:ORKT REPUBLICAN. i. C. WINK. Editor ft Phokictok WKPNKHDAY. APRIL 22. 1014 1914 APRIL 1914 mT tTwTtTfTs 1 6 S 9 1011 192122232425; L. Election of County Superintendent. T the NoIiik.1 Director of ForoHl County Notion Is hsrebj glveu lust the School Directors of Forent Cmmiy will meet at tbe Court House, In Tioneitla, on Tues day, tbe 5tb tiny of May, 1!H, at 1:30 o'clock, Post Meridian, for the purpose ol electing a legal ly qualitied person aa County Superintendent of Publlo Schools for tbe ensuing term. J. O. Carson, Superintendent of Public School. Tionesta, Pa., March 30, 1HH. COUNTY BUPEHINTKNDKNT. We are authorizml to announce J. O. Carson aa a candidate for Superintendent of tbe Public Schools of rore-t County, aubject to Ibe decision of the Hchiml 1)1 rectors in Convention, May 5tb, I'.iU. Aiiuounreuieut. AKSK.MHI.Y. Ki. Rki'uhlican: -At the urgent so. llcitallnn of friends throughout tbe county, I bave consented to again be a candidate for tbe Republican nomina tion for Assembly from Forest County at tbe Primaries, May 111, ll'U. A. K. Mkchlinq. Clarington, Pa., Marcb 31, M4. When a yellow dog barks at you on tbe street, make bltn stand on his hind legs and salute. If be demurs, call out tbe Boat Club.-Oil City Blizzard. Tbe fact that the present counselor for tbe Department of State waa formerly at torney in Washington for tbe Huerta gov ernment is not without ita advantages, lie may be able to tell Secretary Bryan how to get next to Huerta'a curves. War With Mexico. Tbe Mexican city of Vera Cruz baa been captured by American marines and is now In the bands of American forces. Four marines were killed and 20 wound ed In the fighting. The Mexican loss ia not known, but it la reported to have been 200. Warmly Endorse Mr. Brumbaugh nr. Martin G. P-umbaugh, the Re publican candidate for Governor, is a native of Huntingdon county. The edl tor cf tha Huntingdon Globe speak! i'!' hirr. In a recent article as follows: "Tit cli'zcns of Huntingdon county, reuariiless of political affiliations, are excfjdins'.y tejoiced over the an DO'inceniflTit that or.? ol her most (lis tiimuishc-u sons. Or. Mc.rtUi (Ircvr; Irnih,,s'.. avc;!i ta tttr re qtippt of :ho 'llon.e r'o'.kx,' loj;(tUsr with (..Hoy tlumsar.ils i-f other frirr.iio, r.nrt nr.immiccil I'.in.Jril as a Republi can (v.ti.iidiife J'.'" Gove'iior of Tent p'.vau''-i. PhiXo It Uutcki-.nxt DR. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, "It our pclttl',7,1 experience, cover ing a period of over thirty years, we have never witnessed a move epottv Sicous and universal call for the pub lic service of any man than in the ci.e of Dr. Brumbaugh. It is on a par with that great uprising of the people In favor tt Major McKiniey for Presi dent in )?!, when every other candi date, i,o matter how worthy, was but u drop cf water In that stupendous avalanche viilch swept the 'l.itile Na potftoc' from Ohio to Washington. "At the out-Kit of this campaign we aiiUfiiii that, having known Dr. Brum iivish I nun his boyhood days, we have hocu nch a constant witness of his integrity, ability and truthfulness, as well as his confidant in fo many of the noble purposes and high Ideals vhlrh invest his character, that we cheerfully commend him without say equivocation or reservation to the j.eople of the commonwealth who want the services of a great and good man. "He w.is born in Huntingdon county, at the foot hills of the Alleghenies, fifty-two years ago. He Is in the prime or life, a giant in stature anil intellect, a teacher, a preacher, a lecturer, a disciplinarian, an executive, and a man of such pure life and unassailable character that singles him out from among the seven millions of Pennsyl vanians as the one man who glorious ly meets the emergency ol the hour, as it has in many epochs of our stale and nation's history heretofore. "He is a farmer's son. He waa a schoolteacher at sixteen, a college graduate at nineteen, our county su perintendent of school' at twenty-two, and president of Juniata college, his alma mater, at twenty-seven. That waa T'lfk'nz erat ptrids, but it was