The Bradford Porter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1842-1844, December 20, 1843, Image 3

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    • 7 / 10Vit,gitt
cirri Val of , the Acadia..:
The arrived at Boston.
o '
Wednesday afterpoon, beinoing
. 3don a nd Liverpool papers
The news of interiet is 'giv
, below.
The O ra ngemen of the North O t Ire
. Dare reorganizinlz.their Society,.but
oat .sgeret pass words, • tests, or
ro i gn a which have been prou'ounc- -
liiiegah, 'fhe reorgani z ation -is said
b e raiiidly extending.
The state. Trig s; in : Ireland, drag
length - along. No progress
vet . been trade, and, if the excite
-,t Mitch' has beenyput forth by the.
c,oriespondent be correct, that
;defendants -Wave 30,000 witnesses.l
eta thee, the. proceedings will r be-
, a 3, t he greatest. bore in the world
)ceseOpting the Thames' Turtnel,)
ri t e t hey are .finished.
The Great -Britain, the' roams:Kith
; jot built' and . launched at Bristol'
joutanier, ii•expeCted at -Liverpool
iatecinistmas, - and: will astonish the
,dciti - 4etis of .Nbw .York ef7rne fine
vin the e nsuintspring, challenbr
= their etitieisra , ! and ;it may , be, their
'lotion. . ... .
,''g nera) DULGreen. who has been
ahl S . handled by some 'of the Ameri-;
:papers . since he left 'his native!
`red on a - miseion to the Court of
Jatuesrlas been tiguring'as-thecor
,adept of the
.Times and other
zrnals. The. General has taken upf
i eudrzels. against the Rev. Sydney
.vlh,i'ul,-considerii,g-how unpopUlar:
'replanalien is on - that. / side of the
cr. it may be well imagined,that he
addressed a hoStile atidience. The
les has beert. ,, down upon him..'
, e oer4 Duff Green has written: a
ler id the Times to combalthe views
he linerican correspondent of that
' na l, and others, as to the impracti;
kv of a commercial treaty between
add the United States. The
?cal enters into calculations, from
lch he infers, that althna gh the
qt j
s have (-anted at the late ' leOtions.
re ,will . be% majority. against the
i tariff opinions both in the Senate
the House of Rept.esentatiies ; that
&et of thyie elections wik be 'to
tlate and;' unite the, Dernoehts, sb
. the PreSident elected next yet•
II not be the Whig Henry "Clay, the
,hot of the present exclusive tariff,
,etcher Mr. Calhoun or Mr. Van Bu
., Ill! opponents: •
-.. .
Amcric'anLeheese continue to arrive
~ 1 4 eds of -loses • a: a time, and
griean beef is also coming in
'file :Anti -Corn-Law League are
going ahead. The speech of
Cobden, which( he delivered at
adiester, ott las l A Tuesday week,'-' !
rbe taken as an arnest of the feel
anitnates the directors of the I
cement. in that metropolis pf the'
;slat:tures of the empire, the enor
la sum of 1'12.006 was collected in 1
day towards the league's new fund
,C.100,(100. Most of the contributors
the fund have doubled their subscrip
?son those of last ye: This is
first commencement of the new
intent. The free' tinders, it must
ntifestpd; bleed freely. Meetings
'isl;ovtly be held in . the other lead
, towns of England and Seo.dan'(l.
The acrlounts from the east led a la
tale of blood, assassination,
treason. The native 'governmea-W
litaduAy:crumbling to pieces from
u. inanition. The Punjaub has
teased the hands of its ministers and
:!olgos'incarnadined, under- circum
'es marked by ,peculiar atrocity.
Sands. an American Merchant of
eminence, has been elected Mayor
iverpool for the ensuing year. A .
'nze question was mooted, anctior a
dare marred his appointment. The
Sn'stom house Clerk of the firm
Seen - in the habit of paving the
i dues on bales as . " trusses:- and.,
" boxes." The circumstances
nfiguiar, and,/ have excited much
rest, not only in this town; where
Sands is known and respected,'but
sghout the .
country generally
_ _
'OM OF QUEEN'S i3e,Ncri, Nov. 15.
