The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 30, 1914, Image 2

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ni;ri Itl-H IX TICKET.
XT. S. Senator Boies Penrose.
Governor Msr tin G. Brumbaugh.
Zt'ruf. Oot'prnor-Frank B. McCIln.
Sec'y Internal Affairt-Heary Houck.
Congress-at-Large -T. 8. Crago, M. H.
Garland, D. K. La (fan, J. K. K. Scott.
Congress Samuel II. Miller.
iSate iVewafor-Joslab Howard.
Assembly A. R. Mecbliag.
Supreme Court -Hubert 8. Frazer, George
inriorCbur Frank M.Trexler, James
Onu of tbe most popular post card
photograph In London, is of President
Wilson. Tbe stationers can hardly sup
ply tbe demand. Democratic Vindicator.
Sure be la popular with tbe English,
and wby shouldn't be te? Didn't be turn
over our f 11)0,000,000 canal to IliemT
A FROORKssiva who votes for McCor
mick lor Governor is voting for Dem
ocratic national administration Presi
dent, Congress and all. For a Democrat
that Is all right, hut a Progressive or
Republican la bound to defeat the Dem
ocratic ticket if be can.
Tub call of ibe Elephant to tbe men
who bave been following tbe Bull Moose,
but now have no candidate of tbeir own
for Governor, Is being beard and heeded.
Many Progreaoive-Republicans would
bave preferred Lewis to Brumbaugh, be
cause Lewis was their candidate, but as
for deserting both wings of tbe Republi
can movement and going over to tbe
machine Democrats like McCormirk
ibat is "sometbiug else already ."Frank
lin News.
Thk Publio Ledger of Philadelphia, one
of tbe stauncbesl of tbe Republican
papers, foresaw what evil effects lbs at
tempt to re elect Penrose would bring to
tbe party in this state. In a clarion call
to the Republicans of Pennsylvania It de
elated that Penrose was a menace to tbe
National Republicanism and If tbe party
was to live and regain popular confidence,
Penrose must be defeated. Democratio
The Public Ledger la not now and
never was a Republican paper, and tbe
moat conservative and best pasted people
positively declare that its attitude io Ibe
campaign will add not one less than 25,
000 to Penrose's majority in Philadelphia
The determination of tbe administra
tion at Washington to Impose burden
some war taxes in times of peace, as
ruse solely to cover tbe failure of tbe
Democratic) tariff legislation, has brought
tbe voters of Pennsylvania to a full sense
of tbeir duty at this particular time and
tbe Republicana bave abundant reasons
for tbeir belief that tbe people will not
only rebuke tbe administration, but will
vote with all possible emphasis against
Mr. Palmer who baa bad much to do
witb framing tbe disastrous Democratic)
policies at Washington. Under all tbe
conditions an old time Republican ma
jority io Pennsylvania seems assured,
and tbe Republicana are now in tbe thick
of a fight with absolute confidence of suc
cess for tbeir eutire ticket.
The Eagerly Helpful Congressman.
Extracts from letter written by a
Congressman to one of bis constituents:
"If you bave In mind any particular
government document please
write me and I will try to secure it fur
"If there is a baby Io your family I can
send you very valuable government
document entitled 'The Care or tbe
"If any of your friends are lost or
stranded in Europe please let me know
and I will try to locate tbem for you and
assist Io getting tbem back to America.
I bave already located many rel
atives and friends of my constituents and
It will afford me pleasure to aid you io
this way.
"Please remember my preliminary
competitive examination to be
beld in New York on October 21st next,
to select a cadet for Annapolis. Kindly
mention tbe matter to any eligible ynuag
men among your acquaintances."
To which tbe constituent replied:
"Your letter of September fifteenth for
votes has been received and noted."
No Time To Swap Horses.
