The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 24, 1914, Image 3

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Ilavo You Protection
You oannot attbrd to take your own
risk against loss by Hre. Remember that
we represent
ind will be glad to call on you wbeu yral
warn, uro insurance mac really protects.
Drop us a card aud we'll do the rest.
We are agents In this county for the
and can furnish security for County
ollcials, bank officials, etc.
C. III. AIIB & .Oil,
Levi & Co. Ad.
1-atnniers. Ad.
A. Kbit, Local.
BoggN k Buhl. Ad.
Tbe Print! Co. Ad.
The Kinter Co. Ad.
H. I. Coben. Local.
Kobiimon it Hun. Ad.
Oil City TriiHt Co. Ad.'
Dr. F. A. Khoada. Ad.
Mraart Hllberberp. Ad.
Pastime Tlinatre. Header.
Forest Co. Nat. Bank. Ad.
Mix O'clock Closing. Reader.
United Dootora HpeuialiHt. Ad.
The Dialiactive Garment Store.
Oil market cloned at f 1.75.
Ia your subscription paid?
You can get It at Hopkins' store, tf
Cultivators and Cultivator Point at
Slgworth'a. ' adv
Full line of Cameras aud Camera
Suppllei at Sigworth's. adv
Tbe price of PeunBylvania oil was
out five cents last week and ia now 11.75.
Tell Blink ley says be don't owe a
cent In tb' world 'cept, o' course, fer
gasoline. Abe Martin.'-
Children's day was very prettily ob
served at tbe M. E. cburob Sunday even
ing! a large congregation gathering to
witness tbe exerolsw, ' ; ' 1
The Rkpubmcan can furulsh you
with the very latest in engraved calling
cards or anything else iu tbat Hue, at
reasonable prices. tf.
Wild strawberries are ripening, and
In spots are said to be fairly plentiful, A
quart of wild strawberries baa two
quarts of the finest "home growns" beat
a mile in flavor.
Oleomargarine always fresh, always
tbe same price and making new friends
each day, at 20o per pound In nine pound
lota, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettvllle, Pa. adv
Tbe Ureen township school board baa
set next Saturday, June 27tb, as the date
for electing teachers for the ensuing
term. Tbe meeting will be held in the
township bouse at Nebraska.
Committee No. 2 will bold a market
in the Presbyter Inn cburcb dining ball
next Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Your patronage is solicited with assur
ance that you will find extra nice things
lor tbe Sunday dinner.
Mrs. James Clark, aunt to James R.,
Charles aud Joseph Clark ol Tlonesta,
and who has visited them here, died at
ber home in Philadelphia, Monday. She
was aged about eighty years. Her funeral
will be held tomorrow,
It has been decided to bold the Farm
ers' Institutes In Tlonesta and East Hick
ory during the coming winter, A two
day session will be held in each place
some time after the Brat of the new year,
tbe datos of which will be announced
The copious showers of rain with
which this section of country has been
treated in the past few days will do a
world of good to crops and vegetation of
all kinds. The rains came quietly and
were taken up by the parched earth with
Tbe Presbyterian Sunday school ll
prop nriug a imo f "K1 '-'v-,
dren's Day exercises to be given next
Sunday morning. All are cordially In
vited to oome. A speoial collection will
be taken for Sunday school work in .the
United States. . r.- -
Dr. Cliapln, at 'one tirne located at
Shellleld Junction and Byrotntown for
tbe practice of medicine, was In town
Tuesday and Wednesday, ile stated that
he was looking for a desirable location In
which to again bang out bis shingle,
Sheffield Observer.
Tbe Hotel Field more, nearTltusvllle,
and 100 acres adjoining have been sold by
Dr. S. N. llurclilleld to Dr. B. O. Lund
gron, of Tiiusville, who will convert it in
to a sanatarium. The building, which is
a four-story brick, will be completely
overhauled and will probably be ready
for occupancy July 1st.
