joyous glee,
,d a song of sweetest mefody' •
rrin Win my Spec :1y way.
thy call with a merry heart ;
!thy breath—and I now tio . part
Fro the sunny Scuthern land ; •
03 y home is ever dear to me,
J,15 blossoms are brighter far to see; s
151 my friends—a happy band.
Pobin warbled his softest lay,.
r he flew on his homeward way,
his wintei's warm retreat: •
it, he soared in his airy flight,
,me on pinions, swift and light,
;F:ted,. the loved to greet,'
guelting with joyous song,
rolled lightly and flew along,
;ezeten the lovely spring;
will bright, and the landscape fair,
:granre End melody filled the air,
rye warblers were on the wing.
tad me, now, of a well known spot,
faces undicoices, not unforgot,t
V;hers.r welcome I ever fi , tul,
Lie Me now to that eilm'rArent,
there again I will fondly meet
friends, FQ wpm and kind. '
utteral around a dwelling near,
tft was light, and his voice was clear, 1
, :warbled a gladsomo lay--
..led the prattle of childish glee,
infant faces he used to see,
the Welter wild and gay.
nning met with no kindly word,—
ding welcome his bosom stirred,
feelings of tedder thouitht;
he poured on the silent air, •
I vain, he listened for voices there,
t ever With love were fraught.
to a casemrnt, where the vine,
ful branches and tendrils twine,
to freshness of early spring:
ached for the glance the tender - eye,i
rutle hand that ever nigh,;.
is fate ruiast to bring.
exl ease to his spirit came,
• 1
el him frrentiere the same
lin tuppy days \t* pore; • • ;
Gglud hopes had chilled the lay, , I !
tusLing number died away, '..-
to Rabin's song was o'er. I;
to—ellt3&l 7 -it is - ever so :
that we cherish are first to go,
I,least o'er hearts a blight
'less and-daring he plumed his wing;
from the brightness of early spring,
took his heavenward flight.. •
Lisisaraa, Feb. 15, 1844. Et.t.s,
Dope against Despondency.
Li thou sad my ever leitless sou!?
thy blue heavens what deep'ning shadows
isttly harp so desolately steung, [roll?
Its willowsbending branches hung?
heiaghted desert traveler. why
;11s his bosom—tearshedirn his eye'?
anbeiliendea traveler's Tart— "
1, sadder the deserted hew.!
) Healen—the'wintry clam% willing,
Ifse r ' s greenness Men the Istlguid eye.
le effort of thy Father's will
'y fierce L'uroclydt;rl
tiiaud., may gather when the ,rain bath
lused, [last,
Pledge is,brightest that the calm will .
Nets may level in the rainbow's hewn
et to Perish by the lightning's gleam!
toy in Heaven—the darkness brings the
pints to truth's etemel ray Vey_
td trusting—be $ shadoor sun. ,
onward till tlth gotil Le won.
411511 r 11 4, Feb.. 1844.
.[From Mg Anglo ieimerican.] •
An Adventure in South America,
Serpent Minting.
Business connected rather with plea
sure than profit kepi me roaming for •
some months amongthe West India:ls
lands, that land of magnificence and dis
comfort; and from all that,l had Itvaill
"there, and more particularly lion %Olat
came under under my own .observatiot
can truly affirm that to .Europeans, it
general it is a land rept,ete - witti novalty.
and interest. nndio writers both of lie-
tion and trtith, a flea in which - they
may reap an abundant,' harvest of repu-
tati - ort: . - I . at length . 'found, niyself •at
Barbadoes, without any fixed resolu
tion either to return or proceed further
in. my wanderings. In such a wave-;
ing and Unsettled state of mind, a-little
matter will sometimes turn the seale. r --
I, had carried a letter to a, gentleniap' of
the island, with whom I formed a most
agreeable acquaintanceship ;' and in
consequence of the description,he gave
'me'of the coast -of South America f was•
induced to form the resOlution ; of visit
ing at least a part of that country be 7
fore I should think of bending my
course homewards. Being furn)shed
by him with letters to one . or two.
