at ;ivc You Protection AGAIN T 10SS BY FIRE? ou uanuol afford to take jour own It sgslnst loss by Are. Remember that represent OF THE REST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD. will be glad to oill on you when you it Are Insurance that really protect. p u a card and we'll do the rest. e are agents In tola county for the LE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO., cannmlHh aeourity for County olala, bank olHnials, eio. KTA and K ELLETTVILLE, PA. )CAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ADVBHTINBMENTK. LevlAOo. Ad. trfkmtnera. Ad. ilarvev Krlli. Ad. Hoggs 4 Buhl. Ad. rna prima t;o. Ad. rbe-K Inter Co. Ad. I U Cohen. Loral. Inpklna Htnre. Ad. P. Lorlllsrd Co Ad. Tanson Brim Loos I. Robinson A Son. Ad. Clarion Normal. Local. Smart HII herberir. Ad . Forest Co. Nat. Hank. Ad. Tbe Distinctive Garment Store. Ad. Oil market oloaed at $2 SO. I your aubaorlptlon paldT You oan get it at Hopklne' store, tf A few Inverted Oaa Burner at 25 tint, atSlgwortb'. adv Juat reoetved, a new supply of Horse lollers, at H. 8. Slgwortb'e. ad v Attend tbe musloal entertainment at iovard'e ball tonight. High claaa In very feature. If our Red bruin correspondent will go bla or ber name to new letter we kill be pleased to publish them. Tbe Republican oaa furnish you vlth tbe very latest la engraved calling arde or anything else In that line, at easonable prices. tf. Dr. M. W. Easlnn, Osteopath, of Oil ;ity, will visit Tinnesta every Wednes day forenoon, at tbe Central Hotel, wbere is may be conauitea oy an wno neea nis fcervloes. tf. Oleomargarine always fresh, always be same price and making new friend baob day, at 20o per pound In nine pound ota, at tbe Salmon Creek Mercantile Co., jKellettvllle, Pa. adv Tbe M Flnnegan well on the Bleak ey tract, Bate tun, finished recently, a a (allure and wee abandoned. Whether hny more wells will be drilled in mat jvlcluity la not known. You don't need to worry about high loost of living when yon can get good Flour at Laoaon Bros ' for o.OO per bbl. Every sack guaranteed, or money re funded. Lanhon Bkos. adv The Tinnesta Oa oompaoy finished a good well on Ita lease last week wb.cb will add materially to Ita supply ot fool gas, Th hew well la located on the land of ex-Commisaionar Andrew Wolf. Tbia la Ash Wednesday, the opening day of Lent, and for six weeks there will be a suspenalnn of festivities that ordi narily nbialn. Easter Sunday falls on April 12, at which time the Lenten season -loses. 1 That old "ounoe of prevention" say ing applies to Roup. PRATTS POUL- . TRY REMEDY (Tablets or Powder) is a sure preventive and cure. Sold on mon ey back guarantee by first class dealers everywhere. adv -$35 00 and up earned weekly selling our High Q lality Lakesbore Grown Nur sery Stock. Beet grown In the U. H. Permanent position. Payweekh. Outfit ; free. Write today. Pennsylvania Nur- aery Co., Glrard, Pa. adv8tl-21 ' A dance and oyster supper will be held Friday evening, March 6th, at the German Hill pUt'ortn. Good uiuhIc Eyerybrdy Invited, but tbe management desires to give notice that no intoxicated Demon or Intoxicating liquor will be allowed In tbe ball. J. D Wentwortb, of Smoky Ulll, let an axe slip out of bla band Saturday while working In tbe woods and tbe Sharp blade struck him on the back of his right foot, above the heel, making .trash that will cripple blm for a while. Or. Gregg atttended his Injuries. Fred. w. lireyer, of Hunter run, waa kicked by one of bis horses last Thursday and received a bad g isb on tbe Inside of bis right arm, just above tbe elbow. Tbe services ot a surgeon were needed to sew up tbe wound and Dr. F, J. Bovard ierformed the operation. Kelly f snore, of Nebraska, while working m the wood near that place Saturday afternoon out a bad gash across the too of his left foot with an axe. He waa brought to town to the office of Dr, Hovsrd. bo sewed up tbe wound. Tbe young man will be obliged to travel on nrutobee for a week or two. W. H. Ellis, painter, paperhanger nd decorator, Is prepared to make early spring contracts for all work In bia line, Having sample books from two of tbe best firms, Peter H. Rilly