The Bradford Porter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1842-1844, February 07, 1844, Image 1
II . . . . , . . , ••. , , . . • . . „ .. . • .. . , . . .„ . 4 . ... . .. . i,, ' • . - . .-, , = , -- ~ , ..- 2 r,--,.. . __..,:. .... , ......,,..--.,:-.-:: , : 1 , - .--,,,..,..-- ,-.,-. •-.-..:::.-, .-;:i• ,-. .... . , . .. t- :-. ~,...: r t ir • .1 .._ 0 i ~ , -"i— -i' i i 4 i i i it• V* , , . i 2- -•".:, • 011; i ,i. , r.i , 1 ".`.:: I":- , ' 0 111 " l ' '' ~, . . - 1 1 r . - $: :- , f= --.- 1-,1 ' -,`• ' , 0 -. • $,, ' -,..' . 0 . ..7 :.:1...'7 ' ' • " '. ' is - .. . . .. , ...' 4014 ... • •,.±" .... .2 , . ...!".• • .:W - . -,: , : , ~i : ; ,-, ~ : ~..! ,:- ' .".... r": . 1 : ",' . , ' •., `,..; -;., ...., -.,.. . , ,• -... .. ~ • , _ . ~... . , . . . . . vacaazasaaxo Vg poet the Loiiisville,Jourial.l ' fig no Voice to Weep ler lir, MCRIBED TO SAMANTHA. aultus. U. 8. NICROLII, no voice to weep 'for me; • 2. ;1 no breast to.aigit ; ;'• • i s h no wail nor moan io beg, Around me, whenl die; .rjeyfully and piacefully nig me down to rest, , e ma rble gmeing at my head, -- he turf upon my breast. r \ - in sothe Quiet, lorlelY. tlarer ineath a sheltering re sweetly bloom the wild fteld,flosieri, here burns the merry bie,' silently and pleasantry e, : knpw my dust will lie, Fhrined within a narrow mound, , teneath an open sky. , • • i • !Summer hint; might bui _ th e ir an s 'pan the thick-leafed bou gh, • ere, in faint beams of arrow; light, he.sunshine struggles through; J cheerfully and mirtlifupy These little birds might anguish in their liquid . ekes single heart to wring. ;softly?in the dewY' Spring The tender grass Will grew ; es sweet will be the wtispering fields, all calm and low ; ; • mirthfully and sportively thousand glittering things floating on the mellow . air aeir bright and gauiy fire-fly gay shall light his laMp, it eve beside my tomb, ; 11 not have the glow-vlinn there Who only shines in gloom; ;glowingly and lovingly. Tae stir will glance around Nature's self shall seem to smile !bon that spot of groual rummer, with her rosy dreams, And autumn with his lute I visit there as months go round, When this poor heart is mute; til quietly, and dreamily, lad undisturbed sleep; to belored torm,draws nigh - - Dore my pave to weep. , shOnld frie - ids their features abroad In sadness and in gloom, ` with their mournful accent', make eu :loes of the tomb;aenheppiil .rejoicin,OY • The ;pint Bass on ,high, • np in angel bawls to dwell . In 7orkis beyond the sky 4 mI I ask no v 'oleo to weep, No breast to heave a sigh, to hear no wail or noon Ardund me, when i diet or joyfully and pea fully rn lap me.down tdrest, mashie giMeing at my head, The turf upon no , breast. • re eat Sailor to his slttpmates.:` h! trilp tie in rny , countq's nag, And lay mein the cold:blue see, al kt the roaring of the winds, Ify solemn! requiem be. . t l shall sleeps. pleasant sleep, torats(above their heels Vas' hpice shall read for me The service of the silent dead ; 7 ye shall aka: me in the waves µ • Vi all the rrayirs are said. I will find my long, long Worm, •enh• the billows and the foam. " 341 , my friendif full many a league We've sailed together on the deep;, 4iefaressell!, I sail no more; But shipmates, wherefore weep! bona above; my course kir the port, my voyage's done. • . The Ross Rose... " Aspl of thefloweris one day tath a Rose tree sleeping lay , t •linii.—to whose elaige is given, oo.the young bids in dews from heaven, ''tag froze from his light repose, Angel. faispere.d to the Rose ° C ) rst object oftiy care, .` l4 fin% found wheal ali are fair,, the sweet shade thoutst given me, • " I st thou 't is granted thee "said the Rose, with deemed glow, las another grace bestow.” `Mt pained in silent thought, Code was there the flower had not'il I N bat a moment—o'er the Rose I `il of Mw's the Angel Won* 46 4,in Patna's'. simple weed, defla a flower that Rise exceed 1 . Great , Demoeratie Mass Meeting. In pursuance of public notice a very large meeting of the Detnocratic citizens of Cominonwealth of Pennsylvania,waa% Held at the Court House in :Harrisburg, on IVednesday evening, the 17th inst. The Court House was filled; literally crowded. Nearly, if not:quite every county in ihe State, was represented by the attendance of a portionfof their De mocratic citizens. • j The meeting was called