The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 13, 1914, Image 3

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    Have You Protection
You cannot afford to take your own
risk against loss by Ore. Remember that
we represent
and will be glad to call on you when you
want flre Inauranoe tbat really protects.
Drop u a card and we'll do the reat.
We are agents in tbis county for the
and can furnish security for County
offloials, bank officials, elo.
C J. Ill & If,
Levi ft Co. Ad.
Lammers. Ad.
BoRif" A Buhl. Ad.
The Print Co. Ad.
H. I. Cohen. Local.
The K Inter Co. Ad.
Albert J. Logan, Ad.
KobtiiHon & Hon. Ad.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
Minartt Sllherberg. Ad.
Forest Co. Nat. Hank. Ad.
Howe Twp. Notlee to Teaohere.
M. A. Carrlneer. Charter Notice.
Rem Bros. Show. Ad. and Locals.
The Distinctive Garment Store. Ad.
Oil market closed at fl 00.
Is your subscription paid?
You can get It at Hopkins' store, tf
Just received car load of cement, fer
tilizer, and field lime.-S. S. Sigwortb.-ad
Investigate our washing machine
and cream separator proposition, Bee
them. 8. 8. Sigwortb. adv
Tbe Republican can furnish you
with tbe very latest in engraved calling
oards or anything else in tbat line, at
reasonable prices. if.
Dr. M. W. Easton, Osteopath, of Oil
City, will visit Tlonesta every Wednes
day forenoon, at the Central Hotel, where
be may be consulted by all who need his
Oleomargarine always fresh, alwaya
the same price and making new friends
each day, at 20o per pound In nine pound
lots, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettvllle, Pa. adv
What with an old fasblined circus,
primary election, court weok with a mur
der trial, and an extr bill at tbe
"movies", next week is bound to be a
bummer In the old town. Let 'er bam,
Your young birds will develop Into
strong, healthy pullets and cockerels by
using Pratts Poultry Regulator. Satis
faction guaranteed or money refunded.
For sale by first class dealers every
where, adv
Tbe old Allegheny river should be
investigated. Within tbe past week it
has been on a "high" do less than three
separate and distinct times. It should be
"soaked" good and hard for such rank
Another large invoice of oboice fruits
and vegetables at tbe City Fruit store Ibis
week. Mr. Coben well nigh exhausted
tbe wholesale markets to supply his store
wilb the beat Ut Uifttaod. Call early and
avoid tbe rush. adv.
Thomas Nelll, a native of Neilltown,
where be was born about sixty-five years
ago, died at tbe borne of a niece, Mrs.
Catherine McHenry at Titusvllle, Mon
day evening, of paralysis. He was a
widower and leaves no children.
Following is the list of letters lying
uncalled for in the Tlonesta, Pa., post
office for week ending May 13, 1014:
Mrs. Henry Klghtlinger, J. Borden.
Glen G. Gaston, P. M.
Two performances will be given on
Monday, May 18, when Rentz Brothers
Shows appeal here. Aflernooo perform
ance will atari at two and the evening
perfermanoe at eight, with the doors
opening one hour earlier. adv,
Unclaimed letters remaining In tbe
Pirreon, Pa., post office, May 9. 10U: M r.
Noah Amsley, Mr. W. R. Kumsdell. If
not called for In two weeks will be sent
to the dead letter office.
Asa M. Hunter, P. M.
Lost, a pocket book containing
time book and a small amount of money,
on the public road between tbe Mclntyre
farm in Harmony twp., and the Temper
ance House. The owner valuea tbe book
more than the money aud will be grate-
lul to tbe Under if be will leave it at this
Commencement week at State Col
lege, June 611, promises to be a greater
event this year than ever, tbe graduating
class In all departments being greater
than any previous year In the history of
tbe college. The Rkpubuoan acknowl
edges roceipt of an invitation to be
Isaac Ash, Esq., one of tbe veteran
members of tbe Venango County Bar,
and one of the best known and most
prominent lawyers of .northwestern
Pennsylvania, died at bis borne In Oil
City Saturday morning after an illness
ooverlng a period of nine months. He
was aged 78 years.
