The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 06, 1914, Image 2

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    RATES OF AUVtk ( .
wne square, one men, one ti...j .
One Square, one Inch, one month 8 fcu
One Square, one Inch, 8 months.... 6 00
One Square, one Inch, one year ..... 10 10
Two Squares, one year........ 15 00
Quarter Column, one year 80 00
Half Column, one year 60 00
One Column, one year 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash
on delivery.
Published ever; Wednesday by
Offloe in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building,
Terns, I.OO A Year, Strictly li AItum,
Entered seoond-olass matter at the
post-office at Tiooesta.
No subscription received for shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solioited, but no notioe
will be taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. S. D. Irwin. '
Justice of the Peace O. A, Randall, D.
W. Clark.
Couneiimen. J. W, Landers, Q. B. Rob
InBon, R. J. Hopkins, O. V. Watson, U.
W. Uoleman, J. U. Mune, Charles Clark,
Constable L. L. Zuver.
Collector W. U. Hood.
School Directors W. O. Imel, J. R.
Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jamieson, D. H.
Member of Congress W. J. Hulings.
Member of Senate 3. K. P. Hall.
Assembly A. R. Mechlins.
, President Judge W. D. Hinckley.
Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph
M. Morgan.
Prothonotary, Register dt Recorder , 'te.
-S. R. Maxwell.
SheritrWm. H. Hood.
Treasurer W. H. Brazee.
Commissioners Wm. H. Harrison, J.
C. Soowdeo, II. H. McClellan.
District Attorney V.. A. Carrlnger.
Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A. M.
Coroner Dr. M. 0 Kerr.
Countv Auditors George H. Warden,
A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields.
County Surveyor Roy 8. Braden.
County Superintendent J. O. Carson.
Reaalar Terns f Csart.
Third Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
. Third Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of montb.
Church mmi Sabbath Schsal.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. j M. E. Sabbath Schotfcat aQ'POJ m
Preaching in M. E. Church every"',
I . . O U r '
Data eveoiuit uj jwjy. u u. i t '
Preavjlng in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the ubusI hour. Rev.
M. E. Woloott, Pastor.
Preaoblng in the Presbyterian church
every Sabbath at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. Rev. U. A. Bailey, Pator.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
V. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
TI .N EST A LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each montb at 3 o'clock.
187, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tlonesta, Pa.
Attorney and Counselror-at-Law.
Office over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Praotioe in Forest Co.
Offloeln Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and'Brldge Sts., Tionesta, Pa.
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
Physician A Surgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Physician and Surgec
. VILt i
8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern and up-to-date in all its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
comfort provided for the traveling publio
R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. This is thsfmost centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on Elm street. Is . prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten-.
uon given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. if successfully used
f -for 34 .years-
MAMIIND 11 HAM IMJ.I.ft. for Ht
years known us Best, Safest. Always Keliitl
i . i - ni.rui.i.wl a. t- f w BrriiONrn
THE LOWEST. 8iid tuixti-1, photo or kU'h for
eipert march and free report oa paunubillly.
INrRINCEMENT lulls coniluiU-d bt-fom tU
ootirtR. rau-nts obtained through n. ADVBR.
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Patent OtTlce,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
. Cures Cold CroVp and Whoopirfk Crfielw
Ladlm! Anls your llrusirlNt for A
hl-rbcA-trr. IHumond Itnind
IMII in Kvtl ami Unit nirtaUiAV
sealeil ith Uluo Ribbon. V
Take no oihrr. Hiiy of roar
ltrnirirl-t. A ,k f r II 1- II Kh-TFR ft
Washington Officials Inclined to
Believe Rumors !
Mexico City People Learn That They
Have. Been Kept From Truth In Re
, flard to Successes of the Rebels.
V i
Officials m Washington are confident
that the utter Collapse of the reign of
Victoriano Huerta as dictator of Mex
ico 'is., at hand. They, would . not .bp
burprised to hear of this resignation
at any moment. The Washington ad
ministration, it is said, has "every
reason to put faith in the- information
which is from Mexico City.
The reason for this is that the popu
lace at last , has gotten an Inkling of
the real truth 'regarding the success
of the Constitutionalists in the north.
Every effort has been made by the
dictator to n uzzle the press, replacing
the true accounts of the campaigns
of Torreon and Chihuahua with mat
ter furnished by his own war office,
describing in elowlne terms fictitious
BIMaral victories.
