The Bradford Porter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1842-1844, March 13, 1844, Image 3

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    Gardiner; of ,New York. and_Com.
',.oreNennon. of the Nary; who.. at
r ut i al e time was chief of Oneipt
' the:
the Nary Department
he d ie g un was Ored..tlie whole.
. hao k, a dense cloud of smoke en
group on the fore. , ?; e d t he whole
d; but when this blew away, an
scet e presented .itself view
spectator ,
The lower part of the guru' rota the
anions to the breech w 4 13 brown off,
o ne half section of it lying z ,on Mr.
4, ti rs • breast. It took two sailors
P - •
tecnose it, He was badly cut over
ev e and in - his .'legs- t his clothes
Itteraly torn from his body-e—he
'ite l in about three minutes . ,Gov.
ime r of Virgitiia
was -found equally,
iiv injured. De had evidently been
r k by the section of the
-gun before
tad reached epshur. Mr.
c f a the member 'friim . New Jersey.
'deat:ored tO raise him from thegniund
1 ,, s unable. A mattress ,was pro
red.end he was placed on it; be..
an y medical assistance could he
•nzstcd, he was no longer among - the
tlr• • 1,
!d - r. Maxey had his arms and. one of ,
cutoff, the pieces of flesh bang.
; 0 ;!te mutilated limbs, - Cold and
; 2 !es:4, in a manner truly frightful.
dred instantly., . - „ •
Ir. Gardner,' of_ r New .Yor4,- and,
aimodora 1 canon lingered about half
o u t ; but . -they did not seem for a
le moment to be conscious,of their,
. „
Iml elvnreci aimn!lt without a groan.
L e fiags : of tt Union!. were placed
er the dead, bodies as ureic winding
, a
&bid die gam the scene, though at
51 equally tlistresSing. was less alarr.-.,
- Captain Stockton, who was
, o ek ei l duwu.. , almost . instantly. rose to"
s. feet, and .j um ped, on the - wooden
rriage to survey the whale effect of.!
calamity. All the hair of his head
face was burnt .off;• and he - sfond
and undismayed, but silent over
iirreck. In. addition tO, the deaths
cft nientioned, about a dozen sai.
were. badly . wounded ; one was
, :and behind him Col. 'Bentdn,
Phelps, audiMr. StriCklarid, as if
J,extended on The deck. ! On. that
't,ll aisipaular concatenation
. of
'Dyson; of Philadel.
was pie . only person who stood
gopnd, though a piece of the gun,
hing about two pound's, had passed
.rah his hat, about: *o inches from
and fallen: down by the side
The lady who had Col. Benton's arm
cmally blowpAnto the rigging, bn t
lut. Col. Benton exelaiined.
l e ly after he Jell, I‘. Lcird. lain
but he was only stunned. He
:tied aft and placed on a mattress,
Mrs. Benton- and his friends ad
:ert:ti to him -iihat.aid they could,
, however, he• repeatedly declin
wing there was nothing the mat
ith him. -He tasted a little brandy
water, (no cologne being near at
_and was soon after able to-walk,
come slight assistance, over the
4 the hip on } board the steam
tat took the comPany.,off to. Wash-
ige Phelps, of Vermont, had his
town or knocked off, and the but-
I his cost torn;.but he was not
isc injured.
Strickland, of Philadelphia, was
allinjured, and instantly recover-
ws Woodbury and Miss Cooper,
in comp'any of Captain Reed, of
rinv;and Mr. Welles, of Phila.
M, bail been standing on a lee-
Vin, were not hurt; but . Miss
burs, the beautiful and accom
diughter of the Senator from
fficpshire.) hadwhole face
led with blood, which, however,
!lid to say, was not her own.
ch was the force of the explosion,
ahrbeard'and - larboard bulwarks
literally shattered, and the part
grin I described was blown into
'or thirty pieces besides the two
aal Sections.
to Wilkins was only saved by a
of his. - .He had ' taken his
the side of Gov. Gilmer. but
marks failing from; the lips, of
a, and in perceiving that the gun
about to be fired, exclaimed,
)ugh Secretary of War, I don't ,
is firing, and believe that I shall
Bo saying he retreated, suiting
an to the word, and was saved. -
J'esiddnt himself had taken his
but a few minute's previous,
where Gov. Gilmer was kill
for sow reason or otherliverit
Tas ;this providentially saved;
lost heart-rending sceneltow
i that which followed. I .:The
thters of Mr. Gardiner, of New,
ere both on board, and lanten
loath of their lather, While Mrs.:
from . whom 'they in vain at
to keep the dreadful news of
of her • husband, presented
!pentacle fitito be depicted by a
is sat on deck. with her hair
pale as death; struggling
feelings, anCuith the,dignity
'ao Her lips . quivering.: her
d ilattipturned, **bout a tear,:
I .9rnirs a little inoist,Jsoli!o-.,,
"Oh ~c ertainlY
Jr he dead ! Who'; would
yeig; oh Lord..
