The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 01, 1914, Image 3

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' l. WINK, Editor 4 Pso.riito
U. S. Senator -lMe Penrose.
Governor-Martin O. Brumbaugh.
Lieut, Governor -Frank B. MoClain.
See'; Internal Affairs-Bmry Houok.
Oonpreat-Large -T. 8. Crago, M. H.
Uarland, a. K. Lafeao, J. 11. K.Scott
Congress Samuel H. Miller.
State Senator Josiah Iloward.
AxsemblyA. R. Mecbllng.
Supreme Omrl -liobert 8. Frazer. George
Kuokel. "
Superior Cb7-Frauk M.Trexler, Jamea
r The Democratic Squabble.
If our Democratio friends continue aa
active aa now threatened there will be at
least two Democratio Dartiea In Peonavl
vania this year. The Palmer-McCormlck
State organization la not satisfied with the
way the Old Guard City Committee
carries on.
The City Committee abut iU eyea,
crossed lis 0 niters and endorsed the nom
ination of Palmer aud McCoruick, but it
refused to consider an endorsement of the
platform. This waa so much like fumi
gating tlie csndidatea to set their Drincl
plea out of them before being swallowed.
that it has stirred up the resentment of
the Mate organization.
All aorta of threats are out to break op
the City Committee and create a new one
that will be wllliug to take orders. The
(state Committee can do that probablv nn
der its rules, but it would release the Old
Guard from the email obligation It now
feels to support the candidates without
the platform, iu which event a second
Democratic Stale ticket might be hope
fully looked lor.
There ought to be two tickets, anyway,
for as matters atand there are a good
many Democrats who cannot vote for
anything now in eight and satisfy their
Democracy.-Philadelphia Evening Tele
graph. Further Hold-Up of Road Money.
A Harrisburg dispatch under date of
26tb inst., says: Counsel for State Treas
urer Robert K. Young and Auditor Gen
eral A. W. Powell yesterday gsve notice
in tiling the appeal to the supreme court
from the decision of Judges McCarellaod
Henry, upholding tue constitutionality of
the automobile license fee case that they
would ask for a supersedes to prevent the
state highway department getting any of
the license money for maiuteuance of
state highways. By this action the two
fiscal officials came right into the open
with a move to block any work being
done on the badly run down highways
about which there has been so much com
plaint. When one of the cases was being argued
Attorney Geuerai John C. Bell Invited M.
Hampton Todd, former attorney general
and council for Young, to argue the con
stitutionality of the act, but be declined.
This indicated an Intention to block, it
was asserted which the Judges upset by
passing on the constitutionality.
When the appeal waa Bled yesterday by
Thomas U. C. Cicbton, cashier of the
treasury, and C. J. Rogers, Jr., chief of
accounts or the auditor general, who are
counsel, they gave n tloe of Intention to
apply for a auperaedeaa tbia afternoon.
The attorney general'a department an
nounced last night that it would combat
that move because it would continue the
holdup of road repairs by depriving the
highway department of the money paid
by automobile owners and intended by
the legislature to be spent in main
tenance. District Conference of the M. E. Church.
The annual District Conference of the
Franklin District of the Methodist Epis
copal church was held at Kellettville on
June 22 and 23 of last week. This con
ference includes the pastors and all the
members of the quarterly conferences of
all the ministerial chargea included In
the Franklin District of the Erie Con
ference. The District Superintendent,
Kev. A. R. Rich, presided over the con
ference. The attendance was not very
large, probably owing to the difficulty to
be experienced In reaching Kellettville
from the various points of the district.
Considerable buainess was transacted in
the way of action relative to those held,
or were candidates for, licenses to exhort
or to preach (aa local preachers) in the
M. E. body. There were also recommen
dations to the annual conference which
will meet at Sharon In September for
entrance into that body. Among those
licensed to preach is Warren F, Jones, of
Newtown Mills, son of W. F. Jones, of
that place. Mr. Jones will assist Rev.
