THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. RATES OF ADVERTISING) Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offloe in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building, BXM BTBEBT, TI0NKSTA, PA, Terns, 1.00 A Year, Btrletly IiMtum. Entered as seoond-olass matter at the poal-offioe at Tlonesta. No subscription received for shorter period than three months. Correspondence solicited, but no notloe will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Always give your name. One Square, one inch, one week... 1 00 One Square, one Inch, one month.. S 00 One Square, one inoh, 3 months.... 6 00 One Square, one inch, one year .... 10 10 Two Squares, one year 16 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year. 60 00 One Column, one year 100 00 Legal advertisements ten cents per Una each Insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de For PUBLICAN VOL. XLVII. NO. 8. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1914. $1.00 PER ANNUM. est BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. 8. D. Irwin. Justices of the Peace C. A, Randah, D, w. uiara. Ctmneimen. J.W, Landers, O. B. Rob' Inson, R. J. Hopkins, O. F. Watson, U W. uoleman, J. B. Muse, Charles Clark Constable u. L. Zuver. Collector W. H. Hood. School Directors VI . 0. Imel, J. K Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jamieson, D. U Blnm. FOREST COUNTY OFFICER. S. Member of Congress W. J. Hulingg. Member of Senate J. IC. P, Hall. Assembly A. K. Meobllng. - .President Judge W. U. Hinckley. . ' Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph ' H. Morgan. Prothbnotary, Register ct Recorder, te -8. K. Maxwell. HheriT Wm. U. Hood. ' Treasurer Vt . H. Commissioners Wm. H. Harrison, J, C. Soowden, 11. U. McUlellan. District Attorney M. A. Carrlnger. Jury Commissioners J. li. Eden, A.M Moore. Coroner Dr. M. O Kerr. ' County Auditors George H. Warden A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shield. County Purveyor Roy 8. Braden. County Superintendent J . O. Carson. Regular Terns f Csart. Third Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Third Monday of September. - Third Monday of November. 1 r Regular Meetings of County Com mis sioners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of month. C'harrk aaa Mabbath rk Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m Preaching In M. K. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. nev. M. E. Woloott. Pastor. . Preaching in the Presbyterian church every Sabbath at ll:i0 a. m. ana 7:30 p m. Rev. U. A. Bailey, Pastor. The rearular meetlnirs of the W. C. T. U. are held 'at the headquartera on the seoond ana rourtn Tuesdays or eaon month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TP N ESTA LODUE. No. 889. 1. 0. 0. F. 1 Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows', Hall, Partridge building. pAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 J G. A. K. Meets 1st Tuesday after noon of each month at 3 o'clock. rAVT. GECRGE STOW CORPS. No, VV 137, w. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening or eaon montn. RITCHEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tlonesta, Pa, MA. CARRINGER, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Offloe over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. 8HAWKEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Warren, Practice in Forest Co. Pa. AO BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Qfflce In Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sts., Tlonesta, Pa. FRANK 8. HUtfTER, D. D. 8 Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank, HON ESTA, PA. DR. F. J. BOVARD, Physician A Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. B. SIQGINS, Physician and Surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, 8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and up to-date In all its ap pointments. Every convenience and oomfort provided for the traveling public CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A. FULTON, Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This Is the most centrally . located hotel in the place, and has all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make