Word was received this mornlog by
Attorney W. H. Allen to the effect that
bis father, Hon. O. C. Allen, who has
been a patient at tbe Johns Hopkins
Hospital In Baltimore for the past several
weeks, Is much Improved in bealtb al
though be will not be ell enough to be
discharged from the Institution for some
time. Warren Times.
Some of you may. have in mind tbe
enactment of a June wedding. In tbat
case the Republican would be delighted
to do the printing stunt, being especially
well prepared for the execution of such
work. Or, you may want yours en
graved. We can also furnish the very
latest in that lino. At st.y rate a June
wedding would hardly be the proper ca
per unless the Invitations were executed
at tbis office.
Several thousand bronk trout from
the government hatchery al White Hul
pber Springs, Virginia, were distributed
In the streams of this vicinity last Thurs
day, They were of nice size and in fine
condition, and ought to belp materially
the fishing quality of streams hereabout
a couple seasons hence. This consign
menl was obtained through the oll'orts
of Russell Hopkins, secretary of tbe
sportsmen's club, who expects a further
Bupply from the State hatchery id tbe
near future, Mr, Hopkins also planted
a lot of river fl-h, bass, pike and pickerel,
In the Allegheny yesterday.
-Forest county boys still take tbe lead
wherever tbey happen to be. In tbe re
cent examination test at tbe Central State
Normal school at Lock Haven, Charles
King, 16-year-old son of Geo. L. King of
West Hickory, passed very near tbe bead
of bis class In tbe first year grade, with a
mark otMX. For a youngster this Is
fine and would do credit to much older
As yet no Information as to tbe sum
mer train schedule on the P, R. R. Is
available, but Warren Is making a strenu
ous effort to have the time of the 10:31 a.
m, train made about an hour later, no as
to give Tldloute nearly two hours In War
ren during business hours News. But
tbat wouldn't suit Tlonesta worth a cent,
and there would be a strenuous k Ick from
tbose on down tbe river..
Tbe Postofflce Department Is reported
to be contemplating another Innovation
tbe telephone card. The new card la to
contain the name, address and telephone
number. On its arrival at tbe postofflce a
clerk la to call op tbe person to whom it
Is addressed, and read tbe message, after
which the card would be delivered in the
usual way. The card would cost five
cents and have preference In delivery over
other first olass mall matter.
Those who thought tbat $2.00 oil for
the Pennsylvania produit was going to
stay awhile, have another guess coming.
Monday the price took another slump of
10 cents the barrel making the market
prion now $1.00. Tbis puts things in. tbe
air again, pioducers are unable to figure
out Just where to place tbe stopping place
now that the 2 dollar mark has been
obliterated. Nevertheless there will not
likely be any cessation cf drilling opera
tions and only the -actual producer will
feel the out seriously.
-Mrs. Mabel Kedtield, wife of Victor
A. Red fl eld of Oil City, died Thursday
evening following a critical operation at
tbe hospital In tbat city, aged 33 years.
Her maiden name was York and she was
a niece of Mrs. 8. J. Grove, and a sister-in-law
of Mrs. Ja"ob Smearbaugb, of Tlo
nesta, and Is remembered by a Dumber
of our people. Mrs. Grove and daughter
Evelyn, Mrs. Smearbaugh, and Jesse D.
Dawson, an uncle, attended tbe funeral,
which was held at St. Stephens' R. C
church, Oil City, Monday.
-Francis K. Chevalier, a former resi
dent of Oil City, died at his home at
Bakerslleld, California, Monday morning
after an illness and great suHorlng of two
years from neuritis. The deceased, with
bis wife, bad been a visitor often in Tlo
nesta while atill residing in Oil City, Mrs.
Chevalier being a cousin of Mrs. L. J.
Hopkins and Mrs. J. F. Proper, and is
remembered here by a number of our
people as a most agreeable gentleman, all
of whom will regret to learn of bis pass
ing away. Besides his wife one son, B.