As sure as you are living, if Forest
county sends a new man to the legislature
this fall, one wbo is not thoroughly posted
od the way tbey bave of doing things io
Harrisburg, tbe iniquitous and bideous
water snake, against which our county
made aucb a brave fight two years ago,
will pass tbe legislature, and our county
be turned over to tbe tender mercies of
the water grabbers, snd tbe bideous dams,
tbe mere thoughts ol which bave giveo
us nightmares and put us all on tbe verge
of nervous prostration, will become a
reality and Forest county will be practi
cally wiped off the map. Tbla is not a
theory but a condition Ibat stares tbe resi
dents of tbe Tioneata creek and tbe Alle
gheny river vallies in the teetb. Do you
want to jeopardize your life, your family,
your home by such a condition? Then
don't trust your business in tbe legisla
ture to a green hand at this critical stage.
Had it not been for tbe excellent and in
telligent watchfulness of Mr. Mecbling
and three or four other wide awake and
experienced members of the legislature
at tbe last session these bills would bave
slipped through, and our county and a
few others lu this end of the State would
today be in the grip of the water power
grabbers. No green band could have
watched and averted this calamity. Well
do we remember the excellent work, also,
of ex-Judge Kreitler, tho late T. D. Col
lins, N. P. Wheeler, Attorney A. C.
Brown, representing the County Com
missioners, and others, in killing off this
obnoxious legislation, and the numerous
trips they made to Harrisburg to tight
these snakes.
Consider these facts thoroughly,
thoughtfully. Lay aside any prejudice
you may bave formed. Forget your likes
or dialikes and make up your mind to
vote for and work for your own luterests.
This is no time to swap horses.
Candidate Pinchot Passed Through.
GlfTord Pinchot, who claims a "voting
residence" Io Pike county, and wants to
be Senator from Pennsylvania, made bis
much heralded trip through Ibis section
last week. Saturday be reached Tio
nesta, where he gave a abort street talk to
the small Saturday afternoon crowd that
is usual to our town at tbe corner of Elm
and Bridge streets, tbe burden of which
was his anxiety to lick Senator Penrose.
His oar arrived about three o'clock from
Tidioule and one of tbe men bera of tbe
party was our old frieod Geo. Munn of
Warren, a very strong advocate of pure
politics. Mr. Pinchot was met at Tldi
oute aud escorted to our city by num
ber of our townsmen, among whom were
E. W. Bowman, A. M. Doutt, J. C.Gelst,
F. R. Lansoo, W. J. Campbell, Harry
Watson and William Woloott.
In a somewhat extended speech Judge
Irwio Introduced candidate Pinchot, and
among other things be made the ratbei
startling statement tbal Senator Penrose
bad said "be owned tbe voters of this
Stale." Tbe Judae afterward admitted
that be had only beard some one else say
Candidate Pincbot's speech was almost
wholly devoted to abuse of Senator Pen
rose, whose Job be freely admitted he
would like to beat blm out of. With him
it waa "anything to beat Penrose," tLe
awfully bad boss. He charged tbe Sen
ator with favoring every bad law and op
posing every good one. When be came
t ) specialize bis moat serious charge was
that Senator Penrose bad voted for ibe
Canadian reciprocity law, but he forgot
to say that one of tbe strongest advocates
of Ibat bill, while It was under considera
tion Io Congress, was Col, Roosevelt,
who made speeches In its favor and
recommended it as a splendid measure
for tbe people of tbe United States, es
pecially tbe working man. He further
more forgot to state that bis Democratic
opponent, A. Mitchell Palmer, wbo also
wants Penrose's fob so bad that be can
taste It, waa one of tbe maio leaders Io tbe
passsge of tbe free trade law now In force
and that allows Cauada to export ber
goods into this country duty free, but
gives tbe Uuilod States no cbance to ex
act tbe same privilege from tbe Canadians.
But it isn't Palmer's scalp that Gilford Is
after. He ratber hopes to draw enough
Republicana to himself to let Ibe big
Democratic boss, Palmer.
