The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 01, 1914, Image 4

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    lave You Protection
You oaonot afford to take yoor own
risk against Iom by lire.' Remember that
we represent ?
and will be glad to call on you when you
want fire insurance that really protects.
Drop an a card and we'll do the rest.
We are agents In tbls oounty for tbe
and oan furnish security for County
officials, bank oOlolals, etc
Penn'aRy. Ad.
Lammers. Ad.
Harvey Fritz. Ad.
Boro-i t Bubl. Ad.
Tbe Prints Co. Ad.
rbeK Inter Co. Ad.
P. Lorlllard Co. Ad.
J.O.Carson. Notice.
Alex. Neely. Reader.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
Orant Khuater. Reader.
Smart t Silberberg. Ad.
Mercantile Appraisement.
P. Walters fc Co. Reader.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad.
Mra. Km ma Orove. Local.
Forest Co. Nat. Bank. Ad.
Tbe Distinctive Garment Store. Ad.
Oil market olosed at 2 60.
Is your subscription paid?
Ton can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
Paint for anything and everything
t 8. 8. Sig worth's, . . adv
Fertilizer, Cement, Plows, Harrows,
to,, at 8. 8. Slgwortb'a. adv
We bave In a car of fine Elwood Seed
Oats, guaranteed pure. Price, 60 oenta
per bushel, Lanson Bros. adv
It Is needless to warn persons aflllcted
with tbe grippe against kissing. Nobody
suffering from the grippe feels in an os
culatory mood.
Tbe Republican can furnish you
with tbe very latest in. engraved calling
cards or anything else in tbat line, at
reasonable prices. tf.
When It comes to Wall Paper we
bave our paper rack chuck full of new
Wall Paper. All styles. Prloes starting
as low as to. Hopkins' Store. adv
-Tbe Monarch Clothing Co. of Oil City
extend a special invitation to tbelr Easter
Sale which is now on In full blast. See
their broad gauge ad In tbia Isaue.
Dr. M. W. Easton, Osteopath, or Oil
City, will visit Tloneata every Wednes
day forenoon, at Ibe Central Hotel, where
be may be oonsulted by all who need bis
aer vices. tf.
Oleomargarine alwaya fresh, always
tbe aame price and making new frienda
each day, at 20o per pound In nine pound
lota, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettvllle, Pa. adv
A danoe will be given at tbe German
Hill platform, Friday evening, April 3d,
to wblcb all are Invited. No Intoxicating
liquor nor Intoxicated persons will be
allowed In tbe ball.
Fob Sals -A cheap horse, harness
and wagon. Will exohange for cow. Al
so a bone cutter and an incubator of 120
eggoapaolty. Inquire of Mrs. Emma
Grove, Tlonesta. adv.
You don't need to worry about high
cost of living when you oan get good
Flour at Leoeon Bros.' for 5.00 per bbl.
Every sack guaranteed, or money re
funded. Lanboh Bros. adv
A handsome Better dog recently re
ceived from a New York kennel by
J. H. Kelly bad to be chloroformed to end
its misery, tbe pel having contracted a
severs case of distemper.
Big, husky, lively chicks! Yours
will be If you nse Pratta Baby Chick
Food and Pratta White Diarrhoea Reme
dy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded. For sale by first olasa dealers
everywhere. adv
Governor Tener on Saturday an
nounced tbat Fridays, April 17 and 24,
would be tbe Spring arbor days. State
Superintendent of Publio Instruction
Sobaeffer will urge tbat tbe days be ob
served in schools.
Country roads are In about tbe worst
condition Just now thst can be imagined.
But it is alwaya so at this sesson of tbe
year, and a few days of April wind will
tend to dry tbem Dp so tbey will be
trlde rough but passable. -
A baby lood for baby chicks. Great
est advance In soienllflo obick feeding in
tbe past century. Pratta Baby Chick
Food saves chicks, money, worry. Sat
isfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
For aale by first claw dealera every
where, adv
We are about to appoint District
Agents In this locality. Contracts direol
With tbe Company for Life, Aocldent and
Health Insurance. If you want a good
proposition, address, with reierences,
Philadelphia Lite Insursuoe Co., Phila
delphia, Fa. adv4t
The flood of Saturday caused a break
in tbe Wilburine oil line near the moutb
of Hunter run and tbe loss of some oil.
