RATES OF AOVERTISINCl One Square, one inch, one week...f 1 00 One Square, one Inch, one month- 8 00 Due Nqaare, one lnoh, 8 months...- 6 00 Oue Square, one Inch, one year 10 (0 Two Squares, one year IS 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year. 60 00 One Column, one year 100 00 Left! advertisements ten oenta per line each Insertion. We do fine Job Printing oT every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash on delivery. . Published every -Wednesday by J. K. WENK. Offioe ia Smearbaugh & Wenk Building, BLM BTRKKT, TIONBHTA., PA. rrrA EPXJBL Tans, II.OO! Year, Mrletly la AJium. Entered eeoond-clasa matter at the posVoffloe at Ttonesla. No subscription received for a ahorw period than three months. Correspondence aolioited, but no notloe will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Alwaya give your name. VOLT XLVI.NO. 52. TIONESTA, PA.r WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914. $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. ,1 ICAN BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. 8. D. Irwin. Justices u( the Peace C. A. Randall, D. W. Clark. Councumen. J.W, Landers, Q. B. Rob inson, R. J. Hopkins, Q. P. Watson, Q. W. Uoleman, J. B. Mane, Cbarlea Clark, Constable L. L. Zuver. Collector W. H. Hood. School Director W. C. Imel, J. R. Clark, 8. M Henry, Q. Jainleson, D. H. Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICER, S. Member of Congress W. J. Hullngs, Member of Senate J. IC. P. Hall. Assembly k, K. MecblinK. President Judge W. D. Hinckley. tAssooutte Judgetf-Havaaei Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. Prothonotary.Jtegisterd Recorder, te. 8. R. Maxwell. ' Hkeriff Wm. H. Hood, i Treasurer W. H. Brazee. Commissioners -W tn . H. Harrison, J. O. Soowden, H. H. McClellan. District Attorney-M. A. Carringer. Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A.M. Moore. - Coroner Dr. M.O Kerr. County 4udttor -George H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields. County Surveyor Roy H, Braden. County Superintendent J, O. Careon, v Beaslar Terms mt ). Third Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Third Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meetings of County Commis sioners 1st and 8d Taesdaya of month. i Chares ass Habbath Nefcsol. Presbyterian 8abbath School at 9:45 a. tn. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. nr. Preaching in M. E. Church every Bab bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the UBual hour. Rev. M. E. Wolcott, Pastor. Preaching in the Presbyterian chnrob every Sabbath at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. U. A. bailey, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. C. are held at the headquarters on the seoonrt and fourth Tuesdays of each mi -nth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. pi- N ESTA LODGE, No. 869, 1.O.O. F. 1 to nttts every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEOROH: STOW POST, No.274 G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after noon of each inoutb at 3 o'clock. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets flrst and third Wednesday evening of each month. F. RITCHEY, A ITU RNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. MA. CARRINGER, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Office over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. 8HAWKEY. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AO BROWN, - ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office In Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge St., Tionesta, Pa. RANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. S. . , Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank, HON ESTA, PA. DR. F. J. BOVARD, i Physician A Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. SIGQINS. Physician and Surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, 8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and np to-daie in all Its ap pointments. Every convenience