Have You Protection AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE? You cannot afford to take your own risk against Iom by Are. Remember that we represent 14 OF THE REST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD. and will be glad to call on you when yon want fire Insurance that really protect. vrop us a car a and we II do the rest. We are agents in this county for the TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO., and oan furnish security for County oaiciais, Da ok onioiais, eio. C. LI. AMI & SOI, TIONESTA and KELLETTVILLE, PA. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ADVERTINBJUBNTH. Levi & Co. Ad. Lammers. Ad. K. A. Cook. Local. J.C. 8cowden. Ad. Boggs A Buhl. Ad. The Prints Co. Ad. TbeKinterCo. Ad. H. I. Cnben. Local. P. Lorlllard Co. Ad. M. J. Tucker. Local. Oil City Trust Co. Ad. Alon Mbewman. Local. Pratt Food Co. Locals. Smart Hllberbera. Ad. Monarch Clothing Co, Ad. Forest Co. Nat. Bank. Ad. The Distinctive Garment Store. Ad. H. R. Maxwell. License Applicationa. Oil market closed at $2 50. Ia your aubsoription paid? You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf Paint for anything and everything at 8. 8. Sigwortb's. adv Fertilizer, Cement, Plows, Harrows, etc., at 8. 8. 8igworth'a. adv Bicyclk for Saik. Sold cheap if taken at once. Iuquire of Alon Show man, Tionesta, Pa. adv We have In a car of fine El wood Seed Oats, guaranteed pure. Price, 60 cents per bushel. Lanson Bros. adv The Republican can furnish you with the very latest In engraved calling cards or anything else In that- line, at reasonable prices. tf. When It comes to Wall Paper we iiave our paper rack chuck full of new Wall Paper. All styles. Prices starting as low as io. Hopkins' Store. adv We mlsa our Mayburg letter tbia week. Something must have gone wrong with the mall as our wide awake corre spondent has been quite punctual here tofore. Dr. M. W. Easton, Osteopath, or OH City, will viait Tionesta every Wednes day forenoon, at the Central Hotel, where be may be consulted by all who need bla services. tf. Second-hand Franklin runabout au tomobile for sale. All new tires complete and in splendid condition. Will sell at a bargain. Inquire of R. A. Cook, Tio nesta, Pa. adv2t Oleomargarine always fresh, alwaya the same price and making new friends each day, at 20o per pound In nine pound lots, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co., Kellettville, Pa. adv For Sale -A cheap horse, harness and wagon. Will exchange for cow. AN ao a booe cutter and an Incubator of 120 egg capacity. Inquire of Mrs. Emma Grove, Tionesta. adv. You don't need to worry about high cost of living when you can get good Flour at Lauson Bros.' for $5.00 per bbl. Every aack guaranteed, or money re funded. Lanbon Bros. adv How many Baby Chicks did you lose last year Pratt's Baby Cbiuk Food saves oblcks, trouble and worry. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. For sale by first class dealers every where, adv Having bought the Zabniser black smith shop In Tionesta I am now pre pared to do horseshoeing and general repair work. All worn guaranteed. Give me a trial. Shop near river bridge. adv2t M. J. Tucker. More chicks, more money. Pratla Baby Chick Food and Pratta White Diar rhoea Remedy are guaranteed to rale you big, healthy, bnsky chicks. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. For aale by first class dealers every where, adv This is the time of year when the an annual sassafras tea gets in our midst, tones up and liquefies the stagnated blood, and beats all the pateut nostrums on the market for Inning up the system. Get a little and feel chipper and lively like the early birds of spring. It is given out on what Is considered reliable authority that the project, which has Iain dormant for some time, to con nect Oil City with Tltusville hy trolley line, has received new impetus of late, not necessarily as a business proposition, but because tbere is said to be more moisture, and the fishing Is going tn be better this spring up in the Crawford diocese. A. Sheffield correspondent states that the (1 R. Woods Co. has a stone quarry job at Parish, Forest county, on the T. V. Ry., and on Thursday Lone and Charles Walker and Clarence Malm made up the army to advance on the same and work for a short time. The boys looked rstber neat attired in the overall uniforms of blue and no doubt they will be muscle sore for a while. Bonnie," the pretty little English "setter" belonging to Rev. Mr. Bailey died very suddenly last Thursday, snd tbere wss grief at the parsonsue, for a sweeter tempered or more affectionate little canine would be bard to