upon rue 0 4,1,15 rd.. hitye . ;
hun!", 4nd then 011'418ie-:
apparently_ eant and seeming - tit be col:.
lected t with thilaries wiring her heart
Within; “I beseech ye,.geademenosi
tell me where my husband]. r.
iniposnible 1 .-=impossible
and he, can he, can he be dead t.=—lnt=
possible !
'Here Mr:
! enifor Rives, o[ Virginia,
drew near. •
. " - Come near, Mr.*Rives," She said,.
in -a soft whisper, which resembled
helia'lnadness, tell.
.me where my
husband istell me whether heis.dead:
Now certainly, Mr. .• nines, this is ini- .
possible—is. it not so?".• Mr. Rives
stood tipeechless, the. tears trickling
down fps cheeki. "1 till you,' • Mr.
Rives, it is impossible'," she Slinost
screeched ; and then again - Moderating
her voice,
,". , IsTowdci, Mr. Rives, tell
his wife whether , her husband-lives."
Here several: ladies exclaimed, " 0 God
grant that she may he ahlh I
io.crY. , t
would certainly relieve her some. • If'
not she Must die of a broken heart."
There were but two - surgeons on
boar4ai the time of the disaster--t Dr..
Thomas and Dr. Hunt; the; regular
physicians of the ship. Every atten
tion was shown 'to the wounded.
By Allen McKean esq., on the 4th of februa
last; ParLANnEn HALL of Owego N. t
Mtss LAURA CLAik; of Burlington': •
Oh 'Wednesday the 14th inst., by 14. same;
SAmEs S. McKEAN-, to Miss. SAnia BLAnc-
WELL; both of Burlington. .
Indebtedness of the B otongtt of Towanda,
On judgments to several individuils it MO 56.
OrP outstanding orders„ - 708 66
On nnliquidated claimi,. " 95 88
/Wets, - • ,
Balance due on old duplicates,s332. 83
" from John Savage, for- ,
mer collector, y 30- 80
from A. Martin, do. 41 82
" due on judgments ..34 09
' _ 4. • 435 45
Bat -due from tom. Ist March 1843, $599 65
Annual Report of the Receipts and Ex-per:di
/ores- of the Borough of Towanda fur the
Jeer 1843:
Amount of duplicates fur 1843,. $720 87,
" of. poor do. and Dickey's pen
sion, 264 21
" on old duplicates, 202 48
• " on license for shows, . " In 00
'•. for rent of engine house, 300
Labor on st's and for tools, $354 21'
For support and expense of three
paupers, 359 48
Paid on judgments, 108 17
Exonerstions on duplicates, 8 56
Collectors per centago, 25'83
Treasurers per centage, 21 80
Burgess for services,' 2. 00
Town Council for services,, 62 'OO
- for services, ' . 30 00 j
972 06
$227 59
Borough Orders.
Oatitanding orders .Ist Mut& 1843, $7OB 66
Issued during 1843, 483 39
$1192 05
Rettirned and destroyed in 184% 743 , 03
Outstanding orders March Ist, 1944, $444-02
• ..Treasurer's Report.
Received from collectors on duplicates, $713 75
Received from-license on shows, 10 00
Received from rents of engine boo*, 300
Monies Returned.
Ordeni returned, • • $704 95
Treasurers per, centagd, 21 , 89
"i',2B 75
Indebtedness of the BOrqugh of 7btEaritla,lBl
- March • 1844 ,
On judgrnents, - $1 1 22: 38
On poor books, - 96 27
Outstanding orders., • -_ s 444 02
. • $662 67
- Assets,
Bal. dne•oli old iinplicats, $l3O 35
" from iJ. Savage, •30 80
a from l A. Martin, - 41 82
" on j ud gm e n t s, _ 30 00 '
• 1. :232 97
Bal. due from boro. Ist March 1844, $429 70
Borough of Towanda sr. -
We the Borgne and' Town Council, oethe
'Borough OTowanda, do hereby certify the
foregoing to he a true sta te ment otthe situation,_
receipts MA, exPenditures of said borough so
far as we have been able to investigate and!ar.
range said affairs.