od!v the bild'lins; of the. Rrlendirl raieer ol " . man who subsequently became the irst commissioner of public education of Porto Rico, the head of the depart ment of pedagogy in the University of Pennsylvania, now the superintend ent of the public school system o! Philadelphia with Its 5uno teachers and 200,000 pupils, and an educator of national renown. "Dr. Brumbaugh has filled every post with distinction. He Is absolutely void of guile and subterfuge. He has the con rape of his convictions and Is no man's in anything. We at home who know hlra best unreservedly vouch for that. Dr. Brumbaugh has further ambitions. It Is to be the gov ernor of his native state. It Is a laud able Ambition. He is worthy of It. He hag the brains, the moral courage and the purpose to do right. A man ol prodigious energy and strong Intel lectuality, coupled with genius as an executive, he is the undoubted Man ot the Hour. "These lines voice the sentiment o! everybody at home. They are unvar nished truths, and hence Huntingdon county presents with confidence to the people of this Imperial common wealth the name of Martin G. Brum baugh for the office of governor, with le full guarantee that he will sua- aln his splendid, exalted character, tot make good In the great office to . h ssplres." Recent Deaths. DONOVAN. Daniel Douovan, of President twp Ve nango county, Pa., died suddenly at tbe borne of bis sister, Mr. Elian O'Hara, near Stewart's run at 3:30 p. m. A pril lit, 1014, from a paxlytlcstroke. Mr. Dono van suffered a similar stroke some six yeara ago, since wblcb time be bss been in failing health. He waa born In County Cork, Marcb 21, 18!tt When ten yeara of age be emigrated to America, first living at Eagle, Mock, Pa., with bia brother, tbe late Patrick Donovan, a prominent citi zen of President township for many year and who waa employed in building tbe Warren it Franklin railroad now a part of the P. K. R. system, up tbe Allegheny valley. Later be moved on the farm In President twp, with bia brother Patrick, where be baa made bis borne since. He is suivlved by three brothers, Wil liam, of Kansas City, Mo.; Jnbn, of Franklin, and James, of Parkersburg, W. Va., and by one alster, Mra, Klltn O'Hara, of Stewart's run, Pa. Tbe de ceased wss single, and after the death of his brother resided on tbe D inovan homestead with bis nephew, Patrick Donovan, Jr. He waa held in general es teem In tbe section in which be lived and by all who knew biui. Tbe funeral services were held at the Catholic church, Tionesta, on Saturday morning at 0 o'cIock, conducted by Rev. Father An drew Wiersbinskl, of Tidioute, after which tbe body was conveyed to Oil City, where interment was in St, Joseph's cemetery at that place. ADAMS. Wm. U. H. Adams, father of our townsman, J. A. Adams, died at the borne of his daughter, in BostoD, Mass., at 4:15 o'clock Monday, April 20, 1914. He bad been in declluing health for two or three years, and ta one time within the past year bis children were sum moned to bia bedside believing that tbe end was near, but be rallied from tbe at tack and bad been able t J be about again. Mr. Adama waa born near Slippery Rock, Butler couoty, Pa., Deo. 4, 1840. In tbe year IStiO bs was united in marriage with Miss Mary A. Armstrong, who survives him. Most of bis married life was spent in tbe vicinity of New Castle, Pa., where he owned a tine farm. Not long after disposing of his property in that locality be and bis wife broke up housekeeping and made their home with their children, Mr. Adama spending a year with bis son in Tionesta, during which period be made many friends by bis quiet unas suming roauner, all of whom will bear of hia passing away with genuine regret. Mr. Adams was a true christian gentle man, and from early manhood was a member of the Presbyterian church. Besides his widow five children survive, namely, Eli D. Adama of Butte, Moot.; Mrs. A. Oifford of Boston, Mass.; Mrs. M. D. Allen and George W, Adams of New Castle, Pa., and J. A. Adama of Tionesta. Tbe body will be taken to New Castle for Interment, where tbe funeral