find. She was the mother of many of our town's best bird dogs, and a general favorite. It is thought the dog got a dose of poison, probably rat bane. Judge Crlswell banded down bis de cision in the license bearings last week refusing all applications, except in tbe case of tbe two asked for breweries, which are held up for further consideration, and now old Venango county is dryer than a bone, loastwise so far as the legal aale of intoxicants Is concerned. There is glad ness as well as sadueaa in ber sacred pre cincts over tbe result, depending upon whom you happen to be up against in discussing the state of affairs, and we im agine e can hear tbe poetic wail at tbia distance, tbe retrain of which runs some thing like, "How dry I am; how dry I am; oh, nobody knows bow dry I am, and nobody seems to care a -continental." Reports from Youngsville are to the effect that, on Mooday of last week, a well was abot for Stow Sutley of West Hickory, that stsrted out at a ten barrel gait, and ia settling down to nice pro ducer. This well was atruck along tbe route of tbe Youngsville and Sugar Grove railway and Is lo praotloally new terri Kry. A number of other wells will be sunk In that vicinity. -in tbe W. C. T. U. debate at tbe oourt bouse, Tuesday night of last week, on tbe question "Resolved, That the moat effective method of aecurlng prohi bition and borne pioirotion Is through woman's ballot," tbe affirmative as rep resented by Rev. H. A. Bailey, Rev. B. F. Felt and F. R. Lanson, won after a spirited and Interesting contest. Tbe negative side was ably presented by A. O. Brown. W. C. Imel and James J. Lsnders. Ho for tbe Cohen fruit store. The greatest stock ever, lo all aorta of fruit and vegetables. Luscious Sun-Kissed oranges, today and Thursday, S dozen for f 100. Most perfect bananas 10, 15 and 20 cents per dozen. Porto Rico grape fruit as large as your bead, tbe like of which baa never before been seen In this market. Finest oulons, head lettuce, rhubarb, cucumbers, snd vegetablea ofevery kind. Be prompt for Ibey won't last long at the rate we are selling these elegant goods. H. I. Cohen -adv. Friends In tbia section bave reoeived word or tbe death, on tbe 30tb ult , or Mrs. Charles Creed, at her home in Dun- combe, Iowa, aged about 75 years.1, .Mrs. Creed will be remembered by many of the older oitizens of this and Clarion counties as a former resident near Tylers- burg, where many years of her life were spent. Tbe family moved to Iowa about thirty-two years ago. Mrs. Creed was sister of Mrs. J. U. Smith of Licking vlile, Mrs. S. M. Wbiteblll and Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson, of Marlenville. Wm. Smearbaugb la hobbling around on crutches these dsya because of a pe culiar accident which befell bltn a few mornings ago. He bad gone lo tbe bath room to perform an early morning ab lution, and In attempting to take the plunge Into tbe bath-tub tbe little toe or his right fool caught tn some unaccount able manner, fracturing tbe bone and causing a painful injury. Dr. Henry gave tbe necessary atlenttoo and warned Mr. 8. against too much rashness In his bathing tendencies and familiarity wilb water. We regret tbe departure from our community ot neighbor W. H. Shatter who bas for a number of years very suc cessfully operated tbe Proper farm at tbe top of German Hill. Mr. Shaffer pur chased the N. F. Hoover farm near Ty lersburg some time ago, and last week be moved bis family and household effects to that place. His daughter, Miss Erdie, is a member or tbe senior class which will be graduated from tbe Borough high school this season, and remaios to finish tbe course. W. 8. Bowers, a Tidioute gentleman, will succeed Mr. Shaffer as tenant of tbe Proper farm, and has al ready taken possession of the place. At tbe annual congregational meet ing of tbe Presbyterian church, Thursday evenlug, 8. D. Irwin, E-q., and L. J. Hopkins were elected to membership on tbe board of trustees, which is composed of five members, and T. F. Ritcbey E-q., was elected treasurer. Reports from tbe Woman's home and foreign missionary society, tbe Sunday school, tbe Christian Endeavor and tbe Ladiea Aid, were given, all showing a Lealtby atate of stlalrs in these several departments. Tbe church roll was materially Increased during tbe past year, tbe addition being active ener getio accessions. As sbowiug their ap preciation and esteem for their popular Pastor, Rev. H. A. Bailey, tbe congrega tion unanimously voted him an advance In salary, the sum now being f 1,200 a year. In a cheerful note from our old friend and former citizen, Rev. Wm. Richards of Warren, Inolobing a substantial