RATES Or ADVEfti. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. One Square, one ineb, one week... One Square, one lnob, one month- S GJ n r, I L. n . I. C AA Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offioe in Smearbangh & Wenk Building, BLM BTBEBT, TIONESTA, FA, PUBL yjuo oqnart), uue iuuu, o iuuuumhk. v w One Square, one Inch, one year .. 10 10 Two Squares, one year 16 00 Quarter Column, one year SO 00 Half Column, one year - 60 00 One Column, one year - 100 00 Legal advertisements ten oenta per line each insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash on delivery. i Terse, 1.00 A Year, Strictly la AJvum. Entered second-class matter at the pout-office at Tlonesta. No subscription received for shorter period tban three months. Correspondence solicited, but no notice will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Always kI ve your name, VOL. XLVII. NO. 12. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1914. $1.00 PER ANNUM. TV ES ICAN BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. 8. D. Irwin. Justices of the react O. A. Randall, D. W. Clark. Oouneilmen. J. W, Landers, Q, B. Rob inson, R. J. Hopkins, O. K. Watson, U. W. Holeman, J. II. Mune, Charles Clark. Oanxtablej. L. Zuver. Collector W. H. Hood. School Directors W . O. Imel, J. R. Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jamleson, D. II. Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress W. J. Hullngs, Member of Senate 3. 1C. P. Hall, Assembly K, R. Meohllng. President Judge W. D. Hinckley. Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. Prothonotary, Register i Recorder, t. -8. R. Maxwell. Sheriff Wm. H. Hood. Treasurer W. H. Brar.ee. Commissioners -Win, H. Harrison, J. C. Soowden, II. U. MoClellan. District Attorney-M. A. Carrlnger. Jury Commissioners-J. B. Eden, A.M. Moore. Coroner Dr. M. O Kerr. Countv Auditor George H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields. County Surveyor Hoy 8. Braden. County Superintendent J. O. Carson. Kesulnr Terns mt Crt. Third Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Third Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meetings of County Commis sioners lnt and 8d Tuesdays of month. Ckarefc mui Mabkalh Kebl. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey. Preaoblug In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. M. E. Wolcott, Pastor. , Preaching in the Presbyterian church every Sabbath at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. U.A.Bailey, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TM .N EST A LODGE, No. 369, 1. 0.O. F. 1 Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 Q. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after noon of each month at 3 o'clock. CAVT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month. F. RITCHEY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Tlonesta, Pa. MA. CARRIU0ER, Z ; . Attnrnnv and Counsellor-St-LaW, OUlee over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. SHAWREY, ATTORN EY-AT- LAW, Warren, Pa Practice in Forest Co. AO BROWN. ATTORNKY.AT-LAW Offloein Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sts., Tlonesta, fa. FRANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. 8 Rooms over Citizens Nat. Rank, I ION EST A, PA, DR. F. J. BOVARD, PhtraliilHn A HnrirHOn. TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. 8IGGINS. Phvs o an and NurMfcr OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, H. E. PIERCE. Proprietor Modern and up-to-date in all Its ap pointments. Kvery convenience aim oomfort provided for tbe traveling puouo riRNTRAt. HOUSE. L R. A. FULTON, Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This 1b the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the mnAam ImnrnvAniAllta. Nn ntiillS Will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for tne traveling puuno. DHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm Btreet. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfeot satlHlactlou. rrompt atlen tion given to mending, and prices rea lonable. successfully used tor .years- 4246 Fifth AvE.Pittsburgh,Pa. CHICHESTER S PILLS W.