H. Chevalier, survives.
Tbe body of Fred. N. Nelson, a
woodsman aged fifty-five years and
single, was found Friday, May 1st, Case
dowo lu tbe water of Hunter run, rear
Parrrisb, Forest county. His death I'
supposed to have occurred on April 29tb,
and It la believed be committed auicide.
Tbe body was brought to the uudertaking
rooms of Squire Borden and prepared for
burial, which was la the SneiUeld Ceme
tery Monday, A brother took bis life a
few moDtbs ago while on a steamer re
turning from a visit to the old home in
Sweden. Sheffield Observer.
Oliver McWilliams, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James McWilliams, of Tlonesta
township, who was employed on tbe
Coleman log train, bad tbe misfortune
to have his right leg broken Friday fore
noon. He was belping to load the cara
when a log rolled on bis leg, breaking
the large bone off midway between tbe
knee and aukle. The fact thai be bad
fallen and was lying on soft ground when
tbe log struck biin probably saved the
leg from beiug badly crushed. Dr. Bo-
vard was called to tbe young man's
borne and reduced tbe fracture.
Tbe May term of court, whicli ueitins
Monday, will doubtless be the largest
that bas been beld in this county In a
number ol years, owing to the dnuMr
murder trial thai Is scheduled to take
place, George and Ada Strain charged
with tbe killing Of Albert Allen. An ex
tra petit jury baa been summoned, uiak
Ing sixty lu all tbat will be In attendance,
besides tbe twenty four grand Jurors, A
large array of witnesses on tbis and other
cases have been summoned. Two or
three minor oases on the criminal docket
will also be disposed of. Tbe civil list Is
also longer than usual, so tbat tbe full
week, aud perhaps more, la likely to be
taken up if all tbe business shall be die
posed of.
These frequent showers, amounting
often to real down-pours, are making
every sort of regetatlou bump all right,
but tbey are also putting tbe bug ou
work on tbe farms and gardens here
about. Here it is, tbe 13th day of May
and not one garden in ten upon which a
stroke of work bas been done. We
woulden't grumble for tbe world, but
what else is there to do wben you can't
work in tbe garden, or even Bit around
and watch some oue else do the stuoiT
However, the time never was wben this
old footstool tailed to yield a living and a
good one to the fellow wbo'd do bis share
of work, with an abundance of garden
sass on the side. And so we'll wait for
the clouds to roll by and the weather to
clear, If not this week then next, and so
on, Keep sweet.
First Train Service On S. & T. Railway,
TI.e first passenger train service nu tbe
Sheffield A Tlonesta Railway between
Tlonesta and Sheffield will be inaugurated
tomorrow, Thursday, and thus tbe hopes
of years of a railroad "up the creek" will
be realized. The service will begin in
the morning, wben tbe traiu leaves Ne
braska at 6:00 for Tlonesta. ' Leaving
here about 6:30 tbe train will ruu through
to Sheffield as usual, umking the extra
trip to Kellettvllle at 12:00 noon and re
turning to Sheffield at 1:00 p. m. Ia the
evening the train will be run through to
Tionesta, arriving about 6:30, and will
returu at once to Nebraska, where it will
lie over night. For the present and un
til tbe road la fully completed Into town
this Is the best arrangement tbat can he
made. Tbe trains will come as far as
the Lawrence font bridge, where a tem
porary shelter for waiting, passengers
will be erected. Th fare to Nebraska
will he 21 cents and $1 21 to Sheffield.
MITES WITH Pratts Powdered Lice
Killer, and Pratts Disinfectant, both
guaranteed; poultry comfort means lar
uer nrollm. Snlit on mminv back euar-
1 an tee by first olassdealerseverywbere. ad
Miss Clare Henty is visiting friends
In Pittsburg this week,
Wm, Smearbaugh was a business
visitor in Pittsburg tbe past week.
Geo. L. King of West Hickory was
one of our welcome callers yesterday.
Miss Maude Elizabeth Anderson Is
visiting Miss DeFraDce Canfield in West
J. A. Sbrlver of tbe Township was
among the Republican's welcome callers
Miss Genevieve Grove, a student
nurse at St. Vincent hospital, Erie, came
home baturday for a abort vacation.
