The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 01, 1914, Image 2

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One Square, one Inch, one week...
One Square, one inch, one month..
One Sqtiare, one inch, 8 months....
One Square, one inch, one year ....
1 00
Published every Wednesday by
J. I. WCNR." '
Offioa in Bmeaibaugk & Wank Building,
Tsras. $10 A Yaur. Strictly la AJvaaea.
Entered u aeoond-blasa matter kt the
poat-offloe at Tionesta.
No subscription reoelved tor a shorter
period than three months. - - v.
Correspondence aollolted, but no nottoe
will be taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always giva your name.
6 00
IS 00
SO 00
60 00
100 00
Two Squares, one year
Quarter Column, one year .
Half Column, one year.,...,
One Column, one year .
Legal advertisements ten oenta per line
each insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but It's easb
on delivery.
,1yoL..xi1vii1No. 6.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
TV II T. II .341 , A
U , MX
n ... a v T i '
Justice of the JPvaee 0. A. Randall, D.
W.Clark. "
Oouncumtiu J. W, Landers. Q. B. Rob
inson, R. J. Hopkins, O. F. Watson, U.
W. Holeman, J. 15. Muse, Ubarlea Clark.
Qmstable L. L, Zuver.
OolteetorYI. H. Hood.
School Director W. O. Imel, J. K.
Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jamieson, D. H.
Blum. ' "
Member of OongrestW. J. Hulings.
Member of Senate J. K. P. Hall.
AtsemblyK. R. Meobllng.
j President Judge- W. D. Hinckley.
" AuoeuUe Judge Samuel Aol, Joseph'
-itvMorgaav-f- , .'
". Prothonotary, Register & Recorder, te.
': BvR. Maxwell i ! ',.
Sheriff Wm. H. Hood.
' 1 Treasurer W. H. Brasee.
'Cbtwimiionwi-Wm, H. Harrison, J.
C. Boowden, II. H. MoClellan.
' i District Attorney A. Carrlnger. T
- Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A. M.
Moore. ' - " - . -'
Coroner Dr. M. C Kerr.
County Audttort-Qeorge H. Warden,
. A. C. Gregg and S. V. Shields. -County
Surveyor Roy S. Braden.
County Superintendent i4 O. Carson.
R scalar Tanas f Csart.
Third Monday of February. '
Third Monday of May.
Third Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Com mis
I aloners 1st and 8d Tuesdaya of montn.
Charch aa Sabkata SchMl.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:48 a.
m. t M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. K. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey.
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
' Sabbath evening at the uaual hour- Rev.
i M. E. Woloott, Pastor.
- Preaching in the Presbyterian oburob
' every Sabbath at lliOO a. at. aad 7:30 p.
? m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pastor.
The regular meetings of the W. 0. T.
' U. are held at the headquarters on the
'second and fourth Tuesdaya of each
f month. "'
TI'.NESTA LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
M eeu every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. - t
G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each month at 8 o'clock.
187, W. R. C, meets first and third
, Wednesday evening of each month.
Tlonesta, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Offloe over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Praotioe in Forest Co.
Offloe In Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge 8ta., Tlonesta, Pa.
?RANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. 8.
17 Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
Physician A Surgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Physician and Surgeon,
8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern and up-to-date In all its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
comfort provided for the traveling public
R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tionseta. Pa. Thle is the most centrally
V located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern Improvements. No pains will
-be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public.
r --- "
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
en Elm street I prepared to 4o all
cinds of custom work from the finest to
.. the ooarsest and guarantees bia work to.
8ive perfect satisfaction. Prompt attend
on given to mending, and prioes rea
sonable. successful ly-osoct '
w 'for 34ears
I 4246 Rfth AvlPittsburgh,
jhgh.Pa. I
I I"
Take a
DIAMOND llltANI f ll.l.a. tot M
1 flMknowttttllMl.9ttaft.9LlwkvRelitbla
THf LOWIST. Bfiml DMHlfil, pbutaorakaUita for
eiport march and (rea report oa patentabllitr.
