The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 30, 1914, Image 3

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4. C. art MK, . c,t. 4 PioniTii.
itt:inti.i a ticket.
17. iV. HnuOiir IViiM Pftnro.
(ifnmiiT - M artln fi. Hramhanirh.
7,u. Owrrnfrr- l. MK,-Iln.
Acr'y Jnlrnutl Affair! - Hoary Hotirk.
0njrrM--xr7-T. H. (,'r.ffo, M. H.
(iarland, I. K. Ix'hm, J. it. K.Mcott.
fmtfreHmitl It. Millar.
fttnUHryviUr -Jmi Howard.
lMmy-A, K. Mry-.bllna-.
hujimmt. Ourt -llobnrt (1. Krawrr, (itiTfi
tUptrrUT Oiurt yratik M.Treilnr, Jamr
K. Cl.rk.
OiH of th Ui'Mt popular pol rrl
photograph In lyin'lori, I of PrMidnot
VVllwm. Tim tt.fitr rri hurdly nop
tb rlnrn.nd. Iiernonmllr: V Inrfloalor.
Hur li la popul.r with tha KriffHab,
ari'l why nhoiildn'l he bT Didn't ha Inrn
or our Vf),W.iftt canal In IbrirnT
A rwxmfMW who votaa for Mcf.'or- j
rnlr k lor I voting for a ;arn- ,
o:ratl! national adrnlnltratlon-Praa.
riant, fjongra and all. For a Democrat
that I all right, but a Prograaalve or a ;
K publican l ix.und lo dafaat the liern-
ocrallc ticket If ha can.
TlfKcallof the Klaphant to the man
who hate ten following the Hull Mooa, 1
but now hav no candidate of their own
for Oovarnor, I being baard and bnalad. ,
Mny Prograaalve- Itapubllcana would
have prafnrrad Iiwl lo llrumbaugh, ha-
caua Iawl wa Ihelr candidate, but aa
for departing txitb wing of the Itapnbll-
can movaiiianl and going over lo the.
machine bamocral Ilk MrCnrrnli k - '
that l"oinalhlrig alaalrady." Frank j
I In New.
Tim I'ci III lo Iadgarof Phlladalphla.ona
of the atamichaal of the Kapubllcari
paper, foraaaw what evil afTwt Ilia t
tempt to ra elect Panroaa would bring to
lha party In till" lata, in a clarion call
lo the Kapu til lean of l'aiinylvnla It do
r lial llit PerirMui wa a menace to the
National Itepu I.I ii-an Urn and If the party
wa to live and regain popular con fldancn,
I'anroa (mm I be dafnatad. iJamocratln
The Puhlle Ledger I not now and
navar wa a Kepulillcan paper, and the
moat conservative and beat pi.atad people
poaltlvnly declare that lla attitude In the
campaign will add not one lea than
(HOI to I'anroae a majority In Philadelphia
Til K determination of the admlnUtra
tlon at Washington lo Impoan burden
aome war laxea In llmaa of peace, a a
ruae aolely Pi cover the failure of the
Iiamocrello tariff laglalallon, ha brought
the voter of Penriaylvanla to a full aenae
of their duty at thl particular time and
tha Kapuhllcane bav abundant raeaoti
for llinlr belief that lha people will not
only rebuke the admlnlxtrallon, but will
vote Willi all poalble empliaal aglnt
Mr. Palmar who haa had much Pi do
with framing the dlatroiia Iietnonratlo
policlea at WaahlngUin. Under all lbs
condition an old time Republican ma
jority In Pennaylvaula acnrua aured,
and the Kepubllcana are now In I he thick
of a light with alia'ilute coulldance of uc
cea for thnlr entire tlckat.
The Eagerly Helpful CongresBman.
F.xtram from lettnr written by a
CniigreMinan to one of hi constituent!.:
"Ifyou have in mind any particular
govnriimnut document please
write me and I will try Pi secure It for
"if there la a baby In your family I can
send you very valuable government
document entitled 'The Care of Ihe
"it any nr your friend are lost or
alrandcd In Kurope please let me know
and I will try to locate them for you and
assist In getting them back to America.
1 have already located many rel
ative and friend of my constituent and
It will allord mo pleasure lo aid you In
thla way,
"Please remember my preliminary
competitive examination to lie
held In New York (in October Hint next,
to select a cadel for Annapolis. Kindly
mention the matter to any eligible young
men among your aciiiHliiUnce,"
To which Ihe constituent replied:
"Your letter of Heptninber llfleentli for
votes ha been received and tinted."