, STEPHEN% Burgess,
J. D. GOODENOtiCrEf, '
• . .` ' 'ti. IV -BETTS, ' o ` 4
H. 13. - MERCUE, ' c-
ArrEsT—N. J. Ket.LETl,:Clerk.
13orati,gli e ;of Towanda,
March ,15t.,'1844- , 5- .
. .
DIMENIUMP T 9 .§ . '04213.10
as Y virtue of litindry writs of Vend. Expo.
• I issued but of the court of common plena
of, Bradford County. 1, shall expose to public
sale at the huMm of E. Raynaford in Towanda
Saturday the 13th day -of' APRIL
next, at one, o!clock" P . ;NI., the following pieci
or parcel of laid situate in fintithfield township
and ,bounded as •ors the north by land
of Stephen Madding; • on the'tist hyiland 'of
,I#aklert ; :en the south:by land of 1;
0. Tracy; and on'the west byland-ef Nelson
Rice, Containing eighty three acreemoriorleser,
with about 'forty acres filtered improved; one
framed house and frunall•hare./-and saw.Midl
thereon - . - ••• ~,..,s_
Seized Ind taken fa execution -et the nit of
JOHN - TC - WESTON, Sheriff. •
• Sheriff'a - _
Towrindi; given '•• ' ••:,•;••
eat fa;
S a good ass° T" ' •
1141.8.6''e-Ar pagANS . 4%:: PO?:
sali !iy, I.• " • •,": _
• ,
• • - " 1 2$ g ive n' 1 , 14
: m pursthince or the provuaolsa of tbiraft
of •Itenetel'asseinbly of 4te:Comillaihh; ok
Pennsylvania, -.passed the:l3th. day of •Idarich;
48,1 b, sodded "An act akmiting the ,mode of
Stelling Unseated La44l Ind for other. putioo-.
'ee," the folloiwitigtrecti of 'Unseated Lahti's;
sittiated in tbcrecturity'of Bradford will be et=
posed to - public sale in the bateugh of Towan
-da, on Monday, the 10th .day of J EINE: next,
-for awes rigt% ,of County, ts.te; Acsol & School
Taxe r s, mew due unpaid, and annexed to the sc
lera! tracts, and all costs -necessarily necessarily sce-riring
by reason' of such. delinqmency to the palmeht,
to wit: - • '
.Warrantees. state, county, and
A • road. tax: ,
3433 pt Betz Joseph,' , • 'sl7 87
3433 pt Betz Jelin .....-. 17 80
3433 - pt Betz lames' • 17 87
'4OO Byson Henry' 20 60
- 375'
. pt Cooley'Samuel ' 49 50
• 3433 pt Edge Peter • -. ,• 17 , 85,
400 Edge Samuel •20 80
343?, pt Fitz Samuel 17'87
40Q, Hardy Simon 20 So
375 pt Moot,: George . 19.37:
400 Seely Joseph 20 80
400 Seely Henry • 20 80
400. - Temple Peter , 20 80
400 • 'Fcrople George , 20 80
400 Handy James 20 80
400 Hampton. Jonathan 2O 80
400 Handy Nathan 20 81) -
400 -Raga Peter . 20 80
400 - Moon Fent ' 20 80.
400 , Siddons - Andrew .. 20 80
400 Siddons . George. 20 SO
400 . Siddons Joseph ' 20 80
\ 343 pi Edge - George ' — l7 87
400 , Hardy Paul - - • 20 ,80
• \ \ 4oo -Castator George , • ' 20.80 .