A repair crew laid a new line from tbe
end of tbe river bridge around tbe break
and bad tbe tine in working order by
Monday morning.
A meeting of the Home Missionary
society of tbe M. E. oburcb will be held
in tbe church this, Wednesday, evening
at 7:30 o'clock. As tbe annual election of
oiflcers will be b-ld at this meeting all
members are urged to be present. By
order of tbe President.
Tbe Tlonesta Presbyterian Sunday
school elected tbe following officers last
Sunday for the ensuing year: Supt., H
T. Klioestlver; assistant, Archie Clark;
secretary, Glenn Ledebut; assistant,
Robert Slgworth: treasurer, R. J. Hop
kins; pianist, Mrs. Alice Swanson; as.
sistanta, Misses Hazel Fones and Martha
Brown. : "
The members of the Senior Class of
the Ml. Jewett blRb school were In town
this morning on Ibeir way to Washington,
p. C where tbey will visit tbe msny
points of interest. Tbey also Intend to
make a visit to New York. The oil
waa chaperoned by Prof. D. W. Morrison
and was also accompanied by James
Wbalen, Sr. Kane Republican, Satur
day. A card from Piof. Morrison hints
tbat the members of tbe party are having
tbe time of their lives. Tbey will visit
Philadelphia and New York before re
Tbe diaappearanoe of tbe snow baa
nnoovered many ragged and bellltered
lawnaand baok yaida, but nothing can be
done to Improve tbe looks till the ground
dries op a little. Then we'll bave tbe
same handsome little city tbat we've all
been so proud of heretofore.
Benjamin F, Brundred, one of Oil
Clty'a most prominent and Influential
citizens died Saturday morning at bis
home, after an illness extending over a
period of two yeara. Hla wife and aeven
children survive. He was in the 6Stb
year of bis age, and bad been a reeldent of
Oil City 47 yeara. " '
-A fortune of 365,000 awalta Keltb
Dalrymple, aged 23, of Port Allegheny,
who disappeared from home aeven years
ago. Relatives bave started a country
wide searob for tbe young man. Notblug
baa been beard of him since be disap
peared. Tbe fortune was left blm by bis
father, an oil operator, who died recently.
Tbnae interealed abonld bear in mind
tbe publio sale to be given by George
Slbble at tbe old homestead farm, German
Hill, on Wednesday, April 8, next, be
ginning at 10 a. m. abarp. There will be
offered a team of borsos, 2-year-old colt,
three cows, lot of farm machinery and
Implements auob as mowing machine,
grain drill, manure spreader, hay rake
plow, cultivator, wagon, palraleds, bug
gy, single and double harness, quantity
of oata, hay and atraw, and many other
articlea useful to tbe farmer. Terms cash
np to $j, over tbat sum, 3 lot) montbs time,
with approved security. Don't forget tbe
Newspapers throughout tbe state are
in receiptor a circular letter from J. L.
Baldwin of Harrlsburg, state fire mar
shal, In wblcb tbe publio Is warned
against a msn named P. W. Cogglns, who
Is traveling about tbe state representing
blniself as au assistant state fire marshal
and an agent of tbe Gainewell Fire Alarm
Msnulacturlng company, and soliciting
advertisements from merchants. Tbe
local marshals are requested to bave tbe
man or any other, who comes represent
ing himself aa connected with tbe elate
department plaoed under arrest and to
notify tbe state marshal either by tele
phone or telegraph, aa he is an im poster.
Tbe Allegheny river made another
blgb reoord tbe past week. Deep snows,
mild weather and warm rains contributed
jointly to bring the old stream up to the
overflowing stage, nd at 11 o'clock
Saturday night the water waa up within
18 Incbee of tbe blgb water mark of a
year ago, March 26, 1913, when it lacked
but 18 incbea of reaching tbe memorable
flood alage of March 17, 1865. Tbe re
ceding process began aoon after tbe crest
waa reached and tbe river ia now back In
Its natural bed again but still quite high.
