The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 08, 1914, Image 1

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One Square, one Inch, one week... 1 00
One Square, one Inch, one month.. 8 00
One Square, one inch, 8 months... 6 00
One Square, one inch, one year ..... 10 10
Two Squares', one year ... 15 00
Quarter Column, one year 80 00
Half Column, one year 60 00
One Column, one year 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each Insertion.
. We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
Offioe in Smearbangh & Wenk Building,
Taras, f 1.00 A Year, Strictly la Aayaaea.
Entered as seoond-olaas matter at the
post-otBoe at Tionesta.
No subscription received for a shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will be taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. S. D. Irwin.
Justices of the Peace O. A. Randall, D.
W. Clark.
OouHeiimen.J. W. Landers, Q. B. Rob
inson, R. J. .Hopkins. G. F. Watson, U.
W. Uoleman, J. H. Muse, Charles Clark.
Constable h. L. .liver.
Collector W. U. Uood.
School Directors W. O. Imel, J. K.
Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jamleson, D. 11.
Member of Congress W. J. Hullngs,
Member of Senate J. K. P. Hall.
Assembly K. R. Meohling.
Presulent Judge W. D. Hinckley.
' Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph
M. Morgan.
Prothonotary , Register & Recorder, -te.
-8. R. Maxwell.
Sheriff Wm. U. Uood.
" Treasurer Vi . H.
Commissioners Wm. H. Harrison, J.
C. Hoowden, II. H. McClellan.
District Attorney M. A. Carringer.
Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A.M.
Coroner Dr. M. C Kerr.
' Oountv Auditors George H. Warden,
A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields.
County Surveyor Roy 8. Braden.
County Superintendent J . O. Carson,
Kecular Term mt Ceurt.
Third Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Third Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners lnt and 8d Tuesdays of month..
Charch and Mabbath Bchaal.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a.
m. I M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey.
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
M. E. Wolcolt, Pastor.
Preaching in the Presbyterian church
every Sabbath at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p.
m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pastor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
' month.
TI . N ESTA LODU E, No. 369, 1. 0. 0. F.
Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each mouth at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tionesta, Pa.
Attorney and Cpunsellor-at-Law.
Office over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
- Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
Office in Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sts., Tionesta, Pa.
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
Physician A Surgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Physician and Surgeon,
S. E. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern and up to-date in all its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
comfort provided for the traveling public
- R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
TlonBeta, Pa. This is the most centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern Improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasaut stopping
place lor the traveling public.
1 Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on Elm street. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the tinest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. successfully used
tor J .years
4246 Fifth Ave.Pittsburch.Pa.
years known fts Best, Safest, Mwty KeliaWt
t...iv np rrr DrTllBNrrv
THt LOWEST. S'lid model, photo or RkeU'h for
exMrt swiivh rind free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT uiu coudmted before all
court I'atenU obtained thrown n. AOVER.
SIONS nd COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, p
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough,
iti'ini iiiH.miniii
Lad ln I anu your irninui lor i
4 M-rlicn-trr'a Diamond Itrund
I'llla in Kt-d ml littld ni-tallicV
hoxrs, senlnl with Ittue KlUxjrL V
Take no olhrr. Itiijr of your "
Drumrl-t. Ask to CI I 1-l'lfKM.TER 9
Treasurer's Sale
BY VIRTUE or sundry Aots of the Gen
eral Assembly of the Com mou wealth
nl Pennsylvania, relating to tbe sale of
Unseated Lndi In tbe County nf Forest,
etc, for taxes due and unpaid, I will offer
at publlo sale at tbe Court House, In tbe
Borougb of Tionesta, Pa., on tbe
Second Monday III June, 1914,
being tbe Eighth day of June, 1014, at 10
o'olock a. in., the following described
pieces of land or such parts thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy the amount of
taxes and costs due and unpaid against
the same and continue the same from
day to day as tbe same 'may be found
Terms of Sale.
Tbe amount of taxes and costs must be
paid wheO the properly is struck olT or
the sale may be avoided and the property
put op and reold.
All Trnrls not ollirrtviHF mnrked are ad
vertised for Taxes of I III noil 1013.
Jlurut'tt Township.
