The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 30, 1914, Image 5

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    Have You Protection
You cannot a (lord to take your own
risk against logs by fire. Remember that
we represent
and will be glad to call on you when yon
want Are insurance tbat really protects.
Drop uh a card and we'll do the rent.
We are agents In tbla county (or the
jod oan furnish security for County
o'flolals, bank ductals, etc.
C. E All & SOU,
Tuition free of any cash outlay. Under
our . P. C. Industrial System students
may pay their way by a limited amount
of service.
Write for full details.
Warren IliiHliies College
Warren, Pa.
1 jammers. Ad. ' '
Levi Co. Ad.
Harvey Fritz. Ad.
Boggs fc Buhl. Ad.
TbePrlntzCo. Ad.
J. O.Hcowden. Ad. -rbeK
inter Co. Ad.
H. I. Coben. Local.
Q. V. K ulds. Local.
John P. Nage. Local. '
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
BraartctSUberbnrg. Ad.
Forest Co. Nat. Bank. Ad.
Warren Business College. Ad.
Pastime Theatre. Ada., Locals,.
The Distinctive Garment Store.
Meadville Blasting & Supply Co.
Oil market closed at f 1.45.
Is your subscription paid?
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
Seo "The Count of Monte Crlsto,"
tonight. adv
See the new Reznor Heater; It's a
wonder. S. S. Slgworlb. adv
Send your children to the Pastime
and you know they're safe. adv
We have on band best White Lime,
7.60 per ton. Lanson Bros. adv
Too many Oil, Gas, Wood, and Coal
and Wood Cooks and Ranges at S. S.
Sigworth's. adv
Tbe Nebraska high school baseball
team defeated the Tionesla high school
team here Friday afternoon, score 17-14.
Farmer Henry Olassner of German
Hill, last week brought us in some fine
specimens of apples grown In bis orchard.
The opening meeting of the Tionesta
Reading Club will be held at tbe home of
Mrs. Angus Carson, Wednesday, Oct,
7th, 1914, at 2:30 p. m.
Tbe Republican can furnlBb . you
with tbe very latest In engraved calling
cards or anything else In tbat line, at
reasonable prioea, tf.
Oleomargarine always fresh, always
tbe same price and making new friends
each day, at 20o per pound in nine pound
lots, at tbe Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Eellettville, Pa. adv
A.L. Thomson of Jamieaon Station
lost bis good shepherd dog Monday eve
Ding, the animal gettlug on the railroad
track In front of a freight train and bay
ing bis head out off.
Tbe ladies ol tbe W. C. T. C. were at
the County Home yesterday to treat the
Inmates at tbat Institution to their an
nual plcnlo dinner. There was a good
turnout, and tbe occasion was a much
appreciated success.
Good new cement walks bave been
laid during tbe week fronting tbe D. W.
Morrison and Mrs. F. Witherell prop
erties on East Bridge street; also front
ing tbe Wm. Lawrence block and F. R.
Lanson store on Elm street.
John P. Sage, Funeial Director, of
Tidioute, will answer all calls by tele
phone or otherwise, promptly, day or
night. Am quslllled by experience and
furnished with all equipment necessary
to render satisfactory service. Give me
a call when in need. John P. Sack.
L. J. Shaugbnessy of Oil City, local
manager for tbe Bell telephone company
bas our thanks for a copy of Tbe Tele
phone News for September, this number
containing a number of ozcellent views
and pbotogracha of early and recent oil
developments In this aeotion of the state.
Miss Justina Slggios bas received tbe
appointment of postmistress of West
Hickory, thus disposing of a oontest that
has been on in that place for nearly a
vear. Miss Biggins will assume ber
duties as soon as ber commission arrives,
which is expected within tbe next ten
days or so.
Ralph A. Cook bas his new eleotrio
lighting plant running In good shape at
the Tionesta Garage, and it is one of tbe
best lighted places in town. He will be'
gin tbe outside wiring this week to fur
nisi) tbe following business places with
lights: Walker's Pharmacy, Lanson's
Mill. Graham's baiber shop, Klllmer
Bros.' store and U. I. Cohen's store.
