The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 22, 1914, Image 2

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    C. WCNK, - Idito 4 Psosshto.
mcri iii.u i tkkix
17. S. SWin7or-Bole Penrose,
f?oi'mor-Mrlln O. Brumbaugh.
Lieut. Governor-Prank B. McClaln.
See'y Internal Affairs -Henry Houek.
(n7reM-at-Lar(r -T. 8. Crago, M. H.
Uarland, D. K. Lafean, J. K. K.Scotl.
OonareM Samuel H. Miller.
State Senator Joelau Howard.
Assembly A. R. Mechling.
Supreme 0urt -Robert 8. Fraxer, George
Superior Court -Ttnk M.Trexler, James
E. Clark.
TiiaPiochot petition for divorce did
not deny that Perk ina waa a Rood pro
vider. A like petition might consistently
be filed against Rill Flinn.
Thb president baa probably privately
explained to Senator Owen boar be got
tbe idea that Mr. Jonea' mission in life
waa to reform tbe Harvester Company.
Tub maker of tbe Ford auto baa been
telling tbe Pn aidant that business la
boom Inn. Well we guesa it ia ao far a
Ford la in It. He la reported aa making
more money tban be knowa wbat to do
with. Ilaa It ever atrurk bim to reduce
tbe price of bia output foO or f 100 a car ao
that tbe nine lollar-a-week-nian can
mortgage bia little borne and drive car.
Ford ia great on philanthropic pose and
bere'a bia cbance. Tldioute Newa.
Now thkt tell ua tbe coot of living la
to be atill biftber, wbile tbe chances for
work at reoumerative wsges are growing
ararcer. Tbe repona atate tbat meat
prices will rise above tbe record figures of
recent years despite tbe bugs grain crop,
packing bouae representative asserted.
Tbey aay that tbe present scarcity of
cattle and the effect of dry weather on
grating lands will more than offset the
enormous grain yield. A beef price of 16
centa to tbe butcher waa predicted aa an
early possibility and it waa pointed out
by one ol tbe packing men that cattle even
now are higher than for some time.
Varlly, we Democrata are long on
promises, but mighty ahort on fulfill
nient. Tbe speech of President Wilson on tbe
4ih of July, In Independence Square, un
der tbe very shadow of Independence
Hall, baa caused wide speculation as to
whether the old time Fourth of Jnly ora
tion ia to be aupplanted by factional po
litical debate. For more than century,
statesmen, lawyers and divines, on tbe
Fourth of July, bave recalled our oolon
lal difficulties, tbe colonists' defiant
Declaration ol Independence, tbelr Buf
fering and valor In tbe camp and field
and tbelr final triumph, then the organ
ization of our government, its defense,
perpetuation, I la growth and standing
among nations. This year, however, at
Independence Square, Philadelphia,
where tbe Continental Congress declared
tbat the seaboard our own and not Great
Britain's President Wilaon defended bia
act in giving to Great Britain equal rights
with Americans in tbe Panama Canal, tbe
prize of the western continent, and which
cost more than the value of all the col
onies In 1776, and made a political speech
defending bia po Holes.
Can't Shift The Blame.
Senator Boiea Penrose very properly
nd very emphatically repudiates tbe
charge tbat be baa been holding up Dem
ocratic postofflce appointments In the
western end of Pennsylvania. The charge
baa been made by A. Mitchell Palmer,
Congressman and boas ol tbe Pslmer
McCormlck faction of tbe Democratic
party In tbe atate.
Boss Palmer bas dictated every post
office sppolotment ao far made in Penn
sylvania. He baa dictated about all tbe
other Federal appointments, and the
postmasters be baa selected represent, In
pronounced form, the Democratic faotlon
of which he la the boss.
Many of those appointments bave been
unsatisfactory to the people directly con
cerned. Many of them represent only
tbe bob-tail element In their commun
ities, and in every auch case Senator Pen
rose, chairman of the sub-committee of
tbe senate which must pass npon appoint
ments before confirmation baa been
urged to stop tbe appointments and In
tbat way protect tbe people. Io more
than a dozen different cases throughout
tbe western end of tbe atate petitiona in
large bulk have been hurried to Senator
Penrose and ao army of Investigators
bave been compelled to sift tbe charges
filed against tbe appoioteea. In cases
only where absolute unfitness is devel
oped are tbe appointments held up.
