The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 13, 1914, Image 2

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Iiitoi Paosanrro.
1914 MAY 1914 1
S ' M T ' W ' T i F S t
We ar aotbirixAl to sockidi- Hob.
Jnaiah Howard of Kai porto ai, Camroa
couolv, as a randda'e tar Slats Soa:s Vt
lb d:b distrirt eotr prisicc tb count,
C'airoo, t"iroo, C:idub, E.a ad 'r
ti, sufiwt to lb diK f im Ra.
pobitrmn mters si tbe primary t'eruoo,
May 1. K'14.
Ed. RsrrBLic:-At tb nrtsi sv
lier Alton of fns-cda tbrourboul lb
county. I data eooAote3 lo acaib t
nndiaa'.e fc-r tb K-pub.tco nnmitt
lion for AsMXb y f'tn Forest Cvbdiv at
Ibe Primaries, May 1. !:.
A. R Metbumo.
ClariDctoo, Pa.. March SI, 1W4.
- i
asedte? i
Wbt don't U bk! .Alora
Ha tby a.o ncftt it
waiucg ternf
w atfal
Is ibe asasliae. t:
in fu:l fort aod v-.rro. lbs Bxi s Yi. a
kf ntbt oa t-arsiec e ::, n.liic is
I) ""!.!, dMro5:t( f rc-f-tr-.T Ai i rsrs-
10libcrtU7 tK t. He asi t. i
td of retl on: si e9 u u '
o!t ocas tbsi ar r-t:jtf aiy fsa ctt of!
tb Mexicaa easbcc.n.
Tbi ;-ricj prnMMTrt- tak p'.ac aext
TaeaiaT, lb po.. text c r from 7r't
a. as. to 7 p. a. Eery rc-see avw.d tan
oot and cat h tw.Ot for tb can j da 'j
of t cr okce. Tner wul b pct7 of
eaxtea lo ee ert from, do oVxibt, oa all lb
ticket. Epec.a :y tb: lb cavaeoa th
'a:e cabd;da:ea, a.iboccb tber are few
w bo coo.d Bam tb aa.f Ibat arc ia lb
raacicf. Tt w,.l b lb ecoB4 aute
wlde primary to be beid under tb eew
law, and lb rt of a atnct.y parti
aad etiaraAer, lb primari laat fall t
iox confined to in ae.ectjoa of Superior
court j-dce co a Doo-partua.n ballot.
Whether tb outcome will be more aatia
fadory lhao by. the eooveotioo ayatem re
main to t a and iaaeriootiy doobted
Nereribelea lb ere a boo id be a tall torn
oat of tbae entil ed to ot. Any quali
fied elector can vote a non-partiaan ballot,
forjudge, wbetbei eoroiied oi oot, bat
in order lo fole for prty eaudidatea tb
elector moat bar been enrolled in lb
pariy woo oaiioi ne cana tor.
Holdirg Cp Highway Department.
There 1 boand lo be a deiog of protwl
ever tb condition of tb bigbwaya
mrooiboot in atat Ibia year and it ia
only fair to tb people tbat Ibey abooid
know tb circuojatasces, aayi tbe Harria-
burg Telegraph. It waa clearly onder-
atood at tbe la aeKo of ibe legislaiarc
tbat lb revenue from aolomobu licen
aea, amoonting now to about a million
dollar, abould be uaed for the recon-
airucuon and maintenance of tb public
bigbwaya onder tbe jurisdiction o tb
commonwealth. No on expected when
tbe bill wae paaaed after tbe previooacrn
troveriy tbat tber would be tbe litbtt
question aa to tbe availaUlity of tb
fonds for tbe purpoae covered by tbe act.
Highway Cominiaaioner Bigelow and bia
entir depirtmeot figured confidently up
on active operationa tbia year aod ar
rangemeata were mad accordingly.
Suddenly, however. Auditor General
Powell raised a question a to bi rigbt to
issue voucher oo tbia account, holding
that nnder tbe specific appropriation act
beoouldnot make tbe payments. Hi
position was declared tc be untenable by
tbe attorney general sod thus tbe contro
versy baa proceeded with no solution of
tbe pioble-n.