Another of Mr. Pincbot's complaints
was of the manner in which tbe state
highways were bandied under Commis
sioner Bigelow, knowing full well tbat
Auditor General Powell beld up the read
fund for a year so tbat no work conld be
done on tbe roada during tbat period, and
knowing tbal this course would bring
odium upon the highway department.
Could Senator Penrose or Mr. Bigelow
bave bad tbeir way of It tbe state high
ways would today be In tbe very finest
condition, and that without one penny's
cost to tbe taxpayera of tbe country. .
Mr. Pincbot, it should be remembered,
is a very wealthy man, perhaps no
wealthier man ever applied to the Senat
orship from Pennsylvania. A fler being
pried loose from his job as chief forester
at Washington Io 1910, be established a
"voting residence," to use bis own words,
io this state, and If be baa been tbe good
"house-cleaning" citizen tbat be pretends
to be, and has not been absent at hie
"real residence" on election day, be has
voted at just four general elections in
Pennsylvania. This should entitle blm
to be elected as our representative In tbe
U. 8. Senate, by all meausl It would be
an easy job for him, and be wouldn't be
bothered but once a year, when of course
be would have to bunt up bis "voting
residence" aod cast bis ballot.
The Late Sebastian Cook.
Sebastian Cook, son of John and Kath
eryn Ritter Cook, was born at Cooks
burg, Barnett Township, July 4, 1837.
He was a member of a family of eigbteeo,
three of which survive bim, wbo are
Jerry and Squire Cook and Mrs. Martha
Snyder of this place. Those wbo bave
gone before are Dan, John, Mrs. Pipor,
Mrs. Young, Phillip, Andrew, Mrs. Ber
lin, Mrs. Pbipps, Mrs. Llndsey, Mrs.
Slocum, Mrs. Henry and Elijah.
Mr. Cook spent nearly all bis life In
tbis place and to bim do we owe tbe debt
of helping to clear the land and building
permanent homes Io Cooksburg. Io the
year of 1861, when Lincoln called for vol
unteers, Mr. Cook waa one of tbe first to
respond, enlisting on the first day of
July, 1801. He enlisted In tbe Tenth
Regiment of tbe Pennsylvania Reserves,
Company E, and was under Capt. Pbipps,
and later, Capt. Knox. He fougbl in
come great battles, among wbicb were
the battle of tbe Wilderness, and battle of
Bull Run. He fought in tbe Seven Days'
Battle until tbe fifth day, when he was
wounded In tbe ankle by a bullet shot by
a rebel soldier. After Buffering for al
most a week from tbis wound be waa
taken to Baltimore to tbe hospital, where
be remained for six months, when be in
sisted on going back Into tbe battle field
Pbysloians, understanding bis physical
condition, refused bis request and he was
granted an honorable discbarge January
1, 18G3. Yet no man ever loved bis coun
try better; he never boasted of bis ser
vice but many an old soldier will today
tell of bis great bravery.
In 18G5 be was married to Miss Sara
Morgan, wbo still survives bim and has
Indeed proved herself a faithful com pan
Iod, To tbis union nine children were
born, all of wbicb survive bim, except
one, Mrs. Betty Slocum, wbo preceded
him to tbe other world five years ago.
Tbe children are Andrew, William, Au
gustus, Ooburn, Mrs. Robert Cook, of
this place, Mrs, Ida Boyd of Clariou,
Mrs, William Smathers of Kane, and
Mrs. Edward Merchant of Mayburg. He
was also survived by thirty-nine grand
children and nine great-grandchildren,
Mr. Cook waa taken 111 on Wednesday,
Sept. 0, 1914, and though everything tbat
human band could do, tbe "Angel of
Death" could not be barred and be was
called to his eternal home on Monday
morning. While sick be was attended
by Dr. Rimer and Miss Naylon. He was
a good citizen, a kiud neighbor, a laitbful
worker, and will be greatly missed.