No Time To Swap Horses.
Aa sure a you are living, if Forest
county semis a new mail to Ihe legislature
thla fall, one who 1 not thoroughly posted
on Ihe way they bsveof lining thing In
Harrlshurg, the Iniquitous anil hideous
water snake, sgsinst which our county
made audi a brave Unlit two year ago,
will ps the legislature, and our county
be turned over lo Ihe tender merries of
the water grabber, and the hideous iIniiin,
the mere thoughts ol which have given
us nightmare ami put us all on the verge
of nervous prostration, will become a
reality and Forest county will be practl
clly wiped off tbe map. This 1 not
theory but a condition that stare the resi
dent of the Tloriesla creek and the Alle
gheny river vlllc In the teeth. Do you
waul toJiiistil.n your life, your family,
your home by audi ciuiilliloii? Then
don't trust your business In the legisla
ture lo a green hand at this critical stage.
Ild It not been for the excellent and In
telligent watchfulness of Mr. Merhllng
and three or four other wide awake and
experienced mnmliera of the legislature
at the last session these bills would have
slipped through, and our county and a
few other In this em! of the HtaUi would
today he In the grip of the water power
grabber. No green baud could have
watched and averted this calamity. Well
do we remember the excellent work, also,
of ex-Judge Kreltler, Ihe late T, D. I'ol
litis, N. P. Wheeler, Attorney A. C.
Hrown, representing the County Com
mlssloner, Mini others. In killing off tills
obnoxious legislation, and the numerous
trips they made to Harrlshurg to light
these snakes,
Consider these fsd thoroughly,
thoughtfully. Lay aside any prejudice
you may have formed, Forget your likes
or dislike and make up your mind to
vole lor and work for your own Interests.
1 bU I no lime lo swap horses.
Candidate Pinibot Pitted Through.
Glfford Plnrhot, who claim a "t'HIdb j
rldnr" In Fika count, and wanla lo
ho 8rtor from I'nnyl anla, road bla
inuob boraldwl trip throoi(b tbl action
laat wk. ftaloHay ha r'arhod Tio
nxata, ahort ha gate a abort atrant talk to
Hi aruall .Saturday afternoon crowd that
la naual to our Un at tha coroar of Kloi
and HrldK alroau, tha burdan of wMrh
waa hla annaty to II' k Monator Pnro.
if ia car arrivad about tbraa o'clock from
Tul loo Ui and on of tha ma'i bara of lb t
party waa our old frland (io. Mono of
Warran, a ary atrong advocate of pur
polilion. Mr. Pincbot waa mat at Tldl-I
out and eaonrtod to our city by a oum-j
1 br ol our low oaman, among whom were '
K, W. fiowman, A. M. Doutt, J. C.Oeiat, :
f. K. Ianaoo, W. 3. Campbell, Harry ;
Watw.o and William Woloolt. j
In a aomawhat axtandad aaRb Judf( '
(rwin Introduced candidaUi Plncbot, and '
among oibar lblnf(a be mad tha rathai !
Urtlin atatamant that Honalor Peor'jaa
had aald "be owned tha ToUira of tbla I
rflate," Tb Judiie afterward admi'.Ud j
that be had only heard aomeooe elae aay
Candidate Plnchot'a apaacb wa almoat
wholly devoted to abuae of Hanator Pan
roaa, wboaa Job be freely admitted be,
""ld like to beat blm out of. Willi hlrn l
" "anything lo beat Fenroee," tLe '
awfully bad boa. He charged tbe Han-
"' 'lh favoring every bal law and op- :
I"lng avary good one. Whan he came;
pnlalii bla mnat aerioua charge waa1
that nanaUir Pan roaa had vole for the,
'Canadian reciprocity law, but h forgot!
; lo aay that one of the atrongent advocate '
i of that bill, while It waa undnr conaldera-
tlon In Corigrao, wa (.'ol, Itoonevelt, I
who mole speech In It favor and
reoomrnandad It aa a splendid measure
for tbe people of the United Nlatea, ea
peclally ihe working man. He further
more forgot to elate that bla iJemocrailo
opponent, A. Mitchell Palmer, who alao
wanla Penrose's ob ao bad that be can
taate It, wa one of the mala leader Id tbe
paaaageof the free trad law now In fore
and that allow Canada lo export her
goixl Into tin country duty free, but
give the UuIUkI Htatea no chance to ex
act the sains privilege from Ibe Canadian.
