i SMART L SILBERBERG CO., .OIL CITY, PA. t The Distinctive Garment Store i Shirts made to order $2.00 and upward. Suits made to order $16.00 and upward. The Store Is Filled With Summer Things. Fresh new goods in widest assortments prices as low as intelligent merchandising can bring about and a store that is clean and cool that, in brief is our hot . weather message to you. Come and learn that it is a message of genuine help and service. Hot Weather Needs For The Little Folks. Mothers, in search of cool practical wear things for the miss of six or sixteen, will revel in the choice this finest Children's Store provides. Newness, ireshness and charm are in everything we show, and the prices are such as will make an added inducement to select the children's summer outfitting here. Imported Summer Dresses whose beauty and style betray at a glance their French design and making. They are made of fine white voiles and organdies, delightfully trimmed with lace and embroidery, and come in sizes from 6 to 1-4 years. Boys' Wash Suits. Dozens of styles, in sturdy materials that will wear, and keep their color, at 50c and $1.00. Children's Wash Dresses. Dainty yet practical little frocks, $1.00 and $1.50. Play Clothes That are washable, for boys and girls. With low neck, short sleeves, and in knee lengths, 50c, $1.00 and $1,50. All Children's Hats Now Half Price. Here is news to gladden the heart ol every mother. Children's Dress Hats, of fine summer straws or white lingerie, bewitchingly trimmed nothing is excluded from the clearance at half the marked prices. And a table of Children's Hats that have sold up to $2.50 and $3.00, are now 50c. JJSUI MAg The Capital, Surplus and Undivided Trofits of Oil City's Financial Institutions Aggregate $1,963,293.27. Of this total we have $1,058,654.76. Your business invited. Oil City Trust Company Oil City, Pa. Made -To -Measure Clothes of the Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in town. See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 Fit and finish guaranteed. D. H. Blum, TIONESTA, PA. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE INTHIH PAI'KK Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cuiea Coldi, Croup end Whooping CougU. OiL City, PA.y pie Qteigntfe jjUsiualjf no 11 BrUlen. G3 ftnb me()r Shigm burd) unred)tc3 Jtnpaffen bonQlafern all burd) fonft (U ma ruinirt hwben. $at baS 2luge mangclljafte 9tcfraction, o mujj bad Bilb ctHcr CkgcnftanbenadjtinemoctiG auf bcr 9lcJ$aut burd) aufetrfletoitynltdrt 1 Ijiitifltcit beS musculus ciliarius ge 6rad)t, obcr ba2)ilb unootlfonmien feiit unb ba3 Slcfultat berbunfcllca clicj mit 5d)ltmd)e unb Sdjmerj urn 3Iu gen unb 6tirn. 2Me3 tocrurfad)t (Eom geftionen, toeldie fid) burd) fdjtvere Slu genlicbcr, SHUtlje, Suden ober 33rennen, cm Gkfiifil, al8 fei 6d)mutj im 9luge, jnb fyaufigen Sd)mcrj, bcrbimbcn mij (Smj)finblid)lcit pegen id)t jetgen. $1 fdjloaAtt ba3 Sluge, bqto fubluarc cbige StymVtome. 5Hugen mbgen Mvfif4 tart unb glcid;tofcl fufd;)ad; n un) Uingefcfyrt. Urn burd) cbraud) etner wtlle bi 'Dlangcl aufjufjeben, toirb bie Sfydtigfcil btr siiuelcln geanbert, unb roenn be Sdjabtn tooriiber ober burd) ju ftarfj ober ju fd)had)e lafernidit aufgcfjobq ift, fo ftnb bie llrfadjtn ber Eongeftic cber tocrmcfyrt ftatt berminbert. Skjtcl gemiite 9tefraction, tnujj irgenb eiir yanbel8gla3 ben d)abcn tocrmebrcn. iVbcr ed)luad)fid)tiat foffte fid) forg: fdltig tt)iffenfd)afilid) untcrfudjen unl Hkilkn anbnffcnlaffcn, tl)t er fie m c braud) nimmt. 5n befonbern fallen roerben CHafet auf ilkftcllung gefd;Kffcn, in jcbemgalle qavantut. For Further Particulars Call On DOCTOR MORCK Who Wilt be Pleased to Explain the Above in Either Language. SHOWING OF New White Dresses. Just received the newest long Russian Dress Skirt Dresses in a variety of models, beautifully trimmed with shadow lace and embroidered or gandie, fronts and collars. Prices $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 to $20.00. New Sheer White Blouses. The newest creations in White Blouses, t beautifully made and trimmed with double collars t of organdies, low neck and short sleeves. Prices t $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00. New Silk Hosiery, all shades. New Organdie Collars, plain and embroid- t ered. New Lace and Crepe de Chene Corset t Covers. New Brassieres, plain and allover. New Parasols. New Silk Gloves. Agents For The Celebrated Gossard Corsets. The Distinctive Henry J. 111 CENTRE ST., TT I I'TTI'I I'T'l'TTTTTi QUITE WHITE. Mr. Woodson It looks like enow out here. Mr. Pippin What are you talktn about, man? Why, It's already half a foot thick on the ground. Mr. Woodson Yes, and I say It looks like snow! It never does In town. March of Infantry and Cavalry. The military march muBt be taken as the best Index of the horse ca pacity, conditioned by the needs of re maining effective. Under fair to good conditions cavalry are expected to ac complish from thirty to thirty-eight miles a day for several days In suc cession, but taking the campaign as a whole, the dally average Is not ex pected to exceed fourteen to fifteen miles. This is the practical limit of infantry on the march; thus the two arms of the service remain together on the route. Bullocks In English Church. At Emmanuel church, Nottingham, England, considerable excitement was caused among the congregation