As a last reeort Attorney General Bell
sought with a writ of mandamus lo com
pel tbe auditor general and state treason r
to honor warrants drawn npon tbe auto
license fad to cover tbe coat of highway
repairs. Aoditor General Powell aked
for further postponement, but this was de
Died by the Iaupbin county court and
the whole matter baa now been aet fur
trial next Monday, when it is hoped there
will be a final decisinn of tbe qaestion.
It has been ebsrged sgsinsl Aoditor
General Powell that be bss reeorted to
technicalities in an effort to prolong the
controversy and avoid paying out the
money which tbe legislature manifestly
intended for tbe us ol tbe highway de
partment. He comes back with tbe ex
planation tbat b has been exercising only
tbe ordiosry precaution of sn official
charged with reeponsibleduiies. Attorney
General Bell charged in tbeargument last
Friday Ibat tbe auditor general bad re
torted to petti fcggiog and technicalities
and tbat there bad been constsot trifling
with this question, which involves tb in
ternets of so msoy if ibe people of tbe
It is too bsd tbst tbe political atmos
phere bss been permitted to obscure tbe
more important features of highway im
provement in Pennaylvania. Almost
from the begioning the opponents of tbe
state administration bare in every way
thrown barriers in tbe path of the work
which tbe people are demaoding shall be
done. It would seem tbat under all tbe
conditions snd without any reference to
politics sll cfbcisls would Hand united In
a proper presentation of tbe whole matter
to tbe courta that Ibe question io dispute
might be determined once aod for all. It
ought to bare been possible lo rescb an
sijodicaiion of tbe mstters involved be
fore tbe opening of spring and it is re
grettsble tbst we sre now in Ibe midt of
the season of outdoor work with tbe whole
sutject still up in tbe sir.
H :gbwsy Commisioner Billow is tied
bsnd snd foot by tbe legsl technicalities
tbst bate been raised and without funds
be is unsbie to go ahead with tbe con
struction of roadwsys which hate been
taken over by tbe state, aod has not even
enough to repair those for which tbe com
monweslth is now responsible. I'nle-t
somelhicg absll soon be done tbe high
ways of 1 ennylvania before the summer
is over will be a joke and a byword, bull
It is not fair to place tbia lesponsibility no
Ibe bead of tbe department charged with
tbe ujaiuteuatos aud repair of tbe roads.
It oo lb other bAO J, ibe lsrtlatorw baa
rsueiswa id 3rafiicc lb act acitiDi
aKJ tb fuod lor lb ir.siolocce and
repair of bicbwsrs so tbat lbs aoditor
KfCHtl U Bill (!(' u to bis duty, tbeo
tb rmpnaaitxiiiy oodrr a pmper dsc.aioo
ix itx eoaru abound t placed where II
be! o(t.
Ia Abort, there sboold be a eiearioc ol
ibe a:r ao lb a( U people will oot t
toe:ct at u what lb troabi I a.i
about. Ml wiil bar a clear goderstaod
log of lb whole aitoalioa from tajiomog
to end.
Aody Cook, who Kr is pes lev year
has liTeJ io Carton, baa moreJ b
family Nack lo low o. We ar glad to
bar ibetn la oar onaiasaeity.
J. a fejoram u a C.srion vaitor last
Mm Leoca Cook tpeot last week with
fneoda lo Carlos.
A local coapany drilled ia a to ft
e.l oo lb Cusx-ua farai balurday. Jt
will prod ace about tbre boodred tboos
aod feet per day.
' t '
A rsmtr of oar pe-p!e '.' Jed tbe
icecream aorca! at IVuc a Moore a, at
U xie. ri ,e. Saiarday efeciEf.
J. C. CbitiAier. bo La ueeo etE f-'tyed
a operintendecl of a kanr nai l f r A.
0. Nedl A Co.. at May. Km Vir o:A.
returned lo bit hoo nar here reoeotiy.
Mra. A. J. Cook ca lb tKk liai at
Mm NaiIoo. bo ia espkyol at
aurae bere. ia a(tid.t a (ear u at ber
ba-. I a ReooTO.
Mra. W u.-as Iraria aa Ukea to tie
Ka boapilai. ModAT.
V are g ad to aay teat Mr. Fraa Fui
mer, bo baa bee x - xd lime,
mrronec rapid. y.