Henry Smallenberger on the Kellettville
charge in helping to care for the work at
Minister, on Tionesta oreek, op above
Kellettville. The license of F. V. Hen
drickson, of Kellettville, as an exhorter,
was also renewed.
The conference sermon was preached
by Rev. W. E. Frampton, of Rouseville,
a former pastor at Kellettville, and the
closing sermon by Rev. J. E. Hillard,
also a lormer pastor. Rev. J. A. Lsvely,
temperance evangelist of the Erie Con
ference, and Rev. J. H. Jelbart, of Chl
cora, delivered addresses on phases of the
temperance question. L. O. Brown, S.
H. Missy, of the American Sunday School
Union, and 8. P. Anderson, connected
with the Venango Couuty Sunday School
Association, and with the State Associa
tion also, in the A. B. C. work, gave ad
dresses. Mr. Browu is a chalk talk and
paper artist of no small repute and effi
ciency. There were also other interesting
features. Good music was rendered by
the local choir and local singers. The
conference closed with the communion of
the Lord's Supper, Rev. A. R. Rich hav
ing charge thereof.
One thing disclosed, to an observer, by
the workings of the conference, la the
carefulness with which the way Into the
ministry of the church Is safeguarded.
And another thing is the large part the
membership of the church have in the
question ol entrance Into the ministry.
Altogether the meeting was a good one:
interesting, lively, pleasant throughout.
The next meeting will be bold at Rouseville.
Miss Nellie Myers of Weslport, Is vis
itiug Albert Dunkle'a family and Mr,
and Mra. Wade Simpson this week,
Andrew Christenson visited his borne
at Cherry Grove over Sunday,
Mrs. E. Wilson waa down from Shef
field during the week.
Mrs. P. SUrner and Mra. Soott Wilson
of Blue Jay camp were abopplng in town
Tuesday and Wednesday and spent the
night with Mrs. Dixon.
Ralph Cook drove over from Tionesta
with a second-hand Buick car and left it
with Dr. W. W. Serrill to use until a ne
one can be secured from the factory for
Mrs. R. W. Wbltehill is able to be
about the house again and the nurae baa
gone home. Gerald Shlmmel ia also able
to be out.
Mrs. W. L. Watson and daughter Aids
sod Miss Julia Silzle were Warren via
itora Thursday, going over in Kincb'a
The Jolly Five Thimble Club were en
tertained at the borne of Alda Watson on
Wednesday afternoon. The girls always
have a pleasant afternoon, tbia one being
enlivened by three guests.
Some twenty miulsters attended the
district conference beld Monday and
Tuesday. Although It was a disappoint
ment to the people when the Bishop did
not come, all were pleased with the con
ventloo, which waa pronounced a very
pleasant affair both by the visitors and
tbe town people. All the osndidates who
took the examination passed successfully
Warren Jones of Newtown was one of
theapplicauts for local preacber'a license
and will assist Rev. Henry Smallenberge
by looking after the Minister church.
We are to have a spell of the movies in
town this week. Tbe tenia were pitched
Mrs. John Blum spent tbe week with
friends at Endeavor and Hickory.
Twin boys came to the borne of Mr.
and Mra. Wiu. Harklesson Wednesday.
Mrs. Wilbur M liter is entertaining ber
sister this week.
Viola Manderville, who baa been visit
ing ber sister, Mrs. Geo. Parker, lor tbe
past month, returned to her borne In
Brookville last week.
Mra. D. Vanderwork of Frewaburg, N.
Y., Ethel Vanderwork of Oklahoma, and
Mr. and Mra. M. F. Callin of Minister,
were guests of Mra. Mary Tobey during
tbe week. Tbe first mentioned is a sister
of Mr. Catlin.
Marion Catlin of Jeflerson, Ohio, came
during the week for a short visit with ber
grandmother, Mrs. Tobey.
Mrs, Lewis Arner is in Murienvllle
this week, tbe guest of her parents.
