The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 29, 1914, Image 4

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    .j, ms co.
Always a Cordial Welcome Here
For Out-of -Town Patrons.
Come in and visit Oil City's biggest store on your
next trip to town. You will find cool, wide aisles
shelves and counters loaded with delightful summer
-goods values as good, and often much better than you
can get elsewhere.
Above all, however, you will find an atmosphere of
welcome an assurance that whether you buy much or
nothing, we are glad to have you make this store your
, . Ask all the questions you want leave your pack
ages until train time let us show you we are genuinely
glad to see whenever you come to town.
: The Vacation Trip.
A glance at our broad stocks
ueai 01 annoyance later on, witn
. 1
unities every .woman neeas wnen
Separate Skirts, Blouses, Bags, Ties, Girdles, Gloves, Silk
Hosieiy, Sweaters, Neckwear, Drinking Cups, Toilet Goods,
Writing bets, Uuting Hats, Traveling Slippers.
New Wash Skirts.
Beautilully tailored and finished, of fine white crepe, pique,
rice cloth, and corded materials.
ute, with the long Russian tunics'
savings are out of the ordinary.
$2 00
$2 50
?3 00
$5 00
$G 00
Japanese Lunch Sets Reduced.
i Each set consists of a good sized cloth with one dozen nap
kins to match, printed in beautiful Japanese designs that will
not fade. J ust the thing lor the bungalow or cottage.
$3 00 lunch sets
S2 50 lunch sets
Regional Reserve Banks
and their management play a very important
part in the new banking system. Did you
ever think of the matter in a personal way?
It is just as important to you that your Re
serve Bank should be ably and conservatively
managed. Choose it carefully.
Oil City . Trust ' Company
Oil City, Pa.
You can buy no better
) for target work and all
; small game up to
200 yards.
No. 20 rifle with
' plain nniih, 1 5 or
, 25 ahota. $11.50.
No. 29 rifle.
Mat aiUy4irMividulaWe.
Seed 1 ataew lor H today.
Two and Pvur Tined Forks.
A writer ' In the Washington Post
tells of mi old lady wl.. remembered
dining fit the White limine wltti Mr.
ami Mm. John Qulncy Admits. Mr.
Adams ii to with his Cork, nnd Mrs.
Adniim apologized for It, saying that
lie liml ucqiilrvd the ha bit during his
sojourn lu Pi-nuce. Mrs. Adams and
the other guests used their knives. All
this Is a comment on changing mnn
ner. Hut It should be noted thnt Mr.
'AdnuiH nto with n four tlned sliver
fork, while t lie other guests had only
two tined forks, which then were the
common kind. Without the develop
ment of the four lined fork the bubit
of euting with one's knife would not
linve been so rapidly discarded. As
betweeu a four tlned fork and a knife
the fork Is to be chosen for conven-
lence's soke, but ns between n two
tined fork and a knife on many occa
sions the latter would be nctunlly the
more serviceable. Springfield Repub
lican. High Finance.
"Neddy Is an nwfully good nntured
fellow, but lie has one fulling. You
can always touch him for a loan, but
If you lend him some money he In
variably forgets to repay it."
"I know, old top. Whenever be owes
me some money I never ask him to re
pay It 1 Just borrow it back In Install
ments. And listen"
"I've overdrawn my account $10."
New York Sun.
now may save you a . great
its reminders ot numberless
sue goes away.
I he styles are up to the mir
so greatly favored, and the
.SI 50
SI 85
.82 25
S3 75
S4 50
.SI 95
1 65
Action jf
Without '
change of
mechanism it
handles .22 short.
long or Ions-rifle cartridges
perfectly. The deep Ballard
rifling develops maximum power and
p accuracy and adds years to the life of rifles.