to order by Mr. Fatziriaer-of Carbon comity, and organized by the-selection of Col JAS. - R. - SNOWDEN of Venango county as President. ' Vice Presidents. ABA DIROCE, of Susquehanna county. HENRY BUEHLER, of Dauphin " !RAE Vcru.sori, of Bradford • " J. B. STEAMILY., of gontgomery " GEORGE NAGLE, of Dauphin JOSEPR. BAILY, of Chester , " MAXWELL M'CASLIN, of Greene 64 ISAAC G. ArKisLzy, of Dauptin " HENRY LOGAN, of 'fink Josh J. M'CauF.N. of Philadelphi4 •• Jour! C. BUCIIER, of Dauphin 66 HENRY W. SM1T11", Of Berkti DANIEL M'LLNE, of Ciirboi Jolts fliana. of Dauphin • " Davin Beam= of Northampton " SECRETARIES. F.W. Hughes, of Schuylkill county. E. S. Goodrich, of Bradford • W. IL Coleman, of Philadelphia Levi L. Tate, of Cohontiia 4 6 Jahn S. Cash. of Yolk James Semple, of Juniata if - The object of the meeting having been stated..a motion was made and adopted that a 'committee of twenty-one be appointed to prepare and report re solutiuns, expressive of the sense of the meeting.• The following named per sons were announced by the President as composing said committee. Col. S. Salisbury. of Bradford county. John Fatzinger, of Carbon S Anne' Fegely, of Berks Henry Hughes. of Perry •a H. H. Laughlin, of Crawford 4 , Mr. Harvey; of Franklin 41 George Hill, of Berki • Thomas Bennett, of Lycomink Geora e t Knox, of `Toga TOhaMuirai, of Allegheny Wm. M. Piatt, of Wyoming S. Wilson, of Northumberland John Elliott, ofßradford C.M. Straub, of Schuylkill' E. W. Build, of Dauphin George Bush, of Wayne Philip Dougherty,'of Dauphin Wm. Merry field, olluzerne Lewis Bush, of. Susquehanna George M. Leman, of Dauphin The committee retired for short ue, and during their absence the meet. wag : . addicesed by Mr: PENNIMAN' of and Mr. M'F4p. county. Their DEN of 'Wash. 17g re marks were hum?? responded to. s' The committee, a p i ?Ointed, to• pre- Pare. esolutions, •reportedin:ough their chairman, that, they had agrees , Upon the folltiwing. which were submitted•ter the consideration of the meeting. • • - WHEREAS, the time has now come, when the Democratic .party of Penn sylvania should 'boldly. declare their will, and make known their plepsure in relation A to candidates for President and Vice Pies:4ot. 'of the. United Sittels; . and under the peculiar eircutastances in which we are placed, the union , anti harmony of the Democratic: party and iis uhimale sUccestin Pennsylvania im peratively demand that we should at once take our final position oil this im portant question. . , . Resolved. By the. Democracy' of Pennsylvania in Mass' Meeting assem bled, at the !Capitol of the Common wealth, that we have jitst cause to feel proud of the noble and gallant bearing of Ands Buchanan. His recent let ter to the . Demo - crate of Pennsylvania.. is renewed evidence of" his self-sacrifice ing devotion upon the altar of Demecra. cy, and cannot, fail io ; endear him still more to the people of Penriaylvaitieand the Union. We, will stand by hitii and eheerhim on in thereausiofeivil liber-- AY. with the whole moral and political, influence which attaches to o tle Data- . ray of 'the """Keystone -State.!! ! " The claims of Pennsylvania to the'fqesi dency in the person of James. Buchan.: -an are not cancelled, only . pOstrioried. Resolved, That we. bane - undintin. ished confidencein the 'patriotism. AA fr .ty.and sterling Democracy of MARTIN. VAN BUREN, sitd••that iii considera tion of his eminent services to the peo ple of the to itett States, "the Conataney, with Which he- his under circum-, stances adhered Wand ,•maintained the cardinal principles of thtiliettubli4tk f‘ :` •• • • 4 Regardkss Jattitinciationfrons anY. Quarsereinr, gol)immium 9 Ipm_kmuomm coWsYft , i•• I'PAI-09 gi3FLY.iun" vs ast4,&l--;. party of the Nation. the . Matchless con sistency whichhas characterized• a long and.eventful public life, and last, but not leak, Martin Van Buren fell with , his party-in 1840, While vindicating, Our principles with `a fidelity arifl 'ability un surpassed. We therefore unammousty recommend Martin Van Buren of New York to the consideration of the Demo- , cratic party of Pennsylvania, as Their candidate for the Presidency in 1844. Resolved, That the> unanimity; the 'haim i nny and )3nthusiasm with which the Detnneracy of the country are rally ing around our gallant, standard bearers of 1840, is a sornpresage to a! glorious victory in the coming 'contest, is victory that will be alike cheering and grateful to die - feelings of the patriot and philan- thropist. Resolved, That the groa,t. and illus. W oes services of Ricked M. Johnson to hie country for near half a'century. his fidelity and fearless devotion in the cause - 'of human freedom, his gallant and chivalrous conduct on• - the'eeld, his extended philanthropy, and pre-eMi ifent civil services in the public coon= all these thingsand more too, plead trumpet-tongued in behalrof the scarred and hacked 4 , Hero of the Thames."