Miss Myrtle Lyman of Sheffield visited
ber cousin, Mrs. R. W. Wbitebill, over
Dr. and Mra. C. Y. Detar and children,
Russell and Margaret, were Fryburg vis
itors Sunday.
Langdon Day baa been on the sick list
for tbe past few days.
Raynor Lorom, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Lorotn of Kellettville, was born at Cas
torland, N. Y May 31, 18H8, and died Id
the Bradford hospital, June 21, 1914, or
infection in tbe blood stream. Funeral
services were held in Salamanca, N. Y,,
June 24th, with interment In tbe ceme
tery there. Raynor waa one of our high
acboel boys and although be was in poor
health all winter he was very anxious
about bis work. Whenever bis health
permitted he waa round In the school
room. Five weeks before bis death be
taken to tbe Bradford hospital for
treatment but nothing could be done for
biui. He became anxloua to see bis
mother and wrote for her to come. She
left the bedside of bis father to go to see
blm and waa with him when be died.
His two sisters, Margaret and Edna, and
two of his intimate friends, William and
Herbert Watson, attended tbe funeral
Raynor had a host of friends who regret
bis early demise. The family also have
the sympathy of tbe entire community
In their great sorrow.
Mr. and Mra. Amel Anderson and two
children are speuding a few daya at Shef
field, and while there are taking in tbe
tent meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stakely and
daughter, Mra. P. E. McCullough, of this
place, spent several days of last week
with the former's son and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Stakely, near Sharon.
E. E. Uendrlckson called on Mr. and
Mrs. Heinfreld Hendrlckson of Tionesta
tbe first of last week,
Calvin VaoMarter Ib reported to be ser
iously ill.
Misses Augusta Hunter of Nebraska,
and Ethel Rich of Kellettville, were
guests ot Edna Smith the latter part or
the week.
Prof. Terrill baa returned to his home
at Tyleraburg.
Mrs. Victor Hendrlckson of Kellett
ville spent Thursday with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Paul are vlalsting
at Cherry Grove.
Warren Jones Jr. of Newtown spent
Saturday evening at the HendricKson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner spent Sun
day with relatives at Truemans,
Mr. and Mra, Bert Nichols, daughter
Sibyl, and Mrs. VsnMarter drove up
from Tionesta Friday and visited at A.
M. VanMarter's.
Blanche Howard of Beaver waa a guest
of relatives bere Sundsy, going on to
Cherry Grove for a ysit with friends.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Knight are visit
ing bis parents at Cooksburg.
Ealher Smallenberger of Kellettville
was a gueBt at the Cook home Sunday.
Misses Adeline and Lela Campbell left
Wednesday for a few days' visit with rel
atives at Ashvllle, N. Y., the fomier go
ing on to Findleya Lake, where she will
oamp with relatives for several daya.
Waller Wilaon and Glenn Shaw spent
Saturday evening with friends bere.
Those who attended tbe F. M. quarter
ly meeting here from Beaver Valley were
Edward Mealey, Fred Hlgbtield, Nicho
las McManlgle aud Blanche Howard.
Rev, Bryentou of Titusville, piesiding
elder or the Oil City district, presided at
the meetings.
Alfred Record is speuding a few days
with relatives st Cochrantou.
Coral and Floyd Price or Kellettville
were gUBHta of rriends here Sundsy.
Edna Deshner returned Friday from
an extended visit with ber grandmother
at Cherry Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Carroll visited over
Snnday with relatives near Fryburg.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kranklng and fam
ily now occupy one or the houses at the
chemical plaut.
Henry Desbner spent Sunday with rel
atives at Cherry Grove.
The National Transit company' station
bere has been running several daya and
the oil stock Is bilng reduced i tbe
storage tank,
Tbe people bere are wondering what ia
being done in regard to tbe remo-al of
tbe school building and hope tbe mailer
will be taken up soon so as to be ready at
tbe beginning of tbe term ao close at band
Something should be done at once aa tbe
people do uot like to send their children
to tbe old building.