O. F. Rodda Is moving bis store to
tbe Klllmer building a few doors above
bis present location. This is a much
larger loom, and being an artist himself
will bave it brightened up and put in fine
condition for a sore room, thus giving
him a better opportunity to display bis
goods and enlarge bis stock. For the fall
trade be expects to bave an extra tine
stock, up-to-dale in every way, and then
be is going to ask you for a continuance
of the liberal patronage enjoyed In tbe
past. Call around and look tbe new store
over. It.
W. J. Hunter, of Starr, one of onr
sterring energetic farmers, is raising
"some pumpkins" this season, besides
good crops all round. He laid one on
the editor's table, so to speak, last week
that looked good to tbe household, and la
now pretty much gone into pie of a su
perior quality. Tbe variety is new to
tbla section, being a sort of cross between
tbe squash and pumpkin, and grows to
Immense sizes, often climping up to a
hundred or more pounds In weight, and
largely composed of solid pie meat. Wal
lace will please accept our thanks.
Court last week came to a sudden end
Wednesdsy forenoon whe" tbe case of
Warren Carll vs. Frank K, Brown was
about to go to trial. A legal ttchnicallty
wag raised upon which tbe esse was post
poned, and this being tbe last on tbe list
all Jurors were discharged and court ad
journed for the term.
Mrs. Howard, wife of Hon. Joalah
Howard, Republican candidate for State
Senator In this district, died Sunday from
injuries received Saturday evening when
an automobile In which she waa riding
turned turtle near ber home In Empor
ium, Cameron county. Mra, William
Howard, also of Emporium, bsd a leg
broken and suffered Internal Injuries,
while four other members of tbe party
were less seriously Injured.
On account of tbe large gain In mem
bership Forest county will be entitled to
seven delegates, besides the President rtf
tbe county, Mrs. Huling, at the Stite
convention of tbe W, C. T. U., which
convenes In Oil City Fridsy, Oct. 2. vThe
delegntes are as follows: Mrs. Martha
Gaston, Tionesta; Mrs. Waive Weaver,
Nebraska; Mrs. L. V. Soberer, Endeavor;
Mrs. Ellen B. Catlin, Kellettville; Mrs.
Geo. Tbrush, Clarlngton; Mrs. Edith
Murray, Gllfoyle, and Mra. Lena Heas
ley, Clarlngton, delegate at large.
ij-ffbis being a Jewish holiday tbe City
Fruit store will be closed till 8 o'clock
this evening, For tbe balsnoe of tbe
week, however, Mr. Coben will display a
One slock of fruits and vegetables, having
arranged for a big conslgnmeut trow tbe
big city markets. Look ont for a record
bresklng stock of grspes and peaches In
BHl.j'eek. This will be about Ibe last ol
tbe tatter rruit ana you wno tisveu t put
up your winter supply should be on hand
early to lay In yqyir stocx otherwise you
might get left. Tbe (.rape crop will be at
Its. best during the next teu days and tbe
wise ones will not delay their buying till
tbe best are gone. An abundance of
every variety of fruits and vegetables, ad
Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad ststlon at
West Hickory was burglarized Tuesday
night, but so far as known tbe thieves
secured nothing of valt: j for their trouble
of breaking into Ibe building. Entrance
was gained through the corner window
next tbe river, which was Jimmied and
left standing open when tbe thieves left.
A second class mail sack which was left
In tbe waiting room after tbe night train
south came In, was carried up tbe rail
road track toward the bridge and rifled
but 11 is not known if any of tbe pack
ages were carried off. Tbe thieves did
not bresk into tbe main olllce where tbe
first olsss mall was stored for the night,
no doubt being frightened away. There
are no clues to tbe perpetrators.
Generally speaking tbe potato crop In
this section Is not up to the average, ow
ing to too much dry weather Just when
tbe tubers needed moisture. But some
plantings hsve done well enough, notably
oo tbe river bottom lands, A.L. Thom
son, on his farm at Jamieson ststlon
raised some of tbe largest ones we bave
Been this season. Yesterday be laid a few
samples on tbe editorial table tbe likes of
blob will scarcely be seen hereabout
this season at least. One of the big fel
lows weighed 39 ounces, another 34, and
a dozen or more (hat lacked but little of
the last named. His whole crop averages
well np toward a pound apiece, and be
bas lots of them. They are of tbe variety
known as tbe "Rural New Yorker."