W.r. Airet WarreDte, or Owner Ain't
KIM1 17 Mouibert Mrs E E '13 $2
6700 295 Hsrnes W M rl Pearssll 60
i or 150'12 and of 13013 Barlelt
J W tt G 6X K 11
6701 661 Braden A R tl Taber
oil only 21
100 Cussios Tboo II J of oil
onlv 1013 1
8151 01 Paruilee Qeo N oil and
gas 1012 4
3151 50 1'armlt.e Geo N oil and
gas 1012 - - ' 3
3I5. 62 Parnilee Geo N oil and
gas 1012 4
64 Beers Nancy oil and gas 7
3148 :U Work Joslah 1 oil gaa 2
44 Pearsall Mary A oil and
gas 1012 8
3:t02 100 Reynolds D J ) oil uas 3
6701 3S Reynolds D J J oil and
gas 1013 1
100 Work Josiab ASon J oil
and gas 6
65 Maze Mrs Mary Nl oil
and gas 4
41 Msze Mrs Mary N 1 oil
and gas 1
ioMftO WbilmerGeoflQ A K' 13 6
8147 01525 Dickey Moore dt Kelso
fl W W 1013 22
8150 Jol247 Dickey M mire A Kelso
11 W W lOI.'l 11
3145 12 Dickev A Brown (1 W
W 1013 I
3302 11 Reynolds D J 1013 1
I of 150 Ulf Bros a Barletl 1013 3
Green Township.
6180 150 Kblers Henry 1013 17
6500 1121 Proper O W A J F land
only 10
5501 1321 Proper & Lacy 10
:iSI9 4.OI308 McClintnck Brennan 11
3820 25 Proper & Bursrd rl
Thompson 1013 6
3820 60 Walters Cbas A Walters
U 1013 4
8819 50 Collins T D fl Long-
strelb 1913 . 4
Harmony Township.
103 MoCMniont J 8 25
210 153 Osmer J H 47
217 110 Omner J H 31
100 Higgins A Helm fl T R 23
40 Bell James M 11 N & V
Oil Co 1913 8
i of 218 Barnard FB fl Thomaa'13 15
14 Boxer Win A mbera '12 2
41 Snow T A fl Foster 18
264 iSmitbLuuyPHO'Hsra'13 30
1 Watts Geo T fl J A Daw
son 1013 4
100 Waits Geo T fl Stewart
Run Oil Co 1913 21
73 Dawson G R tt Marsh '13 14
J o!5 Lee A M steal f 1013 1
100 Stewart tjaual Est AJ Han
dy farm 1 nil and gas '13 2
5 Biggins John tl Bnsr'13 1
100 Slater Michael En fl
Dawson oil 4 gas 1913 4
73 Marsh Chaw ml t gas '13 3
50 Kitcb H M 11 i B Scott
.. : nil and gas 1913 2
87 Neill aud other- (1 Bozer
' ' nil and gas 1913 4
"0 K itch H M farm ..f Hotch-
kiss oil and gas 1913 3
00 Fleming E E larui of
Ralston oil gas 1913 3
7; Cascade Pet Land Asso'13 3
18 Flower F W and others
fl Baruett 1013 . 2
6 Sigglus John A Orion fl
Scnall 1013 2
Hickory Township.
616of hi Colbert Dr fl Rxld '12 1
5192 16 I5nl624 Gray W R 1013 8
6192 3 165 nl 024 Bnacber J T 4
6102 Jol20 1115 o 024 Henry & Keller
tl wuson n
3089 200 Proper Flovd 33
1 6otl50 Dale J T fl S B & D 6
3089 H50 Pri!lval C Hay Jas'13 42
6102 10 105I624 Dlfendorl Emma '13 6
3080 ' 05 Cascade Put Land Afbo'13 15
Kliijjsley Township.
6214 100 Anchor Oil Co fl Suooley
1913 8
5103 145 Vail John 8 11 Clnpp 24
6187 1 oi79 Brennan A Richards 10
6132 60 fatlerson IN 16
6217 J 011241 Lamb A nil and gas 25
6104 6ft IkenburgMaryflLdR lSlO
6135 1157 P oper A Kuupp oil and
gas 1913 ' 43
5131 170 Proper A Koupp oil and
gaHl913 7
Tionesta Township.
42 Brown A W fl Wealit 17
07 Banner Oil Coll Hunter 15
08 Bauner Oil Co 11 Huuter
oil and uas 8
105 Proper J F fl Proper 32
78 Jamieann Q fl A P A J 12
17 Proper A Jaiuiesou fl A
PA J 8
2828 60 Wbiliekin Ada fl Lackey
oil and gas 4
45 Fourth National Bank of
Pittsburgh 1013 . 6
2824 780 Gilmore Clinton G oil
only 1013 14
54 Fleming E E 1013 5
2835 700 Sehoneld Archie fl Curliu
4 oil and gas 1913 4
Howe Township.