INraiNCIMINT iuiu conducts before all
eourta TatenU obtalaed lhmnh nn. SDVta
TltlD and SOLD, free, TRASS-MARS. s. -aiOMS
and OOPTRIONTS quickly obulnad,
: Opposite U. S. Patent Offloe,
- WASWWOTOMygl C. ' '
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
: Cure Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough.
mk w Uniaalat for X
i-lrr'l Ulaaia mlf
llr Ind Mala mctaillcV
uleit tth la Rlhboa. V
atbar. Bar af vaar "
A. 'IT
ltTop'fl Sole
BY VIRTUE of sundry Acts of the Gen
eral Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, relating to the aale of
Unseated Lands in the County nf Forest,
etc,' for taxes due and unpaid, I will offer
at public aale at the Court House, in the
Borough of Tiooesta, Pa., on the
Second Monday In June, 1014.
being the Eighth dsy of June, 1914, at 10
o'clock a. m the following described
pieoes of land or auoh parts thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy the amount of
taxes and ooeta due and unpaid against
, the same and continue the same Irom
day to day aa the same may be found
neoessary, - ,.....;:.
m- ' Terms of Sale.
The amount of taxes and oosts must be
paid when the properly is struck -off or
lb sale ana j be avoided and the property
put op and reaold. ...
All Traeia Mt atherwlaft marked are ad
vertised for Taxes f 1013 aad 1013.
' Barnett Township.
War. Acnr" YuraaUl Owo.r An t
8161 17 MombertMrsKE'13 2 68
6700 . 295 Barnes Willi Pearsall 60 06
1 of 160 ' 12 and i of 150 13 Barlett
J W (1 G A K 11 27
6701 664 Braden ARM Taber
oil only 24 86
100 Cusslns Tbeo H ) of oil .
-only 1918 178
8151 64 Parmlee Geo Noll and '
gas 1912 .- -: 4 22
8151 , 60 Parmlee Geo N oil and
- gaal912. . ( 8 60
8151 62 Parmlee Geo N oil and i
gas 1012 4 23
61 beers Nanoy oil and gas 7 62
3148 4 Work Josisb J oil gaa 2 44
44 Pearwall Mary A oil and
" - ferl912 8 29
8302 100 Reynolds D J 1 oil Anas 3 76
6701 ' . 46. Reynolds D J J oil and '
- gas 1913 1 67
100 Work Joslab dc8on i oil !
and gas 6 13
65 Maze Mrs Mary N i oil I
and gas 4 68
.41 Maze Mrs Mary N oil
and ess 1 22
) of 150 WbitmerGeoflGde K'13 6 62
8147 I of 625 Dicker Moore B Kelso
- fl W W 1913 22 63
8159 3 of 247 Dickey Moored: Kelso
ii W W 1913 11 23
8146 12 Dickey A Brown fl W
W 1913 1 76
3302 11 Reynolds D J 1913 170
i of 160 Uif Bros fl Barlett 1913 3 32
Green Township.
6189 150 Eblera Benry 1913 17 60
6600 i 1124 Proper O W A J F land
only 16 90
6501 1324 Proper A Lacy 19 71
3810 01808 MoClintock A Brennan 11 88
3820 25 Proper Buzard fl
. - Thompson 1913 6 55
3820 ' 60 WaUera Cbaa it Walters
C 1913 4 70
8819 . 50 Collins T D fl Long
etreth 1918 ...j. 4 70
Harmony Township,
-108 Mcdlmont J 8 25 13
216- 168 -Cesser J U 47 60
J17 llOOsmerJH 34 38
. 100 Hlggins A Belm fl T R 23 76
40 Bell James M fl N it V
Oil Co 1913 8
1 of 218 BarnardFBflThomas'13 15 08
14 Bozer Wm A others '12 2 61
' -41 SnowTAfl Foster 16 83
264 8mltbLuoyPflO'Hsra'13S0 22
i watts ueo 1 n J A Usw
son 1913 4 70
100 Watts Geo T fl Stewart
Run Oil Co 1913 21 SO
73 Dawson G R fl Marsh '13 14 48
i ol5 Lee Met calf 1918 i 1 63
106 Stewart &atnl Eat AJ Han
dy farm foil and gas '13 2 96
6 Higgins John a.Boaer'13 174
100 Hlater Miohael Est fl
Dawson oil gas 1913 4 70
73 Msrsb Cbaa oil gas '13 3 68
v.. - .'.60 K Itch U M 11 B Scott
- f v oil and gas 1913 2 83
87 Neill and others fl Bozer
oil and gas 1918 4 22
70 Kitch H M farm of Hotob-
i kiss oil and gas 1913 3 58
60 Fleming E E farm nf
Ralston oil a gss 1913 3 21
7J CascsdePet Land Asso'13 3 95
"18 Flower F W and otbera
. tt Barnett 1913 2 99
- 6 Siggina John it Orion fl - '
Scball 1913 2 83
Hickory Township.
