The Bradford Porter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1842-1844, March 13, 1844, Image 2

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Watiiidiy,144. , , 1 4 . ,A44;
For President In 1844,
Tor tee Pre.sidenti
ISaldect to decision of a National CosvenOon:J.
Eiden it)? President . and Tice.President.
wiLsos ReA. - 2s-k!xiis,t. Senatorial. _
. .
1. George P. Lehman:l3,'George Schnabel.
..2. Christian Eneass. 14.1Nath'l B. Eldred.
William3;ELSmith. 15. M. N. bible.
4. John 11iIV(Phila„) , 16.1James Woodburn.
5. Seuinel E.Leech., 17.1 Hugh Montgomery
6. Swaim' Camp. 18. Isaac Aukney. •
7. *Jesse Sharpe. ' 19.' John Matthews..
8. N. W. Sample. . . 20.; William Patterson:
9. WM. Heider:rich. ' 21. Andrew Burke.
10: Conrad Shinier. 22 John M'Gill.:
11: Stephen Baldy: 23. Christian Meyers.
12. Jonah Brewster. * 24. Robert Orr.
, • .
For Governor,
-••• '
For Canal Conunissioner,
fr3' As the Senior . Editor mast necessarily
be absent for several weeks, the entire eharge
'end control .of the office will devolve upon his
son, E. o.;Gocanacn, who is equally interested
in the publication, and to WhoM ill payments,
communications, &c., can be made.
The Calamity on the Potomac
The information which we commu
nicated to a portion of our readers last
week, has proved too true. Later in
telligence confirms the awful tidings of
the . bursting of- Capt. Stockton's big
gun; and the death of several individu
als. On our other page will be
found .a lull' accuunt of this disastrous
accident. The particulars of this awful
' calamity are so- horrid as at first to
stagger belief., In the midst :of joy and
festivity, wh i de
.thel song and the re
pariee were on every lip,the grim mon,-
ster ;talks into the group and marks as
his victim the noblest of the land.
It may not be uninteresting to- - add
- 'some particulars concerning 'the gun
and ship not generally knosvh.. The
ship was built at the expense of S.
by Capt Stockton, of the U. S. Navy,
and Was some novel in her build and
appearance. The gun is the•only one
ever made, of the kind, was invented by
Capt. Stoekton as the'' moat efficient
instrument of Aestruction known, to the
world. "It was abort 16 'feet long—
• weighed tertlons, nil carried a ball or
225 lbs., was made of a stolid shalt_ of
wrought Iron, "drilled out, and was -de
signedlo perforate lite sides.ot vessels
of war at the distance of a, mile. It had
been previously filled twenty times in
succession with double 'charges of
' -
powder to test its strength; and it is
now•believed that`die wadding was nor
rammed home home or the explosiqn
would not have taken place. • 'l,_
Capt. S. had command of the vessel.
and; had • projected' three pleasure sex
curiions down the Potomac, two had
. .
been made and passed off pleasandk,
this was the third and last and-the-re
sult all haveseen=+melaneholy indeed!
The bodies of the unfortunate indi
viduali were brought t? Washingtonon
Thursday,' and-placed VT the Presidents
house,' the doors being lined With black,
and black festoOns deeoratino:ffie win
dows. •
On Saturday, the rreniains of Mr.
Upshnr and his fellow leutterers were
deposited in the' 'naith. They -were
followed to their l'Ong holm by, an im
menee concourse of niouiners, consist
ing of , the President,,, and.. family, - and
members of Congress,. government of
ficers; foreign ministers. officers of the
army and navy and_otiters. '
It is now, believed tbat one of the
chief causes of this dreadful Occurrence
was the •-inferiOr quality . of the - iron of
Which the gun was thanufacture'd.
—Th'e. Hon. Henry Feick, re - preset lin
Live from the .thirteenth CongressionAl
district in',:this • state, died at-Vashmg
ton,-.'oti- Friday 2d !net. Frick
was eiit 'kb* Atitti year of - Ins aie, and'
has been, in . tielicauit 'hialtb for Borne
,time past. 'His remains mere taken AO,
Milton fopinteratentr 7 1 gr. Frick wee
a Whit;• was elected"±over John
Snyder, d'einoera last fall, in 'a -ibtiit t r).