viduals who. might be of service to me,
I took a passage in - a ship hound to,
Demarara, and after a-voyage in no de
gree remarkable for shortness Or novel
ty, I landed therein safety. I will not
step here to describe all I saw._ Suffice
it to 'say, that having viewed all I con
sidered worthy of beitig noticed, I set
of 'across the country to deliver one of
the letters I carried with me to a gen
tleman from whese attention and knowl
edge I had been, assured I should.oli
tain much information: After a journey
of some days [reached the place; and
considering that I had 'been previously
an utter stranger <I was received, with
a degree of warmth - and kindness I
Should scarcely fi3ave anticipated. The
estate, or rather . plantation; on 'which I
had been so kindly invited to take up
my residence for some time, and-where
I had resolved to spend a few weeks iu
examining the local scenery and curi
osities,,;laying upon the banks of a river
that comes. doWn from the mountains
of Guiana. Mr. Heinvauh (the pro
prietor) although the superintendence
of his estate occupied a great portion of
of his time, contrived to devote no in
considerable portion of it to my_amuse
ment. Acc6mpanied by a couple of
servants, and Gmsar, a shrewd and ac
tive negro who held the post of hunter
. (a personage notenly useful, but evett
-necessary to 'these' who reside
town, 'colonial estates distant from any town,
as many of the delicacies of the table
are furnished by him,) we made fie
•quent excursions rip the country, and
`committed occasionally sad Itavec
among the quadrupeds and feathered
• tribes with- which that regien abounds.
At other times we Manned a couple of
canoes, 'and 'descending the river, we
employed ourselvei in, fishing excur
sions, or in taking a shot at such birds
as unfortunately fiat. themselves
. came
within range of our pieces. Those Who
are acquainted'with the general appear
ance and topography of the northern
' coast of South America, %pow well that
from the flatness of the country as ,it
approaches the sea; many rivers of Ma,
siderable magnitude divide themselvei.
into ;numerous :streams 'or canals, be
fore mingling their waters with those'
of the 'ocean. The delis or islands form
ed by those streams 'are sometimes of
great extent , consisting, like most of
e 'that - coast, ctf marshy or Savannah land,
partly bare,' and partly Overrun:by tall
reeds and canes t or other acquatic plants.
In the thick and almost impervious te
cesses.of these. reptiles of various kinds
often find a' retreat, - from whiCh they
occasionally emerge in Search . 6l their
prey. • The : streams arein Many pieces
frequented by birds of most variegated
Ptici beautiful plot - nage; and the waters
afford several kinds offish. which from
their delicacy and . .flaver..amply repay
the labor employed in taking them..
I had been informed,, both by Mr.
Cmsar, - that - serpents of 0 great
'size had 'been frequently seen by them
cross the Lagoons froui . one island - . to.
another.. and that fry great eiertion and
not-withouttliffictilty, they had succeed
ed in .destroying a few., I confess I
had been for some time anxious to dia.
cover tine of these reptiles; notlltatl
wished s a clasp - connection with it=-far,
'from it,- The little I had` seen of them'
had given' me an aversion to them.: and,
this feeling was- much'heightened
the numerous etoriesi had, heard Of
their - fearful -patine:of deglutition: !I'
had no:objections, however, view
-- one at a - 'distance, 6.4. dragging its slow
Regardless - of Denunciation ficorn tiny Quarter.-oO.v..Poiriza.
• •
nomloozgem tans ?rows 3m09 lads sat kr9 144.11.fic'i
trembling length` alone! But in . all
our.exciirsions nothing of this kind ii'as
to be seen, and I' had begun to c9nceive,
some litent suspicions that,Mr..Hein
vault and Caesar bad little exaggerated
the nUniber and size of the reptiles they
had seen :,and deSirtiyed. But an ad
venture soon afteettris befel me, which
entirely ..ekarigett my opinion of their
veracity and convinced me that, their
account radierfell short of than exceed
ed the titult. • Occasionally, when . pres.
sing business detained Mr. B. at his
p Itatiomor called him to a distance,
and •hen"! found time hang heavy Am-
on my, hands, Cfesar was always wilt
in! to volunteer his services as my
guide. and assistant in any rambles
which 1, wished to nndartal.te; and
clever and active fellow I. indeed found
him: He was a capital Shotond - un
equalled in tbe success with which he,
contrived to' hook his fish' when not
one would look at the bait belonging to
another. '
A l One day about two or three weeke,l
after my arrival; Mr. Heinvault
ed me that he was under the necessity
of going to.a 'plantation diStant about
ten miles ; and .as the way lay partly
thrOugh the, woods and trackless savan-,
nah; he was obliged to take Cmsar-with
him, he being the only one on the es
state who had a thorough knowledge of
the Way, -and . who front, his dexterity'
and address proved a uscfnl,and agreea
)e attendant. He added, that he should
be back early in the afternoon, and that
if I wished-to take a stroll, nr go on the .
water,*any of the, rest of 'his people
should be at my diep.Osal.... After Mr.