'lts day being the last allowed for
ding - o the indictment against Mr.
.onnell, that gentleman appeared in
(in, not to plead, but to show . cause
the indictment should be quashed,
tac' the witnesses were sworn be,
re the Grand Jury only, whereas , by
actuf Parliament, 56 of George 111,
lE l l°od : have been sworn in open
'um The greater part of the day
st'aken up with argutnent-whether a,
ea of ahatenieni lodged the day be.'
're was in time .or net; the counsel
o the Crown contending that it should
' 4 been lodged when the parties
ere first charged, and not _ after the
le to plead hail run. It was finally
ided liy the Court•that was in' time,
dtus an impOrtant advantage was
used over the Attorney General. The
'rod Tor the Crown then demurred,
consented to plead to the argument
'lee, but the traversers refused to do
wntion t • notice, - and,,the Court
i!l„,c , a four day :rule Was granted.
'eh delays further proceedings until.
next, When the validity of tile
ettion will be argued. The ques
is 80 entirely . one of law, and th
:r lies between thelechnical word-
Iw o•.separate acts of Parti.4ment,
, 14 can gi ve no opi n i o h of the re-
suit. Of course, if ,Mr. O 'Connell's
objection is gook -- the proceedings on
this indictment would be at an end.:
&WPM, ' Wednesday.—The Naval'.Ai-
mament in the Lower Shannon has
been reinforced. Her Majesty's steatio
ers .gomet and Pluto have: arrived .14.
Tarbert roadstead, head qnarters of the
force .Lto. be stationed in the Loniei
Shannon, where at present !There are
four arrneti vessels lying—Her, Majes.,
•ty's , ships Lynx and Suit:4, 'and the
Comet and Pluto steamers: The Lynx
is to.talte upi . poaitionat Scattery for
the protection ofiliat!redoubt,' and that_
of Carrick ; the Snipe gees to Car
aigabolti'to protect poona in Kilre
FRANCE.—A feW ,daya Vago,'while
the great hell of the - cathedral of Notre
Dame .was' being ,rung, the clappema4
way, and `the mass Sell down
through twotltoore of the:tower, and
lodked at the third. .'Three persons
-were injured. .
. PARIS, King and Qiieen
have\both expressed high delight at the
accounts offhe reception, of the'Duke.
'and, .Duchess de Netnotirs . by Queen
Victoria, and their FoyalAighneis are
charged to make a,format '7and pressing
Ant/talon to the Queen Ito visit St.
10Clout1 next year. People about Court
nay that there is little doubt_ as to this
invitation being accepted ; but, that if it
should frOM- necessity be declined, the
King will: visit !Windsor in the next
-surrimer - „, if his health, - which is now
very good, should permit.
SPAIN.—The bitellige*from Spain
is'singularly uninteresting; and may be
I dismissed in few words. 'At Madrid.
the Committees of the two. Chanters
of the Cortes had reported` in favor of
declaring. the Queen'a majority. Some
.advantages.havebeen gained by the go
vernment over the insurgents ; Sara
o9ssl opened its , gates to Concha on
;he 28th October . ; while in Barce 10,
ma tne revolutions are weakened by-dia.
sention. On the other hand, Gerona
still held out on the .2d inst., and Prim
4a% waiting reinforcementsydisorders
gained ground in Gallicia; at VigO..the
government troops had -yielded io the
insurgents, who were, masters - of the
Place on the 4th ; - and:there are reports
Oa fresh conspiracy at Seville.
The Madrid papers contain an ac-
Count of an attack .upon the life of Gen
eral Narvws in the streets of that city.
lie was going in.a coach to the theatre
On arriving at the church in Portaceli,
the coach was fired at by two men,
whose balls -took effect upon two'
.Ayuilantes, who accompanied the Ge
GREECE.--% 'letter - in the Gazette—
dated "Frontiers of Poland, 25th Oe'to
ber"—says: 66 I can now announce to
you, without the fear of contradiction,
that the Emperor Nicholas has formal
lv expressed his displeasure at the
Greek• revolution ; and that he has de
prived M. Katakazi (the Russian Min
ister) of his situation. It is added that
the troops concentrated at Klew be di
rected to march to the Prutfi. The
Moniteur Parisian adds, that a coma's
sinner extraordinary has been sent to
Athens with a • protest. neainst the re
volution. It is also said that the King
of Prussia has recalled his representa
tive. .