°rade district, by majOiitv of 240.
epaocratte, S;a;e Cifolkielinos.
The delegates to the ; Ditnneritia State
Convention assentblet!tat:Hirrisblirm; on
lititiday4 Coniention'
:was fully a*Afia. and teas
temporatilY biAPPoint.i l 444;t- 14 ,fikt =
anus., of Erie, Chaitrian
wood, of Mrestinoreland, and Georg i, W.
Bown3an, of Bedford, Secretaries.
A Committee of seven was appointeel
to report upon she contested seats, and
a committee ot gentlemen from Each Se
natorial district appointed to name.officera
to preside over the delitterations: of .the
Convention. - During the absence of ihe
committees, the Convention wasaddresa
ed by 'Hon. John Galbraithi, of - Erie, M.,
( B. bowry, of Crawford, and David Wit=
mot, esq., of _
The committee.reported the following
named gentlemen as officers :
President :
1-ion..JACOB FRY, Montgomery.
lice Presidents :
WILLIADi copiAN, Fayette..
,ALux. Jonss,Tou, Westmoreland.
G. W. GILBERT. Philadelphia city.
AVID Wuziox, Bradfoid.
Butiwy WELSH, York.
HAMMOND, Northumberland. '
COHRAD SHINIER, Northampton.
K Francis L. Bossiman, Luzerne.
Franklin Vansant, Bucks.
.r." 1". Hoover, Venango.
Joltn,H. Dimock, Susquehanna:
.0n Tuesday evening, the Convention
proceeded to the - consideration of the dis
puted SenatOrial delegate.' froth Bradford
and Tioga'counties. '
Mr. LOWRY niovrqd4that J. W. GUERN.
BEI4 of Tioga, be adMitted to a seat. Mr.
Mesoakmdved to strikeout the , name .of
"John IV: Guornsey," and insert That of
Picitskri of Bradford,. The ques..
PO was discussed at length by the clai
mapts and others, when Mr. PFIWIANCE
movegs a resolution, that neither of the
claimants' baVing, been properly elected,
both be excluded ; which was carried
without a divi sion.
Wednesday morning, Mr. HE UPHILL
of Chester, offered a resolution in favor
of a "third man," which was negatived
—yeas, 61; nays, 70.
The Convention, on Wednesday even
ing, -proceeded to the nomination of a
candidate for_ Governor: After the pro-
position of candidates, all the names were
withdraw =except Muhlenburg, Shunt,
Bell, Wagner, Bigler, and, Sturgeon.
The first baUot stood, •
Muhlenburg, , 60
Shunk, ' • • 52
Scattering, l 9.
Another ineffectual ballot wait taken
which resulted as,follows : j • •
Muhlenburg,., 65
Scattering, 17
Upon the , third ballot the votes stood.
Muhlenburg, • 67
Shurik, ' ' 55
.1 ,9
Consequently HENRY A. MunLEN-
mine, was declared dily nominated; and
is now the candidate' for Govenor of the
democracy of Pennsylvadia. It is un
necessary for , us to pay any eulogium
`upon his character or talents.' His name
is known iti4he remotest corner of our
State, and his reputation equally well es
tablished'ai a man of firmness and inter
rity and one who will do more to iedeem
the character of. the democratie party
from the ()ilium east upon' t by our pre
sent executive, than any person who
could- haie been selected. There has
seldoM been a convention that has
presented beforiit such an array , of tal
ent, unquestiond ability and integrity as
the present, and we trust that the 'de's , o
qatic partywill 'put by all personal: l pr:
terences, and rally : to ‘ the support ; of the
candidate thus serected, for the- welfare
of our state, and the'perpetuity of our in
stitutions. •
kresolution was passed' in favor of
Yail Buren for,The Presidency . , by a vote
Of .91 to 35 ; 'whereupon Richard M.
