2 S1IART & SILBERBERG CO., OIL CITY, PA. Summery Wash Dresses In A Sale. A splendid assortment of these wash dresses, Every latest fashion idea is revealed in a charming collection of nets, crepes, cotton batistes, ratines, taffetas, crepe de chines, crepe meteors, figured foulards, cotton voiles trimmed with lace and having pretty girdles made of ribbon or epong, plain and embroidered. Then, too, there are Dolly Varden and striped crepes. $3.75, $5.00, $6.00 to $15.00, Values Much Higher. We wish that you would particularly note the new long tunic effects, also the skirts that are made along plain, long lines. You'll like them particularly, Every shade and color. Prices start in low and mount gradually. Your Supreme Chance To Save On Millinery. Millinery Department is offering wonderful values in summer hats of every sort. Trimmed Hats, Untrimmcd Hats, Panamas, and Children's Hats may be had at savings of two, three and four times the marked prices, Women who are wise will profit by the splendid of fers now, while the selections are widest and best. ' Each day means lessened choice, A lot of Untrimmed Hats, all this season's, all good styles and colors ... JUC Genuine Imported Panamas, the very latest models and sizes $Z.75 Two groups of Trimmed Hats C1 - . at a fraction of cost 3l.jU, 3.UU All our High Grade Trimmed Hats and aa Pattern Hats, were $10 and $15, now $5.00 All Children's Hats, including late . summer lingerie models yi riC6 Summer Needs In Home Furnishings. Washable Colonial Rag Rugs For Sleeping Rooms, Bath Rooms, or Porches. 24x36 inches at 90c, $1.50 and $2.00 30x60 inches at $2.50 and $3.50 PRINTED LINOLEUM 600 square yards, in ten patterns ot blue and green tile and hardwood floor patterns, at 65c a square yard, laid. PORCH CUSHIONS for home or cottage; of sanitary floss and pure down, cambric covered, in all sizes. Sanitary Floss Cushions, 30c to 86c. Pure Down Cushions, 86c to $2.00. THE EVIDENCE of a community's faith in a banking institution is found in its Deposits. Ours are over Four and One-Half Million Dollars. The evidence of a bank's security and strength is found in its Capital and Surplus, Ours are over One Million Dollars. Oil City Trust Company Oil City, Pa. ! The Distinctive Garment Store Present Wear Attire at Specially Low Prices. Dainty Garments in design that reflect the very latest ideas of summer fashion all brand new and fresh. Attractive Wash Dresses. Cool, dainty and refreshing are the Distinct ive Garment Store's low cost dresses, and such a variety. The airy voiles and lawns in smart and dainty styles. The soft clinging crepes that bring out the most graceful lines. New Wash Skirts. White Cordaline and Ratine Skirts latest long tunic models, finished in front with white crochet buttons other models are in short tier or tailored ' effects. Prices $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 to $6.00. Agents For Gossard Front Lacing Corsets. The Distinctive Garment Store Henry J. McCarty, 111 CENTRE ST., . OIL CITY, PA. Not the Only Favored One. Young Jamie's people were poor and not always solvent, wherefore the lad, while still very young, knew the mean ing of debt One day when Jamie had been sent to ask a patient tradesman for more supplies he was hurt and ashamed to see the man hesitate. "You needn't be afraid of sending the things because we owe you a little money," exclaimed the child, with In dignation. "We owe plenty of people more than we owe you!" Use of Cement Saved Bridget. At Hamburg there are two bridges the masonry of which was threatening to fall in ruins, being traversed by Innumerable cracks of varying size. A remarkable process has Just been made use of to rejuvenate these bridges. A number of holes were bored throughout the structure so as to give access to the interior and cement was Injected by pumpi under pressure Reports on the present con dition ot the two bridges are favor able. I Feminine Mystery. Another thing if it is true that birds of a feather flock together, why does a pigeon-toed girl wear ostrich tips? Galveston News. Probably. The man who complains that the world isn't giving him his due would probably be pained if It did. Practical Training as Teachers Every Graduate of the State Normal School at Indiana, Pa., hag had the advantage of actual teaching experience. Practice lends confidence and makes the significance of book-learned precepts come out clear and strong. PENNSYLVANIA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL of Indiana, Pa. Directed and Trained Where Ambition is Inspired, IN CONNECTION WITH THE STATE NORMAL ARE THE INDIANA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS A. E. KINSLEY. Principal Bnd THE INDIANA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC . . H. E. COGSWELL, THroctor The Leading Institutions of their kind in Pennsylvania New catalogues now reedy for distribution. AdJntt Dr. Jammt E. Amtnt, Indiana, Pa, The Fortieth