RATES OF ADVCRTISINCt One Square, one Inch, one week...$ 1 00 One Square, one Inch, one month- 8 00 One Square, one inch, 8 months...- 6 00 One Square, one inch, one year ... 1010 Two Squares, one year .. 16 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year. 60 00 One Column, one year 100 00 Legal advertisements ten cents per line each insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, butjt's cash on delivery. - Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offloe in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building, LM BTBKKT, TI0NB8TA, FA. Tens, 81.00 A Ycnf, Strictly la Advaac. Entered as seoond-olass matter at the post-otbce at Tlonesta. No subscription received for shorter period than three months. Correspondence solicited, but no notloe will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Always give your name. Forest publican VOL. XLVII. NO. 9. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, AP1UL 22, 1914. $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. S. D. Irwin. Justices of the reace 0. A. Randall, D. W. Clark. Oouneitmen. J. W. Landers, O. B. Rob inson, K. J. Hopkins, (1. K. Watson, U. W. Holeman, J. K. Mukr, Charles Clark. Constable , L. Zuver. Collector W. II. Hood. &hool Directors W. O. Imel, J. K. Clark, H. M. Henry, Q. JamieHon, D. 11. Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress V? . J. Hulifigs. Mmhr nt Heiuilt If P. Hall. Assembly A. K. Medillng. . President Judge W. D. Uinckly. Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. Frothonotary, Register d Recorder, te. -S. K. Maxwell. dheriff Wm. H. Hood. Treasurer W. H. BraJioe. Commissioners Vim. H. Harrison, J. O. Soowden, H. H. McOlollan. District Attorney'. A. Ca'rlnger. Jury Commissioners J . B. Eden, A.M. Moore. Coroner Dr. M. C Kerr. County Auditors -George H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and H. V. Shields. County Purveyor Roy S. Uradnn. t County Superintendent J .O. Carson. Kesular Terns f Cvurt. Third Monday of February. Third Monday of May. . Third Monday of September. Third Monday of November, Regular Meeting of Couuty Commis sioners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of niontn. Church and Sabbath Nehaal. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a. m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath eveuiug at the usual hour. Rev. M. E. Wolcott, Pastor. Preaching in the Presbyterian church every Sabbath at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourtn Tuesdays of each month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TV . N ESTA LO DU E, No. 369, 1. 0. 0. F. M eets every Tuesday evening, In Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after noon of each month at 8 o'clock. CAPT. GECRGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month. F. RITCHEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tlonesta, Pa. MA. CARRINOER. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. OfftVe over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. 8HAWKEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AC BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offloe In Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sts.. Tlonesta. Pa. ?RANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. S. Rooms over Citizens Nat. Rank, TIONESTA, PA. DR. F.J. BOVARD, Physician A Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. 8IGGINS. Physician and Nurgeon, OIL CITY, PA, HOTEL WEAVER, S. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and up-to-date in all Its ap pointments. Every convenience and oomfort provided for the traveling publio CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A. FULTON, Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This Is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will be spared to make It a pleasant stopping place for the traveling publio. pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the ooarseHt and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. successfully used for -34 years RCMWESALl DESIRE FOR DRINK"DMJS3 4246 Fifth Ave..Pittsburgh.Pa. CHICHESTER S PILLS W TIIK DIAHIIMI IIRAM. A riiffLTl A r 111 H-TFH lIA.MONI Ut M I'll l.H, f r4 years knuwn (M