Nelson A. Steele, one of tbe most
prominent citizens of Wsukegao, III.,
died very unexpectedly at bla borne In
that city on tbe 17th Inst, What renders
this item of special Interest to many of
our readers is tbe fact tbst Mr. Steele was
tbe husband of Mrs, Bessie Legnard
Steele, who died, about two yeara ago, she
belug a Dittos 'of Mrs. A. B. Kelly and
Mrs. Suie M. Sbarpe of TioneBta. Py tbe
death of Mr. Steele two children, Charles
and Bertha Steele, are left orphans. He
was perhaps tbe wealthiest oitizen of bis
town, bis lortune being estimated at Irom
$1,000,000 to f2,000,000, all ol which Is left
to bis children. He was also one nf tbe
city's leading cburob members, being
senior warden of Christ EpUcopal church
at tbe time of bis death.
Brlau Augustine Wood, for nearly
forty yeara past a resident of Hickory
township, died at bis borne at East
Hickory, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 24, 1914, of
pulmonary tuberculosis. He was born
In Mercer oounty, Jan. 6, 1816, He la
survived by bla wife, who before ber
marriage waa Miss Elizabeth Davis, ol
Franklin, Pa., and by four sons and Ave
daugbtera, as follows: Norman Wood of
Franklin; Mrs. A. A. Gorman of liar
veya, Pa,; Mrs. W. H, Hadley of Mor
rlsville, Pa.; Mrs. M. S. Babbitt of Caoa
dea, N. Y.; Mra. P. J. Klabbalx ol Ti
dioute; Hazel, Ralph and John Wood of
East Hickory, and Charlea of Morrlsvllle.
Three sisters and fourteen grandchildren
also survive hiiu. The deceased was a
man whom everybody liked, quiet and
gentlemanly in his manner toward bis
neighbors, and In his long residence in
the community had gathered about bim a
host of friends who will miss him In
neighborly intercourse. The funeral wss
held in Ibe M. E. church at East Hickory,
Sunday, and bis remains were laid to
rest in tbe cemetery at tbat place. Mr.
Joseph Albaugb conducted tbe services,
which were attended by a large concourse
of friends and neighbors.
There's A Reason.
This little talk hasn't a thing to do with
the breakfast fond business. If you
haven't been wearing ear muffs for tbe
past several weeks you must bave heard
a lol of talk about the pictures the Pas
time has been showing. THERE'S A
REASON. In fact the reasons are quite
numerous. For one thing, we are not
confined to tbe output of one concern; we
are getting our pictures In tbe open mar
ket, THE VERY BEST of Dearly all
tbe bigger manufacturers. We care not
wbo makes them; If the pictures are good
the Pastime gels them. adv
They Pay The Printer And Sleep Well.
Subscription renewals are thankfully
acknowledged as follows:
Frank Nash, Mayburg.
Q. Jamieson, Tionesta.
A. M. R West Hickory.
M. G. Erlckeon, Maricopa, Calif.
W. S. Fitzgerald, Kellettville.
Ralph E. Haines, Los Angeles, Calif.
J. K. Mealy, Clarendon, Pa.
Joseph Clark, Tionesta,
-See "The Count of Monte Crlsto,"
tonight. adv
Mrs. J. F. Scberer of Endeavor was a
visitor In Tionesta Tburadsy,
Mrs. J, R, Morgan visited ber chil
dren in Oil City over Sunday.
M. B. Arthur of Sugar Run, Pa., was
a guest at W. C. Imel's over Sunday.
Rev. H. N. Hepler of Coudersport,
Pa., Is here for a visit with bis mother,
Mrs. Wm. Hepler.