Tha lolid lop i protootiaa from defactWfl cartndfla prerenb powder and
gucs from being blown back. The aide election never I fU elected ahella
pod your bead and allowa quick, accurate repeat ahota. With ample take
down conatructioil, removable action parti, leait parts of any ,22 it Utha
quickest and eaueu to clean. J uat the fun you want I Atk any gun dealer.
7e272arut firearms Co.
42 Willow Street New Haven, Conn,
" Needed a Stronger Pull.
Jones, a new recruit, was sent out
for target practice on the ranges. lie
did fairly well at 300 yards for n new
one, but at 800 he generally managed
to drop bis bullets short. The sergeant
patiently explained the raising of the
sights nnd so on. Hut Jones still fell
short. lie saw the sergeant coming
back. Ills "buddy", whispered to film.
. "Sergeant 'II ask you why," the "bud
dy" said. "He'll want you to tell him.
I see what the trouble Is. It's" Here
Ills voice was scarcely audible. The
recruit fired a way short again.
"Why in blazes can't you shoot high
er?" demanded the sergeant. "What's
the trouble?"
"I've found out what the trouble Is,
sir," nnswered the recruit. "I'm afraid
( haven't been pulling the trigger hard
enough." New York Post
. . Remote Connection.
Scottish Elder (to loafen-Weel, Mr
McDonald, what church do ye belong
tae? McLionald-lt's like this, Mr. Mc
Pheerson. I canna richtly be said tae
gang tae ony kirk, but It's the uulil
kirk I stay nwu' frae. London Ex
press. Portugal.
Portugal was formerly known as
Lusltanln. The present name is de
rived from Port Cnllo, the nnelent
name of the town now known to us as
ii' The Distinctive Garment Store :
Of Women's and Misses' Suits,
Coats and Dresses at Half
Price and Less.
Still Further Reductions
On All
Remaining Summer Apparel.
This Final Clearance Sale offers a wide va
riety of Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats and
Dresses for city and country wear at the lowest
prices quoted this season as follows :
25 Light Weight Wool Suits, AA ,
former prices $25 to $35, at vpO.UU eaCfi
oo T!.i.i nr.i.Li nr..i -
I former prices $15 to $25,
29 Wash Dresses,
prices $6 to $10, at
18 Light Wool Dresses, for-,.- Crt . t
prices $15 to $25, at $7.5U eaCH I
200 White Lawn and
Waists, former prices $2 to
I The Distinctive
Henry J.
t 111 CENTRE ST.,
Stomitz Was Defiant
A story is told of an altercation be
tween Wllhelm Stelultz and Gustavo
Epstein. The latter was one of the
most Influential and richest bunkers In
Vienna und was very fond of a game
of cbess. When Stelultz was a young
man he used to play frequently at the
Vienna Chess club nnd ou one occasion
engaged the famous banker. The game
became very complicated, and Stelultz
studied the board longer than usual.
Ills opponent grew Impatient nnd at
last drawled out sarcastically, "Well?"
Stelultz silently continued the game,
and after n time It went In his favor.
The banker then began to think deeply,
taking considerable time before mov
ing a piece. Stelultz could not resist
the temptation to utter a long drawn
out "Well?" "Sir, don't forget who
you nre nnd who I am!" ronred Epstein
angrily. Stelultz Immediately retorted.
"On the bourse you nre Epstein and I
urn Stelultz; over the board I am Ep
stein and you are Stelultz!"
Cutting Out a Meal. '
Physicians are commonly advising
patients whose troubles arise from
overeating and these ure legion to
cut out one meal, preferably break
fast. The London Lancet remarks that
the reason for this Is that "after a
night's sleep the bodily strength, nerv
ous nnd muscular. Is at Its highest, and
work can be carried on without food.
The machine Is running strongly nnd
no fuel Is required for the time being."