-H. had lode away, rstrollitl about tile
plantation an hour or ; two, looking at
every. thing to amuse myself; but.get
ting terribly wearied with doing noth
ing, I told one of the people to get the
lines ready, for it was '-my intention to
go out a fishing for some time, the day•
being rather warm and sultry for enjoy
ing a shooting excursion.
These being soon ready, I likewise
sent- 'for my gnn, and delined the offer
he made to attend me, I pushed outinto
the stream and dropped slowly down
the ' river. The current being
slow, I was a while in reaching. the
place where the river bra — hes off into
a number of streams. I guided my ca
noe into one of those in which I bad
formerly been along with Cxsar, j , and
where had been very good.—
The stream in general was above eigh
teen or twenty feet. 1.. paddled my
light canoe " up and down this trying
to get a shot at some of the beautiful
birds which often - frequent there la
goons. But the birds were scarce and
shy. -Fatigued with this unsuccessful
sport, I set the lines,. and paddled abcut
for some time, at length I drew them
up ; but whether they had not been
baited' as well as Ctesar used-to do it,
or whether the fish were as shy as the
birds, I cannot tell.; but after a few tri
als. I got tireth of this "sport likew
Thinking I would be moreisuccessful
else Where. I proceeded about a quar
ter of a mile farther down, and set lines.
By this time the day had become ex
ceedingly-sultry and-oppressive. See
ing thei‘was no prospect of a shot, I
took off my stockings and shoes, :and
bathed'my feet in the water, and work
ing my canoe . to the other side. I laid
my glib ready loaded for a shot uponi
the benches, and stretched myself along
side of it, waiting • till it was time to'!
draw the lines which I. had set. In
this position I fellasleep, overcome, as
I suppose, by,the heat of the day, and .
the fatigue I had under gone.
I know not' how long I might have
slept; but I was aroused from my
slumber by a-curious sensation, as if
some animal wrere licking my loot
In that state of half stupor felt after im
'mediately atraking frdm- sleep, I cast
my eyes downward and never till my
ifyigg day IJOrget, the thrill of
' horror . 'that raised - through my.frame
on perceiving the neck ,and head of a
Monstrous serpent, covering my foot
with s.alava; preparatory, us immediate-,
flashed II ponin!,,•!mtral, to . &men - cing
the . process of swallowing it.. I had
faced 'many shapes,—on the
oceati-- - -;on 'the -battle Geld;- but never
till' that moment had I conceived he
could approach me in' a guise se* terri
ble. Fora moment and but-a moment,.
Lwas fascin,ated. But recollection of
my state soon came to my, aid, and 1
quickly withdrew -Withdrew - my . foot
from the monster, whidt was all the'
while glaring upon me - with' his, base
like eye,-and at the same moment I in
stinctly g rasped my gun, which Was
lying lOaded beside me.. The . reptile,
appsrently by my4notiein (I conceive
it had previously,: from my inertness,
taken me-for a dead carcasc)threw its
head: below the level of .the canoe. I
had just "sufficient time' to raise Myself
half up, pointing the muzzle of my_
piece in the direction of the serpent,
when its head and neck again appeared
moving . bacitWards and 6rwards, as if
in search of the_ object, it had had
The muzzle of my gun within a - yard'or
two °flu' finger .waS•on the trig.
ger ;: I.fired, and it. received tbe'shOt in
ihe' heatL (Rearing
with a horrible hiss, which made my
bloOtf 'nit) cold- r --and by its contortions
displaying to my sight a 'great part of
its enormous bulk, which had hitherto
escaped my notice—it seemed ready to
throw. itself upon .me in its monstrous
Coils. Droppingtuy gun, by a single -
stroke of the paddles Made the canoe
shootup the stream out of his teach.
Just as I was escapingii could observe''
that the shot had taken effect, for blood
was beginning to drop from its head.