will be held, tbe date and hour not having been determined at this riling. DINOLE. Jacob D. Dingle, one of Kellettvllle's well known and very highly esteemed citizens, died at bis home in that place Monday morning, April 20, 1914, of urae uiic poisouing after a short illness. He wss born in Ohio Nov. 23, 1865. Twenty- four years ago be waa united in man lege with Miss Elizabeth Williams of Orwell, Ohio, who, with six children, survives, namely, Mrs. Forest Beck of Meadvllle, Pa; Vivian Dingle of Ashtabulab, Ohio; Lena, Paul, Helen and Lois Dingle, at borne. Two grand children, and tbe fol lowing brothers and sisters, all living at Union City, also survive: John, George, William, Arthur and Joseph Dingle, Mra. Nellie Rouse, Mrs.Catheriue Prlsket, Mrs. Lizzie Coe, Miss Emma Dingle, Thede- ceaaod was a carpenter by trade, and bad lived successively at Union City, Clougbs Mills, Buck Mills, and less than a year ago bad moved with his family to Kel loltvllle, where bis employment bad been for several years past. lu all of these places he bad left his impress as a model citizen, a true friend and a cleau, upright man in all tbe walks of life, and bis circle of friendships was limited only by the number of bis acquaintances. His pass ing away in tbe prime of life Is a distinct loss to the community from which he will be greatly missed. Mr. Dingle was a member of the Odd Fellows fraternity under wbose ausplcea tbe funeral will be held at Union City, today. In this connection tbe stricken wifeand children desire to express their thanks to the neighbors and friends who bave so kindly ministered to them in this hour of their great aflliction. Nothing So Good for a Cough or Cold. Wheu you bave a cold you want the best medicine nbtaiuablu so as to get rid of it with tbe least possible delay. There are many who consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy unsurpassed. Mrs. J. lioroll, Elida, Ohio, says, "Ever since mv daughter Ruth was cured of a sever mid and cough by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy two yeara ago I bave felt kludly disposed toward tbe manufacturers of tbat preparation. I know of nothing so 'juli It to relievs a cough oi cine a told.'' foi tale by all dealeis. for justice of the supreme court:ofspennsylvania:. , If GEORGE KIWKEL, President Judge of Dauphin County. The Judge in all state tax cases of the the past ten years. The Judge who upheld the constitu tionality of the Full Crew Law sus tained by the Supreme Court. The Judge before whom the Capitol Graft conspirators were convicted, re sulting in nearly $2, 000, COO being recov ered by the state. The Supreme Court has sustained him in nine out of every ten of his decisions which have been appealed. Six years as District Attorney six years in the General Assembly ten years on the Dauphin County Bench. His absolute fairness as a Judge re sulted in his re-election last year without a vote against him. Whether you are enrolled or not vou can vote for him on the non-partisan bal lot in this way: GEORGE KUNKEL (adv) ON MAY 19. City i Fruil Slore H. I. Cohen, Proprietor. I Always Ready X To supply your wants in anything in the Fruit and Vegetable Line. No such stock ever kept' in Tio nesta before. Our reputation already extends to all parts of the County, and all ucbnu&e wo beep me rresucsi, X the Largest and the Best stock. : i Come and See. You are bound to be more S than pleased. X 1 r 11 T T i l Ti r . . a iwouuoia auovc xioiei wea- a X ver, Tionesta. X : : Con iinuaf lun Notice. ' Notice is hereby given that the follow ing accounts have been filed in my office and will be presented at the next term of Court, beginning on tbe Third Monday of May, 1914, for confirmation : Final account of J. C. Bowman, Guar dian of Mabel E., Millard W. and Zorab Vandermark, minor children of Simeon Vandermark. deceased. Final account of L. C. Austin, Guar dian of John D. Austin, minor child of W. J. Austin, late ol Jenks township, Forest county, deceased. First and final account of James G. Carson snd C. A. Randall, Executors of tbe estate of William Hood, late of Tio nesta township, Forest countv, deceased. 