Nna HiifHtr of Crown baa beta
w :c. ib oar leva tbe pat et.
Mr. Jot. acrierialeaoecl of tb Atn-
arjoa Lea of ui 0a'ci. iie a I
ry ni.t adlrewa id tb M. E
cturrtt at Greee atooI. Sacdiy mcva.AAT.
Pbeoa Mt Mrt baa re; arced troa
Ease, br t apest a lew- caya t
iar aer pareo-.
A. W. Ovt Aod faan:y bar leceroed
Dv-sb to epeavl ib aaasoer.
oim o: or ytf pec-p ;t Hot
be arL-e I te.n. ().;e fr-eLT. it aeema a if
Uere at -x aurarK.
Aaca Ht.:t ct fio 'rje m espiorej
at u boar, of P-rrt M a: 6f b.
Lcaia Coc A acoded cearcA a. Ssxrb
1. Sirdar.
Abirew Cjf4
baa pu ret ai a sj
Asrsata Cock
w b- baa tee in ll i
bwe lb rx ainur, bs gec twk
lo I
h ia farm sc-d it bctt cc w rxwed.
Lewr-fr Kitst, w t-a tM beee ia tbe
up? of tre Pecov:vacia Railroad
craspacy for u i year, al Oi. City, as
speodir g a vacsooo witk fcis pareoM at
it p.a-e.
JecBi Phillip, wbo La beeo ill for
lb past Boatb. ts iaaprov:ng sicwly.
Mocbrsia be ta.-e within tbe past
few data, making it somewhat dieagree
sb for travel. rcis'1y Ut ibose wbo
gi by toe soio rout. Bat spparectly s.l
g: IB. a.lbocgb 'he ra.oy oats are
dresTT 01 Uouea.
J. E. Paul waa a beSe.d shopper
M ass Emma Rudolph of Newtown was
calling oo triends io town a few davs last
A pretty liuie daughter was welcomed
at tbe bome of sir. aod Mrs. George Zu
ber Sunday a week.
barsh McManig.e, wbo has resided at
BrookTiile in recent years, bas retorced
to this place.
G. F. M alter attended a school meet
ing at Kel.eUviUe M ndsy, and on the
day following be and Prof. Terrill were
boine visitors io Tiooest.
Mra. L. Liitiefild and children visited
with relative al Porkey a dsy isst week.
Oliver Mealy and Mra. Scott of Frank
lin, with former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Mealy of Beaver Va.ley. visited
with the Wm. Deshner family Wednes
day. Geo. Kliueaniver, Ir. Detar and W. F.
Jones of Keilettville, were io Maybarg
a day lat week looaing orer school prop
erly. Selle Zuber was tbe guest of Margaret
Framptoo at Kueville, Pa., lat week.
Misa Delia Ck, wbo baa been a stu
dent in tbe Tiooeeia bub school lor some
time, is bome lor the summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewings of Warren were
guests of Mr. snd Mrs. George Zjoer a
few days last week.
Rev. John Kifer of Beaver Valley call
ed oo relative aod friends bere Thurs
day. He exptets to leave soon to tske np
mioitterial work in another locslitv.
Adeaea sbepard was a Keilettville visit
or i borsdsr.
Ms. Sayder of Cooksborg wst a gue-it
or Mrs. Thomas Knight Thursday after
noon. Mrs. Cora Walters of Locinda ia visit
ing ber cousin, Mrs. Frank Miller.
Mrs. Geo. Sbepsrd, daughter Opal, and
Anna Sbepard were guest of Beaver
Valley friends a part ol lil week.
Aims Msltbewsof Keilettville was tbe
guest of Adaiioe Campbell ibe last the
Misses Mabel Sbepard and Lena Cook,
of Keilettville, visited with ibe former's
psreots bere. Mr. snd Mra. Wm. Sbepard.
Friday and Saturday.
Abner and Cbaries booichl, of St.
Marys, were calling oo old friend bere
one day Isst week.
Mr. Christina Gregory, son Thomss,
and Vincent Gregory were Wsrren shop
pers Thursday.
Misa Henrietta Kifer of Keilettville was
tbe guest of reisiive ber over Sunday.
Mrs. Victor Carlson and two children,
of Phelps, were dinner guests al the home
of L. W. Ueodrickson Saturday.