check in renewal of bis aubsoription, be gives tbe weloome news that bla health is very mucb improved, and tbe "old fellow" finds himseir able to do a lot of business, tbougb not just as spry as be once was, to be sure. Tbe Jefferson County Gas Co., or which Mr. Richards Is a leading mem ber, Is selling four million cubic feet of gas every day, with tba future outlook good. They are also starting a string on a aeoood crop In their old oil field near Sigel, where Ibey have many acres to drill over lor oil. Mr. Richards says tbe Free Methodists of Wsrren are building a very nice brick veneer church Ibis sea son. It will be 40x50 by 18 feet io beivht, with a seating capacity ol 300, to gether wilb a olass room and Sunday school basement 25x10 feet. The managers of tbeColemau, Harter A McCormick lumbering plant at Johns run ex pen to have everything ship shape for the starling or all departments by Monday or Tuesday at tbe latest next week. Tbe railroad will be In condition by that time to begin regular trips lo tbe timber traota, and Mr. Alexander, who baa obarge of the earring and bringing tbe logs to tbe mill expects to keep the big plant well supplied with stock so tbere shall be no delay for lack of saw material, once tbe saws are set in motion. Tbe new mill boss, A. E. VaoWegen, is said tn be a hustler, and having com pleted all needed changes and repairs, tbe mill ia expected to go along with shut downs far between times, aud tbe output ot lumber will be much greater than Uat season. Shipping facilities, Biuce tbe completion of tbe new bridge over Tio nesta creek, are now well nigh perfect, wblob will greatly relieve the yard room as it is expected tn keep the daily ship menls over tbe S. & T. road well op to the mill's capacity. Public Sale. There will be exposed to Public Sale at tbe A. B. Kelly farm at Oldtown, Pa., on Wednesday, April 15, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. ni., tbe following personal property: Three oows, eight two-year-olds, three yearlings, one spring calf, four bead of work horses, three set of double harness, eight bogs and lour teen little pigs, mow ing machine, side drop reaper, plow, two spring tooth barrowa and one American barrow, one corn planter, two pair of truck", one buggy, a lot of hay, straw and oais, buckwheat, corn, potatoes, and a general lot of household gooda too n u uier ous to mention. Also a farm of 39 acres, in Tionesta township, Pa. Terms made koown on day of sale. J, D. Wkant, Pat, Fitzgerald, Auctioneer. PERSONAL. Capt. J. J. Height of Cooper Traot waa a visitor in town yesterday. -Mra. Rosa A, Walker visited Warren friends several days of the past week. A daughter was born Sunday to Mr. and Mra. Elmer Sparks, of Eagle Rook. Mrs. J. E. Wenk Is visiting ber mo tber, Mrs. 8. M. Whitebill, at Marlenville, -Prof. F. W. Gill waa down from Ti dioute to spend Sunday with Tionesta frienda. MIbb June Herman, teacher In tbe Youngsville school, is home for tbe Easter week vacation. Editor Walker of the Warren Times waa a visitor in Tionesta Monday, a guest of bis son, Ross A. Walker. Mra. Howe Lyon returned borne Thursday from an extended visit to frienda at her old home in Butler. Mrs. 8. E. Pierce and mother, Mra. Mary McFadden, are apending the week at their old home in Toronto, Ohio, Mra. Cora Watson Felt came home Friday from her wlnter'a visit with ber sister, Mrs. L. A. Buzard, at Lamison, Ala. Charles Klllmer came home Monday Irom near Barllesvllle, Okla., where be bas been for tbe past two months engaged In the oil fields. Mrs. Frank II. Hamilton and little son, Jack, are down from Tionesta for a visit with tbe former's brother and sister. Franklin Newa. Misses Blanche Pease and Katharine Osgood came borne Saturday morning Irom their school work at Akron, Ohio, to enjoy tbe Easter week vacation. Aura Foreman, Charles Flick and Charles Dotterrer are home from Alle gheny college for tbe Easter vacation. This is Mr. Dotterer'a last year at college. T. D. Coll Ins Is reported some better this morning from a serious attack of Ill ness at bla Nebraska home, being able to again give considerable attention to busi ness a flairs. Mr and Mrs. A. M. Doutt returned from Florida last week, Tbelr daughter. M isa Genevieve, remains for aix weeka as teacher of elocution in Southern college at Soulberland. Mra. Vernah Watson Sbewman and son Alon bave made arrangements to leave here May 4tb fr their borne at Rialey, Oregon, after spending tbe winter with relatives In tbe east. Roy S. Braden, our talented young Iriend of Cooksburg, tbls oouoty, bas been elected city engineer of Kane, Pa., and will assume bis new