Tlonesta creek was correspondingly bigb,
overflowing its baoka In many places, but
no damage of any account waa done, and
it is now believed tbe dsnger from floods
for tbls season ia past.
Local oil men are becoming active
witb tbe coming of spring and there are
agna of much new work being done.
Messrs. Lowe Welob are ready to start
the drill in a well on tbe MoCalmont
property on the' east side of tbe Alle
gheny river, opposite Bsum station.
They recently purchased tbe T. J. Yan
Giesen lease on tbe old VanGiesen farm,
adjoining tbe MoCalmont property, on
wblcb there la now a good production.
In addition to tbe Van and Guy MoCal
mont farms tbey bave considerable other
property under lease In tbat vicinity and
it will be thoroughly developed. Cpn
traotor George W. Holeman began drill
ing tbe first of the week on tbe third well
on the Matt. Molnlyre farm, Harmony
township, for a Mesdvllle company.
Tbe Commissioner of Labor' and In
dustry at Harrlsburg reports tbat in tbe
month of February, 4,153 serious acci
dents bave been reported to bis Depart
ment, with a total of forty-one fatal acol
denta. Tbia represents but a fraction, he
slates, of tbe total number of aocldenls oc
curring in Peunsylvsnis, insomuch as
employors bave not yet fully learned tbat
tbey are required, under serious peuailiea
of tbe law, to make reports of all serious
'accidents. Tbe Commissioner further
gives notice tbat though he baa been
careful not to work a hardship by prose'
outlon of those falling to make reporta in
tbe past, by reason of tbe fact tbat tbe law
was not understood be Intends tbls month
to take active measures to see tbat tbose
who fail to comply with tbe law and not
make reporta will be vigorously prose
cuted. Conrad F. Dechant, a respected resi
dent of Stroblelon, Pa., died at bia home
Friday, March 27, 1014. Hla death was
csused by an Inward hemorrhage of the
lungs after a short illness, be having
been afllioted witb asthma for aome time.
He wan aeriously wounded by tbe acci
dental discbarge of bis gun wbile return
ing from a bunting trip a year ago last
fall, a charge of shot passing through bis
left band and raking the left aide of hie
face and neck. A airing breaking on bis
game bag. and allowing tbe bag to fall
against tbe hammer of tbe gun was tbe
cause of the accident. Tbe deceased waa
unmarried and waa aged 54 yeara. He
la survived by five brotbera and four
sisters. One of these is John F. Decbant,
clerk at tbe Central House, Tlonesta, who
attended tbe funeral, which was held in
St. Michael's church, Fryburg, Sundsy
morning a' 9 o'clock, Rev. Father Joseph
Hoenig officiating.
A man who was in Spring Creek
twp.v in the neighborhood of Hallton,
yesterday ststes tbat tbe inhabitants of
that section are greatly excited over tbe
indications tbey see tbst tbe Franklin &
Clearfield railroad company will begin
work in tbe near future to build a rail
road from Clarion dp Ibe river to Hallton
and there fining with Clarion River
Railroad, which tbey are to purchase
from the P. 8. A N. R. R. Co., having re
cently taken an option on tbat road. It la
ssld men bave been up along tbe pro
posed route, leasing bouses and securing
other buildings to be used by the build
ing contractors lor tbelr men and teams
wbile tbe work is in progre-a. It is cer
tainly to be hoped tbia new connecting
link from Clarion Into Elk oounty may
be built tbia year, aa it will open up new
wealth Id a section unused to tbe locomo
tive whistle and develop much natural
wealth. -Rldgway Advocate.
Thirty Head of Horses.
Big auction sale of sn express carload
of uorsts. Private sale and trade for one
week beginning April 6tb. The last
chance of the sesson to get a horse.
Don't miss this grest sale at Edelblute'a
Barn, Brookvllle, Pa.
advZt Gram Bhibteb.
Mrs. W. G. Wyman was down irom
Erie to tpend Sunday with ber parents.
Mr. and Mra. Frank E. Sibble of Oil
City spent tbe first of the week as guests
of Tionnsia friends.
Miss Gladya White. of Barnes, Pa.,
waa tbe guest of ber brother, Prof. L. P.