Mrs F. J. Krankiog and daughter
F.J uh were Keilettville visitors SaturdAy.
A farewell partv was given at tbe home
of Mr. and Mra. E. L. Campbell Saturday
evening in honor of Miss Alms Matthews,
wbo departs soon to be with ber parents
at Phoenix, Pa. Tbe evening wss spent
in playing gsmes and nice relresbmen's
were served. It waa an enjoyable event.
Tbe following Mayburg pupils took tbe
examination at Keilettville for entrance
to ine bigh school in the fall: James
Babb, Calvin Van.Marter, Dewey McMar
tln, SUcey Roes, Wiliism Sbepsrd, Ada
Hue Campbell, Haol Burrow, Chloe
Cook and L-tiie Dentin er. All but three
reached Ibe passing mark.
Bessie Litilefield wss tbe guest of ber
brother, Lafayette, tbe pat week.
James and Margaret Babb are visiliug
their brother, Clifford, of Trueinaos for a
few days.
Mrs. Levads Frost, witb ber niece ard
nephew, Ka'.breoe and farm el Walters,
sre visiting with the letter's grandparents,
Mr. and Mra. Wallers, at Lee per.
Mr. Row was appointed night foreman
at tbe Chemical plant.
The following commercial men were at
Ibe Mayburg store within tbe psat week:
Mr. N'ssb, representing Jo. A. Stern A
Co., of Erie, Pa; Mr. Wilson, repres-nt-
Mr. Myers, of the Swan son Grocery Co.,
Kane; Mr. Sullivan of Granger A Co.,
Buffalo; Frank Stone, tbe Specialty To
bacco man.
Rumors of wedding bells in tbe near
100 REWARD, 10O.
The readers of this psper will be
pleased to leai n tbat there ia at leact one
dresied disesvte tbat science bas been I
able to cure in sll its lire, and that is!
Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure is tbe only i
positive care known lo the medical fra- I
lernity. Catarrh being a constitutional !
dieae, requires a constitutional treat- J
menL Hall's Caurrb Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly apon the blood)
and mucous surface of the system, there- j
by detro ing the f.iundation of the di, and givini; the patient strength by
building up the constitution and asit
ing nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that thev otfer One Hundred
i Dullars for any rase "that it fiis to cure.
' Send (or lit of testimonials.
Ad ire, F. J. CH EN EY A CO..
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Dniggists, Tie
Hall's r aiuily 1'iUs are the best.
borne from Weat
Vlrcinia tat wk.
MiUiiu:e brewer i a'. eoi n;
IDer echo.. I ! K-i t-;;vi..e.
R-'trt Hen je-n Ivme, brin;
fioibe1 a ajonfuI tera uf tcruul ai
bake Oty. io K.k ruaty.
All of uur rb'l d:renor ai'en.lH the
cooreotko at Ti oeta on May j'.b to
eiert a C"on! eat-enu'endeni.
K. A. H 1 acd K. M. Breobercan were
io Tiooeeia iai week.
Bota of oor SudJat acio-! tMrreJ
M -bn' fay.
Tb r'or't Coonty Stbta!b Sobiol
CooreBUoo wi.t t be:d bere oa J aoe 2 i
and i-i.
Tim Coon cane borne from M i'.I Creek
wi'h a Tery ar band tut t iitipmeiBz.
Farmiiic and cardeo tnakic ia at a
aUadli'i ct account ol too morb lA.o.
T. B. 0borD. a ftiroier resident, au ia
Uw0 )at week.
E- E Heathy epeod rc a few day
al bome.
Mr. UeA ey t Tiii:r ter cr,:;jren,
haeir.c pet ib wioier (tear E"(teTor.
W.J. .rar aod Uii.i of Pr..tu'(tb
are Tii:x frx-cd bere.
H. Herdftoo A S-a tare ror
cbaed aa auim 'tie to carry pao-et-cera
to aod fran Krrokri:.
Tba Ga.tra.tb Bn1 ol Br.kTi!'e wii"
ii aa it:i'n.tiii te. ;h 1. E
cbarrb oa Salur lay o cbt. May 16 B.
Trr-p S U"b1 Tcrccjl VS -"CC k.