— Grateful for his services, we unani mously recommend RICHARD M.. JOHNSON, of Kentucky, for Vice President of the United States, theman who has 4 , shed more blood. for his country t than another now living." a statesman, and patriot who has stood by the people in every. vicissitude of for tune. in peace and in taar., Resolved, That we will 'fight the battle of 1844 under the olt‘, banner of 1840, this banner strea m in light, around it cluster the mast gin - nous re collection; ;of the past.' Martin Van Buren and Richard Johnson have, been tried and not found wanting, they are tbe,honeet exponents of our princi ples, and the unfaltering representatives of the popular will. THEY stood by the Democracy of the United States with unshakenfirnapess and trancendent ability under the inosttrying and &emir' reverses. Let the memory of this cheer uiron to a noble and manly effort for a restoration of ' our principles, and the ascendency of Democratic measured by, electing Van BUren and Johnson to the position from which they were, ejected by frauds, fatsehood and debauchery-as deoloralizing in its influence, as it is unparalleled in the history of our- go vernment. Resolve& That the doctrines of the , two great - political parties in die United States were'never more clearly defined, Or better understood than at the present time. The Democialic party contend ing for the full maintenance of the nal principles of our free institutions, equal rights and equalprivilegea, while the Federal party are contending for special rights, and special: privileges, and the creation of, a National Bank;, by the power of which, they :hope to assert and maintain a complete and sig nal ascendency - of the few over the ma ny, Under the banner of Henry Clay the Federal party will be sustained and cheered on by the money power, the • ariztocracy of wealth on both sides of the.,Atlantic. The Democratic party urged on by the noblest impulse ofduty and patriotism will sally foal() the on set in all the pride, and glory, and mor al bearing of freemen, and through the exercise Of the hilliest right of citizen ship at the ballot bpi l redeeth the Go - "eminent from the grasping, vautttog. ambition of Federation, and thereby show to an admiring,wor:d thatihe "so her second thought of the people is al ways right." Resolved, That we are opposed tO the projeCt of creating' a United States Bank, to the assumption of -the State debts by the General Government—to the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands, and to a profligate and unnecessary expenditure of the public money. Reiotved..That .we are in favor_ of a firopetand judicious tariff, Such as will advance - the interests of the whole peo. pie of the United States.' • • Resolved, That any. and all efforts by. associated and concentrated wealth to 'create' inequalities of political condi don, however insidious it may be. shall receive intr unmitigated - reprobation. that freedom of thodght, and of speech, freedorn of the Piesp, illegal!: and an. restrained exercise of . conscience and, of private judgment are Deinocraticdoce 'trines. Resolre4, Th at in vindication of these National principles and - meaaures. 'we present to our democratic fellow citizens the (mines of Van,Burer, and Johnson. These illustrious men have been enlac ed as Int standard.bearerti in "the , corn inianntest. of., 1844 , ; and the- 4 , 'star • ' ' , spangled banner," the beautiful:emblem of liberty:: and our. ceuntry,le IldreatlY proudly unfurled (Or the victory. his the .same glorious banner which floated in tritimph on - the "banks - ff . ' the .4 Thaines" in 1813,. over) Proctor and Teetimieh, 46 and long May, it Wave aver the land of the free, and the home of the brave." , m 'Resolved, That ' e r ~ T comentLto our democratic - f ow' ;I;tizens in -the ruz several counties t at on e organize for the coming struggle with our old ene mies the federalists: .I.,et this be our motto, 44 union, concession, every. thing for the cause,. nothing for men." • Resolved, unanimointly. That this meeting approve of the resolutionloffer ed in Congress by the Hon. Charles - . 