6-16 of Iff Colberf Df fl Reld '12 1 70
6192 16 165o4624 Gray W R 1913 8 84
6192 3 185of624 Beacber JT 4 24
6192 Ior20 165ol624 Henry & Keller
,- - a Wilson , - , i 12 01
8689 200 Proper Flnvd S3 62
1 601150 DsleJTflSBAD 6 09
8689 ' 850 PerolvalOdc HayJaa'18 42 08
6192 10-165 ol 624 Direndorf Emma'13 6 90
3089 . 65 CaecsdePet LaodAaso'13 15 75
Ktnpsley Township.'
5214 100 Anchor Oil Co fl Sbooley
1913 . 8 38
6193 145 Vail John 8 fl Clapp 24 03
6187 iof7tf Brennan t Richards 10 02
6132 60 Patterson I N ... 16 01
6217 1 of 1241 Lamb A oil and gas - 25 19
6194 " oMkeaburgMaryflUtR'1810 23
6135 1167 Proper A Knupp oil and
- , gas 1913, 43 70
6131 J7fl Proper it Knupp oil and
gas 1913 7 27
Tlonesta Township.
42 Brown-A-W -fl Weant 17 81
97 Bsnner Oil Coll Hunter 16 60
. , .98 Banner Oil Co fl Hunter
oil and gas 8 23
165 Proper J F fl Proper 32 19
--70 Jamieson Qfl A PA J 12 85
-17 Proper A Jamieson fl A
P A J 8 76
2828 50 Wbittekln Ada fl Lackey
. . oil and gas-. , 4 69
45 Fourth Nationsl Bank of
- Pittsburgh 1913 6 41
2824 789 XJIlmore Clinton G oil
. ,-. only 1913 14 20
A4 Fleming E E 1913 - 6 06
2835 ' 760 Scbotleld Archie fl Curtin
, . ,., i oil and gas 1913 4 23
Howe Township.
War. ' Sub. Aem Warrant. Off Owaar Ain't .
2850 109 Taylor Levins G A
v t)efl willlnk 1913 6 69
Vacant 138 Blood Cyroa II Blood'13 6
2077 85 . 61 WllllnkWACoullerN 8 14
3801 - ' 18 Means A White 1913 2 10
8193 , 850 Collins T D 1912 17 60
6108 ' 48 AdsmsooJ USCLbrCo 6 87
5105 759 Adsmson J . . 69 82
3197 87 Rosenblatt H 1913 : 2 63
2878 iol 3-5of 1100 ProperJ h II Unson 32 61
3186 58 Proper JFflWAC 6 24
2977 N J of 34 35 100 Morck Fred 6 63
2980. . 1161 Frost Lbr Co fl R H
. Brown 1913 50 08
Vacant 116 Brown F K 1913 6 00
Vacant J00 Brown F K 1913 4 68
Jenks Township.
3174 65 106 Jamieson J Morgsn 18 00
8174 49 93 Jamieson J Morgsn 16 06
8174 66 IWi.JamleHOQ J Morgan - 16 05
8174 68 130 Jamieson J Morgan 21 96
3174 67 68 Jamieson J Morgan 10 28
5144 13 60 BoyntonPSi Williams 10 63
6144 14 68 BoyntonPfl Clark Joe 10 28
6144 14 68 BoyntonPS Willlnk 10 28
3642 -130 Eaton fl Eidrldge '13 11 13
3178 783 Bobl G W A Brown fl
" HaggerBrooiUgas'12 33 32
3642 130 Bubi G W A Brown 11
Eaton oil a gas 1912 6 06
8164 2 75 Paulson P fl W A W '12 6 84
8171 106 Blood P P 17 63
8173 - 100 Blood P P 17 00
3173 80 Blood P P 13 67
8183 20 MontllliousANAOtbers4 22
8661 ; 100 Hepninger Ed 11 Frost
W H oil only 1012 3174
6110 903 Salmon Creek LbrCo 145 81
3642 7 J of 100 Proper Agoew Kelly 5 01
Btotf 185 uarnauan dt otbera oil
- and gas 1912 3 06
3171 40 Carnaban A others oil
- and gas 1912 3 06
8173 80 Hortnn Geo A Seigel 0
fl Blood . 13 82
3663 1 of 3 of 140 for '12 A 1 of 140 for '13
- Grove WAACoflWD7 62
3190 40 EiswortbJoeAOlbers'12 8 80
5141 127 Knupp A Yates ti Rsy 47 53
Biw ' voo wnlte sisr uil Co n
CO Co 1912 19 62
8163 875 White Star Oil Co fl
Pyle oil snd gsa 1912 3 03
8664 140 McN. al Frank fl ZA B 23 42
8322 40 McDonald Oil Co 11
Welsh i oil gas '12 2 23
5500 50 McDonald Oil Co fl
Miotz)o!lAgas'12 5 22
8322 26 McDonald Oil Co fl -
Bistoph i oil A gas '12 1 65
40 McDonald un uo n