Year Opens Sept 8,1914 Write for the Ner Catalogue 1 11 7 tr f -v M 'i 1)11 T v I'M A Senior Tewhing in -the Training School under the Inspection of a Critic 'Teach??, ( Popularity of "Rock of Ages." When Toplady In 1776 wrote the "Rock of Ages" he could not have con ceived that it would become bo widely known or so popular among all shades of religious opinion. It was this hymn that Mr. Gladstone translated Into three languages, and which the Prince Consort asked for when on Lis deathbed. Right to Keep Pigs In London. The freedom of the city of London carries with It, nominally, at any rate, the right to keep pigs In the parish of St. James, Piccadilly. Hut. even wero any one disposed to avail himself of this liberty, and If the san itary authorities fulled to object, land in that part ot London is somewhat too costly for profitable jl; farming. Albastross Given to Museum. A fine specimen of the wandering albatross, caught on the Pacific coast, hag been presented to the national history department of Golden Gate Park Memorial museum by J. B. Wil liams of San Francisco. It stands live feet In height from back to tall, Bad the distance from tip to tip of Its wings miasuies nine leet. Millionaire Sued For Breach of Promise . V- v ' i Photo by American Press Association. EUGENE ZIMMERMAN. A breach of promise suit for $100,000 against Eugene Zimmerman, father of the Duchess of Manchester, has been begun by Miss Icy Wareham of Elm hurst, N. Y., well known as a dog fancier. Mr. Zimmerman obtained a promise of marriage from Miss Wars ham on Dec. 20, 1913, when he like wise made a promise of marriage to her, according to an affidavit made by Miss Wareham. Il-TAYlr LgA Made -To -Measure Clothes of the Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in tojvn. See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 Fit and finish guaranteed. D. H. Blum, TIONESTA, PA. Shirts made to order $2.00 and u i X Suits made to order $16.00 and upward. f upward. T. A. P. There Are Some Goods In This Big Store That You Need. We just haven't got the right idea of getting you here or else you are dangerously indif ferent. So far as we are concerned it's a long way off to reduced prices. We do not blame you in any way for buying as good and as cheap as you can. The clothing we sell cannot be sold for less than we sell it. We know that if it could we would do it. With the season just opening up, your satisfaction will be complete if you buy your Sum mer Suit now and buy it at a store you can depend on. Our Men's Suits at $16.00 to $20.00 are wonderfully good. Our $26.00 to $30.00 are posi tively the finest offered anywhere by anybody at any time. T. a. ; p. ( Oil City, Ta. Oil City, Ta. Governor ol Powerful Fed- - eral Bank Board 4 xlSj CHARLES S. HAMLIN. The selection of Mr. Hamlin as gov ernor of the federal reserve board is generally approved In Washington. H3 served as assistant secretary of the treasury under President Cleveland and first took office under the Wilson administration as assistant secretary of the treasury In charge of customs. Titusville Has Blighting Frost. Last week a blighting froHt visited the section around Tltusvllla, Pa. doing much damage to the crops. , , COMING TO Tio ii csta , l9cu usyl van i a United Doctors Specialist WILL BE AT THE Central Hotel, Ti.cslay,Jime30,1914 ONE DAY ONLY Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Remarkable Success of These Talented Physicians in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases Offer Their Services Free of Charge The United Doctors, licensed by the State of Pennsylvania for the treatment of deformities and all nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this vis it, consultation, examination and advice free, making no charge whatever except the aulual cost of treatment for the pur pose of proving that they have at last discovered a system and metbed of treat ments that are reasonably sure and cer tain in their results. These Doctors are among America's lead ing stomach and nerve specialists, and are experts in the treatuieut of chronic diseases of the blood, liver, stomach, lutestinea, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, rbeuraalisru, sciatica, diabetes, bed-wetting, tape worm, leg ulcers, weak lungs, and those aulicted witb long standing, deep seated chronic diHeasea, that have baffled the skill of other pliyaiciaus, should not fail to call. Deafness lias often been cured in sixty days. According to their system no more opera tion for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goitet, piles, etc. By their method these orses nnsotnplicated are treated without operation or bypodermlo Injection. They were auioug the tirst In America to earn the iisine of of "liloodleh Surgeons," by doing away with the knife, with blood and with pain in the successful treatment of these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder trouble britig a two ounce