Uest, Salest, A I ways KeliaUt SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERf . . i . .. i ( .... BrTHDMrn SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Our CHAROES ARE THE LOWEST. Send model, phutu or sketch fur export amnh and free rvKrt on patentability. INFRINGEMENT ulu conducted before All rourtn. I'atenM obtained thrnuirh n, ADVER TISED anil SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS and OOPYRIOHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. O. if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cmc. Colds. Crouu acid Wbuuptag Couglk 1 ).all-fll Au your ituckimi i"f A i Iil.rhea4ra iHmmd J(rond I'llla in ItcdAiid Uold nictjlliAV txi, nealo! vith lilua Rii.lx.n, V TiiLa mii nlhtt. Iliir of faup ' mm f.t- , yvr.M(.;..i " . - k-r V: , ' .-'(';'' '.. 'k jc';: .-) i?1 , 1831-TRUMAN DOUD COLLINS-1914 Death of Truman D. Collins. Tiuuinn Doud Collins, tho wull-kiiowii luiiibvriiuin, died at his home at No- lnikn, Pennsylvania, at X:'.V o'clock Tlmrsiliiy nioriiing, April Hitli, 1(114, ut the uilvuiicod age of years. He had licen In falliiiB health for some yearH, but nlmoHt to the last had retained per sonal control of his largo busineHS en terprlncs. The deceased had been won derfully active and succesHful in the lumber ImxineHS In this section of I'cnn sylvunia through a long business career of over 60 years, having accumulated millions of dollars In prollts from his ex tensive operations. Close financial friends state that his property holdings In Pennsylvania alone amount to more than 13,000,(100. while several hundred thousand ueres of the best timber lands on tho rnclflo slope In the States of Ore gon, Washington and California are con servatively valued at $1!0,OOU,000. The deceased was noted for his wealth and prominence ns a lumberman and known nationally for his philanthropy, being one of the largest contributors in Amer ica to the cause of foreign missions, lie has given much to this benevolence within tho last 20 years, supporting tho mission enterprises of the Methodist church scattered through Africa, India, Manchuria, Porto ltlco and South Amer ica. It Is believed that the major por tion of the great Income from his estato will go, miller his will, to a continued support of. theso philanthropic enter prises. Truman loud Collins was born In Cortland, Cortland county, N. Y., on March 7, 1&31, tho son of Jabcz C. and Adeline (Loud) Collins, a farmer in mod erate circumstances. After attending public school and the Cortland academy, j he went to work on a surveying corps ns a chalnman, the most humble place on the Job, but rapidly rose to be an en gineer of a division on the Kinghaintiin Kyraouse railroad. On the completion of the road, he declined further employ ment nnd came to Forest county, in 1S53, to embark in the lumber business, first working for a time nt, a common laborer ' for the modest wages of 60 cents per day. Afterward going Into the business in a small way for himself, near Whig ' Hill, Forest county, he soon began to make hi) mark In the trado. The d :overy of oil by Colonel K. L. Drake hi Oil creek anil tile prciiomenal development that ensued throughout northwestern Pennsylvania, provided a ready market for tho product of his mills at the highest prices. He pur chased several thousand acres of timber land In Heaver valley, and In 1806, he built his first circular saw mill. His sur plus product, above what was readily absorbed in the local oil fields, was rafted and floated down the Allegheny to Pittsburgh, Cincinnati or Louisville. In 1S77, ho purchased a tract of 7,000 acres of timber land located at Ne braska, Green township, this county, and put into use the first band saw mill in this district, the second in the State. Seeing the opportunity to acquire valua ble tracts of timber cheaply, he now began to ucquire property rapidly and the profits derived from his business were steadily converted into extensive holdings of timber land along Tlonesta creek nnd its tributaries. Tho larger purchases in chronological order were as follows: The Stone fc Lindsay tract of 4,000 acres in Howe township, In 18S8; the Lacey tract of 7,000 acres In Green township. Forest county, and Harming ton