' Tbe boys ol town bave eatablisbed a
camp up Porkey run for an outing and
spent Friday and Saturday and tbe nights
up there. Saturday Reed and Ross
Weller of Kellettville came up and
camped with Ibe boys. Saturday tbe
girls went up with lunches and enjoyed
tbe woods. Two of the Rupert and tbe
two Weller boys remained iu camp over
night and had a lovely time during the
severe electrical storm that visited our
parts Saturday night. We all expected to
see tbe boys come arunning down tbe
run, but they were game and atood It
"though," as tbe hicks ssy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Litllelield and Mrs.
C. L. Littlefleld attended tbe funeral of
tbe late Mra. Warner of Marlenville,
Thursday, and on Friday Claude and Ibe
children went to Baroea. Claude is not
yet strong enough to get into tbe harness.
J. F. Zlttle foreman for tbe National
Transit Co. wss Ibe guest ofO. E. Rupert
on Wednesday, looking after Ibe com
pany's s flairs bere.
Andrew Hanson, Lyle Patchen and Mr,
Hanson, of Sheffield, were bere laat week
reconstructing the line to tbe Duffer
lease which la now owned by Keller of
Warren and Francla of Clarendon, and is
making some oil, having been fixed up
and another well drilled.
Mr, Hockenberry of Warren was a
visitor In our town last week doing photo
work for tbe natives. He is giving satis
faction at Mayburg and other places along
tbe creek. Come again, old scout.
Tbe road men put tbe finishing touches
on the roads bere last week and we ought
to be very thankful for tbe nice highway
we now bave. We hope Iroiu now on to
eternity tbe roads can be kept up by tbe
atate, ao that Ibe township will pot be
compelled to act as It had to this summer.
There was preaching services at Min
ister Thursday evening by Rev. Smallen
berger or Kellettville, which was well at
tended for this part of tbe country.
Edward MoMlllenof Kellettville, who
is staying with the H. E. Gillespie family
or that place, was the guest of Marian Ru
pert two daya last week.
Tbe storm of Isst Wednesday mixed up
I tbe wires, and even tbe New Era was
crossed with the telegraph near Sheffield,
out auie 10 ao ousiness.
The new style of wearing dusting caps
Is in our estimation about tbe moat sen
sible Idea Iu wnman'a wear that we have
seen lately. These capa are made of any
material tbe owner happena to bave tbe
price of, whether of calico or tbe most
costly kind or fabric. We think tbey ate
very pretty. Now tbey should devise a
more pleasing kind of skirt fur tbe
woman, aa tbe half length flap 00 the out
side of skirts makes a female look hide
ous to our untrsined eye.
Mrs. M. L. Ekaa and Mra. James Hayes
of Sheffield stopped over at Ball town
Thursday and made Mra. James Mo
Michael a call, while tbe boys of tbe party
drove to Kellettville and back.
J. W. Dunklo was a Sheriff visitor
Sa'.urday, returning on tbe evening train.
Tbe train ia looking very nice now since
the coaches are pain ted, and we notice tbe
conductor baa a more pleasant smile lor
us when w e enter his train. It ia very
evident that improvemenla are beneficial
to everybody.
A representative of tbe Bell Telephone
Co. was a visitor in our town lat week
on business. This la one or the greatest
telephone systems In tbe world as almost
everyone knows, but they bave certainly
kept out or Ibis valley for some unknown
reason for many years. There ia only
one place In this part where one can get a
Bell telephone, and that la at Minister.
Darius GitTord ol Coallnga, Cel., waa a
visitor in our villsge one day last week,
and we hear that Mrs. G. will call on ber
old friends bere before Ions. We will be
glad to see ber again ia our midst, and
oiten tnink or our other rriends in tbe far
west wltb pleasant memories.
Tbe hailstorm last Sunday did consid
erable damage to tbe crops and apple
trees in some sections or tbe community.
Some of the bail was half aa large as
ben eggs.
Clsrence Grubbs, wbo is employed at
J. E. Cossg rove's, called on friends in
Marlenville last Sunday.