-. VllK 1MAMONH IIUAMI. a llIATiifi Itll VVla IMI.l H fntUAi yean known a Bcrt,Sflfet,AlwvReliallt SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Promptly olitmnrd, or PEC HETURNI 10 YEARS' (XPERIINCI. Our CHAROtt ARl THC LOWEST. Send luudul, photo or tckelfh for eipert on-h and true rurt on patentability. INFRINGEMENT nulUl eoluliiclwi la-fore all pourta, 1'ivU'nt obtained tlirnnirh M. AOVCR TISED and SOLD, fn-e. TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS and COPYRIGHTS qukklr obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . (urea Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. I I W lit-rlitw-trr's IHumonu TlrunjXA IMIlii in Kctl Mil iinld nmlllcV hoirs, fak-l with 11 "O Rtl'Um. V Tuke nn other, ltuy of your " lhi.n. At,L- fur f'li l. llV-TFn ft NATION HONORS VERA CRUZ DEAD Tribute Paid to Valor of Heroes in New York MOURNERS CROWD STREETS New York Looks on In Sorrow at Caissons Carrying Victims of Mex ico Occupation Rumble in Streets. The bodies of the seventeen Ameri can bluejackets and marines ...slain , during, the occupation' of Vera 'Cru each in a flag enwrapped coffin carried) on a gun caisson, were borne from the Battery to the Brooklyn navy yard in New York Monday. j The cortege passed through streets . lined with sorrowful and bare headed crowds, gathered to pay silent tribute to the valor of the men who had given their lives for their country' flag. The bodies were taken ashore in the morning from the cruiser Montaua which brought them from Vera Cruz. The coflins were at once placed on caissons and the funeral cortege moved from the battery to the Brook lyn navy yard. Detachments of bluejackets and ma rines from the Montana and the bat tleships Wyoming and Texas, G. A. R. veterans, the New York naval militia, Spanish war veterans and numerous civilian bodies had places in the line which escorted the bodies. At the City Hall plaza the funeral procession halted while massed school children chanted hymns in honor of the Vera Cruz heroes. When the procession stopped at the city hall for five minutes the mayor placed a wreath on the caisson that happened to be opposite to the en trance to the city hall. President Wilson rode in a carriage immediately back of the last caisson. He made the only address at the navy yard service, paying tribute to the valor and sacrifice of the bluejackets and marines. He said in part: "The feeling that is uppermost Is one of profound grief that these lads should have had to go to their death. But yet I feal a profound pride and envy that they should have been per mitted to do their duty so nobly. "Their duty is not an uncommon thing. Men are performing it in the ordinary walks of life, but what gives these men peculiar distinction is that they did not give their lives for them selves, but gave their lives for us be cause we as a nation called upon them. "Are you sorry for the lads? Are you sorry for the way they will be remembered? I hope to God none of you will Join the list, but if you will you will Join an Immortal company, and whllo there goes out of our hearts an affectionate sympathy for them we know why we do not go away from this occasion with our hearts cast down but with confidence that ull will be worked out. "We have gone down to Mexico to serve mankind if we can find the way. We .don't want to light the Mexicans, we want to serve them. A war of ag gression is not a thing in which it is proud to die.'but a war of service Is a war in which it is a proud thing to die. "War is only a sort of dramatic rep resentation, a symbol of a thousand forms of duty. I never was in battle or under fire, but I fancy it is Just as hard to do your duty when men aro sneering at you, for when they shoot at you they take your natural life and when they sneer at you they wound your heart. "As I think of these spirits that have gone from us I know that the way is clearer for the future, for they have shown us the way." Prayers were said by Chaplain Cas- sard of the Naval Academy, Rabbi Wise of New York and Father Chid wick, the chaplain of the first earlloi .battleship' Maine, concluding the simple service. The national salute was then fired by the navy yard guns. . The secretary of the navy, the sec retary of agriculture, the committee from the 'United States senate an'i from the house of representatives senators and assemblymen from the New York state legislature, officials of the army, navy and affiliated branches of, the , service and dis tingulshed guests followed in car riages Immediately after the caissons, Among those at the navy yard to honor the dead was a representative of Japan, Captain Takeschi, naval at tache at the Japanese embassy. "Memorial ceremonies, not funeral services," was the way Secretary Daniels spoke of the exercises. HUERTA SAYS HE'LL STICK Dictator Hat "Had Ns Thought of