The committee or trustees lu charge
of the building of the new Mt. .ion
Evangelical cburcb In Tlonesta township
desire to sell the old church building, as
well as some new lumber, windows,
doors, etc. Anyone wanting some good
pine lumber will Aud this a bargain.
Inquire of Adam Mealy.
Without doubt tbe handsomest and
most elabarate catalogue ever issued by
any instilution of the kind is the one just
completed by the State Normal school of
Indiana, Pa. As a worK of the photo
grapher's or tbe printer's art its equal has
not been seen in this section, and it Is
said of the school Itself that it is equally
as line.
And now the days are growing
shorter, sad to say. Not perceptibly as
yet, but still 'tis a fact that Old Sol has
crossed the lino agniu and in a month
from now the diflereuce iu daylight will
be quite notlcealle. Sunday, the 21st,
tliesun was I )iiger on thojob tliau it has
been since a year ago, having risen earlier
and set later lhau on any other of the 3(15
Last Saturday night a week, while
driving down theSmokey hill road with
one of Liveryman Hepler's rigs, Fred
Lindell was thrown out of the buggy
when the horse frightened aud ran awny.
In his fall Lindell's forehead struck some
object at tbe side of tbe road and be was
rendered unconscious for the moment.
After being revived he was taken to his
home on tlunter run, and, aside from
considerable soreness, was found not to
be seriously hurt. The horse was found
further down tbe bill tangled in the har
ness and unable to get up, but was not
severely hurt. The buggy, a brau new
rubber tired vehicle, was almost a total
The fihefflold and Tlonesta freight
engine, No. 0, has been overhauled and
put In first olass condition. Tbe engine
looks spick and spsnio It's "new ooat of
paint and lettering. Engineer Weaver
had charge of the repair work. Sheffield
correspondent. All tbe passenger coach
es are also being painted and repaired,
m wuu .
James J. Landers being the artist.
Dallas Reck went to Cleveland few
days ago and drove borne a handsome
seven-passenger Stndebaker slx-cylindar
touring car which bis father bought re
cently. It has all the electrio spplianors
that go with tbe latest designed cars.
Merchsnt Hlgwortb Is slso the possessor
of a new five-passenger Ford, supplied
by the Mensch ageiioy at Marleaville.
f- A rrost of considerable magnitude Veil
last Friday night, and on Saturday
morning in many places throughout this
section the' ground was while, but tbe
river and creek valleys were saved by
heavy fog, Condiderable damage Is re
ported to oorn, potatoes and garden trook,
much ol which ia being replanted. A
boat last Wednesday morning also did a
lot of damage oq tbe bills.
M. E. Ewlng, a lad of 14 years, living
at Cooper Tract, was severoly burned
about tbe hands and face Wednesday.
The boy works for Capt. J. J. Height,
and secured a can of powder while doing
his daily work about Mr, Haigbl's borne.
Unluckily for bim, he threw the can of
powder Into the fire. He suffered great
pain before Dr. Mervine reached there,
and was able to alleud to bis burns.
Sbedleld cor. Warren Mirror.
Walter Sigworlb bad a narrow rs-
cape from serious Injury when be slid off
tbe roof or Kobiqson A Son's store build
fng Wednesday forenoon.. He was assist
ing in tbe painting of the roof when bis
feet slipped and be slid off lighting feet
foremost on a pile of tiling, dropping fully
18 feet from tbe eaves. Aside from
"stoving" bim- up considerably be was
not badly injured, -Km he is obluted to
step lightly wbllq coming back to bis nor
mal length.
Tbe new Mt. Zion Evangelical cburcb
in Tionesta township is practically com
platband will be dedicated on Sunday,
July my.' Tbe services will be In charge
ol the pastor. Rev. J. C. Wygant. There
will be services Saturday evening, July
4th, at 7:30. Tbe formal dedication of the
new structure to tbe service of the Lord
will take place at a service beginning
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, at which
the sermon will be preached by Rev, C.
D. Slagle, of Franklin. Preaching also
Sunday evening at 7:.'0.