An eye specialist was in our town last
week repaiilng old glasses and selling
new ones.
David Silvia called on friends at Harry
Couins' Saturday night.
Tbe Galbraith Bros, of Brookville gave
an interesting entertainment in the
Greenwood church, which was well filled.
Tbe entertainers kept tbe spectators from
getting sleepy. They bad some laughing
OD9 minute and crying tbe next.
Mildred Demond or Cooksburg attend
ed cuur-b bere Sunday.
J. E. Cossgrove, who is agent for vacu
um washers, clothes lines, etc, was call
ing at North Pine Grove.
Kuby and Floyd Fitzgerald called at
Johnny Lackner'a and spent a fine eve
ning last week.
Clifford Moore la employed on Cross
mun's lath mill.
Rev. W. O. Webster, pastor of Ibe
Free Melbodist church, preached a very
nice sermon Sunday.
Homer Lewis, wbo bad lost the tools
In the well located on tbe Secore lease,
was fortunate enough iu getting them
out after a long flblng job.
John Hilvls attended the social at Mrs.
MacAboy's, Friday nigbt.
J.B.Campbell was nn a business trip
to John Knight's, Friday.
A very Interesting lecture wss given
Thursday evening by Rev. O. L. Brown.
He painted pictures and explained Ibeui,
bis lecture being on Sunday school work.
A large crowd attended.
Mrs. Fleming enjnvi d a pleasant time
at Mrs. Brink's, at Woodsville,on Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker have moved
to Woodsville, Uoldie Baker is staying
with her brother until tbey get moved.
A man whose name we did not learn
waa knocked over the bank Friday and
severely Injured.
Miss Sylvia Dillle expects lo go to her
home at Hendersonville on Mondsy.
Miss Viola Riche is visiting her sister,
Airs. Jack.
W. J James and Wm. Eckles were at
Wm. Fleming'a Tueedav eveninr and
helped eat some maple ice cream.
Mr. James' rather or Franklin came
down to the camp Wednesday evening.
Homer Brumbaugh and wire expect to
gu noma Kir me louriu,
Mrs. Frank Mealy is expecting her
parents down on Saturday.
Unite a lew arrests bave been made at
tbe tunnel lor tbe selling of liquor on
Sabbath day.
Edward MoAdoo went home Thursday.
Headache and Nervousness Cured.
"Chamberlaln'a Tablets are entitled to
all the praise I can give them," writes
Mrs. Uiebard Olp, Spencerport, N. Y.
They bave cured me or headache and
nervouKness and restored me to my nor
ml health." For sale by all dealers, adr
Pberaa Smathers went to Kane Mon
day to attend the wedding or ber sister,
Miss Vinnie, which will iske place on
Wednesday. Misa Vinnie Is well known
here, having been reared lo this vicinity.
Her many friends wish ber a very happy
A corps of civil engineers is making a
surrey down tbe Clarion and at present
is located nere.
Wayne Cook, Jr., returned home last
week from tbe Hill Academy, where be
nas neen attending school toe last year,
Mrs. Robert Cook visited friends In
Kane tbe latter part of tbe week.
Mrs. U. K. Braken entertained the la
dies or tbe W. C. T. U. on Saturday. It
twlng T. L. B. day, there were about
liny women and children present.
Llna Smith viaited relatives at Mlola
last week.
A young lady giving ber name aa Edna
Jane came to make her borne with Mr,
and M rs. Joe Cook last Friday. Every
one seems more tbsn pleased about it,
especially tue proud daddy.
A great wind storm occurred bere last
Wednesday. Much damage was done by
the wind and lightning.
Tbe Galbraith Bros, of Brookville gave
a splendid entertainment in tbe Green
wood church on Saturday night. Tbey
certainly displayed great talent Though
having to work against the odds of an
spproacbing storm tbey proved their
sbility to hold their audienoe. Everyone
present enjoyed It immensely.
Florence Cook visited Mra. Warren
Black at Hominy Ridge a few daya last
Rulb Potter of Clarington ia visiting
Irlends bere.