A. M. Ross of West Hickory, gsuger
for the National Transit, waa circulating
amongst friends in town Thursday,
John Ritohey and sister, Miss Lenore,
came up from Pittsburg In tbe Ritcbey
csr snd remained over Sunday wltb their
Charles Irael went to Barberton, O.,
last Wednesday, where he has a position
as a civil engineer under tbe city gov
f r I t T . J
oars, jmiitro i . liinunrn ib v inning uwr
parents, Mr, and Mrs. William White, in
TitUBville. "Mr, Landers spent Sunday
wltb them there. j
Charlea Ginsberg, tbe owner of tbe
Tionesta bowling alley, bas closrd tbe
place and left Friday for bis borne in
Cleveland, Ohio.
Rev. II. A. Bailey attended tbe fall
meeting of Clarion Presbytery which was
held at Punxsutawney Monday and Tues
day of this week.
Kepler Davis returned to Annapolis,
Md., Naval Academy, yesterday, to take
up tbe year's studies alter a month's fur
lough spent with bis parents snd home
Miss June Herman came home from
Youugsville Friday, having as her guest
Miss Msy Wickiznr of Warrin, who re
turned wltb her Sunday eveniug on the
excursion train.
Frank Nasb of Mayburg, on old For-
eatonian and a many-years' friend ol the
Republican, made us a welcome call
Wednesday, while serving bis country
as a Jnror last week.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tremalne drovedown
from Bradford In her touring car tbe last
of the week to pay a visit to ber sister,
Mrs F. Wenk of German Hill, wbo has
been severely ill .for severs! weeks pist.
Mr. and Mra. J. K. Mealy and son
Russell, of Clarendon, Pa., wbo had been
visiting relatives in tbls section a lew
days, passed through town on their wsy
homo Monday, being dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Intel.
Mr, and Mrs O. E. Rodda of Jefferson
street sre tbe bappy parents ol a baby
boy wbo arrived yesterday afternoon.
Both mother and baby aredolng nicely.
Warren Times, 20tb, Mr. Rodda is a son
of our townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. G. F,
Returning from an auto trip to Pitts
burg Mr. aud Mrs. E. A. Yetter, of Kane,
were guests of over last night of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Wenk, and tbla morning were
accompanied home by their daughter,
Miss Margaret, wbo bas been a visitor
here the past month.
Mra. Kate C. Dunn Is a welcome vis
itor to ber old home friends in Tionests,
as a guest at tbe homes ol Mr. and Mrs.
S.D.Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Deriokson. Mrs. Dunn recently arrived
from London, England, where ber daugh
ter, who was married about a year ago,
bas ber residence.
A largely attended reception In honor
of Rev. and Mrs. II. Lee Dunlavy was
given at the Watson home last Wednes
day evening. A set of solid silver tea
spoons was presented to the popular
couple, F, R. Lausou making the pre
sentation speech. Refreshments were
served at the close of a pleasant eveuing.
James Elliot, who spent the past b!x
or eight months in the Kansas gas fields at
Ran onl, ia back among old Forest coun
ty friends. His daughtr and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mra. N.O. McDonald, came wltb
bim aud are with Mr. M's parents, near
Endeavor. Three of Mr. Elliot's sons,
Arthur, Matthew and Charles, are re
maining in the west, work In their line
of oontract drilling having picked up
some in the past few weeks.
F. M. Conference Appointments.
Tbe Oil City conference of tbe Free
Metbodist cburcb, held In Warren last
week, closed late Saturday afternoon, ibe
principal business of Ibe closing day be
ing tbe announcement of tbe pastorial ap
pointments. E. S. Zahuizer, pastor of
tbe First church of Oil City, resigned
from the conlorence, bsvlug accepted a
call to a church in Kansas. Tbe appoint
ments in tbis immediate section include:
Presiding elder, William Bryenton, Oil
Oil City, First church and Salem, F. M.
Fox; Second cburcb, Tenth ward, R. Mo-
Franklin and Maple Dale, A.J. Realty.
Titusville and Diamond, J. F. Barkas.
Tionesta and Newmansville, M. E.
Tidioute and Hickory, Frederick
Ynungsville and Sugarg-ove, A
Pleasantville and Enterprise,
rick Smith.
Weaver's Circuit, R. J. Jacobs,
Mayburg Circuit, G. S. Bryan.
Barnes, L. S. Hoover.