bottle of your untie for chemical analysis aud microscopic exami nation. Worn-out and run down men or women, no matter what your ailment may be, no matter what yon have been told, or the experience you have bad with other physi cians, settle It for ever in your mind. If your case is incurable they will tell you so. Consult tbem upon this visit. It coats yon nothing. Uemember, this free offer Is for this visit only. Married ladies must coma with tbetr bus bauds and minors with their parents. Anniversary Sale Oil City's Greatest Dime Saving I ana uonar saving bum mer Sale Clearing overcrowded shelves, racks and cases unloading a $10,000 surplus stock. Employing Anniversary Sale Prices in the Second Floor Garment Section that enable you to buy a nice wool suit at about the price of a good skirt a silk dress for less than a nice cotton would cost ordinarily. And coming a month earlier than usual this sale will be all the more appreciated. Anniversary Sale Prices Second Floor Garment Section. $10.00, $12.60, $14.50 and $16.00 Suits selling for $4.60, $4.76, $6.76 and $6.76. $16.60, $18.60, $19.60 and $20.00 Suits selling for $7.60, $8.60, $8.76 and $9.00. Coats $4.00, $5.00, $5.76 values up to $12.60. Coats $6.00, $7.60, $8.60 values up to $18.60. -$10.00, $11.60 and $12.60 Dresses selling for $4.60, $6.60 and $6.76. $14.60, $16.50 and $18.60 Dresses selling for $6.60, $7.00 and $8.00. (Silk and Silk and Wool Poplin.) COMING TO TIONESTA Of Interest To Every Sick Person Dr. Khoads, of Pittsburgh, specialist in chonio diseases, will be at the Central Hotel, Tlnnesta, Thursday, July 2d, 1914, giving all who are sick an opportunity to consult this eminent specialist tree of charge and get bis advice and treatment right at your home. Dr. Khoads bat decided to visit this place by request of people living here who otherwise would not have the chance to consult bim. I realize that a visit to Pittsburgh to see me would be a hardship to the sick, therefore, I come to you, believing that more good can be accomplished to see the largest number ot sick, I ask therefore all who need the service of an expert specialist in chronic and long-standing diseases to call and see me, consult me free ol charge, get my advice and if I find after examining you tbat I cannot cure yon I will gladly tell you. and if your case Is curable whioh in 90 per cent., with my ne treatment get well, I will accept your oase. WHAT I CUIIH. I oure rheumatism, no matter how longstanding. I give you relief at once. My treatment removes the cause of it, purities the blood, relieves the kidneys at once. I cure kidney and bladder trouble. If you have kidney I rouble, pain in back, urine highly colored, dark sediment, pain along spine, weak back and headaches, come to me and let me show you why I can give you a cure docs the urine burn you, pass it too frequently, pains in the bladder and prostate gland. I can relieve you at once and give you a permanent cure. This is especially the trouble with middle nged persons and if neglected, causes more distressing pains as you grow older. I cure this in a very short time. TO SUFFER FROM STOMACH OR LIVER TROUBLES? Have you pains after eating, does your food disagree with you, suffer from constipation and gases in the bowel's? Then come and consult me I will cure you in one month, complete restoration to health. My treatment is different from the old pills and nauseous medicine you have been taking. It cures. SKIN AM) KLOOl) DISEASES. If you have blood poison, which causes eruption, pimples, sore throat, eczema, and nil rash and sores, no matter how long you have been sick, I can cure you of the disease, many cases with one treatment. DISEASES OF IVOMEX. I positively euro nil unnatural conditions that you may be suffering from. My home treatment has been used by thousands with benefits in every case. Come and let me advise you and a cure awaits you. I cure lung trouble, nervous diseases, epilepsy, catarrh, piles, and all chronic and special diseases. DISEASES OF MEAT. YOUNG MEN I especially invite men who ore sick, nervous, weak, despond ent, loss of ambition, no desire for work or pleasure, .1 want you to call and get my special advice. I cure blood diseases, varicocele, weakness, losses and drains; stopped in ten days. Ulcers, loss of ambition, nervous debility, lack of euergy and ull special diseases of a private nature. Consult me confidentially, and I assure you of a permanent nud lasting cure. No matter how long you have been sick or the nature of your disease. KEMEMUER. I will make regular monthly visits to your town, and no matter what your dis ease is, I want you to cot J id consult me. I have treated only chronio diseases for 25 years, and if you a M ok, you need the advice aud care of a mn who has had the proper training rTi experience to cure you. Consultation Free, At the Central Hotel, Tloneota, ; Thursday, July 2d. DR. F. A. RELOADS, Pittsburgh, Pa. f