Re ilanlna Office." President Huerta told the Mexico City correspondent of the London Dally Mail that he was not going to give up HI position as chief of Mex ico. He said: ;- "I have had no thought of resigning the office which the republic conferred upon me." General Huerta declared that his health was good. In reply to a ques tion as to his sentiments toward Amer icans he said: "The conduct of my government and of the Mexican people toward the Americans who are remaining here during the present conflict is the best auBwer to that question - Will Represent U. S. at - Mediation Conference P. W. LEHMANN. TWO CONFEREES NAMED Lamar and Lehmann to Represent United States Before Mediators. .The United States will be repre sented at the Niagara Falls mediation conference by Supreme Court Justlco Lamar and former Solicitor General Lehmann. Tills government will have only two representatives in spite of the fact that Huerta already has named three to confer with the A. B. C. mediators at the conference beginning May 18. The United States and the de facto government of Mexico will be the only parties to the mediation conference besides the mediators themselves, the Constitutionalists having refused to consider the mediation of their dif ferences with the de facto govern ment. HUERTA'S NOTE CAUSESACTION War Preparations Are Resumed With Great Energy High tension marks the Mexican situation, both on the military and the diplomatic side. The principal developments are: Probable movement of additional troops to Vera Cruz. Further inquiry as to preparedness of state troops for service. Protest by Huerta against alleged violation of armistice by the United States. Chartering of transports for carry ing troops to Mexico. Talk of a flying expedition to Mex ico City in case Huerta regime col lapses. Huerta protested to the mediators that the armistice had been broken and threatened to withdraw from the conferences. This threat caused more than little apprehension in Washing ton. No orders have yet been issued for an aggressive campaign, but the im minence of such a development clearly suggested by the activity. Six new transports were chartered for the purpose of moving two more brigades from Galveston in the event of an emergency. This was announced by Secretary Garrison. Apparently the only way in which the United States can prevent con signments of artillery, guns and am munition from falling into the hands of Huerta will be through seizing them after they are landed or through the good of.ces of the German govern ment itself. It was reported upon excellent au thority that President Wilson has settled upon Associate Justice Lamar of the supreme court and Newton D, Baker, forn.3r mayor of Cleveland, as two of the three mediators who will represent the United States in the forthcoming negotiations at Niagara Falls, Can. It was also reported that the third mediator would be Frederick W. Lehman of St. Louis, who served as solicitor general of the United States under President Taft. A delegation of American refugee from the lampico atstrict in Mexico arrived in Washington with a vigorous protest against the treatment they have received by this government. The refugees saw Secretary Daniels but received very little sympathy from liim. In fact, they were told they ought to be thankful to the Unit ed States instead of uttering com plaints against it. Woodrow Huerta Thompson. Woodrow Huerta Thompson, chap eroned by the stork, made his advent in the tent of D. O. Thompson, a Romany chief, camped with about 150 gypsies in Hays borough, near Pitts burg. "I want him to be a fighting man," said the chief. "I'll Just name him Woodrow Huerta Thompson. Suffragettes Parade In Washington. Several thousand women, from prac tically every state in the Union, pa raded from the White House to the capilol in Washington and presented to members of congress petitions making plain their desire to be given the right to ote. 14TH WEDDING AT WHITE HOUSE Prusident's Ycnngest Daughter Is New MrsT McAdoo FEW GUESTS ARE IJiYITED Bimple But Impressive Ceremony In Blue Room of White House Many Costly and Beautiful Gifts Received. The White House staged its four teenth wedding last Thursday after noon when Miss Eleanor Wilson, the president's third daughter, became tho bride of Secretary of the Treasury William G. McAdoo. Not even the formality of engraved invitations marked the wedding and less than sixty persons were asked to witness the marriage ceremony'. Hundreds