The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 11, 1914, Image 3

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    Have You Protection
You Hii not afford to take your own
rink nullum loan by Bre. Remember that
we reprexent
nd will be glad to call on you when you
wu un iijnuranos iuai remjy protects
Drop ua rard and we'll do the rest.
We are airenta In tbla oountv for the
nd can furnlah security for County
uiuuiam, umit oiuniBIN, 610.
C. 1 AIEO k SOU,
Levi A Co. Ad.
Ummera. Ad.
Harvev Krllr.. Ad.
BoRga 4 Buhl. Ad.
The Prima Co. Ad.
The K Inter Co. Ad.
W H. Ellla. Local.
Oil City Trust Co Ad.
Frank Hunter. Local
(J. T. Andernnn. l.ocal.
Clarion Normal. Reader,
Smart t Hilherberg. Ad.
Grant Hhuater. Reader.
Forent Co. Nat. Bank. Ad.
Slgworih Hardware. Locals.
The DlKtlnotlve Garment Store. Ad.
Forest Count. Notice to Grand Jury,
Oil market oloaed at f'2 60.
Is your aubaorlptlon paid?
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
A few Inverted Gas Burners at 25
cents, at Slgworlh's. adv.
Juat received, a new aupply of Horse
Collar, at N. 8. Siitworth'e. sJy
Tbe Rkpublican can furnish you
with the very latest In engraved calling
oarda or anything else in tbat line, at
reasonable price.. tf.
A pie aoclal will be bold at Albaugb
bill school bouse Saturday evening next,
14tb. Doom open at 8 o'olock. Come
nd tell otbera to come, la tbe Invitation.
Dr. M. W. Easton, Osteopath, of Oil
City, will visit Tiooeeta every Wednes
day forenoon, at tbe Central Hotel, where
be may be oonaulted by all who need bla
services. tf.
. Oleomargarine always fresh, alwaya
the same price and making new friends
each day, at 20o per pound in nine pound
lots, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettville, Pa. adv
For Sale, thoroughbred Jereey Bull,
10 months old, and eliglhle to registration.
Can be aeen on the premises of the owner,
Frank Hunter, two miles from Nebranka,
Pa , on road leading to Newmaoavllle.
Tbat old "onnoe of prevention" say
ing applies to Roup. PRATTS POUL
TRY REMEDY (Tahlela or Powder) is a
aure preventive snd cure. Sold on mon
ey back guarantee by first class dealers
everywhere. adv
Following la the list of letters lying
uncalled for In the Tioneata. Pa., post
office for week ending Feb. 11, 1D14:
Mrs. Mae Badgero (card) Mr. Dewayoe
Badgero, Mrs. J. F. Broner. Rsvea Boyd.
Glkn G. Gaston, P. M.
135 00 and np earned weekly selling
our High Quality Lakeshore Grown Nur
sery Stock. Rest grown in the U. 8.
Permsnent position. Pay week 1 v. Outfit
free. Write today. Pennsylvania Nur
sery Co., Glrard, Pa. adv8tl-21
M. Finnegan baa made location for
a well just above tbe house on tbe Robert
W. Huddleson farm, Hickory township.
Contractor James Canfleld will drill the
well and will begin tbe work as soon as
be can gel bis machine moved.
The first auto to brave the storm and
rough roads of tbe season was taken
through town Friday evening by W. B.
Wright, of Leeper, who will use the
machine in bla livery stable. It looked
like a mighty cool proposition.
Sunday nlgbt wss sno'ber of the cold
ones for Ibis latitude, thermometers In
tbe borough registering 4 In 6 below aero
at sis o'clock Mondsy morning. Light
snows bsve fallen wltbln tbe past few
days, but not enough to mske sleighing.
Mrs. W. L. Werta sustained tbe frac
ture of her rltiht arm at tbe wrist in a tall
on tbe ley sidewalk aa tbe was lesving
ber home on Wslnut street to go to
cburcb Sunday morning. Dr. Henry
waa summoned and reduced tbe fracture,
and Mrs. Werti is getting along nicely.
Carlos Heath of Hlsrr met with s rath
er severe injury to one of bla feet Monday
afternoon while chopping- In tbe woo Is
near bis home. By a mis-stroke of tbe
sxa be nearly severed tbe first, second
and third toes. Dr. Bovaid waa called
and dressed the wound, and believes he
will be able to save tbe toea.