From tbe beginning of bis Illness friends
hoped for bis recovery, but when they
saw It In vain bis son-in-law asked "if
be was ready to die." He said, "I am."
He had a smile and a kind word for
everyone, and was known to everyone in
the community as "Uncle Boss." We
grieve at the thought that ho is gone,
uever to return, but he has erected a
monument In the memory of all that
will never perish.
On Thursday as we entered that home
to lay tbe dear one lo rest, a feeling of
sadness came over us, when we aw the
Stars and Stripes banging at half mast.
Then, aa we saw tbe casket also wrapped
in our country's flag, our minds went
back to those days from '01 till '65, and
we could not help but realize the great
sacrifice made by our veterans. Tbe
floral offerings were abundant, being
among tbe most teatitiful flowera.
Rev. H. Sniallenberger of Kellettvllle
preached tbe funeral sermon. 'Although
a complete stranger to the deceased, Mr.
Smallenberger said be could fully real
ize bis popularity In the oommunity by
tbe large ooncourse of friends who bad
come to show blm last earthly respect.
Mr. Cook's favorite hymns were sung by
Mr. and Mra. Clough of Clarion. After
tbe services be was laid to rest, a number
of bis old comrades following him to tbe
grave and giving bim military honors.
Then as we returned to our homes In our
little valley town and saw tbe sun sink
silently to rest beneath the bills, to rise
again In its glory at tbe beginning ol
another day, we thought of the one whom
we bad laid to rest to rise in tbe glory of
Cooksburg, Pa., Sept. 21, 1914.
Mrs. Sebastian Cook and family of
Cooksburg wish to express their most
sincere thanks to the people of that vi
cinity and elsewhere for tbeir kindness
during tbe illness and death of their be
loved husband and father. Tbey also
wish lo express their tbauks for tbe
beautiful floral offerings.
Greatness ol Pennsylvania.
For mr.vv years PpnTiEyl'.'j.nlj '.is;
been n-linkte !!y a great Hcpu 1 ca
stronghold. Tiie opponents of Repub 1
can rule assort that the policy ot t a
party is destructive, but if it be, h w
conies it thnt the Republican sta e ol
Pennsvlvnnla, with Its population ol
elsht millions, Is one of the most pros
perous states in the Union?
ii nepuuiK an ascennanry were
ruinous, as tlio vapid exponen's cf
Peniorratic sway nssert, then Penn
sylvania, where Republican principles
and policies have prevailed for more
than half a century, inst:al cf beln;
the magnificent commonwealth it Is
would he one of the most Insignificant
in the galaxy of states that constitute
this mighty republic.
The lacts speak for thcmrelvea and
they furnish eloquent pro'-f to h';w
that In every field of human endeavor
the much ntallened but splendid state
of Pennsylvania is pre-envnent. I
bears the palm In everything which
makes for real, lasting progress and
The state of Pennsylvania fo the
world center of the steel Industry. Its
manufacturing and mining actl titles
f:ive employment at gcod wages to aa
ndtistrial population that will com
pare favorably in intelligence a'.d
thrift with the people of any similar
area in the world. The mining output
of the state for the year 1913, as re
ported to the state geologist, ajgre
gated the remarkable sum of nearly
six hundred million dollars, almos
one-fourth of the entire mineral out
put of the United States. If expressed
in figures its multitudinous manu a"t
tiring activities would make a show
ing equally picturesque.
Repelling a Slander.