400 Caoley-Jdattua ;20 80
40 Haga George, ' 20 80
• 41:41 , \ Haga Nathan 80•
400 • \Henry Henry, 20 80
400 sfely Peter 20 80
400 Sid ens James 20 - 80
*4OO Holling,sworth Stephen 20.80
3691 pt Caugas\W, illiam 10.20
400. Ladlie Pester 20 80
200 pt. Palmer Thlimas 10 40,
300 pt Nichols Samuel 15 55
403 Ste Wart Deb4rah 20'93
110 - Shepard DaVd 468
• 160. pt Bames,George .14 12
821. pt Benson - Peter 3 85
400 Barnes John sr: ' 18 75
266 pt Bradley Thotnas - • 12 48
258 pt Sower Christopher 12 093
30P. pt Wistar Caspar • 14 pa
4 0 5 pt Davis Israel 11 29
r. 150 pt Orden Jones 7 02
172 pt I,Vistar Richard 8 054
483 pt Mattock Titus , 8 55
175 pi Waggorner Adam 8 18
418 Heathen Andrew 19 593
250 pt Carmalt Caleb 11 72
82. pt Benson Peter • 3 84
418 , Lownta - n George 19 593
413 Lowman George , 593
100 pttoffin .1 4 683
100214 Crookshank . Jeseph 4 683
294 pt Pierce Abial 14 '77
.460 pt Bradley Phineas '8 50
280 pt Carey, Nathan
4073 Shaffner Caspar
40Mifflin Francis
1001. Pt Maxfield Stephen
210 pt Austin William
154 pt Atmen Thomas
270 Lewis William
268 Guest Geo
300 pt Vaughn John
70 pt do do
143 •pt do do
202 pt Bmttis Frederick
. 203 pt. Singer John
203 pt Antis Frederick
200 pt Berk, Henry
260 pt Tracy Geo -
-'lOO pt Cannon Henry
409 LzonSolomon
. 4333 Friend John
4071 , Co* Jacob
100.. pt Stough Matthias
407 Singer Abraham
433, ' Greener John'
407‘ ,Shaw Robert
413 Feiffe GS ',
402 Banon John jr.
202 Birker James N
407 • Morgan John ; Canton
75, Leroy 3321
216 pt Guineas Peter •
216 pt do
025 pt Primer Peter • •
349 , Bambill Robert; Tim
,' _ carom 254 Wyalusing 75,13, 71
• • 400 Anderson Samuel •13 80
400 'Castator Haman 'l3 80
400 • Northionaihan 'l3 80
400 - North Peter - ' .13 80
400. Shots Frederick 13 80
- 400 Shots Geo 13 80
'. 400 Ellis Mary `• 13 80
448. • Harris Ann 15 45
230 pt Wallace Mary 7 75
• 400 Caitator - Jcisepb •13 80
400 # Hampton - Peter • "13 80
400 : Milton John .- 13, 80
'•••400.,- North James 13,80
400 , "-Woodruff Hannah, 13 80
230 . 'pt Downing 'Jacob '7 75
109 pt Smith Jacob ' - - 3.75
237 pt Stevens" Jonathan ' 8. 18,
• 437. •• M'Adams Ephriairr ' 1 'l5 10
434 _ ; Hamilton Thomas' , 14..99
361: pt Beeman Jaixdr„ . . 12 Al
390 Beeman Jacob sr. 13:45
496':„tali pt Charltat C,arroll
1511 .-482 do •do
1510 pso pt
• -• • ',RIDGBERY.
1506 642 pt Charles Carrojl
1507 661 - -do do
1509 777
$1199 59
- do .d*
ASYLUM • •, •
,309 ptlinolley.Abrahout 41' ; 9;22}
,181, ft,Avery Christepboi , • 555 .
190 rob Salty„
,40 . 0 Jacob Rhinehort .9 30
TremiirerliOlEce, Toirindo; March 1.1844.
: i .- .ii1...,; V.4.),E--NVOIFi r .: :: -.„',. !.-
-:TP_WAlOck t ;' l lV''':'. l.-: :1 -
w- tait6/.l°A
* X I W C T' ,lc triNS CO;
hand 7
Y virtue Al a. writofYtllo-.Plp ? . issued,
Born 'the 'cond . of common " pleas ' of Brad.
fON eeintyr;to me i directed, I thAIF eiPcise 4 .,
public UlO4 therhonsn-of 841 Raynaford In:the
Borough Tow - anda,•ort„ltioddaYr the ,-25th
Airy .of.BIAHCH, next, at: one P . M.
Toe ..following ~described,,pieec or parcel_;:
land inmate in DurOfi tow4bili and bounded as
farm*: beginbin at eitofin leap oa thibink
of the SunqUehamitiriier; thence Wok T.606'
perches - to a yellow pine; thence north-195.
perches to a pine ; thence east 490 perches to
a black
_oak ; thence down ; the Susquehanna
the sev eral of the same 175 perches to ,
the, place of beginning. Containing four hun
dred acres more or less, with' fain. framed hou
ses, three Mimed barns and-a saw mill thereon
erected with 'idtout one hundred' and tsixty
acresimproved,and k a small orchard, -
Seized and taken . ,in execution At. the stilt„, of
Simon Stevens vs : Sela Payne. . .
' ALSO4A piece or parcel of land situate in
ColuMbia township and bounded north by high
• way leading fiana Columbia 'o o '.; Heade to Spring
field and WM. , Gernets ; on the east by. Henry
Perseus and : Caleb B. Burt; on the south by
landsif Isaac Strait, James Parsons and Win.