But the wound appeared rather to Italie
enraged than subdued' him. Unfortu
nately all my shot was expended, oth
erwise I would most a re
spectful' distance, have. given him a
salutation of the same kind as I had
just bestowed. All that I have describ
ed:passed in much shorter time than
have taken spin recounting it.
As I,went up the stream with all the
velocity I could impart to the canoe,
heard the reeds. inlong which the ddi
-mai was . apparently taking . refuge,'
crashing. under its weight. I never
once thought of the lines I had left;
but hurrying as fait the canoe would.
go through the water,
,I was not long
in reaching the landing place' - before
Mr. Heinvault's house. Hastily moor- ,
ing the canoe, I jumped ashore, and
hurried up to the hotise 'where.l found
Mr. Heinvault, who had just arrived.
You may be certain I lost time in
communicating to him the almost mira
culous escape I had just Made, and the
wound I had inflicted on the animal.
‘. In that case," said he, , y it cannot es
cape; we must immediately ,go in
search of it," instantly summoning Cm
sar, he told him to get the guns ready,
and to bring two of his fellows with
him. is , If you choose to assist us in
finishing the adventure you have be•
gun; and to• have a 'second adventure
you novel antagonist, we ',shall show
yeti some of the best and most danger
ous sport our country affords..._" I pro
tested, that nothing was further. from My
intention than stayingbehind, and' add
' ea, that had not my shot.been'expend
- ed, we should 'not have parted on so
easy terms. “In'general,' he said ‘• it
is very dangerous - `to l attack them at
close quarters after being wounded, as
they become extreMelYinforiated ; and
• there are not wanting instances in which
life has been sacrificed in doing so.—
But we now take such precaution in
approaching them it is next to impossi
:ble that any accident can liappen."
Just as,he finished saying this CTsar
re-appeared, bimself armed with a club,
one of those who followed him carry
ing a weapon of the samelind, while
the other was armed with a weapon
sithiltir to a bill-hook,. " This Mr. Hein
vault told me. was to, 'clear a road among
the reeds if the , animal should have re
treated among, them ; the club being
reckoned the best instrument for a close
encounter. • We were soon seated in
the canoes. glitling.'dewn the stream as
last as a . couple of pairs of brawny arms
could urge us. In a short time we
reached the spot .Where . my adventure
had happened. The small part'al the
bank not covered h -
. Wit reeds, bore from
its ; sanguine' hue, evidence that the
wand the animal had received could
not have been Exactly!oppa
site this the reeds' were crushed. and
broken, and a sort of passage was'forni
ed among them so wide, that a . Man
could with little difficulty .enter; • Mr.
Heinvault cominaeded a halt, io see
that the arms 'were in proper order: 7 --
All heing Alit. we listened attentively,
in order to hear:if 'fliere was any Oise
which might:direci qs to our enemy.—
NO sound however was. heard . . One
Of the negroes entered first, clearing
with biS bill -hoop;. whatever obstructed
'our' Way, p 6 was followed by Mr.
Heinvault and me with, our guns ; while
emsar and his fellow-servant. brought
up 'the rear. The reeds were in :gener
al, nearly double our height the
same time pretty close.: However, We
easily, made our way .;.through: them,
partly assisted by the track which the
,serpent had-evidently made.
We had penetratedlshOuld
ahoutthirty 'yards, when 'die' fellow
who was in advance sgave ii the: alarm
that we were close upon the anirnal,—.
Mr. Heinvault ordered him'behing,and
advancing : nlimg with me; we'. saw
through the reeds part of :die body of
the:minister coiled up and . part of it
stretelied - Mit; but otring:to their thick-
ness' its head Was invisible. Disturbed, *
and apparently. irritated
,by our - Bp.
.proa 14 : : it ..appeared. from .its move
.m.enis, 'ahem to
_.turn and Assail. us...