It pleasaut stopping place for the traveling public pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the Quest to the ooarsest and guarantees his work to ?ive perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten ion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. gT successfully used m lor .years I MUCH & ALL DESIRE FOR DRINK ORm 46FifAveitts CHICHESTER S PILLS l.atllful Aa your HruccUt for i I'HU in Kt-d and iJoiJ mmllic tm, icaled with Mua Riltxn TaL no other, ltur of ronr lmldt. Askrnrril. lfl-:H.TERB lHAMOMt ItltANU I' 11,1,, for Ufr years known M Best, Safest, Always Kelithl SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE mmm Promptly otilalnnl. or FCC RETURNED. 10 VCARS'IXPIRIINOI. Uur CHANCE S AS S TMI LOWEST, ttoud incKl. l, ubutu or kc b fur ipert wNtrch Mid free report ou patf nuUiUlty. INFSINQEMENT nulls comluctMl before ll oourtfi. l'mtentn obtained through UN, A OVER TlSIOtnd SOLO, free. TRAOI-MARK1, PEN. SIONS and COPVRIOHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Offloe, WASHINGTON, D. O. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . Cures' WMs, Croup sod Wliucrping CoireH. I mssm Treasurers Sale UNSEATED IN FOREST COUNTY, PA. BY VIRTUE of sundry Acts of the Gen eral Assembly of the Commouweslil of Pennsylvania, relating to the sale of Unseated Linda In the County of Forest, etc, for tszes due and unpaid, I will offer at publlossln at tbe Court House, in the oorougn oi l looesis, fa., on tbe Second Monday In June, 1914, being the Eighth day of June, 1014, at 10 o'oiuck a. in., tbe lollowing described pieces of land or such Darts thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of axes ana costs due and unpaid against me same ana continue me time irom day to day as the same may be found neoessary, , Terms of Sale. Tbe amount of tsxes and ooata must be paid wben the property Is struck off or me sale may be avoided and tbe property put up una rnoia. All Trnn. nmt llterl innrtud are ad' veriiaea lor Taxes r I til a sod 1913, Barnelt Tow nslilp,' Wat. Acrai - rurulH or Owner Ain't 31111 17 Moinbert Mrs E E '13 $2 68 6700 2U5 Barnes W M H Pearsall 60 06 iorio0'12andlori50 13 Bariett J W n Q A K ll 2 6701 604 Braden ARM Taber oil only 24 36 100 CusRins Theo H i of oil only 1013 1 78 8101 8101 04 Parmlee Geo N oil and gas 1012 . 4 22 oO 1'armlee Geo N oil and gas 1012 ' ". 8 60 3101 31-18 62 Parmlee Geo N oil and gas 1UI2 4 23 64 Beers Nancy oil and gas 7 02 33 Work Josisb ) oil gas 2 44 44 fear-nail Mary A oil and gas 1012 8 29 100 Reynolds D J J oil was 3 75 3302 5701 ta rteynoius V J oil and gas 1913 1 57 1UU work J os lab A Hon 1 oil and gas 6 13 65 Maze Mrs Mary N 4 oil - and gas 4 68 4 Maze Mrs Mary Ni oil and gas 1 22 I of 160 Wbitmer Geo fl Q A K' 13 ft (12 B147 ol 625 Dickey MnoreA Kelso 11 W W 1913 22 63 Slotf JOI247 Uickev Moore A Kelso II W W 1913 11 23 sua 1Z Ulckev Browo fl W W 1013 1 711 3302 II Reynolds D J 1913 170 i of 150 Ulf Bros fl Barletl 1913 3 32 G reen Township. 6189 150 Eblers Henry 1913 17 60 6600 I12i Proper O W A J F land only - 10 90 6601 132 ProDer A Lacv 1H 71 IWI9 J ol 308 McClintock i Brennan 11 88 3H20 25 Proper A Buztrd II Thompson 1013 6 56 3820 60 Walters Cuss A Walters C 1013 4 70 8819 60 Collins T Pfl Long- stretb 1913 4 70 Harmony Township. 103 MoC' .luiont J S 25 13 163 Osmer J H 47 50 216 'ill 111) Osiner J H 31 38 100 Slggins A Helm fl T B 23 76 40 Bell James M 11 N A V Oil Co 1013 8 89 1 of 218 BarnardFBflTbnmas'13 15 08 14 B-aer Wm A others '12 2 01 41 Snow T A fl Foster 16 83 264 NmitbLucyPflO'Usra'13 30 22 I Walt" Oeo T u J A Daw son 1913 4 70 100 W alts Geo T fl Stewart Run Oil Co 1913 21 SO 73 Dawson G R fl Marsh '13 14 48 i ol5 Lee Metcalt 1913 163 106 Stewart Sainl Est A J Ban dy farm i oil and gas '13 2 95 S Slggins John fl Borer '13 174 100 Slater Michael Eil fl Dawson oil A gas 1913 4 70 73 Marsh I'll as nil gas '13 3 68 00 Kltch H M It BSoott nil and gas 1913 2 83 87 Nelll and others fl Buzer nil and gas 1913 4 22 70 Kltch HMIarinof Hotob- kiss oil and gas 1913 8 08 00 Fleming E E larui of Ralston oil gas 1013 8 21 7 CasnadePetLand Asso'13 3 95 18 Mower F W and others fl Barneti 1913 ' 2 09 6 Siggins Jnbn it Orion fl Scball 1913 2 83 Hickory Township. 