! The - Distinctive Garment Store Shirts nude to order $3.00 and , ...upward. Suits made to order $10.00 and , .- upward. Centre Strtet tt "Winter Apparel At Half Or Less. All Women's and Misses' Coats yi Price All Fur Sets and Separate Pieces yi Price. Fur Coats With Few Exceptions yi Price. And 2 Special Groups of Tailored Suits Are Less Than :yi Price. All Others Are x. 4- tki HO grouP f plam tailored suits formerly i-lLl vJiUU up to $15 and $20. Fine all-wool serges and worsteds, in black, navy, and brown. A a. (Diri ff A group of plain tailored and lancy l Hlll-Fl suits, formerly up, to $40-00. Such materials as broadcloth, Bedlord cord, matelasse, diagonals, etc.; in navy, brown, black, taupe, and other fashionable colors. Spring Millinery For Immediate 'Wear A collection of early season styles shat .has never been equalled at this time of the year in this" vicinity. Gage trimmed hats, ready to put on and wear most be coming shapes and styles, handsomely trimmed; untrimmed spring hats in all the best shapes. We invite you to view these harbingers of the spring styles. Revised Prices On Whittall Rugs. From the New Price List Beginning Feb. 1, 1914. Whittall Anglo Persian Rugs, 9x12 feet $60.00 Whittall Anglo Indian Rugs, 9x12 feet . $50.00 Whittall Royal Worcester Rugs, 9x12 feet $45.00 Whittall Teprac Wilton Rus,9xl2 feet ;.$39.50 Whittall Clidema Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet :$32.75 Whittall Peerless Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet $29.50 The above prices are for 9x12 feet, sizes only. Other sizes at regular prices. A LACK OF AMMUNITION has been the downfall of many a fine army. The lack of a little capital may some day mean to you the loss of an opportunity to become financially independent. You can obtain that capital only by cultivating the Habit of Saving. We Pay You Four Per Cent. Interest. Oil City Trust Company Oil City, Pa. j Monterey County, California, ! t Needs Farmers ; : Notwithstanding the fact that Monterey County, California, produces $6,000,000 worth of potatoes, sugar beets, apples, livestock and . barley every year, there is a lot of land that is waiting the settler and fanner. I I You should learn more about this splendid coast county. We have is- sued a booklet describing the county, which we will send along with a map of California, and a sample copy of SUNSET MAGAZINE, the monthly X guide of the homeseeker and settler, if you will send us ten cents in stamps j to help defray the cost of mailing. SLSI7T JIACJAZIXi: SERVICE II lit FAT, Nan Francisco, California. Palestine's Water Bottles. Of nil t lie qiiL'i'r sights to be xucu In the (indent city of Hebron. I'ulestlne, mine Is more Interesting than the "wit ter milkers" market." where the gi.nt kin water bottles nre uiiirte and sold I iy the thousand yearly. Lying upon the (.-round In rows may he seen be tween two hundred and three hundred piMtskins awaiting purchasers. Each skin Is Inflated, either with wnter or air. so that the buyer may know It Is perfectly water tight. The majority of the skins used come from Arabia, while a lurge number are received from the Ibanons. They are brought to Ileliion by the camel caravans und are purchased by the tanneries and turned Into bottles. They pass through many processes, and n tanner will spend a week upon u Rlngle skin before It i:: tendered water tight and service able. From Hebron these odd bot tles are sent to nil parts of the east, thousands going down Into Egypt and the Sudan every year. Argonaut Courtier and Poet. I .on Is XIV., having shown Bollenu Bomo verses of his own composition, demanded his candid opinion about them. "Sire." answered the poet, "your maj esty wished to write poor lines and you did It so well that you proved that nothing is impossible to your majesty!" Elm, Oil City, Pt. : ! Got News From Horns. There nr! eighteen consulates In New York, representing that number of Central and South American countries where Spanish is spoken. This does not include Spain. The "coinpntriote" In "hard luck" with a little knowledge of the geography of those countries can operate among all of them, in each con sulate representing himself a native of the country to whose representative he applies for aid. One of these beggars, u negro, unfolded u sad tnle to a con sul general. The otllclal asked the vis itor from what part of his own coun try he came. The negro was not well posted on his geography, for he men tinned the name of the capital and added that he had sailed from there for this country. The capital happens to be "OMK feet up In the mountains. The