1. Ingersoll, refunding to General Jack son the fine imposed on ,him by Judge Hall, for the gallant measures , taken in the glorieua defence of, New Orh3ans. 'halite to the e ' Sage of the Hermitage," no less than the integrity of the Ameri-, can character imperiously demands that a remission of the fine, and arestoration of the money to the " old' Chief' lie im mediatel had. , , - The r esolutions having been read and considered, .Col. J. J. M'C'emmN mov ed their adoption, and: addressed the meeting at some length, in a. forcible and impressive manner; - when the re solutions were' adopted by acclamation: Upon the adoption of the resaltations, COL SNOWDEN. the President, aqress ed the meeting in a forcible and Master ly 'manner. His remarks ,wereloudly reiponded to, A motion was thep made - by Col. WILLIAM BIGLER of Clearfield comity, that a committee of thirty be appointed to prepare an address, to the people o Penasyliania, on' ,the subject of the next Presideney, waif adopted,, and the Presidentiumounced the following per-. sons as said - cominittee : . Col: War; Bigler, of Cicarfield county O. B. M'fadden, of Washington A* D. L. Sherwood, of Tioga E. A. Penniman, of Philadelphia 3. K., Heckman.of Northampton !• Col. Henry C. Eyer, of Union •• A. L. Roomfort, of Philadelphia +• It. H. Hammond, of North'berln'd 6' - Henry Petriken, of Dauphin, John John Forney, of Lancaster . James Enue jr. . , of Philadelphia William E. Barton, of Bradford 1. •J. X. M'Lanahan, Or Franklin Jahn Fonlkrod;ofPhiladelphia W. R. Goigas,'of Cumberland " Henry Chapman. of Sticks S. M. G. Lescurei bf Dauphin A. Brackenridge, of Allegheny Thomas O'Bryan, of Perry - Solomon Shindle. - of Dauphin W. S. Picking; of York - " Henry M'Bride, of Westmoreland g , Rudolphus Smith, of Monroe Joseph Deal, of Philadelphia • Daniel Snyder, of Columbia . 44 James A. Gibsou, of 'Allegheny " H. B. Hineline, f Northampton' 44 Joseph W. Dune n, of Bedford . " Jesse Weber, of MMontgomery 4 , On motion, leave was given said corn mittee to report after the adjournment of the meeting, and ,that their addiesi be published with the proceedings. 'The following resolution watt then offered by by. .SummEt . of Dauphin • county. and adopted # d' Resolved, That' it be recommended to•the Democratic citizens of Pennsyl vania, to form themselves into estima tions for, the , purpoes of securing the , eleition of the nominees of the;Nation al Convention, for President and Vice President. ' - The following resolution Was ithen adripied, on motion of Henry Petriken, . of Dauphin county : ' 'Resolved, As the sense of this meet ing, that the. existing Tariff tiothing more or less than: sufficiently ' protects the• manufacturing, mining, agricultural• and laboring interests of. Pennsylvania; and that for its passage,-we ire mainly indebted to the Hon. JAMES BU. CHANAN, ; aIid for its permanency we must rely chiefly on his , well knosin consistency and unchangeable devotion to his native mite and its vital interests. On Motion, it svas , " Resolved, That the .President _and officers of, the - meeting be a cominittee to forward. its preceedings to Gen; An - drew Jackson,. Martin Van Buren, Ri- chard hi: Johnsen, James -Buchanan and _chides J. Ingersoll, and to each of the Democratic members of Cpagress frOm this-state. ; - Resolved, That ,the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the officers, and published an the Democratic Un init./and Dernocratio papers of this Conimonviealth: and inr the Globe a t WaShilliioo: - eiiy Albanr . ,Arols. Ohio Statestuan,,amO h o - Richmond E i n 7 ' quirer: ' ' " ;:at::: $.l MEE lIIMISI . .. . • • • General Jackson In 110000 C Andifion -trict.:Sontir ye* - since. kfieert" Mrs. Steplienson, , a•ivenerable elation,:who had been the, youthful...aconakrtience i of Gen.' Andrew,lapknon • daring.' the re iolntitinary war. - was induced ; by :curiosity, as - will air' iespeek for 'the' character efthisestitriable . old lady, - to visit who 'had beetithe 'companion of bur .illustrions.