P. A, Anderson Is still seriously III at
tbe borne of hlsson, Cbarlea A. Anderson.
His condition this morning shows little
or uo change.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brnner and
children motored up from Oil City Sun
day aud spent the day wilb Mr. and Mrs.
U. T. Anderson.
Miss Mary McWilliams of Tionesta
township, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. C.
I. Schroder, at Greensburg, Pa., for two
months and is attending a summer school
at Delmont. " .
Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Muse and Mrs.
P. K. George went to Franklin Thursday
to attend tbe funeral of a lifelong friend of
tbe family, and who had often visited
tbem here, Miss Clara Wenzel,
Charles Kil liner aud family left
Thursday for Kansas where be will be
engaged In tbe oil fields. Tbey have
closed their bouse here for tbe present,
Intending to return if not suited with tbe
Clerk of tbe Courts Maxwell bas is
sued marriage licenses during tbe week
as follows: W. A. McMillen of Newtown
Mills and Mia Adda Carpenter of Starr;
Harry Wllsoo of Kellettvllle and Miss
Alice Hefren of Halltoo, Pa.
Alexander MeCalmont of President,
one of Unole Sam's defenders wben be
needed them, back In tbe early 60 s, baa
been granted on Increase of pension to $:I0
per month. Serves him right and we're
glad of it. It ought to be fifty.
Misses Florence Potter and Twila
Young of Nebraska, as delegates from
tbe King's Heralds Mission Band of tbe
M. E. church, are attending the Frank
lin district convention of tbe Women's
Foreign Missionary Society, which began
yesterday in Oil City and continues over
Peter Galmisb of German Hill, re
turned last week Irom a trip over Into
Crawford county, bringing with bim a
team of fine black horses, six and seven
years old, which be bad purchased near
Spartansburg. D. C. Nichols was with
Mr. Galmisb and also brought home a
good three-year-old colt.
Mrs. Frances Korb and daughter,
Mrs. W. E. Darts, left Thursday morn
ing for an extended visit with tbe for
mer's sisters, Mrs. Marti o Fate and Mrs,
Elizabeth Christ, in Rabway, N. J.,
whom she bad not seen for forty-six
years. Tbey will also visit in Trenton
and New York oity before returning.
Miss Maude Can Held arrived home
Friday evening from Curwensville, Pa.,
having finished ber fourth year aa a
teacher In the public scbnola in that place.
Miss Canfield baa just been elected to a
position for tbe coming year in tbe
schools at Munball, Pa., near Pittsburgh.
Her work will be In tbe seoond grade, at
a salary or $75.00 per month.
The Pittsburg Gazette Times of tbe
6th lost., published a large portrait of
Miss Emilie Mae Potter, tbe handsome
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Potter, of
Baum Boulevard, Pittsburg, whose en
gagement to Curtis A. Puffinburg, son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. J Puffinburg of Wil
kinsburg, former well known residents
of Tionesta, was announced, Tbe wed
ding will be an event of tbe early
David Slesnlck and Donald Grove,
two Oil City base ball stars wbo have
made good records with local teams, have
decided la extend tbe scope of their opera
tions. They have gone to Wellsville, N.
Y., expecting to play with the team of
that place, wbicb la a member of tbe In
terstate league. Grove Is in for a tryout
for a pitching position, while Slesnlck ex
pects to sign up as catcher. Derrick.
Donald Is a Tionesta production, and so
it goes without say iug, tbat be will make
Ministers Ordained.
At an adjourned meeting of Clarion
Presbytery held Tuesday evening in the
Endeavor Presbyterian church, Maxwell
Cornelius of Oil City, and William Regi
nald Wheeler of Endeavor, were ordained
to the ministry lu the Presbyterlsn
church In a very impressive service.
Following is tbe program as carried nut
for the ordination service:
Prayer, Rev. 8. A. Cornelius, D. D.
Scripture,.. Rev. W. H.Clipman
Hymn 303.
8ermnn,..Rev. G B. Stewart, D. D , LL. D.