Democratic newspapers and oratois,
who are now busy trying to fool thf
eople, insist that Republican sway
ias been a blight to Pennsylvania;
hut the glorious old commonwealth re
pels this slander from every mill and
mine and factory and railroad within
its borders, and from every savings
bank in which the surplus earnings ol
its frugal and happy people are de
posited. Not only Is Pennsylvania great in
Its industries which have been foster
ed and made possible under the pro
tective system of the Republican
party, but its educational system Is
unexcelled in any other state. I's
public schools, in which hundreds
thousands of children receive the ben
efits of a good education, have ben
brought to their present efficiency un
der Republican rule. The free tett
books, which make it possible fcr the
children of the poor to enjoy eiu 1
advantages with the children of t a
well-to-do, are a result of Republican
foresight and legislation for the wel
fpr of the people.
e 3 Republican policy has been and
Is, ..oad and progressive in the high
est sense, and this fact is so plain
that it cannot be obscured by the
most diligent Democratic slanderer of
Republican candidates and policies.
Just now the foremost sliouters in
the Democratic camp are concpntrst
Ing their torrents of abuse on Senato
Penrose in an effort to defeat him f r
reelection. They are unscrupulous in
their assertions, but they cannot just
ly deny that for nearly a third of 8
century the man against whom the'r
vicious attacks are directed has been
a potent factor in shaping and sup
porting legislation for the welfare ol
Penrose and the State.
This mUhty commonwealth, with
Its flourishing industries, Its prosn r
ous people and its happy homes, lias
had no more able or devoted advocate
of all that makes for its prestige and
perpetuity than Boles Penrose.
Senator Penrose is the man that
has done ar.d can do things for Penn
sylvania. He proved this fact to th
satisfaction of every fair-minded ma"
in the state and nation while he was
the leader of the Unite! State Fen
ate. He won his present nomlnatio'
squarely at the primaries by d'rc
vote of the people, in the face of ma'l
clous opposition at the hands of ja'in
diced and envious opponents, en'
those who now clamor aoout a "ma
chine" are simply trafficking in stal
The re-elction of Senator Penrrs
Is the surefit guarantee Pennsylvania
can have t'or the continuance of the
proud position the Keystone State has
occupied durini the half rentu-y of
its advancement under Republa
rule. He stands for Pennsylvania first
and for t'mse pnli'ies which make fo
the happiness and Dropperlty cf it
people, and Pennsylvania wl'l stan
by him wit'.i its ballots in November.
That Ledger Fiasco.
It has become known that Jchn
Crlhliel, In addition to having declared
f.r Senator Venrose an i enrolled him
self as a member of the I'nnn yl ai'a
Protective 'Inion, has am reigned
as vice president nf t'le Public Led?"r
Crmrnny and director of the Curtl
Publishing Company.
This its perhaps the hottest shot tint
has been fired into the ant1 Pcnr se
coalition to date. Mr. Grihhcl has lorn
been a prominent figure in the Cur 1
companies, and the fact that he has
demanded that his name be taker
clown from the e-titorlal columns cf
the Ledger will make it very tlifilc 'it
for that newspaper to continue to dis
credit all those who follow the stand
ards of the Republican partv as re
pards its candidates for the upper and
lower branches of congress.
The 8cot's Consolation.
He wns n fniKiil Scut, and when the
collection plate cnnii? round hu dropped
In n florin lu mistake for the bumble
copper. Speedily discovering bis mis
take, however, he stepped softly down
the ulKle and requested tho collector
to give him back the coin, which re
quest was politely but firmly refused.
A slimle of disappointment flitted o'er
tho northerner's face as he walked
slowly back to his pew. "Aweel." he
said, "it's a loss, but there's some sma'
consolation In rellectin' It's n bad one.
It illicit have got me into trouble any
where else." Pull Mull Gazette.
Mtrabeau aa an Orator.
No one. not even Tallcyriiud. conld
approach Mini ben u n a speaker, and.
jurlously enough, this violent, emo
tional umu wua, as orator, perfectly
iclf possessed:
"During the debate on the dlsfurb
inees at Marseilles the Right Inter
upted his speech with cries of sland
rer. liar, scoundrel, assassin. He
stopped for a moment and looked nt
.he excited nit'inhera who were be
ipattering blm with their vile words:
I inn wMltlng. gentlemen.' he mild, 'for
.hese amenities to die down.' Then be
(rent on with his speech at the point
where be had broken off."