and oomfort provided for the traveling publio CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A FULTON, Proprietor. Tionsela, Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling publio. pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT 4 SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all cinds of custom work from the Quest to the coarsest and guarantees bia work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. successfully used for 34 years- KUffftSAU DESIRE FOR DRINK 'DRUGS 4246 Fifth AvlPittsburoh.Pa. CHICHESTER S PILLS W - TIIK 1UAMUNW IIRANIt. A trimt. llAMONI JtUAM PILL, for tffr vein known m Best, Safest, Always ReliiMt ' SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Copyright 4e. Anrone sending a nfcetrn and flenrlntton mtt fialckJy ascertain our opinion ires whether aa i rentton l prohnblj patentable. Communion. , Hons strictly onnadentlal. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest scency for securinspMents. I'ntenti taken thrnueh Munn k Co. recelrs sjwrkil wtU4, without ehsrie. In the Scientific American. A handsomely lllmtrnted weeily. I.areeat rtr etilittlun of any srlentiHo journal. Terms, 13 a yenr: fniirnionths.il. Sold by all newsdealer MUNN & Co.a6,B"-d"New YorR OxancS Office. S3 I BU Washxoirron, U U Itdl'I Auk your irrarf mi i a I'illi in ltd nU Hold niMallicV botes, tealnl with liluo RlMmo. V Take no other. Itiiy of your " llrufrtrl.t. Akfl IM.rirKW.TERS IfcA. AT f mi County Auditors' Report, 1013 W H, Brazee, Treasurer of Forest Coun ty, in account with the Liquor Lioenses foi the yeas ending Jan nary 6, 1914. Dr. To amount ree'd of L. W. . Dana. J 1 00 00 Amount ree'd J. J , Young . 100 00 Amount ree'd Jos. Pierce 200 00 Amount ree'd H. 8. Canfleld 100 00 Amount ree'd R. A. Fulton 200 00 $700 00 Cr. By atn't transfered to State acot..$ 16 26 4 per cent commission on 8173 00 8 75 Ain't, transfered to Count; acct.. ' 105 00 Paid Harmony Twp. treasurer... BO 00 Paid Jenks Twp. treasurer - 120 00 Paid Tionesta Boro treasurer 240 00 700 00 V. II. Brazee, Treasarer of Forest Coun ty, in aocoant wltb tbe State of Pennsylva nia, for tbe year ending January 5, 1U14. : Dr. To balance January 4, 19I3.. $ Amount of liquor license ...M Retail mercantile tax, 1913 35 80 175 fO 02 93 State personal tax, 1913 1 ,804 59 Wholesale mercantile tax, mid.. Brokers license Restaurant license Billiard license , Hunters license, non-resident....- ti 8S 20 00 10 60 160 00 40 00 3,182 83 Cr. By State Treasurers reoAlpta S 2,938 16 Printing bills allowed..'. 100 6'i Postage 6 82 Uucollectable mercantile tax . 18 92 1 per cent com on 81,804 69 18 ('5 5 per cent com. on 91,285.46 64 26 Hunters license, non resident 40 00 . 1 ; 13.182 83 W. H. Brazee. Treasurer of Forest Coun ty, in account with tbe Dog Fund, for tbe year ending January 5, 1914. Dr. Tobalance Januaiy 4,1913....,....9 896 83 Dog tax, 1913 701 00 91,597 83 Cr. ( 41 00 1 64 By sheep orders redeemed ......... J 4 per ceut commission Paid Barnetl Twp school treas... 74 44 84 9i 68 SI 97 22 132 25 62 21 46 42 5 69 38 54 26 80 106 75 751 61 Harmony Twp. acbool ..treas Hickory Twp school treas Howe Twp. school treas Jenks Twp. school treas Kingsley Twp. school treas Green Twp. school treas Tionesta Twp. acbool treas Tiones'a Boro sobool treas 4 per cent commiasion on $t07.03 Exonerations, 19LL, VZ, '19 balance : $1,597 83 To balance. Jan. 0, 1915 .'.....9 751 61 W H. Brazee. Treasurer ot Forest Cun ty, In account with tbe Redemption Fund, for the year eodiug January 6, 1914. VT. To balance January 4, 1913 9 315 73 Kecelved or ueo Kosenniat a m Received of Q. W. Buhl 23 44 Received of O. W. Robinson 13 65 Received of Q W. Buhl 40 62 Received of G. W Koblnson 33 86 Received of J. W. Baxter 12 69 Received of A. E Daniels 41 51 Received E E Norton 29 30 Received F. B. Barnard - 27 93 9547 69 Cr. By paid 8. M. Henry 9 23 44 M. A. Carringer ! J T. Brennau 58 61 Dallbousen 29 30 O. W Proper 27 93 w. N.JIagee . n iz S M. Heury 40 62 H. W. Tracy J w) J F. Proper. 