'Johnson was declared the choice of the
entiventionforNieeTresidiney with ne•
,Joshua Hartshorne of Cheater was-put
in nomination for 'Canal. Commissioner
and 'an''electoral ticket formed -which
Will be foundat the head of °Or
• . •
GENERAL CASE, rauthatizcd the
-e(iitof of the Detroit_Free PICAS . to say
that it hilli - tto4itFrable determipoA .s o
suppin, the nominee of the Dittocmtio
Convention.• • -
Wiii s t Na•
. tlonal CpueOpp, for
,the nowination `of
President'and Vice. Presidin,of the., Vpi
'pictiStatil ineetatlialtifindie - on Wed....
ntsaay the first of _
News from all Nations.
15 9 of Boston,
t • D
while ~,
!ing on the skin, ip,,that:ity, the other
evening; exhibited io,his ,
Life of Waltent,: the late ',notorious
highwayman, botinditi- a portion othity
own (Walton's—not the riisete•? l iii
skin, which e 'it appears, hod been tan
'Thp snow is only)three feet, upon a
level, at - Northam — PiOn and' is
well packed down by gentle . rains and;
*arm suns. On. the-hills west'it is
' , cocked Vp" for the stuniner,V
. The AmeriCan Republicans 'of NSW
York .are making IC - reparations for
nominating,a candidate for 'Mayer.
It is estimated that 22,-
000 palini leaf. hats were manufactured
in the to. of 'Amherst,. Mass., last
year. The number of straw bonnets
manufactured at the' 'manufactory of
Mack & Son amounitd to upwards of
$69,000. -'
The receipts for freight and passen
gers by the Hibernia, on - her last trip
amounted to about $28,000. .
A subscritriion of one hundred 'dol
lars has been raised at Portland. to in.
vite Ple Bull to visit Thatplace 'on his
return f i rom the South.
,The Boston Courier contradicts ex
plicitly the rumor that Mr. Choate in
tends resigning in the Senate
of the United 'States.
There is a iaw among the Arabs that
permits a man to divorce any of the
four Wires allowed him who does not
make good bread.
Aman named Wm. Brewster, Com
mitted suicide at Lyons-, N. y., a day
or -two ago. Dr. W. P. Cleveland.
of Morrisville, , Madison county, • N.
York, committed suicide a few days
The Baroness Rothschild is studying
the draina for the purpose of appearing
in private theatricals. She pays 70
franc" far •each lesson !'
There are forti reporters from London
attending the State Trials at,Dublin.
On the 20th inst., there left Savahnah
for New York, ten thousand fresh shad,
in a vessel. They were nicely- salted
down in ice.'
The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser
statesihat the quintity of grain pouring
into the Western ports, , is beyond all
precedent. Chicago, Mithigan city,
and Milan have now in store 600,000
bushels, with every prospect of alur
ther increase. '
They noticed at l ßarre, (Mo.) lately,
a circular rainbow around the eurie-
In Syracuse , with 8,256 inhabitams
there are 44 lawyers. Rochester with
22,000 has 70. , ,
A company has just been forme& at
Boston, with a capital of one million
of dollars, for the manufacture of mous-
The Mayor of Wilmington, Delaware
has notified the different tavern keep
ers within his jurisdiction to close their
bars on Sunday.
Extensive seizures of smuggled,
goods, have recently been made in Neat
"York. '
It is . rumored that a United" States
government officer at New York is a
defaulter to the arnountS2oo,ooo.
Five thousand ladies of 'Cincinnatti
hare petitioned the Councils of thaiciti
against licensing any taverns or grok
A young man, named Jacob Decker
about twerity-,even yearsof age,
so shockingly injured op the 22d inat,
in New Hanover township, ;111ont4ianli
ery county, Pa., by the premature dia
harge-of a cannon,' that he died in a
fe- minuies. .
i ' ' '• ,
e West Branch tank at.William
spor . emneneed-paying specii,on all
its 'abilities on the 24th inst. .
The Legislature of Maryland ad.
jonined on iltearing of the melancholy
accident/On the Princeton. - '
-Fice'hitildings were , burned down at
Rome, N.Y. on FridayiLoss $10,090,
insurance $B,OOO.