Wh. Hub. Acre. Warnuitee or Owoer Am'
2850 . 109 Tavlr Levins G A
Gen fl Willink 1013 5
Vacant 138 BlooriCy rua fl Blood'13 6
2077 35 61 VlllmkWA Cnuller N 8
3801 18 Means A vv hite 1913 2
3105 350 Collins T D 1012 17
6108 48 AdamsonJ flSCLbrCo 5
5105 759 Ailamson J 60
3107 37 Rosenblalt II 1013 2
2878 lol 3 ool 1100 Proper J r H Lansnn 32
3180 58 Proper J F fl W A C 6
2077 N 1 of34 35 100 Morck Frd 5
2080 1101 Frost Lbr Co fl R II
Brown 1913 CO
Vacant 110 Brown F K 1013 6
Vacant 100 Brown F K 1913 1
Jouks Township.
317 4 55 100i .lainleaon J Morgan 18
3171 49 mi Jamleson J Morgan 16
8174 50 933 Jstnieaon J Morgan 16
8174 58 13ll Jamleson J Morgan 21
3174 57 68 Jamleson J Morgan 10
5144 13 00 Boynton PS 1 Williams 10
6144 14 68 Boynton PH Clark Jos 10
5144 14 68 Boynton PS Willink 10
30-12 130 Eaton fl Eldrldge '13 11
8178 783 Buul G W A Brown fl
HaggerBrooilAgas'12 33 32
3042 130 Buhl G W A Brown 11
Eaton oil a gas 1012 0 00
8104 2 75 Paulson P fl W fc W'12 8 84
8171 105 Blood P P 17 83
3173 100 Blood P P 17 00
3173 80 Blood P P 13 87
8183 20 MontllliousANothers4 22
3501 100 Heppinger Ed fl Frost
W H oil only 1012 31 74
6110 903 Salmon Creek Lbr Co 145 81
3042 7 i ol 100 Proper Agnew Kelly 6 01
3109 185 Carnaban A others oil
and gas 1012 3 06
3171 40 Carnaban A others oil
and gas 1912 3 06
3173 80 Morton Geo A Selgel C
fl Blood 13 82
3683 Jorjori40 for ;i2lori40 for13
Grove W AdCofl W D 7 62
3100 . 40 EiswortbJneAOthera'12 8 80
6141 127 KnuppA Yates 11 Ray 47 63
8100 950 White Star Oil Co 11
C C Co 1912 19 62
3103 875 While Star Oil Co fl
Pyle oil and gas 1012 3 03
3064 140 McN. al Frank fl ZA B 23 42
3322 40 McDonald Oil Co ti
Welsb 1 oil A gas '12 2 23
6500 60 McDonald Oil Co fl
Mintz 1 nil A gas '12 5 22
3322 25 McDonald Oil Co fl
Bislopb 1 oil t gas '12 1 65
3322 46 McDonald Oil Co tt
Linberglnilgas'12 3 17
3322 150 McDonald Oil Co fl
Lovins 1 nil a gas '12 4 13
3790 245 Berg C J fl Frost 1012 21 04
6143 10 259 GllfoyleOil AGasCo'12 2 23
5142 60 GiifoyleOllAGasCo'12 4 13
5143 25 GllfoyleOil 6Y Gas Co '12 4 13
6145 105 Central Penna Lbr Co 82 23
5138 4!5 Central Penna Lbr Co 81 22
3504 100 Watson Caroliue E
oil and gas 8 98
5129 68 Adamson Joseph 10 28
6500 21 Proper O W A J F
oil and gas 2 60
8564 99 Mlmz David fl Bell 17 20
3644 877 Penna Gaa Co oil only 30 13
5142 1 of 140 K Her FA fl Boynton '12 3 74
5141 127 Knupp A Yates fl Kay
- oil and gas 11 11
3170 160 Wray W A fl Ray
John 1913 13 46
3170 52? Hunt Anna L 1913 6 13
3068 250 SsnnerFCA Dlnsmore
C 1 16 nl oil a all gas 11 89
3667 250 SannerFCADinsmore
C 1-18 of oil call gas 11 89
3672 150 SsnnerFCA Dlnsmore
C 116 of oil a all gas 7 56
3171 80 Slonecipber Maud E A
Towler H nil and gas 7 37
8159 328 Dickey Wm fl Kreit-
ler 1913 26 .55
5142 J of 140 Barletl J W fl Boynton 12 20
3609 1124 Pa Gas Co oil only '13 20 94
5142 i of'140 Whinner Ceo fl Boyn
ton 1913 3 71
3501 3-20 of 1101 Knupp W J fl De