township, Clarion county, in 1SS0; the Adamson tract of i),000 acres in Kingsley, Jenks and Howe townships, Forest county, in 1SD0; tho Cook lands tract of 6,000 ueres in Kingsley nnd Howe townships, Forest county. In 1892; tho Clough tract of S,000 acres in Howe and Jenks townships, Forest county, In 1911. Additional purchase were made, which added smaller tracts of contigu ous laud. Bom Vast Enterprises. The larger portion of these lands were acquired nt very low prices, before the Increase In prices of lumber. Mills were erected nt various convenient places to manufacture the timber Into lumber. The town of Nebraska continued to be the base of operations, but even larger plants were erected at Kellettvllle, Uo linza, Mayburg, Hastings and other places, some of which still flourish. Shipment by water became too slow and uncertain to meet the requirements of these vast operations nnd a railroad was completed In 1890, first connecting with the W. N. Y. & P. railroad at West Hclkory over the Hickory Valley rail road, but later, In 1898, this road, there after known as the Sheffield & Tlonesta railway, was extended up Tlonesta creek to Shellleld with un outlet there to tho P. i K. It has since been constructed to Tioiiesta from Nebraska, making a complete line of road along tho Tlonesta creek valley, touching at all the mills and villages for over 40 miles. During all these busy years there was a steadily increasing demand for lum ber nnd with the timber supply con stantly diminishing, combined to swell the value of his holdings many times over. The profits fiom the local mills were regularly .Invested In stuinpage In tho Statca of Washington, Oregon and Cdllf'-irntu, Jubt 3 rapidl uu they be came available, until at this time their value Is almost fabujous. The responsibilities of this great busi ness required the attention of more than one mind and Mr. Collins associated with himself In various enterprises a number of men who have assisted him In carrying his great plans to success, among whom are O. F. Watson, Tlonesta, Pa.; Hon. F. X. Kreltler, Nebraska, Pa.; It. L. Huzzard, now In California; Wil liam Dickey, of Brookville, Pa.; Frank K. .Brown, of Mayburg, Pa., and others probnbly equally as well known. Among the business Interests of Mr. Collins may be mentioned the following: Collins, Darrah & Co., Nebraska, Pa.; Watson Lands Lumoer Co., Mayburg, Pa.; Salmon Creek Lumber Co., Kellett vllle, Pa.; president Citizens National bank, Tlonesta; majority owner and president Shellleld & Tlonesta railway; the Cook oil lease, Mayburg, Pa., besides several concerns engaged in manufac turing lumber In the Pacific States, In cluding Curtis, Collins & Holbrook Co., San Francisco, Cal.; I'enn Lumber Co., of California; President Ostrander Railway Co., Ostrander, Wash.; stockholder Cas tU; Rock railway, Castle Rock, Wash. The deceased was married April 26, ISfil, to Miss Mary Stanton, of Rock land, Venango county, Pa., who died Oc tober is, 1908. One son was born, Ever cll Stanton Collins, aged about GO years, now in charge of all his father's west ern interests. The deceased was a life-long member of the Methodist Episcopal church and u liberal supporter of all religious move ments, giving both time and money to the propagation of the principles of Christianity. He has been, prominent for years as a churchman, repeatedly serving the Krle conference of the M. E. church at general conferences of that church. He, with two business part ners, a few years ago erected a fine, modern, brownstone edifice for the Tlo nesta congregation of his favorite de nomination and he has contributed most liberally to the building of churches at very many places throughout this sec tion, in cases whei the congregation was unable to build. Some Benevolences. His leading benevolences to religious, educational and missionary causes are ns follows: Erected missionary schools in Korea, nt l'ekin and Nankin, China, and nt Barilla, India equipped nnd main tained at his own individual expense; the Mary Stanton orphanage, In the island of Porto Rico, erected and equip ped at his own private expense; a mis sionary school at Montevideo, South America; donation of $150,000 to Tem ple university, Boston, nnd