Tbe Spring Term of the Clarion State
Normal School will open, under tbe ad
ministration of the new principal, on
Tuesday, March 24. Prospective teach
ers, in large numbers, have already en
gaged rooms. Enroll now, or write for
any particulars to the principal, Andrew
Thomas Smith. Clarion, Pa. adv
W. H. Ellis, painter, paperbanger
nd decorator, is prepared to make early
spring oontracta fur all work io bla line.
Having sample books from two of the
best firms, Peter H. Rllly Co. and Alfred
Peat, be ran furnish the very best wall
papers at low prices. Get your work
done before tbe rush begins. adv
Acknowledgment of subscription re
newals is made as follows, with thanks:
Mrs. W. B. Osgood, Kellettville, Pa.; G.
H. Killmer, Chas. H. Hunter, Tlonesta;
Mrs. C. J. Stewart, Morgantown, W. Va j
G. E. Mong, East Toledo, O; H. O.
Blocher, Tlonesta township; Chas. Metx,
Eagle Rock. Pa ; George L. Scott, Col
llngswond, N. J.
C. B. JSuendel, of Starr, Informs us
that someone has been picking a padlock
on bis granary door and walking off with
bis corn. Last week after a night-time
Visit from tbe same chap "Coon" found a
pair of shears in the granary. He saya
If the owner will come and laiin tbe
shears be will present blm wilb a good
big sack of corn.
A hog was carved up at tbe Mayburg
Supply company's butcber shop last
week that for weight makes anew record.
The big porker balanced the scales st 605
pounds, snd was raised by Amos Shotta
of Tylersbum. Tbia beata Henry Shaf
fer's bog by 52 pounds, but as It wss
rained In Clarion oounty, snd by one ol
the most progressive farmers in that
county, Mr. SbaDer still holds the belt for
Forest oounty produotion.
The Finnegan well on tbe Bleakley
tract, Bates run, Tlonesta township, was
auetodnlsb yesterday when tbe oper
ainrs expected to resob the fourth sand at
depth of 700 feet. A good showing of
oil wss found In tbe second sand, and If
nothing better presents the well will be
shot In tbst ssnd, Mr. Finnegan believ
ing it will make paying producer.
Landlord Harry CanUeld of the Globe
Hotel, West Hickory, submitted to so
operation for appendicitis st the Oil City
hospital Moodar Tbe operation was
performed by Dr. J. B. Slgglns, snd s
though it wss rstber serious esse, some
complication having been encountered,
the patient was doing well at last report,
and Is expected to come along without
great difficulty.
The Sheffield Observer of last week
gives an account of very pretty wedding
that occurred io that place Tuesday
morning February 3d at tbe residence of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Vantassel on Mill
street, when tbeir daughter, Mlsa Irene,
became tbe bride of Mr, Christian F.
Bourne, of Warren. - Tbe bride la a
granddaughter and ber mother is tbe
daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Eden of
Tionests township.
Suffering from fraoture of tbe right
leg, Mlsa Gertrude Boslougb, ol Reno,
well known In Oil City, where aha baa
many Irlends, waa brought to tbe Oil City
hospital Saturday, Mlsa Boslougb ailpped
and fell on sidewalk Saturday morning.
8he waa reported aa resting comfortably
Sunday evenlnir,-Derrick, Mlsa Boa-
lough la quite well known in Tlonesta
also, having been a frequent visitor at the
borne of Mra. James Haslet.
For the year 1913 the Jefferson county
poor farm, raised enough potatoes to
aupply all tbe wanta of the county home.
Tbe orop waa 900 bushels. More than
enouub bay waa ralaed, and tbe county
commiasienera have nearly 100 tons lor
aate. The butter yield of the fnrm waa
2.000 pounds and tbe bens laid 1.089 dozen
of eggs. Tbe yield of wheat waa 218
busbels, osts 1,426 bushels, buckwheat 60
busbel, corn 1,050 busbels, cabhsge 2.200
beads, onions 60 bushels, besos 8 bushels
end rye 84 busbels.
U. A McGrawofMc-Graw underwent
an operation for appendicitia at the city
hospital on Monday, Dr. Russell of Cin
cinnati doing tbe work. It was found
after tbe operation bad been begun tbat
tbe oase waa a seriously complicated one,
but on Tuesday tbe young man was re
ported aa doing very we and bis re
covery Is now expected. Tltusville Her-
Id. Mr. MoUrsw waa realdeut, for
about year, of Tlonesta, being In charge
of tbe Mapea hardware alore. He is now
resident of T dloute.
