REPUBLICAN. MCNK, COITOD 4 PlOnilTM. WEDNESDAY. MAY 20. 1914 Small Vote at Primaries. There being do local cod tee I on the Re publican aide in (bia eouoiy Ibe vote was very light at the prlmariea yesterday. To . II la result the go id weather also contrib uted largely, the farmers having Im proved the day to get to Ibeir crops, which waa of wore Importance to them than the elections. Aa to result on the the state candidates there are not suffl cieDt returns at band to Indicate all of the wionera. Judge Walling for the supreme court, and Judge Pratber for the auperlnr court, both teing western men, have ap parently carried tbe couuty ou the non partisan ticket. So far aa beard from Dimmick seems to have a alight lead over Penroae for U. 8 Senator on the Republican ticket, and Palmer runa away with the Democratic nomination in the county. Brumbaugh is away la the lead for Governor on the Republican aide, and McCormick on the Democratic. For Congresa-at-large, the Republican vote la very much mixed, aa la also the Democratic. McClain Repub lican, and Creasy, Democrat, lead for lieutenant Oovernor in tbe county. Miller of Mercer for Congresa In this district, and Howard for State Senator, baviog no opposition, are tbe Republican nominee. In the county Hon. A. R. Mecbling is renominated aa tbe Repub lican candidate for Assembly, and Q. F. Watson received tbe Democratic nomina tion. Taggarl of Warren carries tbe county over Mclntyre of Mercer for tbe Democratic nomination for Coogreea. W. O. Fuellbart Is re-elected member of Ibe Republican State committee. A bot fight lor Cbairmao of the Democraiio county committee resulted In the election of I.. F. Keating of Marienville, F. A. Huff of Claringtnn beirg bia opponent. This fight brought out almost tbe full Democratic vote In tbe county. I! THE 8TATB. At Republican headquarters, Philadel phia, it was estimated Ibis morning that Penrose would have about 175,000 ma jority over Dimmick for Senator, aud that Hruoibaugb'a vote would run from 35,000 to 50,000 over that ol Penrose. The vote between McCormick and Ryan, Iemocrats, la said to be close for the Domination for Governor, with the former a probable winner. Palmer will be tbe Democratic nominee for Senator. McClain aeenia an easy winner for Lieut. Governor on tbe Re publican ticket and Creasy tbe Demo cratic candidate. No ealimate on Ibe successful candidates for Congresa-at-large are given. On Ibe non-partisan ballot the nomination of Jadge Frazer la claimed for Supreme Court Justice, with Judge Trexler as the probable winner for Superior Court Judge. Governor Tener Raps Mr. Powell. A Herrieburg dispatch under date of May 16th say.: Gov, Tener today notified Auditor Gen eral Powell that be would not entertain the latter'a auggeation that the governor go over tbe bead of Attorney General Bell and compel bim to assign one of bia deputiea to deleod Powell in the dispute over the use of antomollle license funds and also to pay Powell's private counsel, Messrs. Watson and Freeman, of Pitts burgh, Tbe governor saya be ' abso lutely approves every atep taken by tbe attorney general" in behalf of tbe conten tion that the legislature of 1913 specifically appropriated tbe automobile license money for tbe construction and repair of state highways. He aaya that the attor ney general presented three separate pe titioos in mandamus in order to have tbe question speedily determined, aod adds "in each instance and at every tnrn you have Interposed a technical objection to prevent tbe constitutional question from being submitted te Ibe court. If yon had not interposed technical and dilatory tactics tbe queation would long since nave been determined and more than likely the money would have been made available and today tbe roads of tbe com mon wealth placed In good condition by tbe highway department lor tbe use and comfort ol Ibe public." Tbe governor charges that tbe purpose of Powell's action la "to prevent tbe in tention of tbe legislature being carried out, and to binder and Impede the work ot the highway department in the repair and maintenance of the stale highways. many of which, you, of course know are today in a dangeroua condition." Exhibit A in tbe case of V. 8. against Huerta in tbe salute tbe flag incident: Seventeen cofboa on board tbe Montana. Franklin News. A sad and most grew- aome policy indeed. Toxpanb, 60 miles from Tampico, fell into tbe