There have been comparatively few of
these cases, although io many other casea
vicioua factional strife bas been un
covered. Senator Penrose baa declared that his
concern in appointments extends only to
tbe best interest of tbe general public
He baa not, be says, snd will not take any
part In tbe factional rowa among tbe
Comparatively few Democratic appoint
ments were made In tbia end of tbe state
before the primaries. Tbe reason ia
obvious. Bows Palmer wanted the help
of all the factionisla. Ho far since the
primaries comparatively few appoint
ments bave been made. Boss Palmer
wants those votes In the fall, and Lla
elfurt to shift responsibility to tbe should
ers of Senator Penrose baa been very
properly rebuked and repudiated.
Hon. O. C. Allen, of Warren, died
Wednesday morning In Baltimore hos
pital, where be bad been a patient since
tbe first of April. Mr. Allen bad been a
l.f!oog resident of Wsrreo county and
was aeveoty-foor yeara old. He waa
trc-Sfi:oest in politic, having aerved aa
.nnrttt auoroer, postmaster and State
tanix For msny years be was a
Cirttnv.rtf l Slate Hoepital at North
Vrrt Beaatooeof Warren's lead
ncf imurvrit la in health, and for
inur.T ttrr Ht Lai been a prominent
)-mi:i:nruw : it, Forwt eon my bar, be
114 vhI, i.iii'v t 10 tn-jn of oar people,
tii' Murviveti tT i. w:M IE 3 two son,
V II hull- uti auiiiriifT vf Warreo, and
txuiurt; 1,., in buMiirts is York
'-It;. Tim- Uiuu'h! fm iu vh Frtitj.
Mrs. Harry Potter waa up from Ne
braska, Monday, tbe guest of Mr. and
Mr. Ransom.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wbiteblll were
business visitors at Fool's oreek on
Mrs. Fred. Kllnestlver and Mrs. San
ford Secor of Nebraska visited Mr. and
Mrs, Geo. Kllnestlver, Mnndsy,
Mr. snd Mrs, F. J. Henderson and aon
Rex and Misa Marlon Hinkinell, who
bad been tbeir bouse guest for tbe past
month, drove to Mead villa, Wednesday,
where Rex was called to go with tbe
National Guards Into camp. Mr. and
Mrs. Henderson returned home Saturday,
They were accompanied by tbe former's
airier and niece, Mra. Eugeue Holme
aud Mra. Ned. Holmes, who alayed over
until Sunday, when they all drove over
to Hickory,
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. W. L,
Watson and Mrs. H. B. Dotterrer, with
the help of a number of the ladiea of
town, gave a farewell reception for Mra.
Frank Nash, who left on Thursday for
ber new home in Msyburg, Tbe recep
tion wss In lbs form of a porch party and
waa held on Mrs. Wstaon's apacloua
porch. The total number preseut wss
fifty-one and very pleasant afternoon
was ths verdict of all present. Every
one helped In furnishing the lunch and a
more templing one la seldom served tbsn
ws enjoyed ou this occasion. Mrs. Hen
ry Smallenberger, Mra. Lewia Arnerand
the Misses Blanche Hendricka and Kath
leen Daubenspeck assisted tbe bostessea
In aerving. One dozen silver spoons
were presented to Mrs. Nash by tboae
present aa a token of remembrance.
Homer Johnson of Lawrencevllle, III.,
waa tbe guest of bia uncle, G. R. John
son, Saturday.
Mra. Mary Flynn viailed ber father on
Whig Hill, Wednesday and Thursday.
Wade Simpson snd H. B. Dotterrer
drove to Marienville, Sunday morning,
tsklng the former's niece, Msrtba Dale,
borne. Tbey then drove to Cooksburg,
returning home in tbe evening.
Melvln Dotterrer entertained the Key
stone Friday evening. After the busi
ness session wss over a lunch was served
by tbe boat. They will be entertained at
tbelr next meeting at tbe borne of Kay
Miss Kslhleen Daubenspeck enter
tained the Gleaners at her home on Fri
day evening and all report pleasant
Benjamin Delar of Oil City visited bis
brothers, W. J. and Dr. C. Y. Dstar,
during tbe week.
H. E. Morpby came down from Rldg
way to spend bia vacation with his wile,
who is tbe gnest of her parents, Mr. and
Mra. G. R. Jobnaon.