of announcements were sent out. Unlike the marriages of other daughters of presidents Miss Wilson pledged her troth in the blue room. The east room has been the scene of other weddings. A dias about ten inches high was constructed in the southward curve of the blue room. For the ceremony th'a furnished a standing place for the members of the bridal party. It was covered with oriental rugs upon which the bride and bridegroom kneeled for the prayer and benediction. Miss Eleanor Wilson was attended by her sister, Miss Margaret, as maid of honor and Dr. Carl T. Grayson, U. S. N., naval aid and physician to the president, served Secretary McAdoo as best man. The ceremony was followed by a supper of fifty covers in the state dining room. The Marine band played during the ceremony and the supper. After the bride and bridegroom had taken their departure there was danc ing in the east room. Rev. Sylvanus Beach, pastor of the Princeton Presbyterian church, per formed the ceremony. The flower girls were Miss Sallie McAdoo, stepdaughter of the bride, and Miss Nancy Lane, daughter ot the secretary of the interior. The members of the president's military and naval staff served as ushers. Miss Eleanor wore a bridal gown of Ivory white satin richly embellished with old lace. She wore also a string of pearls, one of Secretary MeAdoo'a presents. Mr. McAdoo gave his bride several handsome pieces of Jewelry. The honeymoon of Secretary and Mrs. McAdoo began with a mad dash through the streets of Washington and over eight or nine miles of in different Maryland roads to catch a railway train. The couple were run to the little town of College Park. There standing upon a railway siding was a private car. A Baltimore and Ohio express bound for Philadelphia picked up the car. Notwithstanding the earnest efforts of the president's family to make the wedding exclusively private the wed ding gifts received by Secretary Mc Adoo and his bride were many and costly. RESERVE BOARD NAMED Richard Olney of Boston Chosen Gov ernor of Body. The federal reserve board selected by President Wilson is as follows: Richard Olney, Boston, governor of board. Paul Warburg, New York. Harry A. Wheeler, Chicago. W. P. G. Harding, Birmingham, Ala. William Denman, San Francisco. Secretary McAdoo and John Skel ton Williams, comptroller of the cur rency, are ex-officio members. Olney in a letter to President Wil son declined the tender of governor of the board. GIVE UP ARMS TO SOLDIERS Federal Army Officer Reports That Colorado Is Quiet. No fresh outbreaks between mine guards and striking miners have oc curred in the Colorado strike region, the war department learned. Colonel Symonds, in command ct the cavalry in the Boulder district, reported by wire that 200 shotguns', revolvers and rifles had been sur rendered to him without resistance and one machine gun was taken by the federal troops in the same way. MME. NORDICA DIES Opera Singer Had Been 111 For Long Time. Mme. Lillian Nordica, the singer, died in Batavla, Java, She had been ill for a long time and, Indeed, never recovered from the ef fects of the wreck of the steamship on which she was a passenger. Oakes Succeeds Gessler. "Rebel" Oakes was appointed man ager of the Pittsburg Federal league club to succeed "Brownie" Gessler, who on account of the poor showing the team has made was called homo to give reasons to President Edward W. Gwinner. Mr. Gwlnner said Gess ler would not entirely sever his con nections with the club. He will he used as a scout. Two Aviators Killed. Lieutenants Fahcr and Kurtz, Ger man aviators, were killed while (lying. Mr. and Mrs. McAdoo; Bride in Wedding Gown A T , rrir x v w, we:- 3 Photo of Mm. MrAdoo Ot 1914, by Cllne dinst. Fhoto of Mr. McAdoo 1514, by American Press Axsoclatlon. FINE CROP PROSPECTS Real Feature of Trade Situation. Iron and Steel Doing Poorly. Dun's Review of Trade says this week: "There is an improved sentiment hi commercial and Industrial channels, even though actual progress is Blow. The brilliant outlook for the winter wheat crop inspires confidence in tho future, and the splendid agricultural prospects, generally, constitute the best feature of the situation. "Statistics of trade movements are conflicting; gross earnings of railroads reporting for the month of April were 1.9 per cent less than last year. Somo encouragement is derived from reports regarding the leading trades and in dustries. Least satisfactory news is received as to iron and Bteel, where conditions