White, over Sundsy,
Cspt. J. J. Height of Cooper Tract
waa attending to business matters at tbe
oounty aeat last Wednesday,
Bruce Hagerty returned to daring-
ton tbe first of the week to resume drill
ing for the Braden company.
Mr. aud Mrs. George Ellis of Oil
City, visited the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W, H. Ellis, a few daya last
J. F. Proper and H. W. Horner, so
journers In the land of tbe Everglades
during the past winter of our discontent,
returned borne Manday evening.
William and Albert Lawrence re
turned tbe fore part of laat week from
tbelr Florida trip, having enjoyed a
month In louring tbe Everglade State.
Jake Slgglns, who bss been drilling
in tbe Clarlngtnn field, Is going to Cleve
land, O., near which city be will engage
witb a company tbat is opersting for gas.
The many friends of Mrs. Charles
Hunter will be sorry to learn of ber con
tinued serious illness at ber home, and
will hope for a speedy turn for tbe better
in ber condition.
J. T. Msxwell of Miola, Clarion
county, Is visiting bis brother, Prothono-
tary Maxwell, while looking after an oil
lease In which he ia Interested out near
the White church, Stewart Run.
Mra. Mary Glening returned borne
laat Thursday after apending tbe winter
ith ber sister, Mrs. Cobb, in Clarks
burg, W. Va., and Is visiting Mrs. Joseph
Green, in West Hickory, this week.
DeFraoce, tbe 13-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mra. Harry Canfleld of West
Hickory, is being treated at a Youngsvllle
sanatorium for diabetes, and friends are
very muob concerned about tbe serious
ness of her condition. '
Friends In this community of Mr.
and Mra. Ness Korb, of Pleasantville,
will be Interested to lesrn tbat a pretty
little daughter was born to them March
21st, and tbat mother and daughter are
doing nicely, and tbe happy dad la step
ping blgb, wide and handsome over tbe
H. M, Robertson, a student of the
University of PittsburKb, visited friends
In town the past week, returning to that
place Sunday, to resume bis studies at
tbe spring term. Mr. Robertson wss tbe
engineer In charge of tbe erection of the
Coleman bridge at Ibe moutb of Johns
run last fall.
Harry V. Mathews, for a number of
yeara a prominent citizen of Mayburg,
this county, is moving to near Dayton,
Armstrong county, wbere tbe family will
reside Indefinitely. Tbeir's has been one
ot tbe popular families of the busy town
of Mayburg and will be much missed by
tbe good people of tbat place.
We find tbe following item, of special
Interest to tbe bride's many friends in
this oommunlty, In tbe Warren Times of
Monday: Ernest II. Harvey, of Brooks
too, Pa., and Miss Blanche M. Wiles of
Tlonesta, Pa were married at five
o'clock Saturday afternoon by Justice of
the Pesoe J. E. Wheeler, tbe ceremony
being performed at his office, Penna. Ave,
Friends of A. J.-Handy of Stewart
Run will be sorry to learn that he is still
In a critical state of health at bis home
and unable to leave bis bed. A mouth or
alx weeka bro Mr, Handy sustained a
partial stroke of paralysis from which bis
progress toward recovery is very slow.
Uls youngest son, Reuben, has also been
severely afflicted for some lime, and bas
lately been removed to tbe home of bis
brother E. A. Hsndy, on Hunter run.
He seems to be gaining slowly.
Mr. C. A. Bryan and family were
ituests of tbe peopie ol West Hickory at
tbe Methodist Episcopal parsonage st that
place last Tuesday evening. Tbe Bryan
family are leaving thit week for their
new borne In OH City, lbey bave been
honored citizens of West Hickory more
than 25 years, bave been faithful mem
bers or tbe church and will be greatly
missed by tbe congregation. Mr. Bryan
ia at present a member of tbe board of
education in tbe publio schools ol bis
Alex Neely of Hsrmony township
was one of our pleasant callers Saturday,
and informed us of bis Intention to re
move soon to Buffalo, where be will be
employed In tbe Pullman car shops, bis
two sons being already located in tbat
city. Sorry to lose so good a citizen as
friend Neely. but wish him all aorta of
good luck In bia new home. In a notice
published in tbia issue it will be aeen Mr.