8. R. MAXWELL, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, Pa., Aprii 20, 1014. PROCLAMATION. Whkkkas, The Hon. W. D. Hinckley, Presidont Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of F'orest, has issued bis pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for tbe County of Forest, to commence on the Third Monday of Msv, being the 18ib day of May, 1914. No tice is therefore given to tbe Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables of said county, that they be then and therein their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertain to be done, and to those who are bound i n recogn izance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in tiiejaii of Forest County, that they may lio thon and there to prosecute against them as shall lie just, (liven un der in v hand and seal this 2lh day of April, A. 1. 1911. W. H. HOOD, tub. Shoriff. TRIAL LIST. List of causes set down for trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the Third Monday of May, 1914: 1. Lewis R. Brenuaii v. T. D. Collins, F. X. Kreitler, F K. Brown, No. fi, September term, 191:1. Summons in trespass. 2. Alfred Sperry, surviving partnerof I. ft. (Ngood v Company vs. j. I). Wiles, No, 8, November term, 1913. Summons in assumpsit. 3, F. R. Lansnn vs. Flora Landers, Ella Walters, Kuretta Sproull, No. 9, September term, 1913. Summons in ejectment. 4. Warren Carll vs. Frank K. Brown, No. 18, February lorm, 1914. .Summons Hi trexpaKH. f Lida M. Carimbaii vs. George H. Lowe, No. 40, September term, 1913. Summons in replevin. o. (ieorve 11. Lowe vs. .1 nines M. Cowan, No. 7, May term, 1914. Appeal from J. 1. 7. Arthur Johnson va. T. D. Collins, No. 3'-, February term, 1914. Summons in assumpsit. Attest, S. R. MAXWELL, Vrotuouotary, Ttoiixsta, Pa., April 20, l.tU. UceiiNe Application. Notice la hereby giveu that tbe follow ing applications for license bave been rili d In my olllce and will be presented April 28, 1914, at the Court of Quarter Sessions of F'orest County, Pa : 1. E in in a S. Pierce, Hotel Weaver, Tionesta Borough, Pa. 2 Robert A. Fulton, Central House, Tionesta Borough, Pa. 3 Hsrry S. Canlield, Globe Hntnl, Weal Hickory, Harmony Townablp, Pa. 4. Joseph J. Young, New Marien Ho tel, Marlenvllle. Jenks Township, Pa. 6. L. W. Dana, Keystone Hotel, Mar lenvlllu, Jenks Township, Pa. Certified from the rennrd. S. R. Maxwkli, Clerk. Tionesta, Pa., April 7, 1914. F.R.Lanson! Still On Deck. SELLS f Olcomargarenof Buster Brown Shoes, General Merchandise. I Nearly Everything You Need. ALWAYS THE RIGHT PRICE, i At the Racket Store BARGAINS In Graniteware, .Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, Wall Paper, Window Shades Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. J. L. Hopler LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, with first class equipment. We can fit you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, aod always at reasouable rates. Prompt service aod courteous treatment. Com-) aod see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIONESTA, I?A. Telephone No. 2. Free Car Fare This Coupon entitles you to Free Car Fare on your purchases of $15.00 or Over. Good Until May 1st MEN'S and WOMEN'S GREAT COAT and SUIT SALE Ladies1 Rain Coats $6.00 and $6.00 Raincoats $2.98. Children's Rain Capes 98c Men's Slip-On Coats $6.00 and $6.00 Slip-on Costs ..... .$2.98 $6.00 Boys' Suits $2.98 Over 1,000 Men td Women's High Class Suits Bought at Nearly Half Price and Sold Way Below Their Value. ; Men's Suits $20.00 Suits (free hats) at $16.60 Suits (free hats) at $14.00 Suits (free hats) at Women's Suits Pretty Suits in latest shades of tango, Copenhagen, navy, black, brown and stylish shades. $26.00 to $30.00 Suits .... Sale at $16.60 $14.60 to $18.00 Suits .... Sale at $ 9.98 $18.00 to $26.00 Suits .... Sale at $11.98 $10.98 to $12.98 Suits .... Sale at $ 7.98 Alterations made free on all of our suits and most elaborate and prettiest suits ever shown at double the price. Women's Dresses Highest class of fine silk, messaline, crepe, taffeta, crepe de chene, voile and all classes newest makes of newest Monarch Clothing Co., Right down to the last drop in the bucket mam I P R FPa iorri D A IMTSi REPRESENTS 65 Years of Quality 65 Years of Durability 65 Years Unsurpassed G. W. ROBINSON & SON BSD Vfllum. Vulues. lovely cotton3 priced low It it's new, and woven of cet. ten, we have It. Everythlnj really desirable in the realm of cotton 1 included in our Spring display, the exclusive style of which is only rivalled in interest j by the low prices. 