duties within a short time. Roy will make good. Thomas Snodgrsss, while moving in to the Bromley house lat week, gave bis back a bad wienob lo doing some heavy lifting and was laid up aeveral daya in consequence. He's able to be about again. Miss Edith Arner entertained ber fel low members or tbe senior class of tbe high school, Including their teachers, Prof. Wblte and Miss Dimond, In a prettily appointed function at ber home Wednesdsy evening. J. W, Korb, for tbe past couple of yeara superintending tbe work at the Wilburine pump station located at tbe mouth of Petera run, will in a abort time remove to Warren to again take up bis work for the same oompany in that lo cality. Before leaving be will superintend tbe work of moving tbe large tanka aome distance back from tbe H. A T. railroad right of way. E. M. Korb or Pleasant vlile will take J. W.'a place here. W. L. Klinestiver, on account or bis poor health, has been seeking for outdoor employment and is now working as out side foreman for the Sheffield tannery. He bas been one or tbe besd bookkeepers for the Elk Tanning Co. for close to twenty years and the inside work Is no doubt tbe cause of his poor condition. Wayne Smith is tbe new bookkeeper and Frank Klioestiver takea up bia lather's work In the office. Shedleld cor. Warren Times. Services In The M. E. Church. Passion week services are being held in the Methodist Episcopal church IbiB week, which all are invited to attend. At tbe Sunday evening service tbe pro bationers will be received Into full mem bership, and a special thank ottering will be taken for tbe varloua benevolent causes of tbe church. Tbe order of ser vice for Sunday evening is as follows; Voluntary, Misses Lanson and Ball "Holy, Holy, Holy," Congregation Hymn 107 Congregation Apostle'a Creed, Congregation Prayer. "Praises," Chorus Scripture Lesson. Notices. Hymn 101 Congregation Sermon, "What's In Your Hand?"..Pator Thank Uttering. Duet, "Through the Gates or Gold,"-... Mr. snd Mrs. Dunlavy Reception of Members. Hymn 9, Congregation Benediction. They Pay The Printer And Sleep Well. Subscription renewals are thankfully acknowledged as follows: Clyde Reed, Clarion, Pa. Rev. Wm Richards, Warren, Pa. Miss Olive M. Wolfe, Kellettville, Pa. Cbas. B. King, Lock Haven, Pa. (new). T. B. Lebentaler, Ml. Jewett, Pa. Q. F. Walter, Mayburg, Pa. (new). Here's Your Chance. The Traymore Tailoring Compauy of Philadelphia, will bave a man at Hop kins' St re on the 8tb and 9ib of April, with a complete line of samples for Men's SuiU, Ladies' Tailored Suits, Coals, Jackets and Skirts. Fitand work manship guaranteed. You are invited to oome and see Ibem. adv Hopkins' Stork. Thirty Head of Horses. Big auotlon sale of ao express csrload of horses. Private sale and trade for one week beginning April 6th. Tbe last chance of the season to get a horse. Don't miss this great sale at Edelblute'a Barn, Brookville, Pa. adv2t Grant Suustkr. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Why sutler from rheumatism when re lief may be bad at so small a oust? Mrs. Elmer Hatch' Peru, Iud., writes, "I bave been subject to a'tacks of rheumatism for yeara. Chamberlain's Liniment always relieves me immediately, and I take pleasure in reenmmeuding it to others." 25 and 50 cent bottles. For sale by all druggists. Kellettville. Mra. Win. Watson was a business via itor In Sheffield on Tuesday and F. V. Hendriokson and wife were up last Wednesday. James Flynn and Carroll Berlin were Warreo visitors Friday. Dora Sutley of Ross Run was a visitor In town Thursday, being the guest ol Mra. J. Blum. Emma Rudolph of Newtown visited her sister, Mra. Wm. Wauton, Thursday. TbeW. C.T.U. held a very interest ing meeting at tbe home of Mrs. llulduh Smallenberger, Wednesday afternoon. The subject of "work among lumber men" waa taken up. Mrs. Ida Kline stiver, tbe superintendent of that depart ment, oouducted the meeting and a very interesting program waa given. The memberaof the Willing Workers' Sunday school class met at tbe home of Alvln Johnson, Wednesday evening, April 1st, and helped him to remember bia nineteenth birthday. The fine lunch that waa aerved was one of the enjoyable featurea of tbia moat pleasant evening. The pupils of tbe high school are pre paring a play to be given in tbe near future. Fred Gillespie has moved his family from Salmon Creek to Whig Hill, on the Euiert farm. Wm. Carbaugb spent the week In Oil City, While there be called on Rev. W. E. Frampton'a at tbelr borne In Rouse- ville. Mra. James Blyler wss oontlned to ber bed during the week with a severe cold. Tressa Hendriokson wss down from Mayburg over Sunday, the