Tea Kiird frf .t rs vtn
wreck4 tn tie Eu.::?r t-1 Ol;
rO.iid at ri5..-3. r. Net o! t.t
c."t wis iij-urei. A trin.p if s".?
Irg ia ia ;:y cir tLe Xn:n tz.i
d;i EM tiow ti u-i-.a hii be-rr
B 3 Gat Mel Struck.
A CIS w;:i a :::t c
f. :.
fri U-H ii f.ra.k ca tie T. K Sr:;
1T3 tlrw ci.i Jrca F.:ifwy. Ta j
Ti ('.'-'- - f txs jrxffC'ri Iz tie fAr J !
ctly a !fi is ye"- S:c: (
tirowa tX'tf .irrit '.r ti-r liia tit
Ncx j teret-v g ven a r-:::-c
fes bee .ei w,:a is B -d of iUtr.e j
lox-.-eeca o: is .: vi rftctri- (
vasia. -i:rj list F--r eonly I
to It l:s::fi of e k or ijeer ir a
W. D. Shle: If cail
peri of st tr. ij tbat a ber:r g 1 J- E '"n MdaS-er. ib-.erroarried witb
w;.i be had c;1am 1 pH;iii I v tb a d ' 1 n M-VsSrer. Mtet.9 Gi.heao. mter
Brd. if r-;6ird.a: r.s ct,- in Harris- Jisrr:e.J wi-.nti H o.l::r.An. Alice Fi'i
tore. Fa . M Biav. Juts' 1 1-14 w here '
scl wbea a 1 in i:wa! sty al
ien d if tbey pror.
K. J. HcKlss. Scr:arv.
Charter 3Totire.
N.tce i berey given that an applica
tion wi.l be tnaie lo Ibe Governor of tb
s.A'e of Per.n-t raL , on Fri iav, Jon
5. 114. by D B. Saje.aa. T. J Reycer
and W. H. Pnkec. unier tb? Act of
Assembly of the Comuonweatb of
Pennsylvania, enti'.le-l -Ao A'-4 lo pro
side for tb locrp'.rti"0 and Regula
tion of Certa-n C'rporation," approved
April 21'. lsT4. and ibe suppleruenW
thereto, for tbe charter of an intend' d
corporation tooecai ed MARIENVILLE
GLASS COMPANY, toe character and
or-.ieet of wbicb is "msnu.'sclurirjg and
seeing glasa bottie," snd for this pur
pose to have, possess snd enjiy sli tbe
rights, benehts sni pnvi.e2eof the said
Act of Assembly snd r.s supplements.
M. a' Carri'jEr, s .licitor.
List of causes set dow n for trial in the'
Court of Common Pieas of Forest County, j
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Third Monday of May, 1M4:
I. Lewis K. BrtnDan v. T. D. Collins,
F. X. Kreuir, F. K. Brown. No. 5,
September term, H'lJ. Summons in
2 Alfred Sperrv, surviving partner of
J. R- tgood A Company va. J. l. W i e,
No. 8. Novemt-er terio, 1913. Summons
In assumpsit.
3. F. R. Lanson vs. Flora Landers,
EUa Wa.lers, Euret'a Sproull. No. .
September term, 1M3. Summons in
4. Warren Carll vs. F rank K. Brown,
No. IS. February term, J '.'14. Summons
in trespass.
5. Lids M. Carnahan vs. George H.
Lriwe. No. 4'i, September term, 1&13.
bummoos in replevin.
6. George H. Lowe vs. James M.
Cwao.No. 7, Msy term, 1914. Appeal
from J. P.
T. Arthur Johnson vs. T. D. Collins.
No. 32, February term, 1914. Summons
io assumpsit.
Attest, S. R. MAXWELL.
Tionest, Pa., April 30, 14.
J. L. Hepler
Fioe carriages for all occasion,
with first class equipment. 'e cao
fit yoo out at any time for either
pleasure or business trip, bd always
at reasoDable rates Prompt service
aod courteous treatmeot.
Com, and see us.
Rear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xn. 20.
, AT 3 ANO O . M. Ooorv OPEN 1 ANO T S. M.
Confirmallon Aotlre.
Noti.e ia berebr riven thai the fillnw.