Co. and Alfred Peat, he can furnish the very best wall numrM at low nrlcee. Get your work r i - d ine before tbe rush begins. adv We are Indebted to our friend J. T. Date for a onpy of tbe Carnival Bulletin llluftiratlnir 'he mmv beautiea of the .1 ...... Uu.ll fli.y nnnf iwnlna nn WUIIU WUI" H. U 1 " " B t New Orleaos, where Mr. Dale has been eolournlng this winter. This edition of the Bulletin portrays aome of tbe scenes In the first night's parade, which must be gorgeous beyoud comparison. Revival meeting wbicb bad been in vouress in tbe M. E. church for three eeks, came to a close on Sabbath eve nit last. Tbe meetings under Rev. Mr. inlaw's mlolstrationa were marked very gratifying success, in all 48 souli inn united with tbe cburcb. 34 of m were probationers. Tbe pastor be' 'a ser'es of meetings at the Nebraska h tomorrow evening. v the Sprlug Term at tbe Clarion lormal School, beginning Tuesday, ' 24, special attention is given to now in tbe service and to pros eaobera. Tbe one aim, under the work of this school, Is that . nir teachers, so you can find '.mospbere suited to tbe best, v oi address Inquiries to the N ndrew Thomas Smith, Clar adv Mrs. Annie Thomson, Reoord Keeper of lb Nebraska Hive of tbe Ladies of tbe Maooabees of the World, baa been honored with a beautifully engraved honor certificate In recognition of her faithful work for tbe Nebraska Hive. Mrs. Thomson Is tbe first Isdy In Forest county to be so honored and In fact abe will be tbe only lady in tbeoounty to be awarded socb a certificate as the Greet Hive has decided not to Issue any more honor certificate. Cohen, the fruit and vegetable dealer, aa Just opened what la undoubtedly the finest slock of oranges, lemons, grape fruit and California apples that has ever been seen In this market. And be I sell ing theui at prlnea that leave bim only tbe merest margin of prqfit. Such a display of fruit at Ibis season of tbe year would be s credit to any oily market, and surely ugbt to be appreciated by our citizens. good assortment of fresh fish, also, for Ssturday, adv. H Don't forget the rare musical treat in store for you at Bovard's hall tbla even ing. Tbe Boston Stars Is one of the finest aggregations of alngera before the publio today and will give you tbe best enb-rtalnnient you have bad in many a day. Remember the oompaoy Is undei the direction of Prof. Heuderson, lately ofOberlin college, a guarantee that the oonoert will be of a high class, In which solos, duets, quartettea and dramallo readings will feature. -Tbe Junior class of tbe Tionesta High School gave a reception In bonnr of the Senior olase, In Bovard's ball, Friday evening, Feb. 20tb. Aa It was near Washington's birthday, flags, together itb pennants, were used in decorating, bile tbe lunch also was In keeping with the date. Tbe Ice cream waa molded In tbe forma of tbe hero and bia batcbet. Red roses were given as favors. The evening waa spent in playing games and dancing. Among the game played were flinch, "500," and tbe Virginia reel, Lives there now s man with a apark of fairness and honesty in bla make-up bo baa a kick ooming ou tbe ground bog'a prophecies op to tbe present mo ment? If so be abould have bia bead soused into a three-foot anow bank and held there till be a 'knowledges tbe corn that Sir G. H. has them all skinned to a frazzle on westber prognostications. Sat urday morning thermometers in tbe bor ough registered as low aa 10 degrees be low zero, and yesteday morning the best bowing waa 22 below, and aame (22) this Wednesdsy morning, with gas mighty low, too. Snug winter, eh T Tbe bankruptcy sale of the I. N, Patterson estste located in Forest county was held at the court bouse in Tionesta Monday, and all tbe property as adver- tlsed was disposed of at fair figures. Among tbe purchssers were M. A. Carrlnger, who bought tbe 50-acre tract In Klngsley township. Trax A Parker of Oil City were the successful bidders for a 117-acre tract in Harmony Twp. Jacob E. Wagner of Harmony township was al so one of the purchasers, and J. L. Mat- tox, Uenry Armburger, and Gso. Swab were purchasers of tbe oil and mineral igbts on their properties