516 of 16 Colbert Dr fl Reid '12- 1 70 6192 16 105 ol 621 Gray W R 1913 8 84 1U2 3 1631)1024 Bnscber J T 4 24 6192 iul'20 l5ol624 Henry A Keller n wiison n ui 3689 200 Proper Floyd 83 62 1 6ol 150 Dale J T II H B A D 6 09 3089 850 PeroivslOA fUvJunMA 4'2 OH 6192 10 165 ol 624 Dlfendorf Emma '13 6 90 8689 65 CaacadePnt LandAfSo'13 15 75 Klngslpy Township. 214 100 Anchor Oil Co fl Sbooley 1913 8 88 6193 145 Vail John S 11 Clnpp 24 03 61H7 J oi 79 Brennan A Richards 10 02 6132 60 t'a tier son IN 16 01 6217 1 011241 Lamb A oil and gas 25 19 6194 65 IkenburgMsry fl LtR'13 10 23 6135 1167 P operrfc Kuuppoiiaud gas 1913 43 70 6131 170 Proper it Knupp oil and gaa 1913 7 27 Tlonesta Township. 42 Brown A W fl Weant 17 81 1)7 Banner Oil Coti Hunter 15 60 98 Banner Oil Cofl Hunter oil and gas 8 23 165 Proper J K fl Proper 32 10 76 Jamieson Q fl A P A J 12 85 17 Proper A Jamieson fl A P fc J 8 76 00 Wbitlekln Ada fl Lackey oil and gas 4 69 45 Fourth National Bank of Pitlsburgb 1913 6 41 780 Gilmore Clinton G oil only 1913 14 20 64 Fleming E E 1913 6 06 760 Scbofleld Archie fl Curliu J oil and gas 1913 4 23 Hone Township. 2828 2824 2835 Wr. 8 uk. Ar STiminte or Owotr Jln'l 109 Taylor Levins G A Oho II Wlllink 1913 6 69 138 BloodCyrus rl Blood'13 6 85 61 W Illlnk Wit Coulter N 8 14 18 Means A While 1913 2 10 850 Collins T D 1912 17 60 48 AdamsnnJ flSCLbrCo 5 37 759 Adamson J 69 82 7 Rosenblatt II 1913 2 63 2850 Vacant 2977 85 3801 3195 5108 6105 . . 8197 2878ol3-5ofll(0 Proper J M Lsnson 32 61 3186 58 Proper J F fl W C 6 24 2977 N 1 0f34 35 100 Mnrok Fred 5 63 2980 1161 Frost Lhr Co 11 R H Brown 1913 50 98 Vacant 110 Brown F K 1913 6 00 Vacant 100 Brown F K 1913 4 68 1 Jeuks Township. 66 106J Jainleson.J Morgan 18 00 49 93j Jamieson J Morgan 16 05 66 :tj Jamieson J Morgan 16 05 68 13llj Jamieson J Morgan 21 90 07 68 Jamieson J Morgan 10 28 13 60 BoyntonPS iWlllisms 10 63 14 58 Bnynton Pfl Clank Jos 10 28 14 68 Boynlon PN-i Wlllink 10 28 150 Eaton fl Eldrldge '13 11 13 8174 3174 8174 8174 8174 5144 6144 6144 30 U! 3178 783 Buhl G W & Browo fl HagKerBrooll4gas'12 33 32 3642 130 Bubl G W A Brown fl Eaton oil k gas 1912 6 06 8164 2 75 Paulson P tt W 4 W '12 fl 84 3171 . 105 Blood P P 17 83 3173 100 Blood P P 17 00 3173 80 Blood P P 13 67 8183 20 MootilliousANAOtbers4 22 8561 100 Hepplnger Ed 11 Frost W H oil only 1912 31 74 5110 003 Salmon Creek Lbr Co 145 81 3642 7 lot 100 ProperAgoewAKelly 6 01 3169 185 Carnaban A otbera oil and gas 1912 3 06 3171 40 Carnahan A others oil and gas 1912 3 06 3173 80 Horton Geo A Seieel 0 fl Blond 13 82 3663 J of 2 of HO for '12 1 of 140 for '13 Grove WACoflWD7 62 3190 40 EisworthJorAOtbers'12 8 80 5141 127 Knupp A Yates fl Ray 47 03 8190 956 W bite Star Oil Co 11 C C Co 1912 19 02 3103 875 While Star Oil Co fl Pvle oil and ga 1912 3 03 8064 140 McN al Frank 11 ZA B 23 42 3322 40 McDonald Oil Co H Welsh i oil A gas '12 2 23 6500 60 McDonald Oil Co fl MiulzlollAgaa'12 5 22 3322 25 McDonald Oil Co fl Bisloph 1 oil gas '12 1 65 3322 46 McDonald Oil Co 11 Lin berg joll gas '12 3 17 3322 150 McDonald Oil Co 11 Lovioa 4 oil A gas '12 4 13 8799 245 Berg C J fl Frost 1912 21 04 6143 10 259 GllloyleOilAGasCo'12 2 28 6142 60 GilfoyleOIIUasCo'12 4 13 0143 25 OllloyleOil GasCo'12 4 13 61 15 195 Central Penna Lbr Co 32 23 6138 495 Central Penna Lbr Co 81 22 3504 100 Walson Caroline E oil and Baa 8 08 5129 68 Adamson Joseph 10 28 65(H) 21 Proper O W A J F oil and sas 2 69 8564 99 Miniz David fl Bell 17 20 3044 877 Penna Gas Co oil oolv 36 13 0142 1 of 140 K'llerKA fl Boynlon '12 3 74 0141 127 Knupp A Yates fl Ray nil and gas 11 11 3170 160 Wray W A fl Ray John 1913 13 46 3170 52J Hunt Anna L 1013 6 13 3668 250 Banner FC& Dlnsinore C 1 16 nl oil A all iraa 11 R9 3667 250 SannerFC&Dinsmore C 1-10 of nil dE all sas 11 80 3G72 150 SannerFCA Dinsmore CI 16 of oil A all eras 7 66 8171 80 Stnoecipher Maud E A Tnwler H nil and iraa 7 37 8159 328 Dickey Wm fl Kreit- ler 1913 26 55 6142 J of 140 Barletl J W fl Boy o ton 12 20 3669 1124 Pa Gas Cooil only '13 20 94 0142 1 of 140 Wblliner ueo fl Boyn lon 1913 8 71 3561 3-20ofll04 Knupp W J fl De vonian Oil Co 20 69 356I 1031 Nlckolson John 166 80 8102 821 Montgomery J G fl W A W 131 77 0142 1 ofMO Ulf Bros fl Keller '13 8 71 By virtue of an Act of Assembly enti tled "An Act 'to regulate tbe collection of taxes on unseated lands.' aooroved the 6ih day of June, 1887, Interest will be rnargea on juiz taxes Irom January 1 1913, to date of payment, and on 1913 lazes from January 1. 