one Sunday by two bullocks entering while the vicar was preaching his sermon. The animals had strayed from their quarters, and, finding the door open, walked in. They went into the bap tistry, but the verger, attracted by the commotion, got in front of the animals, and by gentle and tactful persuasion, drove them out without any damage being done or panic caused. Have Good Appetite. The six elephant seals at the Aquari um consumed in the last month about a ton of food; to be exact, 7,951 pounds of codfish, herring and weak fish, or approximately ten pounds and a half for each dally. As might be expected of creatures with such appe tites, the elephant seals are thriving and growing. New York Sun. Hard Luck. Joe "How are you, old man? Ar thur "Got a beastly cold, y'know." Joe "Hard luck, bah Jove. Been go ing out in the cold without your mon ocle?" Arthur "No. Called on Hen ery at his house, and that wretched dog of his persisted in wagging his tall and creating a draught. TIt-Blts. A Guess From Habit. A man should not decide that a girl Is a gossip because she tells him "something funny" Marguerite or Edith' Bald. Women have the same right to discuss and criticize other women that men have; and they do not exercise It any more freely. He Must. And very often youth must be served first if you want to have any peace at the dinner table. Garment Store McCarty, OIL CITY, PA. Siamese English. The proprietors of a Siamese new paper have distributed handbills con taining the following notice: "The news of English we tell the latest. Writ in perfectly style and most ear liest. Do a murder git commit, we hear of and tell It. Do a mighty chief dte, we publish It, and in bor ders of sombre. Staff has each one been colleged, and write like the Kip ling and the Dickens. We circle ev ery town and extortionate not for advertisements. Buy It. Buy It. Tell each of you its greatness for good. Ready on Friday. Number first" Everybody's Magazine. Really Good Manners. What then are good manners? Sim ply a fine and always thoughtful con sideration for the feelings and com fort of others; polite and kindly ad dress to "Inferiors" as to equals or "superiors;" graclousness, which Is also graee, under all circumstances; and with women especially, no matter whether In, drawing room or office, that "low, soft voice," which Shakes peare declares to be "an excellent thing In women." Pawn Tombs of Relatives. In times of financial difficulties the Loochooans, residents of the south' western Islands of Japan, sometime? pawn the graves of their relatives, They are always redeemed, however, failure to do bo meaning family dis grace. The turtle-back shaped tombs, usually located on a hillside facing the water, are elaborate affairs of stone and cement, and their cost and upkeep often bankrupt the family. Chinese Salutation, The Chinese salutation consists of clasping the left hand with the right and waving it up and down, at the same time bowing deeply; or, If un usual respect is wished to be evinced, the Chinaman bows as low as Is possi ble, swinging his clasped hands back wards and forwards. Patron of Poetry. B. H. Warner, a prominent business man of the national capital, is very fond of poets and their work. When ever he comes across a poem which strikes him as particularly good he bus several hundred copies made of It, and distributes them to his friends. Popular Magazine. Clock Wound by Wind. It Is told of a clock In Brussels that It has never been wound by human hands. It is kept going by the wind. NOT A PROMOTION. "I see that our military friend was lent to Jail." "Yes; he's doing time Instead of marking timo." The Straight And Narrow Path Is Never Overcrowded. An epigram that finds its parallel in business. There are stores and stores and stores. Stores differ in policies and methods the same as in anything else. There are several methods, however, that we find suit us and our trade because we never tried any other, Here They Are. Allow no customers to remain dissatisfied if it's possible to please them. Allow no other merchant to surpass you in giving the best val ues for the money. Allow no petty spites, grievances, political, or fra ternal ideas to warp your judgment and service to the public. Allow no imposition to be practiced either on yourself or on your trade. Al low no personal opinions, ideas, or notions to creep into business that are detrimental to public confidence. Be fair, be square, be honest and on the level. "There, you have it." T. A. P. Oil City, Ta. A BIG DIFFERENCE. Hlx Is she a pleasant girl to talk to? Dix No; she is what they call a good conversationalist "Te Deum" a Hymn of the Ages. Hallowed bv old association and fraught with many memories are the great church hymns like the "Te Deura." which for more than a thou sand years has been the song of Christendom. It was chanted at the baptism of Clovis and sung at the jubilee of Queen Victoria. It was sang also after Aglncourt and Waterloo, and on all solemn occasions when the heart of the people had been moved to ttuuksglvlng for victory on land or sea. Most Primitive Race of People. 