located at Hunter Station, Tionesta township. Martin A Crawford, attorneys for A, Severina, former leader of tbe Franklin Italian Band, on Wednesday withdrew the suit recently in-Muted against Paul Uepler, owner of the Commercial Hotel, Franklin, for 13.000 damages resulting from tbe ssle to friend of tbe plaintiff of bottle of caustlo liquid in mistake for whisky. Tbe suit waa simply disoon lioued and If there waa S settlement of any kind tbe reoord doe not show it, A. Jobsoo bad entered an appearance as attorney for the defendant. It waa tbe negation of Severina that tbe friend who oght the liquor save bim a drink In nocentlv and when be swallowed It bis throat aud gullet were badly burned, in capacitating him lor work. Tbe propoeed new bridge over the Clarion river at Gravel Lick has been held up by the State Water Commission which bad already granted a charter to tbe water power grabbers to erect a num ber of huge dams slong that stream, and in order to gel their bridge tbe oouiily commissioner will hsvetorhsnge their plans snd build it so high thst It will not interlere with tbe damming of tbe river, tbua adding bundreda of dollars to the ooet of the struoture. Those Clarlonltes bave evidently fallen asleep on these dam propositions, but tbey will some dsy wake np to tbe fact that tbe water grab bers bave taken over about everything in the county worth having and that tbe people bave no rights left that a water grabber Is bound to respect. Tbefarmera' institute held In Tio nesta Friday and Saturday last waa an other of the very good institutes that bave been beld In this county within tbe past eight or ttn years. Tbe weather con ditions were fine for such an occasion, af fording the farmers of tbe surrounding districts so opportunity to attend tbe aeveral sessions thus making the turnout exceptionally large. Interest in tbe pro ceedings was not allowed to lag as tbe full program waa carried out aud all tbe speakers, musio, papers and discussions were much above the average, and tbe closest attention was given by the audi ence to all that was said and done during tbe two days' session. The stlendance of ladiea at the evening aesslous waa nota. bly large, an evidence that menfolk are not tbe onlv ones interested in bus bandry. You may not be aware of it, but it Is a fact nevertheless, tbst our progressive little city now has one of the taoat mod ern, up-to-date green houses to be within a dozen counties, we dare say Our. enterprising friend, Cbsrles Ander son, who baa been gradually working luto tbe plant and vegetable Industry, found that bia facilities were too much oram pod to accommodate bis rapidly in creasing trade, ao be baa branobed out on a larger scale and created commodlou plant no bis lot at the east end of the river bridge, and la furnishing bis customers with vegetables ss fresh snd orisp though taken out ot tbe finest summer garden patob. Lettuce, the like of which never touched thia market, baa been supplied to customer for more than two weeks past, and another crop will soon be ready for market. His greenhonse is equipped with steam beating apparatus and is kept at an even temperature nlgbt and dsy, and tbe manner In which tbe vegetables, flowering plants, etc., are pushing fortb is sjoy to tbe eye, a satis faction to tbe inner man. Mr. Anderson is already planning to still further en large bis plant, and it will not be long till bis entire lot it under cover. PERSONAL. Harry Thompson of Nebraska was one of our weloome callers Ssturday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ste phens of the borough, Thursday last, a daughter. Mra. A. B. Kelly returned Thuraday from a three month'a visit with relatives In Chicago and Wsukegan, III. We bad s pleaaaot rail Irom Post master J. H. Sbunk of Whig Hill, Satur- day, who was attending tbe farmers' in stitute. Antonio Dnnato and Rassaelo Don a to, both of West Hickory, were msrrled at that place on tbe 18th Inst., Squire W. P. Slggins officiating. G. F. Watson and daughter, Mrs. V email Shewman, arrived bouie Tuesday from the r visit in Lamison, Ala. Mrs. Cors Fell will remain there for another month. Walter Moore