Neely offers a list of articles useful to
farmers at private aale at bis premises.
If in need call on blm. He will not dis
pose of his farm.
Here's Your Chance.
The Traymore Tailoring Compauy of
Philadelphia, will bave a man at Hop
kins' St ire on tbe 8tb and 9tb of April,
witb a oomplete line'1 of -samples for
Men's Suits, Ladies' Tailored Suits,
Coats, Jackets aud Skirts. Fitand work
manship guaranteed. You are invited
to ooine and see them.
'- adv Hopkins' Stork.
A Cure for Sour Stomach.
Mrs. Win. M. Thompson, of Battle
Creek, Mich., writes: "I bsve been
troubled with indigestion, sour stomach
and had breath. Alter taking two bottles
of Chamberlain's Tsblets I am well.
These tablets are splendid none better."
For sale by all dealers.
The Spring and Summer Millin-
cry Opening at F. Walters & Co.s ;i
will be held Thursday and Friday, j
April 2d and 3d. We have a com- jf
pleto Hue of Ready-to-Wear Hatu,
Trimmed and Untrimmed HuU, as
well as City Trimmed Huts. Beau
tiful Flowers, Ribbons and Lucca.
Also a complete line of Ready
Made Drcsees for Children from 2
to 11 years, ranging in price from 21)
cents to $1.00.
F. Waltkks A Co.
Tionesta, Pa. adv.
Capt. Pelar Grace Passes Away.
Captalo Peter Grace, well and most
favorably known throughout olldom, and
especially, well remembered by many
people In this oommunlty, died st bis
home in Robinson Illinois, Friday, Msr.
27, 1914, alter a brief Illness of pneumonia.
Capt. Judson'a History ol the Eighty
Third Reg't., Pa. Vol., contains tbe fol
lowing brief reference to Capt. Grace's
splendid war reoord:
Captain Peter Grace, Sergeant, enlisted
at Tlonesta, Pa., Aug. 10, ltxil. Wounded
and taken prisoner at Gaines' Mill;
wounded at Fredrlcksburg. Ke-eoliated
Deo. 26. 1863. Promoted to 2d Lieut, of
Co. E. in the new organization, Nov. 1,
ana to 1st ueut. Deo. 28, iSttt. Taken
Crisoner at Laurel Hill and re-captured
y Sheridan's cavalry. . Promoted to
Captalo, Feb. 17, 1855.
A pioneer of the oil reglona of Pennsyl
vania, one of the first to answer tbe call
of bis oountry for tbe preservation of the
Union, a veteran who stayed in tbe field
to see tbe end of the war, then returned
to again take up tbe work of developing
the vast resources of a great oil field, a
splendid specimen of manhood bas passed
to bia long borne. Captain Grace entered
tbe oil business a brief period following
tbe Col, Drake's discovery, bis first activ
ity being aa a driller near Llneville, Clar
ion county, where he first beard the call
to arms, when a back passed the oil rln,
in which were a fife and drum and the
following persons now all passed to their
reward: Capt. D. S. Knox, Samuel H.
Haslet, Hamilton Stow and one other
whose name we do not recall, who were
recruiting a company of soldiers for
Ibe war, Peter Grace and bia compan
ion, Mosea Corey, bailed the recruiting
party and asked to be enrolled. Tbey
oould not leave their work Immediately
but said tbey would come later, and tbey
did, joining tbe company at Erie. Both
were promoted to tbe captaincy of Ibeir
company, Capt Corey remaining to Ibe
end of bis three years' enlistment, and
Capt. Grace staying to see tbe end of hos
tilities, and was mustered out with bis
command June 28, 1865.