guest of Mabel Watson. Margaret Good fellow went lo Warren Saturday to take ber muslo lesson. Mra. M. F. Catlin waa down from Min ister Friday and look in tbe banquet in lbs evening. She was the guest of Mra. Mary Flynu overnight. Maigaret Detar has been confined to ber bed for tbe past week with cold, but Is improving. W. C. Silzle will meet his boys Thurs day evening to organize. Tbey bave suggested to the Helping Hand class that tbey might select ibe name of Helping Feet, Why not? You will be surprised to find bow helpful your leet can be If you make an effort to direct tbem in tbe right course. No pun tbere. W. L. Watson, Squire Geo, Zusndel and F. E. Harklesa took '.be civil service examination Saturday morning. R. W. Wbiteblll and wife spent tbe week-end with tbe latter'a parents In Sheffield. E. E. Daubenspeck returned borne from Ty leraburg, where he spent a week at bard work on tbe farm. Tbe members of tbe Helping Hand Bible olass served a three-course chicken supper to the members of tbe Men's Adult class at tbe ball Friday evening. Covers were laid for 130. Tbe hall was tastefully decorated In the olass colors, red and white, which color scheme was carried nut In tbe service. Red and white carnations were used as favors and beautiful bnquets adorned the tables and were afterwards distributed amongst tbe sick and shut-ins. Toasts were given by Rev. Henry Smallenberger, F. V, Hen drickson, Mrs. F. J. Henderson and Mra. Dotterrer. Mrs. Maude Berlin, chairman of tbe social committee, had charge of tbe aervlng and waa assis ed by tbe members of her committee. Tbe men bave promised to do ua oue better in the near future, so we are looking for a pleasant aurprise, Mra. Cbas, Price baa returned from Erie, where abe bad been called by tbe illness or ber mother, who Is still iu a critical condition. Tbelr son Lloyd will not be able to leave the hospital at Pitts burgh for a month yet. Their daughter Carol bad a nervous breakdown last week from overwork and worry. Alto gether tbey seem to be having more than tbelr abare of Illness. Mrs. W. L. Watson entertained twenty of tbe memlers or ber Sunday school class at her home Saturday evening. A very pieasant time ia the verdict or all, the splendid lunch being one or the en joyable features. Dr. C. Y. and W, J, Detar entertained two of their brotbera during the week. Mra. Waldo Reiglea of Raymilton, came Friday to ber aunt, Mrs. J. Smith, for a short visit there aud at W. E. Car baugb'a and C. Tomadaon's; also to visit with ber sister, Mrs. Bally, who la tbelr guest. Mra. Saltsgiver, who has been tbe guest or ber daughter, Mra. E. E. Dauben speck, lor tbe past month, returned to ber homo in Tylersburg tbe first of tbe week. Mrs. McKenzie, who has been visiting ber daughter for tbe past week, returned to ber home at Newmansvllle. I would like to say to Rev, G, 8, Bryan tbat we do not stand corrected. Rev, aud Mrs. U 8. Bryan were making tiieir headquarters at Mra. Harrington's. Tbe nelghbora were asked to donale, for I was asked. A libeial supply of eats were given, for I was tbere and saw tbe sup ply. While I knew tbat I was somewhat exaggerating tbe need, I expected it to lie taken In tbe spirit tbat it waa given, aud otherwise slated what I then be lieved, and atill believe to be the facta in tbe case. Being busy when tbe commit tee called on me, I asked no questions but waa told by my nelghbora tbat they had been told that the donation was made broause Mra. H. thought she could not afford to supply tbe wants of all. On going down town I found tbat to be tbe Idea conveyed by all, and wben I pre sented my little donation I said if she wss in need in a few weeks I would give ber more, and abe stated In the presence or several or tbe members of Mr. B.'s congregation that tbey would be gone by that time and tbere would tben he no need. It baa been tbe custom for years for the town to be asked to donate to the F, M. ministers, and they bave always responded liberally, but always found it thankfully reoeived and acknowledged before. It Is known tbat Mr. B. bought some supplies while In town. So did the woman furnish who went to tbe Sunday school pionio and furnlstod one dozen pickles and seven children, then said people ought to be ashamed to ask folks to lurnish for a picnic and not give any better eats. We are liable to overestimate what we do, Mra. Harrington knew who wrote the item referred to and if the rev erend gentleman did not he could have found out by asking almost auy one in town. I am alwaya glad to make right any uiielake I make. It does not require very much oourage to pipe from behind tbe pulpit tbat an