RATES OF At. . One Square, one inch, ouo t Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Pome One Square, one inch, one month- o One Sqiare, one inch, 8 months.... 6 00 One Square, one Inch, one year 10 1 0 Two Squares, one year IS 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year 60 00 One Column, one year 100 00 Legal advertisements ten cents per line each Insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's oasb on delivery. TJBL in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building, LM 8TRKKT, TrONKHTA, PA, Tern, 81-00 A Year, Strictly IiAItmm, Entered as second-class matter at the post-office at Tlonesta. No subscription received for a shorter period than three months. Correspondence solicited, but no notioe will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Always give your name. VOL. XLVII. NO. 18. TIONESTA, PA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1911 $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. ICAW. BOROUGH OFFICERS). Burgesa, S. D. Irwin. Justices of the Peace 0. A. Randall, D. W. Clark. Cbuneumen. J.W. Landers, Q. B. Rob inson, K. J. Hopkins, O. F. Watson, U. W. Holeman, J. B. Muse, Charles Clark, Constable L. L. Zuver. Collector W. 11. Hood. School Director W. O. Imel, J. R. Clark, S. M. Henry, Q. Jamieson, D. H. Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress V. 3. Hulings. Member of Senate J. If. P. Hall. Assembly K. K. M editing;. President Judge W. D. Hinckley. Associate Judge Samuel Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. rrothonotary , Register A Recorder, -to. 8. R. Maxwell. Hheriff Wm. H. Hood. Treasurer W. H. B razee. Commissioners Wm. H. Harrison, J. C. Soowden, II. H. McClellan. District Attorney M. A. Carrlnger. Jury Commissioners 3 . B. Eden, A. M. Moore. Coroner Dr. M. O Kerr. County Auditors George H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and S. V. Shields. County urweyor Roy 8. Braden. County Superintendent 3 . 0. Carson. Reaular Term mt Curt. Third Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Third Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meeting of County -Commissioners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of month. Church and Mabhath HtMl. Presbyterian Sabbath School at9:45 a. m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in. Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. JJ. L. Dunlavey. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. M. E. Woloott, Pastor. Preaching in the Presbyterian church every Sabbath at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. U. A. Bailey, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourtn Tuesdays of each month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TI'.N EST A LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F. Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. OEOROESTOW POST, No. 274 Q. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after noon of each month at 3 o'clock. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month. F. RITCHEY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. MA. CARRINGER, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. OlTlue over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, ATTORN E Y-AT- LAW, Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AO BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sta., Tlonesta, Pa. FRANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. S. Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank. TIONESTA, PA. DR. F. J. BOVARD, Physician A Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. BIGGINS, Physician ana nurgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, 8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and up-to-date in all Its ap pointments. Every convenience and oomfort provided for the traveling public CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A. FULTON, Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No. pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all iuds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT. Furniture Dealer, AND UNDERTAKER. TIONESTA. P15NN CHICHESTER S PILLS 'I UK 1I MM I1KAMI. a llt-uirirlHl. AhrT IHAMONlt ItKAM) I'll.l K, f r ft yeats knnwn m Bcsl, S nest, Always Kellal'l SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE l'DtmptlT ohtHin'tl, or FEE PFTURNED. tO YFAffS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGE S THC LOWEST. 8t-rul iiiudol, I'hotoor Hki-leb for exM-rt asim-b and free It-port un patcnlaMHty. INFRINGEMENT lull" cou.iuctiil btforo 11 nrartn. 1'ah-nu ulituincd tlirowh . ADVER TISED ftml SOLD, fn'o. TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS anil COPYRIGHTS quickly uMailuxL Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WA8HINU I UK, U. . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Croup and Wbuoping Cougb. I.u.JlinI Aik your I'riivirlMt tor a ritl.t-htHi.t'r,a IMumniiJ Ttritnd IMIU m K (1 and .