23 75 N. P. V heeler n W. N. Magee 34 70 4 per cent com. on 9450 77 18 C3 By balance :. 78 9517 69 To balance, January 5, 1913 9 78 89 W. H. Brazee, Treasurer of Forest Coun ty, in account with said County for the year ending January 5, 1914. 1ST. To balance January 4, 1913.........$14,58fl 29 Transfered from liquor license.... luo uu Sixty day lit, 1013......... 10 60 Seated tax, 1913 13,256 33 Unseated tax, 1913 1,553 07 State personal tax, 1913 1,339 90 Jury fees 4 00 Commonwealth costs 15 00 Forfeited bond C. Thomas 490 00 Tax of W H. Hood 20 Atioruey fees 12 00 Stove sold 5 00 O'd plauk sold 2 88 Hunters lioense, non-resident 40 00 Seated land tax from County 14 01 Kingsley township road 2 50 Credit on Poor and Twp. acct 430 00 : 932,000 68 Cr By orders redeemed ,.. ..$17,329 79 Notifying taxable 5 08 4 per cent commission 693 40 Vital statistb-a 73 25 4 per cent commission 2 93 Countv institute, 1912 '13 302 99 4 percent cominisaion 12 12 School directors convention '12 '13 2.'' 67 4 per cent commisnion.. 10 26 Exon. rations County 191112 13.. 118 40 Exonerations Swe 1911 12 13 28 58 6 per cent oolleeior's abatement... 632 94 2 and 5 per ceut collectors com 484 87 4 per cent com bunters license 160 Error in asssessment 74 Lands ret'd 1912 credit collectors 126 04 By balance 12,020 72 32,0k0 58 To balance January 5, 1914 $12,0 JO 72 W H. Brazee, Treasurer of Forest Coun ty, in account with tbe Poor Funds, for tbe year ending Jauuary 5, 1914. Dr To balance January 4, 1913 Seated tax 1913 Unseated tax 1913 Seated lands from County V Fbizerald acct. J. Black E. Rudolph acot. Son A. C. Urey acct. Mrs Urey Account Mary Cropp Account J. Hinder Hoarding men Boarding borse Coal sold Hay sold Oil sold Cows sold Pigs sold Cbickenr sold Beef sold Butter sold Mileage refunded Jefferson county Team work Tax missed on duplicate. ... .. ,9 4.707 74 7,954 96 928 06 82 22 140 79 25 00 4 S 00 25 00 5 00 , 21 25 43 TO 40 73 147 73 54 39 60 00 .... .... 10 60 10 75 23 65 2 85 18 74 1 00 2 00 5 86 . $14,357 42 Cr. By orders redeemed 4 per cent commission. ... Interest on bonds , 4 per cent commission..., ....-..$ 6,883 98 275 30 400 00 ......... 18 00 Exonerations 1911-12-13 61 05 6 per cent collectors abatement... 319 77 2 and 6 per cent collectors com... 290 93 Charged to County account 42 40 Error in aasemment 52 Lands ret'd 1912 oredit to Col 75 52 Uy balance 5,991 89 914 357 42 To balance January 5, 1914 .......9 5,991 89 S. R Maxwell, Prothonotary, etc., of Forest County, in account wltb said Coun ty, for the year ending January 6, 1914. Dr. To orders drawn 9 242 00 Cr. i By fees allowed..... 9 242 00 W H Hood, Sheriff of Forest County, in account with said Couuty, for the year end ing January 5, 1914. Dr. ; To orders drawn 9 374 44 Cr. By fees allowed 9 74 41 Jailors salary 300 00 $374 44 M. A. Carringer, District Attorney of Forest Connty, Id aocoant with said Coun ty, for the year endiug January 1914 Dr To orders drawn $ 400 00 Cr. By salary M $ 400 00 Tbe Connty Commissioners of Forest County, in account with said County, for tbe year ending January 5, 1914. Dr. W. H. Harrison, orders drawn 9 800 00 J. C. Scowden. orders drawn 800 00 H. H. McClellan orders drawn... 8C0 00 $2,400 00 Cr. W. H. Harrison, by salary $ 800 00 J. C. Scowden, by salary 800 00 H. H. McClellan, by salary. 8-0 00 $2,400 00 County and Poor Tax In bands of Col lectors uncollected January 5, 1914 Rarnett township, 1913 $ 99 81 Green " 19U 12o 28 " " 1912 1)5 80 " 1913 972 47 H.rrnony " 1913 324 98 Hickory " 1905 45 70 " 19U2 3 64 " " 1913 188 68 Howe " 1913 828 4' Jenks " 1912 151 67 ' 1913 161 09 Kingsley " I9l0 829 95 " " DBS . " ' 1912 419 50 1913 141 78 Tionesta " l13....r. 204 79 Tiouesla Borough, 1903 90 67 lau ion o 1913 .T 371 94 $5 906 98 RECAPITULATION OF BALANCES Dog fund $ 751 61 Couuty fund ... 