Will sell all or any portion of 200
shares of Pennsylvania Investment Com
pany cumulative preferred stock (whose
business is realizing on assets of defunct
corporations, firms and Individuals, with
practically do competition) at the par
value often dollars each. Pays five per
cent, annually in quarterly installments.
A splendid safe Investment for anyone
satisfied to receive one and one-fourth
per cent, every three months for money
invested in a first class slock, A. S.
Karr, 1013 Irwin Avenue, N. S., Pitts
burgh, Pa. adv
Since moving to its new quarters In
the north room of tbe Central Hotel, the
City Fruit store bss taken on still greater
stocks of vegetables and fruits, and none
of the markets of the big cities have any
thing on us. Tbe stock this week In
cludes peaches, apricots, oranges, grape
fruit, cantaloupes, apples, strawberries,
pine apples, etc., and in vegetables, cab
bage, new potatoes, and a hundred and
one other goodies too numerous to men
tion. Wben hungry come bere end get,
for a little money, just what your appe
tite craves. adv.
J. P. Albert, state fish and game
warden, residing In Warreu, on Friday
hauled iuto a justice court at Warreu the
olfioers of the Warren Silica company,
which has a sand plant at Torpedo. Tbe
charge against them was stream pollution,
it being alleged that they permitted for
bidden matter to run into Oar ruu, a
branch of the Brokenstraw creek.
Rearing was postponed until July 21.
Quite a number of persona have already
been bound over to court for alleged pol
lution of Warren county streams, and
their cases will be tried at tbe next term
of court, appeals bavlug been taken from
the justice oourt.
Miss Mildred Mae Thomson, daugh
ter of Mr, and Mrs, A. L. Thomson, of
Jamieson Station, and Mr, Byron Lee
Grover, of Tunesassa, N. Y., will be
united in marriage today al tbe borne of
tbe bride. The ceremony will take place
al high noon and will be witnessed by
ouly the immediate families and a few
relatives of the bride and bridegroom.
Theoirioiatlng minister will be Rev. B.
L. Grover, lather of tbe bridegroom, of
Salamanca, N. Y. Following tbe cere
mony a sumptuous dinner will be
served and tbe bappy young couple will
depart on the 3:30 train for a short wed
ding journey, after which they will beat
borne in their newly furnished borne at
Tunesassa, better known as Quaker
Bridge, where Mr. Grover is station
agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Miss Thomson is one of Tionesta'a bright
and popular young ladies and many
friends will join with us in wishing the
couple an abundant measure of pros
perity and happiness. A number of Miss
Thomson's young lady Iriends gave a
miscellaneous shower for ber Saturday
evening at tbe borne of Miss Bertha
Scowden. There was a large attendance,
the house was prettily decorated In rosex,
and tbe bride-to-be was tbe recipient of
many handsome gifts. The Giover fam
ily are pleasantly remembered as former
residents of Tionesta some years ago,
where tbe father was ststioned as pastor
of the Free Methodist church.
Pastime Theatre, Tonight.
Katblyu, No. 7,
"Garden of Brldos." '
Don't fall to see it.
Coming Monday, June 20tb,
Perils of Pauline, No. 2.
This is going lo be a big series. Don't
miss them.
Watch foft the date of the baseball ser-
ies, world's Vour of lb
Giants, Cooling soon.
the White Sox and
g soon, aav
For An (Impaired Appetite.
To improve tbe appetite and strenghten
the dinesilon try a few does of Chamber
lain's Tablets. Mr. J. H. Siitz, of De
troit, Mich., says: "They restored my
appetite when impaired, relieved me eta
bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and
satisfactory movement of tbe bowels."
For sale by all dualers. adv.
Prof. L. P. White is paying Tlonesta
friends a visit.
Miss Marguerite Meyer of Warren is
a guest of Miss Muriel Dunn.
Miss May Lanson is home from Ober
Ho college for tbe summer vacation.
' MissSallie Atchison of Franklin is
Visiting ber cousin, Miss May Sauner.
