The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 04, 1914, Image 5

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    mi S
f The Distinctive Garment : Store
Shirts made to order $2.00 and
' upward.
Suits made to order $16.00 and
' upward.
Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, Pa.
A Card Is All You Need.
Just write your order on the back, and mail it here.
The order will be filled, at once, by carelul, experienced
shoppers, and sent to you free ot charge by Parcel Post.
And back of every order we fill is the guarantee of
this big, square-dealing company "Your money back if
you are not satisfied."
The Best of The New Styles in
Suits, Coats and Dresses.
; Every through express these days is bringing some
addition to the rapidly growing collection of women's ap
. pareling for spring; and many an exclamation ol delight is
heard as the new garments are unpacked. Customers and
sales people alike, vow they have never seen anything to
compare with them.
With present assortments the widest to date, it's a
splendid time to view them, while the charm of newness
and novelty which accompanies first fashion displays is at
its height.
Wash Fabrics Charming in Weave
and Color.
Crepes and Ratines such .you've never seen before
woven in charming hollow checks, plaids, stripes, or
figured patterns as exquisite as an artist could paint them
often in new colorings that you never knew could be
Lovely sheer Voiles, too, in small flowered patterns
that are adorably quaint and new,
You will hardly need to be told, we think, the ad
vantage of choosing early.
For one thing, most of the new effects are. imported,
and cannot be duplicated later. And there's no more con
venient time than now to make ready the new lrocks lor
This Is Certainly Good News.
A Gossard Corset
at $2.00.
There are many women in this vicinity who
have hesitated in the selection of a front lace
corset because they did not care to invest $3.50
in a Gossard.
The objection to price has now been removed
and we are offering a new and distinctive model
at $2.00.
This corset has a medium bust flat back,
long skirt with ample fullness and is designed to
meet the requirements of the average figure per
fectly. Office women and all other women, who
of necessity must wear their corsets throughout
the day, will find this garment ideal.
It is made in a splendid Everlast cloth and;
like all Gossard Corsets, it is guaranteed to give
absolute satisfaction in both wearing service and
Priced at $2.00.
The Distinctive Garment Store
Henry J. McCarty,
the race is not always to the swift. In other
words, the man who depends on luck and chance
has not the certainty ot becoming financially in
dependent which is assured to the Systematic
We Pay Four Per Cent. Interest.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
$200,000 Httt IajjS
High Wind and Bitter Cold Hamper
Pittsburg Firefighter!.
Suffering from bitter cold, firemen
from twenty-one engine companies
battlpd three fires which started in the
downtown district of Pittsbuig within
a period of two hours' time and which
resulted la damage estimated at
The Columbia rhonograph company
salesrooms in the Kuiton building were
completely ruined while damage to
other firms in the same building
boosted the loss to $100,000.
The Rubenstein wallpaper ware
house at 1108 Fifth avenue together
with the Tearl moving picture theater
were damaged $50,000 by a second fire.
The third fire was in the 600 block
Penn avenue, where the Wehn Carpet
company and Michigan Furniture com
pany suffered $50,000 loss.
Indict Boy, 17, For Murder.
The grand Jury of McKean county,
Pa., returned a true bill against
Robert Howard Smith, a seventeen-year-old
Mount Jewett boy, for mur
der in the first degree of his step
father, William Snapp.
Kill Blackmailer.
After firing three shots into the
body of an alleged Black Hander which
caused instant death, Hominick Prince
patti, on his wedding day, surrendered
at New Galilee, Pa., and is a prisoner
in the Beaver Jail charged with
Judge Young Dies Suddenly.
Judge James Scott Young of the
western United Slates district court
died suddenly in his' home in Pitts
burg following an attack of heart dis
ease. He was sixty-six years old. He
apparently liatl been in good health.
Pittsburg, March 3.
Cattle Choice, $8.S5(g9.10; prime,
$S.50S8.S5; good, 3:8.108.40; com
mon, $6.50(g7; helfer3, $5.508; com
mon to good fat bulls, $4.507.60;
common to good fat cows, $3.507;
fresh cows and springers, $4580.
Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers,
$6.256.40; good mixed, $5.806.2$:
fair, $0.25fi 5.75; culls and common, $3
i4.50; lambs, $5.50 (if 8; veal calves,
$12(i 12.50; heavy and thin calves.
$7.50 ii 8.
Hogs Prime heavy and heavy
mixed, $9f'9.05; mediums, heavy
Yorkers and light Yorkers, $9.10??
9.15; pigs. $8.50(0 9; roughs, $8 8.40;
stags, $7 7.60.
Cleveland, March 3.
Cattle Choice fat steers. $8.25 Si
8.50; good to choice, $7.858.25;
choice heifers. $7.75ifi8; milchers and
springers, $60 if) SO.
Hogs Yorkers, $9; mixed, $9;
heavies, $8.S5fi8.90; pigs and lights,
$9; stags, $7(R7.25.
Sheep Mixed. $."i.)0fi 5.75; bucks,
$4(ji5; culK $3fi4.
Calves Good to choice, $12; heavy
and common, $6ftS.50.
Bite Sting Dryness Heaviness
Parched Throat you escape them
when you smoke bTAva.
And in their place you find
Fragrance Freshness Mildness
and Eternal Contentment
"Better than I imagined tobacco
could be."
Thousands are saying it You will
say it
Convenient Packages: The Handy Half-Size
5-Cent Tin, the Full-Size tO-Cent Tin, the Pound and Half-Pound
Tin Humidors and the Pound Glass Humidor.
in II i ii ii it it
."N la. -' . : ell
a -A i
'Cr' I "Nostin
For Pipe and Cigarette
P. Lorillard Co. Est. 1760
"Sy, Fellows!
"Do you remember the first girl you ever had" during your
school days? Do you recall how happy you were when t she would
walk home with you and you'd go miles out of your way to see that
she got home safely?
Pride, My Boy, Pride !
The little girl of your school days may be your wife today and
she thinks just as much of you as you do of her, and possibly more.
Then why do you persist in dressing yourself distastefully to her?
Supposing you allow us to give you some expert opinion on
what's correct in spring "togs" for men. It's our business to
clothe men stylishly without overtaxing the purse.
T. A. P. Clothing brings peace and happiness in every family
and rekindles the fires of youthful pride and ambitions.
Suits find Overcoats $12.50 to $40.00.
Oil City, Pa.
Oil City, Pa.
Penoa Prciressitis Name
Him For Governor
" i & -i
I ' .
-1 1
The Washington party conference
in Harrisburg, Pa., named William
Draper Lewis of Philadelphia as can
didate for governor to be supported
at the primaries.
Soft Coal Operators and Min
ers Fail to Agree
In Philadelphia the conferees repre
senting the soft coal operators and
miners of western Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Indiana and HlincU failed to come to
an agreement on the wage scale to
take the place of the one which will
expire on March 31. The men ad
journed sine die.
It was announced that this action
does not mean necessarily a strike, as
it was pointed out that five weeks re
main for the two sides to get together
in another effort to reach an agree
ment. It was predicted that another con
ference would be held before April 1
in a city within the central com
petitive field.
After the Joint conference ad
journed the miners held a meeting,
at which John P. White,
president of the United Mlneworker
of America, was Instructed to call to
gether the polic y committee of the
organization whenever he deems it
The policy committee is made up of
representatives from every district of
the United Mineworkers in the United
States and Canada. President White
afterward said he did not know when
he would send out the call. All de
pends upon developments within the
next few days, lie said.
The break came on the demand
which provides that local differences!
be settled within local districts. On
tills question the miners' demand was
as follows:
"That all local inequalities and in
ternal differences be referred to the
various districts affected by settle
ment." The operators refused this and pro
posed the following, which is the third
paragraph in the existing agreement
adopted in Cleveland in 1912:
"That internal differences be re
ferred for adjustment to the various
districts affected, it being understood
that nothing shall be done in district
or subdistrlct conventions that will
Increase the cost of production or re
duce the earning capacity of the
Motorman Foils Trolley Bandits.
A holdup of a street car at Hunkel's
switch, seven miles from Scottdale,
Pa., was frustrated by Motorman
Rlcard Sherrlck, who, after exchang
ing a score of fhots with the bandits,
forced them to flee.