are slow to improve." BECKER WANTS TO TESTIFY May Be Called to Witness Stand at His Own Trial. Believing that his failure to take the stand in his own defense at the first trial mado a bad Impression on the Jurymen who convicted him, Becker wants ltis counsel to allow him to testify at his second trial. Becker's determination to take the stand is the result of Mrs. Becker's persistence that he should stand up himself and say to the Jury that Rose, Webber, Vallon and Schepps are liars. Becker said to a friend: "I am on trial for murder, not for grafting. Why should I hang back and endanger my murder case be cause of a fear that the district at torney will hammer me about graft and bank accounts." "Vera Cruz Fairly Healthy." "Some smallpox prevails, but the city is in fair sanitary condition and fairly healthy at present," is the sub stance of a cable received by the Red Cross from Charles Jenkinson, its representative, who has Just arrived at Vera Cruz and taken charge of re lief operations. Mr. Jenkinson, how ever, is apprehensive of more sick ness with the advent of the rainy season. MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago, May 12. Hogs Receipts, 38,000; market Slow. Bulk ot Bales, $8.35 8.40; light, $8.20S8.45; mixed, $S.208.45; heavy, 7.95iii 8.40; rough, $7.958.10; pigs, $7.35C 8.35. Cattle Receipts, 18,000; market steady. Beeves, ?7.209.50; Texas steers, J7.10ffj 8.15; stockers and feed ers, $5.60(g8.30; cows and heifers, $3.7(g8.60; calves, $7f'9.75. Sheep Receipts, 15,000; market higher. Native, $5.25(fi 5.90; yearlings, $5.75(6.90; lambs, native, $6.257.70. Wheat May, 94. Corn May, 67 V. Oats May, 38 14 . Pittsburg, May 12. Cattlo Choice, $S.75(ii;9; prime, $S.60C(t8.80; good, $Sdi8.50; common, $6.50(57; heirers, $5.50(fJ8; common to good fat bulls, $5. 50ft S; common to good fat cows, $3.50fl 7.50; fresh cows and springers, $45(ijS0. Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers, $5.80ffi6; good mixed, $5.50(ff5.75; fair mixed, $5f:5.40; culls and common, $34; spring lambs, $SQ 11; veal calves, $10$ 10.50; heavy and thin calves, $7fo7.50. Hogs Primo heavy, $8.65; heavy mixed, $8.70; mediums, heavy Yorkors and light Yorkers, $8.70 8.75; pigs, $8.50(8.60; roughs, $7.507-75; stags, $6.60 7. Butter rrlnts, 2728; tubs, 26'a 27. Eggs Selected, 19(-21. Poul try (live) Kut hens, 18&19; (dressed) hens, 22fff23. Cleveland, May 12. Hogs Yorkers, $S.70ffi 8.75; mixed, $S.70(ij8.75; piKB. $S.70(gS.75; etags, $6.75. Calves Good to choice, $10fi 10.25; fair to good, $Si.9.60; heavy aud com mon, $0(57.75. Cattlo Choice fat steers, $8.15" 8.50; good to choice, $7.758.10; Eillchers and springers, $601 SO. FOREIGN GOODS FLOOD MARKET Statistics Show Increases Fcr March Reaching 719 Percent. TRY TO CONCEAL FACTS Manufacturers Continue to Organize Throughout State For Purpose ol Rolling Up Majority For Penrose. Notwithstanding the fact that the shipping houses of Bradford, Eng land, alarmed by the storm of protest aroused in the United States by the enormous increase of woolen ship ments from Bradford, are declaring their invohes In London to hide the real extent of the trade now being done with this country, government statistics show a continuing increase. C. 11. Brown, chairman of the ho siery manufacturers' legislative com mittee, has Just compiled a table from official sources which proves that the imports of wool and manufactures ol wool for the month of March were the heaviest since the schedule in the Un derwood' law went into effect on Jan. 1. Increases as compared with the month of March, 1913, averaged 120.5 per cent in the various articles ol manufacture, and in the group gen erally styled "all other manufactures of wool" reached 7o7 per cent. How Foreign Goods Are Coming In. Mr. Brown has also prepared a ta ble showing imports for March, 1914, and March, 1913, of twenty-two differ ent articles and groups. This table, published here for the first time, Is about two weeks in advance of the re port of the department of commerce. 1914. 1913. Products. Values. Values. Aluminum, mfrs. of $li;8.5H0 100.767 Watches and parts of 317,329 205.280 Cotton cloths... 1,402,71 721,902 Stockings 417,071 241,455 Other knit goods 3iiii,2iil 44,075 Linen yarns 95,248 55,958 Fruits and nuts. 4,01 2,2 44 3,0X8,10) Glassware 708,319 4!1S 674 Clltlerv 272,400 140,979 Tinplate 185,130 23,29s Leather and tann ed skins 1,550,343 635,609 Gloves 9!0I,!I77 755,212 Paper and mfs. of 2,529,!33 1,783 OtS Mfrs. of silk... 3,095,975 2,094 008 Vegetables 1,423,939 9'in 857 Wool, Class 1.. 