Hut It Isn't Palmer'a ecalp that liirford la
after. He rather hopes to draw enough
Kapuhllcane to himself to let Ibe big
I)oiiioorllc boss, Palmer,
Another of Mr. Plnchot'a complaints
waaofthe manner In which the atate
hlghwaya wera handled under Commis
sioner liigelow, knowing full well that
Auditor General Powell held up the n ad
fund for a year ao that no work conld be
done on the road during that period, and
knowing tint thla course would bring
odium upon tbe highway depart men I,
Could Hanator Penrose or Mr. Itlgelow
have had their way of It the atate high
way would today be In the very finest
condition, and that without one penny's
cost lo Ihe taxpayera of the country.
Mr. Plnchot, It should be remembered,
la very wealthy man, perhap no
wealthier man ever asplied Ut the Honat
orshlp from Pennsylvania. After being
pried loose from his Job a chief forester
at Washington In 1(110, he established a
"voting residence," to use 111 own word,
In thla atate, and If he ha been the good
"bouse-clean log" citizen that he pretend
to be, and baa not been absent at bis
"real residence" on election day, be baa
voted atjust four general election In
Pnntieylvanla. Thl should entitle him
to he elected aa our representative lo Ibe
U. H. Hnnaln, by all means! It would be
an easy Job for hltn, and he wouldn't be
bothered but once a year, when of course
be would have to bunt up hi "voting
residence" and cast bla ballot.
The Late Sebastian Cook.
Hnbatlan Cook, son of John and K eth
er yn Hitter Cook, wa born at Cooka
burg, Harnett Township, July 4, 18:17.
He waa a member of a family of eighteen,
three of which aurvlve blm, who are
Jerry and Hijulre Cook and Mr. Martha
Hnyder of thla place. Those who have
gone before are Dan, John, Mr. Piper,
Mr. Young, Phillip, Andrew, Mra. Iter
lln, Mra. Phippa, Mr. I.lndsey, Mra.
Hlocuui, Mra. Henry and KIIJhIi.
Mr. Cook spent nearly all hi life In
thla place and to blm do we owe the debt
of helping lo clear the land and building
permanent homo In Cookaburg. Iu the
year uf lHtll, when Lincoln called for vol
unteers, Mr, Cook waa one of the llrat to
respond, enlisting on the first day of
July, 1WI1. He enlisted In Ihe Tenth
Regiment of the Pennsylvania Unserves,
Company K, and was under ('apt. Pblpp,
and later, Capl. Knox. He fought In
tome great battles, among which were
the battle ol the W .Idernesa, and battle of
Hull Hun. He fought In IheHeven Daya'
Itatlle until the II fill day, when be wa
wounded In the ankle by a bullet nbot by
a rebel soldier. After sull'erlng for al
most a week from thla wound he wa
taken to Ilallimore to the hospital, where
he remained for six months, wheu be In
sisted on going back Into the battle Held
Physlnisns, understanding hla physical
condition, refused hi request and he was
granted an honorable discharge January
I, IHfl.'l, Yet no man ever loved his coun
try heiter; be never boasted of bla ser
vice but many an old soldier will today
toll of hi great bravery.
In 1WI5 he waa married to Mis Kara
Morgan, who still aurvlve him and baa
Indeed proved herself a faithful compan
ion. To Ihla union nine children were
born, all of which survive blm, except
one, Mra. Hetty Nlocum, who preceded
blm to the other world live year ago.
The children are Andrew, William, Au
gustos, Ouhurn, Mra. Hubert Cook, of
thla place, Mrs, Ida Hoyd of Clarion,
Mra. William Hmalliera of Kane, and
Mra. Kdward Merchant of Mayburg. He
was also survived by llilrty-nlne grand
children and nine great-grsnddilldren.
Mr. Cook wa taken 111 on Wednesday,
Kept, 0, llll l, and though everything that
human hand could do, the "Angel ol
Death" could not be barred and be was
called lo hla eternal home o;i Monday
morning. While sick he wa attended
by Dr. Klmor and Mis Naylon. He waa
a good clll.en, a kind neighbor, a lalthful
worker, and will be grimily missed.
From the beginning of hi lllnes friends
hoped for his recovery, but when they
saw It In vain bla son-in-law asked "II
be was ready lo die," llesald, "I am."