Mrs. Lyman Mealy visited friends In
Grand Valley last week.
Mr. and Mra. Sager Watson were Ty
lersburg visiters on Sunday.
Cbaa. Daubenspeck drove to Ticnesta
Thursday, tsklng Paul Daubenspeck,
David Dunkle and Marvin Host over.
Attorney George Wbltmer of Clarion
waa a business visitor In town Tuesday
and called on bia cousin, Mrs. E. E.
Daubenspeck, while here.
Mrs. Leo. Barnes snd daughter-in-law,
Mra. Asa Barnes, were Hickory visitors
during tbe week.
Tbe Truth Seeker were entertained at
tbe borne of Wm. Watson on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Daubenspeck were
Lineville visitors Sunday.
Mra. Wade Simpson was elected vice
president of tbe Helping Hsnd bible
class to tske tbe place of Mrs. Maude
Berlin, wbo baa left town. Tbe vice
president la also chairman of the social
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Robblns entertained
tbe latter'a brother, D. D. Mickleaon and
family, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, over Sunday.
Tbey made tbe trip east in tbelr fine new
Packard touring car, completing tbe
Journey In about six days.
Mrs. Cbss. Pope returned from James
town somewhat improved In health.
Miss Hall of Ty lersburg la tbe guest of
ber cousin, Mabel Watson, Ibis week.
W. H. Brazee drove up from Tlouesta
Sundsy, bringing Mrs. J. M. Ault and
family borne.
The borne team won a victory over tbe
Ty lersburg boys Saturday afternoon.
Score 11-5.
Mr. and Mrs. George Matson and son
Thomas, of Brookville, were guests at
the Cbas. Perry borne Monday.
Mrs. Csrl Colby snd dsugbter Mabel,
ofOilClty, and Mrs. Fred. Atkins and
children, Clair and Keith, of Kellettville,
called on old acquaintances here Tuesdsy.
Mrs. Dsoiel Dunkle was a Sheffield
shopper Thursday.
Tbe Cook Oil Lease bss recently
shipped eight cars of gasoline.
Mr. and Mrs. Tbomaa Knight are re
joicing over tbe eigbt-pound aoo which
came to brighten tbelr home Friday,
July 17.
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and son
James departed lor eeveral weeks' visit
on the great lakes and throughout tbat
Tbe Tionesta Valley Chemical Co. bave
their well to tbe top of tbe Balltowo sand,
being located at Clough'a Landing.
Mra. Cbaa. Desbner and aon Francla
were Kellettville visitors Thursday.
The Misses Dollie Bean, Bessie Bean
and Eva Blum of Kellettville, were
guests of tbe George Shepard family the
latter part of the week,
Mra. Nwartzfager of Sheffield, was the
guest of her slater, Mrs. Arniil Anderson,
few daya last week.
Aa rasplterrin are plentiful berry
pickers are seen traversing the hills
which surround I bia plane.
Mr. Louie (Jregorson, daughter ttna
sle, and Mrs. O.'a sister, Kllen llsrklns,
of Bank Mill, called nn friend here one
dsv last week.
Treses Hendrickaon was in Sheffield
Friday having some Jental work done
by Dentist Stanford.
F. X. Kreitler of Nebraska waa a caller
here Friday.
Frank Hendrickaon, I,eslla Paul and
Cbaa. Deshner were guests of relatives
and friend at Cherry Oroveover Sunday,
Emma Whttehill of Truemans was the
guest of her sister, Mr. John Fllzgnrsld,
over Sunday.
Frank Miller and family bave occupied
another one of tbe bouses at the chemical
A "Hen Party" was held at the borne
of Miss Chios Cook, Saturday evening.
All enjoyed themselves to tbe fullest
extern, sfler which refreshments were
served, which consisted ol cake, lemon
ade, Jello and fruit.
Apparently, it may seem atrange, but
judging from tbe sound Ssturdsy night,
some are not altogether through cele
We wonder wbat the attraction la for
aome of the Greenhouse avenue people
towards tbe lumber yaroT
Jamea Babb called at tbe Wm. Desbner
home Saturday evening.
Harry Smith recently purchased one of
tbe 1014 latest model, two-speed Indian
motorcycles, with electric lights.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hendrickaon and
son Roger of Kellettville, were guests of
tbe L. W. Hendrickson family Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen West and two
children, and Mra. Jay Catlin and two
children, of Kellettville, railed on friends
here Sundsy.