hands of Ibe rebels last week ao cording to authentic dispatches. Tbe Im portant seaport city of Tampico baa been captured by tbe rebels. Tbe fight was a bitter one, and when the field of carnage waa eurveyed Ibe streets were strewn with dead and dying federal troops, aa many aa two buodred and fifty dead be ing piled in one heap. Tbe rebels have triumphed completely over the federal troops and are glorying in their victory. Tbua reads the news from tbe Mexican rebellion. How would sucb readiDg have been received by the people of tbe United State in tbe dark days ol 'til to '8..? An item ia floating around in tbe news papers of Ihis locality to the effect that work on tbe ereotion of a big Clarion river dam ia soon to begin, but there need be no uneasiness upon that score under present conditions, it ia thought. The water power grabbers are not ready to put any great amount of funds into dam projects in tbia state uutil tbey get more favorable legislation on tbe subject, in which efforts tbey were balked in tbe last legislature by men like our repre sentative, Hon. A. R. Mecbliug, who kept a watchful eye on their designs and suc ceeded In killiug their schemes. With such men in tbe next legislature there ia little danger that tbe plaus of tbe water grabbers will go through, but these schemers will easily accomplish their ends abould counties like Foreat and those otbert most affected be foolish enough to aeud "groeuloa" to Uarrihburg wiuUit. Kellettville. Mra. Peter Starner and Mrs. Scott Wil son of Blue Jay Camp, were shopping in town between trains Tuesday. Tbe Jolly Five were entertained at Ibe home of Mra. Frank Nash, Wednesday a Iter noon. The W. C. T. U. beld their regular meting at tbe borne ol M re. Kate Barnea, Wednesday afternoon. Tbe next meet ing will be at tbe borne of Mrs. A. Dun kle. May 27tb. Tbe League gave an interesting pro gram .Sunday evening, celebrating tbe ailver Jubilee. Officers elected to serve tbe League the coming year: Preaident, Vinton Mealy; vice presidents, Mra. U. B. Watson, Ruth Watson, Ethel Rich; secretary, Loretta Dunkle; treasurer, W. C. Silzle. Joseph Wolfe, who baa been aick with a cold for tbe paat week, waa able to go to Whig Ulll to apeod the week end with his uncle. Lottie Fitzgerald baa been confined to her bed lor tbe paat week with stomach aod kidney trouble. Relativea in town are somewhat con ceroed about word received from George Wolfe, of Sisteraville, W. Va., saying be bad suffered a nervous breakdown aod waa In a serious condition. Mrs. Albert Dunkle waa Warren visitor Tuesday. Mia. W. F. Jones took ber pupila to Minister Wednesday evening, by special train, and repeated tbe muaicale. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson attended tbe funeral of Cecil Rudolph at Hickory, Thursday. Stephen West received word wbile at work Friday that bia brother waa dead. In consequence be went to bis borne at Fryburg to attend tbe fuDeral. Effle Shaffer of Endeavor viaited ber grandmother, Mra. Mary Shaffer, several daya during tbe week. Rex ford Henderson baa come borne from Meadvllle to spend tbe summer itb bis parenta. Arcb. Horner baa purchased a Colom bia five passenger car, and ia enjoying ridea with tbe rest ol tbem these daya. Rulb Wilson waa down from Sheffield aod spent tbe week-end with Mra. F. V. Hendrickson and other friends. Herald Fitzgerald hurt his leg some time ago and it baa been troubling bim considerably tbe last week, ao abscess having formed which il was necessary to bave lanced, Tbe Kiogsley House ia undergoing some Deeded repaira in tbe form of a new porch, and tbe drug store la getting a new roof tbia week. Mra. John Burbeno of Starr was tbe guest of ber sister, Mra. Maude Berlin, Saturday. Rev. Henry Sraalleuberger waa elected aa delegate to attend tbe League conven tion al Emlenton, and tbe Missea Mary Duukle and Olive Wolfe to attend tbe Sunday school convention at Claringten. Missea Verne Miller and Any Kinch were elected alternates. Wade Simpson drove to Tionesta in his car Saturday, taking bia mother-in-law, Mra. Snyder, down. Ilia niece, Doralula Zents, returned with bim and ill remain aa ibeir guest for a abort time. Jay Catlin moved bia family to Minis ter tor tbe summer. Tbe Misses Edna and Belle Smith and Alma Mathewa spent tbe week-end with their parents at Mayburg. Mr. and Mra. F. J. Heuderaon and aon Rex, and tbe Missea Rachel Hunter and Olive Wolle