Mrs. Lee A, Amsler of Marion, Vs.,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. A. Car
ringer, Mrs. J. M, Wyant of Meadville was a
week-end guest or ber sister, Mrs. R. A.
Aura Foreman is home from Alle
gheny college, Meadville, for tbe summer
-Mr. and Mrs. Will II. Clark, of
B'oberiectady, N. V., are hereon a visit to
tbeWWents. ".
V- -
MrizB. H. Keeleraud daughter, Miss
Iva, of Newtylatauioras, Ohio, are visit
ioslatlves6n;German Hill. '
'r-E; 31 Colllus has returned from tbe
west tojook after bis extensive business
In this county for tbe summer.
Mr. and Mrs.- Orion Alllo of Deer
Creek, W. Va., are borne on a visit to
tbeir parents In Tionesta township.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter visited
relatives bere last week and Mrs. Charles
1 Hunter accompanied tbetn home to
Misses Agnes and Hazel Tuft, or East
Hlckorj''jfre'gugtH or their cousin, Mrs.
EdwardRose, on Park avenue. Kane
Republican. .. '
.': E. S. Blauser and sons Hsrry and
Russel, or Nebraska, took s pleasure trip
to Tylersburg In their Bulck roadster
last Sunday.
Mrs. M. J. Brown of Brookville is
visiting ber daughter, Mrs. A, C. Brown.
Miss Martha Brown is visiting relatives
at Punxsutawney.
Mrs. J. F. Ray and son, or Kellett
vllle, spent a part or tbe past week bere
with ber sisters, Mrs. Win. Dlckrager
and Mrs. Linus Shriver.
Geo. E. Burhenn of German Hill was
one or our pleasant callers last Thursday.
Hereaftei George will receive his mall
from Tionesta instead or Starr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Wyant and
son Martin K., of Meadville, Pa., are
visiting Mrs. Wyaot's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. S. Blauser, at Nebraska,
Mrs, Wm. Lawrence arrived home
last week from ber visit with her son
Joho, at Vinita, Ok la., and daughter,
Mrs. J. D, Greaves, at New Alexaudria,
Prof. D. W. Morrison, principal or
the Mt, Jewett schools, was circulating
amongst old Forest oounty friends la-t
week, representing tbe American book
-Mrs. W. A. Kribbs, of Kellettvllle,
was a guest at Frank Arasler's a few
days last week, Miss Dorothy Amsler
accompanying her home Friday for a
short visit.
Mrs. M.C. Myers, of Msnnington,W,
Vs., is bere on a visit to ber parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Daniel Walters, ber father bav
in.; been confined to tbe bouse by illness
for some time past.
Mrs. Dr. Geo. Sigglns, who for weeks
has been critically ill from septicemia, is
now well on tbe mend. It has been a bard
Beige snd we are pleased to say she wins.
Tidioule News.
F. J. Krsnking, bookkeeper at tbe
extensive Tlonesta Valley chemical plant,
above Mayburg, and Fred Bussman,
passed through here Saturday evening
for Pittsburg, where tbe former expects
to buy an automobile.
Misses Clare Ileory and Florence
Maxwell or this place, and Janet Haugb
of Nebraska, former graduates of Clarion
Normal, are attending commencement
week at tbat institution. .
-Prof. F. W. Gill of Tidioule, who is
spending much of bis vacation at bis
Little Hickory cottage and upon which
he Is making a number of improvements,
paid Tionesta friends a visit Sunday.
Miss Norms Perrine and Messrs.
Ray Morrison and Thomas Bines of Oil
City, were guests of Miss Hazel Fones
over Sunday, Miss Fones spent Monday
and Tuesday with Miss Perrine in Oil
J. G. Harmon or Newmausvllle was
a business visitor In town yesterday. He
says tbe Friday nigbl rrost was plainly
evident in his section, but fortunately did
only nominal damage lu some of tbe
neighbors. None of bia crops suffered,
F. R. Lanson went yesterday on a
pilgrimage to Youngstown, Ohio, where
be will consult Bonesetter Reese. A
week sgo Mr. Lanson was thrown from a
stepladder at bis store and in bis fall
sprained bis right shoulder considerably.