individual Is a falsifier, or to seek ao apology from the editor who knowa nothing of tbe facts In tbe mstter, but I would ask tbe reverend gentleman if be haa anything further to aay on tbe subject that be play the part of a christian gentleman and come to me, I am willing to race bim before any num ber or witnesses he may bring. Aa the reverend gentleman said when he stated thst a certain minister was going to hell alont, with bis members, "I might say more," but I believe tbat I bave made It clear tbat nothing but a news item was Intended. Any further reference to tbls matter in tbe paper will be simply ig nored. I try lo write what I think will be Interesting to the people, and I bave a belter opinion of them than to think this Is. Forest County's Road Supervisors To Meet In Convention. Harrishuro, April 4 On the six teenth ol this month tbe Bureau of Town ship Highways ol tbe Stale Highway De partment will complete the formation of organizations of township supervisors In the couuties or tbe state as provided for In tbe legislative aots of July 22, 1913, and May 8, 1913, tbe latter of which au thorized formations of such associations of officials in charge of the construction and maintenance of public roads in every county or tbe state. Under the direction or Joseph V. Hun ter, first deputy state highway commis sioner in charge of the Bureau of Town ship Highways, assisted by E. A. Jones, secoud deputy state highway commis sioner, and W. A. Wynn, maintenance engineer or tbe Bureau of Township Highways, these county meetings have been held at tbe rate of six or eight a week and, In counties where the super visors already bad au association, their meeting this year was held for the first time under the auspices of the State Highway Department. During the week or April 13 tbe two final meetings will be held. On Thurs day, April 10, the Forest county associa tion or supervisors will be formed at a meeting to be held at 10 o'clock in tbe morning In tbe court bouse at Tionesta. Tbia meeting will be addressed by Mr. Hunter, who will outline the procedure necessary to perfect the formation of an association of supervisors. This will be tbe final county meeting and the work of the Bureau of Township Highways dur ing tbe coming year will be iu co-operation with tbe various county associations thus formed. Eacb township supervisor of Forest county has been notified of tbe meeting and tbe law specifies tbat all those who attend shall be paid 2 per day with mile age at tbe rate of thiee cents a mile, pro vided tbat no supervisor receives more Ibsn two days' pay In one year. In or ganizing tbe county associations tbere is elected a president, two vice-presidents, a secretary and treasurer, all of whom shall be members of tbe association, with tbe exception of the secretary, who may be a person not a member or Ibe associa tion and who may receive a salsry not tn exceed $10 a year. The mayor of any city or burgess or any borough, or their representatives, county commissioners and county court judges are eligible to membership In the association and are permitted to expend $125 for convention purposes, which sum is obtsined from the county treasurer under the provisions or the Actor May 8, 1913. This sum is not available until tbe treasurer of the oouoty association presen's lo tbe county treasurer an itemized statement of ex penditures incurred and verified by affi davit. T. C. Frame, assistant engineer of tbe State Highway Department iu charge of tbe district of which Forest county is a part, will attend the meeting, as will also Paul Brubaker, county superintendent of Forest couuty. While these meetings are called by the State Highway Department under the terms of the acts of assembly, it should be understood that they are primarily intended to gather together in each coun ty all persons who are Interested in the subject of good roads aud highway lin proveuieut and are to constitute the first steps In the formation of permanent as sociations in each county for tho good roads movement. It is particularly ur gent, therefore, tbat all peraons Interested iu the sUl jeot of good roads should make it a point to be at these meetings and to participate In the discussions, offering such suggestions and recommendations as they may deem fitting. Remember the dale and time of meet' ing, April 10, at 10 o'clock a. m., In the court house. Clarington. Harry Campbell of OH City came home fors few days and heard Mrs. Campbell left for their new borne In Oil City, where be haa employment. E E lleasly bas returned to bis work in Warren couuty. Kellettville high school basket ball team i line over