drove to Minister Sunday and called on Mr. and Mra. M. F. Catlin. Tbe weather being favorable all those having cars enjoyed a ride Sunday after noon. K. E. Daubenspeck drove to Ty lersbvrg. At a meeting of tbe school board Sat urday afternoon tbe blgb school teachers, Prof. J. L. SimmoDa, Margaret Goodfel low and Howard Gayley, were all re elected. Tbe teachers in tbe grades are all new, tbe M isses Sigworth of Tionesta, Frill and Riser of Starr, Arner of Clar ion, and Smallenberger of Kellettville, being elected to tbe different rooms. Cbarley Daubenspeck jumped from the runway al tbe mill during tbe week, lighting on a spike, which penetrated the ball of bia foot and la causing bim aome Inconvenience. Program for tbe entertainment to be beld at the ball Saturday evening, May 23: Piano Solo, Marjorie Nasb song Band ol soldiers Li. T. u Recitation A Boy Wanted - Virginia Jenkina Piano Duett James Flvon, Augusta Brewer Recitation Can It Be Right , Thelma Jenkina Recitation,. Mary Harrington song Reading White Azealiaa Dauphine Smallenberger nay a iarit at onotuck hhii , Y. P. B. Girls Recitation Little Blossom Margaret Rich Piano Solo Amy Klnch Flag Drill .L.T. L. Recitation My Little White Basket, ... Mabel Graham Tbe play to be given by the Y, P. B. girla ia a very pleaing little one-act drama which describee a band of girla at a boarding school baving a lark. Tbe work to be given by tbe L. T. L.'a and others has bad special care and nothing dry or uninteresting will be found on tbe progaam. No admiaslon will be charged. Every one ia invited to come. A colleo tiou will be taken to defray the expenses. SIOO REWAKII, SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to leai n that there is at least one dreaded disease that science hax been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe only positive cure known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tuken in ternally, acting directly apon the blood and mucous surface ol' the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the' constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors bave so much faith in ita cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonial. Address, F. J. CH EX EY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold bv Druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills are the )et. Chamberlain's Liniment. This preparation is mtended especially for rheueuatis ii, lame back, sprains and tike ailments. It ia a favorite with people who are well acquainted with its splendid Jualitiee. Mrs. Charles Tanner, Wabash, nd saya of it, "I bave found Chamber lain's Liniment the best thing for lame back and aprains I bave ever used. It works like a charm and relieves pain aud soreness. It has been used by others of my family as well a myself for upward of twenty years." 25 and SOoent bottles. For aale by all dealers. Mayburg. Sunshine seems to bring gladneea to tbe people of tbia place after baving so tnucb wet weather. The heavy rains of last week raised the creek materially and also caused several land slides tbsl delayed traffic on the S. T. road several hours Wednesday, Hazel Burrowa left Monday morning of last week to spend tbe summer uioutbs with ber aunt In Corry, Prof. E. C. Terrili baa taken employ ment at tbe mill of tbia place. Henry Deebner spent .Sunday , with relatives in Cherry Grove, Misses Cora Walters and AnnaShepard were Kellettville shoppers Monday f last week. ..y - A special train was run from Nebraska Wednesday evening to accommodate ibe people who alteuded tbe musical given by the pupila of Mrs. W. F. Jonoa, in tbe tow Da of Mayburg, Kellettville and Porkey, at Mioiater. Tbey returned at a very late hour, and were soon ready to retire, aa it waa not sucb a delightsome trip through the mud. But the entertain ment waa a success. Mr. aod Mra Edward Merchant were Warren shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mra. Roland Dailey bave re turned to tbeir borne after spending sev eral weeka witb relativea and friends out of town. Edward Mealey of Beaver Valley was the gueet of the Wm. Deehoer family Fri day evening. Oa returning to bia borne tbe day following be was accompanied ty bis daughter, Mra. Deshner and children. A large load of bay and atraw waa stored in tbe Cook Oil Lease barn, for tbe benefit of tbe borses on that lease. Victor Carlson and family occupied tbe new Camp, built by Wm. Deshner and Cbarley Gregory, one day last week at Logan. Delia Cook and Mra. Rbet. Plyler were Kellettville shoppers one day last week. Wm. Deshner is attending court at Tio nesta tbia week. News was received here one day last week, of tbe arrival of an 11-pound son who came to gladden tbe borne of Mr. and Mra. Eari Mealey of Oil City. Mr. Mealey is well known to frienda in this community. Quite an improvement is being made in the town park since some of our citi zens bave become industrious. Many seem to be taking an interest in cleaning op and improving tbe looks of the town. Newtown Mills. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Paul viaited the latter's sister, Mrs. Kate Euiert, on Whig Hill, Sunday. Warren Jones, Jr. was a Sheffield visit or one day last week. Miss Tressa Hendrickson of Kellett ville waa a guest at W. F. Joues' Sunday. Al Smith and aon Paul aod nephew, Cameron Fike, of Strattonville, were visitors of the former's family over Sun day, Paul remaining wbile the others re turned Mondsy, Ed. Smith and Willie Fike going with them. Helen Paul, who baa been in Frankliu for tbe past two yeara, ia home for Ibe summer with bet parenta. Mr. and Mra. C. Paul. Eva Osgood who ia Btaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jones and finishing school at Kellettville, visited ber mother, Mrs. H. Osgood, at tbe camp above May burg over Sunday, Archie Hepler of Tioneata waa a visitor in town Saturday evening. Clarence Jonea ia in Tionesta tbia week attending court. A number of our people atteoded the musical given by Mra. Jones at Minister last Wednesday evening, a special train running down and taking tbem up and bringing them back. Mr. and Mra. W. F. Jones, Mrs. Wm. Blauser and Miss Emma Rudolph at tended tbe funeral of Cecil Rudolph, al tbe Zuendel church Thursday. John Carpenter waa a visitor at East Hickory over Sunday. Geo. Zuendel of Kellettville waa in town a few daya laat week pruning apple trees. Mrs. Levi Grove of Kellettville aod Miss Mable Sbepard of Mayburg visited Mrs. Al Smith Sunday. Tbe Blum boys who are employed at and near Mayburg were borne over Sun day. Adam Kemery of near Pittafield viaited bia children who are staying witb bia brother, Wm. Blauser, Saturday and Sunday. Mra. Frisby of Tidioute called on Mrs. Al Smith one day laat week. A Fakirless Show. The Sun Brothers' World's Progressive Shows, that will give two performances in Tioneata, June 18tb, has a record of twenty-two yeara of continuous service b' fore tbe people aod baa tbe distinction of being tbe cleanest tented exhibition that ever traversed tbe United Statea. It baa never allowed any gamblers, fakira, for tune tellers, Oriental dancing girl con earns, no catch penny devices, no ticket scalpers, no short change artists, no peo ple to follow It from town to town witb questionable prize schemes, no street corner lopera-in and in faot nothing that can in any way reflect on a first class en tertainment enterprise. The show this season ia tbe finest and best ever devised by this well known and liberal firm of managers, whose policy is to be enter tainers of ibe publio and not part and parcel of a bunch ol grafters. adv Sick Headache. Mrs. A, L. Luckie, East Rochester, N. Y., was a victim of sick headache aod despondency, csused by a badly weak ened and debilitated condition of ber stomach, when she began taking Chain berlaio'a Tablets. She says, "I found tbem pleasant to take, also mild and effective. In a few weeks' time I waa re stored lo my former good health," For sale by all dealers. For a Torpid Liver. 'I bave used Chamberlain's Tablets off and on for the past six years whenever my liver shows signs of being in a dis ordered condition. Tbey have always acted quickly and given me the desired relief," writea Mrs. F. H.Trubus, Spring Title, N. Y. For sale by all dealers, C. A. Anderson Greenhouse Company, Tionesta, Pa. Dreer's and Burpee's garden seeds; onion sets; early, seed potatoes; pansy plants, new varieties; flowering and dec orative bouse plants; all kinds of vege table plants in aeasou lor plauliog, ady Porkey. Among our citizens who are attending court at Tioneata tbia week are D. W. Downey, F. A. Littlefield, Geo, Shay and Clare Catlin. Thomas Miller aod O. K. Rupert will serve on tbe election board al Bine Jay Tuesday, aud Rupert expects to go I Tioneata the next day on busineaa. Rosa and Reed Weller of Kellettville rode