Tbe days of new msple sugsr sre
rapidly drawing nigh and soon there will
be busy times In tbe "sugsr bush." Time
was when Forest county produced much
of this delicious sweetness snd tbe in
balltanta of tbe neigbboibood adjacent to
the unbroken foiesta gathered sap from
tbe great maplea that inlersperotd the
hemlocks, but tbe lumbermen's ruthless
onslsugbt bss ohsnged all that, and few
galons of tbe ayrup and very little
sugar, snd that only for family consump
tion, now marks the limit of production.
Satardsy sfternoon tbe IrvineOil and
Lumber company, of which our former
citizen K. E. Norton la a leading member,
brought In a well on Ihe land near Tidi-
ute, which pron isea to atari off exceed
ingly good, possibly doing thirty barrela
a day. Some time ago this onmpany
purchased a tract of tbe old Irvine estate
for the purpose of cutting off tbe timber
but later decided to drill well. Tbe well
started at thirty barrela per day and al
though It la now month old Is still pro
ducing belter than twenty barrela per
-Wo, Suoup of Musette, unexpectedly
found sn oil well last week. Be with
some neighbors bad been using gas Irom
'ell tbat waa drilled on warrant 6155 in
King-ley twp. and for some time Ihe gas
supply became weaker and Ihe supposi
tion was tbat water was drowning out the
gar. Mr. Hboiip rigged up a derrlcK ami
started a bailer down and to bis 8urpiie
brought oil instead of water. Tbe bailer
was kept busy and emptied into a tank
and 13 barrels of oil were secured. Tbis
territory will now be tested. -Marten vllle
Ex press.
For tbe purpose of stimulating Inter
est snd lending assistance to poultry
reisers sod those who contemplate taking
up tbe business Congressman Hulinga
announces that be ha been successful in
securing from tbe Depsrtment of Agri
culture a limited supply ol a series of
eight pamphlets and will lake pleasure In
mailing a aet gratia to any resident of tbe
23i h district, upon request, as long aa tbe
supply Issts. Tbe pamphlets cover
practically every phase of the poultry
business and are the result of yeara of
study snd experimentation by tbe
scientists of the department.
-The forged check case against Everett
Wolcott of tbia place waaamicabh com
promised before a Tidlr.ute justice of the
peace last Saturday. The check which
caused tbe trouble was drswn on tbe
Lsmberton National liank of Oil City In
favor of Frank Burton, and purported to
have tbe signsture of Charles E. Gesln ss
maker. On tbe nlgbt of Jan. 13, the
young man stopped st D Carmlobael'e
hotel, the llanchett House, and next
morning, David Levine, tbe hotel olerk,
endorsed tbe check as a mark of identifi
cation and Itwascs-bed at tbe Tidioute
Savings bsnk. Tbe case was settled by
Mr. Wolcott paying back tbe amount re
ceived on tbe check and the expense and
costs connected with tbe proceedings.
A wild snd wooly story comes Irom
Irvlneton to tbe effect tbst Tony Man
usousco, employed as a section band, was
attacked by a large bald headed esgle,
while be was eating bis noonday lunch In
a clump of bushes nesr tbe railroad track
at West Hickory Saturday. Tony was
sitting on a log enjoying bis lunch when
the eagle swooped down upon blm snd
sank Its talons into Tony's coat. Fortu
nately tbe ooat was made of heavy leather
otherwise be would have been seriously
injured. After sn exciting battle, which
lasted for several minutes, Tony put the
feathered monster to flight, using aa a
weapon tbe iron handle of a track Jack,
which was tbe only weapon available.
The man's ooat was torn to ribbons. The
big bird had been hovering about the
fore-Is st West Hickory seversl days,
snd, after devouring alt tbe rabbits,
pheasants and other amsll game within
the radius of lis esgle-eyed vision, was
still unsatisfied, aod waa driven to make
tbe attack through huuger.