Washington was active with rumors
of an impending change in Mexico
City and although no official informa
tion was given out on the subject it
was apparent the administration had
reason to credit them.
One of the reports that reachod
Washington from Mexico City through
unofllclalources was that Huerta was
about to signify his intention of re
signing provided he would be assured
of safe conduct from the country.
The Washington government is
Mpirly expecting news of the fall of
Tampico into the hands of the Con
stitutionalists and Villa already Is in
the field and moving for the capture of
The probable fall of these two cities
within the next few days will, ac
cording to the information that has
reached Washington, mark the end of
Huerta's government in Mexico City.
There are rumors that General
Blanquet, who was notorious for the
part that he played In turning upon
Madero and assisting Huerta to power,
is now showing signs of weakening in
his support of the dictator.
No attempt has been made by the
United States officials as yet to select
a representative to attend the peace
conference with the mediators. Opin
ion in wasningion still leans tovjarfl
Richard Olney, former secretary!
state, as the representative of the
United States.
.All reports received by this govern
ment from Vera Cruz and other Mexi
can sources were of a favorable
character. General Funston reported
from Vera Cruz further details in re
gard to the resumption of hostilitlei
when the Mexican federal troops mado
a demand for the surrender within
ten minutes of the pumping plant of
ti Vera Cruz water works.
General Funston said that the of
ficer in command of the Mexican
troops was Major Zeapota of the en
gineer corps of the Mexican army. He
added that General Maas has about
4,000 men at Soledad and that an un
known number not large were watch
ing the American lines.
General Funston said also that he
understood the Mexicans had 6,000
troops at Jalala and about 1,500 at
Palma. The general reported that
there were many wild rumors afloat
in Vera Cruz unworthy of credence,
but if he disclosed the character of
these rumors the war department did
not make them public. It is assumed
that they related to reports of threat
ened attacks by the Mexicans.
General Funston reported that a
Mexican officer was found in Vera
Cruz in civilian clothes and was im
mediately directed to leave.
Regardless of the fact that Fun
ston'g army confronts the Mexican
; federal force in sufficient strength to
combat and probably to defeat any
frontal attack there are some mis
givings as to what might happen if in
the rush of an attack the pumping
station and the pipe lines were seri
ously injured.
Much depends upon the preserva
tion of the water works being intact.
The population of Vera Cruz is more
than 30,000 and added to this is the
army of more than 6,000 American
soldiers dependent upon this single
connection for their fresh water.
It Is known that General Funston is
uneasy about this particular point. He
Is also convinced that the Mexican
force within reach of Vera Cruz num
bers in the neighborhood of 10,000
men. He is by no means satisfied to
rest idle in view of this menace.
General Carranza of the Constitu
tionalists of Mexico has notified ihc
state department that he is not willing
to make an agreement in regard to the
neutralization of the oil well zone at
Tampico, but so far as his forces are
concerned the operators may return
to the oil wells without being mo
lested. Official Washington was depressed
when this news arrived, for It knocks
in the head every plan drafted by the
diplomats of the South -American re
publics for the suspension of hostili
ties between Carranza and Huerta.
Until Carrr.nza can be persuaded to
modify his rttitude the real work ot
the mediators is likely to be restricted
to the perfecting of a settlement of
the acute situation between the Unit
ed States And Huerta.
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City Formally Turned Over by Navy.
Bluejackets Made Good.
The United States navy turned Vera
Cruz over to the United States army
at 2 o'clock last Thursday.
The ceremonies of transfer were
Impressive. They took place in the
presence of paraded battalions ot
sailors and marines and paraded regl
ments of infantrymen in the Plaza de
la Constituclon.
The world knows now that the Unit
ed States holds Vera Cruz. The ma
rines and jnckles have fought step by
step along the water front, up narrow,
tortuous streets, into plazas and ave
nues, from the ground and from house
tops without cessation.
The marines are spreading out as
outposts and the whereabouts of Gen
eral Mass, federal commander, Is not
known. Out in the harbor beyond the
long breakwater the ships of Great
Britain, Germany aud Spain lie and
Yet all this work has been done by
American sailors and marines the
average age of whom is just twenty
two. Ninety per cent of the men who
went ashore had never heard a hos
tile bullet sing before, yet 100 per
cent of them ' were brave clean
through. Almost ft"- the start It has
been a snipers' ft -V. Ever since
the fighting starteght up to the
present moment sniping lias con
tinued. These snipers are not Mexican sol
diers. They are citizens who are not
willing to accept the fact (hat the city
has been taken. .