of $50,000 to Allegheny college, Meadville, and a sub stantial donation to the American uni versity, Washington, V. C; Binaller do nations to a large number of other edu cational institutions. Theso gifts have been always kept secret and at this time it is impossible, on this account, to name even a small part of tho whole. Probably the secrev. of his liberalty to worthy causes Is explained by the fact that early In life he became imbued with a belief that he had been endowed by his Creator with a special genius for busi ness nnd the accumulation of money, which" he was directed In a vision to do vote to philanthropic purposes, and throughout his long life he has adhered consistently to his convictions in this respect. He has often declared to his friends that the more generously he gave to worthy causes the more suc cessful he became and the more rapidly he accumulated. The secret of his power in the financial world was due to a most extraordinary business foresight which enabled him to anticipate, many years In advance, tho present scarcity of tim ber supply and the wonderfully cour ageous energy with which he benefited by this vision, in ncqulring nt low prices all tho available stuinpage he could carry. . Mr. Collins In many respects was a very remarkablo man, whose life history rends like a romance. Personally, he was common, unassuming, and, above all else, diligent in every relation in life. Financially, he was Napoleonic In his combinations, with almost unlimited confidence in his own Judgment, mak ing every environment bend to his Iron will and contribute to his success. U" was patient and persistent In his pur poses and unfaltering in the executioi of his designs. He was uncompromising In his convictions, frugal In his personal expenditures, but liberal and largely generous in every good cause. In tho true sense of the term he was a self made man nnd one who will be most appreciated in the years to come. His life is co-existent with the history of Forest county. THE FUNEBAL BKUVICKS . Services In memory of Truman D. Collins, llie mmti millionaire lumbei man, were held in I he Nebraska M E. church Monday morning commencing at 10:31) o'clock and attended by a hirge congregation In Which his vast army of employes, together with repiesentstives of Hie teligious organiza tions to which lie has been a liberal contri butor, were largely represented The services were In the following order: "Prayer" Uev. W. H. Crawford, presi dent of A.lleU(,iiy college, Meadville. "Scripture reading" Rev. W, S. Burton, Clarendon, l'a. "Funeral Oration" Bishop Oldham, sec retary of Board of Foreign Missions, New York city. "Karly Life of Mr Collins"-l)r. Barker, president of Boston University. ' "Life Work of Mr. Collins Among the Missionaries" Vice President King of the Pekin (China) University. "Treatment of Employes by Mr. Collins" Victor Heudrickson of Kellettvllle Following ihe services the funeral party, numbering about 600, left for here In a special train of eight coaches arriving at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. A large number of the residents of Tlonesta and surrounding countryside met the train, joined the cortege and marched to the Tlo nesta M. E church where the fuueral rites were concluded. 'These services included prayer by District Superintendent A. U. Kiel), reading of the scripture by Rev. Smallenberger of Kellettvllle; funeral ora tion by Bishop Joseph F. Berry of Phila delphia, followed by Ibe recital of personal recollections of the attracilve character and virtues of the deceased from Dr. W. H. Crawford and Rev. Dunlavy, pastor of the TinnpBta M. E church. Besuiifulaud appropriate music was rend ered at both services by the choirs of the Ne braska and Tlonesta M. K. churches. The tiorul offerings were tnagnirlceul in character and of great magnitude. A number were taken to the cemetery but the greater num ber were tent to the patients at Oiandview and Oil City hospitals at Oil City Monday afternoon. As a special mark of respect to the fore most and most successful business man of Forest county the publio schools and every business place In I ionesia were closed dur ing the hours of the services. The commitment was in