Ibeir bicycles up to Ibis place Sun day aod speut tbe afternoon witb tbe Ru perl boys. Clinton Barber of Henrya Mill was a visitor in tbe village Snnday.end called on tbe Rupert Ismity srCD be're. Mra. D. W. Downey will attend the Court at Tioneita this weea aa a spectator and to aee tbe eights of ibe oouou seat. ' Mrs. J. C. Black is on the sick list witb a bad cold. it -Mike Murphy baa moved Til family Irona tbe lease bouse on lot 48-1 to Minis ter where be baa bought a bouse. The woods was too damp lor bia wife and ebe waa aick all tbe time tbey lived on the bill. Frank Heuderaon and W. A. Kinob or Kellettville were through town on Sun day witb their new cara, aud found our roads quite rough In comparison witb this time last season. Mlsa Rulb Liudsey of Cozy Nook spent Suuday with frienda in our town and bad a tine drive bebiud tbe Blum trotter. Mra. W. F. Jouea' music class, includ ing pupils from Kellettville, Porkey, Mayburg, Minister and Sheriff, gave a very Interesting recital In the Methodist church at Miuister, Wednesday evening of laat week, and the only part of it that did not please waa tbe tuningof tbe piano. Tbia instrument waa in bad tune for an occasion ol Ibis kind and out aympatbies were with the performers after we beard the first few bars of the first number by Jamea Flynn and Miss Amy Kincb, who are about aa One a pair of players aa you ill find In these parte, and some of tbe higher grades were executed witb good technic, showing great ability. Mrs. Jonea baa a large class and is putting the pupila right to tbe front aa far aa grades are con cerned. We enjoyed tbe music very much and hope lo bear more of It later on. Tbe Sunday acbool has decided to bave two picnics this year, one on May 27th and tbe other In Auguat. It waa decided to solicit money for tbe purchase of ice cream this year ao as to make it eaaier on the purse of a few, aa baa been tbe custom in tbe past. Tbey expect a fine time at tbia great children's bappy event, and hope tbe weather will be suitable. Tbe largest attendance we bave bad for some time waa present at Sunday acbool laat Sunday, the total being 56 souls. Notice To Teachers. Tbe Board of Directora of Howe town ship will meet on Saturday, June Bib, 1!H, 10:30 A. M., to elect Ita teachers for the coming term. All applicants who are unacquainted witb tbe board will send certificate witb application. O. E. Rupert, Secretary. Porkey, Pa., May 11. 1914. 2t -HENS WON'T LAY WHEN TOR TURED BY lice and mitea; Pratts Pow dered Lioe Killer aod Pratta Dislnfeclart quickly exterminate these trouble-makers; slight cost. Sold ou money back guarantee by first class dealers every where, adv Legal Xotlce. No. 2, May Term. 1913. Forest County Commou Pleas. Sitting in Equity. Marion L. Gerow, Plaintiff, va. Katharine Fitzgerald, widow, John C. Fitzgerald, Mary J. Manross, intermar ried with Charles E. Manross, AanfS Murdock, intermarried witb William Uurdock, Dora Siginan, intermarried with Valentine Sigman, Henry Fitzger ald, Ellen McCaffrey, intermarried witb Jobn McCaffrey, Mangie Gillinnn, inter married witb G. H. Giltinau, Alice Fltz gerald, Hannah Fabey, Intermarried with Jobn Fabey, beirs at law of James Fitz gerald, deceased, tbe following minors, children of Ellen McCaffrey, now de ceased, Thomas McCaffrey, Mary Mc Caffrey, and tbe lollowing minors, chil dren of Maggie Giltinan, now deceased, Agnea Gillinan, Thomas W illaim Gilti nan, Defendanta. To tbe above named, Plaintiff and De fendants: Notice ia hereby given, that I as Mas ter appointed by decree of the honorable court on February lfltb, 1!M, to divide and partition tbe laud described in the plaintiff's bill and to make appraisement tusreor, did go upon tbe said land anil view tbe same on April 18th, 1914, and I do hereby give notice that I could not divide the ssid land without prejudice to or spoiling tbe ssme in tbe proportion or parta as the parties were entitled to, and I did on said date, April )8tb, 1914, value aod appraise the aaid land at tbe price or sum of Sixteen Huorded and Fifty Dollars. You are hereby notified and I hereby enter a rule upon you to accept or refuse tbe same at Ibe appraisement by either notice to me or by sealed bida on or be fore June 15tb. 1!14, said bids to be hand ed to me or mailed to my address at lionesta, fennavlvanla A. C. BROWN, Escj., Master. City Fruil Store H. I. Cohen, Proprietor. Always Ready To supply your wants in anything in the Fruit and Vegetable Line. No such stock ever kept in Vio nesta before. Our reputation already extends to all parts of the County, and all because we keep the Freshest, the Largest and the Best stock. Come and See. You are bound to be more than pleased. Two Doors Above Hotel Wea ver, Tionesta. WALK-OVER Shoes & Oxfords The new English Lasts in Tan and Gun Metal, $4.00. Other Dress Shoes, $2.60, $3.00, $3.60. G. W. ROBINSON & SON Legal Xotlce. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been tiled witb tbe Board of Game Commissioners of ibe Slate of Pennsyl vania, asking tbat Forest county be closed to the hunting of elk or deer for a period of five years, and tbat a bearing will be had upon said petition Dy me aaia B ard. if required, at Ita office in Harris burg. Pa., Monday, June 1, 1914, where and when all persona In interest may at tend If tbey see proper. K, J. Hopkins, secretary. Charter Notice. Notice ia hereby given that an applica tion will be made to tbe Governor of tbe State of Pennsylvania, on Friday, June 5, 1914, by D. o. Shields, t. J. Keyoer and W, H. Pickena, under tbe Act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro vide (or tbe Incorporation aud Regula tion of Certain Corporations," approved April 29. 1874. and tbe supplements thereto, for tbe charter of an intended corporation to he called MARIENVILLE GLASS COMPANY, tbe character aud object of which ia "manufacturing and selling glass bottles," and for tbia pur pose to bave, possess and enjoy all tne rights, benefits and privilegeaof the said Act of Assembly and ita supplements. M. A. IARR1NUBR, Solicitor. rOl'CLAIl SLMHY EXCURSION TO Oil City AND Titusville SUNDAY, MAY 31 SPECIAL TRAIN Trail Learn, Bonn! Trip Fan Warren 9.63 a.m. $1.00 Irvineton 10.06 a.m. 1.00 Tidioute 10.26 a.m. .76 West Hickory . 10.66 a.m. .76 Tionesta 11.06 a.m. .76 Returning Special Train leaves Titusville 8.00 p. m., Oil City 8:40 p. m. Pennsylvania R.R. J. L. Hepler LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, witb first class equipment. We ran fit you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, aod always at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Conn and see us. Rear or Hotel Weaver Telephone No. 20. Practical Training as Teachers Every Graduate of the State Normal School at Indiana, Pa., has had the advantage of actual teaching experience. Practice lends confidence and makes the significance of book-learned precepts come out clear and strong. PENNSYLVANIA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL of Indiana, Pa. Where Ambition is Inspired, Directed and Trained 1H THE INDIANA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and THE INDIANA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC . . ino Maauig The Fortieth Year Opens Sept. 8, 1914 I A O .- rfEPPUDENT MAN3EGAM EARLYTO BANK HfSMONEy-JtQWffE ENJOYS K -f A New York theatrical man with an income of $25,000 a year went to Wall Street with $20,000 and trippled it. His head was turned in a few months theatres closed income ceased and Wall Street had finished his spare change. The extravagance his family had been used to soon drove him to the extremity of mortgaging property and sacri ficing pet securities. Today he is broke. CAPITAL STOCK, 150.000. SURPLUS, 1100,000. Do your banking with us. A rOV POYlf We pay liberal interest consistent with safety , T. yjKSx j3ll.v. Forest County Nedionad Bank, TI OX EST A, PA. The Studebaker A Very High Class AUTOMOBILE Four and Six The Sedan, The Landau Roadster, and the Studebaker Delivery Car. Fully Equipped, Best Material, Studebaker Car. Address. J W REIGEL, Agent for Forest County, Marienville, Pa. Call over the Farmers' Telephone, Leeper Central. Either will bring a prompt response. Don't buy till you have seen the Studebaker. IIF.R-Lansonf Still On Deck. . SELLS jOIcomarffarcne? I Buster Brown Slices, General Merchandise. Nearly Everything You Seed. 1 ALWAYS THE RIGHT PRICE, i CONNECTION WITH THE STATE Nnsuii uuntutions of tneir kind in New II .u'Jr..-3 II At a Mod erate Price. Cylinder Cars. and Handsomest in Finish, that's the At the Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, Wall Paper, Window Shades Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. idc A E. KINSLPY i.l ft COCWELDor Pennsylvania ulilwnoi now recdr lor distribution. Dr. Jamtt E. Amml. r IVriie for ihe New Catalogue