'An .iinjured hns nat
d , Tallabasse,
shot his wife's seducer, in i duel, on
Bth , the, Stieeitves marsh.
The premier to thi , king. of the Sand
wich woman.' Nothing
strange tor woman to'rule.
Mac! has= published, a
parting address to his constituent's.
4bip is now pending, fn Michigan
tegisiature':6l prdliibit the . laantf of
Bank: notes of leinidensiminatioi'thati
,i , , :.,,,..,.'::: :..:: ..:-:. : j:-: :a.,,,.1::',.',1: - .
-::,,Daritt Fr4Oke.'.Es l l..?,Fri.o 7 ,fir Chkit ,
ter : dottitty,; - :died :Cori Soitrday; am at:
Errnssurz SALE.- 7 We learn ,frop - I
'the Sunbury, : Americo!, that the' ilokt
tear' n iVerks,, at Danville, ere'kiK.
br Biddle; Chambers 4r, Co, were sold
at Sheri it sale on; 3VlOday lest: t,.?6e
two; Anthracite Fii4os- are probably.
the Most sptenaid Willing!' Ofthe 14E14
in th 4 Union. Tile whole -preperlY,
which consists of about sevehundred
Iteres'of land,' with titnitermis uildings,
iron Ine...ana lintestenoSold foy $31,-
200, subject to mortgages and other
lines, amounting to 'about 1 $34,000;
making in the Whole i nptiards : of ,sey - -
entylhousand dollars,lThe properly,
wai iturchase'd hy Mes's - rs. Caswell and
-Murilockl- of New Tork, 'who held
large claims against the same.-... ,, *r.
Peter Baldy, of Danvil le , in Connebtien
with a mercantile fir m of Philadelphia, ,
Were, there competitors at the sale, :who
intended, if they purchased; to put the
wqrks into operation (Without.Mak—
Terms Of sale, 10 pea l ' cent, Asivn and
the balance in April next, which is
equivalent to a cash sle. •
1 •
, , ,
POJON:ED POZCIL I A quantity of ice;
ta4en from a pond near New York, foi
the use of the deaf and dumb institution
of that! place, was, from some peculiaAtY
in its appearance, examined and analy
zed and found to contain arsenic in quan
tity sufficient to cause the death of aU
the inmates of the institution had it len .
used. i The pond is near a vinegar and
chemieal manufactory, at which as mitch
as sixty pounds of arsenic are used i pec
day, and the , refuse is' conveyed into 'the
pond, consequently the 'water is' impreg
nated with it.
TRIAL - FOB readas
will secollect 'that a. George Kettering
was killed by Simuel.Dixon, in a store
at New Alexandila, Westmoreland.
county, by striking him with a weight.
Dixon's trial was concluded at Greens-,
:burg at the February term..and resulted
'in hts conviction' of the crime of man
•staughter: He 'was sentenced to the
Penitentiary for two years.
ACCIDENT.-Mr. William StaWord', 'a
respectable citizen, of - Lewistociu; Pa"
was killed on,Friday last, by the props
'slipping from under a . bo't which he
was calking. His head and shouldore.
Were caught undet it • and literally
crushed to pieces, causing kplautanqinp3
;FIRE Ayr TIZOL—The cabinet 131,4
of Mr. E. C. Oliver, at Troy, was
partially destroyed. by fire on Friday
let-inst. The fire was communica
mil, it is supposed by _means of*a te•••:-
baeco pipe. Insured to the full amount
of damaae. • '
Mn. ADAM'S LECTURE, delivered be
fore the Borough ,Teraperance - .society
at the Coat house, on Tuesday even
ing, sth inst., was able and elOquent,
and delivered to a crowded and Mien
titre auditory. The singing - was also
werthy,of mention.
game owners ofprOperty on Fairmount,
Baltimore, have propoied to the Coun
cil-to cede io that city a square of ground
for the erection of'a konurnent to - Gen.
jack - son, providing that it be commenc
ed within two years after his death.
at Rarrieburg-ori the 'dth iost.iand no
minated GEN. lii.D.RICLE ; of Westmore
land county, for Governor and SIMEON
GUILFORD; for tanal.Commissioner.