While plsvlng bsll at Snydersburg on
Ssturdsy, Day Wilkinson met wltb a
serious accident. While attempting to
make a rnn Irom second to third base be
fell, bresklug his arm. The bone was
completely aeveied, prenetrating the
Some of our people saw an object going
through tbe air on Thursday evening and
there ia much curiosity to know wbst It
wss. Some thought it a balloon, while
others wbo saw it closer believe it to be
sn airship, as it had a different shape
than an ordinary balloon. If anyone can
inform us correctly on this we will be
very glad to be enlightened.
A number or tbe Boy soouta or Alle
gheny county have shipped their camp
ing outfits to tbe ground lo be ready for
ramping Ibe coming week. It Is expected
tbat about two thousand will oamp here
during July and August.
rror. m. j. mack or Marlenville, is
visiting bis brother, Warren, here-.
we are sorry to report tbat seoastian
Cook'a health la no better.
Draftim Cannot He ( urrd
by local applications, as tbey cannot
reach the diseased portion 01' the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that ia by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused bv an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining or the Eu
stachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you bave a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deafness is the result, and un
less the in (tarnation can be taken out and
this lube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
wnicn is nothing but an Innatnod condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any caie of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Best Diarrhoea Remedy.
If you bave ever used Chamberlaln'a
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
you know tbat It is a success. Sam f
Guin, Wbatley, Ala., writes, "I bad
meaatea and got caught out in the rain
and it settled in my slo nacb and bowels
1 ban an awnu time, and bad it not been
for Chamberlains's Collo. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy I could not possibly
bave lived but a few hours longer, but
tbanka to this remedy, I am now well
sod strong." For sale by all dealers.
"Sold by Strout"
b tha ii wa nailed on ths bams of
8609 FARMS
Moil Farm Buyen are (root the
great American cities.
Therefore we have Big General
Office in New York, Bodon, Phils
delphia, Pittsburgh and Memphis and
receive hundreds of calls or farms
every day.
. We -ll more thn soy otha Agency
m the World.
We can aril youi farm. No advance Ira.
For further inforoslioa and free copy of
booklet How to Sail Your Farm"
Lickingville, Pa.,
Agent tor
E. A. Strout Farm Agency
Fruit Store
H. I. Cohen, Proprietor.
Always Ready
To supply your wants in anything
in the
' and
No such stock ever kept in Tio
nesta before.
Our reputation already extends
to all parts of the County, and all
because we keep the Freshest,
the Largest and the Best stock.
Come and See.
You are bound to be more
than pleased.
Store in Central Hotel Block,
Be Comfortable.
Your holiday will be
much more enjoyable if
you are properly fitted
Cool Underwear,
Soft Shirt and Collar,
Washable Tie,
Straw Hat,
and a pair of
Walk-Over Oxfords.
These things are here
awaiting your inspection.
Commencing July 6th, and until
September 1st, our store will
I close at 6 o'clock, Wednesdays I
ana Saturdays excepted.
The tyrant cruel and vain,
Who played the lyre and sang
a refrain
While Rome burned,
In the) Wonderful
Clnes Photo-Drama
Pastime Theatre,
July 16th, 1914.
Shown at all the first class theatres of
the United States.
Performance lasting 21 hours.
The story is laid in Rome durine the
reipn of Nero. Th nnenino' scenes are
a wonaenui picture ot beauty.
Is a spectacle that will linger in the
minds of all that see it. This spectacle
alone is worth going miles to see. The
cast includes:
Peter, the Apostle.
Nero, Emperor of Rome, pitilessly
Ursus, a giant servant of Lygia.
Petronius, Nero's favorite.
Vinitius, a Tribune.
Chilo, soothsayer and spy.
Eunice, a slave.
Soldiers, gladiators, slaves, etc.