He had a sinllii and a kind word for
everyone, and was known to everyone In
Ihe community as "Uncle lloss." We
grieve at the thought that lie la gone,
never to return, but be Iikh erected a
monomant In the num'tf of all that
will or pariab. '
Oa Tborvlay aa w aDtcrad that bom
to lay the dar on lo rt, fin(j of
aadneaa came or o, wbao wa aw the
Htere and Htrlpea banging at half EQMt. I
Than, aa wa aaw tb caaket alao wrapped
in our country's flag, oar mind" went J
bf.k to tboea day from '61 till 'V, and ,
we could not help hut raaliM the great
a'rlflce made by nor vr-tarana,
floral offering ware abundant,
mong tbe moat taantlfal fliwera.
Kev. H. ftmallaoberger of Kellettvllla i
praaobad tbe funeral eermon, Allbougb j
a complete atrangar to the dacaaaed, Mr.'
hmallenbergar aald be could fully real- :
ia bla popularity In tha oommonlty by j
tb large ooncouraa of friend who bad i
come lo ebow him laat earthly raapect
Mr. (K,k'a favorite bymna were aung by
Mr. and Mra. Clough of Clarion. After
tb aervlcea be waa laid to real, a number
of bla old eomrjdee following biro to tbe
grave and giving him military bonora.
Tban aa we returned lo our borne In our
little vallay town and aaw the aun aink
ailantly to real beneath lh bill, to rlae
again la It glory at tbe banning ol
- ll...n..L.I Ik. f.nA m
another day, we tbonght of the one whom ,
we had laid lo reat lo rUe Id tbe glory of
Cookaburg, Pa., HP'. 21, 1UM. j
Mra. Hebestian Cook and family of
Cookaburg wish to expreaa Ihelr moat
alncere thaoke to the people of that vl-
clnltyand elaewbere lor tbelr klndneaa
during Ibe Illness and death of their be-
loved husband and father. Tbey ,o
wish to expreaa ihelr Ibauk for ibe
beautiful floral offarlnga. -
, .
(ireatceti ol Pennsylvania.
For rn:. y years Pep.:;! y! v: h! i
x.ri a-tit "v a trru'A i Iff fill I S-fi' I
stronghold. Toe opponent r.r irjjub l .
can rule assist that the p-ilby of t a ,
party Is destructive, but If It be, h '
comes It tbat the Kenubllcan s'a'e of i
i'ennsylvnnla, with It Kipulatlon rd '
elvht mllilotiH, Is one of tuoat pros- j
ptrtius states In tne l.'nlon?
it rteu'iuiK an aseennancy were
rtitnoii'i, as the
vapid exponcn's ' 1 1
lernorat!c swav
sylvatila, whore Kepuhllcan principles i "' '"e ihi-ii oui
and policies have prevailed for mo-e; after every big pi me I was ever ln.
than half a century, lust al cf beln; ; Town Topics.
the magnificent commonwealth It Is J
would he one of the most Insignificant ' i ..... j.j:
In the tralii).y of states that constitute Acute Xndigeiuon.
U'Th,,:".t aWftr themselves and "l " y
thev furnish eloiient pro' f to ili- w ta "ka of a- ute Indlgeallon, followed by
that In every field of human endeavor constipation ," writes Mra. M. J, Galla
tin; much maligned but splendid atate . f ,.. K v m i.ii .,.ikin.
of Pennsylvania Is pre ctirn- nt. I f he Geneva. N. Y. "I tried everylblng
hears the palm In everything which ! T". '"COIDTDdii me '"I tb'i
makes for real, lasting progress and , eoniplalnt but nothing did ma much i good
prosperity. UD"' about foor montha ago I aaw Cham-
The fta'tn of Pennxylvanlt I the ' berlaln'a Tablets advertlaed and procured
world renter of the steel industry. Its ;
rniiMiifa' tnriiiK and
milling a'tiltles
give employment at g.;od wages t-i ai
indiiHtrlal popul
pure lavorahly
population that, will coin
In Intelligence a.d
thrift with the jx'ople of any similar
area In the world. The mining output
of the stale for the year l!)13, as r:
ported to the state geologist, a?gre
gated the remarkable sum of nea.l)
six hundred million dollars, almos
one-fourth of the entire mineral out
put of the I .'nlted Hlates. If expressed
In figures Its multitudinous manti 8"t
tiring activities would make a show
lug equally plctures(iie.