consul general smiled, then gave the mendicant u (juurter. saying: "That is for the valuable information that our country has iidvanced to the stage where they sail ocean vessels from the mountain tops, it has been a long time since I was borne, und 1 really dldu't know It." New York Tribuue. Hard Luck. Mrs )ash -Mother says thnt she wants to he cremated. Iash .Inst my luck! I haven't a match with me. Smart Set A Remarkable Corset. it It is a matter of pride with us that there is always in our offerings something of added value or extra attraction that makes them uncommon. . In fact, you have become accustomed to ex pect this. But occasionally there come times when we find ourselves in a position to make offers that' are so unusual, or of such importance to our patrons, that we feel special attention should be called to them and we take this means of making a special announcement of the "GOSSARD" FRONT-LACE CORSETS. This corset is so unusual in value, workman- t ship and "figure improving" qualities that it in stantly recommends itself to every woman with whom fine corseting is a matter of concern. We have the exclusive agency for Franklin, X Tionesta, Oil City and Polk. An expert corsetiere in attendance. i The Distinctive Henry J. t 111 CENTRE ST., Duke and Duchess Rescued From Stranded Yacht THE MANCHESTERS. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Vander bilt, the Duke and Duchess of Man chester and Lord Falconer were res cued from Vanderbllt's steam yacht Warrior, which had beeu pounding for hours on the rocks at Cape Aguatla, near Savanilla, on the coast of Co lombia. FEAR IS KILLING HER Miss Brown Has Hydrophobia Never Bitten or Scratched. Miss Ellen Brown, twenty years old, of Bethayres, a suburb of Philadel phia, Is dying of hydrophobia In spite of the fact that Bhe never has been bitten or scratched by a cat or a dog or any other animal and the only ex planation of the strange case is that given In her own words: "I have always had an innate fear of dogs," she said. Milwaukee Top Heavy With Labor. As a result of reports published in the east, which declared there was a scarcity of labor In Milwaukee, labor ers are rushing there until there are already 260 men to every 100 Jobs. This was the statement of H. J. Beckerle, superintendent of the Mil waukee brant h of the state free em ployment bureau. Carters in Divorce Court. Suit for divorce has been filed In Philadelphia by Mrs. Lucille Polk Carter, with whom she was saved from the sinking Titanic in April, 1912. The grounds were not revealed and the papers were at once Impounded. Unsociable. On be Smith Is mi unsociable cuss, Isn't he? Steve Should sny so. Why, Unit liny wouldn't even talk In his sleep. Clnclnmitl Kntpiirer. Very True. Do not talk about yourself In com pnny. It rnn lie done so much more satisfactorily after you huve left Llppincott'a. Garment Store McCarty, OIL CITY, PA.. MARKET QUOTATIONS Pittsburg, Feb. 3. Cattle Choice, $8.60 8.90; prime, $8.30fn8.60; good, $88.25; common, $6.507; heifers, $5.608; common to good fat bulla, $4.50 7; common to good fat cows, 3.f07; fresh cows and springers, $50fg85. Sheen and Uimbs Prime wethers, $5.756; , good mixed. $5.405.75; fair mixed. $4.75ffi 5.25: culls and com mon, $3(fi3.50; lambs, $5.608; veal calves, $11 ifill.50; heavy and thin calves, $7ffi8. Hogs Prime heavy, heavy mixed, mediums, heavy and light Yorkers; $8.95 iff 9; pigs, $8.75fi 8.80; roughs, $S 8.15; stags, $7 (ft 7.25. Cleveland, Feb. 3. Cattle Choice lat steers, $7.75.'fi 8.25; good to , choice. $7.25(5 7.75; choice heifers, $6.75(g7.50; milchers and 'printers. $60(ft80. Hogs Yorkers,. $8.80; mixed, $8.75 (R8.S0; heavies. $S.70fi S.75; pigs and lights, $8.50; stags, $6.757. Sheep Mixed. $5.25(5.50; bucks, $3.50 (it 4.50; culls. $3(S4. Calves Good to choice, $11.25ip 11.50; heavy and common, $6(5 9.50. Chicago, Feb. 3. Hogs Receipts, 37,000. . Bulk of sales, 8.30fi8.60: light, $8.358.62'i ; mixed, $8.35(Ti8.67V4: heavy. $8.30 8.67 u,; rough, $8.30(8.35; . pigs, $6.75 8.30. Cattle Receipts. 