Men engaged In literary or Intellectual
work can often do their very best In
the early morning before breakfast
The Lancet deprecates the heavy
breakfast nnd advocates the -"coffee
nnd rolls," which are nil thnt Is eaten
for breakfast on the continent of Eu
rope, especially for men whose work
Is of the brain rather than of the mus
cles. These men. It says, should "rele-
gnto anything approaching n henrty
meal to tho period of relaxation, the
Whistler's Critieiim.
Pnnte Gabriel Rosscttl once showed
Whistler a sketch and asked bis opin
ion, i
"It has Its good points, Rosscttl,"
said Whistler. "Go ahead with It by
nil means." i
Later he Inquired how It was getting
along. "All right." answered Itossetti
cheerfully. "I've ordered a stunning
frame for It."
In due time the canvas appeared at
Rosseltl's house, beautifully framed.
"You've done nothing to It since I
saw It. bav yon?" said Whistler.
"Xo-o," replied Itossetti, "but I've
written n sonnet on the subject, if
you'd like to hear It"
He recited some lines of peculiar ten
derness. "Itossetti." snld Whistler, as the reci
tation ended, "take out tho picture and
frame the sonnet."
Austrian Ceneonhip.
The Austrian censor used to play
strange tricks with the plays produced
under his auspices. When Schiller's
"Maid of Orleans" was produced at
Vienna. In 1.802. tho title was deemed
too flippant nnd was replaced by that
of "Joan of Arc." Agnes Sorel figured
as the wife of Charles VII., and Queen
Ysabenu was transformed Into that
monarch's sister in order to save him
from bigamy. Until IS 12 mesalliances
were prohibited on tho Vienna stage.
When the burgthonter wished to stage
one of I'Veytag's plays in which Count
Waldemar marries n gardener's daugh
ter, tho censor put his foot down.
"These incidents" he said, "may un
fortunately occur In real life, but they
must not be seen on the stage."
Followed Suit.
"The prlinu donna fell down in the
opening to that nrln."
"Lnwdy days! So did our cook."
Baltimore American
at p5.UU eaCIl
former a- n- ,
. $Z.UU eaCfl
Batiste e nrt .
$3.50-$! .0U eaCH
Garment Store
"Are your new neighbor quietf
"Very. The boy is tongue-tied and
the daughter injured ber hand and
won't be able to play tba piano for
several months."
Explanation of Saturn's Rlngt.
A new theory to explain the rings
of Saturn Is urged by Prof. Blrkeland
of Chrlstlanla, who holds that they
are produced by electric radiation
from the planet and are "renewed, so
to say, every Instant."
Good Habits In New York.
"We had a fine sunrise this morn'
ing," said one New Yorker to another.
"Did you see it?" "Sunrise?" said the
second man. "Why, I'm always in bed
before sunrise." New York Ledger.
Strong One.
"My dear, these are excellent ci
gars, but they are awfully strong."
"Yes; I got the strongest I could find.
They won't break so easily in your
pocket. Judge.
Humankind' Perversity.
What Is remote and difficult of suc
cess we are apt to overrate; what is
really best for us lies always within
our reach, though often overlooked.
An Expensive Luxury.
'Tea," said the literary man with a
sigh, "style Is a fine thing for a
writer to have; but when his wife's
got it too, it takes all the profit
away." Harper's Weekly.
Not Profitably
"Did you hear of the sudden risft
today In gas and real eBtate?"
"No. Was it much of a rJe?"
Considerable. A gaa pipe blew up
and took part of the street with It"
Plant Peculiarity.
Plants growing near the sea have
thicker leaves than those growing In
land, and plants cultivated in artifi
cially salted soil have the same peci
"It's a good thing you're so much
bigger than I am. . I would have giv
en you a good onjj for daring to say
that one canot establish absolute
equality among men." Pele Mele.
Area of the Oceans.
The oceans, including the Inland liens
jonnected with them, cover about N4.
CflO.000 sipiare miles, or 73.!i! per cent
of the total surface of the earth.
Insects' Eggs.