Repelling a Slander.
Democratic newspapers and oratois,
who are now busy trying to fool th"
people, IiihIkI that Republican sway
iib been a blight to Pennsylvania;
but the glorious old commonwealth re
pels this slander from every ml'l nnrl
mine and factory and railroad within
lt.H borders, and from every savlngp
bank In which the surplus earnings ol
1 1 h frugal and happy people are de
IMislted. Not only Is Pennsylvania great In
Its Industries which have been foster
ed and made possible under the pro
iciiive system or tne itenuhllcan
party, but Its educational system h I
unexcelled In any other state. Pa
public schools, in which hundreds o'
thousands of children receive the ben
efits of a good education, have been
hrou i;lit to their present efficiency un
der Republican rule. The fre let
books, which make It possible for the
children of the poor to enjoy e-pi I
advantages with the children of t
well-to-do, are a result of Republican
foresight and leglalation for the wel
fern f)f people.
t i Republican policy has been and
lh, .oad and progressive In the high
est sense, ami this fact Is so plui)
that It cannot he obscured by thr
most diligent Democratic slanderer of
Republican candidates and policies.
Just now the foremost shonters In
the Democratic camp are concintrat
lug their torrents of abuse on Senato
Penrose In sn effort to defeat him f r
reelection. They are tinsc nip'tlntis pi
their assertions, but they cannot Just
ly deny that for nearly a third of s
century the mini against whom the'r
vicious attacks are directed has heei
a potent factor In shaping and sup
porting leglHlation for the welfare ol
Penrose and the State.
Tills mighty ccmmonwealth, with
lis flourishing Industries, lla prosp t
oils people and Its happy homes, had
had no more able or devoted advocate
of all that makes for Its prestige and
perpetuity Hum llols Penrose,
Hi'iistor Penrose la the man that
has done a;.d can do things for Penn
sylvania, lie proved this fact to th
satisfaction of every fair minded nia"
In the state and nation while he was
the leader of Ihe Unite I Hlate-t rei
ate. lie won his present nonilnatlo
squarely at the primaries by d'r c
vote of the people, In the face of ma'l
clous oppiiK.tlun ut the hands of Jaun
diced and envious opponents, n '
those who now clamor about a "ma
chine" are simply tralllckln In stol
dtindt rs.
The reelcllnn of Senator Penrfg
Is the surest, guarantee Pcnnsylvniiia
ran have for the continuance of the
proud position the Keyntone State h;:s
occupied c) ii ri n 'r the half eetitit'y of
Its a Iviiiirenient under Iteptib I a '
rule, lie stands for Pennsylvania first '
and for those pnll' lcs which make fo
Ihe happiness mrl nrncperlty ( f It i
people, and I'cmisv Iviuila wl'I stan
by li tut wil l Its ballots In November. :
That I edger Fiasco.
It has In come known that Jrhn :
Cilbhel, In ndilltion to ti u v t n di' I
f ir Senator Penrose an i enrolled him I
self ns n member of the I'enii yl bis!
I'roteillve 'liiloti, has n'si to Ignnil
as vhe prcsldcnl of t ie Public l,e("r '
Ci nn nny and dlrei lnr of the Cnrll 1
l'nbllsblng Compiiny. I
This In perluiiH Hie hottest shot th il
has been Ihvil lulu the ant1 I'cnr Be
coalition lo date. Mr. lirlhhcl has join i
been a prominent llgure In the Cur I
companies, and the fai t that, he h;i 1
demanded that his name he taker1
down from Ibe elllorlal columns f
Ihe l.educr will make It very (lilllcll
fur that newspaper to continue to til'-1
creilll all those who follow t tin stinil :
arils of the Itcpuhlleun partv as re
Kurds Its candidates lor the upper and,
lower brunches of congress.
The Scot'a Consolation. ,
lie wns it frugal Scot, mill when the
collodion pinto ciuno round he dropped
in ii lloilii In mistake for the humble ,
copper. Speedily discovering bis nils- I
tike, however, he stepped softly down
Hut aisle mid ropicstcd the collector
to give him buck Hid coin, which re
quest wns politely but llruily refused.
A shade of disappointment Hilled o'er
Ihe northerner's face its he walked
slowly buck lo his pew. "A wild," ho
said. "It's it loss, but there's some kiuii'
consolation In rcllectlti' It's n bud one.
It inl'bt have got me Into trouble nny
where elso."-Piill Mull Gnzctto.