22.000. Beeves, $6.90 9.50; -Texas steers, $6.90(5 8; stockers and feeders, $5.40 8; cows and heifers, $3.60 8.50; calves, $7.50 10.50. Sheep Receipts, 38,000. Native, $4.70 ,rtT 5.85 ; yearlings, $3.70(56.90; Iambs, native, $6.757.85. . Wheat May, 93. Corn May, 66. Oats May, 39 . East Buffalo, Feb. 3. Cattle Receipts, 3,500. Prime steers, $3.85(59.10: shipping, $8(5 8.73; butchers, $7(5 8.50; heifers. $6(5 f; cows, $3.75 7.25; bulls, $5.257.3F; stockers and feeders, $3.50 ifl 7; stock heifers, $5.?fi6.75; fresh cows and springers, $35 90. Hogs Receipts, 12,000. Heavy mixed, Yorxers and pigs, $99.05; roughs, $8 8.15; stags, $6 7; dairies, $8.90 9.05. Sheep Receipts, 11,400. Lambs, $5.50 8.25; yearlings, $57 wethers, sSTrs- pwos, $3 6.50; sheep, mixed, $5.50 5.75. Militant Margaret. Militant minded women were known In England before the suffragettes, one of whoui lies In Henry VII.'s clinpol Mnrpirct. countess of Richmond. Its builder's mother, with her brass effigy by Torriglnno. She hated the Turk, and she made, as Camden reports, a sporting offer to the chivalrous of her day. "On the condition that princes of Christendom would combine them selves nnd march against the common enemy, the Turk, she would most will ingly attend them and be their laun dress In tho camp." That position of laundress to the crusaders would hnve been an easy one, for It was the fash Ion to niuke vows to change no un derclothing until the holy sepulcher was regnlned. Chicago News. Got en the Bear Side. "So you owe your success as a stock peculator to stoicism?" asked the In terviewer. "Yes." explained the broker. "When ever there was a declining market I made a practice to grin und bear it." Buffalo Express. To Compose Her. Editor What's the trouble out there? Ofllee Boy A lady out In the hall has hysterics. Editor Have ber escorted Into the composing room at ouce. Bos ton Transcript. A Movirg Picture of Spring. According to those in authority, the designers of men's clothes and hats have decreed An English Season The models worn by correctly dressed men will have a "Picca dilly" air. Of course American workmanship and a combination of Yan kee ability and good sense will be found in the garments carrying the T. A. P. label. The patterns and models now ready at this YOUR STORE are beautifully tailored and display original lines not to be found in the commonplace. Well-dressed careful men need no further tips. T. A. P. OU Citj, Pa. GOETHALS Will STICK Accepts the Governorship of Panama , Canal Zone. President Wilson sent the nomina tion of Colonel George W. Goethals to be governor of the Panama canal cone after April 1 to the senate. ... Secretary of War Garrison made public this exchange of cablegrams: "To Colonel George W. Goethals, Cule bra, Canal Zone, Jan. 27: "In connection with the president's Intention to appoint you gove;nor. may I assure him you do not desire to re tire from service so long as he feels your services are needed? Garrison." -"Culebra, Jan. 28, to Secretary of War: "Referring to your cable relative to governorship, will not retire so long as my services are needed. Goethals." As chairman of the Isthmian canal commission Colonel Goethals Is paid $15,000 a year. The Panama canal act fixes the salary of the governor at $10,000. Representative Britten of Illinois introduced a bill to amend the law to make the salary of the gover nor $15,000 so long as Colonel Goethals holds the office. AINEY TO OPPOSE PENROSE Congressman Announces Candidacy For Senator Palmer For Governor. Representative Alney of Pennsyl van la In Washington announced his candidacy for the regular Republican nomination for senator against Boles Penrose. Alney is from Montrose, Pa. He says generally that the place for Republicans to do their fighting Is within the party. He feels thnt "with the eyes of the nation lumed toward Pennsylvania the renomlna tlon of Senator Penrose affecting as It would every Republican state In the nation should not go unchal lenged." After , careful consideration Alney says be concluded to "throw down the gauntlet to this modern political Goliath and engage him in battle for the freedom and rehabilitation of the Republican party." Representative A. Mitchell Palmer of Stroudsburg. Pa., has decided he will be a candidate for governor of Pennsylvania on the Democratic ticket this fall and in a few days will make formal announcement. Say Detective Tried to Extort. George Howard, a private detective, was arrested in Pittsburg and bound over to court In the sum of $10,000, charged with attempting to extort $5.W)0 .from Mrs. E. M. Ferguson, a wealthy widow. Howard, the police allege, wrote two letters to Mrs. Fer guson, by whom he was once em ployed, In which he gave explicit In structions as to where the money was to be delivered by Mrs. Ferguson's maid. . Lad Shoots Himself. John Stresheeser, aged twelve, son of Andrew Stresheeser of Johnstown, Pa., ' accidentally shot himself while playing with a heavy revolver. His condition Is critical The Unexpected. Lnbotichere's gift of repartee Is illus trated In TUoiold's "Life of Henry La boucliere." "Labby." only six years old. had Just gone to a