,n ",",innl Lave ten 6!eJ io my office
uu - in if rwniM at ire Bexi term of
Court, be-nnoinjj. on tbe Third Xiooday
of May. ;i4. fr c-Mifirmannn :
Kioal account of J. C. Bowman, Hoar
dian of MaSl E., Mii ar J W. and Zorab
Var. ierniara. rr. nor cbiidreo of Si as COD
Vandertuaik. dread. acMoiit of L. C. Auatin. Goar
d'ao of JhD D. Aot.iD, miser child of
W. J. Aaatio, late ol iecka towoabip,
Free4 county. deceaed.
Firt ard fical a-vtant of Jame G.
CarwnandC. A. Kaa lA.t. Execs tor of
tee eattaie of Wi..'iam Hood, late of Tio
oeeta towtabip, fret coonlr. rtcewel.
Clerk of Orpbaoi Court.
TVneiHa. Pa. Apru J9. tv:.
Wberea. Tbe Hon. W. P. Hinckler.
Presi Jert Juii of ;h Oart of t"nsrDow
Pnes and viarr SnsBs in and f.-r
lle county ; Foivst, ba Ixsnoi b: pre-oef-t
for !'. j.nj a Curl of Common Pi,
vjuAer Ss...n "f tie Peace, Orphan'
tVvin. veraod Termicer aod Geoeral
J a:1 r-e::Terr, a: Txqc. fvr U of Forest, to comoierice on
tne Th-rd Moodsr of Mar, beicjt
la 1 b dAT of May. 1914. No
tice iberv:'.r mm to th Cor
oner. Jau,x of si Peace and Coo
wbl of sa d county, thai tfcey be then
Ars i there ta the:r prper persona ai ten
oVUv-k A l r.l l .ftv wtTh twur
jreco.-is in -o.ti-T.. CTti :riA:!.n. and
i ocber irarfn. I rni-es, to c thvs liimcs
' w t;.-h to their o:?.oe a M.Ttn to be done,
1 And to i.W w b.' Are l.n ! in red icnirAnce
, to pri-nie aA-ni ti e fn er thai are
o.rsi.A.1 1 :n tae; A.1 of Forest County, thAi
I ey may l lien rj Uiere to f rrcooie
j aca-s :ieni a fchali t;ust. Oireu un-
rT tr r t A3 i ani al Lii 3 b dar of
; Afrii.'A. I'. 1.-.4
I W. H. HCOD. It.,: Sheriff.
So. 2. May Te.-m. 11J
Fo:et Cocn y Crn-.oco Psea. Siulrg
io Eja::y.
MArjon L Gerw, P!in:;ff,
KA-hArine Ffifer d. wklow, Jobn C.
V :iir. 1. Vatv J. Mantes., ic'.erooar.
rvi wua Cbar.e K SI it AcnS
MarJ.-wk. in:e.-a.-r:ed with Wi.ias
Marl.--k, ls S ct-sn. intern) arrie-J
wv.b Vse'tine S (its. Heorv Kiiner-
J- H 5naS r A5y. ir'errrsrneJ with
Jcbo Fsrev. beirs ai law of James Fi'i
cera d. a1 C, tbe followicg mioors,
cbiidreo of E..-o Md'arey, now de
d. Tbaa McC2rey," Mary Mc
C2ry. and tbe lo.iowirg minors, rbil
dren of Macgie Giltican. now decewsed,
Agr.e Gi.tiriAn. Toomil n ilium GilH
nan, Eefeodao'a..
To toe above camel. Plaintiff aod De
fenlanta: Notice is hereby given, tbst I a Mas
ter appointed by decree of tne honorable
court on February ln-.b. I'.14. lo divide
and parti ion tbe land dra-ribed in the
p.aintiS's bill and to make appraisement
thereof, did go upon ibe said land and
view tbe same on April 1Mb. 1914. and I
do berery give notice tbst I could not
divide tbe said land without prejudice to
or apii ing ibe sime io tbe proportion or
parts a the parties were entitled lo, and
I d.d on said da'e, April lSb, l'.'U, value
and appraise the said land al ibe price
or su'ji of Sixteen Hunrded aod Fittv
You are hereby notified and I hereby
enter a rule npon yoo to accept or refuse
tbe same at ibe appraisement by either
notice to me or bv sealed bids on or bs-
June 1Mb, l'.'U. said bids to be band-
to me r mailed to my address at
Tionesta, Pennsrlvsnia
A. C. BROWN, Ej ,
I Fruil Slore
H. I. Cohen, Proprietor.
: Always Ready :
To supply your wants ia knythiflg
in the
No such stock ever kept in Tio
nesta before.