INnts.—Tl4 overland Indian mail
brincrs intelligence from flimnbay to the
2d October. All the interest is now
concentrate in .a new quarter; for
while there is no later news from Chins,
,India Is in general comparatively
tranquil, there is a revolution in the
Punjaq.. '
At Lanore,, on the 15th September,
the Maharajah Shere`singh was slain,
with his -sun Purtab Sing, and all the
members of his immediate family, at
the instigation of Dhyan. Singh!, his
minister, and a child had beenaced
upon the the . throne. ^ It may b re
membered that our old ally, R njeet
Singh,_ died. in June, 1839, and was,
i ,
succeeded by his son, littrruck. . - '
of our Lord and Sakior will he com
memorated at the Universalist Church, lin She
sheguin, on Sunday evening, 24th his t. Ser
vices to continence at 6j oVock—by , ,diev. S.
:J. Glasos.
, •
Administratoes Notice. .--
A LL PERSONS indebted to the eitate of
Jesse7Riiss -7 late of Pike township, de
ceased, are herehy notified to mate immediate
payment; !Ind. : - all persons - having, 'ciemands
spinal said estate, are iequested, to present
them to the subs giber, legally authentiCatcd
for settlement without delay:. • 7 •
Pike,.Dec. I*. ,1843. • Administrator.
Orphan's Court of Bradford Co.
In the matter of the estate of Preserv
ed Buffington, deceased.
lr CERTIFY that at tin Orphans:Court held
at Towanda in and for the County of Brad
pad, onthe 12th day of December, A.I). 10 , 13,
before the Hon = the italges of said Court'oti the
application of Beni. Buffington, one of theteirs
and legal representaiives of the Estate of P.
Buffington, dec'd., late of Wirrtm township, the
Court grant a Rule on the heirs, and legal rep
resentatives of said decedent, to come into;Court
on the sth day of February nest, to accept or
refuse the estate of said decedent at the,valua
tion made thereof, and in case they shall refuse
to accept the seine, to. show cause if any they
have why the same should not be.iotd.
In testimony
_whereof I have hereuntAyiet my
hand and seal of since, this 12th day of ptc.
• JULIIIB ftUBSELIi , Register.
• RegisteelrOtfice,
Towanda, Dee 4 -131.11, 1843 - •
Daily Demoeiatieraloa daring tile Session\
Encouaged by the. past success which 445
crowned their editorial labors, the publishers of
the t i Dentocretie Union"_ propose to issue their
paper daily during the approaching session of
the State Legislature, and trust to the liberality
Of the reidiing community . fot a degree ofpatro
nage camaiensurain with the undertaking.
Measures of vital importance will claim the,
poblic attention during, coming winter.—
Among them we may briefly enumerate the de,
visement or means for the extrication. of the
state from her,financial embarrassments, and ttie
liquidation of the accsmulating interest spa her
del?t—the relative policy of selling or stnkining
herirriprovements—the'final 'extinction of
relief issues—the further curtailment of Eieen
tivepatronage ad poWer—with othet incidental
questions of equal public moment. - If, superad.
ded to these considerations, it is reflected, that the
new Canal Boardwill assutrie its duties on - the
second Tuesday of January, whose policy as to
men and measures - will constitute a subject of
general anxiety—and that on the 4th of March
' next a Democratic State Convention will con
vane at ,Harrisburg, for the purpose of express
ing the 'preference of ; Pennsylvania on the sal- -
ject of -the next PreAdency. and • nominating a
candigithe for Governor, delegates to the Nation
'al CenVention, &c., the public will scarcely be
so uncharitable as to demand an additional in
centive to the encouragement of. a daily paper.