Warren, W. A. Quick.
Kane, F. S. Slocum.
Clarion, M. E. McFaddeo.
A.J. Horner left without an appoint'
ment because of ill health.
Other appointments are: A. J, Hill,
elder Bradford district; Duke Center and
Rixford, A. H. M. Zibniser; Couders
port, II. N. Hepler; Galeton and West
liraiich, E. L. Klfer; II. I). Call, evange
list. Erie and New Castle districts M.
B. Miller, elder; Union City, A. G. Crill;
Meadville, E. L. Monroe; Centerville,
John MacDonald and Lauren VanEps;
New Castle, Arlington avenue, G. A.
Garrett; New Castlo, Dewey avenue, F.
vV. McClelland; Bullion, John M. Crltch
low, DuBnis and Tyrone districts Du
Bois. F. W. Parks; Brockwayville, R.
B. Brewster; Marienvllle circuit, W. O.
Webster; N. Sager supernumerary
Shlppensvllle, Vine City, etc. A.
Hater, supernumerary.
Hev. J. J. Zahnlaer resigned ss elder of
Do Hois snd Tyrone districts to accept the
position of field secretary and financial
agent of Greenville, III., college. Khv.
W, J. Ilarkas was elected to fill the
vacancy. James G. Bromley of Mead
ville, a former Tionesta citizen, was
elected as a lay delegate to the general
conference, tbe place and time of meeting
not having yet been decided upon.
-See "The Count of Monte Cristo,"
tonight. ad 7
Fractured Skull Causes Death.
Thomas Bloomer, who wss employed
about tbe Wbeeler & Dusenbury lumber
ing plant at Endeavor, met wltb an acci
dent Friday afternoon which resulted in
blafl&atb some houra afterward. He was
engaged In cleaning up about tbe new
mill, and while near a window or open
ing where refuse edgings and slabs are
thrown out, a distance or about 18 feet to
the ground, it ia thought tbat be was
struck on tbe besd by a piece of wood
tbat had been thrown out of the wiudow.
The blow fractured his skull and ten
dered him uncousoious, in 'which condi
tion he was found a short lime afterward.
Drs. Morrow and Lall'erty of West Hick
ory, and Robertson of Warren were sum
moned, but the unfortunate man died
shortly after their arrival.
Mr, Bloomer was aged 08 years, having
been born In Philadelphia, March 5. 1840
He bad been for many years a resident of
Limestone township, Wsrren county,
where the burial took place Sunday. He
is survived by his wife snd one daughter,
Mra. J. E. Carpenter, of near Townville,
Crawford county.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cobler of Elk City
aud Mr. and Mrs, Herman Ilasaey of
Kaue were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, S.
Simpson on Wednesday,
On Tuesday evening tbe Victors and
Invited guests to tbe number of 48 gath
ered at tbe parsonage to ssy farewell to
Esther Smallenberger. Fruit was served
during the evening, different games were
engaged in and all enjoyed a very pleas
ant evening. A jowel case was presented
to ber by tbe teacher, Mrs. W. L. Watson
aud tbe members of the class, as a token
of remembrance. Esther bas been a
popular member of the younger society
for tbe past two years and will be missed
by ber friends.
Rev, and Mrs. H. Smallenberger and
daughter Esther left in tbe Henderson
car for their new borne at Cberry Creek,
Rev. and Mrs. O. W. Fuller and two
children arrived in town Friday, Their
goods having arrived, tbey are busy get
ling settled. Mrs, W. L. Watson accom
panied them In their car to Newtown
Sunday afternoon, when the reverend
gentleman went over to fill bis appoint
ment there.
Mrs. W. II. Do'.terrer and daughter,
Mrs. Anna Hunter, are visiting friends
In Nebraska this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cloak of Marien
vllle are guests ol tbe latter's sister, Mrs.
Orvllle McKenzie, and other friends in
town fur a few days,
Wm, Rudy bas purchased a second
band auto and la having It rigged up for
Lawrence Dunkle attended tbe Clarion
fair several days last week.
F. E. Hark less spent a part of tbe week
in Erie as a Juror In tbe U. S. court.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Pope were called
to Frewsburg, N. Y., Thursday, by the
serious Illness of the former's mother,
Mrs. A Hue Pope.