-x-ikeirident,in the days. of his boyhood and nbseurity.... foundMrs,Ptephenson all that she had been- represented to be,--in 'kind' hearted and fine looking Oletnet! ton full olconversation and ..aneedotea of ,the 4 , old She was born ,n . _neighborhood of the - Witsewir.„ in Leicester district' S. C.' andthere. grey!' irp' With the future "hero of :New. Or,. leans." The- wither' of Andre* , Jack- KM, ancl,..her„ three: sops.. were well known to Mrs. Vtephenson. 3 Andrew was the youngeSt.*and Omit,' her own. age. Th'ey'' .were tent: to the same schieo4 and '.their parents , lived very . near 'to each other. The father,of Gen Jackson died before Mrs. Stephertames recolleetient, and shortly afterhie . settle ment in'S'Onth• Carolina. and his -wife were . both . from Ireland.. At , the commencemeriV - Of. the ?reVolutionary sifuggle ip South =Carolina, Andrew was to . gram ochoOl, kept in the meeting Wise of - Waste* neigliboi hood.,. As the contest grew ,Warm the school was discoininuedi unit theineei; lag house burnt. down. - Li -the : mean time, one of _Andrew's brothers. died, 'and the,other entered the services of his country. t 'During the war this other 1 brother,almi'died with - the small pox.: The Witsaw- neighborhood, -- at one periqd7of the .revolution r , Was the seat of war in the Southern Country, • and was laid almost entirely 'desolate, 'and 'left Without --.itthabitants.' !It 'was :du ring this distressing period:that Andrew himself. then *youth - of 14 or .15 years Of ageijoined the army.. The particu lars of his services were unknown to' Mei.' - Stephenion; She uuderritoott, however, that he Was taken prisoner by the British, and heard that he had. re ceived a blow !from an -officer with hie sword, for not perforating some menial office during-licis imprisimmeat.' There were two cousins of Andrew's in the army with' hint. One of them was kill ed and the other taken priioner. Whilst a Prisoner of war in Charleston he 'was taken sick, arid hisatint. Mrs. Jackson loather life in attempting to visit him. She fell a victim`te the climate and soy row,: and her nephew. soon followed,- -This left Andrew without a relation on ;this side of the Atlantic-4 boy - and 'at= most aetrangerin a new country.' The little property .which:' hie family. pos sessed had been plundered and destroy ed. • . When the ;country was restored to peace, he found himself in no very agreeable situ:anon—destitute ofa home, reletions, frieMis and irony: 'Under these circumstances, hmade the house of a,Mr. White his home. White was the uncle of Nil. Stephenson, and a saddler by trade. Andrdw remained with hill' . twelve or eighteen months, and during that time assisted hiin in working at his trade. What , progress the future !resident of the United Olgtvo made in his humble but respecta-. ble oceupation, is not known. But the fact of his being thus engaged for that length ortime, is well known to Mrs. Stephenson,' Becoming tired • 'of the Ibusiness of making saddles, and finding lan Opportunity of doing better, he left Mr. White's and.went to North Caroli na,.k where he . afterwards commenced the study of law, and was admitted to the bar. Voter 'hr . , Cattle. • Every farmex . should provide a good supply of pare water for his stock, where ''they.. cur hale convenient accgss to it,. if possible to do this without great expense; the vrate.r should be in tbe barn yaid," that all animals may partake of it when they ,pl4ase, and save the, loss,of manure consequeneon their travelling some dis tance for, water, beside the liability - of the,weak 46 irijnred by 'the strong, or to be deprived of the privilege of drink ing, after ' travellinglar for that purpose. With a good well and . pump at or near the yard, or where the water can be car. tied - in a trough to the yard; water can be supplied with less trouble than by go ing distance to shovel out - Water and get :cattle 4o it in . stormy .and blustering days ;- besides the cattle will . be much better, aceopumidated, and a great' saving of'manure!Will'be made. '• :" • , • VEnixON.—liawthorße says; thepig.virit-siifring appeal „ , (o tor r hearihi,f; has becom e obsolete,l It is - ticknOit-for your . • • '.` • MI GociLiotiem'es ace. MEI The Blaebinith at the Battle at Poadrelam And no*l hate given ycin Some-in stances of courage , and Aieroie - daring , ' among those. high in station , and , m- - awned in fame,' ,One instancemore =.