50c Dress Linens best Im ported cloth medium weight ideal for women's and children's dresses Tan, Grey, Reseda, Wis taria, Pink, Old Rose, Black, per yard 35c. 60c White Dress Linens me-ili-jm weight for dresses all linen full 45 inches wide, spe cial per yard 45c Rice Voiles fine mesh, crispy r:ir,h in white or tinted grounds with attractive dresden snd floral printings, 38 inches wide, yard 35c. New Cotton Crepes medium weight in light and dark woven plaids and neat checked effects attractive color combinations firmly woven, serviceable mate rial styles suitable for chil dren's wear yard 15c. New Printed Cotton Voiles in light and the wanted dark colors with bright printings 38 inches wide, yard 35c. Boggs & Buhl. PITTSBURGH, PA. 6) Monarch Clothing Co., Oil City, Pol. Cut out the coupon, take advantage of the free offerings made in this ad., and come at once to the Hats Free $14.60 $11.98 $10.98 cloths in most stylish colors of fine dresses. $20.00 Dresses at $9.98 $14.60 Dresses at $7.98 $12.00 Dresses at $6.98 $10.00 Dresses at $4.98 Fine White Crepe, Lingerie . and Misses' Confirma tion Dresses $10.00 Dresses at $4.98 $7.60 Dresses at $3.98 $6.00 Dresses at $2.98 $3.60 Dresses at... $1.98 I 1 if Ilii'lftrMU'vllst We make our bank a home like place for those who do their business with us. We wovld like to have you come in and discuss finances with us whether or not you are yet banking with us. We always have time to "listen" and shall at all times be pleased to give you free of charge our opinion of any proposition you may be figuring on going into. May bfjrwe can help you. CAPITAL STOCK, 150,000. SURPLUS, $100,000. 3 ; - ' Do your banking with us. A -a AAnf We Jiay liberal interest consistent with safety, T: JLJCX lGll U. Forest County N&tionod Bank TIOXIttiTA, I'A. The StudebLker A Very High Class AUTOMOBILE Four and Six The Sedan, The Landau Roadster, and Studebaker Fully Equipped, Best Material, and Handsomest in Finish, that's the Studebaker Car. Address, J W REIGEL, Agent for Forest County, Marienville, Pa. Call over the Farmers' Telephone, Leepej Central. Either will bring a prompt response. Don't buy till you have seen the Studebaker. Free Car Fare Cut out tbe coupon in corner of paper, get the Free Hat with the Man's Suit and Free Petticoat in Silk with Ladies' Suits, and when you purchase $15.00 or over we allow your full care up and back at a distance of SO miles or under. - J ; BoJs anf wash Suits, Top Wash Suits Top Coats, $6.00 values, at Norfolk Suits Girls' Dresses White and colored in beautiful styles for ages 6 to 14 respectively. $3.60 Dresses at $1.98 $2.60 Dresses at $1.48 $2.00 Dresses at $1.26 $1.60 Dresses at 98c $1.00 Dresses at 49c Special Big Sale of Women's Waists $3.00 new and beautiful Silk Waists, one or two of a kind, special table full. Sale $1.69 mlt WITH At a Mod erate Price. Cylinder Cars. the Delivery Car. ChUdreni ; coats, JMortoiK buits 49c, 98c, $1.49 41-98 $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 $1.76 white fine lace and embroidery new and stylish Waists. Sale 98c $1.00 Girls White Middy Waists, plain white or fancy trimmed. Sale. .49c Dress Skirts Hundreds of new and beautiful styles of Dress Skirts. Come in blue or black serge or chiffon, also pretty plaid skirts with drape skirt, latest makes. Sale $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 Women's Night Gowns, House Dress es, stylish Coats, Kimonas, Silk and Sateen Petticoats, Boys' Waists, Knee Pants, Men's Shirts, etc., at our Special Sale Prices. Oil City.