G. T, Anderson, Tlonesta's up-to-date
jeweler, desires the pub'lo to know tbat
he has Just opened the tinext selection of
watches, clocks, silverware snd Jewelry
of every description, tbat has ever been
shown in Tlonesta, and la prepared to
furnish anything desirable in bis line,
His prices will be found 25 In 60 percent
lower than you would pay elsewhere for
strictly first class goods and alwaya
guaranteed aa represented. Repairing
watches, clocks snd Jewelry a specialty.
When in need don't rail to call on blm In
the Lawrence building, near tbe corner of
Elm and Bridge streets. Adv.
-Sheffield Observer: The White Star
Oil and Gaa Co., of Marienville drilled in
a gaa well tbe past week tbat is good for
more than half a million feel of gas per
day, and will be drilled In the third sand,
in which gas In paying quantities baa
been found in other wells on tbe'lesse.
W. T. Hart, of tbis place, with Judge A ul
snd David Miutz, of Marienville, own
this lease and have an excellent property.
A Showers sud W T. Hart baye Bold
their oil lease at Blue Jay, known a tbe
Showers lease, to Warren parlies, and we
understand $10,000 was tbe purchase
price. Only a part of tbia lease has beeu
Common carriera In Pennsylvania
may issue to employes, officers and those
dependent on them pa'ses as has always
been tbe case. In tbe recently enacted
public utility law there is nothing that
can be continued against Ihe "family
pass." Tbis was the verdict laxl week of
the Public Service Commission which
to weeks ago held a bearing on the sub
ject. Tbis decision will no doubt cause
Ihe Pennsylvania railroad to rescind its
order abolishing pusses. Such an order,
it Is estimated, will affect 250.000 in this
state. Tbe commlsaion decided also tbat
iu no part of the law can it be construed
that street railways cannot carry firemen
and policemen free of charge while on
duty. No decision waa made on tbe ap
peal foi reduced rates for clergymen.
The most unique damage suit ever
begun in Venango county was instituted
last week at Franklin when the attorneys
of Alfred Severina, formerly tbe leader of
an Italian band ai Franklin, began an ac
tion to recover 2 000 from Paul Hepler,
proprietor of the Commercial hotel in that
city. The plaintiff alleiiea In bis state
ment of claim ibat In December of last
yesr he was solicited to drink what waa
supposed to be wbiaky alleged In bave
been purchased of an employe of the de
fendant by one Ulrardo de Fonso; tbat he
drank a small portion of tbe liquor con
tained in Ihe bottle; that it contained a
certain noxinns, poisonous, causto liquor,
not wbisky and tbat bis throat and
stomach were burned; that be suffered
great pain and tbat be bel loves be will be
permanently injured and unable to work.
G. G. Gaston, Tlonesta's new post
master, assumed the duties ofbia appoint
ment on Monday, wben the retiring in
cumbent turned over all tbe government
property to Ills successor. After lour
yeara of faithful work In a very trying
position Mr. Jamieson retiree with tbe
good opinion ol all the patrons of the
office, having during that time fully sus
tained bis reputation for kindness snd
courtesy under many annoyances. We
feel sale in predicting that Mr. Gaston
will be tbe same sort of official through
out his term, and will step down and out
(when tbe next Republican la appointed)
with the same good opinlou of the public
hicb be has faithfully served. Mr. Gas
ton retains Miss Belle Jamieson aa his
clerk, which action gives very general
Special meetings In both the M. E
and Presbyterian churches aie continu
ing throughout this week, aud are being
well attended. Both ministers sre giving
tbeir congregations the best that is in
them in tbe way of excellent sermons,
snd while they bsve been well sustained
in tbe matter of attendance, Ibey nodoubt
feel that ihere is room for still greater
zeal in this direction. So why not arrange
your sffairs to attend yourself, II you
have not beeo, and take a friend with
you. And this, by-ibe-way, reminds us
that Rev. Mr. Bailey anoounoed that next
Sundav would be a rally day for church
attendance aud tbat be hoped everybody
who was able would attend some one of
tbe churches in tbe town. His appeal
was of course more particularly to those
who are uot regular in tbeir Bllaodaiice
and to those who scarcely ever go. Is
there any reason why tbis a ppeal should
not touch youT Think It over, and then
make it a poiut to mine out.