vonian Oil Co 20 69
3564 1031 Nickolson John 106 80
3102 821 Montgomery J G fl
W A W 131 77
5142 1 of 110 Ulf Bros fl Keller '13 8 71
By virtue of an Act of Assembly enti
tled "An Act to regulate tbe collection of
taxes on unsealed lands," approved the
6ih day of June, 1887, Interest will be
charged on 1912 taxes from January 1,
1013, to date of payment, and on 1913
taxes from January 1, 1014, to date ol
payment, at tbe rale of six per cent, per
W. H. BIUZEE, Treasurer.
Tlonetta, Pa., Match 23 1014.
Mercantile 'Appraiser's List
for Forest County for
YeartA; D1914.
Tbe Wholesale and Retail Venders of
Foreign and Domeslc Merchandise,
Eating Housei, Billiard Rooms, Bowl
ing Alleys, Brokers, and Opera Houses
iu Forest County, Pennsylvania, are
as follows, to-wit:
Atlautto Refining Co., oils,West Hickory.
Atlantic Refining Co., oils, Ttouesla.
Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesta.
Anderson, C. A , greenhouse, Tionesta.
Auderson, G. T., Jfiweler, Tlonesla.
Arner, C, M. A Son, brokers, Tionesta..
Aul, Mrs. S. A Co., merchants, Marten
vllle. Behrens, L uis, merchant, Starr.
Bsughman, J. M. A G. A., butchers, Mar
Baxter, J, W., merchant, Gilfoyle.
Booth, W. A meicbsut, Watson Farm.
Baugbman, A. R., butcher, Keliettvllle
Bowman, T, i. Estate, millers, East
Hickory. . .
Bender, Robert P., merchant, West Hick
ory. -
Bovard F. J., druggist, Tionesta.
Bovard, F. J., Bovard'a Hall, Tionesta,
Crouch A Zauuiser, merchants, East
CanOelil, Harry, cigars, West Hickory.
Clark, O. J , merchant, East Hickory.
Cohen, H. I., fruit, Tionesta.
Carsou, A , jeweler, Tionesta.
Cook, A. Sous Co., merchants, Cooksbilrg.
Crosamun, W. A., merchant, Kedclytle-
Colhos A Kreiller, merchants, Nebraska.
Carson, J. T,, broker, Tionesta.
Daua, L. W., cigars, Msrienvllle.
Detar, W. J., cigars, Kelletlville. .
Day A Hartuian, mercbaois, Keliettvllle.
Decillis, M., fruit, Tionesta.
Fools Creek store Co., merchants, True
nians. Fu.ton, C. N., merchant, Pigeon.
Pinion, R. A , cigars, Tionesta.
Gildersleeve A Wood, merchants, Brooks
ton. - -
Gerow, J. N., cigars, Tionesta.
Gerow, J. N., restaurant, Tiouesta.
Gerow, J N., billiards, Tionesta.
Glnsburg, Cbas., bowling alley, Tionesta.
Haalel, James, furniture, Tlonesla.
Herman. R. M , merchant, Tionesta.
Hepler, Mrs. M. N., merchant, Tionesta.
Hepler, Mrs. M. N., restaurant, Tionesta.
Harp, Harry H , cigars, Marienville.
Harp, Harry II , billiards, Marienville.
Harkless, Frank E .druvgiat, Keliettvllle.
Hopklus, L. J., merchant, Tionesta,
Hunter, A. M., merchant. Pigeon.
Johnson, W, T., cigars, Marb nville,
Killmer Bros., merchants, Tionesta.
Kelly, J. N.. billiards, Marienville.
Lauson, F. H., merchant, Tionesta.
Lanson Bros., millers, Tionesta.
Lease, A. A., restaurant, Marienville.
Lease, A. A., o'gars, Marienville
Lecastrn, Rocco, merchant. West Hickory.
Larson, J. E., merchant, Brookston.
Miller, W. J , cigars. Keliettvllle.