His face, pitted with smallpox, was
iiRl.v. says the author of "Mlrabenn,"
but his very ugliness, transformed by
the play of his countenance, was mar
velonsly turned into n source of power.
When be shook his "terrible boar's
head" he was terrifying and no man
dared fo interrupt him.
Meerschaum and the Turks.
Meerschaum used to be considered
a mere curiosity by the Turks, who
hnd no other use for It than lis a sub
stitute for fuller's soap. The story runs
that the Turkish ambassador at the
Austrlnn court, in the eighteenth cen
tury, was n native of Eskl Scbelr.
Wanting to help his city nt il time of
great poverty, he took n sample of this
queer stuff to Vienna, thinking that
the "Franks." as nil foreigners wore
then called, might have some use for
It The Germans were quick to see
Its utility for pipe bowls, but declared
that It was good for nothing else. More
than a century has confirmed this
Judgment, for who has yet discovered
any other use for meerschaum? For
pipe making It is an ideal raw ma
terial. Here Is a stone which is easily
moulded when wet nnd when dry be
comes hard and resists fire.
Always Out.
Miss Gush And were yon ever out
after big game, colonel? Colonel High
filer Yes. Indeed. I have been "out'
after every big game I was ever ln.
Town Topics.
Acute Indigestion.
"I win annoyed for over a year by at
ti'ksof acute Indigestion, followed by
constipation," writes Mra. M. J. Galla
gher, Geneva, N. Y. "I tried everything
that waa recommended to me for this
complaint but nothing did me moon good
until about (our months ago l saw cuam
berlaln's Tablets advertised and procured
a bottle of tbem from our drugglBt. I
soon realized tbat I had gotten tbe right
thing for tbey helped me at once, since
taking two bottles of them I can eat
heartily without any bad effects." For
sale by all dealera. adv
-See "Tbe Count of Monte Cristo,"
tonight. adv
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy.
"I advised tbe 'boys' when they en
listed for tbe Spsnlsb war to lake Cham
berlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy with them, and bave received
many tbanka for Ibe advice given,"
writes J. H. Houghland, Eldon, Iowa.
"No person whether traveling or at home
should be without tbis great remedy.
For sale by all dealera.
-See "The Count of Monte Cristo,"
tonight. adv
BURU, PA. Sealed proposals will be re
ceived at said office until 10 a. m. Ootober
8. 1914, when bids will be publicly
opened and scheduled, and oontract
awarded as soon thereafter aa possible,
for the reconstruction of 1050 lineal fenl
of Brick Block navemeot 16 leet wide.
sltusid in Tionmta Borough, Forest
County. Plana aod specifications may
be seen at offl-e of Slate Highway De
partment, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut
N'reet, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank
Building, Pittsburgh, and Warren Sav
ings Bank Building, Warren, Pa. Full
particulars and Information on applica
tion to Edward M. Bigelow, State High
way Commissioner.
Still On Deck.
Buster Brown
f Merchandise,
' Nearly Everything Tou Need.
Fruit Store
H. I. Cohen, Proprietor.
Always Ready
To supply your wants in anything
in the
No such stock ever kept in Tio
nesta before.
Our reputation already extends
to all parts of the County, and all
because we keep the Freshest,
the Largest and the Best stock.
Come and See.
You are bound to be more
than pleased.
Store in Central Hotel Block,
Fall Styles are here.
$3.50, $4, $4.50 i
Watch This Space Every Week.
Pastime Theatre
The Great Masterpiece,
"The Count of Monte Cristo."
5 Reels 6
Featuring James O'Neill. "
Don't fail to see this wonderful picture,
by the Famous Players Film Co.
Every Tuesday.
"Mutual Weekly."
Keep up to date.
Every Wednesday.
"Mutual Girl."
Come to every one.
Pauline, No. 9.
