The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 25, 1914, Image 4

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offie Smalts iiikdeQ
Shirts made to order $2.00 and
Suits made to order $16.00 and
Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, Pa.
LlliAAAlillAAl a
New things to wear and new fabrics are already giv
ing a hint of the Spring Days rapidly drawing near.
Millinery, Appareling, Silks, Dress Goods, Wash
Fabrics, Embroideries, etc. almost every, department
has its share of new style departures that you will want
; to see.
1 And the fact that every fashion shown here is author-
I itative and good, gives an added reason for an early visit
I on your part to Oil City's House of Fashion.
1 1 1 1
Early Displays of
Afford More Than Usual Interest.
Not for many years have straw hats been introduced so
early as this season, and the elaborate showing in this finest
millinery department is more than meeting Fashion's demands
half way.
There are pattern hats, the loveliest that ever greeted a
season's beginning street hats and semi-dress hats for imme
diate wear all from such famous style creators as Gage Bros,,
Berber Nott & Co., and others.
You will be interested in these new styles as novel and
beautiful as you have ever seen. May we show them to you!
Let Us Pay Your Expenses.
To 6hop at the finest store between Buffalo and Pittsburgh
need cost you no more than it you lived ''around the corner."
It you purchase here to the extent ot $10 we pay . your
fare one way; purchases of $20 or over entitle you to a' rebate
for the amount of your round trip ticket.
And there's no question about it a closer acquaintance is
going to be profitable to us both.
The Distinctive Garment Store
This Is Certainly Good News.
A Gossard Corset
at $2.00.
There are many women in this vicinity who
have hesitated in the selection of a front lace
corset because they did not care to invest $3.50
in a Gossard.
The objection to price has now been removed
and we are offering a new and distinctive model
at $2.00.
This corset has a medium bust flat back,
long skirt with ample fullness and is designed to
meet the requirements of the average figure per
fectly. Office women and all other women, who
of necessity must wear their corsets throughout
the day, will find this garment ideal.
It is made in a splendid Everlast cloth and,
like all Gossard Corsets, it is guaranteed to give
absolute satisfaction in both wearing service and
Priced at $2.00.
The Distinctive Garment Store
Henry J. McCarty,
the race is not always to the swift. In other
words, the man who depends on luck and chance
has not the certainty ot becoming financially in
dependent which is assured to the Systematic
We Pay Four Per Cent. Interest.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
Hearlno For Griffith on Charge of Mur
dering Music Teacher.
Dr. Martin 10. Griffith of Monossea,
In Jail in Greenslmrg, Pa., for the
murder of William L. Robinson, a
music teacher, whom he mutilated
after findinK him with Mrs. .Griffith,
was released on $7,500 bail after a
hearing before Judne L. AV. Doty.
Bail was immediately furnished by
Monessen men.
The details of the operation which
Dr. Griffith performed upon Robinson
were described in court by Dr. Morgan
C. Cramer of Monessen, who was
called by Dr. Griffith to take the
maimed man to a hospital.
Judge Doty said that in his mind
the offense was clearly premeditated
and that the deliberation was shown.
Judge Doty said that provocation was
shown too, and while the wounds may
have caused the deatli of Robinson
the evidence did not warrant a charge
of anything higher than murder in
the second degree, which under the
law entitled the defendant to be liber
ated on bail.
Most Civilized Nation. i
The question "Which is the most
civlliwil nation on earth?" Is difficult
to answer, t'lvili.ntion is n very elas
tic term and is understood differently
In different times and places. In sci
entific attainment, education, wealth
and all the things that go along with
wealth the I'nlted States, Great Brit
ain and Germany would appear to lead
the procession, with some other na
tions following closely; but, taking nil
things Into consideration, eliminating
the sole matter of wealth, the most
civilized country on earth is probably
.Norway. In that far northern land the
Ideal civilization that Is. the civiliza
tion that rests on common sense and
justice seems to have matured to a
greater extent than it has anywhere
else. New York American.
Cigar Boxes.
The construction of n cigar box may
seem to be n very simple matter to the
novice, but the box passes through
nineteen processes before it is ready to
receive the cigar.
Seeking to establish himself, the true
man establishes others: wishing to en
large himself, be enlarges others. Cou-
His Card.
K. II. Sot hern, the actor, confesses
to a haliit which sometimes has Its
disadvantages. It is his custom to
make memoranda of things which oc
cur to him from lime to time on his
calling cards or other odd bits of pa
per be may have In Ills pockets. Ho
tells this ns one of his experiences:
"I had occasion to call at the home of
Grover Cleveland, and I sent up my
card. In a few minutes Mrs. Cleve
land came in to receive me, ibe card
still in her tin i nl and about ber mouth
n rather odd smile.