Mirabaau a an Orator.
No on. Dot even Tallerraod. conld
approach Mlralx-na aa apoaker. and.
rnrlonly ciiotich, tbla violent, eroo
Uonal man waa. aa orator, perfectly
K-lf fKa3iwI:
"Lmrlrijf, the delist on the dilrfbrb
me at Ma well lea the Right Inter--upted
b!a npwb with crlea of aland
.rer. liar, nconndnd. naaasaln. lie
; itp-i ror a tnonierit ann rookea at
. ''e M'ltwl riK-inla-ra who were be
t :mtterliii lilm with their tile woroa:
I am w-Hltlii?. gantleiiien.' he an Id. 'for
Jiew nruenltlea to die do wd.' Tben be
rrmit on with hla nlx-wli at the point
jrhre be had broken off."
HI fare, pitted with amnllpo. waa
iifc'ly, nayn the autlior of "Mlrabean.''
but hla very nctltie. trnnaformed by
iIia r.lti i.r IiIm will ti n nia mfa map.
! .. . . ,
iri'riini llll IITTiJ llll" n " VCV r I tw r.t .
When be abook bla "terrible Ixwir'a
head" he waa terrifying and no man !
dnrr-d to Interrupt hlra.
Maarachaum and the Turk.
Meeiwlinnm ni.,d to be eonaldered
m nrnra riiriiMiIrr tiv that Tnrka arhi
j fr)T n nn
tlttite for fuller wnp. The tory rona
thnt the Tnrklli nniliniwidor at the
Anatrlnn court. In the eighteenth cen
tury, wiia h imtlve of K'ikl Rohelr.
Wontlnt' to help hi city at n time of
! grent poverty, he look a anmplr- of thla
! l"eer stuff in Vienna, thinking. thnt
the "Prink." na all foreigner were
''n '"Hi'd. might have ome tie for
The Oermnna were quirk to ee
i H ntlllfy for pipe Iwwla. lint declared
; thnt It w 1 for nothing el More
; ','n " Cei,turjr. bn" ,h"
, Judgment, for who hna yet discovered
jnny .,. n,e for niP,.r!rtinnrn? For
..i,. .n.. i. i.i
' "
terlal. Here Is a stone which Is easily
moulded when wet and when dry be
comes hard and resist Are.
Always Out.
Mis Gnsh And were von ever otil
after bis game, colonel? Colonel High
a bolile of them from our drugglat. I
eooo realized that I had gotten tbe right
thing for tbey helped me at once. Since
taking two bottlea of them I can eat
heartily without any bad effect." For
aale by all dealer. adv
'The Count of Monte Crlato,"
Chamberlain's Colic, Choleri and Diar
rhoea Remedy.
"I advised Ibe 'boy' when tbey en
Hated for tbe Hptnlsb war to take Cham
berlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy with them, and have received
many thanks for Ibe advice given,"
write J. H. Hnugbland, Kldoo, Iowa.
"No person whether traveling or at borne
should be without Ibis great remedy.
For sale by all dealers.
-See "The Count of Monte Crlato,"
tonight, adv
i 1
BURG. PA. Healed proposals will be re
celved at aald ofllce until 10 a, m. October
6, lull, when bids will be publicly
opened and acbeduled, and contract
awarded aa soon thereafter aa possible,
for the reconstruction of 10A0 lineal feet
of Brick Block pavement 14 feel wide,
situated in Tioneata Borough, Forest
County. Plana and specifications may
be seen at efUce of State Highway De
partment, Harrlshurg; 1(101 Chealnut
Hi reel, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmera' Bank
Building, Pittsburgh, and Warren Hav
Inga Bank Building, Warren, Pa. Full
particulars and Information on applica
tion to Edward M. Blgelow, Stale High
way Commissioner.
. i ii
Still On Deck.
Buster Brown
' Nearly Everything; You Need.
Fruit Store
H. I. Cohen, Proprietor.
Always Ready
To supply your wants in anything
in the
No such stock ever kept in Tio
nesta before.
Our reputation already extends
to all parts of the County, and all
because we keep the Freshest,
the Largest and the Best stock.
Come and See.
You are bound to be more
than pleased.
Store in Central Hotel Block,
sfjn. Z i V ' H.. 1
1 4
Fall Styles are here.
$3.50, $4, $4.50
Watch ThJi Space Every Week.
Pastime Theatre
The Great Masterpiece,
"The Count of Monte Cristo."