At tbe close of tbe war be returned to
Forest county, again engaging in tbe oil
business, following It witb varying suc
cess In tbe various local developments
until the early part of 1882 when, in com
pany with Geo. Diminick, be drilled In
one of the historic wellsof ibeoll country,
designated as "646," located in Cherry
Grove township. Warren oounty. It bad
an initial productiou of 2,500 barrels a
day. Other large wells were brought in
in the same district, tbe production of the
pool attaining enormoua proportions,
with a resultant decline In tbe speculative
prlcea paid for orude oil to 65 centa a
Captain Grace followed tbe trend of de
velopments Into tbe different belds. in
cluding Bradford, West Virginia and
Southeastern Ohio, and at tbe time of his
death waa operating In the Illinois field,
msklng bis home at Robinson. Possibly
no man bad ao wide an acquaintance or
ao many friends among the oil fraternity
as noneatood higher for Integrity or char
acter. During bis activities in the Forest coun
ty field be waa married to Miss Anna Wig
gins, daughter of Nathaniel Siggins, of
Stewart Run, Forest county. She sur
vives him, witb two children, Mrs, Rich
ard Wrlgbt, of New York city, and Chas.
N. Grsce, of Robinson. For many years
tbe home of Ibe family wss In Jamestown
N. Y wbere tbey bave a wide circle of
Captsin Grace was one of tbe most
prominent members of tbe Legion of
Honor. Tbe body will be taken to Wash
ington, D. C, wbere the interment will
be made in tbe Arlington cemetery.
Tbey Pay The Printer And Sleep Well.
Subscription renewals are thankfully
acknowledged aa follows:
Miss Jennie Wolfe, Newmansville, Pa
Alex. Neely, Harmony township.
Frank Freelove, Starr, Pa. (new).
II. V. Mathews, Dayton, Pa.
Mra. S. A. Lyle, Kellettvllle, Pa.
Miss Bertblnds Cuslns, Tylerslmrg,
Basket Ball At Clarington.
Disappointed over tbe non-arrival of
the Kellettvllle five the Claringtou high
school team played and defeated tbe Y.
M. C. A., better known as tbe "Torna
does," In a one-sided gsme Friday night.
This game will likely end the season,
whioh bas been a very successful one for
tbe high school team, which looks for the
greatest to oome next season. Line-up:
C . H.S.-47 Tornadoes-8
J. Heasley F W. Heasley
M. DaviB K N. Koyer
L. Davis (Capt.) C I. Koyer
Williams U Cook
D. Heasley G (Capt.) Coon
Field goals, J. Heasley 8, L. Davia 6,
Williams 6, M. Davis 1. D. Heasley 1. I.
Kover 2, Coon 1; foul goals, M. Davis 2,
I. Royer 2, u. Da via 1. Referee, Wal
ters. Time, 20 minute halves.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othor diseases put
together, and until tbe last few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced It a local
diseasei and prescribed local remedies,
and bv constantly tailing to cure with
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a con
stitutional disease, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, inanufoctured by F. J. Cheney 4
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu
tional cure ou the market. It Is taken
Internally In doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoontul. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They
oiler one hundred dollars for' any case it
fails, to cure. Send for circulars and tes
timonials. F. J. CHENEY & Co.,Tolodo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Private Sale.
The undersigned, residing on his farm
In Harmony township, one mile east of
tbe Wbl e Church, on tbe Hickory road,
will offer at private sale, one pair luavy
trucks with two sets of wheels, a one
horse waton, hack, top buggy, plows,
bay rake, mowing machine, wrapper
chains, and many other Implements used
In farming and teaming. Persons need
ing anything in tbia line should cal
promptly, aa this notice will appear but
once. These articles will be sold at
bargain prices.
adv Aibx. Neklv.
Rheumatic Pains Relieved.
Why suffer from rheumatism when re
lief may be bad at so small a cost? Mrs.
Elmer Hatch' Peru, Ind., writes, "I bsve
been subject (o a' lacks of rheumatism for
years. Chaiuberlaiu's Liu I ment always
relieves me Immediately, and I take
pleasure iu recommending It to others."
25 and 60 cent bottles. For aale by all
i druggist.
. Kellettvllle.
Mrs. Wm. Watson was a business vis
itor In Sheffield, Wednesday, going over
to hsve some dental work done.
Fred McNsugbtnn was up Irom Ne
braska Monday and took dinner witb
Dr. aud Mrs. C. Y. Detsr.
Already some of our people are at
bouse cleaning. Mrs. Lyle bas most
completed her spring oleaoing. The pa
per hangers were down from Sheffield
and put up four or five ceilings for Mrs.