last Saturday and crossed swords with our team and won by 22-18 It was surely a last game. There are four wells drilling near here at present, and two others almost ready to start. These wells will test this field pretty well. The play given by the W. C, T. U. In the opera house on the 27th ult. whs well presented, and well received by the audi ence. Tbe weaiher and road conditions were such tbat tbe outside world could not attend. Tbe name of the play is "The Social Glass." Some, of tbe performers surely did tbelr parts well, aud It may be bard for tbern to convince some that they bave had no experience. They also held an institute in the afternoon. They gave a good program, and was fairly well at tended for the kind of weather aud con dition of the roads. Jos. II HolT is visiting In Warren for a few days. W. D. Shields bas gone to Wire Bridge, W. Va., to look after bis lumbering in terests. He expects to be gone for some time. Mrs. Bishop of Ashtabula, Ohio, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Royer. D. E. Dunkle and wife were over from Mayburg for a few days taking care of bis mother, who wss afflicted with ery sepelas She Is able to be about again. Mr. Wallets, of Idaho, is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Waits. -Clean healthy quarters are necesnary to successful poultry raising. I'ralts DiHinfectant quickNy kills Urease germs. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. For sale by tlrst olass dealers everywhere. adv lift iih V -JtM-'A .. 3Mhii&jsaaAaaT Columbia Graphophone. Nothing that you can place in your home will give greater pleasure and sat isfaction to yourself and children. It is pleasure and profit, and an edu cation along many lines, therefore is not luxury. We are ready to sell you any Columbia Graphophone on monthly payments. Bovard's Pharmacy. Hopkins' Store. How About That New Rug Spring is here and now is the time. We have some Beautiful Patterns in Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet and Ax minster Rugs and the price on them is right. Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Mattings, Porch Rugs. We have anything you may want in the way of Floor Covering. Come in before you buy your Rug and let us show them and tell you the price. L.J.Hopkins FARMERS and GARDENERS Plow to a Hand Cultivator Fishing Tackle, Hardware, Heavy and Shelf J. C. SC0WDEN, TIONESTA, PA. Spring Hats New and Correct. Come in today and choose from assortments that are at their best. Soft hats that show every new wrinkle spring styles in derbies and the beauty of it is, you can't buy an inferior qua ity or an unbecoming style. 'We make it our business to sell you a hat that you'll like today, and every day you put it on. Men's Gloves That Spell Satisfaction. The average man need not think about the stvle of his eloves he wants nnalirv and wear, if he takes time to analyze his wants at all. Our gloves have these quali ties, or they wouldn't be here. They've style, too and among them are many new suggestions for men who like to be gloved a bit out of the ordinary. For Confirmation or For Easter. We've everything the boy'll need. Blue Norfolk Suits, of fine all wool cheviots and serees. at S4.00. IS. 00. 16.00 and $7.00. Spring Topcoats in fancy blue serges, $4.00 and $5.00. Hats, Gloves, Waists, Neckties, Stockings, etc. all decidedly correct and good. (fOA; PRICE: CLOTMTHR 41&43SENrTaA ST, The Latest in Bead Necklaces. Beads made from Clover Blossoms, Orange Blossoms, For-get-me-nots, Violets and Roses. Guaranteed to retain their Natural Perfume Select now as the demand is greater than the supply. ii vim: v fritz, The Leading Jeweler, 32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa. See The New Ones. Our spring styles are replete with new, catchy creations, new patterns, new lusts, new materials and combinations. We have them all ready to show you. Buy Your Easter Shoes Now and get footwear. the newest ones in LEVI & CO. Corner Center, Seneca and Syca more Streets, OIL CITY, PA. Let us supply you with the new tools you'll be wanting this Spring and Summer. We've anticipated your needs and have the goods and utensils to fill the bill. Any thing from a is to be found in our well selected stock. And then we have the best variety and the surest grower in the line of GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS. Yes, we have that, too, and in the best quality of goods. It is a well established fact that our hooks, lines and rods catch and hold them when all others fail. Let us furnish your Goods. You'll find the prices are right. ' and fine coverts and cheviots, at 13.00, ' OILCITY.PA