5,253.229 2.68L544 Wool, Class 2.. OIX.XI.") 3X3,:!1 Wool. Class 3.. 2,io;0,nl3 1,197 512 Woolen cloths.. 1,396,910 32897 1 Dress goods..,. 710,928 225 975 Wearing apparel 170,4X0 16."!o87 All other mfrs. of wool 772,544 95,617 Totals $29,218,670 $111,994,805 The total increase of imports ol these Helecteii nrticlcs and groups for the month of March was $12,233,805, or an average of 71.9 per cent. The smallest rate of Increase was In wear ing apparel, which amounted to only 3.2 per cent, ami the largest was In cotton knit goods, which amounted to 719.8 per cent. Dauphin County For Penrose. "We in Pennsylvania have passed through the fire and we are the better for It. We now see issues clearly, and those of us who were arrayed one against another on personal grounds are prepared to give and take In order that we may stand shoulder to should er for tho preservation of those politi cal principles which are oiiuully dear to all of ns." In these words S. F. Uunklo, presi dent of the llarrishurg Manufacturing and Boiler company, expressed what appeared to he the sentiment of a meeting of manufacturers held in llar rishurg last week to ratify a numer ously signed petition In behalf of the renominatton of United States Senator Penrose. "There were men among the sign ers," says the llarrishurg Telegraph, "who were supposed to be friendly to Roosevelt, and the general applause which greeted M. Punklo's remarks was taken as an indication that every one present was ready and willing tn forget old differences and to get to gether behind the man who, more tlinn any other in the state of Pennsylva nia, stands for protectee tariff." Karl Steward, secretary of the O. Day Rudy company, was elected sec retary of tlio meeting and Mr. Dunkle was mado chairman. "I have always lven an admirer of Senator I'ei.rose," continued Mr. Dun kle, "and I was never prouder of that fact than I mil today. I believe, and I think everyonei who knows him be lieves that his record as a statesman, both at HarriiilMirg ami at Washing ton, is above reproach. Who Could Do More? "Is there nny oilier man we mlu'ht nominate or clcrt who could do more for the Industries of Pennsylvania ami for the wane earners employed In these Industries? "Why, gentlemen, merely to ask tlx question answers It. We all know that the strength of Senator Penrose In the congress of the United States by reason of hf.i ability, his lonn year of service, Hie stnitenk- position In occupies o" the Important committees of the senate, and his uneiualle I fa mlliarity with the varied industrial ac tivltles of tho commonwealth, Li lull nltely greater than that of any other man who has been suggested by an party, or faction, or group, bs a sue cessor to him. "If the mutations of politics were tc supplant Mr. Penrose with A. Mitchcl Palmer, I should consider it a calam sty. If they were to place Glfford Plu ehot in trie seat ot Senator Penrose 1 should say that while we might not have lost anything in the way of so cial standing In Washington, we would have sacrificed deliberately our politt cal strength. If Mr. Dlmmick were tc be nominated and elected I should be thankful that we had a man in the senate whom we could depend upon to vote lor protective measures, but I should feel that for a long time to come he was doomed to be only s vote. A Vote Is Not Enough. "We need and must have In Wash ington a man who is more than s good vote. We need a senator whe not only can vote, but who can work and lead, who lias a reputation for get ting thing's done, and who for years has been recognized as the most po tent Republic an in congress. "This is no time to be squabbling over tho fine points in politics, gentle men. We want work for our men. We want a market for our products al prices which will enable us to keep In business ami to pay American wages. We must have these things before we tan discuss purely political reforms with any prospect of finding audiences for tlio:-.e discussions. "Let us be frank with ourselves. What are the conditions here in Har risburg? You will remember that the newspapers assured us that no mat ter whut might happen to the rest ol the country, llarrishurg was Bafe, be cause of the great amount of public work that was to be done. Are we nourishing? "An old llarrlsburger, who came to town yesterday, told me that when he saw Market street he thought it was Sunday. The city is absolutely stag nant. All that saves