Tbe injury refused to yield to local treat
ment, hence his visit to tbe bonesetter
Mrs. J, E, Wenk left yesterday for a
three weeks outing near Keyser, W. Va.
At Pittsburg she will be joined by her
mother and neice, Mrs. S. M. Wbltebill
and Miss Jane Leech of Marieuvllle, who
expect to spend a couple or months in
recreation on a large fruit farm in which
Mrs. WbitobiU's son, S. E. Leech, is In
terested. The place is located about 30
miles south or Cumberland, Md.
Hun. Samuel H. Miller or Mercer,
Republican nominee In this district for
Congress, is making a little visit to
friends in tbe district, and stopped in
Tionesta last night. Judge Miller is no
stranger to tbe people of tbls section, al
most every voter having beard or his
ability as a jurist, statesman and Grand
Army veteran, and it goes without say
ing tbat be is most cordially received
wherever he goes. He will make a vig
orous cauipaigu this full.
They Pay The Printer And Sleep Well.
Subscription renewals are thankfully
acknowledged as follows:
United Natural Gas Co., Tidionte, Pa.
G. E. Burhenn, Starr, Pa.
J. T. Brennan, Warren, Pa.
D. W. Morrison, Mt. Jewett, Pa.
Ray Birtcil, Tlonesta.
Philo Williams, Clarington, Pa.
Mrs. Berths Henry, Tlonesta.
J. G. Harmon, Nswmansville, Pa.
'Will Close at Six O'Clock.
After July -4th. the undersigned
close tbeir meat markets at 0 p. ui
cepting Wednesday and Saturday even
ings. George Wilson
J. A. Adams.
Joseph Schmader Found Dead In Bed.
Joseph Schmader, one of Clarion
county's most prominent and prosperous
fa. mers, was found dead In bed at bis
fam near Crown, Saturday morning last.
His iime wss three miles south of
Leeper, and be was tbe owner or two
farms, one of which is near Crown, to
which latter he and two of bis sons bsd
gone a short time previous to do some
work. Heart failure is assigned as tbe
oause or his sudden death. Mr. Schmader
was a strong, robust man, aged about
sixty years, and bad always enjoyed tbe
best ol health, and wben be retired Fri
day evening he waa feeling as well as
usual, and bis death waa a great shock to
bia wife and family. Tbe deceased was
one of the best known and most prosper
ous farmers IrJ tbe comotuulty In which
he bad spent the' greater portion or bis
life, and be bad h boat of friends both st
bis home and In this county. He leaves
to mourn tbeir loss a wife and eleven
children all of whom are grown to man
hood and womanhood. Funeral services
were held Monday at the Luoinda R. C.
church followed by Interment in the
cemetery connected with tbe church.
W. J. Detar, tbe proprietor of the
Kingsley Hotel, bss announced that tbey
will serve no meals on tbe fourth of
July to others than tbeir boarders, ex
cepting tbe ball team.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brszee aud two
daughters, Margaret and Msxine, or Tio
nesta, were guests or Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Ault, Sunday. Mrs. Aolt's mother, Mrs.
Rudy, also came Sunday for a few weeks'
Mrs. Snyder and two daughters, Mrs.
Simpson and Mrs. Proudfit snd little
daughter Sarah, were Maybnrg visitors
Tbe Willing Workers' supper wss quite
liberally patronized Friday evening. A
abort program wss given, consisting of
readings by Margaret Rich and Dau
phlne Smallenberger, and solos by Irene
Philips, Clarence Jenkins sod Margaret
Detar, after which Ice cream, cake and
coffee were served and fortunes told.
Other enjoyments snd sweets were also
provided, which netted a neat sum for
the class.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J, Henderson attended
tbe inter-district convention of the W.
C. T. U. beld at Albion, Thursday and
Friday, being the only representatives
from Forest county. Tbey speak highly
or tbe good work tbat was done at tbis
convention aod express themselves ss
being greatly benefitted by attending.