Huerta Issues Peremptory Orders As
suring American's Safety.
United States Consul Canada has
been informed officially by the Bra
zilian minister at Mexico City that
Dr. Edward W. Ryan has been re
leased and Is on his way to Mexico
The orders for Ryan's release went
direct from General Huerta to General
Meduio Barron, military governor of
ZaiVecas, who had sentenced the
American physician to death as a spy.
They carried a notice that Barron
himself would be hold responsible for
the man's safety while in Zacatecas.
He was to be provided with an
adequate military guard immediately
after his release from prison and this
escort was to accompany him to the
The city of Zacatecas Is about 439
miles north of Mexico City, but Ryan
will arrive some time today, it Is un
derstood. He will be allowed to de
part immediately either for Puerto
Mexico or Vera Cruz.
No detail!; of the charge upon which
Dr. Ryan was seized and condemned
havti reached .Vera Cruz. It is only
known that he was convicted of being
a spy by a cejtrt-murtial.
Change in Mexican Cabinet.
Licentiate Kstcva Ruiz has been ap
pointed minister of foreign affairs in
the Huerta cabinet to succoed Partillc
y Rojas, retired.
Federal Soldiers Do Not Ao
, tiefpate Any Trouble :
Strikers In the Southern Coal Fields
Glad to See Government Troooi
Come Into the Troubled District.
Quietness prevails since the federal
troops took charge of the situation
in the southern Colorado coal fields.
When the train bearing the federal
troops reached Trinidad the strikers
and others cheered. The miners be
lieve that the coming of the soldiers
means recognition for their union.
However, they are not over anxious
to turn over their weapons to the
But the battle is not over. The fed
eral troops may prevent actual blood
shed, but unless their presence event
ually settles the strike there can be
no peace.
Militiamen or mine guards are
blamed by the coroner's jury for the
destruction of the miners' tent colony
at Ludlow, whe,-e three women and
several children were burned to death
after a riffe attack.
-Witness after witness told the
coroner's Jury that the militia deliber
ately fired the tents where it was
known the women and children had
taken refuge from the bullets of the
machine guns.
Mrs. Pearl Jolly, leader of the wo
men in the Ludlow colony, described
dramatically the attack upon the
colony and its terrible results. On
the stand she was calm, showing not
the slightest trace of excitement.
R. J. McDonald, former stenogra
pher for the Colorado military com
mission, told the jury positively that
the orders for the colony's destruction
came either from Major Hamrock, in
command of the state troops and mine
guards who participated in the fight,
or from Captain Carspn, one ot Ham
rock's principal aids.
"We've got Just forty minutes to
take and burn that colony," he testi
fied one of the two remarked, "before
it gets dark."
A few moments later the troops and
mine guards, he said, swept down the
tracks In the charge that meant the
colony's destruction and the deaths of
three women and eleven children who
sought refuge in the colony's "safety"
"Have your big Sunday today, old
girl," Mrs. Pearl Jolly, leader of wo
men at Ludlow, testified a militiaman
told a striker's wife on the day before
the tragedy, "tomorrow we'll have the
Mrs. Jolly said that when the troops
opened fire on the colony many of the
women and children were only half
"I stayed In the colony as long as
possible," she declared, "after which
I fled to an arroya and finally gained
the Bayes ranch. The following morn
ing three or four of the tents were
still burning. We saw the militii
enter the colony and saturate the can
vas with coal oil, then apply a match."
181 Men Perished In West Virginia's
Latest Disaster.
The work of removing bodies from
the mines of the New River Colliers
company at Eccles, W. Va., in which
explosions killed 1S1 men last Tues
day, is well under way, although
necessarily slow.
About one-third of the dead men are
colored, a third foreigners and the
other third white Americans.
It is the general opinion now that
the disaster was caused by an ex
plosion of gas in mine No. 6, followed
"by an explosion of coal dust. There
Is not a chance in a million that any
person In mine No. 5 is alive. The
explosion proper did not penetrate to
mine No. 6. The men killed there ran
to the shaft mouth and were overcome
and suffocated by afterdamp. Those
who kept away from the shaft mouth
until the rescuers pumped fresh air
into the mine were brought out
practically unhurt.
Unlike the other disastrous mine ex
plosions in this state, the widows,
children and other dependents will be
taken care of by a fund created by the
employers and employes, made pos
sible when the legislature enacted the
workmen's compensation act, which
became effective Oct. 1, 1913.