1914. to date o payment, at tbe rate of six per cent, per annum. W. H. BRAZEE, Treasurer. Tlonesta, Pa., Mai oh 23 1914. Mercantile Appraiser's List for Forest County for Year D. 1914. The Wholesale and Retail Venders of Foreign and Douieslc Merchandise, mating House. Billiard Kooma. Bowl log Alleys. Brokers, and ODera Houses lu Forest County, Pennsylvania, are as I'Uiows, to wit : NAMK HUM NESS PONTOFPICB Atlantic Refining Co., oils, West Hickory Atlantic Retiuing Co., oils, Tionesta. Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesta, Anderson, U. A., greeubouae. Tionesta. Anderson, G. T., jeweler, Tlonesta. Arner, O. M. A Son, brokers, Tlonesta. aui, Mrs. b. cV Co., mercbanta, Marien ville, Bebrens, L mis, merchant, Starr. Baugbman, J. M. A G. A., butchers, Mar- lenvii.e. Baxter, J. W., merchant, Gilfnyle. Booth, W, A., meicbant, Watson Farm. riaugnman, A. n., nutcner, Kellettvllle. Bowman, T. J, Estate, millers. East Hickory. Bender, Robert P., merchant, West Hick ory. Rovard F. J., droggist, Tlonesta. Bovard, F. J., Bovard's Hall, Tionesta, Crouuh A Zbuiner, merchants, Eaat H ickory. CauQeld, Harry, cigars, West Hickory. Clark, O. J., merchant, Eaat Hickory. Cohen, H. I., fruit, Tionesta. Carson, A .jeweler, Tionesta. Cook, A. Sods Co., merchants, Cooksburg. Croaauiun, W. A., merchant, Kedoljlle. Collins A Kreitler, merchants, Nebraska. Carson, J. T,, broker, Tionesta. Daua, h. W., cigars, Marienville. Detar, W. J cigars, Kellettvllle. Day A Hartman, merchants, Kellettvllle. Ueclllla, M., iruit, Tlonesta. Fitzgerald, Patrick, broker, Tionesta. Fools Creek Store Co., mercbauls, True mans. Fuiton, C. N., merchant, Pigeon. Fuilon, R. A., cigars, Tioueata. GildersleeveA Wood, merchants, Brooks ton. Gerow, J. N., cigars, Tionesta, Gerow, J. N., restaurant, Tioueata. Gerow, J N., billiarda, Tlonesta. Glnsburg, Cbas., bowliug alley, Tlonesta. tiaalet, James, lurniture, Tlouesta. Herman. R. M., merchant, Tionesta. Hepler, Mrs. M. N., merchant, Tionesta. Hepler, Mrs. M. N., restaurant, Tionesta. Harp, Harry H , oigars, Marienville. Harp, Harry H billiarda. Marienville. Harkless, Frauk E .druuHim, Kellettvllle. Hopkins, L. J., merchant, Tlonesta. Hunter, A. M men-bant, flireon. Johnson, W. T., cigars, Marinnville. Klllmer KroB., merchants, Tionesta, Kelly, J. N., billiarda, Marienville. Lanaon, F. R., merchant, Tlonesta. Lanson Bros., millnrs, Tlonesta. Lease, A. A., restaurant, Marienville. Lease, A. A., o'gars, Msrienville. Lecaatro, Rncco, merobant.Wesl Hickory. Larson, J. E.. merchant. Bronkxton. Miller, W. J., oiuars. Kellettvllle. Miller, W. J billiarda. Kellettvllle. Mapes, II. C, hardware, Tioueata. Morgan, J. K , merchant, Tloneela, MoGee, Mrs. W. E., merchant, Tinnesta. Mecbling A London, merchants, Claring tnn. Mavburg Supply Co., merobants, May burg. Mintz, David, merchant, Marienville. Mensch, S. O., hardware, Marienville. McCurdy, E. G. ACo . merchants. Lvnch. McKown, G. H., oigars, Nebraska. Marienvii e Variety Store, , merchants, Mailenvllle. Neill, A. D. A Co., merchants, Marien ville. Nye, C. W meSkliant, Marienville. lerce, Mrs. Kmrria, oigars, Tinnesta. Robln-on, G. W. Sou, meichants, Tlo nenta. Rodda, G. F., merchant, Tinnesta Rodda A Hamilton, Pastime Theatre, Tioneata. Randall, 0. A., cigars, TioneHta. ' Rosen, L. A tnutcbunt, Eudeavur. Rea, G. W merchant, Blue Ridge. Roebrig. John, harness. Marienrille. Reyner, Mrs. E. D., merchant, Marien- viue. Reyner, Mrs. E. D., restaurant, Marien vine. Reyner, T. J., merchant. Msrienville, Salmon Creek Mercantile Co., merchants, neiieuviiie. Stiles A Evans, merahants. Endeavor. Smith, Harry H, A Co., merchants, West a icaory, Sboup, Wm., merchant. Muzette. Schwab, J. E. A Son, butchers, East mcKory. Schweitzer, Harry, cigars, Endeavor. Shaw, J. II., cigars, Kellettvllle. Shaw, J. H., billiards, Kellettvllle. Simpson, W. 8., Jeweler, Kellettvllle. Sizle, Wm., Jeweler, Kellettvllle Soowden, J. C, hardware, Tlonesta. Sigwortb, S. S , hardware, Tinnesta. Sbipe, H. A., broker, Marienville. Tionesta Gas Co.. hardware. Tlonesta. Tucker. 