W, L. Watson. They also did some
work for Mrs. George Klinestiver.
Olive Wolfe bss announced ber Easter
opening of spring millinery for April 2,'
3 and 4.
KribbsARay delivered a car load of
coal to tbe school during the week.
Two new cars bsve been ordered In
town. F. J. Henderson gets a live pas
senger Overland and Dr. W. W. Serrill
has ordered a Hoick Roadster.
Lee Atkins hss been confined to bis
borne foi tbe past week with tonsllilis.
Glenn Barnes Is suffering with pneu
monia but Is Improving.
The ice went out Thursday morning
without any discomfort to any one, but
tbe rain and melting snows caused such
high water that cellars were Hooded. It
also caused delay In tbe railroad service.
Tbe S. ifi T. passenger train waa unable
to get through to Sheffield Saturday but
tbe mail was taken overland aud returned
about ten o'clock in tbe evening with a
full day's supply.
The Willing Workers Sunday school
class of tbe M. E. church met with James
Flynn, Friday evening, aud spent a very
pleasant social hour, a dainty lunch be
ing one of tbe pleasures of tbe evening.
Keed Detar and Roland Carbaugh are
said to bave furnished one of the attract
ive features of the entertain ment but as
they bave not yet secured tbe patent and
they fear others will copy, we will not
mention the stunt. The teacher, Mrs. E,
E. Carbaugh, not being present, tbe
business session wss postponed until
Tuesday night.
Rev, Wm. Bryenton, District Elder of
tbe F. M. church, was in town during
the week assisting with the meetings
which closed with quarterly meeting ser
vices Sunday. He was the guest ol Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Barrett while in town.
Etnmett Urubbs and daughter of East
Hickory were guests of Mr. and Mrs,
John Blum, Sunday,
Rachel Hunter, who is employed aa
trimmer at tbe millinery store, spent
Sunday with ber parents at Nebraska.
Mrs. C. Y. Detar entertained tbe Glean
ers Fridsy evening.
Mrs. Maude Berlin entertained tbe
Silent Six at a chicken supper Saturday
E. E. Daubenspeck Is at Tylersburg
tbia week looking alter some work on
tbe farm.
Ivan Carbaugh was up from Oil City
and visited bis parents during the week.
Roland Harmon bas purchased a vat
uable bunting dog,
James lilyler is again confined to tbe
bouse with a severe cold.
Hsrry Wilson's baby Is Bufferiug witb
bowel trouble caused by cold.
Olive Wolfe was a business visitor in
Warren Monday.
Mrs. Lorotn went to Warren Monday
to meet her husband, who is coming
borne from Pittsburgh, wbere be bas
reen in a hospital for treatment. We are
sorry to note that he did not receive much
benefit from bis stay In Pittsburgh. He
expects to remain In the hospital at
Warren for a short time before returning
Rev. A. H. Wiersbinskl was in town
Sunday and conducted services at tbe
Catholic church morning and evening.
Mrs. Robert Watson Is visiting friends
in Erie this week.
A number of people from Mayburg
aud Heaver Valley attended services at
tbe F. M. church Sunday.
Mrs. W. L. Watson's class met at tbe
church Tuesday evening arid organized
with tweuty-five charter members. The
following officers were elected: Presi
dent, Frank Watson; vice president,
Leon Siggins; secretary, Esther Smallen
berger; treasurer, Floyd Watson. They
have planned for a social evening In the
near future.
The Helping Hand class will entertain
tbe Men's Adult class at tbe ball, Friday
It is time to clean up your back yard
and plant your aweet peas. Get busy.
A Correction.