At the present time this fund has
about $325,000, part of which has been
invested. Tersons connected wit
the workmen's compensation fund es
timate the Kccles mine disaster has
caused an obligation of not less than
$500,000. A comparatively small
amount will be needed immediately.
An examination of the list of names
of those taken from the Eccles mine
and those entombed shows that there
will be not less than 100 widows and
at least 200 children under the age of
fifteen yeais who will become de
pendents under the compensation
The state is able to take care im
mediately '.f all expenses due to
burials and those left dependents to
the amount rovided by law.
Women on Parade.
Suffrage ay was observed by wo
men's parades and meetings through
out the country.
War Scenes Taken at
Vera Cruz
"aXK't. ' f f t t
.".V" . -, . i I".-'-
' 1914, by American Press Association.
Group of Mexican dead after Vera
Mexicans carrying dead comrade.
Bodies of Marines and Sailors Leave
Vera Cruz.
The armored cruiser Montana
sailed from Vera Cruz for New York
with the bodies of the marines and
sailors who were killed after the
American troops landed there.
All the bodies will be taken to New
York and shipped to the homes of the
dead heroes. The Montana will be
met by the three battleships Iowa,
Indiana and Massachusetts either out
side the Delaware breakwater or off
the New Jersey coast. The old battle
sliips will then convoy the Montana
with the nation's dead to New York.
Rear Admiral Badger's fleet ob
served the sailing of the Montana in
solemn fashion. The flags were
placed at half mast, the crew dressed
ship and stood at attention while the
bands played dirges as the Montana
"passed out.
Afterward the officers of the ships
and a great crowd of people from the
city attended a bull fight. The num
ber of street venders and English
signs are multiplying, showing that
the natives are doing a thriving busi
Backwardness of Weather Does Much
Harm to Trade, However.
Dun's Review of Trade says this
"While some betterment is discern
able in certain branches of trade in
others a further moderate recession
in activity is manifest. Fundamental
conditions are sound and the agri
cultural outlook augurs well for the
future, yet hesitancy is general in
anticipating forward requlrenftmts.
"Complaints are still heard, especial
ly in the east, of the restraining in
fluence of unsettled weather, which
checks a full retail distribution ot
seasonable merchandise and also
hampers outdoor work. Although ex
pansion in building operations is to
be expected at this period of the year
nearly all wholesale lines dependent
upon new construction are at present
Auto Fractures Skull of Child.
Leslie Imler, aged eight, of Altoona,
Pi., is dying from a fractured skull.
He was crossing a street when he was
run down by an automobile.
Chicago, May 5.
Hogs Receipts, 25,000. Light, $8.25
5 8.57Vi; mixed, $S.25(?7 8.57'i ; rough,
$8,0518.20; pigs, $7.258.25.
Cattle Receipts, 17,000. Beeves,
$7.25fi9.50; Blockers and feeders,
$5.606 8.35; cows and heifers, $0.70(9
8.60; calves, $6.25 9.
Sheep Receipts, 23,000. Native
$4.905.65; lambs, native, $5.90f7.15.
Wheat May, 93'.
Corn May, 65.
Oats May, 37 'i-
Pittsburg, May 6.
Cattle Choice, $8.75ff9; prime,
$8.C0i?i 8.80; good, $8C' 8.50; common,
$6.507; heifers, $5,501(8; common to
good fat bulls, $5.50'(8; common to
good fat cows, $3.00fi7.50; fresh cown
and springers, $45rti 80.
Sheep and Lambs Prime wether3,
$5.50(& 5.C0; good mixed, $5.105.50;
fair mixed, $4.50(5 5; culls and com
mon, $34; spring lambs, $10 (.12.50;
veal calves, $9(09.25; heavy and thin
calves, $G.50ri7.
Hogs Prime heavy, $8.65(f 8.70;
heavy mixed, $8.!)0ji 8.95; mediums,
heavy Yorkers, light Yorkers nnd pigs,
$8.808.85; roughs, $7.507.85; stags,
Butter Prints, 27(528; tubs, 26',4
P27. Eggs Selected, 19192. Poul
try ' (live) Fat hens, 18019;
(dressed) hens, 22?23.
Cleveland, May 6.
Hogs Yorkers, $S.G0; mixed, $8.60;
pigs, $8.60; stags, $6.75.
Calves Good to choice, $8.759;
heavy and common, $6(0 7.75.