1 nomas, merchant. Trunkevville. Thompson, Evelyn, merchant, Tionesta tv, u. Wilson A Taylor, merchants, Marienville. watson Co., merchants, Kellettvllle. Wallers, F. it Co., millinery. Tionesta. Walker, Ross A., druggist. Tionesta. Wilson. Geome. butcher. Tionesta. Whllmore, J. E., merchant, East Hickory nailers, u, t,., cigars, West Hickory. Walters. C. L.. billiards. West Hickorv Wolfe, Cora L., merchant, Cooper Tract, Wolfe. Olive, milllnerv. Kellettvllle. Wolfe, Andrew, merchant, Tionesta R. D, woiigang, a. a , billiards, Kellettvllle Young, J. J., cigars, Marienville. Zahniser, Florence, millinery, East Hickory. Zuver, h. L., merchant, Tionesta. Notioe is hereby given to all persons concerned that an appeal from tbe fore going appraisement will be held at tbe oilice of tbe County Treasurer, in Tio nesta. Pa . on Thursday. April 30. 1914 wben and where they may attend If tbey see proper. Lima l. zuvkk, Mercantile Appraiser, OLD MYSTERIES MAY DISSOLVED Two Physicians and Nurse Ar rested in Pittsburg CONFESSION BY ONE DOCTOR "House of Mystery" in Bellevue, Pa., Raided by County Prosecutor Jack- ton Dorothy Arnold Is Mentioned. That the mystery concerning tin disappearance of several women wil. be explained District Attorney R. H Jackson of Allegheny county, Pa., be lleves will result from a raid made by county detectives on a house on thf outskirts of Bellevue, Pittsburg sub urb, which for three years has bepr known as "The House" of Mystery.' Three persons "were arrested in con nectlon with the case and severa more, District Attorney Jackson says will be apprehended. ' Those now under arrest are Pr. C 0. Meredith, with offices In : thf Schmidt building. Fifth ' avenue'; Dr, H. E. Lutz, with offices' in the;Penn building, Penn avenue, and Miss" Lucy Dorothy Orr, alias .Lucy Dorothy Damnis, a rtursp. and alleged partnei of Dr. Meredftll. ' Ball bonds aggregating $22,000 were furnished and the release Obtained of the trio. Later Dr. Meredith and Miss Orr were rearrested on the charge of murder. In-a sworn-affidavit made befo District Attorney U. H. Jackson, after his arrest, Dr. H. E. Lutz said in parL: "About the middle of March, 191H, Mrs. Myrtle Allison applied for atten tion at my office on the second floor of the Penn building on Penn avenue and collapsed. On examination I saw- that she was suffering from the ef fects of an operation. "I asked her who had performed the operation and In the presence of my nurse and another physician she made an ante-mortem statement charging Dr. C. C. Meredith with performing the operation. 'After a great deal of difficulty I succeeded in reaching Dr. Meredith by telephone. I told him that the wo man's condition was very precarious and said that he must come at once and take her away. He did. About two- weeks later I met Dr. Meredith . again. When I told him what a dangerous game It was he ws playing he said that he never was worried about It. He said: 'There was a certain party from New York, who was traced as far as my office but no farther. It was Dorothy Arnold.' By his actions he Intimated that she was his patient." Concerning evidence In his posses sion District Attorney Jackson said: "I know that this house was kept for the sole purpose of committing unprofessional operations; I know that Dr. C. C. Meredith ran that house; I know that the Allison woman disap peared completely a year ago, and that the last seen of her alive was when she was being taken from the office of Dr. Lutz in a covered wagon; I know that he said later she was gone; I know that, when questioned about how she went. Dr. Meredith said he hud a furnace tn Bellevue big enough for anything." Arnold Calls Story Absurd. The dispatches concerning the re norted visit of Dorothy Arnold to Pittsburg were repented In brief to Frencls A. Arnold, her father, at his home In New York. Mr. Arnold In sists that the story was not true and riesTlhed It ae absurd. Shoots' at Reflection. A New