"'I think perhaps I had better re
turn this to you,' she said.
"I took it. On the back 1 had writ
ten: 'Socks, pajamas, one dozeu col
lars.'" New York Tribune.
During the past year, by thou
sands of smokers, all inclination
for any tobacco but STAG.
A significant fact is Stag's in
stant appeal to old smokers men
who had long settled down to
something else.
These wise old critics are per-
naps the most enthusiastic of all
Convenient Packages: The Handy Half
Size 5-Cent Tin, the Full-Size 10-Cent Tin, the Pound
and Half-Pound Tin Humjdors and the Pound Glass
KS!? I For Pine nH Carrfte
ws,,, : r :;M :
mwn.n v-f-i rx i rvi r-i t f i pi
I "No Bite,
"No Sting,
"Z (1
Jr. j j j.iu airing.- - j l y
. mti'B .--war- tar jawiu vvr ;
. .TTsswaBRms- TO-awEr tern -i jita
w I li'TTi T ' Tuir ir I ''W.v.a... de.iwZiT 1 nrMMAto&rR'IM
P. Lorlllard Co. Est. 1760
T -.: :-r..i-
A Gentleman Named
Tells Us That An Aviator Should Not Drink, As One Drop Usually
Puts Him Out of Business.
Queer, isn't it? In business we find that you cannot afford to take chances on qualities.
For instance, we could buy pretty good merchandise at far less than we are now paying,
and sell it for the same prices that we are now getting, but it is not the best. We won't con
sider buying or selling any goods whatever where the quality is questionable. We know who
makes the best, and that's where we buy it.
HERE'S PROOF. We sold every Fancy Winter Suit in our store two weeks ago.
If we wanted to be unfair we had opportunities to buy hundreds of suits at bargain prices.
We could have bought them, sold them, and made money, but the people who have made
our success possible would have been imposed on, and the little profit we'd make would be
mighty costly. You can't throw sand in the public eye, and get away with it. We don't pro
pose at any time to even try it.
Oil City, Pa.
Oil City, Pa.
Chicago Aviator Wiio Flans
to Fly Across Ocean
Photo by American Press Amiociatlon.
Harold f. Mccormick.
Harold F. McCormlck, who lias al
ready inaugurated hydroaeroplane
transportation from his home in a
northern suburb to downtown Chicago
is planning to attempt a flight ucross
the Atlantic ocean in the lurgest ae-o
plane yet. built. He and Charles Dick
inson, president of the Chicago Aero
plane club, are now on their way to
Miami, Kla., where the big machine
will be built and launched, .., .-
Queen City Sinks at Louisville, But
Nobody Is Hurt.
With about eight feet of water in
her hold the steamer Queen City rexti
on a rock against the dam at the Ken
tucky chute in the Louisville (Ky.)
harbor. The vessel's 6,000-ton cargo ',s
being removed. The Steel City, a
Bister packet, arrived to take the
Mardi Gras excursionists to New Or
On the boat were 125 passengers, 24
officers and members of the crew, 4
musicians, 20 negro waiters and 5
cooks, 178 souls in all. The excursion
ists had started from Pittsburg. The
steamer was caught in the swift cur
rent of the Ohio when she tried to
dock and was swept against the dam.
When lifesavers reached the steam
er in response to her distress signal
they found the rails lined with half
dressed, frightened passengers, sev
eral of whom threatened to leap into
the icy ater. All were carried to the
lifesaving station.
Suit Discloses Secret.
Friends of Albert Mell, a Sharps
ville (Pa.) resident, were surprised
when it became known that he had
been married three years. News of
the marriage leaked out when his wife,
formerly Mlts Nancy Sheriff of Mer
cer, sued for divorco In Erie county.
Weather Conditions Good For. Busi
ness, Says Trade Review.
Dun's Review of Trade Bays this
"Weather conditions were an im
portant factor in the business situa
tion tills week. Recent storms im
peded railroad traffic and retarded the
distribution of merchandise, yet cer
tain lines of trade benefited by the
heavy snowfall and zero temperatures.
There was a notable increase In the
movement of footwear and heavy
weight apparel, while fuel was in
greater demand.