Constitutional Questions
Rev. M. F. Williams, Moderator
Ordination Prayer, Kev. J. F. Soberer
Hymn 422.
Charge Rev. J. 8. Riggs, D. D.
Benediction, Kev. Maxwell Cornelius
They Pay The Printer And Sleep Well.
Subscription renewals are thankfully
acknowledged as follows:
C, I. S. hroder, Greensburg, Pa. (new).
J, A. Sliriver, Tionesta twp.
Dr. J. M. Hess, Tylerstiurg, Pa.
A. E. VanWegen, Tlonesta, (new).
Chas. H. Hunter, Tionesta..
Geo. L. King, West Hickory, Pa.
W. H. Saul, Pittsburgh.
Sick Headache.
Mrs. A. L. Luckie, East Rochester, N.
Y., was a victim of sick headache aud
deiondenov, caused by a badly weak
ened anil debilitated condition of her
stomach, when she began taking Cham
berlain's Tablets. She says, "I found
them pleasant to take, also mild and
effective. In a lew weeks' time I was re
stored to my former good health," For
sale by all dealers.
Private Sale.
The furniture, fixtures and all contents
of the Klngsley House at Kellettvllle are
offered at private sale by the proprietor,
W. J. Detar. All persons wishing to con
sider a purchase, may not all particulars
by consulting blm personally or by letter.
21 adv. W. J. Detak.
C. A. Anderson Greenhouse Company,
Tionesta, Pa.
Dreer's and Burpee's itarden seeds;
onion sets; early seed potatoes; pansy
plants, new varieties; (lowering and dec
orative house plants; all kinds of vege
table plants in seasou lor planting, ady
Mrs, Harry Potter was up from Ne
braska and spent tbe day with her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Ransom, Monday,
Mr. Grubbi moved his lamily from
Hunkey Row to Gultonville during tbe
week, Geo. Paul will move into tbe
bouse he vacates.
Mrs. W. L. Watson entertained tbe
Jolly fire Wednesday afternoon, and al
though the porch swing came down and
made a mess of several of the ladles'
lunches, tbey all report a Jolly time.
Albert Licbtenberger bad his fingers
caught with a rope while working on the
loader, Wednesday, aud three of tbem
were broken.
Miss May Sbowera was down fr in
Cherry Grove Friday calling on old
friends In town. She was an over night
guest of Mrs, F. V. Hendrickson.
Rev. Henry Smallenberger attended a
meeting at Endeavor Friday, which was
called to make out a program for a minis
terial meeting to be beld some time in
Reed and Dewey Detar drove to Shef
field Monday in F. J. Henderson's car,
taking blm over to meet tbe train.
Mrs. Snyder, who is a guest of ber
daugbtor, Mrs. Wade Simpson, visited
friends In Mayburg Thursday.
Vinton Mealey's class In tbe M. E. S,
8., organized during tbe week with tbe
following officers: President, Alda Wat
son; vice president Russell Detar; secre
tary, Anna Johnson; treasurer, Francis
Ault. Tbey were entertained at Ins
borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ault on Fri
day evening. Tbe girls furnished a good
lunch and all report a good time.
Tbe high school play will be repeated
on Friday evening at tbe hall. Tbey go
to Hickory Saturday evening.
, Mr. and Mrs. James Nurse of Hickory
were guests of their daughter, Mrs. Isaao
biggins, over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hasselback, of Falls
Creek, visited their cousin, Mrs. Mary
Flynn, over Sunday.
John Silzle bas tanen several weeks off
Irom bis work at tbe Watson it Co. store
to do some fixing up about bis borne.
Mrs. W. L. Watson, Mrs. J. L. Sim
mons and Miss Margaret Goodfellow
visited tbe chemical plant at Mayburg
Saturday afternoon.
Misses Olive Wolf and Rachel Hunter
were Warren shoppers Monday. Katblyn
DaubenBpeck looked after the millioary
store In their absence,
Tbe "Gleaners" met at tbe home of M rs,
R. W. Wbitehill Friday evening. Tbe
evening was spent In sewing and Inspect
ing the beautiful new borne of thebostess,
after wblob a dainty lunch waa served.