-ia nicumAV ttMleil with Illue Rii lxjn. V TuLa mi other. Hut of Your ' Hi VILLA PUSHES ON ZACATECAS Second Rebel Attack Started Against Huerta Stronghold CARRANZA SPLIT PATCHED UP Dictator Huerta Intjnds to Make Bat tle at Zacatecas Decisive One and Federal Force Haa Been Reinforced. Carranza supporters are satisfied now that their leader's difference with General , Villa has been patched up and that" the two men are working in common to drive the forces of Gen eral Huerta back toward Mexico City. Word that Villa had begun the sec ond attack on Zacatecas with General Natera, a Carranza man, co-operating, was most, convincing evidence that the Constitutionalists of northern Mex ico are not disorganized by petty factional quarrels. While Zacatecas Is not In any sense a strong strategical point for either army to hold, Villa has already an nounced his Intention to sweep the north and rentral portions, of Mexico free of federals In his march on the capital. It Is understood that Huerta plans to make his most desperate resist ance to Villa's march toward Mexico City at this point. Encouraged by the first successful defense of the city Huerta has added to his military force there and, according to unofficial ad vices received here, Is confident cf checking the successful march of the rebels toward Mexico City and pro longing his tenure. Reinforcements are being held In readiness at Mexico City to rush to the aid of the federals if necessary. Wilson Set on Naming Rebel. In reply to the note given out by the Mexican delegates to the media tion conference the American repre sentatives made public a long state ment giving their reasons for support ing a Constitutionalist for provisional president and opposing a neutral as advanced by the Huerta envoys. According to the belief In Washing ton there can be no hope for peace now unless a Constitutionalist or a man acceptable to the Constitutional ists be made president until elections can be held. In this contention the United States will not yield an inch. The Wilson plan as outlined by Justice Lamar and Mr. Lchmann is that the elections to be held in Mex ico be supervised by representatives of both parties. The delegates promise Monarch Clothing Co. Oil City, Pa. GREATEST VALUES EVER OFFERED FOR JUST THE SUMMER GARMENTS YOU WANT Goods selected properly, bought properly and offered to you properly at prices that can't be pared Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Women's Suits, Women's Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Children's Goods. Big June Sale With Cut Prices on Children's Wash Suits, Rompers, Boys' Waists, Etc. Rompers Cute tots romping suits suitable for boys or girls ages 2 to 6 years respectively; a variety of styles and materials too numerous for description. Just what the little tot wants to romp in Rompers or Play Suits. They are the mothers' C friend, 60c value, worth more. June sale OC Rompers In very high-class materials, ACe worth $1.00 on sale for TVC Special Man's Suit ' Fine quality all wool worsted or serge in plain blue, brown or grey, also fancy stripes and invisible stripes and checks of same material, fitted just A Cf as if it came from the tailor shop, regular $20.00 value. June sale . . . V-LT.OU June Sale of Men's High Class Suits The wise man has kept us busy selling suits as fast as we can show them. Our styles and prices are right. Elegant $16.50 Suits, Cl 1 flQ June sale pll.VO Elegant $14.60 Suits, fcl ft fiQ June sale $JLU70 Elegant $13.60 Suits, Q QQ June sale PVVO Dandy $12.00 Suits, ffrT QQ June sale p .VO Boys' Suits 1,000 Boys' Suits in serge, cheviots and all wool fine worsted. Nothing but the latest and newest Norfolk Suit with blouse -f QQ ffl QQ QQ pants for ages 7 to 18 respectively pX.70j $uyO) tpO.yO The above are June sale prices and reduced from our regular prices. They are worth double. Wash Suits Boys' Wash Suits of galatea, linen, linene, percale and khaki cloth, Russian and sailor styles in white, tan, blue, navy, stripes, checks and fancy patterns, all styles of collars, and just what you want for ages 2 1-2 to 8 respectively, $1.60, QQp $2.00 and $2.26 values. June sale , 70lt Monarch Clothing Co., that all the Influence which the Unit ed States can legitimately use will bo exerted to secure an honest election. The board which will be appointed to supervise the election will however have a Constitutionalist majority. On to Mexico Cityl The rebel march upon Mexico Cit Is now on In earnest. Pancho Villa, Bupreme commander of his own army without Interference from Carranza, has taken up the march from Torreon to Zacatecas. Villa's march upon Zacatecas was hastened by receipt ot news that Pas qual Orozco was advancing north of Zacatecas with a force of federals. Villa will co-operate with the Carranza generals on to the Mexican capital un less he is defeated by Huerta's forces. Panfllo Natera, who Carranza desig nated to command the forces