Mill MIHHM 17.. --fl THE SMART & SILBERBERG CO., OIL CITY, PA. t The, JHstinctive Garment . Store Shut! made, to order $2.00 and ..URWtrd". Suits made to order tll.00 and upward. 1 The Whole Store Says "SPRING." o New Fashions, New Home Home Furnishings, f nd above all SERjVICE. t Advertised, in the Magazines. - - The following articles are advertised in . the . maga zines, and on account of their superior merit, are to be found at this store, Orders lor any ot them sent to us by . mail will be filled the same day as received, and mailed to you at our expense via Uncle Sam's Parcel, Tost : Wayne Knit Hosiery, Mct'allum Silk Hosiery, Linenwear Hosiery, Migel Silks, Valentine & Bentley . Foulards, Seco Silks, Skinner's Satins, Sunburst Silks, . Danish Poplar, Cloth, Bontex Wash Fabrics, Quaker Laces, Burton Cloths, Modart Corsets, Redforn Corsets, Warner Corsets, H. & W. Corset Waists, Klosfit Petticoats, Utica Sheets, Indian Head Muslin, Munsing Underwear, Crex Matting, . .Globe. Underwear, Ruben's Infant Shirts, Boston Garters, Niagara Maid Gloves, Kleinert Shields, Orinoka Drapery Fabrics, Brenlin Window Shades, Ladies' Home Journal Patterns, DeLong Hooks and Eyes, Congress Playing Cards, Duplex Safety Pins, Cash's Woven Names, Velvet Grip Garters, Moore Push Pins, Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, Hudnut's Toilet Goods, Colgate's Toilet Goods, Luxor Toilet Goods, Palm Olive Soap, Listerine, Sweeper Vac. Improve Your Figure i; I , And You .Improve rYour, Health; Wear Gossard (Corsets. They Lace In Front. The approval and . continued recommenda-, tions of Gossard Corsets, by the greatest design ers and fashion authorities, is interesting. - To have doctors and trained nurses advocaN ing them in the same breath with , Fashion ' crea-- lOrs IS a WUUUCHUl . utuuic ii a, (utucui..nuivu has done much to "unage women." ; The improvement shown in these average figures is not an "ideal," but a reality, which you may achieve, through a correctly fitted , Gossard, Corset. " Multitudes of Women ' ' Are Healthier Today -1 Than they formerly were, and the improvement Jin their figures is none the less marked. Gos . . . . i.f sara corsets are maae m many siyies at $2.00, $3.50, $5.00 and up. ; A fitting at this store does not obligate you J to buy. Be fitted now. I The Distinctive Garment ;St9re Henry J. McCarty, 111 CENTRE ST., OIL CITY, PA. It i ttnilnMQ 1 nf ;tti Wildwood, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Anglesea, Holly ueacn, stone Harbor, Avalon,' JohrrD. Rockefeller says that "Real opportunity comes only to the man " .with ready r" ... The man with ready money is me man who saves. ) . Four Per Cent. Interest. Oil Gity Trust Company Oil City, Pa. Easter 15-Day Excursions Cape May :ean City, , Holly Beai arbor, A vale .April 9 it rryYrtkrw WddlllllglUII PERMITS MENTAL HEALING .. .. i New York Legislature Paesee Bill Al lowing CMstlan Science Methods. The McClelland-Thont bill permit ting Christian Science treatment ot the sick paused the New York stat senate after a sharp fight by a rote of 79 to 60. It has paused the house and goes to the governor tor approval. The bill permits treatment of the sick by mental or spiritual means without the use of any drugs or material remedy. Tiie passage or tins dim enas a ngni of many yeprs' standing. A statement was Issued by the bill's supporters declaring the passage nl the bill '"his enabled New York o take her rlghtfiif place among other progressive 'states ln""pr'ote'ctlng by statute the medical as well as the re ligious rights of their citizens." - - -r Heart Displaced; Only One Lung. A strange discovery was made during a post-mortem examination of the body of Clarke F. Gordon, twenty- one years old, who died In Greenville, Pa., when it was found that his heait was partly on the right side and that lie had but one lung. National Capital '. ..