Li n berg loll 4 gas 12 8 17
3322 150 mcUonald Oil Uu U
Lovins i oil A gas '12 4 13
8799 Z45 Berg U J O Frost 1012 21 U4
6143 10 259 GllloyleOilAGasCo'12 2 23
5142 60 UllfoyleOllAOaaCo'12 4 13
5143 25 GilfoyleOiiAGasCo'12 4 13
6145 195 Central Penna Lbr Co 82 23
5138 495 Central Pemta Lbr Co 81 22
8564 100 Watson Caroline E
oil and gas 8 98
5129 68 Adamson Joseph ' 10 28
6300 21 Proper O W A J F
oil and gas 2 69
8564 99 Mlnlz David fl Bell 17 20
8644 877 Penna Gas Co oil only 36 13
5142 i of 140 Killer FA fl Boynton '12 3 74
5141 127 Knupp A Yates fl Ray
' oil and gas 11 11
8170 160 Wrsy W A fl Ray
John 1913 13 46
3170 621 Hunt Anns L 1913 6 13
3668 250 SannerFCA Dlnsinore
O 116 ol oil A all gas 11 89
3667 250 SannerFCADinsmore
C 1-16 of oil a all gas 11 R9
3072 150 Banner KC A Dinamore
Cl-16ofoilAallgas 7 66
3171 80 Btooecipner Maud E A
Tnwler H oil and gaa 7 37
H159 328 Dickey Wm n Kreit-
ler 1913 26 55
5142 1 of 140 Barlett J W fl Boynton 12 20
3669 1124 Pa Gas Co oil only '13 20 94
5142 1 of 140 Wbitmer Geo fl Boyn
ton 1913 3 71
8561 3-20 of 1101 Knupp W J fl De
vonian Oil Co 20 69
3564 1031 Niokolson John 166 80
8162 821 Montgomery J G fl
W A W 131 77
6142 I of HO Ulf Bros fl Keller '13 3 71
By virtue of an Act of Assembly enti
tled "An Act to regulste tbe collection of
tsxeeon unseated lands," approved tbe
6th day of June, 1887, Interest will be
charged on 1912 taxes from January 1,
1913, to date of payment, and on 1913
taxes from January 1, 1914, to date ol
payment, at the rate of six per oent. per
W. H. BRAZEE, Treasurer.
Tlonesta, Pa., Match 23 1914.
Mercantile Appraiser's List
for Forest County for
Year A. D. 1914.
The Wholesale and Retail Venders of
Foreign and Domestic Merchandise,
- Eating Houses, Billiard Rooms,' Brok-
- era. and Opera Houses in Forest Coun
ty, reansylvauia, are aa follows, to-wit:
Atlantic Refining Co., oils, West Hickory
AUiintic Kefinmg vo , oils, lionesta.
Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesta.
Anderson, C. A., greenhouse, Tionesta.
Anderson, Q T , jeweler, Tionesta.
Arner. C. M., broker, Tionesta.
Aul. Mrs. S. A Co., merchants, Marien
ville. Behrens, Louis, merchant, Starr.
Baughman, J. M. & Q. A., butchers, Mar
ien ville.
Baxter, J. M., merchant, Gilfoyle.
Booth VV. A., merchant, Watson Farm.
Boughman A. R , butcher, Kellettville.
Bowman, T. J. estate, millers East Hick
ory Bender, Robt, P., merchant, West Hick-
ory , .-- -Bovard,
F. J., druggist, Tionesta.
Bovard, F. J., Bovard's hall, Tionesta.
Crouch & Zahniser, merchants, East
Hickory. .
Canfield, Harry, cigars, West Hickory.
Clark. O J., merchant, East Hickory.
Cohen, H. I., fruit. Tionesta
Carson, A., jeweler, Tionesta.
Cook, A. Sons A Co , merchants, Cooks
burg. - - - -
CroaMDun. W. A., merchant, Redclyffe.
Collins A Kreitler. merchants, Nebraska.
Carson, J. T., broker, Tionesta. -
Dana, L. W., cigars, Mancnville.
Detar; W. J., cigars, Kellettville.
Day A Hartman, merchants, Kellettville
Decillis, M , fruit, Tionesta.
Fools Creek Store. merchants.Truemans.
Fulton, C, N., merchant, Pigeon.
Fulton, R. A., cigars, Tionesta.