Gemet ; on the west by lands of Jas. Parsons,
John Huriburt. and Paul Furman, and the
way leading from Trov to Blinn': , Contsining
one hundred & forty fivPacrse and 014 llutidi„ed
and forty nine perchesabont filly acres intpro
veil with a framed tavern house, ono large fra
med . barn, one horse barn and thereon.
. .
, erected. , •
Seized and taken in .execution at the stilt of
Oliver•Besley vi labial Gregory.
• ALSO , --By virtue of a Ti. Fa. the fellowing;
described piece or parcel of land,Wya-.;
losing township and bounded on.the north ty;
the main road leading from Towanda toiSkin-;
ner's . Eddy ; on the east by Charles Hendricks;
rand t on the south by land of Ephraim Bee-!
man and the Susquehanna river on the east:-.=,
Containing thirty seven acres' more or , leas all
improved with, a new two story tavern stand
stone house and barn thereon, itheing the same
property which.was purr:tinsed reSheriff's sale
by . Philip Sullivan in execution stains! JaCob
Coons & otherir. ' • •
Seized and taken in eiecution at the snit of
Ralph Martin va. Philip Sullivan.
Sheriff's Office, , 2.
Towanda, February 17; 1844.5
afg9.sgZal23RU l o
- WOMB - hereby rgiven to. the member
1.11 of the'llradford County Mutual Insurance
Company, , that their Board of Directors have
this day Made an assessment of Vii} pet cent. on
the premium notes, which is to be paid compa
ny- by the 15th day 'of April next.
Insurance OtTrce,? • ,
Towanda, February 14. 1844.5
A 1,7. thor;o 'indebted to the subscribers who
.151. expectto pay in Grain, must deliver it by
the first of MARCH next, otherwise, we shell
expect the Cash by the first of April: Those
neglect this, call. will find their notes . and ow
counts in the hands of- an attorney, svho'will
Collect them in the shortest rime pouibie.
J.F.ItigANS & CO.
ToWanda, Feb. 20, 1844.
Administrator's Notice.
12 07
ALL PERSONS indebted - to the estate of
ALB SIM A. BEcitwite lat r of Elmira in
the county of Cheniung and state of New York
deceased, aie notified to Make payment and ail
persons having demands against 'said estate are
nodded In present them duly attested for settle
19 25
23 23
4 73
9 92
7 27
12 75
12 56
14' 173
6 291
. 6'74
9 573
, 9 583
9 573
9 45
12 283
' 4 723
29 45
/9 21
4 723
la 20
• 20 45
19 20
19 53
18 39
9 54
This notice is intended for all persons in this
Commonwealth, hiving unsettled business with
said deceased at the time of his death either in
his individual capacity or, as connected in part
nership with any:other person or persons inclu
ding the unsettled mercantile and other busi
ness's:lone in Ridgbury ,township Beckwith.
Ratterlee dr. Strong, and by Beckwith & Satter
lee, and/business done by Hector W. Strong in
which ho had' an interest.
JOHN L. WEBB Administratoi,
Biadford Co., Pa., Feb.'6,1844.
Watch and Clock Repairing.'
Tr:a. enrassr.BEarardr,
, ' „i--A,„ forms his friends and the
::'"--- public that he still contin
o . 1 3 , ,1p0 ues to cony on the above
f. 'i„ 0 bUsiness at his old stand,
- 1, 1. %,„•C onedoor south of Thomas
) v. " .•
4 • ,
, 4 9 '.l Elliott's store, and nearly
\-)'•-;-- ; 1--' opposite the jliay Scales.
Watch and Clock Repabing,
will be done on short notice, and warranted to
be well done. From a long experience in the
business, be believes that he will be able to ren
der perfect satisfaction to all who may favor ,
him with thoir patronage. -
N.B. Watches warranted to run well one •
year, or the money refunded ; and a written
agreement to that effect given Ao all that desire
one. ~
CLOCKS.—A large assortment just receiv
ed end veryirow for cash. ~
Towanda, January 29, 1844.','r '
18 93
10 72}
10 72i
16 10
NOTICE is ' hereby iiien, that_ the firm of
;HATHAWAY & • WILCOX' is this
_day dissolved by 'mutual - consent. , Ali monies
due the firm must be- paid to 8. Hrrnswsr..•
by whom-all demands • against the firm will be
settled. . . .5, $. HATHAWAY, :
. J. WILCOX. ' ,
. .