Cattle Choice fat steers, $8.16
8.50; goo'" to -choice, $ 7.75 Cu 8.10;
milchQM and springers. $GO(&80.
General Daniel Sickles Dies In
. New York. Home
General Sickles Was Last Survivor
of the Great Commanders of the
Civil War Raised Four Regiments.
General Daniel Edgar Sickles of
Civil war fame died at his home in
New York Sunday night. His wife
was at his bedside at the end. It is
said the general hud become recon
ciled with his family within the last
two weeks.
The general hud been ill in his
home here for some time. In March
he suffered a severe hemorrhage. A
week ago Thursday there was another
and after that the general gradually
Bank until death came.
Daniel Edgar Sickles, major general
(retired), was the last of the great
commanders ot the Civil war. He re
sponded to Lincoln's first call for vol
unteers. He raised regiment after
regiment. He led them to battle, al
ways with consummate bravery and
From his youth up he was active
and the changing years saw him en
gaging with the same enthusiasm in
arms, diplomacy, politics and that
Intercourse with his fellows which is
the privilege of a man who has seer
much of lite and got honor through
A year ago when the veterans ot
Gettysburg gathered to renew their
conflict by peaceful camp fires the
Blue and Gray acclaimed him as the
hero of that engagement- Wherever
they met his name ran through their
He was a congressman from New
York when the war began. He was a
Democrat and had not voted for
Lincoln, but he went to the president
and offered his services.
The first regiment he raised was
composed mostly of Democrats. He
established Camp Scott on Staten
Island and began to train his voluik
teers. He enlisted them in the Unit
ed States army and subsequently
raised four other regiments. In Sep
tember of 1861 the president made
him a brigadier general.
He saw his first engagement early
In 1862 when General Hooker chose
him to make a reconnolssance to un
cover the position of General Long
street. He took 1,000 picked men and
came upon Longstreet's outposts at
Staffords courthouse on the way to
Fredericksburg. He was outnumbered
2 to 1 but he put the enemy to flight
and the fame of his exploit iired the
army of the Potomac.
He succeeded Hooker in the com
mand of a division of the Third army
corps and led the division in the bat
tles of Antietam and Fredericksburg.
In November of 1862 he was mude a
major general of volunteers and had
command of the Third corps at Chun
cellorsvllle. Having defeated the
Union army there General Lee set
forth on his determined march to the
north, hut was turned back at Gettys
burg, where General Sickles was In
command of the Union army's left.-
Bluejackets Scent Work to Do at Tam
pico Vera Ccuz Happy.
Now that General Funston and his
soldiers are in control of Vera Cruz
the men of the navy wonder what will
be their next work.
A considerable force will be main
tained regularly in the harbor, but it
is the general Impression that Borne
of the big ships will be sent to con
venient points along the coast or
even through the Panama canal to be
able to reach any place where need
has arisen.
It is believed that Admiral Fletcher
and his squadron will go to Tampico.
General Funston will have little
more to do than to confine himself to
the military control of the district.
The civil government under Mr. Kerr
has taken hold and the prospects are
so bright that Washington Is to be
asked to permit Mexicans to partici
pate more extensively in the govern
Wealthy Young Man Leads Mist
Huntington to Altar.
Vincent Astor, the world's richest
young man, married Miss Helen Din.i
moro Huntington at Staatshurg N. V.,
last Thursday.
Only a few relatives and friends
were invited to the ceremony.
Vincent has recovered almost en
tirely from his recent illness.
Military Gymnasts.
Japanese xoMlers are nearly all
gymnasts and every linrnielt has n
gymnasium. So well trained nre they
that In less than half a minute they
can scale n wall foiu tee'i feet high by
(Imply leaping ou each other's shoul
ders, one man sustaining two or three
Telescopes and Forest Fires.
Forest officers have found that high
power telescopes are not always satin
factcory In fire lookout work. In some
loenllllti heat vibraljons In th? atmos
phere nre so magnified ly the glass
that clearer vision can be had with the
unaided ej e.
Oil Works Consumed by Flames.
Three Seriously Injured. .
Thomas Davis, Robert Brown and
Clarence Farr were seriously injured
and the lives of fifteen persons were
endangered when ire damaged the
Kclipse Oil works at Franklin, Pa., to
the extent of $50,000.
Fifteen men were fighting the fire
on a bridge across the works below
which was a still. Into this still fell
a drum of oil containing 400 barrels.