"Sentiment In commercial and in
dustrial channels remains optimistic
and evidences of improving conditions
accumulate. This is particularly true
of wool, sales of which continue lare
at advancing prices. A material re
duction has occurred In supplies at
all sea board markets since the open
ing of the year and in some instances
stocks are now scarce. Both cotton
and woolen mills are well employed,
as a rule, and prospects are considered
I 4&
The New Suits
Spring Season, 1914
The new suits began to arrive January 10. And they had scarcely ar
rived, been examined and marked when they started to go out about as
fast as they were received. Within the last week shipments have beeu
much more frequent. Indeed most every express now has a shipment of
Coats or Suits for this Second Floor Garment Section. And so we've wait
ed until we had a sufficient range of colors, sizes and prices to warrant
mention of them in these columns, i We're ready now. The Suit or Cost
can be selected here now to your complete satisfaction and superior adt
tage. The assortment is worthy your consideration. Smart, exclut
perfectly tailored models so moderately priced as to command your adm
tion and approval. 4
t Suits Priced $16.50, $18.50, $20.
and $22.50,
That are bound to attract many to this Second Floor Garment Sect
Suits of an exceptionally high order of tailored perfection strikingly
nal in design. Styles are a most radical departure from those of tfaef
season and last spring. Jackets are much shorter, some extending oif
the waist line some few bolero effects are shown. The wide droe
seamless shoulder is in high favor. 1 Skirts are a trifle shorter about
same width and the peg top and tunic effects are most fashionable.
many draped skirts are shown. And we're showing suits early at $1G.
$18.60, $20.00 and $22.60 that we cannot hope to duplicate later at
those prices. i
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i r - '- - -
That $500 of Yews
which is now earning you
nothing, will return you $10
every six months if you buy
one of our Certificates of
Interest begins as soon as
issued, and checks arc mailed
every six months.
Write for booklet C. D.
Pittsburgh Bank for Savings
Established in 1862
pie fltu'flrtde Jlttsmijf vti
Made -To -Measure
Clothes of the
Highest Quality
may be purchased here at the
most modest prices in, town,
See our marvels of beauty at
$15, $18 and $20
and our wonderful importa
tions at
$25, $30 and $35
Fit and finish guaranteed.
D. H. Blum,
(Sa finb mcfyr 3Iugtn burdV urotd'te
Jlnpajcn toonSlafeni aU butd) fonft ri
iua ruinirt toorbtn. flat ba
rr. -fi. n f . m m . v
mauagiDanf 'teTracitott. id tnim ?-n
vjiid aucr wcoentanpenaa)tnem tat
auf ber sJicftj?aut burd) aufseretoM;!i:
Ihiitigfeit be8 musculus ciliari:.
bradit, obet ba3Mlb unboDfomnK.i
unb bit Mefultat berbunfeltt C
mit 3d)lnacfie unb Sctymtrj urn I
flcnunbStirn. $ie bcrurfad)t GJ
ncflionen. vtl6t ftA burA fAicete SluJ
flcnlicber, 9ti)tlje, Sudtn obtr Srenncn,
tin tfityl, al fti Scfcuufc im SJuge,
anb t)aufi8Crt Sd;merj, fctrcunbtn mi)
Gmbfinbltd,)fcit aegen Sid)t jtigen.
faad;et ba3 Stugt, . befto fflI6arc:
fbige Sijmptome. 3lugen mogenbbtyfif
ftar! unb glcid;tpcl ffhfcyWacl) ftin un,
Urn burd) 0c6taud) einet Srille bi
SDidngcI aufjuheben, tuirb bit lb,atigfeii.
Sdiabtn boriiber cber butd) jtar
a i-v - i--' i' ""I o-y--' H
t.. f:..v. v: nr .j. r r,-
djtx bermeljtt ftatt btrminbett.- BctcIJ
fiemifdite Stcfraction, mufe irgcnb ti
yanbcUglaS ben Sdjaben bermcren,
eber 2dvai)d)i$t fottte ft forp
faltig hiffenfd)aftlid) unterfud;en uiu
33rtU'.'n anpaffenlaffcn, et) er fie in e
braud) nimmt. i
3n befonbern fatten loetben Olafcv
auf SkftcKung flcd;Uffen, injebemSattt
For Further Particulars Call On
doctor Moncr
Who Will be Pleased to. Explain.
Above in fcitber Lan page.
Fred. Grottonbor
All work pertaining to Macbij
gtues, uu wea tooih, uas or
tings and General Blacksmithlii
ly done at Low Rates. Repa-
Macininery given special atte
atisfaotion guaranteed. ,
Shop In rear of andJustldCS
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. ,
Tour patronage solicited.