Perhaps no former period of our public history
afforded a - greater variety , of topics to render
such ti publication-one of immense public use
fulness. . -
As one oCthe proprietors, who - was at the last.
sesion chosen to the ofliee , of State Printer, has
the advantage of being a professional stet - toga . -
pher, and has for many *years been engaged as a
reporter of debates in Congress, in the Reform
Convention, an in the tiite Legislature ; and
has drawn to hi aid, also, other competent re
porter; so as to occupy liorh branches--tbe 'Un- .
ion' will possess lecilities for furnishing reports
"of legislative Proceedlng4 superior to those en
joyed by any other paper at the seat of govern
ment. These advantages Will be much enhan
ced by our proposed,. daily, which will enable us
to report the speeches of members of both politi parties with far greater accuracy and despatch
than has been the case. heretofore.- The edito
rial, literary, miscellaneous, and news depart
ments of the paper will, in the mean time, suffer
no nyglect,,but t ;rely effort will be made to ren-
Anr the Democratic Union" a vebiCle of useful
intelligence to all classes of readers:
We have also enzaged the servicfs orseveral
intelligent corinspoodeuts at, W ashiligtoti, who
will fdrnish xis wilt a daily synopsis of the bu
siness itansiWled in ICongreSs,,and an accoutt
of all the, political mo4ements that may ite made
at-thil seat of the General Government—which
in this ale of "Presidentmaking,"will, doubt
less be neither "fw nor far between."
"'"As we shall incur a very heavy exnemli
titre, independent of our own labors, getting
up our Daily, and' in . the employment of report
ers, correspondents, &c., we trust out friends
throughout the State will exert themselves to
give our pager as avide a circulation as possible.
The semi-weekly (double royal
size) published during the session, az
usual, viz • on each Wednesday and Saturday
morning. I o .
rj -- Subscribers will be careful to discritninate
which of the proposed public'ations they desire
—and papery will he-furnished to menihera of
the Legislature by the hundred at cousidendle
reduction. • The following are the
Daily during the stssion [supra- royal size] $3
Semi-weekly, [double royal size] • 2
Weekly permanent subscribers [twice a week
during , the sessinni 3
Harrisburg, Nov. 2.3, 1843.
CF . Postmasters. Editors. Sze:, are authorized
to net as agents in receiving. subscriptions, to
whom a '.iberal discount will he made.
• ESTRAY., •.
ArNAME to my enclosure the 14th daii of Nos
I - vember last, 3 SMALL YEARLINGS;
one a red heifer with white back and tail; one,
brown heifer with white ring on tail; one rea
steer with white on tail ; the owner is requested
to prove property, 'pay charges and take them
Durell, - Dec. 18, 1843.
Administrator's Notice.
LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of
Jacob Ar»out, late of Towand;l township
deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate' l
payment; and all persons having demands j i
against said estate, aro requested to press
them to the subscriber, legally authenticatetrfor
settlement without delay.
GEORGE, H-.4311LL,
Monroe, December 11th, 1843.
W:S ....A.,tIEBY..GIV,EN to those indebted to
I 'the Towanda Bridge, by Commutation, of
otherix . ise, that theW notes and ace:Stints will be
left with Jared D. GoOdnnoug,h, Erq., immedi
ately after the first day of January for collection.
By order of the Directors,
J. CRANE, Collector.
Towanda, Nov . . 31, 1843.
(Ojice with the. Register Rec Order.
M4n 3 D . EMM- 8 ZI.T.Z,M g.
UVD. BARTLETT has the agency of
. The Delaware Mutual Sltly Insurance
Company of Philadelphia, and is prepared to
take risks on very favorable terms. Policies
are issued. by said company in the usualman
ner of other stock companies;
Towanda, Dec.. 4, 1843,
- - • •
12111,M1 111A,N,.r te, t, 0
PUBLIC NOTICE: is hereby given. that
the subscriber will receive subscriptions
Int the Pamphlet Laws for'lB44, any time dur
ing the present month.
. C. STOCKWELL, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Office, Dec. 1, 1843.
TATS . & a good ai_vrtmont. for
halo by J.F•MEMSTS & CO.
COTTON YARN, Wicking.& Batting on
hand by MEANS &CO.
• ._
16111 - All.llZdTP3llC'Xio
I , • --
N exchange for Goods—Common, Panel &
good Culling Boards, and 28 inch Shin
gles. MEANS & CO.