Elizabeth (Daley) Rynd, wife or Pat
rick Rynd, died suddenly at the home of
ber daughter at Kane, Sunday morning,
8ib Inst , of besrl failure. She bad been
ill for about three weeks aud had gone to
ber daughter's home to visit aud rest,
Tbe deceased was born in County Main,
Irelaud, about 64 yeara ago and came to
this country when a young girl with ber
parents, who located first in Plttsburir,
where she was united In msrriage with
Mr. Rynd. About 32 years ago they
moved toGmlnza, Forest county, where
they bave since continued to reside, oc
cupying a lartn. Lett to mourn the loss
ol a loving wile and mother are tbe hus
band, one daughter and tbree sons, as
follow: Mra. James 8. Zigsl of Kane,
Robert and Joseph Rynd of West Vlr
ginls, and John, employed iu the oil
fields of Texas. Mra. Rynd was a laitb
ful member of the Catholic church, aud
ber funeral and burial will tie st Crown,
Clarion county, tomorrow or next day,
depending on when ber children can
reach home.
Retail Prices at Lanson Bros.' Mills.
Pure Mixed Graiu f 1 75 cwt
Pure Home Ground Corn snd
aud Oils i bop.. i 45 cwt
Pure Home Ground Corn Meal...f 1 411 cwt
Wheal Middlings $1 05 cwt
Winter Bran $1 fill cwt
Old Process Oil Meal 1 Ho cwt
Buckwheat Midillinxe.. fl (in cwt
Oyster Shells aud Mica Grit IK) cwt
Shelled Corn 75 bu
White Oats M bu
Rest Timothy Seed $1.75 tiu
Best Clover Seed, Mfdiuiu and
Mammoib $11 00 bu
Pure Spring Wheat Klour, Suc
cess (1 60 sk
Pure Spring W heal Klour, Occi
dent $1 50 sk
Golden Blend Wheal Klour $1 30 sk
Pure Buckwheat Klour $1 00 cwt
Baled Hay $18 00 ton
Haled Straw $13 ( 0 tou
Pittsburgh Lump Coal $-1 75 ton
Best Blacksmith Coal Id 50 ton
Phosphate from $13 00 to $10 00 ton
White Agricultural Luue $7 5li ton
Best Biitlalo Paragon Wall
Planter $10.00 ton
Blatchford'a Call Meal, 2otb tk ...$! 00 sk
Good Amber Gas KiikIiih oil 25 khI
Best Crescent Portland Cement. ..$1 70 bbi
ady Lanb N bitos.
J. E leech drove over fr un Marien
ville Friday on a business trip.
Charles Metz was up from Eagle Rock
between traina Saturday alternoon.
Ex Congressman P. M. Speer, of Oil
City, was visltoig Tiooeeta friends last
A daughter waa born Feb. 2, 1014,
to Mr. and Mra. DeWitt Zabuiser, at
Bolivar, Pa.
Burn, to Mr. and Mra. Samuel Wil
son, of Stewart Run, President township,
Feb. 6tb, 19.4, a son.
Misa Jessie M. Wells, of Salamanca,
N. Y., waa tbe guest of Mrs. U. T. An
derson last Thursday.
James B. Hagerty and Cha-les Kill
mer went to Tulsa, Oklahoma, last week
to work In tbe oil field.
Mra. Frank A. Wheeler of Mercer,
Pa., la visiting ber sister, the Misses
Siggins, at West Hickory.
Jamea T. Brennan is sble to be nut
and attend to busine-is after a week's ill
ness st home. Warren Times.
Miss Sarah Carringer, of Rimers
burg, Pa, ia here for a visit with ber
mother, Mrs Mary A. Carringer.
-Mr. and Mrs. Guy Millard, of En
deavor, are visiting their daughter, Mra.
L. E. Stelnecker. Frankllu Newa.
Mrs. G. T. Anderson aud daughter,
Maude Elizabeth, spent last Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry CanUeld, of
West Hicaory.
Landlord Young of the Marten Hotel,
Marienville, and bis assistant, Dick
Wolfe, were transacting business at tbe
county seat Friday.
-J. C. McKeuzie, of Newmansville,
who has been at Kouevllle for a num
ber of weeks, was called home Monday
by the Illness of bis wife.
Mrs. Lyman Conk, of Nebraska, waa
a guest of Mia G. F. Watson a few days
during tbe past week and attended tbe
meetings in lbs M. E. church.
At a meeting of the Tlonesta town
ship school board last Saturday Arthur
Carson was elected as a teacher to com
plete tbe term at tbe Pigeon Hill school.