Towands, February 22d.'1844: ' •
, . .
• On i : my Own hoo4 aga44: `
18 44
13 01
25 65
.gaittila •
OTEPHEN HATHAWAY. informs - : the
public generally that be is still prepared
to, Inontfitctum , of the best material, and, in 46 . el
inost,-anbstantial and elegant- . elegant- . rasrutersnll ; an , !
acriptions of Boots and ehois. •
28 96
• 27 75
' 32-61
Morocco., Colt:pod C4117e BOiltil end gqioeftt
:Ladies' ishoce and, goiters ; yOuth7O d o . r. i ;
. made by nie
bd zrell !nide.;
C6tintfrPrirdlicie4kOri in parilintfor
Towanda,TainaryPibi.lB44 - .:.:71- 2', • • '
.24 til4s.
Ifeanfßlimaoco fioo BA* *044
pttoo 804, rdeoWiti
_ ,
. .
:free:; Dollars Reward.
971 ASSN troin RI, little girl4o the °wan-,
1_- dahridge; die afternoon or Monday the
26th bleu a,Ctopper ,Celeted:Whiffet.4 o B about
eielt months old, rather long hair, and anatvera
te.the the Omit , of "Peany.",*ery livelY and
_playful; by a man that met the; littlejlrl, of .a
rather rough epperiranaf;With two Aones be
fore a wagon, l one' white, the ..•'.fetietlY filled
witlrstraw; and went-tawarda . Monroe.: The
*ire. reward! willAe- given ,Riuthe,dog rand
man, or stnEcirnt:inforination, where they arc.
M. S. WRNER. -
- , ,
Towanda February 28th, 1844
. - " m
, . .
. " •Uptin alhohoit thayintereat.
rq - ittig Subscriber' is,
.very much" in want of
L, • money and dike not feel disposed to hive
his • °wil property sacrificed to "accommodate
those:lslip , am indebted to him,:that t .haire rea
sonable timetr pay, conscquently, if they will
call and settle' thijr • acts, howsver Moil! they.
triay. , bi, they will ' Mike. him ‘'ery' much;and
save cos; withot t tu'persons.i
. I ' - .D.', •C: 'BALL.
Towanda, 141 , rch 4th, 1844: ;.. . • ,
~ . .To.
unless s3u *tile your dupliestee by t.hi .
tweety.fifth (117 of March moat., shell cen:zrin
try, the experinient of ,enfOreing' colleettoetr.
The sitiietion :the. TTestiry requires -it,
I foifit and will try to do . -nlAloty.' • •`
• - PIE RC E , Treaseret:
• Towanda; lYtaieb .- I,st, 1844: ';
Adjouruc Special' Court. : ..:
JX A DJOURNED Special Court will be
field in ',Towanda in and'...for the' couoty'
of Utadford oti Mcinday the 25th day, of March
next at-10' o'ClOck in the - forenocur for the trial
of the following causes, to wit ;I • I . •
0. P. gallardlva. George Dewiti..ejectment';
Derhastel lan: Ira. Abel Fairchild et.el. trespass;
Sartile UoldeU VP. 4. 1",1. Sinith et. al. do.-
William B. glymer vs, if. C. Pritikwater et aL
ejectment - - " • '
Sartile Hoiden vs. Moses Watford et. al. fres-
Pan: . -. ' .: _
Rebecca Sh er vs. J. Decker et. al. ejectment.
.: A CHUBIMCK, Prothonotary. -, F
Froth, notary's Wee,' ,Z ,
Towandii, Deceinbei 21st 1643. $ ' •
, ,
811221,.. 2220.8 IMO a a
D. DARTLETT hat the agency of
. the Delatcar'e Mutual Safdy Inaurrmee
Company ojT Phitadelpifia, and is prepared to
take risks on verrfavorable terms. Policies
are issued by paid compiny in , the usual man
ner of other stock-companies.
Towanda, Dec. 4, 1843.
1 ,
tirsubscribers ars'prepated to fill all or
ders. OLD BED, it
the shortest notice and 'on the most favorable
terms. Thankful far the liberal patronage they
have received, they ate determined to sell'fine
coal for blacksmith's, atiouter rates. theb ever
befote offered; viz:' we will sill for cash,
Fine Coal al . $1.25 per ton—or; $1,38 in pro
euce.--L Coarse and Raked Coal at • ,
1 former Prices-
Beware of imposition : Fine Coal frerdother
places has palmed off is coming from oat mine
—a sufficient motor the superierity dour coal.