Hetrick of Kane, Pa, and Clara Tereaia Harkins of Gilfoyle, tbla county, were last week granted a marriage permit by tbe recorder of Cler- on county. Amoa H. Wslte of Conneautville, Pa., and Mrs. Hannah C. Brenneman ofClar- ngtnn, Pa., were united in marriage. Feb. 10, 1914. at the bride'a home, Rev. D. O. May officiating. Ernest G. McCnrdy baa been ap pointed postmaster at Lyncb this county, ucceedlng Anaon Showers, a staunch Democrat who has ably filled the position for several years past. Harry S. Can field, proprietor of tbe Globe Hotel, West Hickory, who was perated upon for appendicitis two weeka ago at the Oil City bopilal, la recovering bicely and came home yesterday after noon. Mra. W. E. Darts, for some time past employed as a nurse at tbe State hospital, Utlca, N. Y., Is at tbe borne of ber moth- Mrs. Frances Korb, Tionesta town ship, to recuperate from a aevere Illness and operation wbicb she bad recently un dergone. Wm. Lawrence and son Albert left Friday for a sojourn in tbe southland while the weather is so frigid in these parts. Tbey will take In Washington and other historical cities on tbe way, finally landing in St. Petersburg, Florida wbere several weeka will be spent. Tbe many frlenda of Rev, S. A. Cor nelius, D. D., and wire will regret to learn their son, Rev. Msxwell Cornelius, ssnriouslv ill in a Pittsburg hospital from blood poisoning. The young man bad been suffering Irom quinsy and tbe symptoms of poisoning developed Thurs day nlgbt. -Oil City Blizzard, Saturday. Miles Covert, of Marienville, la epend- nga few days in mogwsy wuu brother, Isaac Covert, and family and bis wife and little daughter, Helen, who are guests at tbe Covert borne. Mr. Covert came here Friday from Kane, wbere be baa been a patient In tbe Kane hospital, having an operation for appendicitis. Ridgway Advocate. J notice of tbe peace, Jonathan Al- baugb, of East Hickory, has been drawn as ajuror toaerve at the special term of U. 8. district court, which begina in Pittsburg March 16th. Mr. Albaugb will be the only representative from Forest county at tbia special term, wnicli nas hwn palled to clear ii D the calendar ot caaea which were left over from tbe Oo tober term. Mrs. Claude Hepler successfully passed through a serious operatioo Mon day, 16tb mat., at the hospital at Akron, Ohio, wbere tbe family has resided for the past two years. Her trouble was appeo dlcitis, but other complications were en countered by tbe physicians, yet ber many Iriends In this community will be glad to learn that she Is now In a fair way to complete recovery. Ex Postmaster, A.Sbowersof Lyncb, Howe twp , was called to Philadelphia Sunday evening to be at the bedside ot bis daughter, who was operated upon very suddenly In tbe Uoiveralty Ho- tiital. Mr. Showers did not know of the operstion until it bad been completed snd news that ber condition was good bad been received. She has been in the bos pitel for tbe past two weeks and tbe last word be bad was that she was oouvalee dug and that tbey did not think ao opera tion necessary. Sheffield Observer: W. A. Booth of Watson Farm was a Sheffield visitor Monday D L. Resn of Lynch bss gone to Oklahoma and may Indite there. Tbe blacksmith shop of tbe Forest Chem ioal company at tbe Barnes plant burned Ssturday, causiug an estimated loss of fiitir or five hundred dollars. N. r, Hoover, one of the bustlers ot Marien vllle, was in town Tuesday night. He waa on bia way home from Venanuo county, where be is interested in several drilling wells. Mrs. Ella Wilson ol Kellettvllle bas purchased tbe stock of the Ewao Bros A Co. store aud will take possession as aoon as the iuveutory is completed. Mrs. W ileon baa had consid erable busluess experience and will no doubt snake a success of the venture. We understand it Is ber Intention to add mil lloery to the other lioes. Recent Deaths. KKNNKDY. Katherine (Fitzgerald) Kennedy, wife of George W. Kennedy, waa born In Ire laud March 2, 1859, aud died at tbe family pome, Tionesta- township, Saturday eve nlng, Feb. 2, 1914, of dn psy, after lingering illness. -Wheu seven years of sue she came to this country with ber parents who