the Collins maus oleum in the Mt. Collins cemetery here with the following friends acting as pall bearers: Honorary Hon. F. X. Kreltler, Orion Biggins, O V. Proper, A. M. Dontt, (i. F. Watson, J. C. Oeist, L J. Hopkins, E. L De Woody, J A. Small, F. E. Allison, James Bmitb, George Klinestiver. Active K. L. Haugb, H. P. Potter, S. II . Becor, James Thomson, I H. Allison, F. R. Klinestiver, F E. Hunter, Wilbur McKean. All were employes of the deceased. Before being placed in the mausoleum the body was viewed by the largest number of per sons ever gathered in the county on a like occasion. The commits! services were con ducted by his pastor, Rev. H Lee Dunlavy and District Superintendent A. R Rich. The benediction was by Bishop J. F, Berry. ARMY USES STREET CARS But "General" Coxey Makes Salem, O., in Phaeton. Because of a heavy downpour of rain when It left Alliance General Coxey's army of unemployed arrived la Salem, O., Sunday on street cars, the roads being unfit for marching. General Coxey and Miss Laura Kelly, who accompanied Rosalia Jones on her suffrage hike to Washington re cently, drove here In the old phaeton, accompanied by Coxey's son on a pony. It took five hours for General Coxey to drive from Alliance, ten miles dis tant. When the army of fifteen, six having deserted in Alliance, arrived they went to the Hotel Metzger, where they were served with a chicken dinner. Coxey later paid the bill. The army was met at the outskirts of town by a crowd of more than 600 persons and a line of automobiles and escorted into town. Chaplain II. S. Wilson made an ad dress and attacked Senutor Hoies Pen rose, Allegheny County Commissioner J. Denny O'Neil and "Billy" Sunday. The army left later for Leetonia. Cigaret Causes Murder of Man. The police are searching for Frank Sims, a negro of the Philadelphia city hospital, who is charged with having beaten to death with his fists William Dougherty, a patient of the Institu tion, while the latter was doing tem porary guard duty. After the killing, which wag committed In the presence of 100 patients, Sims scaled a ten foot wall and made Ills escape, Dougherty endeavored to prevent Sims from smoking a cigaret and a quarrel followed. Turkish Brigands Busy. Turkish brigands held up and robbed American teachers, wounding one. The holdup occurred near the Sea of Gallilee. MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago, April 21. Hogs Receipts, 33,000. Hulk ol sales, J8.60tfi8.70; light, J8.B0tfi8.7u; mixed, $8.50(0 8.75; heavy, $8.25j 8.72 Mii rough, 8.25tfj8.40; pigs, $7.25 tfj8.40. Cattle Receipts, 25,000. Beeves, $7.05(8 9.45; Texas steers, $7.15tf8.20; stockers and feeders, $5.u0tfi 8.05; cows and hellers, $3.65(Q8.60; calves, $6 (ft 8.75. Sheep Receipts, 23,000. Natives, $5.40ti7; yearlings, $5.80tfj7.60; lambs, native, $6.25tfj 8.30. Wheat May, 91 . Corn May, 62. Oats Ma, 36 Pittsburg, April 21. Cattle Choice, $8.75tf9; prime, $8.60tf8.80; good, $Sfff8.,ri0; common, $6.50tfi7; heifers, $5.50tfi8; common to good fat bulls, $5.b0tfj7.75; con mou lo good fat cows, $3.50tf7.25; freHh cows and springers, $45(i80. Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers, $5.75 ffj. 5.90; good mixed, $3.305.65; fair mixed, $4.805.25; culls and com mon, $3tfJ4; spring lambs, $0012.50; veal calves, $9.50 Hi 9.75; heavy and thin calves, $6.507. Hogs Prime heavy, $8.759; heavy mixed, $9; mediums and heavy York ers, $9,0519.07 Ms ; light Yorkers, $8.S0 tf8.90; p'gs, $8.50fi8.75; roughs, $7.50 tfj8; stags, $7tff7.25. Butter Prims, 28V4ffJ29; tubs, 26'i 27. Eggs Selected, 19tfil9H. Pl try -(live) Fat . hens, 20tfj21; (dressed) hens, 22tfj 23. Cleveland, April 21. Cattle Choice fat steers, $8 8.50; good to choice, $7.75 8; olioice .heif ers, $7 7.50; mllchers and springeri. $60tfi80. .