Miller, W. T., billiards, Kelletlville.
Mapes, H. C, hardware, Tlonesla.
Morgan, J. H , merchant, TlnneHla.
MoUee, Mrs. W. E., merchant, Tionesta
Mechling A London, merchants, daring
ton. Mayburg Supply Co., merohants, May
burg. . . - '
Mintz, David, merchant, Marienville.
Mensch, S. C, hardware, Marienville.
McCurdy, E. G ACo , merchants, Lynch.
McKown, G. K., cigars, Nebraska.
Marienvil e Variety Store, merohants,
Neill, A. D. A Co., merchants, Marien
ville. '
Nye, C. W., merchant, Marienville.
Pierce, Mrs. Kmtns, cigars, Tionesta.
Robln-on, G.. W. A Son, meichsnls, Tlo;
Roilila, G. F., merchant, Tlonesla
K"dda A Hamilton, Pastime Theatre,
Randall, C A., cigars, Tlonesla.
Rosen, L. A., merchant. Endeavor,
Rea, G. V., merchant, Blue Ridge,
Roebrlg, John, harness, Marienville,
Reyner, Mrs. E. D., merchant, Marlen
vllle. Keynor, Mrs. E. D., restaurant, Marien
ville. Reyner, T. J., merchant, Marienville.
Salmon Creek Mercantile Co., merchants,
Stiles A Evans, merchants, Endeavor.
Smith, Harry H. A Co., merchants, West
Sboup, Wm., merchant, Mu.plte.
Schwab, J. E. A Son, butchers, East
Schweitzer, Harry, cigars, Endeavor,
Shaw, J. H., cigars, Keliettvllle.
Shaw, J. H., billiards, Kelletlville.
Simpson, W. 8., Jeweler, Kelletlville.
Bizle, Wm., jeweler, Keliettvllle
Soowden, J. C, hardware, Tionesta.
Sigworth, S. 8 , hardware, Tionesta.
Sblpe, H. A., broker, Marienville.
Tionesta Gas Co., hardware, Tionesta.
Tucker, Ibomas, mercbant.Trnnkeyville.
Thompson, Evelyn, merchant, Tionesta
R. D,
Wilson A Taylor, merchants, Marienville.
Watson A Co., merohants, Kelletlville.
Walters, F. A Co., millinery . Tionesta.
Walker, Ross A., druggist. TlouestB.
Wilson, George, butcher, Tionesta.
Wbitmore, J. E., merchant, Fast Hickory.
Walters, C. L., cigars, West H Ickory.
Walters, C. L., billiards, West Hickory.
Wolfe, Cora L., merchant, Cooper Tract,
Wolfe, Olive, millinery, Keliettvllle.
Wolte, Andrew, merchant, Tionesta R. D.
Wolfgang, A. B , billiards, Kelletlville.
Young, J. J cigara, Marienville.
Zabniser, Florence, millinery, East
Zuver, L. L., merchant, Tionesta.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that an appeal from the rore
golng appraisement will be held at the
oltice nf tbe County Treasurer, in Tio
nesta, Pa , on Thursday, April 30, 1014.
when and where they may attnd if they
see proper. LEE L. ZUVER,
Mercantile Appraiser.
Fedsral Organizers Mak3 Puts
lie Thsir Selections
District No. 4 With .Cleveland as a
Center Includes Western Pa., Ohio
nd Four Counties of West Virginia
The organization committee of the
new federal currency system an
nounced the twelve reserve cities and
reserve districts.
Regional reserve banks under the
new federal system will be located in
Boston, New York, Philadelphia
Cleveland, Richmond, Va.; Atlunta
Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kan
sas City, Dallas, Tex.; San Francisco
The first four cities and district!
D:strict No. 1, Boston. Capital
19,931,740, with 446 national banks lie
members. Territory included, New
England states.
District No. 2. New York. Capital
120,087,616, with 478 nationnl and a
number of Mate banks .(not given) is
members. Territory, state of New
District No. 3, Philadelphia. Capital
112,993,013, Including 800 nation'!
banks and several state banks. Terri
tory, New Jersey and Delaware an1
all Pennsylvania east of western
boundary of filklng counties: Mi'
Kean, Elk, Ciearfield, Cambria and
District No. 4, Cleveland. Capital
$11,621,533, with 724 national and sov
era! state banks. Territory, state ol
Ohio, all Pennsylvania lying west ol
district N'. 3, the counties of Mar
shall, Ohio, Brooke and Hancock in
West Virginia, and all Kentuck east
of the western boundary of the fol
lowing cou:.tks: Boone, Grant, Scott.