12.020 92 Poor fun 1 5 991 89 Scbool fund 2 337 40 Baildius fund 16o 05 Cash fuud 1,458 00 Boud fund 44 Road fuud 2 52 $22,814 73 State of Pennsylvania, . County of Forest. ) We, tbe undersigned Auditors in and for said County do hereby certify that we met at the Court House, In Tionesta Borough, in said Couuiy, according to law, aud did audit aud adjust the several accounts of the Treasurer, Proluouotary, Bberiff, District Attorney and Couuty Cummis-inners, of said County, for tbe year 4 D 1913, aod Bud them as se forth la tbe foregoing re port In witness whereof we have here uuio set our bands aud seals this 22nd day ot Jauuary, 1914. G. H. WARDEN, IsbalJ County A. C. GltEGG. 8BALJ $ Auditors Attest-D. W. CLARK, Cleik statewentIqfjxpenditures. Commissioners' statement of expendi tuies of Forest Countv lor tbe year eud nig January 5ih. 1914: J uolices of the Peace t 276 00 Constables .-. 204 35 Witnesses .'. 153 66 Hheriff 74 44 Prothonotary, etc 242 02 District Attorney 400 00 Stenographer 313 56 Telephone aud telegrapn 62 97 Relundlug orders 334 79 Soldiers' burial and beadaiones... 195 00 Livery 27 00 Road View- 194 69 Count Superintendent 7 7.) Cointiils-lotiHrs' trav. expense ... 114 77 Election expense 717 27 Weeteru i'eiiltentiary 115 00 Reform School 168 811 Coroner's inqiien'ln 5 43 H aril of prisoners 10 00 Medioal attendance (jail) 3 50 Fuel, light aud water 425 69 Commissioners - books, slallou- ery. eto 239 63 Protboiiotary book, sta. em 93 75 Treasurer -hooka, etsiioiierj.eto 50 00 SberiH hooks, stationery, etc 2 00 Court House and Jail lepaira sod supplies 144 49 Bridge repairs 2.3i8 72 Jury CoiiiiuixHioiiera 63 30 G'sud Jurors 455 24 Travers-JunnH 1 102 94 Tip-tavex and four Crier 153 00 AssesMiira 1,406 63 OoiiiuilHioiir ' aiHiiee 2 400 Oil Com iilHoiier' Clnik aisry MOO 00 udiior and t let k.. 124 48 Insurance 193 UO Jauitor 540 00 Court Audit i 10 00 Prliilinu 501 60 September prima ie 748 92 Solicitor lot) 00 Grand Aruiy ul tbe Repuiiliu 46 00 Repairing lime l'uk Treasurer's office 15 00 Exoress and dra nil 24 21 f orest Urea 8 93 Donatiou lo Children's Houie 10 00 Boiiuiies on noxious hiiIiiihIh 777 IH) Estimating limber 192 18 Attorney's expense to Harris-, burg meetiua' with water com. ..- 67 98 Dues to Commissioners' con ' 10 00 Law library 248 22 School Directors' Convention slid Teachers' Institute 1912 1913 659 66 Vnal statistics 73 25 Seated laud returns lor 1912, cred ited to collectors 126 04 Notify Inn taxahles 6 08 Treas.' com. aud exonerations ... 808 03 Collectors' com. aod abatements 1.017 81 $19,979 66 FINANCIAL STATEMEN I'. .. ASSETS, Amount lu Treasurer's hands, unoolleoted. iaxes, eto $12,020 72 Amount due" trotn Townships aud individuals 28 03 Auiouut due Iroiu Stale, Sep tember primaries. 748 92 Amount due from Stale, boun ties paid 777 00 Bridge plank lu stock 700 00 Sealed lauds returned for 1912..: 126 04 114.398 71 Liabilities None Commissioners' statement of expendi tures of tbe Forest Comity Poor Diamot for tbe yesr ending January 6th, 1914: Salaries, wages aud labor f 1.603 71 Provisions and supplies 656 21 fuel and light 458 81 Clotbiug and shoes 63 96 Furniture, bedding, dry goods, AO 52 12 Medicine and medical supplies... 86 60 Repairs 97 04 Commissioners' trav. expense 49 98 Farm expense 554 46 Physician , 150 00 Commissioners' Clerk 120 00 Telephone aud telegraph 25 45 Solicitor 50 00 Livery 6 45 Buildings and Improvements 174 81 Insurance 10 78 Outside relief 702 09 Insane in State Hospital 1,810 25 Extraordinary expense 640 25 Bringing in paupers 2 00 Express 95 Juntioes ol tbe Peace 8 50 Burial of paupers 10 00 Tranaporting paupers 47 71 Feeble minded in Traiu. School.. 212 95 Treas,' com. and exonerations 852 93 To county account 42 40 Collectors' com. and abatements.. 610 70 Interest on bonds 400 00 Sealed lands returned for 1912, or edited to Collectors 75 52 $8,365 63 From tbe above total deduct tbe follow ing items which will show the net expen ditures of the Poor District: Amount of produce, etc, sold from County Farm $ 417 65 Amount received for support of patients, such amount having been advanced by poor district 262 65 Collectors' com. and abatemeuts.. 