Tbey came home by way or Meadville,
staying till Sunday, when they brought
a friend of the family, Miss Marion Hick
nell, borne with them for a short visit.
Mrs. Ransom went to Nebraska on tbe
train Tuesday evening.
A full house greeted the children Sun
day evening wben they gave their exer
cises for Children's Dsy service.
Mrs. W. A. Kribbs and Ray Amsler
took in tbe circus at Tionesta, Wednes
day. Ray remained at home after tbe
Mrs, John Peterson aud Miss Henrietta
Kifer were Mayburg virltors Saturday.
. Mrs. Weist snd two daughters of Ne
braska were guests of Mrs. John Blum
on Thursday.
Mrs. Alice Pope of Frewsburg came
down Friday to keep bouse for ber son
Charles during bis wife's absence. She
reports ber daughter-in-law improving.
Mr. and Mrs, Wade Simpson attended
Children's Dsy service at Greenwood,
Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Proudfit and mother, Mrs. Snyder, went
to Vowlnckel, Saturday, Robert re
turned Saturday evening with a load of
furniture from the old home. Tbe ladies
remained over Sunday.
John Silzle treated his bouse to a coat
or paint.
Melvin Dotterrer came borne from
Meadville for tbe summer vaoation.
Messrs. Mensch of Marienville and
Dixon or Pittsburgh were in town dur
ing tbe week telling tbe good qualities or
the Ford oar.
Mrs. Maine Spencer and son Cecil or
Buffalo are visiting ber daughter, Mrs.
Prima Philips.
The members of the Gleaners class
gave a silver shower for Ruth Hulett,
Monday evening. Ruth left Tuesday
morning to become tbe wife of a young
man from Bradford.
John Shaw is getting bis bouse weatb
erboarded. Mr. and Mra. Lynn and two children of
Knox are guests this week of Mr, and
Mra. W, A. Kribbs.
Knocked From 45-Foot Tower.
Hurled from a power company tower
at Canoe creek, near Altoona, Pa.,
after receiving 2,200 volts of electricity
through his body, Lloyd Blackstono,
agon ten, lives to tell the' tale. He
dropped forty-five feet and has a frac
tured right leg. . His hands were
burned and tho toes of his feet were
charred when the electricity passed
through him into the steel framework
on which he was standing.
Old Man Found Dead.
Ell Slgnor, aged sixty-five, night
watchman at the plant of the Green
ville (Pa.) car works, was found dead
in lila home with a bullet hole below
hia heart. The niau was fully dressed
and the bed clothing was over him and
a revolver wrapped in a shawl was
found down stairs. The police are of
the opinion Signor waa murdered.
Would-Be Bank Robbers Foiled.
A daring attempt to rob the bank of
Steiner Brothers ut Ford City, Pa.,
was frustrated by the precautions
taken by tiie firm in having iron bars
placed across the the inside of the
doors. After working for several
hours the robbers were forced to give
up their attempt to reach the safe.
How's This I
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable iu all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
vt kst i raui, wholesale druggists, to
ledo, U., Waldino, Kinnan A Marvin,
wholesale druegiMU, Teledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75a
per bottle. Sold by all druggista. Tosti-
uionials tree.
Hall's Family Pills are the best, adv
From The Oil Fields Of Calgary, Alta.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, )
June 12, 1011. J
Editor Republican: Having prom
ised to write to bo many or my friends
in Tionesta and throughout the oil fields,
I will endeavor to do so through tbe col
umns or your paper. I arrived In Cal
gary June 1Mb, having bad a nice trip
from California here, with tbe exception
of from San Francisco to Vancouver, B.
C, which was by water, and I always
get sick on water. Calgary is a very
pretty city or about 60,000 population, is
located on two rivers called the Bow and
Elbow, and about 150 miles from tbe
foothills of the Rocky Mountains. They
bave bus oil well bere about 40 miles
south of Calgary which is making 150
barrels every 24 hours. Tbe oil is 65
gravity. People come in automobiles
from 200 miles around to see tbis well.