Miner Who Shot Two Men Placed In
West Virginia Penitentiary.
Albert Moore, Moundsville (W. Va.)
coal miner, who shot and killed Wil
liam Am and Harry Purdy as they
were rowing on the Ohio river, wai
captured In woods on the Ohio elds
of the river about a mile from tbe
scene of the shooting and taken to
the Moundsville jail. His capture was.
in Ohio. The posse hurried him across
the river to the West Virginia side.
A crowd of men made a rush on the.
county Jail and tried to force an en
trance. Cries of "Lynch him!" filled
the air.
The sheriff and & number of depu
utics, heavily armed, spirited the pris
oner out of the rear of the jail and
took him to the state penitentiary,
where he is under guard.
Editor Gorman Dies.
Joseph M. Gorman, aged thirty-five,
Jefferson county (0.) Democratic
leader, died. Gorman was editor ol
the SteubenviUe Gazette.
Chicago, July 21.
Hogs Receipts, 33,000. Light, 8.70
9-15; mixed, xs.60iQ9.15; heavy, 18.49
i9.15; rough, S.458.60; pigs, J7J5
6 9.
Cattle Receipts, 16,000. Beeves.
$7.709.90; steers, $6.40 8.20; stock
erg and feeders, J5.S08; cows and
heifers, 13.90 9.10; calves, 17.7011.
Sheep Receipts, 26,000. Sheep.
$5.156; yearlings, $5.60 7; lambs.
$6 8.40.
Wheat July. 79:
Corn July, 70 V.
Oats July, 36.
Pittsburgh, July 21.
Cattle Choice, $9.269.40; prime.
$8.60(0 9; good, IS. 40 8.60; common.
J6Q 7; common to good fat bulls, $5.50
7; common to good fat cows, $3.50
7.25; fresh cows and springers,
Shesp and Lambs Prime wethers,
$5.50(5 5.65; good mixed, $5.10 5.40;
fair mixed, $4.50 5; culls and com
mon, $2(03; spring lambs, $6 8.90;
veal calves, $10(010.50; heavy and
thin calves, $78.
Hogs Prime heavy hogs, $9.40;
heavy mixed, $9.45(y 9.50; mediums,
heavy Yorkers, light Yorkers, pigs,
$9.60i9.62H; roughs, $S8.25; stags,
$7 J? 7.50.
Butter Prints, 31. Eggs Fresh,
25. Poultry Live hens, 1718.
Cleveland, July 21.
Calves Good to choice, $1111.60;
fair to good, $10011; heavy and com
mon, $69.
Cattle Choice fat steers, $8.35
8.50; good to choice, $7.35 8.25;
mllchers and springers, $50 80.
Hogs Yorkers. $9.15; mixed, $9.16;
pigs, $9.15; stags, $6.75.
Pittsburgh Judge Says Harry It Not
By a decree of Judge James W,
Over of orphans' court In Pittsburgh
the trustee of Harry K. Thaw's estate
was directed to pay him his income
denied since he was adjudged insane
after the killing of Stanford White
and which during that time has ac
cumulated until there is now $160,773
due him.
While experts declare that Thaw
Is suffering from an hereditary exag
gerated sense of self, which would
make it unwise to commit any very
large sums of money into his personal
charge, Judge Over says this is not
lunacy and that there are many per
sons to whom It is unwise to give a
very large sum of money.
The decree closes about six months
of legal proceedings started by Thaw
to obtain his Income or a part of it
and is held to be a victory in his fight
for liberty.
Horse Dumpa Farmer to Death.
Robert Foster Stewart, a farmer of
Congrulty, near Greensburg, Pa., was
found dead along the roadside near
his homo. His neck was broken and
it Is thought a horse he had been
riding threw him. The horse, return
ing home riderless, caused searching
parties to hunt for the aged farmer.