Miss Rachel Hunter was a gueBt of tbe
class at tbis meeting. In writing up the
last meeting I stated that Miss Amy
Solida assisted Ibe Misses Detar with the
serving. I bave been Informed tbat she
wasone of the bostessesand filled ber place
as such. I make tbe correction with an
apology for tbe error.
Several high school girls took a bike to
Mayburg Sunday.
We are informed tbat Miss Edith Gay
ley bas accepted a position In tbe schools
at Mt. Jewett.
Memorial Day Program.
Tbe annual Memorial sermon will be
delivered by tbe Rev. II. Lee Dunlavy in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
morning, May 24, ateleven o'clock. All
Comrades and the general public are cor
dially and emestly invited to be present.
All comrades and soldiers of the Civil
War are cordially invited to attend, Satur
day, May 30, 1914.
The Post, Comrades and Band will meet
on tbe court bouse grounds at eleven a,
in. for tbe purpose of having a piculu
All participating in the same are re
quested to bung well tilled haskets, In
cluding cups for coffee. Coffee will be
furnished on the grounds.
At one o'clock line will be formed and
march to the river bridge to cast flowers
upon tbe waters in memory of our Navy
dead, after wbicb all will proceed to
Riversido cemetery where the regular
ritualistic services will be performed, af
ter wbicb all will return to the court
bouse for exercises there, and where tbe
Memorial Oration, by Chaplain B. F.
Feit, will be delivered. Tbe public gen
erally Is cordially Invited to meet with
and assist us in tbe proper observance of
tbe day. Tbe children aa heretofore are
requested to furnish flowers.
Captain Geo. W. Robinson, Commander
of the Post, will act as Marshall of tbe
day. By Order of the Committee.
A Good Circus Coming.
For over a quarter of a century the
Circus Renlz as tbe recognized leader
In the German Empire aud wben over
tures were made to tbem to bring their
shows to America, tbey were very doubt
ful about tbe wisdom of It, but after care
fully considering tbe matter they de
cided to try just one season. Their suc
cess induced tbem to stay another year
and now they are here for Ibelr third sea
son with shows that they claim are larger,
better and more expensive than any they
bave had before, and far ahead of tbe
average tented organization, as every act
ia a feature and the best of its class ob
tainable. In conjunction with their
shows will be Prof. Wlsemso's Dog, Pony
and Monkey Circus, and Broncho Pete's
incomparable Wild West, making It real
ly three shows for one price of adini-slon.
These combined shows will exhibit iiere
la their entirety on Mondsy afternoon
and evening. May 18, under specially pre
pared tents tbat are absolutely water
proof, and patrons can rest assured that
they will be as comfortable and secure,
regsrdles of the state of tbe weather as
though tbey were seated in their own
homes, adv.
Notice To Teachers.
Tbe Board of Directors of Howe town
ship will meet on Saturday, .Juno (lib,
1914, 10:30 A. M., to elect lis teachers for
the coining term. Alt applicants who
are unacquainted witb the board will
send certificate witb application.
O. E. Rupert, Secretary,
Porkey, Pa , May 11, 1914. 2t
Whooping Cough.
"About a year ago my three boys bad
whooping cough and I found Chamber
lain's Cougb Remedy the only one that
would relieve their couching and whoop
ing spells. I continued this treatment
and was surprised to find that It cured
the disease in a very short time," writes
Mrs. Archie Dalrymple, Crooksville,
i Ohio. For sale by all dealers.
Some Errors Corrected.
Because of the local Interest In the
matter, created by publication in certain
outside newspapers and by private con
vocation, and for the purpose of correct
ting some erroneous statements in con
nection therewith, Calvin M. Aruer, Esq.,
of Tionesta, desires to take the public
into his confidence and give full publicity
to tbe following document, now of record
in the office of the Recorder of Forest
county. It will be noted that tbe instru
ment ia witnessed by Hon. Samuel D.
Irwin, who says tbat be signed bis name
at the request of Mr. Collins. Also that
tbe document is acknowledged before
Mr. J, C. Geist, wbo was then Recorder
of Forest county:
T. D. Collins to C. M. Arner, Agreement,
Dated March 10, 1911. Recorded April
l.", 1914.