Bianch Bank, at Itladison, Indiana, was
entered on the night of the 20th 61t.,
by means of skeleton keys, and robbed
of $27,370.
A Miszani.—The",asSertion that the
-'• be
qMr. Porter, of Louis l sna, , n as be
queathed a large ainan'ut of money .to
Henry Clay- is not true. He left Mr.
Clay a breastpin, Viand nOth ng
Too FAST.-. S ome of the pap+, in
their haste to — giire an aUcount of-tbe
execution ,of the Doiati l 4 - have", hung
Bridgel, notwithstapdine.-the Gnu - r.
nor's respite. . •
S WWI the ti I d
oinnAsy.-- e e [pa l g e
remains of Mr. ?ardittor-Were lying on
board the Prineltoo; the nuptiaiief his
brother were be og celebratedht INew
RELIEF No7e..,—The Auditor iGeo
eral, agreeably to the instructions of the
law, on the 27th init., destroyed 'A$94, - -
087' Of the relief issues state. r •
Tet6LATE.---716 -, proceidinge
meeting 4thPlis w9hB not reedy
iil ;9 o'ciciCk iAtol l api.:coriseq
too late for this weeks Open •
coyes*idence from Ilarrisburg.
-''''•;-',,filiunisinsto,"MAncti 6th, 1644.
bill' appropriating $60,000,t0 place the
ca na t*ed - .oite`oads in order for the
itli, - 5 4rieg.:Oviptien was referred 'to::k eam .
mittee_of conference, who reported 'pn , ';fcyherei.t
'daplast, , lo4ng itidieretionary with the build
Oommiasio;ers to itake the proposed repairs on
the Franklin line o r not. The report was alien.'
tal• in both branches. _ - .
The bill giving ont We public printing to the
lowest bidder passed final reading in the
on Friday, by a vote of 20, to 7.. :Under the
bill as it passed the -Senate tlio allotment will
• take place on the third rtioday March. 7
An_arfendment was offered - iproviclini that thi
bill shouldnotl It. frect thedermani printers lint'
it was voted Alown—yeas. 1,2, nays 15: The .1
bill passed as origitteUttePetted,Nith the rr!!
caption of an amendment providing• for the f
printing - of the eiecutive 'blanks at the rate of
eine deer per quire. - ' I
In the afternoon Mr Babbitt, offered . the fel
loWing which. Was ado pted :
Whereas, The accident .which occurred on
bOanl the U. S. steamship" Princeton" on the
28th ult., near. Washington city; occasioning
the death of the Ron. the Secretary of State,
and Secretary of the Navy; with other distin
guished citizens and' gallant seantan r ia'at once
so'appalling in its character, and so melancho
ly in its consequences as to demand is prompt
and earnest expression of public sentiment;--:
Resolved, - That the Senate of Pennsylvania;
whilst they are deeply sensible of the foss the
country ha's sustained by therecent suddenvand
overwhelming catastrophe which has deprived
her of so much petriotiim, wisdom, 7,a10r and
priirateworth,they at the' same titnesinceiely
sympathise with the desolatedfandlies and be:
reeved friends who 'have..heen made mourners
by this afflictive dispensation ofProvidence.
•Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
'be Us:ls:pitted by, the Speaker of the Senate to
the President of the United. States, with a re
quest that he transmit a copy thereof to eacliof
thehereaved families,' i . -
Resolved, That thie"Senate do now adjourn.
Mr. Trego sidunitted the following, which
was unanimously adopted :
Whereas, an accidental explosion on
board the United States steam vessel "'Prince
ton," on the / it'll!: ultimo, the lives of a number
of distinguished 9fficers orgovetnment have
been sactfficed, among- whom are the Secretaiy'
of Statehnd Stretary of the Navy, with othei
valuable and respected:officers, citizens, and
•eesmen who were on board said vessels the
time of the'occurrence of that awful catastro
phe; therefore,
Resolved, That this }louse amply regret's the
occurrence of this Pl4ilic calamity, and:condoleS
with the bereaved families and afflicted friends,
of those who have been so suddenly taken from
them and the nation; by this afflicting tpcnsa
tion of providence.