it from dire ca lamity are these same public work and the preparations for a return ot prosperity which are being made by the Pennsylvania Steel company. You know that the steel company passed its dividend this year and that it is woring only 50 to 60 per cent of its force. Hard Times In Harrisburg. "The Pennsylvania Railroad com pany laid off fourteen crews on the middle division last Saturday, and prior to that as many as 500 men at a time have been given indefinite vaca tions. Only 4U per cent of the rail road men who were In employment a year ago are working today. "For once in our history, there Is no hotel problem In Harrisburg. Instead of being overcrowded, as formerly, our hostelries 'have rooms to Bpare. A friend told me yesterday that the sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. remarked to him that, whereas they used to turn away traveling men at the associa tion's headquarrs who were unable to llnd quarter: elsewhere, they werd now turning away the men in search of jobs. "These are the conditions which Senator Penrose predicted as a re sult of the Democratic tariff law, and which be strove manfully to prevent. Let us put him buck in Washington to help repair the rlnnage. it is the one thing every business man, every tar uier, everv wage earner is thinking of the wooing back of a prosperity we thought could not be killed." Secrotar- Steward made a brief statement of conditions in the stained glass industry, which, lie said, was al most totally paralyzed by the Demo cratic cut in duty. The Signed Statement Following is the declaration which was given out alter the meeting: "The time has come when all sober-minded business men must admit that the results which have followed tho enactment of Demo cratic legislation in Washington are anything but satisfactory. Wliile we are not In the midst of calamity, and sincerely trust that we may never he, it is undoubt edly true that the supreme and buovant confidence which a few years ago coined the phrase that ''politics can have no effect upon Americ an business," is entirely lacking. "We, the undersigned, manu facturers of Dauphin county, are convinced that tne policy of pro tection whereby we were enabled to pav our wage earners and sal aried 'employes more money than our competitors in F.urope and Asia, and at the same time be as sured of disposing of our products at a reasonable profit, was more than a political fetich. We be lieve, and wo think that develop ments corroborate us, that the protection whic h the American producer, Industrial or agricultu ral, and the American laborer, have enjovoil almost uninterrupt edly for the lust half century prior to 'the advent of the Wilson ad ministration, was ot the very foun dation of the business fabric which we have reared to the admiration of the whole! world. Careful analy sis of the situation coullrniH us in the heliel' that any Interference with this policy means an Inter ference with our business pros perity and with wage scales In every line of trade. Therefore, we take this means of urging upon the people of Dauphin county the Importance at this Juncture of tbe Htrlctevt fidelity to the Republican principle of protective tariff. Choice Offered the Voters. "And In conjunction therewith we desire to call attention to the sterlin-,' servic es ol the Moil. Boies Penrose In the United States sen ate. After nearly eighteen years of servic e there, his third term is expiring. The voters of the Re publican party have the option of returning him to the senate or of choosing some new man who, during Ills tirst term at least, would be obliged to devote more time and aitenlion to learning the rules and traditions of the senate, the methods of operation In congress-In other wore'", to the best way of getting a I'ciolhohl ti aii to the' serious and pressing needs of the c l-'ht million people of Penn sylvania. "We submit that however the voters lr.av feel In regard to or ganization' politic s or any other Kind of politics In the state of Pennsylvania, the issue in choos ing a candidate for United States senator Is tho senatorslil p and nothing else. We endorse the senatorial record of Hides Penrose without reservation, believing him to be bv all odds the fittest man in the Kevstoue State to succeed himself. "Therefore, each and all of the iindersU'tied pledge themselves to the c andidacy of Senator Penroso for rciiinnination and reeleclini and solicit the co-operation of the voters of every class aud condition."