In the flash and explosion which fol
lowed the firemen were hidden and it
was thought by spectators that they
were killed. All escaped injury. The
fire destroyed 6,000 drums of an oil
preparation used in street paving. The
works belong to the Atlantic Refining
Won't Treat With Union.
II. E. Gessell, machinist, and Rucca
Dlfalag, bollermarker, both of Harris
burg, Pa., met General Superintendent
Creighton of the Pennsylvania rail
road to discuss the grievances of the
suspended men at Harrisburg. Creigh
ton Informed the two men that he
would treat with them as individual
employes or as a committee represent
ing employes, but not as union men,
so the visitors left.
Miners Burned In Explosion.
In a terrific gas explosion at the
Henry Clay shaft at Shamokin, Pa.,
operated by the Philadelphia and
Reading Coal and Iron company, Fred
erick Starezel, David Meredith and
Richard Morgan were blown along a
gangway. They were found by a res
cuing party and removed to the sur
face. The men were badly burned,
while a section of the mine was badly
Penitentiary For Meredith.
The climax of the sensational
"house oLmyBtery" case In Pittsburg
came when Dr. C. C. Meredith pleaded
guilty before Judge Marshall Brown
in criminal court to having commit
ted an Illegal operation. The court
sentenced Dr. Meredith to pay a fine
of bIx and one-quarter cents and serve
not less than five nor more than six
years In the penitentiary.
Woodrow Huerta Thompson.
W'oodrow Huerta Thompson, chap
eroned by the stork, made his advent
in the tent of D. O. Thompson, a
Romany chief, camped with about 150
gypsies In Hays borough, near Pitts
burg. "I want him to be a fighting
man," said the chief. "I'll just name
him Woodrow Huerta Thompson.
Washington County Good Roads Day.
By an official decree the courts of
Washington county, Pa., placed the
stamp of approval on the first good
roads day planned for the county, a
day on which it is expected to get out
every able bodied individual with pick
and shovel to do some real road work.
Girl Asks $10,000 as Heart Balm.
Miss Bertha Kyler of Clearfield, Pa.,
has entered a trespass suit In the
Blair county (Pa.) court at Hollidays
burg, Pa., against E. B. Gullch, a prom
incut business man of Altoona, Pa.,
to recover $10,000 damages for breach
of promise to marry.
Girl Commits Suicide.
Grieved, it is alleged, because rela
tives objected to her receiving the at
tentions of the man of her choice,
Eflie Cousins, nineteen years old, com
mitted suicide at the home of her
aunt in Kittanning, Pa., by drinking
Yeggs Get Only 95 Cents.
Amateur burglars who were unable
to open a safe broke into the Red
Raven (Pa.) station of the Bessemer
and Lake Krle railroad and for their
trouble secured ninety-five cents. The
money taken was from a telephone
Chose Bichloride Process.
Despondent over the lack of em
ployment Richard Whalen, aged forty,
of Arch street extension, Northslde,
nttsburg, swallowed seven bichloride
ot mercury tablets, while sitting on
a bench In West park.
Explosion Kills One.
One man was killed and six hurt
In an explosion at a blast furnace at
the Cameglo Steel company's plant at
Duquesne near Pittsburg. The dead
man was Frank WhKucre, aged
twenty-two, of Duquesne-.
Five of Family Burned to Death.
A mother and her four children
were burned to death In their homes
at Mt. Union, Pa. The dead are: Mrs.
Mildred K. Vomer, aged twenty-six;
Klmrr, nine; Ruth, six; Albert, four;
Frances, two.
Suicide Suspected.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stein, wife of Jacob
Stein, a farmer of Union township,
near Greenville, Pa., is dead as a re
bull of a self-inflicted gunshot wound,
It is alleged.
Foreman Killed by Freight Train.
John Keefer, aged filty-oight, yard
foreman of the West Pittsburg Steel
company, Ieechburg, Pa., was Instant
ly killed by being run down by a
freight train.
Erie Carpenters Strike.
Union carpenters of Erio, Pa., went
on strike demanding an eight-hour
day. Their demands are for an eight
hour day at $3.60 per day. At presen
they receive $3.82 for a nine-hour day
Woman Strangles on Pea.
.. Strangled In swallowing a pea at
ths supper table, Mrs. William Hoey,
aged fifty-six, of Ul.ilrsvllle, Pa., died
before physicians could remove tU
Cbstruction from her windpipe.