A butterfly lays (!()0 eggs, the wnsp
3.000. the ant 4.000 to n.OOO. wlille one
pedes of white nut produces 80.100
eggs in n day
Shirts made to order $2.00 and
"The Fight By Rounds."
Usually an interesting heading that arrests a man's attention. In this case, however, it is
not a "scrap." It is simply an idea to get your attention while we tell you the Bathing Season
is at its height. We are
Selling More Bathing Suits
now than ever before, and where is the man or boy who would not give his right arm for a
Bathing Suit at some time or another. Decide today to make one of our Bathing Suits your
Bathing Suit. A dollar will do if you don't care to spend two or three. One piece or two
piece styles very attrapflve colors.
Our "Don't Shoot" Sale Begins Aug. 1.
See Ad. on First Page,--and
Then Come Early.
Oil City, Pa.
Food For a Poet.
"I have a vague but persistent yearn
ing for something," murmured tho poet
n constant yearning for something, I
know not whnt"
"Maybe It's tripe," suggested the
sympathetic Inndlndy. "We haven't had
any In a long time."-Washington Her
ald. Made -To -Measure
Clothes of the
Highest Quality
may be purchased here at the
most modest prices in town!
See our marvels of beauty at
$15, $18 and $20
and our wonderful importa
tions at
$25, $30 and $35
Fit and finish guaranteed.
D. H. Blum,
pie fletigtufe usiDaJf von
G finb mebr Slugen burd) unred)tcl
3tnpaffcn toonlafern oli burd) fonft ct
roa ruinirt roorben. $at ba8 Sluge
matiflctyafte SHefraction, fo imtjj bai
Oilb aUet egenftartbe nad; etnem gocul
auf bcr 9?cijBaut burd) aufieraetpobnlidx
Iriitigfeit beS musculus ciliarius gc
oraait, ooct Da85UUb unDoufommert fctit
unb ba3 91efultat berbunfeltcS 6c(?cl
mit Sd)tod)e unb Sdjmerj urn 3(u'
ntii unb tirn. Dtc8 berurfad)t Com
geftionen, rocId)e ftd) burd) fd)lucre 2lu
genliebcr, SJiet&e, Sudcn ober Srennen,
tin efitfyt, alS fct 5d)mufc im Sluge,
ano tiau taen todimen, berbunben nut
Gmpfinblidjfeit gegen td)t jetgen. 3
fd)lad)er ba8 2luae, befto ffi6I6arci
tbige tjmbtome. SJugen mflgen MVftfd;
ftart unb gIeid)toIl febjd)tad) fein unl
urn burd) cbraud) etntt sflrtUe bu
DJIdnacI oufmbeben. tuirb bie SMtiaM
ber SDfuSfeln geanbert, unb toenn bo
Sd)abn bori'tber ober burd) ju ftarf
ober ju fd)tt)ad;t lafernidjt aufgel;obci
i't, fo ftnb bie Urfadien ber Gongeftion
ef?cr ucrmertt ftatt bermtnbert. Skftch)
gemifdite Refraction, mufj irgenb eir
JganbcUglaS ben Sd)aben tocrmcbrcn.
ywx Sd)toadmd)tiae foute ltd) forai
faltig toiffenfdkftlid) unterfudjen uni
WriHen anpaffen laffen, er)e erfie in ei
brand) nimiut.
yn befonbern 3'iuen tocrben liifcr
auf JBefteHung fleftIiffen, in jebemgaHt
For Further Particulars Call On
Who Will be Pleased to Explain the
Above in hither Language.
Entering Upon The Last Week
of the
July Clearance Sale
With the same energy
terized the first days of the sale.
Announcement at the beginning that the sale
would continue throughout the entire month each
day a different department. We have steadfastly ad
hered to the original sale plan.
And shelves have been emptied and cabinets
cleared in a manner never before equalled.