Mra. Ella Wilson, of Kellettville, was
In Kane yesterday looking for a business
location While here she was tbeuuest of
Mrs. Bernlce Sbimmell.-Kane Republi
can, 4tb.
Mrs. Fred. 8 locum and daughter
Josephine came down from Erie Monday
evening nd will spend a wees or ten
days with the former's mother, Mrs. G
Edgar Corah, superintendent of tbe
Cornplaiiter refining company at Warren,
and former Tlonesta boy, is ooufioed to
bis borne on Jack-on Avenue wilb an ab
soasaoo tbe back ofbia nick.
-Io view of tbe fact tbat Prof. Gill la
furnishing bla bungalow at Hickory lb -tureen
club, which met at Mrs. W. W.
Kemble'a Tuesday nlgbt, tendered tbe
Prolessor a "shower." Aa to specific de
tails we think Dr. Humphrey can partic
ularize. Tidioute Newa.
Charles Fuellhart, one of Tidinute's
prominent snd highly esteemed citizens
psid Tionesia a visit Tbursdsy, and the
Kkppdlican la indebted to blm for a
call, Mr. Fuellhart is full ol reminiscence
of the early daya of tbis aeclion, and an
hour spent with him Is sure a pleasure
and satisfaction.
Mra. F. K. Brown, of Clarion, who
has been suffering for some time from
appendicitis, went to Pittsburg last week
aud underwent an operation for tbe
tro ble on Thursday. The most en
couraging reporls have been received and
ber speedy recovery ia fully anticipated.
Claiion Democrat.
R. J. Thompson, treasurer of tbe
Ridgway Dynamo fe Engine Co., ia able
to bo out n tbe street again today, after
an lllnesa tbat con lined blm lo bis borne
for almost a moutb past. He is still weak,
but Improving nicely now and hopes
soon to be bio self again, Ridgway Ad
vocate. Mr. Thompson was a former
resident of Tlonesta.
S. J. Grove, who submitted to the
amputation ol tbe second finger of bis
right baud at the Oil City boa, ital last
week, Is getting along quite wtll and bta
pbysican. Dr. biggins, thinks be will be
able io come borne tbe last of the week.
Some weeka ago Mr. Grove cut his finger
and the injury developed into a bad case
of blood poison, from which he has Buf
fered great agony since.
John Coon, of Barnett township,
Forest county, was among our callers
Tueeday. M r. Coou is closely approach
iug bia 74lh birthday anniversary but is
as active as a youngster. He has lived in
Barnett townsnlp, Jeffersou county,
where be waa born, aud Barnett lowu
ship, Forest county, wbere be now live-,
all his life, except tbe period in which he
was carrying a musket fur Uncle Sam,
under Capt. Wise. That be has seeu
some wonderful changes in the territory
wbere be now lives goes without ssyiug.
He well recalls a panther trailing Ills
lather home, and the ii junctions laid up
on the children of bis day not lo stray be
yond tbe clearings for tear i f tbe wild
beauts ol the woods.-Brook vllle Repub
lican. Thirty Head of Horses For Sale And
The best lot of horses ever brought to
Brookvllle, for uIk sale beginning Mon
day, February 10th, and for two weeka
only. Fancy matched teams and brood
mares. All stock guaranteed as repre
sented. Come quick and get your choice
at Edelblute Barn, Brookvllle, Pa.
adv Gkant Shutkr
Colds and Croup in Children.
Many people rely upon Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Implicitly In csxes of
colds and croup, and it never disappoints
them. Mrs. E. H. Thomas, Logansport,
Ind., writes: "I have found Chamber
Isin'a CoukIi Remedy to be the best
medicine for colds and croup I bave ever
used, and never tire of recommending It
to my neighbors and friends. I bave al
ways given It In my children when suf
lerlng from croup, and has never failed to
give them prompt relief." For sale by
all dealera. adv.
sured by using Pratts Poultry Regulator.
It strengtbena breeding stock, Increases
fertility, resulting In bigger hstches snd
Insures strong healthy chicks. Sold on
money back guarantee by first class
dealers everywhere. adv
An infsnt daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Leflrdled Saturday and was bur
ied in the Whig HIM cemetery.
Mrs. Lewis Bainea was a visi'or in
town Monday.
A baby girl arrived at tbe home of Mr.
and .Mra. Verne Albauub last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parker returned
Tuesday from a few days' visit with tbe
laiter'a parents in Brookville.