6 Reels 6
Featuring James O'Neill.
Don't fail to see this wonderful picture,
by the Famous Players Film Co.
Every Tuesday.
"Mutual Weekly."
Keep up to date.
Every Wednetulay.
"Mutual Girl."
Come to every one.
Pauline, No. 9.
Pauline Pleases People.
"An Hour Before Dawn."
Famous Players Films.
Featuring Laura Sawyer and House
AdmlnlKtratrlx'R Notice.
Letters of Administration on tbe eslnte
of Jamea Haslet, late of Tioneata Bor
ough, Forest County, Pa., deceased, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
peraona Indebted to aald ealate are here
by ootltifd to make payment without
delay, and tbnae having claims or de
mands will preaent tbein, duly authenti
cated, foi settlement.
Clara E. Hablkt, Adm'rx,
Tioneata, Pa.
M. A. Carrinokr, Attorney,
We manufacture the very highest
grade of
Brass Rule in Strips
Brass Labor-Saving
Brass Column Rules
Brass Circles
I Brass Galleys
Metal Borders
L. S. Metal Furni
Leads and Slugs
Metal Leaders
Brass Leaders Spaces and Quads
Brass Kound Lor- 6 to 48 point
ners Metal Quoins
Brass Leads ana fctc.
Old Column Rules refaced and made
good as new at a small cost.
Please remember that we are not in
any Trest or Combination and are sure
that we can make it greatly to your ad
vantage to deal with us.
A copy of our Catalog will be cheerfully
furnished on application.
We frequently have good bargains in
second-hand Job Presses, Paper Cutters
and other printing machinery and ma
terial. Philadelphia Printers' Supply Company,
Manufacturers of
Type and High Grade Printing Material,
14 S. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Proprietors Penn Type Foundry.
I $23.00 ostermoor
ilf hetel style
malt. 'esses,
at $15.00
We bought the entire con
slp'mcnts of this size from
Oslcnnoor bought them
special. Use this mattress for
30 ni his and if at the end of
that time it does not prove
the most comfortable mattress
you have ever used, we will
refund the purchase price.
It Is built as only the Oster
moor Co. hui.d mattresses,
entirely by hand. Huffy, pure
Ostermoor Sheets, 50 pounds
in all, incased in extra quality
of art and plain tickings. Will
never mat, lurch or pack, b
absolutely non-absorbent, dust
and vermin proof. Has full
roll edge and Is diamond
shaped, closely tufted. Hotel
style Ostermoor mattress sells
for $23.00, our price $15.00.
$18 cec'ar cLest,
$12 50
Puill of solid red cedar, oil
finish, d, 49 inches li ng, 22
inches wide, and 19 inches
high. Dust, moth, mice and
damp proof.
I' I'TSIII IK.Il, pa.
j '' '
No man can hide money and keep others from knowing
There is always something in his actions that "gives
2 it.
! him away." Our strong vaults will keep your money safe.
: i Besides this, men of known
; hind our bank.
CAPITAL STOCK, 150,000. SURPLUS, 1 100,000
Do your banking with
We pay liberal interest consistent
Forest County
"The Count of
Mt jewI ' f.. 5 ' -i
(..: .,awvyvi'' " . ; ....'-V
Featuring James O'Neill.
At The Pastime Theatre, Tionesta,
5 Big Reels 5
7:15 to 11 p.
For Ten Days Only.
We Deliver to You Free of Charge
40 per cent, dynamite in 50 pound boxes 14 cents a pound
No. 6 blasting caps,' 100 in box 80 cents a box
Best grade Crescent fuse, per 100 fept 70 cents
This dynamite is five per cent, stronger than any other on
the market. If not the best you over used bring it back and
get your money back.
Special prices on 500 pound lots.
Our magazines are on the Maze farm. Call us here.
Meadville Blasting & Supply Co.
B. V. Parshall, Manager.
Hottelville, Forest County, Pa.
Red Bank Telephone.
Scene From
"An Hour Before Dawn."
jl hi r z.
Laura Sawyer and House Peters.
At Pastime Theatre,
Tionesta, Wednesday, October 7th
7:15 to 11 p. m. Admission, 10c
Subscribe for the
Year. $1.
leTTf M ek
financial responsibility are be-
119. , A Arl4
with safety, Jt JcI UUil U.
NaLtiona.! Bank.
Monte Cristo."
Admission, 10c
Republican This
All the News.