ALT, Iron & Nails, just received and for
p, by . : MEANS'S& CO,
- 111allirAlknIlriM311W199 I
' tOcKS4
. BZ, JEWEL.'. • i
HE subscribes lies tiecently . return 'from
'New York laid liaisjust receivetrthie day
a splendid . assortment of :goods in his line.- 1
Among his assortment maybe fotind Gold and ,
Silver Levers, Horizontal; Lopine and common' U. - •
Watches of die best quality end at reduced pii.'
. FALL AND . . 'NIT, • . 1
ces.. Also, Bass eight: day and twenty four ' .
hour Woo., Clocs '' ' W 11. • GOODS
Among his, -- aiSortment of Jewelry may ithe Co rner ,of. Main' aced Pridgf strettr.'
~ !. -
found Gold At Siker Pencils, Breast Pins, Ear nr t HE-subscribers , . are now receiving direct
Binge, Fing l e i i Rings, I Wrist'Clastl, Sleeve 11L - from, New Yark . a large and well selected
Pins, Guard fob' Chains, - Gold & common assortment of - FALL 4 , WINTER ,GOODS,
Keys, ; Pocket' Cnives. (Specks and Goggles, and? they, are determined to sell them at price*
Silver Thimbles ; Steel Pens, Wallets, Tooth that Cannot fail to be' sadifactory to those who
Brushes, Tobacco and SpuLrßoxes, Accordions, wish to buy ;goads CHEA.P. Their stock of
Percussion" Caps, Violin Strings, Clarionet isame:3F- 4 12.airialiookappg-.,
Reede,'Pencil Points, Table & Tea Spoons all s. CONSISTS IN 'PART OF '
Ofrhieti will be Sold IoW for Beady Pay. , BROAD E‘LoTtis,
wi6iiitzim- 41Paalaa 5 aZco' tiVER- :DO,
All kinds of Watches & Clucks repaired on ~, c a i ssimEßEs;
short notico and; done well. Also, Engraving—A .1 TINETS,
in style. • Call ccnd see. ..,_
T. -
, .. ! • I'J. M. GILLSON. • I,‘
-- r tn - /Vert (Icor to the Rost Office. DE lAINES; ' , , 1 ,,
Towanda, NOV. 17th, 1043. I PARISENES & CHIJSANS, .
it L. SI
! E.S. CLARK ,
ITS now preptred to exhibit for the inspection
of his old friends and the public generally
a little the best assortment of goods in town.-- ,
He deems it sufficient to say his stock numbers
the usual variety of Provisions such as Flour,
Cuinmeal, Pork, Butter, Lard, Tea,. Coffee,
Chocolate, Luinp Sr. Brown Sugar, Molasses
from '3l to, 75 ets,Raisins, Prunes, Dried Cur
rants, Figgs. Sultana Raisins, Tapiaco, Citron,
Pickles, Pepper Sauce,. Confectionaries of all
kinds, Fruits,'Xuts from Paper-shelled Almonds.
'to Pea Nuts,:Canilkie; Shaving and Bar' Soap,
Dried Apples and a good assortment of French
and German 'toys &c.&c.
As it has licome the geneml;belief that my
assortment is a little the best selection and,the
greatest variety hr . the place, and for ready pay
the Public may bil l/ fissured they will get as good .
goods and as cheap; as they can be bought else
where. All'kinds of produce taken in ex
change. Be sure you call'at my old stani , l, - the
Postollice, and waiting for the mail take ite le ,
tle cake andieheese or chesnms, apples or ci
gars or any thinglo keep up the spirits in this
time of high pressure.
November IGth, 1843. i.l
A FEW cwt. of good old Berkshire Cheese
cormantly on hand by
Nov. 16th; 1843. , E. 8. CLARK.
FEW b`..4,4. of Svdt.ei Potatoes just re
ceived land for sale by
Nov. 16th; 1843. E. S. CLAIM.
li City, a large and well selected assort
ment of FALL k WINTER GOODS, which
are offered for sale at hisAd stand. His stock
consists in part of .
&C. &C. &C..