Kellettvllle, Pa., March, 27, '14
Ed. Kki-uulioan: You will notice In
the Forkst Kkpubucan, Wednesday, 25,
11)11, Kellettvllle Items, these words:
"Rev. aud Mrs. Bryan are making their
headquarters at the borne ol Mrs. Har
rington while in towu. Thai they might
not be called upon to face a modern issue
of 'Old Mother Hubbard', the neighbors
were called upou Saturday to help fill up
tbe cupboard, and in consequence a good
supply of eats were provided." It is my
desire to iulorai fbu readers of the Kk
I'UliMUAN that the conditions Implied iu
this item are false. Tbe Rev. and Mrs,
Bryan have provided for themselves and
have been no expense to Mrs. Harring
ton nor the community. Tbe donations
referred to was a complete surprise to
Mrs. Hariiugtou and Iu no way was it a
Will you please rectify the item referred
to? I am, Yours for fair play,
We are positive that our correspondent
whom we kno to be exceptionally care
ful In reporting the news from Kellett
vllle, Intended not the least reflection In
the Item referred to, and we are sorry
that Rev. Mr. Bryan so construed it. We
stand corrected aud gladly make the
amende honorable. Ku
Nothing So Good for a Cough or Cold.
When you have a cold you want the
best medicine obtainable so as to get rid
of It with the least poi-sible delay. There
are many who consider Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy unsurpaisiid. Mrs. J.
Boroff, Elida, Ohio, says, "Ever since
mv daughter Ruth was cured of a sever
cold and ci:ugb by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy two years ago I have felt kindly
disposed toward tbe manufacturers of
that preparation. I know of nothing so
quick to relieve a cough or cure a cold."
For sale by all dealers.
Clean healthy quarters are necessary
to successful poultry raising. I'ralts
DislnrectatituWkly.killS it"h ge-fius.
Kstlsfactlon guaranteed or money re
funded. For sale by first class dealers
everywhere. adv
1 rr&-iis
Columbia .
Nothing that you can place in your
home will give greater pleasure and sat
isfaction to yourself and children.
It Is pleasure and profit, and an edu
cation along many lines, therefore is not
a luxury.
We are ready to sell you any Columbia
Graphophone on monthly payments.
BovanTs Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
How About
That New Rug
Spring is here and now is the time.
We have some
Beautiful Patterns
in Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet and Ax
minster Rugs and the price on them is
Linoleums, .
Porch Rugs.
We have anything you may want in
the way of Floor Covering. '
Come in before you buy your Rug and
let us show them and tell you the price.
1 fcSMdi
aw "-..II -"i-"'T t"
i 11'r"rtSVt
$'fi tfif- $(iJ&shr&L
i via. r r. t !
Make Your Horse Comfortable
With some good Blankets. We have them and the
quality and prices will be found right.
J. 0. SC0WDEN,
Lots of Rain Coming, Says the
Weather Man.
But you'll be ready for any sort uf storm, if you wear the right sort of raincoat.
And that is where we come in with
Raincoats That Will Really Shed Rain
Made of the finest rubberized materials, with cemented seams, they are abso
lutely waterproof. And they are built with an eye to style as well as utility cut on
generous lines in a number of handsome new models, often with raglan sleeves.
You can get them at prices from $6.00 up.
You'd Better Buy That New
Hat Today.
These warm spring days the winter hat feels decidedly out of place. Why not
buy the new hat now, when you'll get the greatest amount of wear from it?
We carry a full line of Stetson soft hats and derbies and we don't have to tell
you that in the matter of style and quality Stetson stands alone.
Other good makes are here, too, including some soft hats with diamond cross
creased crowns, high crowns, pleated bunds, new fancy dip bows, and other wrin
kles that are decidedly new aud correct, at $2.00 and $3.00.
r. PR
4l&5CNf ;a si
The Latest m
- Beads made from Clover
Blossoms, Orange Blossoms,
For-get-me-nots, Violets and
to retain their
Natural Perfume
Select now as the demand
is greater than the supply.
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa.
Spring Foot
wear Styles
In Brief;
Button effects again in Ladies' Boots
even for very dressy wear in low cuts,
Colonials with many varieties of orna
ments, shiny leathers, dull calf and
white. The foot is given slenderness by
the reaede toe and dainty heel in French
Louis, Cuban or Kidney varieties, yet
th vogue for lasts with rounded toe is
quite alive.
We Have All of
Them to Show
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Will be found in your
home if you invest in one
of these
For gas, coal or wood,
Changes can be made in
a lew minutes and witn
very little trouble. And
the saving in your fuel
bills will look good to you
when the bills come 'round
each month. While vou
are about it whv not stock
up with a few new kitch-
i a
en utensils! We can sup
ply them also.