at Zaca tecas, wUl'"serve In a subordinate capacity to Villa. Carranza will have nothing to say about Villa's handling of his army nor will he attempt to molest the govern ment of the country that Villa now uolds or later captures, except when invited by Villa to take charge. DE ROTHSCHILD BETTER Five Bulleta Fired Into Baron by Dis gruntled Milk Dealer. The condition of Dr. Henri De Rothschild, as he prefers to be called, although he Is a baron of the Aus trian empire, who was shot as he was returning from a gala performance at the opera in Paris, Is much Improved. Only one of the five bullets fired nt the doctor by Prudhen, the old milk dealer, which took effect was extract ed without any serious results. The doctor has developed no fever and hopes are entertained of his speedy recovery. . Prudhen believed he had a griev ance against M. De Rothschild. He says he lost $6,000 In the milk business owing to the establishing of a dairy by one of De Rothschild's hotels. Mexicans Tried to Cripple Canal. Mexican attempt to blow up lock gates at Panama, foiled by Colonel Goethals, was reported despite at tempts of government to keep matter Becret. Aeroplane Strikes Balloon. Nine Austrian army aviators were killed near Vienna when an aeroplane ripped into a dirigible's gas bag. A tremendous explosion followed. Clergyman Ducked. A suffragette clergyman making a speech in London demanding woman's rights was thrown into a lake by a crowd of angry Britons. Ty Cobb In FlgM. Ty Cobb, ball player, was arrested after fight in Detroit butcl.er shop. His thumb was broken in tte struggle. cDPJGD BLAST IN MINE FATAIT0189 Algeria Colliery Is Wrecked by Terrific Explosion WORKERS ENTOMBED BY ROCK Of Fifty Miners Taken Out Alive Thirty-six Die Moans of Trapped Men Heard by Force of Rescuers. An explosion of gas in the mine uf the Hill Crest Collieries Ltd. at Hill Crest, Alberta, Canada, entombed i50 men. Tho explosion was terrific. ;.t wrecked small buildings in the vicinity, taking the roofs off miners' cabins and filling the entrance to the mine with debris. The effects of the disaster were: Number of rescued, 60, of whom 3G died later. Miners' bodies brought out, 181; be lieved only 8 bodies now remain in the mine. Appeals for help were dispatched to many towns and in the meantime resi dents organized an emergency crew and began the work of rescue. When the first rescue crew arrived a large force of men set about to clear the shaft, working desperately as the moans of the entombed men came feebly from the mine. The moans became fainter and finally ceased. Thousands of tons of rock have fallen into the mine and It is feared that the men, even had they escaped death from the poisonous fumes, probably were crushed to death by the falling debris. No Information as to what caused the explosion has been given, but It Is believed it was due to the forming uf gases. Thomas Quigley, superintendent of the mine, is among those entombed. Two trains filled with expert mine workers, doctors, nurses and officials of railways arrived at the scene and the work of rescue was begun in a systematic way. As the experts en tered the mine they found, jumbled in a chaotic mass, horses, timbers, wagons and mining paraphernalia, In dicating the force of the explosion. ASQUITH RECEIVES WOMEN English Government Shows First Signs of Weakening to Suffragettes. The English government has begun to yield to the suffragettes. It haa apparently realized the futility of Its past methods in dealing with the Women's Dresses Handsome white lace and embroidery new voile dresses, made tunic latest styles for ladies and misses, CJ QQ regular $10 value, June sale. .p0.70 Girls' White Dresses Hundreds of beautiful lace and em broidery dresses for girls ages 6 to 14 respectively, highest class dresses, all of newest styles, $6 and $8 QQ values, June sale yb.O Colored Dresses 1,000 new and beautiful colored dress es for girls 6 to 14 respectively, $1.26 to $2.25 value, prettiest dresses ever offered and just what you want. Ladies are buying them three and four for a child. Cloth can't be bought at the Qt price. June sale v Corset Cover Special 1,000 dozen handsome 60c and 76c lace and embroidery corset XLn covers, all sizes, at CiOKj Women's Suits Your unrestricted choice of over 200 new and beautiful suits in tango, navy, tan, white serge, Copenhagen and all other shades and all sizes, suits worth $18 to $20, your unrestricted ft Women's Coats Late style of novel coats worth $7 to $10, tan, navy, tango, Copenhagen and other shades, new styles, June sale $3.98 "furies" and is afraid of the effect on the extremists of its own followers if it resolutely tackles the women's de fiance of the law. For this reason it has started a third course. Premier Asuuith, who has repeated ly refused to receive deputations of the Pankhursts and their followers, yielded to t'.ie importunities of the wo men and listened to a deputation of six from