Mrs. Snyder of Vnwinckel is the guest
of ber daughter, Mra. Wade Simpson,
this week,
H, A. Dotterrerof Mnzette waa a busi
ness visitor in town Wednesday.
Mrs. Ella Wilson left Monday for
Sheffield, where she has accepted a posi
tion as clerk in Smith's store. Ruth will
be st borne wltb Mr. snd Mrs. F. V.
Uendrickson until school closes here.
Mrs. H. E. Murphy came down from
Ridgway Saturday for a short visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mis. G. R. Johnson.
Mr. snd Mrs. O. L. Johnson of Shef
field were also guests of Mr, J bnsou's
family over Sunday.
Ralph Daubenspeck has been confined
to the bouse with a sore throat for the
past week.
Leonard Barnes, who ia suffering with
cancer, had a bad week but is somewhat
Chas. Mini in moved his family Into
tbe bouse vacated by Howard- Watson
last week aud John Wilson will move
into tbe one be vacates. Howard has
stored bla g' ods and will occupy fur
nished rooms in Warreu, where he is
working at present and will remain until
tbe mill starla up here again,
Mrs. W. A. Kincb returned borne from
Corry, Wednesday.
Miss Olive Wolfe entertained tbe fol
lowing named ladies, members of the
Gleaners Class, at a tureen parly Friday
evening: The Misses Blaucbe Uendrlcke,
Julia Lohmeyer, Vivian Dingle, Kdl'b
Gayley, Nellie Delar, Lorelta Dunkle,
Constance Copeland and Mra. R. W.
Whitebill. Tbe evening was spent in
fancy work but we are inclined to think
from tbe well filled tureens which were
taken, snd the report, tbat all had a
pleasant time; that some other members
of tbe body worked perhaps more than
tbe fingers. Of course tbe girls will never
tell. I bey were entertained at the home
of Miss Wolfe's sister, Mrs, John Silzle.
Mrs, M. F. Catlln of Minister waa a
bulnes visitor in town on Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Tohey returned Irom her
vl-it in Sheffield tbe first of tbe week.
She found ber daughter, Mrs. Charles
Pope, improved enough to be about the
Mrs. Win, Watson Is suffering witb an
attack of the grippe. Her sister, Miss
Emma Rudolph, spent tbe week witb
Ruth Hulett was up from Ross run
and spent Sunday with ber brotber's
Wade Simpson has ordered a hand
some two paisenger car which h expects
In a few weeka.
The W. C. T. U. held a very Interesting
meeting at tbe home of Mrs. F. J. Hen
derson, Wednesday alternoon. Eight
new members were voted in and consid
erable other business was transacted,
after which the subject of Y. P. B. work
wss discussed. Tbe next meeting will
be a mother's meeting at the borne of
Mrs. Ida Klinestiver on Feb. 18th. A
good attendance Is expected.
Mrs. Jer.ule Philips of Tylersburg
came to town Monday to take charge of
tbe home of Harry Shaw.
Rev. G. 8. Bran failed to meet his
oonitregatlnn at Ihe F. M. church Sunday
afternoon and the hour was spent in
prayer and testimony service.
F. E Harkleasbns the agency for the
Victor Victrola and has one of tbe instru
ments on exhibition In thedrun store.
Isaso Siirgins, the bustlina meat man at
tbe Salmon Creek store, went to Hickory
Saturday to assist bis family in preparing
to move to town, where they have a new
house just completed. They expect to
move over Ibis week.
Lewis Jenson, who has purchased tbe
Weller farm and expects to move on it
in the spring, has gathered up twent-
five cal ves aud will raise them for beef
cattle in the fall.
Mrs. H. E. Gillespie bss just delivered
a large order of aluminum ware arliclea
1. 1 town. This makes the second large
nrder she ha- received Ibis winter.
There bss been considerable blowing
done in Kellettville during the last lew
Farmers' Institute Program.
Further' loatitu es for Forest county
will beheld in Marienville, Feb 18tb and
19 h, and in tbe Court House. Tlonesta,
Friday snd Saturday, Hen 20tb and 2Nt,
1914 Farmers and all others interested
are cordially Invited and urged to attend
all the sessions. Following is the pro
gram ol the Tionesia institute:
General Farming Session.-1:45, Pray
er, Rev B K. Fell; Address of Welcome,
Dr. F. J Bovard; Response, R. P Kester;
Selecting, Feeding and Raising the Calf
to Build Un the Dairy Herd, Dr. M. E.