'Asa modern example of an abso lutely primitive race of people Prof W. V0I2 of Breslau university, has brought to notice the KubuB, who ar completely isolated In the forest in terior of Sumatra. They share the life and habits or the apes living in the same forest. :They do not seem to have advanced even to the hunting stage of development, and are not known to have any ideas of religion Macedonia Rich in Minerals. Since remote times the soil of Mace donla has had the reputation of con talnlng many precious minerals. No' only was this stated by historians but It Is evident by the remains oi great works undertaken by the an cients in the mining centers, ant especially on the Peninsula of Clinlcl dice. These works reached the hlRh est point of development under Phlilj of Macedonia and Alexander the Great Sport of the Antipodes. A favorite sport in New Zealand, ai also In Australia and Tasmania, li competition in wood chopping an sawing; and in these contests, whlcl attract a great deal of Interest, th championships are always won througt the use of American tools. In fac the expert woodsman working for I prize would never think of using an other kind of tools. Woman's Mistake. A woman sent to the consclenci fund $3.70 she believes she owes foi duty on 37 yards of Irish lace boughl from an Italian peddler, who declar ed he had smuggled it and, therefore was able to sell It to her at 20 centi a yard. Conscience is a strange thing The poor woman, if she only knew it owes herself money. New York Evening Telegram. Yokohama's Fire Department. Yokohama's fire-fighting apparatu is owned by the association of lnsur ance companies, which also pays the firemen. The coolies who assist whec a blaze calls out any part of the de partment receive on an average four cents per hour. The regular Btaft of firemen and watchmen are paid an av erage of $7.47 a month. Misconception Corrected. A good many mistakes arise from misapprehension. For Instance, a den tist advertises that lie will extract teeth without pain. You suppose he means the patient will not experience pain. That Is a wrong conclusion. It is the dentist who feels no pain. A Bit Hot, but Loyal. A girl went to India, and at the first New Year's away from home she wrote to her devout mother: "It Is now very hot and I perspire a great deal, but you will be pleased to hear that I am still a mem'Jr of the Church of England." fa SALI5 LINEN OUTING SUITS. $5.95 Suits.. $6.96 Suits.. $7.60 Suits.. $3.50 An ideal rough and ready suit. For traveling, automobiling or outing. Cool, serviceable, in every way the most satisfactory garment for general utility. This store desires to announce our Third Anniversary SaJe, which starts Friday, June 19th, and closes Saturday, June 27th. SURE THING. Hlxon--Do your next-door neighbors take a morning paper? Dixon Yes; If they get up before we do. Not Final Farewell. Lady Mary Wortley Montague once wrote a letter to her lover (whom she afterward married), concluding In the following manner: "There Is no con dition of life I could not have been happy In with you, so very much I liked you I may say loved since it is the laBt thing I'll ever say to you. This Is telling you sincerely my great est awakens, and now I will oblige you with a new proof of my generosity. I'll never see you more!" For Good or for Evil? So surely as the day and the night alternately follow one another, does every day when It yields to darkness, anS every night when it passes Into dawn, bear with it its own tale of the results which It has silently wrought upon each of us, for good or for evil. William Ewart Gladstone, Geniuses Not Good Companions, The wife of Charles Dickens is re ported to have once Bald: "1 suppose the world needs a few geniuses, but It's a dreadful fate to have to live with one of them." Mrs. Carlyle said the same thing in substance a great many times. On Life's Journey, We are not made to be good In this world, but to try to be, and fail and keep on trying; and when we get a cake to say, "Thank God!" and when we get a buffet to say, "Just bo; well hit!" Robert Louis Etevenson. Nailed. Housekeeper Here, drop that coat and clear out! Burglar You be quiet, or I'll wake your wife and give her this letter 1 found in your pocket. i r T. A. P. Oil City, Pa. fes;$6.75 Diamond Veteran Makes His 3,000111 Hit Photo by American Press Astoclattoa. HANS WAGNER. Hans Wagner, veteran shortstop of the Pittsburgh National league team, in a recent game in Philadelphia made Ins 3,000th hit In seventeen years of major league baseball. It was a two-bagger with no one on base in the nlntn inning. .The only other player a'Iio is said to have made 3,000 hits in his major league career was Adrian C. Anson, who batted out 3,017 In twenty-two years. The Poet's Banknotes. In "The Tragedy of Isabella II." it Is said that the unfortunate Spanish quei'ii, blessed with generous Impulses, was exreedingly cliai'itiible. Uufortu nalely she had no notion of the value of money and would want to giveaway sums out of all proportion to the c ensloi). Onee the iieon had command eil a large grout In aid to a man of let ters, nnil the steward. In order to give her n just Idea of its magnitude, decid ed to present the donation In the form of many banknotes of small value enough of them to paper the walls of the boudoir. Isabella whs startled she would never hnvu believed, she said, that there were so many banknotes in the world. "Hut no mutter." she con cluded. "Slnee banknotes are so easy to get, it Is ipilte proper to send the pour putt plenty of them."' Hf5 .lit w f . . J i ' ' ' ' I