610 70 Treas.' com, and exonerations 352 93 Interest on bonds 400 00 Seated Isnds returned fur 1912, credited to Collectors 75 62 $2,119 45 Net cost of poor for year 1913 6,246 08 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. ASSETS. Amount In Treasurer's hands, uncollected taxes, etc $5,991 89 Due from individuals 617 74 Liabilities 3,490 37 $10,000 00 LIABILITIES. Bonds outstanding $10,000 00 State of Pennsylvania,) County of Forest, J We, tbe undersigned Commissioners of Forest County, and Forest County Poor District, do hereby certify tbat the fore going statement of receipts and expendi tures and statement of assets and liabili ,lea are correct and true, to tbe best of our knowledge and belief. W. U. HARRISON, seal J. C. SCOWDEN, hkal H. H. MoCLELLAN, skal Attest- County Commissioneis. 8. M. HENRY. Clerk. TREASURER OF STATE! SUICIDE J;T J. Kennedy of New York Dies by Own Eland cuts i::s moat with razor Worries Over Ordeal of Quizzing at Hands of District Attorney Whit man During Graft Investigation. John J. Kennedy, state treasurer of New York, committed suicide at the M.-.rkeen hotel, Buffalo. He was found In a small lavatory off the hotel ball rojiu with his throat cut and an open razor lying on the floor beside him. Hir jugular vein had been severed. Temporary ' Insanity induced by wony over his impending appearance before a New York grand Jury where D. strict Attorney. Charles S. .Whitman li"t been conducting a John Doe graft Inquiry, is said by his attorney, Mich ael i' Dirnberger, Jr., to be the only reason that can be assigned for Mr. Kennedy's act. In this statement Mr. Dirnbergfir told of Mr. Kennedy's appearance be fore Mr. Whitman on Jan. 29 at wlilc'i time Mr. Kennedy signed a waiver of Immunity. Later Mr. Whitman gave ouf a statement to the effect that Mr. Kennedy had Ignored an Invitation from him to appear before the grand Jurv so the state treasurer was buo penaed. H. P. Burgard, Democratic state committeeman and bnrpe canal con tractor now residing at Fulton, N. Y., has been a life long friend of Ken nedy's. Rumor had It that Mr. Bur gard knew the renson why Kennedy fil'rtilrl take his life, but on the tele-,i- n y. TUirccard said: "J'lin Kennedy must have been "sty. I din't know of any reason vhy he should crumlt suicide except ho worrv caused by the John Doe rorpe'J'T", and I don't know why hrt should have worried him, al '"urh Mr. Kennpdy was a very p-v--i!s ii'iip. He v Hg in good financial 'i-fu-i'Rtnnccs and had property." M Kpnr-"'" hpd declared to Ills nt Tficy as wll as to other personal fiends that lie did not fear that there was anything upon which Mr. Whit man might indict him, but that the ffn,',s of the state treasury office vvpre so intrlrale that a shrewd lit .orney might easily phre him in an jnpleosant position before the public. Loses Bride by Drinking. CMled upon to decide between a drunken lover and keeping a dowry of S2.500, Katrina Hunlitz, a German tyr'ilPii of New York city, chose the latter alternative. Katrina camo to Wilpen, Pa., to meet her sweetheart, whom she found intoxicated, and she rlcr lded to return to New York. ,- rl ?--rl Wife Seriously Burned. At Mcadville, Pa.. Michael J. Ott, .in ': c nlr. !.d engineer, and his wife .t-ere lnirned and Mrs. Ott may die. Arr clothing iKliited from a stove. Be f-n trying to save his wife and ..g the liuuse from being da strove,' Ctt waa badly turned. IDE ADMIRALS FOR U. NAVY Senate Passes ; Bill Providing For Raise in Grade HOUSE LIKELY TO : APPROVE Senate's Action la History Making, All Attempts Heretofore to Create Vice Admiral Rank Haying Failed. For the flrst time in the history of the United states government a meas ure creating the grade of vice admiral In the navy passed the senate and the likelihood Is that the house, too, will Approve it. The navy haB long been a sufferer because of the failure of the govern ment to raise the grade beyond a rear admiral, but congress has never be fore