• N. B. PRODUCE taken in payment for coal.
Franklin, Dmd. Cla. Pa. December 25, 1843.
13338'W CO.Lita ZZIED 8
KIIBLIC NOTICE : is" hereby given that
the Blachentith'e Coal lin, be sold for
. ' And $ll5O per ton, land Froth:see—land
' B .
prOdnee taken in payment.
N. B. The millacrib l em have a large quanti
4, of supenOr good coal on hank and a suffi
cient assortment of rake.and coarse coal.
• ,I.& S. BOLIT.IIO.
•'..Frankliii,lFebruaii 1844. .
New Books and Stat,ionary!
%Maus etits3aro
THE subscriber has just received a very
extensive asScrrtment of School and Mis
cellaneous DOOKS rHistory, Travels, Voya
ges,.Biograliby, etc.„ which are offered for sale
low for cash. The stock emlinices iti'pert :
A tour in the East, Holy Land, &c.,by E. Joy
Morris, 2 vid.• i Thomas' Reminiscences and
.01:etches, 2 Sol ; the works of losephus, Rollin,
Byrom CoMbe, Dick, Sterne, Manyatt ; Coo
per's Nival History, Plutarch's Lives, Mack's
Lafayette,-Blake's works, Life', of Washington,
Franklin, and JeiTerami, ' ' •
Also, a general vari ety of Family Bibles,
large. and and 'hymns, music
books; etc. Blank" Books and Stationary, of
almost every .tiescription.
Towanda', Jan. - 27,'184, ,
ONE ' •
. • 1
ANp'away froth the subscriber •en the
nigh of the 23d, larineyy, l a, y young l lll42
by - the
name Of Itobeit •Pergnsdn, an appien-,
'Glee to thikalicksmithhig — businees. —I hereby
Forbid all penions harbOring orlinsting•hint on
my account; as I shall pay my debts of bbscon
grading:APl'. this date. i.'
__ . -1.- ^ :
~ . L - 11. RupwAy.
wygi ?x , don. 29.' itidd.
EsTRAy ;
. jcslAltdE my, enelosurithe 19th dayof•Noi
MU'. vent r last; 3 1 10MALLVEARLENG8;
one *'red heiferwith white': blek i add tail; ede•
brown heifer with , white ring. 'On mil; oink nal
steer with White on tail ;tie owner is pa:Nested
prove , property, pay .eharge's and take theta
- away. '
Duren, Dec. le; • " .• • • !,'
• ••Ikadfbed County ttg. tri
V t ,-4OW WESI I OIIb Stgiiff;
Bradford County;,being iwo ai t .,
•initb,, that on- Fiilier the 'i6thA a 9
ofA",ebrual* inst.,,at.onk wen ..
the srarni.Of the Coven* far that pir
km to,tdrn ,
11° 4'
consieted'of tlietairoja
thelnealseithi'a ibelard iiriVejet r Or,
said county ntitiths, urea dead.% s
a. ' J. N. NoEsToN
:9 13 . 111 N , • ' ' •
Gritonativ; Asatiiciate Jodie.
. _
WHEREAS pay wife twin AL hie l&
board, widione any just
cause or proWiciticin. 'Tfiereby , forbid any one
harboring or'irtuiting her on my account; Tor
shall pay no debta .her 'contracting after this
!late. - -IFEOYD H. HOWES: ,
Builingtan, Jiui. 19, 1844: ' '
frumnon.wirliAmnsitii); PreeidEnt
• AL Judge of the of Penn.
eylvaia, has ordered an 4 appointed a Spec ihi
Court,o(Cemmort f,?leas bobeld (orthe:county
of Bradford, at l'owaoda, the,2stfi
day of March ne=t, at twottelock,'t AT, forth.
4101 of till such Ones as nu4rihen'be pending
in said . court.
• - ;.• - AARON CHUBBUCK. Proth'y
• Prothonotary's office Towanda. Dee 29,1843.
AS TU . ST RECEIVEDfrein Nevi York
BA City, Ll' large' end' well eileetVd reso rt= went of FAD'; 4 WITVTER GOODS wbich
stkie ofreted for selett his - old atand. . Hie stock
• consists in.part of , ' - „.-
DRY GOODS,.: . CUT LE R Y, . :
cocicKEfrzy,. , .HATS.&.CAps,
•,- . - . &C - . &c, &C. -. ., - , ; 2 .;
MA* will 6e
,eold on the'•motif. reasonable
'terms ;,,r ;cash or country Troth*, fig old
custornent';end - the public geUerally ore iegine
ted t o jiff Ond examine qbalitieit and pricCe.