Makei $107 on One Hog.
The sum of $107 was realized from
the Bale of one hog by R. C. Cather
man, a farmer, near liast Altoona, Pa
This w-as the wholesale price. The
retail price would ruu about $135.
152 New Suits and New Coats
Priced Under $20.00.
Of course there's suits up to $50.00 and coats up
to $35.00, but the point we wish to make is this :
That beginning at $7.50 for coats and ranging
$8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $14.50, $15.00, $16.60, $18.60
and $19.50,
And at $10.00 for suits and ranging $12.50,
$15.00, $16.50, $18.60, $19.50 and $20.00,
We have already assembled at these very modest
prices One Hundred and Fifty-Two all new garments
distinctly original in design smart, fashionably
correct perfectly tailored garments.
New Silks, Down Stairs.
Initial showing of the new Silks.
All center aisle tables set aside for display of
New Printed Charmeuse, Printed Crepes, Foulards,
Chiffon Taffetas, Plain and Glace and many other
silks of the latest fashion many of them in exclusive
patterns 75c to $2.60 yard.
Money Doubles
at 4 compound interest in
less than 18 years. This means
that if you deposit $100 in this
solid bank now, in 1931 you
can draw $200, even if you do
not add a. single cent to your
deposits .
Write today for booklet tell
ing How To Bank By Mail.,
Pittsburgh Bank for Savings
Established in 1862
jOit-Cirf, Pa. J
pie gretgnefe usroaljf con
Made -To -Measure
Clothes of the
Highest Quality
may be purchased here at the
most modest prices in ' town.
See our marvels of beauty at
$15, $18 and $20
and our wonderful importa
tions at
$25, $30 and $35
Fit and finish guaranteed.
D. H. Blum,
Qi finb meljr Stogm butd) unreitei
Jlnpaijen DonOlafcrn aU buro) fonft ct
h.ui ruinitt luorben. $at ba Slug
manflclhafte 9Ufraction, fo tnufc bai
53ilb adct WegenftSnbtnadjtinemgocul
auf bcr Wcaut burd) outrgtroobnlid)!
Ihiitigfcit be3 musculus ciliarius fje
brad)t, obet ba$8tlb unbollfommen ftin
unb ba Stcfuttat betbunfeltefl 6er,et
mit Sd;tDde unb Sdjmtrj tint 3lu
(jot unb Stim. teS berurfad)t Com
flefticnen, lucldje ftd) burd) fdjlutre 2Iiu
genliebcr, 9t5tfe, udfen cbtt Srennen,
cin efubl, alS fet Sd)muh tm Jluge,
.tnb B5uftflcn Sd;merj, totrbunben mij
Gmpfiublidfcit gegen 2id)t jeigen. 3
fd)iddir ba 3luge, befto fityl&arc)
cbige eijinptome. Slugtn mflgen Mtyfifd,
ftar! unb gUid;lob,l fefyfdjtoad; fin un)
Urn burd) cbraud) etnet Sriffe bi
SJtangel aufjufyeben, toirb bie Iljatigfcij
b9Jlu6fcIn geanbert, unb toenn b
Sdiabtn boriiber obet burd) ju ftarfj
pber ju fd)had)e lSfmdt oufgtbobd
ift, fo (tnb bie Urfaitn lt Gongeftioj
eljcr bcrmert ftatt fcerminbert. SHcftelJ
gemifdite Stefraction, mu& irgenb tit
$anbcUglo8 ben S5d)aben tcrmebjen,
eber SH)ad;td;tige foUte fid; forfl:
fciltig toiffenfcfynftlid) unterfud)en unt
ihillen anipaffenlaffen, e$e er fie in et
braud; nimmt.
n befonbern 'itten irerben liifer
auf IDcfteHung gefdiliffen, in jebemgalle
(,a ran tirt.
For Further Particulars Call On
Who Will be Pleased to Explain the
Above in Either Language.
Fred.' Grettonberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tool?, Oas or Water Fit
tings and General Blackaraithlug prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mil)
Machinery given special attention, and
satiofaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and fust west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa,
Tour patronage aolioited.