For a valuable consideration paid, and
tbe further sum of one dollar, receipt of
which is beretiy acknowledged, I, 1. D,
Collius, of Nebraska, Forest County,
Pennsylvania, party of the first part,
bave sold to C. M. Arner, of Tionesta,
Forest Countv. Pennsylvania, party of
the second part, the one-thirty-second
part or Interest or, In ana to all me lim
ber, growing, standing, or down, on the
land I now own Individually or in part
to-wit: Beginning on a line running
north and south through Newtown Mills,
Forest County, Pennsylvania, operated
and Known as the Salmon Creek Lu inter
Company's Mills,
It la understood that this sale shall not
change the wordiug of any contract I
may bave wilb any other person or per
sons, but shall be the oue-tbirty-secuud
part or my profits on said timber wueu
It has been manufactured and sold.
Tbis Bale is to continue and il is further
understood .that the parly of tbe second
part cauuot sell or assign tbis or any
part of said timber, but shall receive for
himself, bia beirs, at the end of each
year, or whenever settlement is made,
tbe one-tbirty-second part of the prollts
due me from the sale of said timber,
when manufactured and sold. Not to
exceed $.') 50 M. feet stuuipsge.
To bave and to hold the one-thirty-second
part or interest as above men
tioned. Witness my band and seal on this the
101b day of March, A. 1. 1911.
T. I. Coli.inh. Seal.
Witness: Samuel I). Ikwin.
Slate of Pennsylvania, ) BH
County of Korest, f '
Personally appeared before me, J. C.
Geist, Recorder of Deeds, the ubne
named T. D. Collins, aud in due form of
law acknowledged (lie above conveyance
lo he bis free act and deed aud desired the
same to be recorded as such.
Witness my hsud aud seal the day and
year above stated.
J. C. Heist, Recorder.
Recorded April 15, 1914.
S. R. Maxwell, Recorder
Recorded in Lease aud Agreement
Book No. 3, at paue 32.
Certified from the Records.
8. R. Maxwell, Recorder.
Mr, Arner desires further to state, al
though it bas no connection whatever
with the case, that when he met with the
deplorable accident wbicb caused bim
great distress and suffering, slid finally
the loss of bis leg, Feb. 9, 1881. be was
not in the employ of Mr, Collins, but was
living on bis farm on Whig Hill, and
bad gnno to the woods to work for tbe
late Wm. Tobey, jobber for tbe firm of
Wheeler & Dusenbury, Some time after
bis recovery Mr. Arner was appointed
postmaster of Tionesta aud moved bis
family to tbis place, retaining tbe office
for five years. After bis retirement he
was elected protlionoiary of the county,
which office be beld for three successive
terms. At tbe expiration of li s last term
be established a real estate and Insurance
office, In which business he has been sue
cesslul. In all these years Mr. Arner
bas "padd led his own canoe" very suc
cessfully, and although handicapped by
the loss of bis leg, he bas, by close atten
tion to business and careful management,
been able to live comfortably and keep
the wolf Irom the door quite handily.
As to tbe settlement of his affairs with
the Collins eilate he anticipates no
trouble. His reason for nut filing the
agreement earlier was on account of the
request of Mr. Collins tbat it be withheld
from the records until after his death,
for reasons best known to himself.
Teachers' Examinations.
The examination for Provisional (Yr
tificates will include spelling, reading,
writing, physiology and hvglene, geogra
phy, English grammar, arithmetic, ele
mentary algebra, history of the United
States and of Pennsylvania, civil govern
ment Including state and local govern
ment, agriculture, school management
and methods of teaching. The examlus
tion in school insnsgement will be baaed
on Seely's School Management (Hinds,
Noble A EldreilLe, Philadelphia.)
(1) Eighteen years of age at the time
ol the examination,
(2) A health certificate.
(3) A resident ot Forest county or
having taught in Forest county, or pre
senting a written request, to be exam
ined, from a member ot a school board in
Forest county.