Mr. and Mra. W, A. Kinch and children
Ora and Amy, Cbas. Paubenspeck, Paul
Daubeuspeck, W, L. Watson, Glen Rich,
Roy Harmon, Mr. and Mra. W, A.
Kribba, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Ray and son
Willard attended tbe Clarim fair, Thurs
day. Mrs. Mark Wilson and son William of
North Warren are visiting ber parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Silzle, this week.
Tbe post office will be moved over Into
tbe drug store this week. Squire Zuon
del bas completed a new set of boxes for
the new postmaster, F, E. Hark less, who
takes charge at that time.'
W.S.Simpson, Isaan Siggins and H.
B. Dotterrer drove to Hickory in tbe
former's car Saturday evening and spent
a few hours fishing. Tbey report tbe fish
scarce, although they each brought home
a good mess,
David Detar Is quite sick with pneu
monia at tbe home of his son, W. J.
Dr. W. W. Serrill turned his ankle
during the week and caused quite a ser
ious sprain. In consequence be bas been
going with a limp since.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crouch of East
Hickory were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.
J. Henderson, Thursday and Friday,
and accompanied tbem to tbe Clarion
fair Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W,
Mundt of Tulsa, Okla., were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson on Friday and
Saturday, leaving in the Henderson car
for Hickory, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Daubeuspeck and
children were Clarion visitors Sunday.
Paul Daubeuspeck visited at Crown
over Sunday.
Tbe Ladies' Aid sre planning a sapper
In tbe near future to get funds to repair
the church walk.
Chas. Daubeuspeck drove to Tionesta
Saturday for Mrs. John Daubenspeck,
wbo was returning from ber home, where
she bad been called by the illness ol ber
father. Tbe Misses Kathleen Dauben
speck and Hazel Morrison accompanied
bim for a ride.
Prof. E. C. Terrlll was down from
Mayburg Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Mahl and family
an toed up from Blair's Corners and were
guests of the former's sister, Mrs. C. Y,
Detar, over Sunday,
R. W. Whitebill is having new walks
built and some grading done which adds
to tbe beauty aud convenience of his
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Simpson were
Brook ville visitors Sunday. Mrs. Sny
der and granddaughter Ima accompanied
them as far as Cooksburg, where they
expect to be at home for the present.
Cnlnrrh Cannot lie Om it
cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca
tarrh is a blond or constitutional disoaso,
and In order to cure it vou must take in
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
taken internally, and acts directly on the j
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It
was prescribed by one of Ibe best pliys- J
iciaim in this country for years, and is a
regular prescription. It is composed of ,
tbe best ton ii-H known, combined with
I ho best blood purilicrs acting directly on
tlio mucous surfaces. Tim perfect combi
nation of the two Ingredients Is what pro
duces such wonderful results in curing
calarrb. Send for testimonials free.
K. J. CII KNKY A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 7."o.
Hall's Family Pills are tliobust.
Diarrhoea Quickly Cured.
"My attention wan first called to Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy as much as twelve years ago.
At that time I was seriously ill with
summer complaint. One dose of tbis
remedy checked Ibe trouble," writes M rs.
C. W.' Florence, ItockHeld, Iud. Kor
sale by all dealers, adv.
Recent' Deaths.
James W. Cole, sou of Daniel and Lu-
oinda (Green) Cole, was boru at what Is
now Kellettville, Pa., in tbe year 181G,
and died at bis home at Marienvllle, Pa.,
Friday, Sept. U5, 1914, after an illness of
several yeara from rheumatism.
His parents occupied a farm In Kingsley
townabip, where Mr. Cole was born aud
where he grew to manhood, assisting bis
pareuts lu farm work until he was old
enough to engage In other pursuits.
While lumber rafting and ruuning was
done ou tbe creek and river he followed
that oociipatiou until railroad transporta
tion superseded tbat method. About 3o
years sgo he moved to Jenks township,
where for a number of years he followed
farming uutil bis health became impaired.