Oearnrsa Cannot He 1'ured
by local applications, as tbey cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure dfuifnesH,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
limifiKiHH In cntiHed by an Inflamed con
dition nl'thit inuroim lining of tko Ku-Sim-Minn
T11 1 o. When this tube gets In
llnmod you have a rumbling sound or
Impnrlnct hearing, ami when It In entire
ly cloned (InsHnm I Hie result, aud un
less the Inllainnllon enn bo taken out and
this lube restored to Its normal condition
hearing will le destroyed forever nine
esses out of ton are caused by rstarrh,
which I nothing but an liillanied condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One II unci mil Dollars for
any csmi of deafness (caused ly chIritIi)
that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure, Send for circulars, free.
F. .1. niKNKV A CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by Druggists, 7ft.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Cured of Indigestion.
Mra. Sadie P, Clawaon, Indiana, Pa,,
was bothered with Indigestion. "My
stomach pained me night and day" she
writes, "I would feel bloated and have
headache and belching after eating. I al
so suffered from constipation. My
daughter bad used Chain herlain's Tablets
and they did ber ao much good that she
gave me a few doses of them snd Insisted
upon my trying them. I hey Leliiml me
ss nothing else lis done." For ssle by
11 Hosiers, suv.
Sixteen Properties In Woodlawn, Pi-,
Are Destroyed.
Woodlawn, located six miles east of
Clearfield, Pn., was the scene of a
disastrous fire which totally destroyed
sixteen residences and business places
before it was put under control.
The local lire apparatus, two chem
ical engines, failed to work and assist
ance was called from Clearfield. An
engine company and hose company
and hook and ladder company were
sent by special train. They mastered
the flames In a short lime.
The lire was started by a small
dealer giving au exhibition with the
fireworks left over from the Fourth of
July stock. The loss will aggregate
over $30,000. There was very little
Building Strike Ended.
Following an agreement between
the building contractors of Pittsburgh
and 4,000 to 5,000 striking members
of the building trades, including car
penters, masons and plasterers, the
Pittsburgh I'.uiiding Trades council of
ficially declared off the Btrike which
has lasted four months. Work on a
dozen large buildings that had been
suspended In whole or part was re
sumed Monday.
Stork Makes Twenty-Seventh Visit
The stork made Its twenty-seventh
visit to the home of Morris Conner in
Altoona, Pa., and brought a girl. Con
ner has been twice married. Eighteen
children were born to the first union
and nine to the second. Only seven
are living. -
$70,000 For Beaver College.
Beaver college at Beaver, Pa., has
closed its debt-raising campaign for
$10,000 with the entire amount sub
scribed. Endowment funds had been
pledged on condition the indebtedness
be raised. This was one of the con
ditions of Andrew Carnegie's pledge of
Keeps Threat to End Her Life.
Making good a threat to her husband
following a quarrel over a trivial mat
ter, Mrs. Mary Huttna, aged twenty
one, ended her life by throwing her
self In front of a train near Washing
ton, Pa.
Burglars Enter Station and Postofflce.
Burglars who broke into the Penn
sylvania Railroad station and the post
office in Cheswick, Pa., obtained about
$150 at the former place. Nothing of
any value was obtained at the post
office. Loses $14,000 From Her Stocking.
Somewhere between Cape May, N.
J., and Philadelphia are $14,000 worth
of bonds belonging to Mrs. Carl Wil
liams. She placed them in her stock
ing bank for safely but they slipped
Boy Killed by Burglar Trap.
A victim of a burglar trap, Thomas
Chuchran, eight years old, was found
lying on the cellar steps of the West
Branch store at Barnesboro, Pa., with
a charge of shot through his legs.
Five Burned In Mine Explosion.
Five men were seriously burned and
a score of others had narrow escapes
when a big volume of gas in the Rich
mond No. 3 colliery of the Scranton
(Pa.) Coal company exploded.
Bandit Rob Hardware Store.
Four bandits held off pedestrians
and smashed a window in a hardware
store in Corry, Pa., getting a quantity
of revolvers. They escaped in an auto
mobile. Headache and Nervousness Cured.
"Chamberlain's Tablets are entitled to
all tbe praise I can give them," writes
Mrs. Richard Olp, Speocerport, N. Y,
They bave cured me of headache and
nervousness and restored me to my nor
mal health." For ssle by all dealers, adv
They Pay The Printer And Sleep Well.
Subscription renewsls are thankfully
acknowledged as follows:
B. M. Kelly, Chicago, 111.
Cbaa. Smith, Eaat Hickory, Pa.
R. A. Cbllds, Esgle Rock, Pa.
W. L. Osgood, Starr, Pa.
Best Diarrhoea Remedy.