Sylvia's branch this morning. The reason for the altered attitude of the premier is not stated. Premier Asquith's action was brought about by Sylvia Pankhurst carrying out. her threat to go to West minster when she was released from Holloway Jail on account of her latest hunger strike and continue her starv ing on the steps of parliament. SNEEZE COSTS $25,000 Not to Sneezer, But to Radlurrj Com pany of Pittsburgh. One sneeze, $25,000. Possibly the entry does not appear in just this form on the books of the Standard Chemical Company of Pittsburgh, but it's there in some shape, according to Joseph M. Flannery, president of the company, who has been in Denver on business for several days. A chemist working over a receptacle containing a solution of $25,000 worth of radium temporarily lost control of his sneezer. When he recovered the $25,000 worth of radium was gone. Flannery told t!r"s to explain how difficult the extraction of the precious metal is and how delicate an opera tion. CAT CARES FOR SKUNKS Hospitable Tabby Welcomes Addition to Her Own Family. Three young skunks have been adopted by a cat raising a litter of kittens on Charles Nichols' farm In White township, near Indiana, Pa. Dwlght Nichols, a son, and a mem ber of the Boys' Naturalist club of In diana, found the nest of young skunks under his father's barn. They were placed In a basket with the kittens and were immediately adopted by the mother cat. Pretty Good Fellow at That. "Your honor, outside of being a short chance artist, a strikebreaker and a professional beggar this man is all right," said Policwnan McGuire when he appeared against Frank Schlnder in Central police court, Pitts burgh. Schlnder was given ninety days. Yeggs Frightened After Boring Safe. An attempt was made to dynamite the safe of the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie railroad station In Wampum, Pa., but the burglars were frightened away. The safe had been bored, the cracks soaped and the fine set. Straw Hats Given Away Free, Free, Free, $1.45 We offer the choice of our elegant $2.00 and $2.60 Straw Hats free with Men's Suits or offer you your choice of these new styles at our l AC June sale p.LT? Boys' Straw Hats 10c, 25c and 50c Men's Underwear Union Suit Special Best $1.00 quality Porous or Balbriggan Union Suits. Cfl Choice JJL Shirts Soft Shirts, with collars attached or neckband, KCif best $1.00 shirt ever off ered. June sale JJVj Silk Shirts Regular $2.00 and $2.60 Silk Shirts together with regular $1.60 shirts QQ a of all kinds. June sale VOL Silk Hose Men's and Women's 60c Silk Hose in white, tan and black or light Cp blue for ladies. June sale CtOKj Boys' Waists and Work Shirts Choice of Boys' 60c Waists and Work Shirts as well as all 30 Boys' 60c Knee Pants. June sale at U7w June Sale On Women's Waists, Girls' Hats, Parasols, Girls' Dresses, Men and Women's Night Gowns, Men's Khaki Pants and Summer Goods of all kinds. Free Car Fare, $20.00 Purchase Car fare allowed on purchase of $20.00 or over. Oil City, Pa. "YOUNG MAN'S AGE" Vice President Marshall Declares Old Men Are Losing Out. "This is the young man's age," de clared Vice President Thomas R. Marshall In his address at Crawford ville, Ind., at the commencement exer cises of Wabash college. " "The old man is being shoved off the stage everywhere. Failing physical vision Is assumed to make a like dimness of intellectual sight. Scien tific truth is not sufficient to establish the leadership of youth. This leader ship must be established by an open ness of mind, by waving the ancient prerogative of being right without in formation. "Tho old order ot education has changed," said the vice president In conclusion. "It furnished a philosophy and taught men tiiat happiness was not in liis material surrounding in position or power but in his own pur pose and conduct. The humanities have been forgotten in the rush for success." BOMB EXPLOSION DENIED Defect In Locomotive Causes Wreck Ahead of Czar's Train. It was officially stated in St. Peters burg that the wreck of the postal train at Tschudnow, while preceding the imperial truin bearing the emperor and the Imperial family from Kishinev to St. Petersburg, was due to a delect In the locomotive and not to a bomb designated to blow up the czar and his family. The locon otive of the mall train as well as three freight cars were thrown off the tracks and three employees suf fered Injuries. The report that the accident was brought about by un at tempt on the members of the Russian imperial family was officially declared unfounded. The emperor and his family on tho Imperial tram passed the scene of the accident a few minutes later and ar rived at Tsarskoe-Selo without further incident. NICKELS DROP OUT OF SIGHT People In Coal Region Hoard Coins For the Movies. For some unknown reason nickels have almost passed out of circulation in and around Pottsvillu, l'u., and the government will be asked to send $10,000 in