Gilderaleeve & Wood, merchants Brook-
ston. ....
Oerow, J. N., cigars, Tionesta.
Gerow, J N., restaurant, Tionesta,
(Jerow, .'. N., billiards, lionesta.
Gensbui'g, Chas , bowling alley. Tionesta
Haslet, James, furniture, Tionesta.
Herman, R. M.. merchant, Tionesta.
Hepler, Airs. M. N., merohant, Tionesta.
Hepler. Mrs M. N , restaurant, Tionesta.
Harp, Harry H., cigars, Marienville.
Harp, Harry H.. billiards, Marienville.
Harkless, Frank E.. druggist, Kellettville
Hopkins. L. J., merchant, Tionesta,
Hunter. A. M., merchant. Pigeon.
Johnson, W. T., cigars, Marienville.
Killmer, Bros , merchants, Tionesta.
Kelly, J N., billiards, Marienville.
Lanson, F. R., merchant, Tionesta.
Lanson Bros., millers, Tionesta.
Lease, A A., restaurant Marienville.,
Lease, A A., cigars, Marienville.
Lecastro, Rocco, merchant, West Hick
ory. .
Larson, J. h , merchant. Brooks ton.
Miller, VV. J., cigars. Kellettville.
Miller, W.,J., billiards Kellettville.
Mapes, H. C, hardware, Tionesta.
Morgan, J. R.. merchant, Tionesta.
McGee, Mrs. W. E., merchant,- Tionesta.
Mecliling A London, merchants, eiaring
ton. , i i ....i
Mayburg Supply Co., merchants,- May
burg.' t: i. i.A.-i s.-Tl i i
Mintz, David, merchant, Marienville.
Mensch. S. E., hardware,' Marienville, 1
McCurdy, h Q. & Co.. merchants. Lvnch
McKown, G B., cigars, Nebraska. '
Marienville Variety Store, merchants,
Marienville. .
Neill, A. D., A Co., merchants, Marien
Nye. C. W.( merchant, Marienville.
Pierce, Mrs. Emma, cigars, Tionesta.
Robinson, G- W. A Son, merclianU, Tio
nesta. I ' - ;
Rodda. G. N., merchant, Tionesta.
Rodda A Hamilton, Pastime theatre.Tio
nesta. Randall, C. A., cigars, Tionesta.
Rosen, L. A., merchant. Endeavor.
Rea, G. W., merchant, Blue Ridge.
Roehrig, John, harness, Marienville.
Reyner, Mrs. E. D., merchant, Marien
' ville.
Reyner, Mrs. E. D., restaurant, Marien
ville Reyner, T. J , merchant. Marienville.
Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,merchants,
Styles A Evans, merchants, Endeavor.
Smith, Harry H., merchant, West Hick
ory. Shoup, Wm., merchant, Muzette.
Schwab, J. E. A Son, - butchers, East
Hickory. , ,
Schwitzer, Harry, cigars. Endeavor.
Shaw, J. N., cigars, Kellettville.
Shaw, J. N., billiards, Kellettville.
Simpson, W S., jeweler. Kellettville.
Silzle, Wm., jeweler, Kellettville.
Scowden, J. C,. hardware, Tionesta.
Sigworth, S, & , hardware, Tionesta.
Shipe, H. A., broker, Marienville.
TionestaGas Co., hardware, Tionesta.
Tucker, Thomas, merchant.Trunkeyville
Thompson, Evelyn, merchant, Tionesta
Wilson & Taylor, merchants, Marienville
Watson & Co., merchants, Kellettville.
Walters, F. A Co., millinery, Tionesta.
Walker. Ross A., druggist, Tionesta.
Wilon. Geo., butcher, Tionesta.
Whitmore, J. E., merchant, East Hick
ory. Walters, C. L., cigars, West Hickory.
Walters, C. L., billiards, West Hickory.
Wolfe, Cora L., merchan t. Cooper Tract.
Wolfe. Olive, millinery, Kellettville.
Wolfe, Andrew, merchant, Tionesta R D
Wolfgang, A. 13., billiards, Kellettville.
Young, J. J., cigars, Marienville.
Zahniser, Florence, millinery, East Hick
ory. Zuver, L. L., merchant, Tionesta.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that an appeal from the fore
going appraisement will be held at the
orBce of the County Treasurer, in Tio
nesta, Pa., on Thursday, April 30, 1914,
when and where they may attend if they
see proper. LEE L. ZUVER,
Mercantile Appraiser.
Leaders in Fight Over Canal
Tolls Repeal
Photos by mencun i'ress Aasocintion.
of House Canal Committee.