If you have ever used Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholers and Diarrhoea Remedy
you know tbat It is a success. Sam F.
Guin, Wbatley, Ala., writes, "I bsd
measles end got caught out in the rain,
and It settled In my stonaeb and bowels.
I bsd an awful lime, and bad It not been
for Cbamberlains's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy I could not possibly
have lived but a few hours longer, but
tbanks to tbis remedy, I am now well
and strong." For sale by all dealers.
Fruit Store
H. I. Cohen, Proprietor.
Always Ready
To supply your wants In anything
in the
No such stock ever kept in Tio
nesta before.
Our reputatinn already extend
to all parts of the County, and all
because ws keen the Freshest,
the Largest and the Best stock.
Come and See.
You are bound to be more
than pleased.
Store In Central Hotel Block,
Silk Shirt
We have received
fresh from the manu
facturers a few dozen
shirt waists that should
appeal to every lady
who appreciates dain
ty garments.
These waists are
made of excellent ma
terial, in the latest de
signs. Some are plain
white, others white
ground with stripes,
and some are linen
We bought these
waists under value,
and have priced them
WW WW ?????????????
Farmers !
No fertilizer is so lasting as
and none pays better for the time, labor
and money spent in getting it onto the
We are the largest producers and
shippers in this part of the State.
Orders handled promptly!
In buying from us you do business di
rect with the manufacturer and save the
middleman's profit.
Write for prices delivered to your
Rose Point Burned Lump Lime
Rose Point Ground Burned Lime
Rose Point Hydrated Lime
New Castle, Pa.
Sitting In Eqnlly.
In tbe Court of Common Pleas of Forest
County, No. 2, May Term, 1013.
Marlon Gerow, Plaintiff, va. Katharine
Fitzgerald etal., Defendants.
By virtue and authority of the aaid
Court in me veated, I will expose at
public sale on
Saturday, the 15th Day of
August, A. D. 1011,
at 1 o'clock p. m., at tbe Court House,
Tioneeta, Pa., tbe following described
traot of land, situate in Tionesta Town
ship, Forest County, Pa., viz:
Beginning at a post on the Allegheny
river, the corner of landa formerly owned
by G. W. Zenta; thence along a line of
said Zenta Isnd north 28 degrees west 125
perches to a white oak stub; thence north
70 degrees east 115 perches to a birch
stump at tbe bank of tbe run; thence
south 30 degrees esst 115 rods to a white
osk poet now on tbe bsnk of ibe Alle
gheny river; thence down tbe said river
by Its courses 120 percbes to tbe pi see of
Beginning, containing e7 sores or land,
be tbe same more or less.
Improvements. Two atory frame
dwelling bouse, frame barn, orchard of
froit trees, improved cultivated Isnd.
Terms of Sale. Ten per cent, to be
paid on day of aale, oue-tbird In one
year, one-third In two years snd oue
tbird In three years, deferred payments
to be secu rod by bond and mortgage to
be entered of record and to bear 6 per
cent. Interest. Purchaser to bave the
right to pay all or one-balf ibe purchase
money on confirmation of tbe aale.
A. C. Brown, Master.
i Township School District for tbe year
ending July 0, 1014:
Henry Blum, Collector,
To duplicate 1013 12,525 80
5 per cent, added on fti89 53 - 34 48
Collected on 1012 land returns 6 84
12,566 62
$2,4.17 03
64 88
64 71
By amount paid Treasurer.,
Land returns
F2.566 62
Jacob Smearbaugb, Treasu
To balance in treasury
Tuition received
State appropriation
Slate high school tuition
Henry Blum, Collector
County Treasurer ,
Borrowed money
Interest on borrowed money
Received for stone
f m 37
202 80
1,665 24
34 00
2,437 03
443 69
800 00
9 00
7 00
$8,557 53
..$5,952 03
.. 119 04
.. 486 46
By orders redeemed
2 per cent. com. on 5,052 03
Balance in treasury
Buildings and lurnisbings
Repairing, eto
Teachers' wages
Teachers' Institute
Contingencies ,
Text books
School supplies
Debt and interest nsld
10,667 53
..1,S97 12
.. 85 92
.. 2,800 00
.. 135 00
.. 150 65
140 25
17 28
. 127 27
.. 801 50
121 53
8 75
.. 57 44
10 00
,. 17 34
3 13
50 00
10 60
6 00
28 50
,. 22 00
.. 4(14 80
1 1;
Collector's oommlRslon
Transportation ,
Election of Superintendent
Secretary 'a salary
Directors' convention
Filing lax liena
Auditing and printing report...