first located in Ohio, after wards moving to what is now known as the Michael Fitzgerald larui.ou tbe west side of tbe Allegheny river, two miles be' low Tiooeata. Twenty-lour years ago she waa married to Mr. Kennedy, who, with four sons, Wllilsm, Frank, Georgi aud Joseph, survive; also the followln brothers: Patrick f Tionesta twp; John and William of Montana, aud Forest ol Burgetstown, Pa. Funeral services were beld yesterday morning at St. Jobua Catholic church, Tidioute, of which the deceased was a member, Rev. A. H Wiersblnski, officiating, followed by In terment In the cemetery connected with the cburcb. How to Prevent Bilious Attacks. "Coming events pa-t their shadows be. fore." Tills epeclallv true or ninoii attacks Your appetite will fail, you wll feel dull and languid. If you are suhiec to bilious attacks lake three of Chamber Iain's Tablets as soon as these symptom appear and tbe attack may be ward.d olf, t or aaie Dy an aeaters. but. KeUettvUle. Mr. Lorom and son Raynor were Jsmeslown visitors Tuesday and Wednes day. The W. C. T. U. beld a mothers' meet at tbe borne of Mra. Geo. Klinestlver, Wednesday aft-rnoon. At tbla meeting Mra. R. W. Wbiteblil waa elected assist ant auperintendent of the L. T. L , to take the place of Mrs. F. J. Henderson, resign. d. After the meeting adjourned fine lunch was served by tbe hostess. Meet sgain March 4th with Mrs. E. E. Dsubenspeck. Mrs. Wlnfield Zerbe baa been on tbe sIok list for tbe past week. Mr. Wilson is herefrom Cambridge Springs packing tbe household goods st he home of Mrs. E. Wilson. Tbe for mer will sblp bis part or the goods to Cambridge Springs, where be Is making bis borne for tbe present, and latter goes to Sheffield. Jacob Dingle visited relatives at Union City tbe laat of tbe week. The boya who were arraigned before Squire Silzle for disturbing a public meeting were returned by tbe oourt to receive sentence from the squire. Tena Zuendel of Starr was an over Igbt guest at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs, John Blum, Wednesday. Mrs, Sallsgiver of Tylersburg Is Ibe guest of her mother, Mrs. E. E. Dauben speck. Mra. J. C. Miller waa down from Min ster and apeut Sunday with ber aister, Mra. Isaac Slggins. Mr. and Mra. Lewis Arner wore War ren visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mra. R. W, Whitebllt visited tbe letter's parenta at Sheffield over Sunday. Mra. J. Dingle baa been suffering from tbe effects of a bad cold tor the past week. Marjorie Nash baa been elected organ ist at tbe Catbolio cburcb, wbere she plays one Sunday each month for tbeir regular service. A number of tbe Catbolio people of Mayburg attended aervlces in town Sun- ay morning. Vivian Dingle entertained the follow ing members of tbe Gleaners Bible Class at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pope, Friday evening: Julia Lnhmeyer, Edith Oayley, Mrs. R. W. Wbitebill, Meda Detar, CoDstance Copeland, Ruth Hulett, Amy Salada, Lnretta Dunkle, Verna Miller and Olive Wolfe. "A lovely lime," ia tbe verdict of those present. The next meeting will be at tbe borne of Constance Copelaud. Clarence Jenkins was very neighborly one nigbt last week. He baa tbe gas connected so that he oan burn from either the Proper or Collins line. Tbe former getting weak be turne I on tbe latter gas od neglectrd to turn off tbe other. When tbe pressure came on In tbe nlgbt It passed into tbe other line and warmed the people clear up to Buck Mills, but when be looked at tbe meter tbe next morning be found bia neighborly act bad cost bim ust nlnedollars. Mrs. Gen. Klinestlver and son Alton visited ber father, in Warren, Friday. Ruth Hulett was up from Ross run with ber brother's family over Sunday Clare Smatbera was up from Newtown and attended Sunday school Suudsy morning. A good supply of ice was harvested by our townspeople during tbe week. Rev. G. 8. Bryan waa down from May- hurg and spent ibe day In town Suuday. lie attended Sunday school in tbe morn ing and preached in tbe afternoon in the . M. church. Mra. F. J. Henderson was In Sheffield during the week visiting tbe dental par lors there, getting some needed work ne. Pete Conver's