seen (It to relieve the situation although often appealed to. It has frequently . happened that United States navy officers have been embarrassed If not humiliated through being outranked on International oc casions by European officers. Among those regarded as likely to be raised to the new grade are Rear Admirals Badger, Fletcher, Klske, Winslow, Usher, Howard and Cowles. The hill was Introduced by Senator Bryan of Florida and provides that four of the vice admirals shall be ap pointed within a year of the passage of the bill and the remainder as soon thereafter as possible. An amendment by Senator Bristow was adopted raising the age for re tirement from sixty-two years, as pro vided by the bill In the form in which It was Introduced, to sixty-five years. Big Boost For Good Roads. The watch dogs of the treasury took to their heels as the house passed by a vote of 282 to 42 the Shacklefonl bill appropriating $25,000,000, which is to be the annual charge on the rev enues of the government for the im provement of roads throughout the United States. Under the terms of the Shackleford bill $25,000,000 is provided annually for federal aid In the construction of good roads. The money Is to be divid ed among the Rtates, one half In the proportion that the population of each state bears to the combined popula tion of all states and one half In pro portion that the post roads of each state bears to the total post roads mileage in the states. $18,000,000 to Be Spent on Ohio. A total of $17,937,000 will soon be at the disposal of the war department for work on the Ohio river. The rivers and harbors appropriation bill, to be reported to the house Thursday next, will carry a total of $40,000,000 fur waterways improvement. The Ohio river, accoruing to the almost unani mous view of the committee, Is worthy of substantial support. To hasten the work of canalizing the river from Pittsburg to Cairo, 111., and Insuring a nine-foot stage twelve months in the year the committee has voted $5,000, 000 and In addition $350,000 Is pro vided for open channel work. Armor Plant Will Be Authorized. Authorization for a government armor plate factory is to be made by the house naval affairs committee fn the forthcoming naval appropria tion bill. The Rite for the factory Is to be left to a special commission to be appointed by the secretary of the navy. Barring of Hindus Assured. Representative Burnett of Alabama, chairman of the house committee on Immigration, predicted that as a com promise on the Pacific coast fight to exclude Japanese and all other Asiatics congress, at this session, would enact legislation to bar out Hindus. Flood Prevention Urged on Wilson. Appointment of a committee of btiHl noss men from the country at large to provide means for the prevention of floods will be ureed on President Wilson at a hearing Feb. 26. WOULD "LICIT PROBERS Railrod Official Defies Commerce Commission. The attitude of the Louisville and Nashville oTlciuls waj denounced as "railroad airgance and attempted de fiance of constituted authority" by Senator Jo! n Sharp Williams, chair man of the committee on contingent expenses, w ;ich .will report the Lea resolution tr the senate. The resolu tion provld.s for co-operation by a senate committee and the Interstate commerce commission In an Investi gation of the railroad's affairs. The open defiance by Wibcl T. Mnpother, fcst vice president of the LoulBVille and Nashville, brought ibout this n.ove. Chairman ('lurk of the commission made public a report by Commissioner Meyer on ti e conduct of Vice Presi dent Mapother, charging tbat the rail road olllcial forcibly ejected inter state comnieice commission examiners 'rom the of.ce of the road in Louis ville, Ky., v'..o were seeking to guard 'he records which Mr. Map ither had lireat-nt'd to revise or destroy. That Mr. Mapother In directing dell nee of the governnifnt dg"iits de nounced them ns "spies" and threat ined to "llc't" them was :h;Jrged by Conimlttlooer Meyer. May Be One