-an example 4of recklessvcourageo.- The' her was a stout blackainith--aye,'; an humble blacksmith, •his stout t frame, hardened by, mil throbbing: ith . as generous and impulse of fredom sii ever beat kr the bosom ,of LaFayette, or throbbed around--the- heart of mad Anthony Wayne. It was in.the full, tide dabs retreat, that a follower of the American , camp, who had at least Shouldered a eartwhip in Ins noentry'S Service, was driving baggage' wagcin from the . battlefield;:: while some short di:stance behind a body Of Contineetals , were. rushing for ward, with a troop of Britishers inclose. ptirsuit. The waggon had arrived at .a narrow point of the byel road leading to- the' south•-where L two high banks of rock and crag arrismgcm either for, afford ed just space sufficient the,passage. of his waggen, aad not Anita more.. Hie, eye was arrested by The sight of a stout, museular man, agate forty year of age, extending at Vie foot of a tree at the )rery 'opening of this pass. r: die was clad \in the course attire of a - mechanic—hia coat ,hadheentung aside and with the4hirt sleeies rolled up from his muscular arms, he kV extend ed-on the turf, with hill rifle in, his grasp, while tha 'blood t streamed „in * torrent from his 'rightleg, broken aithe knee by aeannon ball. The wag,goner's sympathies`.were arrested by-the sight—he would-'have paused itt the very instant of hiti and placed ther,wounded, blacksinith his wagon, but the . stout-hearted no. "Chanic refused. 1. • ' " 'l'll'not getinto your wagon,' he exclaimed in his rough may ; tell you:what I will do. 111 you 'see yonder cherry tree on the top of • that rock that hangs over the road ? Do , you think you could lift a man of mj , build up thar t: For yott see, neighbor," ' he continued, while the 'blood flowed fsom his- !round: I never meddled with the. Britishers until ,they Came ' tramping over this valley, and burned my house • down:* And now all riddled tnpieces, and being got more • than fifteen minutes life in mei But I have got three good rifle balls in my catridge box, and io jist prop me up against that cherry tree and I'll giveem the-whole three shots, and then," he , exclaimed, .1 and then-I'll die l" The waggoner started' his- horse, ahead, and then with a sudden effort of strength, dragged the blacksmith , along the sod to the foet'of - the cherry tree surmounting the rock by the road side. In a moment his'- - back waspropped against the tree, -his. face was to the advancing troopers, and while his shat, teredleg hung over the bank. the wag, goner rushed on his way. while the blacksmith 'ery coolky proceeded to load-his rifle. • _lt was noi• long' before a body of American soldiers rushed by, with the British in pursuit. The blacksmith, greeted them-With 4 shout, and-then' raising his rifle to hisphoulder,-hepielt ed the foremost from his steed, with*., the exclamation, " that's. for - General Washington. In a moment the - rifle, was loaded, 'again " was it fired, and - the pursuing British rode over . the bddy of another fallen officer That's- for myself!" cried die blickemith. then with a hand strong with the feel ing of coming death, thn . sturd.!% •free man again loaded, again- raised l 'his ri='. tie. He fired his last shot, and ea another officer kissed the sod, the tear quivered in the eye•of the dying black smith, "And that," lie cried, with a husky voice whichitrengthenedinto shout,." And that's for Mad .Anthony Wayne'." • Long after the - battle was' Past, the body was discovered, propped against the tree, With the featbresv frozen in death, smiling grimly, whilst the right hand grasped the never. failing rifle. , _And thus died one' of the „ten, thou sand:brAte mechanie 'heroes of the rev tion.lirave - in the tonr of battle ; • un. - daunted in' the hone of-retreat; undis, mayed in'the holt', of death; • A SAD MIB?AK ...—la the praCtice of politely bowing* stranger out of u riew, where there it still. roorn to spare A; 13, tbere not a. lack of ev %v en - orlclly cour tesey .f. ifave yeti not atiettken . the, pew, ctrl" blindly said one of these. Sunday. Cheaterfields,, al with ,erophat io gracefulness he opined Able door.- 6, 0 r beg, paraene replied' the- stranger, ` rieitig to go'out,".. I fear II have ; took' It - for' a Chnstian's2! CEI ' --1 1 ' El e, o EMI liffiE Eli ltde Ota