Trade Affairs Fail to Show Anything,
' Says Report.
Dun's Review of Trade says this
week : -
"Expected Improvement In trade
conditions has not as yet materialized
and, while indications of progress are
manifest in certain directions, there
Is still a lack of uniformity In reports
from the loading centers. A some
what backward spring has militated
against normal distribution of season
able merchandise.
"The country's agricultural outlook
constitutes a highly important factor,
and it is extremely gratifying thi.t
prospects for the winter wheat crop
leave little to be desired. Similarly,
cotton Is entering upon the new year
under ' favorable ' auspices, on the
whole, and prices of the great south
ern staple have latterly shown some
what less firmness. News from tlu
Iron and steel industry the foremost
business barometer reflects a wait
ing attitude upon the part of consum
ers and new bookings this month will
not equal those of February."
Derrick Beam Kills Policeman.
A steel bam fell from the crane of
a derrick at work in the Ohio rlvir
and killed J. W. Yount, aged forty
nine, at Amhrldge, Pa. Yount wa3
chief of.' the American Bridge com
pany "police there. The derrick be
longed to the Ohio River Sand com
pany and was used to load beams for
the bridge company.
Miners' Official Robbed.
Joseph Yannlt, vice president of the
United Mlneworkers, district No, '1,
was held up by two .masked .highway1
men1 near his home In Willtes-Barre,
Pa and robbeM" of $11 and. A gold
A : :i ''.. -
So Reports Villa, Telling News
of Torreon Victory
Juarez Reports That Three Federal
Generals Were Slain During Five
Days' Fighting General Villa a
Picturesque Leader as He Heads
Army in Onslaught Losses Report
ed Heavy at Gomez Palacio.
Juarez, Mex., March 30. Official
rebel advices from Gomez Palacio say
that three federal generals, all of
them prominent commanders in Gen
eral Velasco's army at Torreon, have
been killed in the fighting.
They are Generals Pena, Reyes and
Anaya. General Occasauza, another
prominent commander of the federals,
is reported to have been desperately
The dispatch conveyed the intelli
gence that the federals were making
what was regarded as a last stand.
General Herrera, with his own rebl
command and a part of General Ben
avides' force, had entered Torreon
from the east and had driven the fed
erals into the western part of the city.
Officials here declared that the fed
erals already had tried to escape from
the city, but were driven back, and
are in no condition to withstand such
an attack as that of which Villa gave
notice In his telegram.
Out of the wealth of conflicting re
ports of rebel defeats and rebel
victories from federal and rebel
sources during the week the first au
thentic news for several days ca' i
when newspaper correspondents at
the front reported the complete in
vestment of Gomez Palacio by the
rebel army and the driving of all fed
erals across the river into Torreon.
The messages declared that Gen
eral Velasco, the federal commander,
had been maintaining general head
quarters in Gomez and had tried to
make his strongest stand there instead
of Torreon.
Villa kept his artillery plugging
away all of Thursday night at the
federals in Torreon, refusing to allow
them to get a rest. The artillery fire
continued Friday while many of
Villa's men engaged in burying the
dead and removing the wounded from
Gomez Palacio, Lerdo and surrounding
The loss on both sides was heavy,
but the rebel advices state that the
federal loss Is the greater. They claim
that 800 federals were killed in Gomez.
The rebels admit losing 100 in the
Villa Is quoted In one message from
the front as stating that he would kill
or capture every federal in Torreon:
that he had them effectively bottli'il
up and they could not escape. Villa
denied that the federals had been
reinforced from Saltillo and advised
that he had a force of men between
Torreon and Saltillo to keep communi
cation cut.
R was confirmed that Villa did not
have his entire force engaged In the
fighting at Lerdo and Gomez, but Ben
avides and several other command
ers have been hammering Torreon
from the east and northeast for the
past four days, thus keeping a large
part of the federal garrison confine'"
to Torreon proper in its defense, whilo
Villa and other chiefs were fighting
their way Into Gomez Palacio.
Garbed In a dusty torn suit, a
slouch hat and a red handkerchle'
tied about his neck as in his bandit
days, General Villa among the ragged,
thirsty, half famished soldiers wh.i
have fought day and night for tin
capture of Torreon, was a conspicuous
The conventional notion of a com
manding general directing a campaign
through field glasses and with a map
spread before him found no Illustra
tion In Villa. Instead he climbed over
the rocky hills or crept among the
mesquite bushes to tell the men at
what point to (ire. Ills principal ac
tivity was that of a scout, but his pres
ence never failed to Inspire the sol
diers wherever he appeared.