We thad - Our guns ready, and . we
an ht a glimpse of its head . we fired,
WI! of us almost at the same* moment;
From the l obstruction of the reeds. all
our I shotAould not have taken ellect;
but what 'tlid, seemed ,to be - sufficient;
for it fell, hissing and)tollingiiself into
a variety 'of 'Contortions. ."Even yet it
was dangerous to apprOach it. :But
Cmsar who seemed , to possess
: a great.
deal-of ccolneas and - iMdacity: motion-.
ing hist-easter and 'me not to fire ag ain
in the.direction of the animal, , force d a
way through:the reeds at one side, and:
makingcame a kind of circuit, cae In before.
it ; a f ew repetitions of thiti gave s.the
victory. - • '
We could now examine - the creature
-With safety. We found -that a good
part of our shot had lodged about its
head and neck, and would probably
have proved fatal to it, even if we had
left it to'' its fate. I confess it'Was not
without a shudder that I handled and
examined it, when I thought how nearly -
I had escaped from furnishing it with T,
We set ourselves to work, and not
without - difficulty dm we succeed in
dragging the huge carcase to the edge
of the stream; and_in embarking .it in
one of the canoes, to which it formed a
pretty lair loading. It was not far from
sunset When the expedition landed on
the bank near Mr. Heinvault's house.
He soon got sufficient assistance in con
veying the carcase up, and, in deposit
ing it in a place of safety. On measur
it we found it to be nearly forty
feet in length, and of proportional thick
ness. Mr. Heinvault informed me that
it was the largest he had seen killed,
although he had. often seen others un
der' circuinStances which convinced him
that they mint have been of a far great
er size. 1
It was ndt until I was serited7at a late
dinner, that I felt_ myself a little over
cope with the usual exertion I had un
dergone on,so sultry and oppressive a
day. But as the evening - wore on I
completely' recovered ; and never do I
recollect spending a more agreeable
one. The adventure however, and the
consciousness of my escape, must have
been deepl y impressed upon my inind ;
for during Some months after, I often
started front my sleep with the Cold
sweat r upon my broW; imagining myself
crushed and expirint in the embrace of
a horrid reptile.
Hindoo Ilevercore for Nooktys.
Matura, or Mtittra, mustbe one of the
Paradises of monkeys, for in no part of
the .world are they more cherished and
respected : in worldly point of view, I
doubt it in Mourn; it is not _worse to be
a man than a monkey. Even princes
(Scindialt was one of their benefactors)
consider it antonortucontribute to their
comfort ad support. 'The place abso ,
lately swarms with them, and, in riding
through the narrow and Crooked Streets,
theyl.May' be everywhere seen gamboll
ing, pilfering, nursing their_young. or en
gaged in those entomologiCal researches
to which these quadriipeds are so much
addicted. Every now and then you
stumble on a young one, who shows
his little teeth and grins withterror ; or
perched on the corner of sortie temple;
or on the wall of a 'bunyali's,ehop, you
encounter some stolid old fellow, devour
ed, apparently, with'ehagrin and mclanH
choly, who however, no sooner catches
a glimpse of - You, the strange4oOking-'
' tope teola, (hatman,) than. arousing (rem
his trancei he becomes endued with as
tonishing animation and fury, gnashing
his teeth, as you pass, in a Manner uric-,
quiveCally hostile. I have been folio*,
ed_harf-way down a street by one of these,
old monkeys. particularly if I have
. given
him a taste of my whip. After gnash
ing,at me furiously from one house, he
weuld, to keep pace with my • liorSe;
sertniper off by a certain back-wart: beg ,
"known to bimsel f, and , -re-appear in all
his fury, at sortie otheropening or "coign
of vantage," in order to • have another
grin at me, .
A TouctiCl A DIE 13.••••••-Th e ROC, -Si (I T
pey Smith can make a geed witticism,
-even if he cannot "Make; any thing out
ofTennsylVanta stocks.:..,• -Oe'-_llishep
Selwyn leeFing England *his diocese'
of New • Zealand. Sidney
tookleave of hini with tears in his eyes . ,
anti . said :-4. Gnoti bye. Selwyn.- I.
ii9pe thatvou will not-disagree with the
man that .eats_yoa • _
Ftr, SntitLe..--As the •water.
:that floeis from a spring does not congeal
in"• those - ,sentimentsof friend
ellip"ivtielt-procceci (ton the heart cannotl
be froica by ailversitr. • . .., •" '
Mes 2 cs. soacoaextit'ai sow
Ecnsible IttiltetionL
But the leading vice inatirn's char'acr
ter, and the cardinal - Aleformity, indeed,
of all: his producti6ni, was his contempl,...
or affectation of ccintempt . for prudence,.
decenck, and regularity ; and hisadmi
lation off thoughtlessness, odditY,,sand
vehement sensibility, ; his belief, in short,
in the dispensing power of genius and so.;
cial feeling in all' matters of morality and
commonsense: 'This is the very slang
of the worst German plays and the low
est of out town made novels.; nor can
anything be more lamentable than that
it should have fOund . a patron in, 'such a.
man as Burns, and communicated to ma--
ny of bis•productions a character 'of
morality; atonce contemptible and hateful..