Woodford, Jessamine, Garrard, Lin
coln, Pulaski and MeCreary.
All of West. Virginia, with the .ex
ception of the counties of Marshall!
Ohio, Brooke and Hancock, are placed
In district No. 5, with the federal re
serve bank located at Richmond.
The announcement of the reserve
districts ar.d cities by the reserve
bank organization committee ave t'i
signal for a determined struggle on
the part of several cities which were
disappointed to overturn the commit
tee's decision and bring about a re
districting of the country, or at. let-st
a change In the reserve cities named.
Probably no act of the administra
tion has brought forth so many pro
tests regardless of party lines. As a
result thera is strong likelihood ti nt
bills will be introduced In one or both
houses of congress to amend th cur
rency act and designate by luw the
locations of regional reserve banks.
118 Pennsylvania Trains Annulled.
In pursuance of the retrenchment
plans the Pennsylvania railroad an
nulled IIS passenger trains on, the
lilies east of. Pittsburg and Erie and
a large nut.iber on the western lines.
The financial saving on the eastern
lines, it 's estimated, will be close
to $2,000,000 a year should the curtail
ment be lit force' that long. On the
western lines it is roughly calculated
that the economies will effect a saving
not greatly dissimilar.
$3,414 Charged to Officials.
In the larsest report ever filed by
Greene county auditors thone officials
surcharged county officials to thj
amount of $3,414.73, showing that the
funds hud leen-uSe'd' for luxuries and
nnne'iessaiy articles. Tho report
further showed that. funds were spent
for articles In the county poor homes
that never reached the inmates btI
'.he county commissioners were hel.l,
to have made careless exncnilitures.
Stiffragettesfcpiot. '
A rally ot Lnlonists in a l.o'ndbn
park started a riot ot suffragettes.
Rebel Cavalry Harass Velasco's
Shattered Army
Fleeing Federals Drop' Arms and Bag
gage In Their Haste to Get Away.
Torreon Battle Bloodiest of Revolt
Rebel cavlry under the commands
of Generals Hernandez and Ortega are
pressing the remnants of General
Velasco's fleeing federals, who left
Pancho Villa in undisputed possessiou
of Torreon, Mex.
The rear guard of the routed army
was overtaken at San Pedro de Los
Coionis, says a dispatch to Supreme
Chief Carranza from General Villa. In
the fight 100 federals were killed and
163 were made prisoners, reads tho
The telegram adds that the men and
officers of the fleeing federals are dis
carding tlitir arms and baggage in
their flight, which has now become a
rout. The rebel cavalry is presslns
them closely in an efTort to either kill
or capture all of them, especially Gen
eral Velasco.
Another message from Villa an
nounces the capture of four cannon,
1,000 shells and an immense amount
of rifle and small arms ammunition
In Torreon.
Villa is rapidly restoring order In
the city and will have business re
sumed in a few days. One of tho
first things he did was to order the
destruction of all liquor in the place.
Stores were broken open, looted and
many of them burned. Foreigners
have suffered the most from losses
to the stock of goods as most of the
mcrchandisii.g in Torreon was carried
on by Ge-nans, Italians, Spaniards,
French and some few Americans.
Many of the larger stores, according
to press dispatches, were used as for
tifications. All accounts agree that tho fighting
was the most terrific that lias ever
taken place In the history of a Mex
ican revolution. Fortified as they were
Inside the city, the federals were able
to make the rebels pay dearly for
every position they took. And when
the federals were driven from one
building often they retreated but half
a block and again made a stand In an
other building equally as easily forti
fied. Thus the rebels forced the .federals
hack inch by Inch toward the moun
tains in the west. These mountains
were heavily fortified by the federals
and it was in these trenches that thn
force of Velasco made Its last stand.
After two days of fighting from' the
hills, most f his army sheltered In
Canyon Gunrachi, a basin between
two hills, Velasco was able to with-,
draw unseen by the rebel army and
get well upon his way before the
rebels were aware of the evacuation.
Velasco took with Mm as .many as
possible of the volunteers in his com
mand, leaving the regulars In tho
trenches to keep up the fire against
the enemy and cover his evacuation.