Resolved, The Speaker be reqne'etedli o com
municate a copy of the foregoing preamble and
resolutions to the President of the U. S. •
. ,
Resolved, This House do now adkinrn.
The resolutions of Mr. Cooper for.the relief
of the state were again taken up citi Saturday,
and after considerable discussion were finally
disposed'of. The seecindxesolution recommend
ing a sale of the public works was agreed to—by
a vote 0148 to 45. The .7d resolution recom
mending the issue of $200,000,000in bonds of
the general gOvernment for the relief of the states
was lost—yeas 40, riays's3. The 4th resolution
treing'under consideration, Mr. Tustin moved
to amend by striking out and inserting " that
it is the sense of this lioUse that a tariff for re
venue with proper _discriminations would be a
sufficient tarillur protection."; Mr. Richman
moved amend the amendment by recommend
ing Congress tolpasa a law providinefor the
distribution of
.ffie proceeds of the Sales of the
public L lands—lost, yeas 41, naye 53. "The
question recurring on Mr. Tustin's amendment,
Mr. Cooper moved further to amend by insert
ing-=" that it is the duty of Congress to pro
met' the labor of our own country against the,
competitiOn " ofj foreig,ti pauper • labor." This
amendment was adopted by a•vote of 58 to - 33,
anti the amenainent as amended was adopted
by a vote of 83 to 8..
Bills have - been reported in the Senate forthe
sale of the main line and DelaWaratlivisioni
The Speaker laid before the Senate the fol
lowing letter ; from tlao President of thiktinited
States: ~
•Washington,'March 4, 1844.
My Dear Sir—lhave toacknewledge the re
ceipt of your letter covering certain resolutions
of condolence in relation 10 the melancholy oe-.
currence which transpired on hciaril the ":Prince- :
'toe on Wednesday last, and inform you
thati have • usiequested promptly, transmitted
copies of the resobations to members of the se
veral far/idle% Permit me to add, my dear sir,
thatfhave,litieri sensibly affectelby the course
.QT the Senate of Pennsylvanian! the just appre ,
ciation which it "has' placer) en £1 calamity so
aviful. ' ' .• • JOHN. TYLER.
To the Hox.-Wsr. Thar.en, .„,,
Speaker. of the Senate of - PennsYlvania.
On motion of M. Sullivan thaletter miser
dared to be placed upon the journal.
Yours,. Zee.
entire amount of relief notes'issueil by
the Northampton Bank; under= he 'act
of 4th. of nay:-'l4l, is
There has been cancelled at the Tress=
ury $ 1 . 4 ,400-4eaving' in circulation : A
legal isitici taltaim , '
ANOTIIER urtionno,--We
learn from the - 113ostmi.Ps A g that the
Lirienee . MinufaetOring eompany bare
ileciarea a'aiviileir4:orefolat -per cent,, far aircnisit on 'l:capital Of:6l'4oor
4y a„ carriages Were en
freighted with the
and grace of the city.. Abont 1,1
A. M., the President of i dle ' I::
'States, Mrs. Robert Tyle,.ol s
er, Mr.. John Tyler,
num bet of offieers inzjiiterh.
all the members of/the 'Ca z l - in lei ,
Mr. Spencer, many' other
ijoliarieS.ol - State,' gra ve s e:ia i ee, - ,
aspiOng members, ("bit e a s un f :ei
'attaches and'secretariesi of-
co. (Sir Richard Packiailia;l,
invited, but declined,) and,a n ea t
other gentlenvn, whose tiarosle,l
recollect, were assembled 4 the ,
of one .of the steamers, plyi ng k:
here and Alexandria, fast
for ;Alia place. Opp(iiie 1 1;y
Yard a boat-load of noisiciar.4,„
ken on board, who, as vvg 2i , p ,,,
Alexandria, and the PriNcevcJ,,,,
sight, struck 'up Hail Cohmbii,
'we were describing a grareiul
der her bow to : view the spleislii:
er in all'her pride, the .I'4 B of .
nation streaming from every ciar,
her yards manned to retina thc,
that were uttered by, the coe.: r;
we neared.her.