Our reputation already extends
to all parts of the County, and all
because we keep the Freshest,
the Largest and the Best stock.
Come and See.
Yon are bound to be more
than pleased.
Two Doors Above Hotel Wea
ver, Tionesta.
MAY 18
WILD WEST Features
: Shoes & Oxfords I
The new English Lasts in Tan
and Gun Me til, M-00.
Other Dress Shoes,
ti50, W.00, eS 5C
Tor a Torpid LiTer.
I bare used Cbsoaberlsin's Tsb'.etsrff
and oa for tbe pt six years w beoerer
my liver ah 3 ws signs of being la a dis
ordered condition. Tbey have always
acted quickly and givea me tbe deMred
relief," writes Mr. F. B.Trnbn,Spring
ville, N. Y. For sale by ail dealers.
F. R, Lanson I
Still On Deck.
I Oleoraargarenof
Buster Brown
Setrlj Ererjthln? Toa eed.
At the
Racket Store
Graniteware, Tinware,
Glassware, Chinaware,
Stationery, Hosiery,
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
mm mi
Everybody Is Buying Their New Spring Suits Here
Men's Suits
Nobby and stylish Men and Toung Men's New
Spring Suits in all the latest novelties, including blue
serge and brown or blue fancy worsteds.
$20.00 to $25.00 Suits at $14.50
$16.50 to $20.00 Suits at $11.98
$13.60 to $16.50 Suits at $9.98
Women's Suits
All the latest shades, including tango, Copenhagen,
royal, navy, tan and stylish plain and fancy suits, latest
and most exquisite novelties in wanted slyles.
$20.00 to $30.C0 ladies' Suits at $14 50
$14.50 to $18.00 Ladies' Suits at $9.98
$10.00 to $15.00 Junior Suits at $7.98
New Coats
Latest novelties in new and stylish spring coats
$4.98, $5.98, $7.98
Monarch Clothing Company,
.tfiriTUli; 1
lite & s t if loy
Having a bank account and constantly adding to it is the
one sure way to make life a success. We offer to those who
are not yet banking with us the services and safety of our
bank. Whether or not you are yet banking with us, feel free
to come and consult us about any investments you are figur
ing cn. Without charge we shall cheerfully give you our
Do roar banking with ns. A s-.q-m pOTif
We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, JCl VCllUe
Forest County NaaionaJ Bank
The Studebe.ker
erate Price.
Four and Six Cylinder Cars.
The Sedan,
The Landau Roadster,
and the
Studebaker Delivery Car.
Fully Equipped, Best Material,
Studebaker Car.
Address, J TJT REIGEL,
Agent for Forest County,
Marienville, Pa.'
Call over the Fanners' Telephone, Leeper Central. Either will bring a
prompt response.
Don't buy till you have seen the Studebaker.
; Paper Towel Rolls
1800 Towels, 12 Rolls
with White Enamfled
Towel Rack, 4.00.
Ellsworth H. Hults, Jr.,
Subscribe for the Republican This
Year. $1. All the News.
and Handsomest in Finish, that's the
Paper Drinking Cups
1000 Cups for $2.75
Automatic Holders
Leased for $2.00.
25 N-Siith St., Phila., Pa.
Stylish Dresses
All late and novel materials in fine high class dress
es. Most exquisite styles. These dresses are wonder
ful values and wonderful beauties.
$20.00 Dresses sold at $9.98
$14.50 Dresses sold at $7.98
$12.00 Dresses sold at $5.98
$10.00 Dresses sold at $4.98
$ 5.00 Dresses sold at $2.98
$ 3.00 Dresses sold at $1.98
$ 1.50 Dresses sold at 98c
$ 1.25 House Dresses sold at. 98c
Girls' Dresses
Largest and best assortment of Girls' White and
Colored Dresses in Oil City,
49c, 98c, $1.98
Men's Hats
$3.00 Hats $150
$2.00 Hats $1.00
New Straw Hats now ready.
Oil City, Pa.