private school. Befora breakfast, the morning after his ar rival, the new boys were placed '.u a row and asked whether they had all washed their teeth. One by one they all answered In the affirmative, until the turn of Henry cnine. "No." he said firmly. "And prny why not?" wound up the master Indignantly, after n long lecture on the enormity of the crime of neglecting the cleanliness of tbe teeth. "Because I haven't got any," smiled Henry suddenly. Ami he showed bis toothless gums be was just changing his baby teeth to tbe discomfited moralist. The Discouraged Poet. "Everything seems to be going wrong!" sighed the poet. "I asked the maid at my lodgings this morning what had become of the paper that I'd left lying on my desk." " 'Ob. sir.' said she, '1 thought it was waste paper, and I threw tt In the waste paper bnsket' " 'No.' said I, 'it wasn't waste paper. I hadn't written anything on It yet.' " Youth's Companion. Baby Seals Fear the Wstar. It Is a curious- fact that the fur seal was once a .land animal. The baby seals are actually afraid of the water. They would drown if thrown Into It nnd have to leurn to swim by repeated efforts. When once they have been taught to swim, however, they soon forget to walk. A STILL GREATER Price Reductions in the Second Floor Garment Section. Astrachan Coats. $32.50 Black Astrachan Coat $18.50 (Ermine collar) $32.50 Black Astrachan Coat $17.50 (Grey plush collar) $47.50 Black Astrachan Coat $27.50 (Grey plush collar and lapel) Fur Coats. $75.00 Brown Marmot Coat $37.50 $100.00 Black Pony Coat $47.50 New Price On Forty Odd Coats Z $1 Coats worth up to SS in this lot I $2 Coats worth up to $10 in this lot . repeating sIiuIhuii, .UoUil as, is line balanced gun, without any objectionable humps or bunis; i.o holea on top for gas to blow out through, or water to get in; can't freeic up with rain, snow, or sleet; it's solid steel breech tnot a shell o wood) permits thoroughly symmetrical gun without sacrificing strength or safety; it is th. safest brmch-loading shotgun arer built. it is HunmerleM with Solid Steal Br.ech tinside as well as out) Solid Top-Sid. Ejection Matted Barrel (which costs $4.00 extra on other guns) Pres. Button Cartridge Releaa. (to remove loaded cartridges quickly from magazine without working through action) Double Extractors Take-Down F aature Trigger and Hammer Safety. Handles rapidly; guaranteed in shooting ability; price standard Grade "A" sun, $22.60. Send 3 stamps potage for big catalog describing No. 77, 77?s! f 1 A. n, C, P. T and Trap Special and all other Hf lOTtM firearm LO., fflarlu repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it nowl 42 Willow Street, New HaTon, Conn. If -Vi.-.s. a rifle, pi'tol or shotgun, you fhould have a copy of the Ideal Hand II you snuOl Book 110 pages of useful information for shooters. It tells all about powflers,( bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard rifle, pistol and shotgun ammunition; how to measure powders accurately; shows you how to cut your ammunition expense in half and do more and better shooting. This bonk is free to any shooter who will send three stamps postage to The Martin Firearms Co., 1 Willow St.. New Haven. Conn. Ttvk Vn(u. BSD 7Y Value vvorren s waists A particularly large and at tractive assortment of waists in, tbe most wanted styles and materials at prices that. mean the'.r quick disposal. An op portunity to secure handsome waists for -little money. . $2.00 Xet Waists, $1.00. . $4.00 CliifTon Waists, $2.00. $.").00 Mcssaline Waists, $350. $5.00 Silk Crepe Waists, $.175. $(i.00 Net Waists," $&75. $7 50 Chiffon .-.Waists", $3.50. all our fine furs reduced Positively the lowest prices we've ever quoted on furs of such absolute merit and beauty. AH sets, muffs, scarfs and coats at lowest prices. Boggs&Buhl. PITTSCU3SH, PA. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cure Colds, Croup and Whouping Cough. T.. A. P. Oil City, Ft. I S3 Coats worth uo to $16 in this lot $5 Coats worth up to $28 in this lot 12-Gauge Hammerless Pump" Guns - aimcariiig, beautifully- That $500 of Yours which is now earning you nothing, will return you $10 every six months if you buy one of our Certificates of Deposit. Interest begins as soon as issued, and checks are mailed every six months. Write for booklet C. D. Pittsburgh Bank for Savings TITTSBURGH, PA. Established In 1862 Prescription lens grinders for the eyes, plus Collegl ately trained and Inter nationally endorsed Behind the Guns. NO DROPS. RESULTS DEFINITE. Artificial Eyes in Ntock. Both 'Phones. IT DA VC TO ADVERTISE IN TUI3 FAPKK --Oil City, Pa.J