We now approached her mi. !
.board side, and came quiticlosei.
A. bridge wait made from our!'
deck to the Princeton, and the
and gentlemen gently reeeicedb;
officers on deck, and conducted v.:
lain Stockton, in full 'uniform,
band now struck up." the StarSe‘
Banners", the marines presented ,
and as ' oon_ as the • Company sea
board, a salute of twenty-one gtot
fired, the_ band still playing II al .
airs ; and it was quite atunsingte
how many ladies remained en d:
witness the manoeuvre, although
had been politely requested 11
`down not to be annoyed with the
of powder, or the noise of the
No one 'imagined, from the pi'
cheerfulness which preiailed
throng, that Death was walkitip
midst of them, coolly !Eingllng'%7:
victims. A splendid dinner trn , .r
in the cabin, and the ladies szt
first, and vete- Iva) ted on by the J.
men, who were really agree:tile
did the best, with wit and reps:
season the repast.
a i f tl o i n lo r e cl n h4 F .p m o l o rh r t? t e o l ia n N m s li d i e a a s mn : a i i d : meanwhile
t l °se sail
and Fijre ia N nl ' l ei a n' u t; :i i:
p . a ‘ n i' d a s s 1.1
andiOe:r° np.uir,"
suffiCient scope for the potrtvi
big guns. -the forward gun was E"
and fired, the ball striking ill '
and rebounding fi've or•six tine
the eye would no longer follow'r,i
progress. To observe the effete'
l s a l r )P b t I
o ard "d c a p m o t s ei t n e a d d emgtui myself,
and t
d l'e ..'
had erected a kind of seaffoldini,f.
ladies to stand on by the side via
One or- two had taken. their 7. ,
there, and besioe me stood ,1,t,1r. , i ,
tary lipshur," intent, upon 'na
the wlrole inanceuvre.i I offer
my place, but, lie eclined. say' ,
preferred - to stand where he w ,
precise spot where a' hour 4
. he wartorn to piedes.
. Meanwhile the tablihadogai a
set for_the gentlemen, int we repa
down to join in the cer, , ral h
and tbo Cabin re,echothe chew
plaudits of the cumpaiiv. "The,
sident" was then drnult, Vett:"
nine cheer's, to which the Presider
plied-by giiinir s' the Oregon , the ?:
maker, and Captain Stoetten.'
npniber of toasts were then Fret
'and drank with all the honors :bt
Beaten, ,Col. Smith!, of Neal
Senator IVoodburv. and others , "
last Miss Wickliffe daughter
Postmaster General. prope
American Flag, the only tbilj
can that 'will bear stripes." 'l , '''
received with thundering effh a ''
the young lady's henhh was &wet
three times three, and herself ate
worthy of `marrying 'a hero. So .
was, that toast drunk' when the
scene was.elin,nged into one of .
editess.and woe. I I
Captain 'Storktort's
again loaded with shot, and an
trial nindec;of its strength and etlie:
-The gtitt was pointed to leval o
behind it "ifOod,Captnin 5.10617,',
de to the left Of !drill' Mr. 1 .
ton Tyson, Assistant' Postg4,t,
great gse
eral, of your city.; -Illy th e s ' ° : o 4"
latter, a little behind, . him , t
_ A
srichlanil, also of yourei.ty,,e",u_
behold h lw '
tte to the-right of,
Benton of .Mussouri,l-wh?,had 51.
his arm, . and: Judgf Pittgri _.;',
frotn'Vertuent. TO the l a te Se
of n Stl t t o e o , d G 4 o u v d !G e ij ihne l e i tt tleatSe ; l
the Navy,., who had lint 3 . .0
.e a p i t i e tt r i e e d b o e t h i t n it d e
t t h l ti e ti s o : f rl h s
alt 0
4fraireirtn .Iflelgni raids MP ._,
.Marylatith.- ' , fly -th 01 h 7