nickels there for use. Out of a consignment of $150,000, mostly in small coin, the paying de partment of the Reading Coal and Iron company did not get a shule nickel and found it very diU'.eult to make up the exact pay of the miners. The banks, when appealed to, could not help out. It Is said the scarcity of coins is ac counted for by the habit of many peo ple in boarding them for moving picture shows. Monarch Clothing Co. Oil City, Pa. OIL TANK FIRE MENACES TOWN Twenty-four Dwellings Are De stroyed at Meadowlands, Pa. LIGHTNING STARTS FLAMES People of Town Forced to Leavs When Other Tanks In Fire Zone Be come Hot Threatening to Explode. Meadowlands, Pa., June 23. Twenty-four dwellings were burned and 400 residents were driven from their homes when a 30,000-barrel oil tank was struck by lightning and boiled over in the heart of the town. An unldeiitilied man was burned badly, one buy is missing and another lad, who was ill In bed, died as a re sult of exposure. The missing boy ii a Ron of Mike Cholack. All business places here are closed and everyone is ready to flee to the bills in case other tanks ignite from the one burning. Flames are spouting seventy-five feet above the burning oil, and are within a few feet of an other 30,000-gallou tank filled with the lluid. iMeudowlunds is a mining village five miles east of Washington. The houses burned were the property of the Meadowlands Coal company. They adjoin the Rich Hill mine. Immediately after the tank began to burn hundreds ot worklngmen were brought here to dig trenches, so that the oil could be drawn away from the tank. In this manner 6,000 barrels ot petroleum were directed into the creek. The oil on the water, however, created a new menace to the town. The creek passes through the vil lage and under a railroad bridge. It was feured that sparks from locomo tives might Ignite the oil and wipe out the town. Worklngmen set to work at once and the railroad bridge was cov ered with sheet iron. Superintendent McCue, in chargo ol the pump statiou here, put 100 men directing water ou nearby tanks, There are about twenty-five of the big oil receptacles within five or six acres. The wind bore the Dames dangerously near other tanks. This was what caused the blazo to spread, destroying tite twenty-four dwellings. Smoke fills the sky and shuts out the sun for sev eral miles around. All possible precaution is being taken to prevent residents from being trapped in their homes In case an other tank takes fire and boils over. Excitement prevailed when the tank containing the burning oil collapsed. Oil flowed In every direction and the flumes licked up all that came within reach. W. II. I.ehew, who came here from Pittsburgh, Is directing the work being done by the railroad. All of the fast trains are running through here at a slow rate and guards are kept at the railroad bridge to give alurin In case the oil on the creek should Ignite. The oil now burning will not die out for two or three days, oil men say, and In this time other tanks close at hand will become so hot that it will be little less than a miracle If they do not take fire. "All we can do," said Mr. McCue, "la to wait uud see If other tanks ignite. If they do. everything will be destroyed and the people will be driven clear away from this vicinity." MISSING LINK FOUND Ellis Island Physician Sees In Finn Perfect Man-Ape. The missing link between man and monkey which Darwin looked for but never found a man-ape with all the characteristics ot our alleged treu climbing ancestors except a tall was found ubout three weeks ago at Ellis Island at tho entrance to New York harbor and described to tho rosearch association nt Columbia university by Dr. Howurd Knox, stationed at Ellis island. "The case I am speaking ot was a Klnn, thirty years of age," said Dr. Knox. "The bead wus oue, the ex ternal anatomy of which I will nevet be likely to forget. Tho forehead was low and receding, tho eyebrows long und shaggy, tho eyes sliurp and piercing, thi nose saddle shaped with a prominent tip, tho Hps large and protruding and the chin massivo and heavy." Dr. Knox described the man as having teeth formed and arranged like an ape's, ears below their normul posi tion and unusually long arms. His bands were remarkable In that ea:ll little finger had but two phalanges making them virtually thumbs that could lie used with another linger. They were very short. Tho man was also round shouldered and flat footed and his mentality was of a low order, although lie could rend and write. American Aviator Wins. Walter I,, lirock, the American avia tor, won thu air race from London to Manchester and back, beating eight competitors, lirock covered the course of 'i-'i miles at the rate of sixty-nlua miles an hour. Woman 92 Does Housework. Mrs. Sarah Neal celebrated hei ninety-second birthday In her homa near Saltsburg, l'a. Mrs. Neal rises each uioruiiig before G o'clock and a slabs iu lliu housework.