He was one of the quiet, unassuming and
popular citizens of bis community, bav
iug frequently been called upon to serve
in offices of trust In his township, all ol
which he filled with fldlllty and credit to
himself and the people he served.
Early In life Mr. Cole was united in
marriage with Miss Ruth Burton wbo
survives bim, together with these child
ren: Mrs. W. II. Taylor, William Cole,
Miss Maude Cole, Mrs. II. B. Creely, all
of Marienvllle. One brother, Clinton, of
Lancaster, u., and one sister, Elizabeth
Lennox of Erie, Pa., slso survive.
Tbe fuoeral was held Sunday afternoon,
the services being conducted by Rev. Mr.
Phillips of tbe M. E. church, the cere
mony at the gra?e being in charge of Odd
Fellows lodge of Marienvllle, of which
tbe deceased bad bean a member for
many years.
This comuiuuiiy was shocked last
Thursday morning upon receipt of a
telegram ststing tbst Mrs. Kate IS. Craig
bad died suddenly at three o'ulock that
morning at her home ill Los Angeles,
California. Tbe message came to R. M.
Herman and contained no information
beyond tbis announcement, aud it is sur
mised thai death was caused by heart
Mrs. Craig was Ibe daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, James Beaver, natives of Center
oouuty, Pa., where she was born Oct. 5,
181!). About the year 1870 she was united
in marriage witb Johu L. Craig, aud lu
1871 came with ber husband to Tionesta,
where he held the position of stalion
agent for tbe Oil Creek it Allegheny
River R. R now a part of tbe Pennsyl
vania Railroad system, until bis death,
Ootober 8, 1892. Mrs. Craig continued
her residence in Tionesta until 1902,
when she moved with ber children to
Los Angeles, which bas since been their
During her long residence in Tionesta
Mis. Craig was a leader in all those as
sociations which bave for their aim tbe
betterment and uplift of society and man
kind. A consistent member of the
Presbyterian cburcb, she wss active and
energetic In all the work pertaining to
the upbuilding of Christianity and mor
ality. Prominent In tbe W, C. T. U she
had adorned the posltiou of president of
tbe County Union, displaying tbat
splendid executive ability which countid
for much In tbat organization. Mrs.
Craig was never happier than when she
was entertaining and making others
happy witb ber whole-hearted hospitality
and cordiality, and it seemed no society
event waa quite complete without ber.
Accompanied by ber daughter she made
a return visit to Tionesta friends last
fall remaining In the east several mouths,
affording an opportunity to renew many
pleasant acq'ialntanceships. Our com
munity leels a distinct loss in ber passing
snd our people will long cherish the
memory of this excellent woman.
She leaves surviving ber four children,
William L., Miss Daisy and Clifford, of
Los Angeles, and James, of Needles,
California. Two brothers, Herman and
Charles Besver, of Boston, Mass., and one
alster, Mrs. James Kane of Los Angeles,
also survive.
Chicago, Sept. 29. !
Hogs Receipts, 20.000. L!ht, $S.." I
(5 9.15; mixed, $S.on; S.W.b ; roughs !
t7.75(ft7.S5; piKK, $4.7.r)'fiS.70. :
Cattle Iteceipts, 2:1,000. Hocvop,
f 6.75(fl 11 ; steers, $S.20ff 9.C0; ()
and heifers, $:i.00f& 9.10; calves, Wi
Sheep Receipts, 53,000. Sheep.
$4.70ff5.70; yearlings, o.70(f C.3',;
lambs, $6.2.r.ffi 7.70.
Wheat Sept., 1.06.
Corn Set.. 75.
Oats Sept., 4t7s.
Pittsbunrh, Sept. 29.
Cattle Choice, J9.40fii 9.75; prime.
$8.90ff.9.25; Rood, $8,251! S.SO; tidy
butchers, $8.20 8.75; common, $r.50 iiJ
7; common to fat cows, $:t.75!i C.50;
fresh cows and springers, $50iS0.
Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers,
$5.75ff6; Rood mixed, $5.255.05; fair
mixed, $4.50(?( 5.15; culls and common, ;
$2ffi 3; lambs, $5.50 8.25.