Consrd; Soli Moisture-Its Necessity aud
Control, R. P. Kester; Starting tbe Or
chard, F. H Fasett; Question Box,
Educational Session. 7:45, Music;
Question Box; Cow Stable Construction
Nnniiary and Comfortable, Dr. M. E.
Conard; What Should We Teach, Pof
J. O. Carann; Nome Orchard Insects anil
Their Control, F II Kassett; Education
Ihe Old and the New, Prof. W. N. Straw
brnlue; The Education We Need, R. P.
Geneial Farming Session. 0:30, C in
paratlve and Characteristics of the Itnlry
Herd, Dr. M E. Conard; The Economi
cal Use of Lime, Manure and Fertilizers,
It P. Kester; Care and Management of
the Orchard, F. II Kassett; Qtiest'on Box
1:45, Selecting and Breeding Horses for
Farm and Market, Dr. M. E. Conatd;
Handling and Marketing Apples, F. H.
Ka-sell; Can Alfalfa Be Successfully
Raised in Forest County - Some Practical
Exuerieiicea, Kred. Weingard: A Gra-s
Sod - Its Necessity and How to Produce
It, R. P. Kesier.
Ladies' Session. -7:45. Music; Question
Box; Mrawberries, K. H. Kas-eti; Medi
cal Inspection of Schools and the New
Sanitary Rules, Dr. K. J. Bovard; Essay
The Great Importance of Proper Train
ing of the Boys and Girls for tbe Future
Welfare ol our Hoiiin, Mrs William
Killmer of the IV C. T U i H In
lluence. Rev. H A Halle ; Some Fun
damentals of a Country Home, R. P.
Closing Out
on China.
and reducing stock of
Framed Pictures,
y2 off.
60c books at 40c.
' 25c books at 20c.
All boxed and Fancy Books
and Bibles at
X off.
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
Our Inventory
Unearthed entirely too
and the same with
Those stocks must be re
duced. The only way we
know is to
Cut the Price.
And that is what we are
going to do. Before you buy
your next Shoes or new Un
derwear see what we will of
fer you. It will pay.
L. J, Hopkins
f .tia-Hv'
Make Your Horse Comfortable
With some pood Uiankets. We have them and the
quality and prices will be found right.
Evening Clothes
That Are Hard To Advertise.
The reason that this advertisement does not carry an
illustration is because Adler-Rochester Evening Clothes are
unlike any others. Pictures particularly newspaper pic
tures fail to do them justice.
Neither does the success of these famous clothes lie in
what is claimed for them. It
when worn the aristocratic
appearance of
Adler-Rochester Evening Clothes.
There are strong truths to be told about these about
the way they are made, the rare quality of material, the
scientific methods of obtaining fit, etc., truths that without
investigation would be utterly unappreciated.
Evening Clothes are either right or ridiculous.
Dress Suits are priced at $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00
full silk lined in all cases.
Better Late
Than Never
But better never late. On time is best
of ail. An on-time Watch will set a good
example in punctuality. An on-time
Watch is a necessity in these days when
everything runs on schedule. One of
our Elgin Watches will help you to con
nect. The G. M. Wheeler is a good
moderate priced Elgin watch for men
17 jewels adjusted, $50, in solid gold
cases; $30 in filled cases.
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa.
We take special care to re
duce prices on
Desirable Shoes,
Shoes which will be seasona
ble for the next three months,
and when you take in con
sideration the reliability and
seasonability of these Shoes
these prices should forcibly
$7.00 Shoes now $6.60
$6.00 Shoes now $4.96
$6.00 Shoes now $3.96
$1.00 Shoes now $2.95
$3 CO Shoes now $2.36
$2.60 Shoes now $1.96
$2.00 Shoes now $1.60
$1.50 Shoes now $1.20
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Oil, I I V.
I A,
Will be found in your
home if you invest in one
of these
For gas, coal or wood.
Changes can be made in
a few minutes and with
very little trouble. And
the savinir in your fuel
bills will look good to you
when the bills come 'round
each month. While you
are abut it why not stock
up with a few new kitch
en utensils We can sup
ply them also.
is in their actual appearance
air they carry the faultless