A Time of Greatest Opportunity
In the Second Floor Garment Section. During these
last days of July there is but one single thought up
permost in our mind, to get these Dress, Coat and Suit
Cabinets cleared by August 1. And to do that we're
resorting to any sacrifice that will insure absolute sale.
So you can just about buy a Dress, Coat or Suit at
your own price.
To Cross Atlantic Ocean In
Einard Sivard is a naval architect
of Long Island City. With his bride
he plans to leave the Battery, New
York, in a thirty six foot power life
boat on Saturday. The crew will in
elude a navigator, a wireless operator
and one sailor. They will go by way
of Boston and Halifax to St. John's
and cross the ocean from that point
to Queenstown. They expect to make
the trip In about a month.
Three of Force at Rockville Center,
N. Y., Are Accused.
One-half of the police force of six
men at Rockville Center, N. Y., are
accused of burglary by warrants that
have been issued. Two of the three
Patrolmen Amos Veritzan and Henry
Wickes were arrested while. on post;
the third, Itulof Petersonv i.on his
Three trunks containing articles of
every description, valued. at approxi
mately 10,000, were found in the
chicken coops of Veritzan and VVicke9.
Li v
I 1
Suits made to order $16.00 and
Oil City, Pa.
and enthusiasm that charac- t
The village trustees are trying to In
duce the prisoners to explair ho
the trunks happened to be there.
Many unscived robberies havr beeu
reported in the village since last fall
when summer residents closed their
houses for the season. The depred .
tions culminated recently in the rob
bery of Artuld Husser's general store,
Just across Main street from police
headquarters. Mr. Husser recently
identified of his stolen property
worn on tho street by negro residents
of the village and obtained informa
tion which resulted in the arrests.
Bride Found Dead In Well.
Missing three days, the body of Mrs.
Stanley Papka, twenty-three years old,
of near Willianisport, Pa., who three
weeks ago became a bride against her
will, was found in a well near her
home. The girl had married because
it was the desire of her parents. The
theory of the police is that she became
bo unhappy she committed suicide.
Ocean Flight Postponed.
The transatlantic flight of the
America was postponed to October to
give time to rebuild her with new hull.
Chicago, July 28.
Hogs Receipts, 31,000. Bulk, $8.70
8.95; light, 8.609.10; mixed, $8.65
9.10; heavy, $8.359.06; roughs,
$8.35(08.55; pigs, $7.80 8.90.
Cattle Receipts, 13,000. Beeves,
$7.65 10; steers, $6.408.35; cows
and heifers, $3.SO9.20; calves, $7.75
Sheep Receipts, 19,000. Sheep,
$5.20 5.90; yearlings, $5.606.55.
Wheat July, 84.
Corn July, 73. !
Oats July, 35.
Pittsburgh, July 28.
Cattle Choice, $99.25; prime,
$8.658.90; good, $8.158.40; com
mon, $6(g 7; common to good fat bulls,
$5.607.25; common to good fat cows,
$3.507.25; fresh cows and springers
Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers,
$5.755.90; good mixed, $5.255.65;
fair mixed, $4.50rfl 5.10; culls and com
mon, $2(g3; spring Iambs, $58; veal
calves, $10C('10.75; heavy and thin
calves, $7f( 8.
Hogs Prime heavy hogs, $9.25
9.30; heavy mixed, $9.309.35: medi-
urns, heavy Yorkers, light Yorkers,
pigs, $9.45(S9.50; roughs. $SffI8.2R:
stags, $7.25&7.60.
Butter Prints, 31. Eggs Fresh.
2223. Poultry Live hens. ntrvU.
Cleveland, July 28.
Calves Good to choice. J10.K0. a
10.75; fair to good, $9fil0: heavv an J
common, $(19.
Cattle Choice fat steers. $8.10 Si
8.25; good to choice, $7.10 8; mikh
ers and springers, $50 80.
Hogs Yorkers, $9.35(Ti 9.40: mixed.
$9.65; pigs, $9.65; Mags, $6.76.