Paper 45 Years Ago. Rutnaging through some old papers s day or two ago we came across a copy of the Forest Press, P. O. Conver's old paper, dated Jan. 26, 1869, and from It we extracts Jew Items put np in Pete's well known style, but we'd bate to undertake to repioduce all that Pete printed in his paper in those days: Mr. Pearson of Coon Informs us tbat he understands Mr. Miller of Balltowo in tends to pay pilots f9 for running out ol tbe Creek in the Spring. Took a sleigh ride with Col. Thomas to Tubbs Run last week. Upper end of towo'e where Improvements Is progress ing. Office and stable already put up on Mr. Roae's Brick Yard properly. De lightful locations and liberal Inducements to purchasere at upper end. Much growth in that quarter Is expected tbe present eason. Col's Cheater Co. Pigs are beauties. Go A see tbem. Cousin Bill of Clarion county visited us last week, and gave us a smell of good old Clarion oouoly rye whiskey, which be carried all tbe way from bome In a pint bottle under bis blouse. He was a great stranger, and It was 'How d'do Bill! and 'How d'do Pete!' when he drew out bis offering and discover'd that tLe neck of the bottle was missing and most ol tbe spirits with It. but no matter, tbe good In lention was evident, for, in the Inuttuage of the poet, changed to an it tbe occasion, You may bust tbe pint bottle after drink inn vnnr fill. The smell of tbe whiskey will bang round it Still. J. Nelson Tietsworth, Ecq , announces himselfan Independent candidate for a School Director of Tionesta Horo at coin ing election, and calls upon all sensible people wbo bave tbe interests of tbe ria Ing generation at besrt to Just go in for blm heavy, as he will be happy at any time to conclusively prove it is their boundeti duty as well as a blnaaed privi lege ao to do, If tbey will spare tbe time to listen to bis argument. Oliver Proper returned borne Monday from a visit to bis 900 relations over in Stigaroreek, and reports a good time and plenty pretty girls thereabouts. Among tbe notables In town to-day Is Mr. A Mrs. Hsckett and youngest dsugb ter, Forealina, a perfect beauty of '. months. Lamentation la now considered to be tbe secoutl town of importance to Tionesta in Forest county. Judge White is also in town, and we met our old friend Hugh McClellan coming from dinner whom we hadn't seen since be was a bit of a lad about Richland Furnace, when whiskv used to be carried from Old Mother Allabaob'a in tiu pails. "The Best Laxative I Know Of." "I have sold Chamberlain's Tablets for several vesrs. People who have used them will take nothing else. I can rec nuimend them to mv customers ss the best Isxative and cure lor constipation that I know of," writes Frank Mtrouse, Fruitland, Iowa. For sale by all dealers Porkey. The stork was a visitor at tbe John Bradybaugb family and left fine little boy last week. All are doing well. Joe O'Chlnto also is entertaining a new baby at bis bome, wbicb is the second sddition to bis family. Last Tuesday another "Kafle Klatch" was given at the E. T. Downey home and our wemen bad fine time. We are pleased to note, however, tbat our ladiea do not tear tbe absent ones to pieces. Among those who attended tbe oourt at Tionesta Isal week were Emmett Brown, Joseph Klncb. Fred Dobson, Earl Dow ney and O. E. Rupert. Tbey report Tio nesta a fine town and not a had one either With all tbe crowd that were in town there waa no loud boisterous talk or craps, Buch as we bave along thia oieek when there is booze In sight. Tbey cer tainly enjoyed tbe few days off fiom tbeir regular routine, and were glad to get to work again when they came back. Tbe hotels are well conducted and no one could spesk a word (gainst them; al though crowded there were arrangements made for all. Tbeie bas been a petition circulated and will be presented to the school board asking tbat they move the school build ing to a safer location before tbe next term of school. C. L. Llttlefleld and family spent Sun- dty with tbe John Llttlefleld family, and Claude went to Henrys Mill on Mondsy to work for tbe South Peon Oil Co, as carpenter. Mrs. J C. Black and daughter Gladys bave been