Hogs Prime heavy, $9 20fi 9.25; j
mediums, heavy Yorkers, $!)..'i5'ii 9.40; j
light Yorkers, $9rfi9.10; pigs, $8.7Bi'
8.90; roughs, $Sfr 8.25; stags, 7(i7.50.
Butter Prints, UStfrSSVi ; tubs, 34 y
34V&. Kggs Select, fresh, 2!(f.'i0.
Cleveland, Sept. 29.
Hogs Yorkers, $9.10; pigs, $8.75;
heavies, $S.75; roughs, $7.90; stags,
Calves Good to choice, $12; fair to
good, $10(?t 11.75.
Sheep and Lambs flood to cliolco
lambs, $7.75tf(8.25; fair to good, $(')
(ff7.2E; yearlings, $!?; 6.75; wethers,
$5.r0'(i 5.8C, ewes, $5tfi5.4f; culls und
common, -.U()'i 4.50.
Chamberlain's Liniment.
If you are ever troubled with aches,
pains or soreness of the muscles, you
will appreciate the Kod (pialltles of
Chamberlain's Liniment, Many suf
ferers from rheumatism anil sciatica have
used it with the best results. It is es
pecially valuable for lumbago and lame
back. For sale by all dealers. adv
1 -Seo "The Count of Monte Crlsto,"
tonight. silv
Strayed or Stolen.
Five cows am one bull either strayed
or were stolen from the promises of the
unilorsiKiied In Oreen township, Korent
couniy, Pa,, on September IK, 1014. I
will pay a suitable reward for Information
which will lead to the recovery of the
Thos. H, Stiiiil.K, Nobraska, Pa.
Sept. 22, 1914.
Nothing that you can place in your
home will give greater pleasure and sat
isfaction to yourself and children.
It is pleasure and profit, and an edu
cation along many lines, therefore is not
a luxury.
We are ready to sell you any Columbia
Graphophone on monthly payments.
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
Why Pay
8 or 10 Dollars .
For Merchant Tailoring, when you get as
good a suit and perfect tit in tlyj M.
Wile & Co.
Kampus Suits?
See them at
L. J.Hopkins
f trt
M . ..... VI-
1 : f 9
n v
And cold nights are in our midst, and as winter comes on apace
the days also will be chill and harsh. Prepare for these
changes early by looking up
The Stove Proposition.
Our heating stoves for either coal, wood or gas, are of a
high quality, reasonable in price, handsome in appearance,
and saving in fuel. And our
Cooking Stoves
Are of the very best for the use of gas, coal, wood or a combi
nation of all fuels. Don't make the mistake of buying till you
have consulted this store.
Heavy or Shelf Hardware.
We tuke no man's dust where quality and price are a con
sideration. The Hunting Season
Finds us ready to meet your wants with the best ammunition
to be had in the county. We know the needs of this section
and have the goods that fit the spot and get the game.
Everything in Sportsman's Goods. Come in.
J. 0. SC0WDEM,
Only Boys
But they'll be men sometime. You cannot begin too early
instilling a regard for good clothes into their minds. And
there's no better place than our Boys' Department for the
For Boys' Nofolk Suits, sizes 6 to 18, with two pair full
lined knicker trousers, made of all wool wear resisting
cloths in dark mixed heavy weights.
Still better ones at $6, $7, $8 and up.
Boys' Mackinaws $5.00.
8 to 16 sizes, Norfolk styles all wool heavy weight gar
ments, just the coat for outside hard wear.
Black Cat Hose 25c Pair.
In two weights for boys, the best wearing boys' hose
we know of for anywhere near this price.
ffOAlg: PR
41 8.43 SENtCA ST.
the most desired of all gems,
we offer at the actual cost or
production, plus our modest
profit. Better value is unob
tainable. Diamonds Bound to
Be Scarce
Foreign cutters being com
pelled to enlist in the army,
prices will advance, Now is
the time to invest.
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa.
Jo Man
of Taste
exacting as to details, and appreciative
I of the niceties of his apparel, to such a
. man
make a strong appeal for street and bus
iness, dress or evening wear. We have
the style to please you for the occasion.
Fall Styles
ready for you in all the new models.
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Oil. CITY,