of Uncle Sam's First Vice Admirals 1 CAMERON MR. WINSLOW. REBEL MAY FIGHT REBEL Carranza Reported to Be Headed For Juarez to Discipline Villa. A story is in circulation in El Paso, Tex., that the breach between Gen eral Francisco Villa, leader of the rebels in northern Mexico, and Veil ustiano Carranza is irreparable and that Villa's prolonged stay in Juarez Is thus explained. As the story goes it is Carranza's plan to seize Juarez, and set up his capital there. Villa prefers to remain near the border until he knows more delinitely about" the situation. Men who have arrived here from the west coast of Mexico, where Car ranza was last heard from, declare that Carranza is coming across the mountains accompanied by several thousand men, and that It Is his plan to appear suddenly at Juarez and force obedl nee and recognition from Villa by for -e of numbers. Carranza does not anticipate a bat tle, it is said, but believes that by being a superior force, Villa will readily recognize him and that further conflict will bo avoided. It is also said that Villa knows lie cannot take Torreou and ho tears his own men whom he has sent south will desert. The Mexican bandit, Maximo Cas tillo, and six of his followers wero enptured and executed Monday near Chocolate pass, about forty-live tulles northeast of Pearson, Chihuahua, ac cording to telegrams received by Gen eral Francisco Villa in Juarez. A detachment of rebel cavalry under Major Juan Saiiuiniego sur rounded Castillo's band near the pass, it wus reported, and captured seven of them, Including the chief and they were executed at onci. ZERO HELPS SOME Business la Stimulated, Finds Trade Review. Dun's Review of Trade Bays this week: "Distribution of seasonable merchan dise has been stimulated by zero tem peratures, which have accelerated the movement of heavy weight apparel and fuel. Recent stormy weather also broadened the demand for footwear, and the general business situation re flects gradual betterment. "It Is signilicant that the leading Interest In Iron and steel reported a considerable gain in unfilled tonnage during January, following a year of continuous losses. This obviously means that tiie great basic industry Is recovering from previous depres sion, notwithstanding the fact that the railroads still con line their purchases to the closest possible limit." QUEEN BEE MAILABLE No Other Living Creature Can Be Sent Through Postoffice. Babies are not mailable. The pnst ofllce department so holds in an edict barring them from the parcel post. The question arose over a request by the postmaster at Stratford, Okla., for a ruling by the department as to whether a patron of his ollice could send a child aged two years by parcel post from Twin Falls, Ida., to Strat ford. The postmaster was puzzled be cause he could find nothing in the regulations covering sucli a case uud referred it to the department. Second Assistant Postmaster Stew art decided that all human beings uud live animals are buried from the mails. The one exception, however, Is the (jiii-en bee, which Is the only living creature that can enjoy the privileges of the parcel post. Green Pup With Yellow Spots. A green pup arrived with a litter at the home of Warren Bnrk in Union town, Pa. The pup is a full blooded bound and, although snmll spots of yellow are on its body, the hair for the most port is green. Falle "rom Porch; Killed. Chnb'8 Rldenour, sixty years old. Of Martinsburg, W. Vd., fell from bis porch and vus killed. Ilia neck was broken. f-W -y)sjsija5A" - ' " y i.. - smi , t UAPTAIN FIBST TO LEAVE SHIP J:ii,ison ol ths Monroe Jumped Into Boat U I FACTS OF DISASTER COME OUT Skipper Defends Hia Action at Govern ment Inquiry Into Sea Disaster. Only Two Boats and Raft Get Away. What means Captain Edward K. Johnson of the steamship Monroe took lo avoid the collision with the steam tliip Nantucket off the Virginia coast, in which forty-one persons were lost, and what efforts he made to save the lives of passengers and crew were