Tuition ,
Miscellaneous ,
15.D52 03
By Jacob Hmeartmuiih, Trees $18(1 46
Con til y Tiessnrer i(Wk lift
Land returns a:l 97
Tax linns f, a
72rt 70
,.fT07 50
,. 6 48
212 72
Order Nn, III) outstanding
Usury llliiin, nnl lector's com.
Surplus of tesotirrna ,
We, His iindnrslKtinil Audltois of Tin
nnsla Towtislilp, bnrnliy certify Hist we
have examined the (otoKnInu account
anil llnil llmm In be correct to the host of
our knowledge,
A, 1 1. Thomson,
A. M. MHAi.r, A ml lints.
IIowaiiii O, lli.oi'iiitn,
. , AJ2-mHimm'-
money -; Mfif
Many, many, good, honest men have worked hard and
piled up a little fortune, and then all at once lost all they had
by just one foolish investment. The following appeared re
cently in the newspapers about a very prominent man who
died: .
Despite his marvelous financial career in and around
Chicago, which caused him at one time to be rated
as a millionaire, he died a bankrupt. Most of his
great fortune melted in disastrous speculations.
CAPITAL STOCK, S50.000. SURPLUS, 1100,000.
Do your banking with us. 4. "nOT nOTlf
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, Tt JJ OA U
Forest County Naaionad Bank,
The StudeboLker
High Class
erate Price.
v; i-
Four and Six Cylinder Cars. X. '
The Sedan,
The Landau Roadster,
Fully Equipped, Best Material,
Studebaker Car.
Address, J W REIGEL,
Agent for Forest County,
Marienville, Pa.
Call over the Farmers' Telephone, Leeper Central. Either will bring a
prompt response.
Don't buy till you have seen the Studebaker.
Executor's Aolice.
Estate of Truman D. Collins, late of
Nebraska, Forest County, Pennsylvania.
Letters Testamentary upon tbe above
named estate having been granted to tbe
undersigned, all persons having claims
sgsinst tbe same will present them, duly
authenticated, for payment, and those
indebted thereto will please make prompt
payment to
E. S. Collins. Executor.
2 o dfftnk ft TA
Sr-KBR A Wbiolb, Attorneys, Oil City,?!
shelf emptying
wash goods
This has been the biggest wash
goods season we have had in
years made so by the unsur
passed assortment and the un
matchable low prices. For the
Shelf-Emptying Sale prices go
down still another notch, creat
ing values that will serve to
again fill this section during the
coming week.
25c an : 35c wash
goo: s at 15c
Those fne and handsome asc
rrepe ratines all colors light
weight for dresses, at 15c.
asc Silk Stripe Cotton Voiles
fine even weave neat self
stripes white and colors crepe
poplins, woven stripes and
checks H jht and colors, 15c.
35c Slk Stripe Voiles two
styles of neat silk stripes white
only. jjc Brocaded Poplins
white and medium light colors
with neat self colors Jacquard
effects 15c.
23c Tissues woven stripes,
checks and neat plaid effects
light and dark colors, and a tine
assortment of madras gingham,
plain colors and neat stripes 3
Inche wide 15c.
Fred, tirottonborgor
O EN Ell A L
All work iinrlHlnlng to Machinery, En
glnim, (HI Well Tools, (las or Wator Kit
ting ami (Innnral llliti-ksmithlng prompt
ly dona si Uiw Kates. Kcpalring Mill
Machinery given special atteutlou, and
sstlslsctlon KUaranliKHl.
Hliop In rear of ami lust west of the
Nliaw House, Tldioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
and the
Delivery Car.
and Handsomest In Finish, that's the
Still On Deck.
I Oleomargareno
Buster Brown
Xearry Ewrjlhing Ton Reed.
. . . .
At the
Racket Store
Graniteware, Tinware,
Glassware, Chinaware,
Stationery, Hosiery,
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
J. L. Hoplor
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time for either
pleasure or business trin. and alwara
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
ami courteous treatment.
Conn aud see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.