General Villa, during pauses in the
firing, talked confidently of the fall
of Torreon. He did not place him
self, however, among those who be
lieve the capture of Torreon woulf1
spell the collapse of the Huerta
regime, but Intimated rather that he
expected Huerta to fight on until pos
sibly the rebel forces surrounded Mex
ico City.
"After Torreon," said General Villa,
"we will establish our military base
there for movements eastward and
southward. Chihuahua, with General
Carranza there, will become the provi
sional capital. It will be the center
of our civil government. But the mili
tary government will be here and it
will be a moving government."
Frank Tannenbaum Convicted of Par
ticipating In Unlawful Assemblage.
Frank Tannenbaum, the leader of
the unemployed who was on trial for
several days in New York on the
charge of participating In an unlaw
ful assemblage, was convicted.
Tannenbaum was sentenced to
serve one year In the penitentiary an-l
fined $500, a default of payment mean
ing an additional day's Imprisonment
for each dollar unpaid.
Takes Post ot War Secretary
For That Period
Another Sensation Is Added to Eng
land's Army Crisis When Premier
Announces Temporary Retirement.
London, March 31. A series of
sensations m the house of commons
In connection with the army crisis
reached a climax with the announce
ment by Premier Asquith that lie
would assume the portfolio of secro
tary of war vacated by Colonel Seely.
He added that, as provided by law,
he would retire from the house of
commons until his constituents in
East Fife re-elected him.
The premier's absence from parlia
ment will not be longer than two
weeks. His re-election for the Scot
tish division he has represented ever
since he entered parliament is i-gard-ed
The decision of the premier nas un
expected. It momentarily over
shadowed the retirements "f CnlnpM
Seely, Field Marshal French and Ad
jutant General Ewart. Politicians,
however, were brought back to the
original eaue of the ministerial crisis
by the admissions of Viscount Morley
In the house of lords, which confirmed
many Unionist charges, and gave t'"e
Intimation that Viscount Morley him
self intended to retire from politics.
Sir John French, chief of ttie im
perial general staff of the British
army, and Sir John Ewart, adjutant
general to the forces, definitely re
signed from the service.
"Colonel Seely's resignation has
been accepted." This was the
euphemistic expression employed by
Premier Asquith In announcing to the
house of commons that his war sec
retary had paid the penalty of his -discretions
in adding to a cabinet
document the two paragraphs which
have aroused such feeling as to
threaten the existence of the entire
Premier Asqulth's further announce
ment that he himself would take up
the portfol'o of secretary for wnr
came in the nature of a surprise. Ho
declared he would retire from the
house of commons, In accordance with
the law "until It pleases my constitu
ents to sanction my return."
The premier then dramatically
walked out of the chamber amid
cheers from the Liberals, the Nation
alists and the Labor members, the
whole body of whom rose to their feet
and waved handkerchiefs and papers
as he left.
Mr. Asquith, having accepted "an
office of profit under the crown," must
now return to his constituency of East
Fife, Scotland, for re-election. On the
last occasion he received 5,149 votes
against 3,330 of his Unionist op
ponent. In a b-ief personal statement
Colonel Seely told the house thero
was no differences between himself
and his colleagues In the cabinet on
any point of policy or principle. Fo
said he had pressed his resignation
because there appeared, although such
was not his intention, to have been
a bargain with the army officers re
garding the service they should
render to the crown. Neither had Sir
John French nor Sir John Ewart the
Intention of making such a bargain.
Andrew Bonar Law, leader of the
opposition, thought It would ho linpos
slhle to proceed with the Irish home
rule bill in the absence of the premier,
but Premier Asquith remarked that
he would he at hand If advice was
wanted and then left the house, of
which Regi-ald McKenna, the home
secretary, assumed the leadership.
Railroad Shopmen Laid Off.
Orders wre issued by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad company to lay off
1.2.ri0 shopmen in Altnonn, Pa., at once.
Each department will contribute !l
quota to the total number. The reason
for the suspension is a lack of work.
This Is the largest reduction In the
force since 1907.
No Clue to Bank Robber.
The authorities are still searching
for the bandit who shot two men nml
robbed the Union National bank in Al
toona. Pa. The officers have been un
able to obtain any clue to the Identity
of the band:t and two rewards hav
been offered for his capture.
Jap Arrested as Spy.
F. S. Otcuka, a Japanese arrested
as a possible spy, was captured as
he tried to escape in a taxicab from
the Immigration station in Philadel
phia, lie was seen to take photograph.)
of Fort Mutt and the League Island
navy yard.