Tbey burn tbe oil in their automobiles,
Just as It oomes from the well.
I bave never before seen au excitement
like tbis and I bave been In a good many
oil fields. Three people bave gone In
sane over tbe excitement. I saw one
man go out or tbe hotel with $50.00 at 8
o'clock lo tbe evening and he came back
at 10 o'clock with f 1,600 aod thought he
bad $16,000,000. He bought Ibe Hotel
Pal User at 10:30, one or the largest hotels
In Canada and owned by tbe Canadian
Pacifio Railway. He gave his check for
$.'t,000,00, first payment on tbe hotel.
Can you beat that for a business man?
Every cigar store, hotel and livery barn
is filled with stock men selling stock.
People are falling over one another get
ting in to buy stock. I haven't bought
any stock yet, but I bave over one hun
dred oil derricks and some twenty camps
to build. Tbat will bold me for a while.
Tbey bave a very good Indication for an
oil field bere. Tbs climate bere Is fine
and I like it better bere than any other
place I bave ever been. As to farming in
this country there isn't much of that
done yet. Tbls is a very new country
and isn't very thickly settled yet. Living
expenses are very high. You can't get a
good meal at a restaurant for less than 75
cents. I went to a hotel wben I landed
ia Calgary and asked tbeclerk bow much
their rooms were. He said $12 a day and
I said I didn't want to buy tbe bote), uat
wanted a room. If anybody wants lo
know anything further about tbe oil field
around Calgary just drop me a card to
809 Centre St., Calgary, Alta., Canada.
Yours truly,
B. L. Stit.inoer.
We are very sorry lo report tbe illness
of Sebastian Cook at tbis writing, who Is
suflerlng from dropsy. Dr. Rimer of
Clarion Is attending bim.
Basil Fitzgerald, who bss been em
ployed at Kane tbe past few weeks, has
returned to bis home.
Lou Isa Cook was a Clarion visitor last
Prof. J. Orr Carson of Tionesta was tbe
guest of Thomas Knigbt tbe first part of
last week.
Tbe Greenwood Oil and Gas Co. beld
tbeir annual business meeting in Geo. F,
Wbitmer's office In Clarion on Tuesday,
The Children's Day exercises at Green
wood on Sunday were well attended. A
fine program was rendered. One of tbe
enjoyable features of tbe event was the
artistic way in which tbe cburcb was
Mr. and Mrs. J: W. Reigel and daugh
ter attended a wedding at Bradford,
Thursday. Tbey returned borne by
wayol Kane, bringing the former's sis
ter, Miss Nettie, with them for an ex
tended visit.
Some of our people attended tbe ice
cream social at Douglas Moore's, Satur
day night.
Dr. Coryell, the osteopath, or Brook
ville, comes to our town twice a week
now to treat patients.
Miss Laura Fitzgerald has gone to
Luclnda to spend the summer with ber
aunt, Mrs. Steiner.
Leona Cook, as member or tbe class of
'13 or tbe Clarion Normal, Is attending
commencement there.
Mrs. 8, H. Cook wss called to Leeper
last week on account or the serious Illness
or ber father, David Maze.
Miss Susie Black visited her mother at
North Pine Grove last Saturday night.
Quite a number of young ladies took
the teachers' examination which was
given by County Supt. Carson at Clar
ington last week.
A certain young man from our town
went to call on a young lady at North
Pine Grove one evening last week but
being afraid to return alone iu tbe wee
hours he took a chum with bim. As we
remember tbe frcsty eveoiugs of last
week we know bis chum must have suf
fered from cold having to sit alone In the
automobile for sucb a long time.