Whieh will he sold on the most reasonable
terms for Cash or country produce. His-old
custom"ers - and the 'public generally art/reques
ted to call and examine qualities and/Prices.
Towanda, Nov. 'llth, 1843. -
WOULD respectfully inform `the public
that be continues at , his old stand, on
the west side of Main stye. t, between Hartlett's
and King'sliry74 stares, up stairs, • where be
will he foiled in readiness to do all kinds of
work in hisdine. in a style not to be surpassed
by any other shop in the country., Prices to
suit the. - times. He thanks bis customers for
past favor?; and hopes by strict attention to bu
sincis and acconumidating terms to merit a
entitinuanee of public favor.
Particular attention paid to cuttrg, and war
ranted to ft if properly made.
Most kinds of country produce taken in
payment for work.
Towanda, Nov. 14th, 1843,
D 4 - 00 a (:)4 aaaa - vaaa7.
1-1 t E just received and are now opening'. A i
1 1 : the store lately occupied' by V. E.
in WySoi, an extensive and well se
lected as s ortment of
Fulltv Winter GoodB
•consisting of almost every. variety of Dry• Goode,
Groceries, Crockery, Queenewarei Hardware,
Boots arid Shoes, &c., %%Midi they offer to
the public on the most favorable terms for cash
or ready pay. Having purchased for ready pay
at exceedinglydow.: prices, and confidently be
lieving that their terms and prices oiler equal if
not greater inducements to the purchaser than
can be found elsewhere, they respectfully solicit
the patronage of Abe community.
Lumber and produce taken' in payment.
Wyedic, Nov. 6, 1893. . '
A Li/ persons are hereby cautioned against
La . harboring or trusting my wife Emily on
My account. as I shall pay no debts! made by
her air this date, she having left my he'd and
board with out any just cause.
. Franklin, Nov. i 3th, 184.8. •
Great' Attraction at, Montanyesl
JUST REC.EIVED, two cases orerap . e
Dplaines,,Dress handleerchiefi, ribbons,
laces, 4'c., all of the latest style and'of saperir
quality , [Oct.23. 1843. ; :.
•101AMILY GROCERIES of all kinds just
received anal° be had cheap at
August. - MONTANYE'S.
JO4K will beTecolved in payment for goods
Or on debts—also, all kinds of grain at
Nov: 8. MONT'AN YE'S.
_INSEED OIL. Winter strained 1 1414'
Jul oil, Alcohol &c., &C., - •
Nov. 15th,.1843. 11, MIX dr„:80
GEORGE 11,./EILINT.L'{`;444
NTED *titbit office. on
, d'reasonsl4a tertps..
111 shortiiotice
Attention the Whole !
F.4311LY 'GROCE.fiIES.
Teas, of all kinds; Broom and Loaf Sugar;
Molasses, -Coffee, Starch', Saletalus, Pepper,
Candlei, Soap, 4e., 4-c.
A general assortment, of HARDWARE dr,
CUTLERY, Salt, Iron' Nails, Boots, Shoes,
Hats & Caps, and the largest and best assort-
Ment of Paper Hangings .and Borderin .'in
the county, Also, BUFFALO , Very
low, and a beautifid assortment of Oil Cloths,
Ingrain and Venetian CARP.F.VITIVGS., 4c. -
The stock of the subseribers embraces a very
general assortment of goods usually found in a.
country store, with all the latestimproyed styles
and patterns, selected frorn the beat stocks in the.
..tarket t all of which will sold VERY LOW
for cash, or in 'exchange for almost aft kinds of
-,country produce, and a good quality of Boar&
'and Shingles. J. T. MEANS & CO. .
Towanda, Nov. 8, 1843. •
opening at Monfanye's, which / they will sell at
wholesale or retail at such prices' as will ensure
a liberal' share of pablic patronage. Their stock
consists of
Boots . m(1 , 1 Shoe:9. Ladies' Bonnets,
Gentlemens' Rats 4. Caps,
Buffalo Robes, 4.c.
and all the etceteras necessary for the comfort
of a cold winter, which appears to be rapidly
'J. D. & E: D. MONTANYE.
Towaida, November.B, 1843.