among the things Inquired into ut the trial in Philadelphia of Cuptuiu Osmyn Berry, commander of the Nan tucket, who is charged witli negli gence. Captain Johnson said that because of the heavy list to starboard after the collision only two boats could be launched. One was commanded by hii.iself, Captain Johnson said, and the other by the chief ofllcer. He tesulied that his boat cleared the Mon roe a little before the other boat. He ad.iiitted he left the ship with knowledge there were other persons in tiie vessel, but that he wanted to go around the stern to the port side, where he could save them. He took aboard a colored woman passenger aud a white man, also a passenger, and rowed away from the ship. In the meantime he admitted he had ignored a big life raft, capable of holding twenty-six persons. This wus lashed to the deck within fifteen feet cf the boat he was helping to launch. "1 had no time to touch the raft," he said. The first mate cleared life boat No. 7 later and also left the ship. Some sailors, however, cut the lash ings of the life raft, passed up by Captain Johnson, and It. got away with four persons clinging to It. Only those two boats and that one life raft out of eight boats and six rafts left the vessel. Captain Johnson explained that it was impossible to launch boats 2, 4, 6 and S, all located on the port or left side, because the steamer was so badly listed. Captain Johnson surprised those at the trial by declaring that "under the circumstances" neither he nor Captain Berry could have uvolded the col lision. "I can figure no course of action owing to the shortness of time and my lack of the knowledge of the course of the Nantucket thut could have prevented the collision," said Captain Johnson, "Nor do I see how Captain Berry could have done any thing to avoid the collision after he realized the proximity of the Monroe." To many questions why he did not cut loose all the life rafts the witness replied ho was verv busy trying to get the boats away. Every person he saw on the decks or In the water, Captain Johnson said, had on a life preserver with the exception of himself. The Nantucket stood a quarter of a mile astern of the Monroe, the witness fluid, and did "remarkably well in helping to save passengers and crew." Captain Berry will testify probably after all other witnesses have been heard. The inquiry will no doubt lend to changes In the regulations for the nav igation of coastwise vessels and also to the adoption of rules Increasing the elllcleiiey of the wireless opera tors so as to assist vessel command ers to nscr"-!"!!) the prox'mlty of other ships during fogey weather. carried p::o":y gin Rosie Also Wore Men's Clothes. La ids in Police Station. Dressed in a man's trousers severnl Blzes too s- all for her and carrying a l'ss nist ; tilled with water, Rosie Church, aged nineteen, was nrrestel In ll'it'ieste-'d, Ph., along with Harry Curr, aged twenty. Carr had a loaded revolver and a b x of enrtridges. The arrest of t1 e couple was made after the polh e h; d received reports that some person had been trying to enter several houses in the borough. SERVICES IN CAPITOL Senator Bacon's Remains Placed In Senate Chamber. The fmie-al of Senator Augustus (). Bacon of Georgia was held in the sen ate chamber in Washington last Tues day. on few occasions In recent years liavo public funerals been held in the senate, but Senator Bacon's distin guished public career led his col leagues unanimously to determine that this extraordinary mark of respect should be shown him. Fear Man Is Frozen to Death. E. M. Wright, sixty-five years old. of Sugar Grove, near Corry Pa., has been missing from home since Friday and although a vigorous search has been made no trace of him has been found. It Is feared that he has wandered away and was frozen to douth. Dr. Park Dies. Pr floFwcll Park, one of the physi cians wlu attended President McKin lev when h' ws shot in 1 f0 1. died In Buffalo, X Y., of heart disease Ii hit tisfy-sccond year.