- . Hogs Yorkers, T8.90; mixed, $8.90: pigs, $8.50tfj 8.60; stags, $7. Calves Good to choice, $9.2Sffj 9.B0; heavy and comuaoo, $6'iS. LAND AND SEA FORGES ARE TO PUNISHHUERTA Congress Sanctions Movement Against Dictator WAR NOW APPEARS INEVITABLE President Wilson's Demand For Sa lute of American Flag Rejected by Provisional President of Mexican Republic Coasts of Mexico to Bo Blockaded and Forts of Vera Crui and Tampico to Be Seized. War with Mexico is Imminent. Huerta's final answer to the do. mand of the United States has been received. He has refused to fire the salute under the terms laid down by President Wilson. New conditions were proposed by the Mexican dictutor at the last moment. These were not accepted and officials announced that negotia tions were at an end and that the pro gram of reprisal would be carried out. The president appeared before con gress and read a message reciting the numerous Insults to the United States recently and asked for sanction to the American plan of a blockade of all Mexican ports. The request was granted and im mediately orders were Issued for the blockading and seizure of all Mexican ports on the east and west coasts jf. the southern republic. This movement while not lu itself an act of war is almost certain to in volve hostilities and officials In Wash ington have accepted as Inevitable an open declaration of war with Mexico. The president in his address to coil grss said that the United States did not intend to go to war with the Mex ican people but thut the armed move ment was against Huerta, who "called himself the provisional president." He further said he had no en thusiasm for war but he had en thusiasm for justice and for the dig nity of the United States. For the first time the president dis closed that he hopes also through tho drastic measures to be taken against Huerta to accelerate the removal of the dictator from power at Mexico City. It was indicated by the presi dent that the United States will not be satisfied now with merely the firing of the salute at Tampico, but will in sist upon a guarantee that there will be uo more acts of disrespect such as the Tampico arrests. Tho news of Huerta's refusal was flashed by wireless to Admiral Badger, commanding the Atlantic fleet now hurrying toward Mexico, and to the commanders of the American war ships already in Mexican waters. The ports of Tampico and Vera Cruss will be the first to be seized. Rail road communication to Mexico City will be intenupted and an effort made to starve Huerta into submission in this way. Huerta's defiance came after a day of haggling. It came after President Wilson had again served notice in the most emphatic terms that his demand for a salute were unconditional. The exact words of the message which the president sent Huerta, which ended all for a modification of tills govern ment's ultlmation, were these: "Tell O'Shaughnessy our terms are unconditional In every detail." Secretary Daniels disclosed that the third division of the Atlantic fleet, in cluding tin Virginia, Connecticut and Ohio, now undergoing slight repairs in drydock, probably will go to Mex ico April 26 or 27. The ships will not be overhauled until that time, lie said, and so no order had been issued ns to their movements yet. The trans port Hancock bearing 800 marines, which sailed from New Orleans on Wednesday, is due oft Tampico. Secretary Daniels suid that no addi tional ships of the Pacific fleet had been ordered to the west const of Mexico other than the seven ordered to reinforce Admiral Howard at Mazatlan, Acapulco and Tolpolobampo on Wednesday. Commander Charles V. Hughea, chief Nf staff of tho United States At lantic lleet, culled on General Gustavc Mans, rommander of the federal troop! at Vera Cruz, and on the cvmmandcr of tho port, and instructed them to order all American merchant vessel! out of the harbor. Commander Hughes then went on board the Spanish and tho British warships anchored off this port and Informed their commanders of his action. William W. Canada, the American consul here, is making arrangement! to have the foreigners in the city taken on board the merchant vessoli should necersity arise. No indicat'onn of disorder have been seen In the city. It Is still believed that the precautions taken will not br. followed by drastic action. American women, nrting on official suggestion, are going on board th boats In tho harbor. Consul Canada is endeavoring to in form all foreigners of President Wil son's action. Under instructions from the department of state ho is remind lng them of a previous warning tc withdraw from Mexico. . OrderH' to repent those -Instruct loni to Tampico