-April 10 Similar Excursion June 24 Round-Trip Fares Seashore, $11.00. ; Washington, $11.Q0 , , Tom nonesta Prnnnrfinn.tM fares from other Doints. Full information regarding leaving time of trains on which tickets will be accepted and stop-over privileges may be obtained of Ticket Agents, or C. A. B. Cooper, D. P. S., ?01 Marine Nat., Bank Bldg, Erie, Pa. Pennsylvania : Railroad. Sanitary Paper Towel Rolls -1800 Towels, 12 Rolls with White Enameled Towel Rack', $4.00. ' Paper Drinking Cups 1000 Cups-for 42.75 Automatic Holders ; Leased for $2.00. j Ellsworth H. Hults, Jr., 25 N-Siith St., Phila., Pa. Three Killed In Powder Explosion. ' An explosion " completely : wrecked the main building of the Trojan powder works, at Iron Brldfc, three miles from Allentown, Pa., and killed three men. The cause of the ex plosion Is not known. unty bHin. RememlM't' Unit rich food lire ene mies of n dt'linite skin The rime leaf Kkln of the tmby roineH from Its simple dlef "" Let no one do whnt he pleases but what he outfit to do -Onstnvliis Vrea Npiiriorei hunting ior the tobacco that exactly suits you. ;t Not , after you've found STAG rich ripe-rmellow fragrant full bodied yet exquisitely MILD. .ponveriient packages: The Handy Half-Size 5:CentTin,the Full-Size 10-Cent Tin, the Pound and Half-Pound Tin Humidors and the Pound Glass Humidor, V .... jm For Pipe, and Cigarette EVER-LASTI NG-LY GOOD" 7 "No Bite, n "No Sting, ' "No Bag, "No String." P. leHltard C. T. A. P. GOOD CLOTHmS Js the First Requirement Get Into Good Society. At Church, At the Opera, At the Club, At the Hotel, HP A T At Business, On the Street, On the Train, At Home, , JL n Clothes are the type that lifts a man from the "rut of indifference" and classes him as a TA n Live Wire, Red-Blooded, Prosperous Looking Bi'iTs Fight or Fun Fellow, who enjoys the association of good clean cut fellows like himself. A. aP.- We lay to you, gentlemen, that quality and make considered T. A. P. Clothes are the twest priced in the country today. - - , . Beautiful spring models $12.60 to 136.00. ' You are welcome to look, gentlemen, and suit yourself about buying. 1 r '4 Oil City, Pa. OilCitj.Pa. I k . Notice Of Spring Fviipary, In Dursuanne of the requirements of an Act of -the Qeueral Aaaemtly of the Commonwealth of -Pennsylvania, enti tled "An Aot reRUlatiog certain polltioal parties, providing; for and regulation tbe nomination M oandldaTea of such politi cal parties for certain pabllo ofUoee, tbe CleoMon oi oeiegsie nu eiieroxn ueio gatee to National party conventions, and of certain party officers, inulitdlna: State Committeemen, tec," - approved roe , twelfth day .of July, 1013, the County ' UommlMioner. or roresi uouniy nereoy give notioe that at the Spring Primary, to be treld on tbe " k ' " ' Third Tuesday of May Next, Being the ' " 19th Day of May, 1914, and In aooordanoe With the provisions of Section f or tne above tnentlooed Act, oominatlona are to be made by tne sev eral polltioal parties entitled to make nomination tbereat,or candidates for tbe following otnce: Untied Stales Senator. Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of Internal Affairs. Judge of tbe Supreme Court. k.Judge of the Superior Court. Four Representatives io Congress-at-Large. - One Representative In Congress (28tb District.) . One Senator In the General Assembly (26th District.) One Representative In tbe General As sembly. " - - -' Tbere Is to be elected at tne spring Primary Election, by ea-b political party, one member of the Slate Committee. Anfl notioe Is also hereby given that at aaid Primary party officers will be elect ed moIIow.: Chairman, Secretary and Tressurer of tbe Democratic County Cootmittee, and rtwoOoirrmitteemeD for each of tbe Elec tion Dialriote In the County, Chairman, Seoretary and Treasurer of the Soclall.t County Committee, and one Committeeman for each of tbe Election Dl.trlol. In tbe County. One Republican Committeeman for each of the Election DUtriots In the Countv. . Chairman, Seoretary and Treasurer