Chairs and Bedsteads.
- THE subscribers still
r continue to manufacture
and keep on hand anheir
old stand, all kinds of
Cane and Wood Scat
• Chairs. Also,
,Settees of
. 4 • • various kinds:, Bed
. • steads of every description
which we will sell low for
cash or Country Produce..
TURNING dono to order.
-Towanda, November 10th, 1843. •
3X 41.,Xca
LL PERSONS aro' hereby cautioned
L i: against-purchasing two promissory notes
given by me to John Lee, tine bearing date De
cember 9th, 1842, for thirty five dollars and
cents, payable the first of May last ; the other
for sixty-six dollarskand sixtY 2 .sii cents, given
December 9th 1842, and payable the first of
May 1845. Also, o ) le other : note given to John
IWKinneNfor *thirtY-tbrce dolling, February the
4th, 1843. yable in oneryear from the first of
May.lafter date. Also one one note to Elisha
Lewis for thirty fuur dollars, dated February
4th 1843, payable in ono year from the first of
May next, after date, and as no value his beeu
received by me forlsaitrnotes I shall not pay
Herrick, Noveinber 14th, 1843. k,
o molazimlrg,
:over 13. That - has' . fiat Shop , and nearly
opposite Mercur's s l ore. (Oct. 10.
1-I. SON
ARE NOW fiEbEIVING from New York
.a large and 0o:cS selection of GOODS
of every description, Ito which they call the atten
tion of the public., and which will be sold for
cash, produce of lands, and Lumber; at ex
ceed ingly'low prices.l Cull and examine prices
and qualities. • •
November 7i 189.
Paul and CominoniLtimher & Good Shingles,
WANTED in exchange for cash and goods
by I H. MIX & SON.
ROADCLOTHS, C7assbueres, Deaver
.4ll cloths and Saitinets for sale low by
paecas, Mous. De Lefties.
Ceani, Tcgan3, Printed yel-
Jafterns for the Ladies' for
1-1.311X , 8`e SON.
Figitres3 Orli
vet, &c, beautiful
gale ;
T WITS, a tar.
e assortment for sale by
• H. MIX &. SON.
r ff : EPHYR Wo
Ribbons, Lad'
ever kind---Shawls
Cravats, Winter Fl.
Nov. 15th, 1843.
.ted, Fringes, Silks Laces,
es' and Gent's Gloves, of
of any size aiu4 pattern,
rvers, Bonnets &e. for sato,
H. MIX Ar.
• ,
kfino assortme
Nov: 15th, 180.1
vats & Vestings•all-kinda,
g t of which can be had at
' : H. MIX & SON'S. ,
Wick 451. c.,
Nov. 15th, 1&131
N, Carpet Warp,. Batts;
p i Pale by
DOTS, ‘Shoeil
1- assortment fo,
Nov:loth, 18431
Slips , Rubbers R &d., a large
sale y
Gls* drc..,
,Nov, ;6tb, 18431
r sido by
• H. MIX Si 'SON.
r . .
tiEREAs, my wife LOWINIA 6ss .
left my. bed and board without any just
ca se or provocation. We is to forbid any perT"
harboring or trusting.becon my accoant,a4
I will pay no debts of ber ntracting, ' . ,
`.- - PARICK DUNN. •
,- Sheshequin, Nov: 1,1 . :
'. EFLINVILL 121 EDY! 8,
k- NOW ALL ME 'by theie vpiesenis,.
that we, S.:& I. F. Haines, bail,'
c o ou r Brickmaking laird:len in,Timunds,
for • :mem and having 'a small" quantity of
tharoudly , builed *ids on hand, We /lave
duly appointed miff do hereby appoint J.D. &
E .11. Yl ONTAn rl6 114 our agents to sell_ the same
to the uprightnitiiena of Terwindannd vicinity.
, S. &L. r: HAYDEN.