York policeman seeking a burglar fired at his own reflection In iv mirror and shattered the glass. Wants U. S. to Intervene. Spain asked the United States to In tervene In Mexico In favor of the 1,000 Epanlards eslled by the rebels. FOUR GUNMEN ELECTROCUTED Expiate in Chair Murder ol Gambler Rosenthal CONFESSION BY 'DAGO FRANK' Vallon, Horowitz and Rosenberg Flreo . Shots That Killed Rosenthal, Say'l Ciroflci Lewis' Gun Missed Fire The four gunmen convicted of th death of Herman Rosenthal the gum bier, were put to death in the elec trie chair In Sing Sing prison, New York. It required Just thirty-nine minuter to execute the gunmen, who went t( their death In this order: Frank Ciroflci, alias "Dago Frank:'' Jacob Seldenschner, alias "Frank Mueller" and "Whltey Lewis;" Harr Horowitz, alias "Gyp the Blood," am; Louis Rosenberg, alias "Lefty Louie." "Dago Frank" at the eleventh hoin made a confession, but It did not kei him from the electric chair. Ciroflci would have confessed sev eral days ago, but for the fact thai he had been terrorized by the othei three gunmen with threats of death ic his mother and sister if he told any thing. The gunmen were fearful lest he should tell and communicated tc him these threats. Once when Father Cashin was talking to Ciroflci he heard the three other gunmen talking in Jewish. The priest understood the language and heard Gyp say: "Frank Is going tc pieces; he's telling on the rest of us.' Warden Clancy, knowing that Clro flcl was terrorized, brought him from the cell to the office of the keepei where he made his confession. Warden Clancy pointed out thai Ciroflci really thought he was Inno cent because he did not take part In the actual shooting. Whltey Lewis thought he was In nocent because he did not fire a shot Briefly Ciroflci declared: The four of them were hired not to kill Herman Rosenthal but John Langer, or "Dollar John," a gamblei who was about to corroborate the statement made by Rosenthal to At torney Whitman. Rosenthal had shot his bolt and they were to prevent an harder blows. The four Journeyed to Rockaway In an auto early on the evening of July 15 to kill "Dollar John." They met him, but It was in a situation where It was impossible for them to do what they were sent to do. They rode first to a cafe In Second avenue, from v.-here he (Ciroflci) went to his home i.t 145th street and 7th avenue. Later he was awakened bv a whistle which took him to the win dow. He saw on the sidewalk, "Jack Rose, Harry Vallon and Sam Scheppa who told lilm the other boys wcro waiting for him at Brldgie Webber's poker room. He was informed there by "Gyp the Blood" that there was something else to be done. Rose and Vallon were present. . Brldgie Webler came In to say that the was at the Metropole. "Lefty Louie" told him it was to be Herman Rosenthal, the man who had squealed. On the sidewalk a messenger whispered to him that Jean Gordon, his girl companion, was under arrest uptown whereupon he left the party. Later that morning the three men came to his Hat, where they talked bout the murder and told him that Harry Vallon had fired one shot, but that Whltey Lewis had been entirely useless because his gun had missed fire. The following day he "received one- fourth of $1,000 for the murder. Supplementing all this was a re mark dropped four days ago by Rosen- burg, the most Intelligent and the leader of the quartet, that Frank was not present at the killing and Whltey Lewis had not shot for a very Rood reason. NEGRO KILLS SON OF COP Tries Suicide and When Captured Con fesses Found In Convent. A negro, arrested near Media, Pa., on suspicion of having murdered Wil liam McKniff, confessed, police say, that he shot and killed the young man out of revenge because McKnlff's father when polite chief of Media sent him to Jail on a burglary charge. The negro was found In a bed in an unoccupied convent by a plumber. The negro had a slight bullet wound In his chest. He had attempted suicide when he found he hud killed McKniff. On the white plastered wall of the con vent was this writing: I have been lying here for two nights and two days trying to make up my mind to do this thing. I had not the nerve to do it, though. I made myself drunk. Dig a hole and put me in It and cover mo with quicklime. My home Is In Kansas City, Mo." Rather "Rot" Than Pay $3.85. Rather than pay a balance of $3.85, a part of the fine for playing an April fool Joke on pupils tn a Summit town Ehip school by crawling under thu building and frightening them, Albert Gelble, aged seventeen, declared that he would "rot In Jail." Justice E. P. Peffer at Butler, Pa., Wit him to Jail ror inieen uays ana torn iiim he was sorry he could not send hjn to Mor-'SiD;a. Scenes at Tampico Now Ufldar Rsbals Fire ;;v:;:.:i '':--',r'"'-:: ' n. 