on the sick list for a few days but are aome better. Mr. Black started for Clarion county on Sunday to hear a case ooming up in the oourt on Tuesday next. Mra. Warren Jones of Newtown wss up nn Friday last to meet ber musio class wbo sre doing fine. We sre pleased to see tbnm tske bold of this most pleaaing art and hope tbey will persevere and be successful. The pupils of our school are having a good time this winter as the gas is not aa strong as it should be, and tbey have to stop at tbe orphans' home to gel warm belore going to tbe school bouse. Tbey are also some at racing during tbe short recesses. Mrs. Wm. Burch oi Watson township spent 8unday with ber sister, Mrs. J. W. Dunkle, at tbla place and went to Minis ter on Monday. Ruperts have a duck, and one frosty evening as Mrs Duck was taking a bath and ooming nut of tbe water and crossing a two-incb pipe ber feathers became fast to ibe pipe. She was discovered later and in loosing ber from the aforesaid pipe she lost a lot of ber plumage. Moral-No one should take a bath In tbe winter time, Billy Ledebur of Tionesta was a guest In our village on Friday last and while bere traded guns with Earl Downey. James and Geo. Welsh of West Virginia were the guests of tbeir father at Balltowo last Friday, snd bs their sister, Miss Lois, was coming so Sheffield for a two days' vacation, tbey went out on Saturday to see her. George Blum, Elva Blum, Jerry Mo Donald and James Mealy were up from Phelps oo Sunday calling on frleuds snd relatives. Joe O'Chlnto was down from Minister on Sunday last treating to the cigars on the new airival at bis borne. Come again, Joe, we all smoke and may hereafter. Maurice Burdick was afflicted with an enlarged palate on Sunday last aud al most choked, but upon tbe arrival of Dr. Serrill be was made some essier. It was very unpleasant experience aud one be hopes will never again occur to bitn. Tbe Rupert children went to Sheffield on alurday to the studio of Mrs. Dorn for musical instruction, and this family expects to start another child in iuubIu in a few days. Another of those pleasant dances was given at a neighboring bome Satur day evening and the attendance was large, Also tbe drink was large and of course they bad a bot old time keeping lights down. It was worse ou the ones wbo got beyond navigation as tbe weather was not sood to sleep out of doors. It was ton bad tbey could not agree and tbe re suit waa one fellow got bis mug hurt some. The violin was damaged some but not enough to put It out of service The next morning making vows to quit drink were the order of the day. Tbey Pay The Printer And Sleep Well. Subscription renewals are thankfully acknowledged as follows: J. N. Thompson, Nebraska. F F. Spencer, Truemans. Joseph Licbtenberger, Truemans (new.) Cbas. F. Emlck, Tionesta. F. P. Walker, Lamison, Ala. Rell Walker. Lnwelivllle, Ohio. Public Sale. I will offer at pnbllo sale, Tuesday, March 3d, 1911, at my resilience one mile north of Newmansvllle, on the Uolinza road, all my farming implements, horses and cattle, hay and iiraln, household (roods, and farm consisting of (50) tllty acres, 25 in good stHte of cultivation aud balance covered with good pine and oak timber, one Kod leu room bouse and half bank barn. Sale to begin promptly atlUa, m. Terms made known on day of ssle. Patrick Rynd, Newmansvllle, Pa, Colds and Croup in Children. Many people rely upon Chamberlain's Cough Remedy implicitly In ca-es of colds and croup, and it never disappoints them. Mrs. K. H. Thomas, Logausport, Ind., writes: "I have fouud Chamber laiu'B Cough Remedy to be the best medicine for colds and oroup I have ever used, and never lir of recommending It to my neighbors Bnd friends. I have al ways given It to my children when stif luring Irom croup, and has never tailed to give I limn prompt relief." For Bale by all dealers. adv, -RIO PROFITS IN POULTRY as sured by UMing Prslt Poultry Regulator. It Nlrenglbens breeding Hock, IncreHSes fertility, resulting In bigger hatches and insures strong hesllhy chicks. Hold on money hack guarantee by first class dealers everywhere. adv Recognized Advantages. You will lind thst