• Tostvda, .Nov. 1 ltb, 184.3, • ', _ :
~54 (90 a, oo mro'ocazawfzia
AVE just ' received and•are now opening,
' i 4 at the store lately occupied
Niollet; io Wysor, an tictensive and %veil se
lected assortniant of • ' •
-Fall' 4—Winter *Goods
consisting of almost every variety Of,Dry Goods,
Groceries, Crockery, Queeneware, Bardware,.
Boots and-Bhbes; dcc., - "&e., which' thefoffer to
the publid on the mostfavorable•terms-fin: cash
,or . madfpay. Havinq purcbgeettforpiti pay
at exceedingly low prices,- and , confidently be
lieving that their terms and prices offer equal if
not greater inducements to the purchaser than
can he found'elsiwhere, they:respectfullisoliCit
the patronage of the:community.
Lumber and prodece takenln payment.
WysoriNciv. 6, 1843.
11. blk* .
- A ,RE NOW RECEIVING frotio'Nkir York
a large and choice selection if GOODS
of every description, to which they call the anon— '
timi. of_ the public, ,and which will be sold for
cash, prOuce of all kinds, and Lumber, at ex
ceedingly low prices, Call and acantinepricei
and qualities.
Novembei 7, 1843 - . •
opening at Montanye's, which they,will sell at
wholesale or retail at such prices as will ensure
a liberal share of pablic patronage. - Thkir stock
consists of • ' !, • •
Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Bonnets,
Gent emens' Hata ;5. Caps,
Buffalo Robes.- 4'4.
and all the etceteras necessary for tha 'comfort fi
of a' cold winter, which appears to ba rapidly
approaching. ,
J. D. itk, E. D. MONTA.NYE.
Towanda; Noviruber 8,:1843. ' '
HE sultscribere h a ve just received at their k _
store in Monroeton, a lar g e and'well *se
lected assortment of FALL AND' WINTER
I seODS, comprisin g almost every variety of
Dry Goods,' -Itardteore,
Groceries, . 0.1 Crockery,. sic.
which they now.offer to' the publie at very low
prices' for ready pay.' -
The citizens . of Monroe and the sunoinuling
country, are respectfully invited to call and. ex
amine our stock, as we are confident we can give
diem as good bargains as they can find at any
tither establishment in the county.
Cr Lumber and Produce taken in payment.
D. C. di 0. N. BALSBURY.
Monroeton, Nov. 8, 1843. -
Y"✓lT' 0. D. 14RTI4ETT 9 S.
' 0et0bir.23,1g43. , •
TA 2 lloillitt!
VETOULD respectfully inform the public
Vie' -that he continues , at his old stana, ow.
the west stae l of Main Street; bet Ween Bartlett'e
bnaK ing,shury's . stcire4, np *lra, where he
will be fajta in readiness to do lilt-kinds of
wink in hie line, in style not to be surpassed
by Any
.other shop in the countrk. - Prices to
suit the times. He thanks his custbmers for
past favors; and hopes by strict attention to hu-•
siness and accommodating' terms in merit a
continuance of Public,fivat... „ • • z •
Particular attention roa'A in.cuttta4; and war
ranted to fit if properly • '
,Cl:73losit emnitrY *bailee taken in
paymitnt for. work, . ‘-r •
• Towanda. Nr.v•.l4th.-184% e•- -
' Bo .lacriber,offerscorSale Ida farm in
2-iurollsawnship, four and iv half ,miles
iron iands,cOntaiping 12.5 acres;about.loo
. 1(111 : 00 . ed, and inr 2 a good . ; tate of 'cultivation,
convenient tniiidings.: Tiro biatiOn efsaid.
an is Siollicriosnr..l*enn the, west. side of • *
tee riser; belowiTowands;and in fair siesefrom
liVyriccruld Standing &sue nap s ows
setibef wishing Ip,leayetbe Stitift will take
thirds what the fartnjewrirtli and: give a credit
'for oniguilf the money. ;* Ana rson
wishing to bii9 p PmP y brtbatliedbad bet,
ter call on t ie subscriber anon' on•the l ismi l ay a . •
• • . SAMUEL ttELLUM.',I:d.
?lured, iiat 184t:-.•:
MERINOS, iitipactOfeas. a.lainfs„
beaiiit,trai" mati4e for
sale 6'p " . - 1 •:" /' • r NAM* SON.
QOT -to
.4:84-OESiW tutajtenait. at
. "