(4) To have studied Seeley's School
The dates for the examinations will be
announced the (list week of June,
An examination for Professional Cer
tificates will be held in August on a date
to suit the candidates. It is advisable for
candidates lor Professional Certiticates to
enter the examination for Provisional
Certificates in mder to have a valid Pro
visional Certificate on which to be elected.
The candidates will confer with the
County Superintendent then In reference
to additional branches aud the work re
quired on pedagogy,
J. O. Carhov,
Superintendent of Schools,
May 12, 1911.
Notice To Teachers.
Tbe board of directors of the Kingsley
township school district will meet at
Kellettville, Pa , Saturday, May 10, 1911,
at 9:00 a. in., for the purpose of electing
teachers for Ilia ensuing school yeai.
Candidates should forward their appli
cations and credentials to the under
signed, at Kellettville, prior to that date.
Leon Watson,
2t. adv. Secretary,
Chamberlain's Liniment.
This preparation is intended especially
for rheumatis o, lame hack, sprains and
like ailments. It is a favorite with people
who are well acquainted with its p!nudid
qiislities, Mrs. Charles Tanner, Wabash,
Inil., ssys of it, "1 have found C'hamli-r-Ihiii's
Liniment Die best thing lor lame
hack and sprains 1 have evr usd. Il
works like a charrn ami relieves pain and
soreness. It lias been used by others ol
my family as well a- mvse f for upward
ot twenty year " 2.) and 60 cent billies
Fur sale by. all dusleis.
Nothing that you can place in your
home will give greater pleasure and sat
isfaction to yourself and children.
It is pleasure and profit, and an edu
cation along many lines, therefore is not
a luxury.
We are ready to sell you any Columbia
Graphophone on monthly payments.
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
How About
That New Rug
Spring is here and now is the time.
We have some
Beautiful Patterns
in Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet and Ax
minster Rugs and the price on them is
Oil Cloth,
Porch Rugs.
We have anything you may want in
the way of Floor Covering.
Come in before you buy your Rug and
let us show them and tell you the price.
Plow to a
Hand Cultivator
Heavy and Shelf
We Sell Clotlicraft Clothes.
In line with ourpolicy of giving you the best clothing val
ues that can be had, we are showing a line of beautiful patterns
in these celebrated suits for men and young men.
The Scientific Tailoring of Clothcraft Clothes give them a
fit and finish that no other clothes are able to duplicate at the
prices. The materials are all-wool and extra fine.
Ask to see the No. 5130 151ue Serge Special at $15.00
the most famous suit of clothes ever manufactured. It is one of
the many Clothcraft garments that we are showing up to $20.00
that you've probably read about in the Saturday Evening Tost.
Young Men's Norfolk Suits,
Special $12.50.
Values up to $20.00.
We have left a limited number of these suits, in newest
styles and patterns.
Come early today, young man, and make sure of getting
an up-to-date Norfolk Suit at a worth while saving.
uxZZZf fgF- PR
41 SENf 'A ST
The Newest
for street dress and formal
wear. Bargains for this
week only.
From 50c to $35.
Newest importations.
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa.
Just from the makers, four of the
newest creations in footwear.
Bronze kid, Colonial and Spanish heel
$6.00 pair.
Patent Colt Boot, silk brocade top, new
toe and heel,
$6.00 pair.
Patent "Cleopatra" leather, Louis heel,
brocade quarter,
$5.00 pair.
Patent vamp, black cloth, gaiter quar
ter with cut steel side ornament, turn
$5.00 pair.
Smart Fifth Avenue New York style
radiate from every trim line of these
natty shoes.
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Let us supply you with the new tools you'll be wanting
this Spring and Summer. We've anticipated your needs
and have the goods and utensils to fill the bill. Any
thing from a
is to be found in our well selected stock. And then we
have the best variety and the surest grower in the line
Yes, we have that, too, and in the best quality of goods.
It is a well established fact that our hooks, lines and
rods catch and hold them when all others fail.
Let us furnish your
Goods. You'll find the prices are right.
Sizes 33 to 38
ice clotHTer