The rebels had threatened to exe
cute all volunteers, and they have al
ways carried out the threat where
such men were made prisoners, whlh.i
the regular army men generally havi
their lives spared if they embrace tho
cause of the rebels.'
Orozco, the former rebel leader
against Mudcro, is a particular object
of hatred on the part of the rebels,
hut he was not captured. He was
south of Torreon and, while reported
as marching to the relief of the be
leaguered garrison, did not reach It In
time to join in any of the fighting. .
It Is consl ;ered that Villa has prob
ably been rcry fair In reporting his
own loss, as F00 dead and 1.600 wound
ed. It Is bJle.ved that the federals'
dad will n' exceed the list of rebel
dead and that .the federal list of
wounded is not as hrge as that of
the rebels because the rebels had to
do more fighting In the open than the
Sleuth Braved April Fool Jeers to
Pick Up Wallet.
For several hours on April 1 an old
wallet cont-lning $1,000 was kicked
about on thn street in York, Pa., every
body believing that It was placed
there as an April fool Joke. Detective
Thad Stroinan decided to take a
chance, howwor, and picked It up.
Those who were watching him wero
prepared to give him the laugh, but
instead were surprised when they
found the wallet contained $1,000.
The money had been lost by Willium
Sykes while he was taking It to a
Bank Teller Faints After Severe
Croas-Examl nation.
Overcome by severe cross-examination,
William Gehry, former teller of
tho Prim National bank of Rcadini;,
Pa., fainted in T'niled States district
court In Philadelphia lifter testifying
In the trlul of Kmil Gerstel, accused
of aiding in the misapplication of
Gehry, ,nndVr indictment with
Gerstel, fs the government's chief wit
ncss.' -Gchry mid while he was teller
he permitted Gerstel to overdraw his
account by falsifying his books.
Commander at Toran
Beaten by RcIs
V 1 "-
Pliutu lv American i'resa Abcui'lutlon.
Scale Committee's Action Goes to
Referendum on April 14.
Ratification of the action of the
scale committee of the Tnilcd M in
workers of America at its recent con
ference with bituminous coal operators
at Chicago means "industrial peace;''
If rejected, a strike, according to a
circular sent out from the interna
tional headquarters in Indianapolis.
The circular calls for a referendum
vote on April 14 upon t lie decision of
the miners' representatives at the con
ference to withdraw wuge demands
and recommending that stp'h ques
tions of wo;king conditions which the
miners feel are in need of adjustment
should be taken up with the operators
locally, the miners, meantime, to re
nmln at wo-k.
"This proposition," rends the circu
lar, "provides for a settlement by
groups or districts, districts or sub
districts on the basis of present pries
with the understanding that In Joint
conferences local inequalities' and In
ternal ques'ions both as to prices and
conditions may be taken up for ad
Miners Out of Judge Dayton's Juris
diction But Near Camp Site.
Cnited States Deputy Marshal Ed
ward Smith went to Colliers, V. Va.,
with an order from Federal Judge A.
G. Dayton to remove the tents of the
strikers from the vicinity of the mines
of the West Virginia ami Pittsbur;
Coal company.
Attorney John C. Palmer, repre
venting the strikers, stated there
would he no trouble as the strikers
would their tents when de
manded to do so by the federal court
officer. Later the miners evaded the
orders of Judge Dayton by renting mi
acre of ground In Pennsylvania, just
over tho stale line of-West Virginia,
about 900 yards from the camp site
from which tho strikers were ordered
to move, in Pennsylvania Jtfdge, Day
ton has no Jurisdiction.
Philadelphian Presents Petition to
Governor of Pennsylvania.
A petition was Hied with Governor
Tenor by Preston S. Hood of Philadelphia,-
asking for the retirement of
Judge H. K. Weand of the Mont
gomery county court'!. The governor
referred tho petition to the attorney
It Is chhrged that Jtulce Wound
acted in an illegal and arbitrary man
ner In a proceeding over property In
Ardinore in which Hood was interest
ed, that he lacks thn qualilU Mi r.s of
a judge and that he is advanced in
years, being seventy six.
Gives $100,000 For Pensions For
Zoological Park Employes.
Andrew Carnegie lias created a new
pension fund, one of $100,000, for the
benefit of thn employes of the Zoo
logical park and the aquarium in New
York. Madison Grant, chairman of
the executive committee of thn New
York Zoological society, made the an
nouncement. Tho employes will contribute 2 per
rent of their salaries a nil through
the Carnegie fund the society will lie
in a position to supply the rest of the
pension money.