'I"'-' hfi i'fift Hhv.w. rf e Kpjhm Latest dispatches from the scene al battle at Tampico say that the fed erals are still In possession of the city, but that the robe's are pressing with vigor. Great damage has been done to foreign-owned property in the city. Aliens have been taken aboard American warships In the harbor. VILLA TAKES SAN PEDRO Remnant of General Velasco's Re treating Army Is Defeated. Pancho Villa and his rebels took the town of San Petlro, forty miles east of Torreon, from the federal gar rison there. This information cam from Villa ut Torreon to Generul Car- ran.a in Juarez. Villa reported that the fighting wn desperate and of bund to hand char acter in the streets of the town. H said he took a number of prisoners Villa also said in his message that the garrison at San Pedro was th late federal garrison at Torreon, hut correspondents who have been at th front and who returned here declare that It was known generally In Tor reon that General Velasco had already reached Sallillo and that the garrison al San Pedro was only a comparative ly small one left behind bv Velasco to Impede (he progress of the rebel on his road. LODGE ADMITS RIGHT TO EXEMPT But Senator Urges Wilson Policy o! Tolls Repeal Hearing on the I'anama tolls ex emption repeal bill opened before tin senate canals committee, but interest in the repeal fight was focused on the senate Itself, where Senator Lodge, veteran Republican member of the for eign relations committee, held the ut tentlon of virtually the entire mem berslilp and of crowded galleries for more than two hours, defending the position of President Wilson in insist Ing upon the passage of the- repeal bill. The senator spoke without a single interruption. He declared that In his opinion the right of the United Slates to exempt any of Its shipping from tolls was unquestioned under strict In terpretation of the treaty, but hecause of the delicate position In which the country finds Itself In Its foreign re lations urged nonpartisan support of the president. "To thwart the purposes or to dn credit the policies of the head of a political party," he declared. "Is legiti mate political warfare. To discredit or break down thu president of the United Stufps upon n question of for eign policy is quito another tiling, not to be undertaken except for the very gravest reason. In one case we over throw a party leader within that arena where the American people alone sit In Judgment; In the other we break down and discredit the, representative of the whole country In the great forum of the nations of the earth and paralyze his future power and useful ness in that field where he alone can declare and represent the policy, the honor and the dignity of the United States." 4 Another Treaty f-'ight In Prospect. The Wilson administration Is about to throw nnnlher Issue into congress which may rival In bitterness the freo tolls controversy-. A treaty just concluded with the re public of Columbia contains' what mounts to an npolo;;y to Colombia for the Incidents, which resulted in the establishment of the republic of Panama und provides for a navment of $25,000,000 by this government. This agreement Is the result of ten ears of bad feeling on the part of Colombia toward the United States. Confirmation of reports of a treatv settlement of this controversy was i celved at the Coloiubiau legation here. scription at reasonable rates, but lt'a cash on delivery. , SIX-INCH WINDOW Bandit Carroll Breaks From Blair County, Pa Jail POKES FUN AT PROSECUTOR "See Me Later," He Writes in Chalk Under Window of District