Train r.obber Takes $40,000.
A Seaboard train, bound north, was
held up almost In the heart of the
fashionable residence district of Co
lumbia, S. n., and J40.000 taken fron.
the express car.
Spring rbor Days Named.
Governor Tener of Pennsylvania an
nounced tl"t Friday April 17, and
April 24 wruld be the spring arbor
8prlng Floods.
Spring floo'ls swept valleys in New
York, Ptnnsylvanla and the middle
Wilson's Tolls Repeal Expected
to Pass Congress
Debate of Twenty Hours Starts After
Opposition Led by Speaker Is De
featedSenate Vote Will Be Close.
The passage by the house ot the
administration bill repealing the fre
tolls clause of the Panama canal act
Is assured.
Tills became evident when Champ
Clark's spectacular light against the '
cloture rulo demanded by administra
tion leaders waa crushed by a vote
or 207 to 176.
The reduced tlze In the house for
the administration indicates that the
contest on the tolls Issue in the sen
ate will be very close amkthat the ad
ministration stands a chance to lose.
Administration supporters are Jubil
ant over the outlook.
With the first obstacles out of the
way, the house settled down to con
sideration of the repeal bill. Demo
crats in Its favor were allotted ten
hours, Democrats against it five, Re
publicans four and Progressives one.
Representative Sims, author of the
bill, led off the debate.
Representative Sims coupled his ar
gument for the repeal with a denunci
ation of the Democrats who had
aligned themselves with the opposition
and declared that if he believed, as
It has been charged, that the presi
dent had accepted an erroneous con
struction of the Hay-Pauncefote
treaty, he would feel as a moral
coward If ho did not Immediately ask
for the chief executive's Impeach
ment by the house of representatives.
"Is it reasonable to suppose," ' a
asked, "that the great masses of the
people are going to believe that the
president of the United States, who
has direct charge of the enforcement
of all our treaties with foreign coun
tries Is going to surrender the rights
of-the American people whose trust
ed representative he is, by accepting
an erroneous construction of a treaty
upon the unwarranted demand of any
one or all the foreign nations of the
In the senate Senator Owen's
speech advocating the repeal precipi
tated a three-hour general discussion
in which many senators participated.
To repeated Inquiries by Senators
Chamberlain and Jones Senator Owen
said the president's assurance that
olher nations than Great Britain were
opposed to the exemption was suf
ficient for him and ought to be suf
ficient for the senate.
Senator Owen argued that the dis
regard of the Baltimore platform con
templated by the repeal bill was fully
Justified. Senator O'Gorman Interrupt
ed to read the list of senators who
were members of the resolutions com
mittee nt Baltimore, which favorably
reported the free tolls plank, and de
clared the plank had gone In becauno
ho and other committee member1,
who knew of the statements before
the senate Interoceanlc canals com
mittee, knew that only the transcon
tinental railroads had opposed It.
Compromise Trading Bill Passed.
The senate passed without division
a compromise bill to regulate trading
In cotton futures. The bill would pro
hibit sending through the mails or by
telegraph Information furthering the
making or enforcement of contracts
which do not specify that delivery
is to be made on a basic grade, with
the option of delivering other govern
mental grades, the difference between
which would he fixed by actual trad
ing in spot cotton and not arbitrarily
as on exchanges now.
Seven Masked Bandits Fire Into Party
of Foreigners.
Two parties of Italians were held
up near Barnesboro, Pa., by seven
armed and masked bandits. Both
parlies of : len were robbed and the
second crowd was fired Into, one man
being killed and two others being
probably fatally injured.
The bau("ts were disguised in many
ways. Some of them wore handker
chiefs ovci their faces, others wore
automobile goggles and others false
iMrfucl es.
Steel Con.pany to Make Benzine.
An appropriation of $400,000 has
been made by the United States Steel
corporation for an extension to tlio
by product loklng plant of the Cnnie
ple Steel rnmpany at Farrell, Pa., to
manufacture benzine. It will afford
employment to a large number of men.
Oil Holding Sold For $500,000. -Drury,
Hoasley & Co. closed the
sale of their oil holdings In Roane
county. West Virginia, to the Way
land Oil end Gas company of that
state. The property Includes 600 acros
of land, on which are thirty producing
wells. The price was $500,000.
3,000 Men Are Laid Off.
Owing to a big (ailing off In busi
ness everv chemical plant In McKean,
Elk and Potter counties, Ta., ceased
operations, throwing about 3.000 men
out of work.
Steel Mills on Short Time.
Steel mil.s in the Pittsburg district
are working their men on part time.