aud H'onterey sad to lu In Command ot Fleet Now on Way to Mexico X 4k H tr,V 'f KKAIt ADMIRAL B AUG 10 It. form Tuxpan and Puerto Mexico have been received by the consul there. Secretary of War Garrison said nc definite steps had been taken on call lng upon the military organizations of the states to participate in hos tilities against Mexico. The secre tary added that Geiiiml Mills, chiul of the division of militia, had beeu asked to inquire as to the timo which would be required to muster the militia but that no other instruction has been Issued. Mr. Garrison refused to discuss any detail of the plan which has been drawn for operations in Mexico. No orders putting this plan Into effect have been issued and no immediate pursuance of orders is contemplated General Wood will assume supreme command of the army's movements in the field once the campaign orders have been issued. General Wood wus present at a meeting of the joint arm) and navy board at which plans f of the co-operutiou of the two arms were discussed. Secretary Garrison took no further Bteps to assure un adequate numbci of ships of the merchant marine foi use as army transports when the movement Marts. Ho indicated that full preparations were made In this respect and that no hitch need be expected. CONTEMPLATING WAR TAX United States Has Plenty of Money on Hand, However. The United States has a bulging treasure chest that could be drawn upon in case of hostilities witli Mex ico. The statement of the treasury Is sued at the close of business April 17 shows: . Net balance of treasury funds, $:'uG, 381,688. Cash balance ill general fund, $SG, 381,688. Gold reserve, $150,(100,000. Net silver, $:1.S 15.000. United States notes in treasury, $5, 430,472. Treasury notes of 18!)0, $8,750,000. National bank notes, $:!r,S'j;!,SG7. Total receipts this year to date, $5:15,511, GOD. It was conf emplated by the govern ment financiers in and out of congress and the treasury department thut suf ficlent war funds could be raised by the government through doubling the income tax and in Imposing a stamp tax. It was estimated thut $200,000, 000 a year could be raised from these two sources. It was known that Chair man Underwood of the ways aud means committee was considering uo other war taxes. It was tho general belief that the war could bo carried on with this sum. WOULD LOWER DIGNITY So Says Mexican Government Official in Regard to Salute. Tho Mexican foreign minister, Por tillo y Itojiis, announced that it would be Impossible to agree to the denian.l of the United States that the Hag ot that country bo unconditionally salut ed because that flag was not Insulted, because It wus not Hying from the launch und because tho murines were set free even before an Investigation, anil the officer responsible fur the arrests was himself arrustod and held for trial. Tho foreign minister further an nounced that the Mexican government would agree that both Hags bo saluted, the American Hag first, and then the Mexican flag, this arrangement to ic mado by a protocol signed by the Amerltun charge d'affaires, Nelson O'Shaughnessy, and the Mexican for eign minister. REBELS WILL JOIN HUERTA If United States Fires Shot Against Mexican Territory. Tho general nttihiile of the rebel officers is thai if the United States confines (Is measures ngninst th Huerta government to a blockade' ol ports held by Huerta the rebels wil) not resent it, but nt the first firing ol a shot against Mexican territory the1 rebels will resent it with arms. lu tho event of u blockade agalnsl tho port 'Of Juarez and other ports held by rel ls they appear to be gefl eralty of tlio opinion Unit they woulJ be fclttd to resent it with arms. "I'm ii 1 4 v ... X POLICE FIND NO PL0TJVI0ENCE Certain That Mayor Mitctiel's Assailant Was Crank MAHONEY IS SORRY HE SHOT Bullet Intended For Mayor Plows Into Jaw of Corporation Counsel Polk. Man Not Dangerously Injured. That Michael p. Mahoney, the man who tried to kill Mayor Mitchel ol New i'ork. was a crank with a grievance against the mayor because of the hitter's policy and admiuistra tion, is the positive opinion of the police after questioning the prisonei and going over a diary among Ma honey's effects. The whole