Pauline Pleases People.
"An Hour Before Dawn."
Famous Players Films.
Featuring Laura Sawyer and House
Administratrix Notice.
Letters of Administration on tbe estate
of James Haslet, late of Tioneata Bor
ough, Forest County, Pa., deceased, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
persons Indebted to said esiale are here
by notified to make payment without
delay, and those having olalma or de
mands will present tbem, duly authenti
cated, foi aettlement.
Clara E. Haslet, Adm'rz,
Tioneata, Pa.
M. A. Carrinobr, Attorney.
We manufacture the very highest
grade of
Type Brass Galleys
Brass Rule in Strips Metal Borders
Brass Labor-Saving L. S. Metal Furni-
Rule ture
Brass Column Rules Leads and Slugs
Brass Circles Metal Leaders
Brass Leaders Spaces and Quads
Brass Round Cor- 6 to 48 point
ners Metal Quoins
Brass Leads and Etc.
Old Column Rules refaced and made
eood as new at a small cost.
Please remember that we are not in
any Trest or Combination and are sure
that we can make it greatly to your ad
Aantage to deal with us.
A copy of our Catalog will be cheerfully
furnished on application.
We frequently have good bargains In
second-band Job tresses, .Paper cutters
and other printing machinery ana ma'
Philadelphia Printers' Supply Company,
Manufacturers of
Type and High Grade Printing Material,
14 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Proprietors Penn Type Foundry.
$23.00 ostermoor
hotel style
at $15.00
We bought the entire con
sfCrmcnts of this size from
Oslermoor bought them
tpcclal. Use this mattrcsj for
30 nifhts and if at the end of
that time it does not prove
the most comfortable mattress
you have ever used, we will
refund the purchase price.
It is built as only the Oster
moor Co. hui.d mattresses,
entirely by hand. Fluffy, pure
Ostermoor Sheets, 50 pounds
in all, incased in extra quality
of art and plain tickings. Will
never mat, lurch or pack. Is
absolutely non-absorbent, dust
and vermin proof. Has full
roll edge and Is diamond
shaped, closely tufted. Hotel
style Ostermoor mattress sells
for $23.00, our price $15.00.
$18 cec'ar chest,
$12 50
Euill of solid red cedar, oil
finlfh. d, 49 inches leng, 22
Inches wide, and 19 inches
high. Dust, moth, mice and
damp proof.
Bcggs & Buhl,
ril'THBl'IK.II. PA.
No man can hide money and keep others from knowing
it. There is always something in his actions that "gives
him away." Our strong vaults will keep your money safe.
Besides this, men cf known financial responsibility are be
hind our bank.
CAPITAL STOCK, 150,000. SURPLUS, 1100,000
Do your banking with us. A vov nan f
We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, TC y CI lstU t
Forest Cpunty NaLtionad Bank,
"The Count of
Featuring James O'Neill.
At The Pastime
5 Big Reels 6
7:15 to 11 p. m.
For Ten Days Only.
We Deliver to You Free of Charge
40 per cent, dynamite in 50 pound boxes 14 cents a pound
No. 6 blasting caps,' 100 in box 80 cents a box
Best grade Crescent fuse, per 100 feet 70 cents
This dynamite is five per cent, stronger than any other on
the market. If not the best you over used bring it back and
get your money back.
Special prices on 500 pound lots.
Our magazines are on the Maze farm. Call us here.
Meadville Blasting & Supply Co.
B. V. Parshall, Manager.
Hottelville, Forest County, Pa.
Red Bank Telephone.
Scene From
"An Hour Before Dawn."
4 A3r
pm 'Li I
Laura Sawyer and House Peters.
At Pastime Theatre,
Tionesta, Wednesday, October 7th
7:16 to 11 p.m.
Subscribe for the Republican This
Year. $1. All the News.
Monte Cristo."
Theatre, Tionesta,
Admission, 10c
Admission, 10c
. if1