or tbe f rou.ibitlon county committee, ana one Committeeman for each of tbe Elec tion Districts in (be County. ' W. H. Harrison, J. O. SOOWDKK, H. H. McClkixan, County Commissioners. Altest-S. M. Hkkrt, Clerk. Tioneeta, Pa., Marcb,18, 1914. Tango j Name given the season's most highly favored color. A distinctive shade varying from light terra cottatoa deep orange. An attractive color full of snap and dash. At the Dress Goods counter . we're showing Tango in storm serge, matelasse, whipcord, crepe, French serge and Tussah. Prices 65c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 yard. Printed Crepe de Chene, Silk Crepes, Charmeuse, ' $2.00 and $2.50 Plain charmeuse to match. The printings are in ; two and three-tone color effects. Original and artis ; tic in design. Comprising the most fashionable high ; class novelty silks, bought in exclusive patternsr T JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT. Furniture Dealer, AND -UNDERTAKER. ' , TJO NEST A, PKNN At the Racket Store BARGAINS In Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, , Chinaware, Statipnery, j lw.Hosiery, Wall Paper. Window Shades t , W0NJ JOINjJINIONjStS East Liverpool School Teachers Pre- '' ' fer to Stand on Dignity. One hundred and twenty-five East Liverpool 0.) srhool teachers, the majority women, 'told J. T. Duffey, a labor organizer, that it would lower the dignity of their profession to be come affiliated with the American Fed eration of Labor. The teachers, who assert that many of their profession get less wages than the school Janitors, met here to form an organization In a campaign to secure a material Increase in their 'salaries. ' Their salaries at present range from $42 to $70 per month. They told the labor organizer that they appreciated the Interest evinced by the federation, but they had de cided to fo-m an independent organ ization. ' ' ' Made -To -Measure Clothes of the i ... i Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in town, See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 . Fit and finish guaranteed. D. H. Blum, TIONESTA, PA. pit fltugntft usroalK von - Br (lien. Gi Tmb ntet STugut butd) mrtd;tti 2(npaffen ponlaf(tn oI burd) fonft tt toai ruinirt luorbtn. at tflt 2Iugi mangelafte ((fraction, jo mufi bai Silb aQcr 0cgentanb(nad;(utem ficcui auf ber Dicfjaut, burd) aufeergthpijnlid)! Ilhitigfeit bed musculus ciliarius $v bxaijt, cbet b(tS8iIb unbDSIommen ftid unb tai 9icfultat berbunltltc Qtt)i mit Sd)itad)e unb d)mcr) urn SIu' gen unb Stirn. brutfad)t Com geftionen, tocWe ftd) burd) fd)tocrt S(u genliebtr, 9totr;e, Sucftrt obtt Srtnntn, (tit efuf)I, aid fei d)mu$ tm Suge, unb dufigen Sdpmcr), berbunbtn mij Gmbfinblidjfcit flegtn 2id)t jtigen. 3 fdacf)er ba auge, - ttfto fuftlborei obige e?mbtomt. 3lugen mBgfnbr'M ftarl unb glctdjlcil f(fd)load) fcirt unj Umgefcljrt. Urn butd) cbraudj ctner SBrilTe bi HJdngtl aufjutjeben, roirb ic 2biitigl(ii fcer WuSltln gtSnbert,'' unb toenn be d)abtn borliber obr burd) ju ftarfj obtr ju fd)ttad;f,Idr nid)t aufgtobci ift, fo fmb bie Urfaditn bet Songtftioi t;tc bermtrl ftatt berminbertv JDeftetJ gtmtfdjte SRtfraction, htufi trgenb til anbtUglad btn 6d)abcn bermtfirtn, Sebtr d)h)ad)ftd)tige foKte ftd) forgi faltig tciffenfdjaftlid) unttrfud)en un) Dritlrn onipafjenloffen, er fit in ti braud) ntmmt. 3n btfonbtm fjhUtn totrbtn lafet auf Seflttlung gtfdlifftrt, in jtbtmgallt (jOrantitt. For Further Particulars Call On DOCTOR MORCK Who Will be Pleased to Explain the Above in Either Language. Fred. Grettonberger GENERAL, BLACKSMITH 4 MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En glues, Oil Well Toole, Oaa or Water Fit tings and General Butclcunilthing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special 'attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop In rear of and Just west of the Shaw House, Tidtoute, Pa, Tour patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERQER Elm Street, Tionette, Pa.