story affords little ground for the rumor that he was In with others in a plot to assassinate the mayor. Mahoney was subjected to u severe grilling by the police. hast Mo"day, he said, he went tc the city hull to see the mayor and when told that he could not see Mr Mitchel without a ticket the refusal made him "nearly crazy." Again on Wednesday he went to the city hall and this time, he told the police and Mr. Whitman, he carried a revolver "I saw the mayor aud Mr. Bruere. his secretary," said Mahoney, "come out at noon, but my thoughts against Mitchel softened aud 1 didu't Bhoot him then." Karly Friday afternoon, according to his story, he visited a saloon in Park row, drank some whisky and then attended an anarchistic ineetlini under the statue of Benjamin Frank lin in Park row. He was leaving the meeting when he saw the mayor aud ills party. He immediately determined it was a good time to kill the mayor Mahoney suid lie was sorry he fired. "1 would never do such a thing ugain," he said. "I am very sorry foi Mr. Polk. I hope he will recover." Mayor Mitchel, Police Commission er Arthur Woods and Corporation Counsel Frank Polk had left the mayor's ofice and were on the point of starting off in an automobile when Mahoney advanced and fired on the mayor. P lk moved forward in the car at the same time and the bullet crashed through Mr. Polk's Jaw, knocking out two of his front teeth and inllictiug a serious though not necessarily fatal wound. He was re moved to a hospital. Mayor Mitchel gave this version ol the shooting: "The man shot for the back of my head. Frank was leaning forward, at least he told mo ho was. You know tlie seat is narrow and there is hardly room for three. 1 did not see the man wlio did the shooting, nor did I see the other two fellows who ran away. I urn told by a man who claims to have seen them that he heard one oi them say, 'All right, go ahead.' II there were two other fellows I wish to God I could huve caught sight of at least one of them running away. 1 would have liked to have taken a shot at him." "Did you druw a gun?" was asked. "1 had one in my pocket and I took it m," tho mayor replied. "What did you do with It then?" "I put it back," Mr. Mitchel laughed. Asked If he curried a revolver regu larly, the njuyor said: "Certainly, I have carried one for the last three -months. The experience of the last admlnistralUm teaches us that there are always a few crazy people lu every community and uo one can foretell what they will do. The mayor is always receiving threatening letters." "F.rnitie tendencies," Mr. Mitchel continued, "usually manifest them selves ut the beginning ot an admin istration. So I've been a little bit on my guard, that's all. Now that this Is over I presume it Is over for the ad Uiluistrutlun aud we can go ahead." In the prisoner's pockets were two or three letters and a newspaper clip ping relating to the Gnetlials police bills. - One of the letters was a brief one in an envelope stamped and ad dressed to "Muyor Armstrong, Pitts burg, i'a." it was dated April 14 and read: "Armstrong: You have done your part and you soon will pay. We will do our purt and you will seo what purl il will be." A long, rumbling letter on the gen eral subject of Mayor Mitchel's record on the poli- e question began: ".Mitchel: You never Inst some ol your old tricks und you never will." In the prisoner's pockets the police found two bottles containing liquids supposed to ho some sort of drugs. A man who said lie saw the shooting de clared that as the man fired two men who had lucu with him ran off in op posilo directions. This led to the belief that there had been u plot to assassinate the mayor. The hist previous attempt to assassi nate a mayor of New York was made by James J. Gallagher, who shot Mayor William J. thiyuor on Aug. P, DUO, as Guvnor was about to sail for Kurope. Gallagher's bullet found it? murk and remained in tho mayor's throat. Many believed that the wound hastened Gaynor's death. Gallagher was det hired insane and was sent to an wyluiu at Trenton, N. J where he died of paresis on Feb. G, 1912. Beverldge Nomirated. Ally rt, J.. ieveridge was nominated by the Indiana-. Progressives for the United States Fetiatorship. r