Chsmberlaiu's Cough Remedy has recognized advantages over most medicines in use for coughs and cold. It does not suppremi a cough but hHwens and relieves it. It aids expectora tion and opens the secretiona, which en ables thesvHietn to throw olf a cold. It counteracts any tendency ol a cold to re sult in pneumonia. It contains no opium or other narcotic, and uuy be given to a child as confidently as to an adult. For sale by all dealers. adv Closing Out on China. and reducing stock of Framed Pictures, Off. BOOKS 50c books at 40c. 25c books at 20c. All boxed and Fancy Books and Bibles at Off. Bovard's Pharmacy, Hopkins' Store. Bargain Hunters' PARADISE. When we want to sell something we want to do it BAD. We have a window of Odds and Ends of Ladies' Shoes that ARE bargains. Shoes that we sold for $2, $3 and up to $4, now go for only $1. One-half dozen Beaupeep Robe Blankets, former price $3.50, now $2. 4 or 5 dozen Men's Fleece Lined Undershirts, all sizes, former price 50c, now 25c. Surely worth investigating. L. J.Hopkins SOLID COMFORT 1 l"nta''-l IVKSV ... . i I mm lis i$S. i ill I . r-.j..r tmmmm : Jjv Make Your Horse Comfortable With some good Btankets. We have them and the quality and prices will be found right. J. 0. SC0WDEN, TIONESTA, PA. You Dorv't Need To Be Told That it pays to be thrifty nor that even the pennies count in saving for the rainy day or for the future competence. But you may not realize the importance of the question, where to buy your clothes; yet they are no inconsiderable item in your year's expenses. For many years we have been demonstrating our superior ability in value-giving in helping our patrons to save. Not by price alone, but by quality and price. Good clothes, and good clothes only, an1 the basis ol our value-achievements. We feel that we are doing the public a real service in refusing to supply them with inferior goods the price ot which, what ever it may be, is too high. Stetson's Spring Hats Are here, all colors imnginable, all styles that the well-dressed man wants or uses. And while it nny be a trifle early to buy we want you to see the new thing from the greatest and best hat maker in the world. You still have the opportunity to buy a Heavy Weight Suit or Overcoat at about a third less than usual prices. This includes Boys' Clothes too. Bv iliiV a I I .a ' it t. T)A. -t PR 41 SENf.0A 51 CLOSING OUT KogerN 1S17 Knives, Forks and Npoons. Dessert Forks plated on steel, Regular price $2.60, Sale price $1.76 set. Dessert Forks plated on nickel silver, Regular price $4.00, Sale price $2.00 set. Table Forks, Regular price $6.00, Sale price $2.76 set. Dessert Spoons plated on nickel silver, Regu'ar price $4.00, Sale price $2.36 set. Table Spoons plated on nickel silver, Regular price $6.00, Sale price $2.76 set. The above prices are on Rogers Bros. 1847 Silver Plated Goods the best Rogers goods ever put on the market. We also have a special Rogers Knives and Forks at $2.76 for set of six Knives and Forks worth $4.60. If you want any of the above we would advise you to purchase them at once, as our stock is limited, and you will never be able to purchase 1847 Rogers goods again at prices quoted. IIAKVEY FIIITZ, The Leading Jeweler, 32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa. Our Own Cushion Sole Shoes. We bave a shoe for the tired or tender feet that will give to them the comfort wanted with the same style and appear ance you will get in any other shoe. The cushion is made of the best wool with a covering of fine calfskin that con forms to the foot giving you the best cushion sole shoe that can be made it combines them all comfort, style, wear. Men's $5.00 Ladies' $4.00 Try Viscol Oil or Dri-Foot on your shoes. LEVI & CO. Corner Center, Seneca and Syca more Streets, Oil, CITY, PA. Will be found in your home if you invest in one of these Champion Ranges For gas, coal or wood. Changes can be made in a lew minutes and with very little trouble. And the saving in your fuel bills will look good to you when the bills come round each month. While you re about it why not stock V en utensils We can sup ply them also. ICffT CLOTHIER OIL CITY. PA 11 LijzaJ