Boy Recovers M-r Eating Lye.
For three years six yc:tr-old Robert
Hoffman of Sewiikhy, Pa., has lived
on food fed to him through glass
tubes, because the channel Into his
stomach was er.len away by lye,
which he swallowed when h ivaj
aged three ;ears. But now ho Is to
eat Just as other boys ana girls no.
Three years of pntient treatment lias
tv.'otight this about. The last tube," was
taken out.
. - ;
i " ' " :
r w' :i
7 ;
Vote iii House 248 to 162, a
Majority ol C6
Administration Majority Was Larger
Than Bill's Supporters Had Hoped
For After Opposition of Clark.
The Sims bill to repeal the tolls ex
emption clause of the Panama canal
act was passed by the house by a
vole of 24S to 162, a majority of 86.
The result was more than the ad
ministration leaders had hoped for,
for the most optimistic had not esti
mated that the bill would get more
than fifty votes majority. The vote
was taken amid intense excitement.
The vot was especially surprising
utter Speaker Clark, in a ringing
speech, hud denounced the Sims bill
as a practical abandonment of tho
iM on roe doctrine and had cried at one
point iu his address:
"I would rather see the Panama
canal walled up than to give the Brit
ish people any control of it. It's ours
forever, for better or for worse."
Mr. Clark did not attack in the
slightest degree the president, as had
been predl'ted, but confined himself
to a criticism of the Mr. Wilson's free
tolls policy.
Any poll made of the senate at this
time would not be reliable. A change
of four or tfve votes would swing the
result and it Is admitted even by the
friends of the administration that
more than that number of senators
are within the doubtful zone.
One thing is certain the question
will not be brought to a vote In the
senate as early as ie president and
his friends expected. Some of the
older legislators say that at least a
month will be consumed in debate.
Congressmen Attack the Treasury.
When the watch dogs of the treas
ury in the house determined to sare
Vncle Sam nearly $100,000 a year by
knocking out the so-calted "mileage
grab" they were unprepared for the
defeat that awaited them.
The house membership not only re
fused to vcte against the "mileage
grab," but it determined to add to Its
"perquisites" and that's what It did.
The proposition that members should
be reimbursed for their actual travel
outlay instead of being paid twenty
cents a mile as at present was defeat
ed, 83 to 46.
Then I ho house proceeded to the
consideration of an amendment in
creasing the salaries of members' sec
retaries from $1,500 to $1,800 a year.
With a whoop it carried, 115 to 65.
House Passes Pensions Bill.
Pensions for widows and minor chil
dren of the officers and men who
served in the Spanish-American war,
the Philippine Insurrection and the
Boxer uprising In China would be
authorized bv a bill which passed the
house by a vote of 276 to 64.
The bill would grant $12 monthly to
the widow of an honorably discharged
soldier or sailor and $2 monthly for
each child under sixteen years of age,
provided that the widow shall have
married the soldier prior to the pas
sage or the hill. The pensions are to
be limited, however, to widows with
out means of support other than their
daily labor and nn actual net income
not exceeding $2f.O n year.
Eastern Part of Country in Particular
Is Hit.
Dun's Review 'of Trade says this
week: .
"Current movement or merchandise
continues somewhat below normal,
particularly In the east; in the west
and smith there Is more activity and
business sentiment Is quite confident
because of the generally promising outlook. At a number of
the luterloi centers bunk clearings
exceed those of the two years im
mediately preceding, and at Chicago
clearings for March are the lowest
ever reported for a single month.
"Mercantile collections are some,
what backward, which Is not
at this season, and In spite of the at
tractive rates for money borrowing Is
light and offerings of commercial
paper continue unrestricted. Re
trenchment still characterizes iron
and steel trade."
What Was Supposed to Be Clue to
McCarrick Boy Abandoned.
The Philadelphia detectives work
ing on the disappearance of seven-
year-old Warren McCarrick decided
that the letter received several days
ago stating that the boy had been
kicked to death by a horse and that
the owner of the animal fearing ar
rest hud b"rled the body is a hoax
and have dropped that feature of the
They came to this conclusion wh"tt
a second l'tter in the same hand
writing was received, stating that th
first letter was a hoax and that the
boy Is now with a baud of gypsle.
Rube Waddell Is Dead.
Rube WaddiHl, the famous left hand
ed pitcher, died in San Antonio, Tex.
Ho had heen ill for months wit 'a