Towanda, Oct. 20; 1&13- ' ~
BEEF HIDES, received in pay, Mime for a
goods, at MONTANTE'S,
A LL PERSONS are cautioned Fait to in
-111 terfere with; or appropriate to theirown
use; Timber,Stormlron, or any material intricha
ed to or connected with said Canal, from the
mouth or the Lackwanna to in; termination at
Athens. And those'whick have :taken Timber,
Stone or Iron from Acqueduets, Bridges, Lodi'
or I tame, are invited to .call 'on the subscriber
and settle for. thO same, and save trouble. who
-is duly appointed Agent of the Commonwealth
[ to take charge of the unfinishedline_of
• • D. BULL.
Towanda, Sept'2s, 1848.
T HE subscribers have jest - receivid at their
store in Monroeton, huge and•well se
lected assortment .of FALL AND WINTER
1.000, comprising almost every 'variety of
Dry Oood3,Hardware,
Gi 1
ocer!es, erotic:Erg, ite.
,Which they now the public- at very .tow
pnces for ready Pay.
The citizens of Monroe and the surtotinding
country are respectfully invited to call and ex
amine our stock, as we ate confident we can give
them as -good bargains as they can find at any
other establishinent in-the county.
wp.obT , SHOES, a large assortment, at
fair Nov. 8, i SALSBURY'S.
tßidipw eaCS
AVING formed o co-partnership, and are
LE carrying on the Boot &Shoe making
business in all its various branches, at the old
stand of S. Hathaway, one door West oft. Pot's
Exchange. From rr long experience , in the bu
siness they are prepared to say that their-work
will be substantially and neatly executed, and
warranted. They solicit a share of public
custom, as they believe they can render their
work sad 'factory to all who may patronize thein.
- Count Produce and Hides received in pay
ment for ork at the market prices.
Two, ila r Sept. -12, 1843.
1:U ill persons, knowing themselves indebt
ed to Hathaway by'Book account or other
wise, are respectfully informed -that such; ac t
counts;inst be settled immediately, or .costa
will be ode without respect to persons.
. I '
Towanda Sept. 12, 1843.
; UrFALO ROBES, Hats and Cepa for
;11-i stile low by H .MIX & SON.
TEAS Black and Green, Sugars, Pulveri
sed do., Cofree, Molasses, Tobacco, Can
dles, Chocolate at lovi prices by
Nov. 15th, 1843. H.MIX & SON:
11ARDW ARE and Crockery general and
well selected lot for sale tow by •
Nov. .15th, 1843. H. MIX & SON.
illitST arrived from New York city and now
opening at hi 3 ONTANYE'S, 1 case of
Dry Goods, comprising of an invoice of Prints
d other Select Goods.
el LAW, (Late Eligineer,) tenders his
professional seririces to the public. Business
confided to his care in any of the courts of
Bradford or the adjoining counties, Will have
his prijrnpt attention.
Per.ons having claims against the state for
damages on account of the public worlts,l will
find it to their advantage to git;eldun a call.
Offi e op-the north side of the public square
overWiltnot & Scott's office.
_4 •
MO 'FIDE POWDER, of different qualities
_ETV for' Well D. C: HALL.
e i remain in this Borough a short time, and
may fig"found at Mr. Croas's opposite the bank.
Thoml desirous of consulting him had better do
so iminediately, as his stay, bete will otherwise
beliaded to his present engagements. ,
TOranda, Nov; 28th, 1843.
JRA H. STEPHENS; late Sheriff', has left
with me for collection,!his accounts for fees
remaining unpaid. Those interested "will go
vern themselies accordingly, and pay up imme
diately, and save farther cost.
October 17, 18=13. . I Atty at Law.
, .
JS HEREBY GIVE* to Collectors and
others indebted to: Bradford County that
coats will be made for 41 who neglect . la ar
range their indebtedness between this . and the
4th of December next. '
CHAS. STQCK WELL; Treats/rm.. •
Treasurer's caw,.
.Townda, Nev. Sth,- 1043.) •
H. MIX. & 'SON.
Nonct. -
41' .0. n.
odpber 23, 1843.,
Cr Lumber imo Produce taken in payment.
D. C . : & 0. N. SALSBURY: —
Zdo - nroctob, Nov.: 8, 1843.' '
- Dmizugemuazo
OLE & UPPER LEAtHER.for tale ,at
Monroe, Ncpr . ..B. ' ; SALSBURY'S.