Tbe Galbraith Bros, or Brookville, who
are known as the best entertainers in
tbls section of Pennsylvania, will give
an entertainment in tbe Greenwood
church, Saturday evening, June 27tb
This Is a great opportunity for the people
or this vicinity, ss they will be presented
with some or the best talent on the stage
A number or our people attonded the
Children's Day exercises at Gilfoyle on
Sabbath afternocn,
Ed, Maze and family or Millstoue vis
ited friends beie on Sunday,
Tbe bridge '.t Conk's mill, across Tom's
run, is be!ug repaired, having been pro
nounced unsafe.
"be Greenwood Oil and Oas Co. are
drilling number eighteen well ou the A.
R. Braden lease at Maple creek.
Homer Reigel of Kane was a recent
visitor bere.
Delia McAboy Is employed at tbe home
of Albert Hultngs at Kmlclyile.
Lorelta Kubns aud Ora Sampaou, who
are attending school at Clarion, came
borne on Tuesday to attend the teachers'
Stirley lireniiemaii, who has been
working at Mayburg, spent Sunday with
his sister, Mra. A. J. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Simpson and Mr.
and Mrs. Proudfit a u toed over from
Kellettvllle on Sabbath morning aud
spent the day with friends.
Rev, D. O. May of Clar.ngton made a
number of pastoral calls lu tbia vicinity
the latter pait ol the week.
Only One Entirely Satisfactory.
"I bave tried various colic and diar
rhoea remedies, but the only one that has
given me entire satisfaction and cured
me when I was alllicted Is CLaiiilierlaln's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I recommend il to my friends at all
times," writes 8. N. Galloway, Stewart,
S. C. For sale by all dealers. adv.
0 wW.utfm'i't' til T1
Nothing that you can place in your
home will give greater pleasure and sat
isfaction to yourself and children.
It is pleasure and profit, and an edu
cation along many lines, therefore is not
a luxury.
We are ready to sell you any Columbia
Graphophone on monthly payments.
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
Why Pay
8 or 10 Dollars
For Merchant Tailoring, when you get as
good a suit and perfect fit in the M.
Wile & Co.
Kampus Suits?
See them at
L. J. Hopkins
n f
Plow to a
Hand Cultivator
Heavy and Shelf
Everything We
Buy and Sell
Must measure up to our standard of giving satisfaction. By
giving satisfaction we mean you must foci during the entire life
of the garment that it has given you the best of clothes ser
vice; that you could not have done better elsewhere in price,
quality, fit, wear or appearance.
As au example see the suits we show at the popular price
ot $15.00. iMade by manufacturers who specialize on this price
garment insures tho greatest possible values, and the lact ot the
matter is that the cloth m .)1:()
good as is used in the ordinary
stores, not us well trimmed, not
got the "staying qualities" and
Outing Necessities
White Duck Trousers $1, $1.60 and $2
White Flannel Trousers $5 and $6
Fancy Serge Trousers $5 and $6
Flannel bhirts $1 to $3
Silk Shirts $2, $2.60 and $3
Silk Hosiery, all colors 26c, 60c to $2 pair
f (fOAj PR
41X435ENE0A ST,
Originality Of
High Quality
characterize the innumerable
articles of Silverware offered
here from very moderate prices
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St.,
Oil City, Pa.
There Is Ease In Knowing
That the Style of
Your Shoe Is
You may know that it is if
you select your footwear
from our wonderfully attract
ive showing of summer styles
for women.
We are displaying the very
latest, the choice of the most
fashionable women of the
world in Pumps, Colonials,
Button or Lace Oxfords in all
leathers or fabrics and in just
the size that will give you
the greatest ease.
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Let us supply you with the new tools you'll be wanting
this Spring and Summer. We've anticipated your needs
and have the goods and utensils to fill the bill. Any
thing from a
is to be found in our well selected stock. And then we
have the best variety and the surest grower in the line
Yes, we have that, too, and in the best quality of goods.
It is a well established fact that our hooks, lines and
rods catch and hold them when all others fail.
Let us furnish your
Goods. You'll find the prices are right.
Blue Sorgo Suit at $15.00 is as
$'20.00 serge suit sold in most
as well made possibly, but it's
that is what counts in the end.
ICtr CLOThlrfR