It is but too true, that men of the highest
genius have frequently been •hurried by
their passions into a violation of Prudence-
PO duty ; and thereis something generous
at least, ilthe apology which their ad
mirers May - make for them, on the'scoiv
o their keener feelings 'and habitual
want of reflection. But this apology c
Which is quite unsatisfactory in Atte
mouth of another, becomesan insult awl
an absurdity whenever it proceeds from
- their own. A man may say of 'his friend
that he is a noble-hearted fellow, too ge
nerous to be just, with too much spirit
to be always prudent and regular. But
he cannot be allowed to say even this of
himself ; and kill less to represent him
self as' a hair-brained sentimental soul.
constantly carried away by fine fancies
and Vision's of love and philanthrophy,.
and born, to confound and despise the
eold.blooded eons of_ prudence. and so
briety. This apology, indeed, evident
ly destroys itself; for it shows that con
duct„to be the result of deliberate sys
tem, which its effects,' at the same time
to justify as the fruit of mere thought
leasness and casual im . pulse.—Edinburg!
Immensity ,of%rcation.
Seme astronomers hive computed:
that there are not less than 75, millions
of suns in the universe. The fixed stars
are all enna,.having, like our sun, nume,
rous planets revolving • around
The solar system, or that to which we
belong, his ablaut thirty planets, primary
and secondary, belonging to 41. The •
sun which is. nearest to Lints, is called Si
rius, distant from our sun about 852 mil
lions .of miles. Now, if all the fixed,
stars are as distant from each' other as :
Sirius is from our surf ; or, if :our solar
System be the average magnitude of all
the' 75 millions of suns, what imagination
can grasp the immensity of creation!—
Who can survey a plantation containing
75 millions of circular fields, each 19
millions of miles in diameter! E Sucl4 ,
however, is one of the plantations of him •
who has measured the waters in the. hol
low of hand—meted'eut the heavens with
a span—comprehended the dust in a
measureand weighed the mountains
in scales, and 'frills. in' a balance. He
who " sitteth upon the orbit.of the earth
—stretchesouythe heavens as a curtain,
and - spreadeth them'as - a tent to dwell in."
Nations to • him are "as a, drop in the
bucket, and are ,counted as the. small
dust of the balance and yet; ektwhel-,
ming thought ! He says,—Though
dwell in ihe high and mighty place, .with
him also will I dwell who is of an hum
ble and contrite spirit." •
Indian Wit.
The Caddo Gazette relates an anec
dote, to the editor by Gov. Butler, who
lately returned from the Indian country,
which shows in a strong light the na
tural wit and penetratipn of the Red
Man of the forest. It appeares that
.Gey. Bailer in order 'to show.thegoods
feellng and-friendship existing betweert
the'. United States and the Western.
- tribes of Indians; requested Nlr.° Stan-.,
ley, the. yOupg artist who accompanied •
him on - his - tate visit to the Indian Conn'.
try '.., to" sketch - two hands embracing
each other--: - Ilm one; of a red-man end
the. other ,a wlitte., man, with the
met of peace,',' alio . ve-them—ivhich was
done in the mast' exquiSite style, At. ,
ter its completion, the young Carnanehe
Chief; to Whom he was 'about to pre- ;
sent ir, prOposed, very appropriately,
an addition to , the piettire, by draWing,
~ under the hands,, and in immediate
,proxin.tity, head of a bull-dog, •to
bite, \ as he said, the hand which proved
treachercins. The :croup. was finished
and transferred to thelnclians, to their
amusement and orratification. • .
• SHORT Savflias.—Thelienycnnnot be
polished. Without friction, nor Lahti per
fected Witheut ixdvcysity.. . "
As the curb to the Unruly horse - so is
stitieisn't to iiiiPrinei pled authors. '
The heginnin2 of love is in the. poWer.
of - every•one; to put- an end, to .it, - in. the . .
power of none. : •
A trian wtll seize upon any to
lay his fault upon . ntiother.