See the Burning of Rome, Imperial
Banquet, Christian Martyrs, Exciting
Chariot Kaces, Oladiators in Combat,
Ursus' Fight With the Infuriated Bull,
Wonderful Vision That Comes to the
Apostle Peter, and numerous ether great
scenes that go to make up the most
wonderful picture ever presented to the
This spectacular photo drama will be
shown at the Pastime on July 16th.
inree performances will be given: Af
ternoon 2 to 6. Evening, first show starts
at 7 o'clock sharp; second show at 9:20.
Admission, 10 and 25 cents.
We are at a great expense to give the
public this spectacular photo play, and
must ask that you kindly give up your
seats to those waiting, after having seen
the entire performance. Thank you.
Remember the date, Thursday, July 16.
Pastime Theatre,
Quality Picture),
Tionesta, Pa.
Will Close at Six O'Clock.
After July 4ili the undersigned will
close their meat markets at 0 d. in., ex
cepting Weduesday and Saturday even
ings. Georqr Wilson
J. A. Adams,
Tbuae who are (Mug tbe automobile
question any thought whatever abould
keep In m Ind the fact that 8. C. Monsch,
Marlenville, Pa,, la sole agent fur the
world famed Ford cars, and tbat a tele
phone call, or a postal card will bring tbe
agent to your door In one to two hours'
time with a spick span new car, for they
bave tberu Iu stock. Tbe Ford gels tbere
when all others fall, rain or chine. adv.
That is if he does not turn right around and draw his
money out to foolishly invest in some far-away, ijet-rich-quick
scheme constantly offered to him by some strange,
smooth promoter. It is our business to know which invest
ments are good and which are not. If any of our depositors
will come in and ask us about investments they figure on
making, we shall gladly give our opinion of them.
CAPITAL STOCK. 150.000. SURPLUS, 1100,000.
Do your banking with us. A wcxy ncmi-
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, a JJ CI Kj Ull u
Forest County
The Studebker
Four and Six
The Sedan,
The Landau Roadster,
Fully Equipped, Best Material,
Studebaker Car.
Address, J W RBIGEL,
Agent for Forest County,
Marienville, Pa.
Call over the Farmers' Telephone, Leeper Central. Either will bring a
prompt response.
Don't buy till you have seen the Studebaker.
Kxet'utor'M Not ire.
Estate of Truman D. Collins, late of
Nebraska, Foreat County, Pennsylvania.
Letters Testamentary upon the above
named estate having beeu granted to tbe
uoderalgned, all persons having claims
aealnat tbe same will present them, duly
authenticated, for. payment, and those
Indebted thereto will please make prompt
payment to
E. S. Collins. Executor.
SrtiKR A Wkiolk, Attorneys, Oil City, Pa!
B St B 'r-
only a fcy more
of these $550 Ctcilian
players to be sold at $395
After those are gone which Will
no doubt he within a week you
will not be able to buy a regular
Farrand Ceclllan at any price.
you ca i now buy a
Cecilian player for $395
We bought every Ceclllan left in
the Farrand Co. factory when they
were placed in the hands of re
ceivers; we paid just about our own
price, so we now Rive you the op
portunity to save $155. There are
still 14 Cecillans to be soid. Why
not make your selection Imme
diately. At least let us tell you
all about It.
$10 a month
pays for one
Write fnr particulars.
Fred. Orottouborgor
All work pertalnlnir to Machinery. En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit-
tinj anu uonerai ttiacKsm lining prompt
ly done at L-ovt Kates. Kepainng Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction Kiiaranteod.
Shoo in rear of and lust west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Tour patronage solicited. '
National Bank,
At a Mod1
erate Price
Cylinder Cars.
and the
Delivery Car.
and Handsomest in Finish, that's the
Still On Deck.
Buster Brown
Nearly Everything Ton Seed.
I ..
At the
Racket Store
Graniteware, Tinware,
Glassware, Chinaware,
Stationery, Hosiery,
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Elm Street, - Tionesta, Pa.
J. L. Hcplcr
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, aud always
at reasonable rates. -' Prompt service:
and courteous treatment.
Coin1) and see us.
Hear or Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 30.