Attorney, Wears Pajamas and Slippers. Frank G. Carroll, alius Wilson, a product of Tin Can alley, Harrisburg, the confessed bandit who robbed the Union bank iu Altoona and shot Cashier A. P. Rupert and Pennsyl vania railroad Foreman W. K. Black burn March 2.1, wriggled through t-ix incli window opening In his cell in the ISlair county jail at Hollidaysburg, Ph.. climbed the outer wall to the roof and fashioned a forty-foot rope out or his bed clothing, by which he descended to the street below. He walked to the district attorney'!, oflice, directly opposite the court house, and i. rawled In chalk on the bricks under the window of the com monwealth's guardian . this parting Message: "See me later. F. G. C." Neuthy residents declare that a high powered motor car was stationed In the street close to the Jail and that the prisoner used it to dash for freedom. The greatest vigilance had been exercised by the county authorities In guarding Carroll. He was placed In a cell behind double doors and a guard patroled the jail yard below his win flow. Carroll's only aid within the cell to escape was a bar of soap. With the soap he grfased his naked body and tne six-inch slit in the window, wig gled eel fashion through the narrow opening, and clad only In pajamas and bedroom slippers fled to the Alleghany mountains. His escape was not dis covered until five hours later. Detectives and officers have spread a dragnet for a radius of 100 miles around Hollidaysburg to recapture him. Carroll had signed papers pleading guilty to a number of crimes sufficient to consign him to the penitentiary for fifty years. A reward of $1,000 offered for his rnpture will he given to the chief of police of Salem, O. The Tllair county commissioners will now offer a re ward for his recapture. Tils wife and alleged accomplice In his criminal exploits is ill and In the custody of officers at Salem, O. RELIGIOUS FANATIC ENDS LIFE Greek Who Recently Tore Out Own Eye Hangs Self. The body of John Llnardos, aged twenty-one, a Greek, of Greensburg, Pa., who not long since gouged out his right eye with a fork because, as he quoted. "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck It out," was found dungllmr from a tree In Huff park. The young man evidently had hanged himself alter plunging a knife into his ab domen. The young Greek lately had become a fanatic on religious subjects. Tn his clothing were found several notes with such sayings as "The devil will get you," "The angels will be with me," and "I will call on Jesus." FROZEN BODIES FOUND Foul Play Suspected, Although There Are No Murder Indications. The frozen bodies of Andus Linzey, aged thirty, and John Popeuburg, aged twenty two, of Russell City, nine miles south of Kane, Pa., were found by a searching party composed of Clado Holland, Edgar Kline and Wil liam Popenburg, the last a brother of the dead man. Thu bodies were face down near Spring creek, three miles from Rus sell City. Roth men had been missing since last Tuesday. How the men met il'-alli is not known, although it In reported there are no Indications ot foul play. Hoth men were employed n the oil fields. "NOT GUILTY" IS CHEERED Prisoner Freed While Wife and Daughter Faint. Kmll (lerstel, a restaurant keeper of Rending, Pa., who was charged with aiding and abetting William E. Gehry, former teller of the Tenn National Itank of Reading, In the misapplication of $41,000 of the bank's funds, was de. hired not guilty by a Jury In United States In Philadelphia. Spectators in court cheered when the foreman announced the verdict. Gerstel's wife and daughter fainted, but were nulcklv revived. Sunday to Umpire Huntington Game. I'.vangelist Hilly Sunday, who opens revival campaign in Huntington, V. Vii., after the close of the Scrantnn Pa.) campaign, will uct as umpire hen the Ohio State league opeus here April :!S. The day will be known s Hilly Sunday day and the whole Ity is planning a holiday. His First Ride Fatal. When a new autnnioblla In which thev were taking their first ridfi tumed over on the state highway near Cn'sson, Pa., Harry Robertson was killed instantly nnd . Howa 1 Klldor was Injured probably" fatally. The men lived at I'uncaiiville. V