The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 04, 1914, Image 4

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    Have You Protection
xou oanunt afford to take your own
risk against loaa by fire. Remember that
we represent
And Will ha fflaui In nl I nn mi tiM
want fire iDnuraDce tlm. really p.otects.
"i uk a rara ana we ii ao toe rest.
We are airents in tbla oountv for the
ana can lurnisn security for County
offlolals, bank olUolals, elo.
c. n. A1E1 k w,
Levi A Co. Ad.
Ijunmers. Ad.
F K Lsnaon. Ad.
RoRita fc Ruht. Ad.
Tbe Print! Co. Ad.
The Klnter Co. Ad.
Hotel Weaver. Local.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
Smart 811 berberar. Ad.
Forest Co. Nat. Bank. Ad.
Tlonesta Twp. Auditor' Report.
Korent County. Audltora' Report.
Tbe Ulatlnotive Garment Hlore. Ad.
Oil market closed at $160.
Is your aubaoription paid?
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
64 Home blatiketa and robes at 8. 8.
Blfzworth'a, ady.
Wanted -To buy second-band ice
cbeat. Anyone having sucb a obest for
sale please, notify tbe Hotel Weaver
where It can be aoen. adv
Tbe Republican can furnish you
with tbe very latest In engraved calling
oarda or anything else in that line, at
reasonable prices. tf.
Or. M. W. Eaaton, Osteopath, of Oil
City, will vlait Tloneata every Wednes
day forenoon, at tbe Central Hotel, where
be may be consulted by all who need bis
aer vices. tf.
Oleomargarine always fresh, always
tbe same prioe and making new friends
each day, at 20o per pound In nine pound
lota, at tbe Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettville, Pa. adv
Two of Marlenvllle'a ladles Mrs. D.
W, Ralfsniderand Mrs. Rye Gilbert, were
operated upon at tbe Kane hospital for
appendicitis last week. Both were doing
well at last accounts.
O. C. Allen, Warren; Ned Arden
Flood. Tltusvllle, and Bryan H.Osborne,
Franklin, have been re-appolnted aa
trustees of tbe Slate hospital for tbe In
sane at North Warren by Gov. Tener.
That old "ounce of prevention" say
ing applies to Roup. PRATTS POUL
TRY REMEDY (Tableta or Powder) ia a
sure preventive and oure. Hold on mon
ey back guarantee by first class dealers
everywhere. adv
No mall will be delivered to patrons
of the postotHoe at Dubrlng, tbla county
alnoe the 1st lost., tbe offloe having been
discontinued at that time. Mall matter
Intended for Dubrlng will be sent to tbe
olUoe at Pigeon.
135 00 aod ap earned weekly selling
our High Quality Lakesbore Grown Nur
sery Stock. Rest grown in tbe U. 8.
Permanent position. Pay weekly. Outfit
free. Write today. Pennsylvania Nur
sery Co., Glrard, Pa. adv8tl-21
Those wbo pay tbe printer promptly
and sleep aoundly with clear consciences :
8. W. Fiisgerald, Uotteivllle, Pa.; A. C.
Urey, Sandy Lake, Pa.; Mra. Jennie
Brecht, Jas. Brecbt, Endeavor, Pa., (both
new): B. J. Reynolds, Deoorab, Iowa.
aured by using Pratta Poultry Regulator.
It strengthens breeding stock, inoreases
fertility, resulting in bigger batches and
insures atrong healthy cblcka. Sold on
money back guarantee by first class
dealers everywhere. adv
Don't forget tbe band benefit at the
Pastime theatre tonight. Tbe program
ia tbe largest ever given at tbe "Movies"
here, and you will miss a rare treat If you
don't go. Tbe performance will atart at
6:45 and continue till 11:15 o'clock. Re
member Ibe band gets the benefit of tbla
best show of the season,
The Ezpresa thinks it would be a
good stunt to book our old friend, J. W,
Baxter of Gil Toy le, for talk on cattle
raising at the farmers' institute to beheld
at Marleoville Ibis montb. From what
they tell us, Mr. Baxter baa the real ol
'em beat to frazzle in tbia industry, and
oould give a very Instructive talk on tbe
Tbe burning of a couple ol films at
the moving picture show Tbursdsy eve
ning uear tbe close of the performance
caused little stir among those wbo were
watching Ibe plcturea. Tbe flauita were
confined to tbe operating booth and were
subdued by a dash from oneoftbe cbeml
os I extinguishers before moat ot tbe audi
ence bad gone out.
Farmer W. II. Shaffer of tbe Proper
farm, German Hill lesds tbem all an far
as beard from In tbe line of big porkers
He butchered one last week that tippid
the scales at 540 pounds, two-year-old
raised by himself. There's 154 00 spot
cash in one critter, and it cornea ao easy
that It'a just like vetting money from
borne. Raise more bogs, ye yeomen.
Rev. W. F. Fleming of Tsrentum is
bere assisting Pastor Bailey In bis special
meetings at tbe Presbyterian cburcb, and
preached to good congregalioua both
Monday and Tuesday evenings. He is a
very pleasing spesker whom yru will
want to bear frequently and you bave the
most oordial Invitation to come out to all
the meetings, wbicb begin at 7:30 o'clock.
Mrs, Margaret Greeuawalt, widow of
tbe late Lewis Greenawalt, died at ber
borne at Marirnvllle Tuesdsy morning,
Jan. 27, 1914, aged 71 yeare. Four daugb
tera aod one son survive ber. Tbe family
formerly resided near Llcklngville. Tbe
deceased was a member of tbe Calbolic
cburcb and a woman universally re
spected In Ibe community where much of
ber life had been spent.
George Aye aud William Sbawl, over
Beers ol the poor of Maooor township,
Armstrong county, were bere Mouday to
meet our County Commissioners relative
to a man named Britt and bla la i ily to
whom the Commisslonera bad extended
outside relief, Britt is a coal miner and
bad recently moved with bis family of
six children to near Stewart Run, and
fallen ill, aud needed help to tide bim
over bis misfortune.
The Dutch supper served in the M
E. obnrcb by tbe Ladles' Aid Society di
rected by Mrs. R. L. Haalet, Mra. 8. M
Henry and Miae Ida Paup, was a success
In every particular. Tbe ladies In a very
clever manner aerved lunch to a large
orowd of people and at tbe same time
gathered Into tbe treasury of ibelr society
tbe neat sum of $73.37. We congratulate
tbe ladles upon their suoceaa.
A ooramittee of both tbe Presbyterian
and M. E. cbnrcbea has called upon the
buainesa bouses of tbe town and asked
tbem to close tbeir places of business at
7:30 In tbe evening, Saturday evening ex
cepted, during tbe time that tbe special
meetings are In progress, and most of
those who bave beeo interviewed bave
consented to Ibe arrangement, and It ia
likely that all will do likewise after hav
ing been waited upon by tbe committee.
Owing to tbe special meetings now In
progress at the M. E. church bere, a
slight change in the service schedule st
Nebraska becomes necessary, and next
Sabbath tbe hour for Sabbatb school will
ba 1:30 p. m., with preaching servlcea at
2:30. Preaching services In tbe Tlonesta
church will beat 11:00 Sunday morning.
For tbe balance ol tbia week and all of
next week gospel meetings will begin
eacb evening at 7:30 o'clock, Everybody
cordially weloomed.
Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Hepler last week
purcbaaid tbe Ligbtner reataurant in tbe
Kepler block, taking possession of tbe
same on Saturday nlgbt, and will no
doubt keep It op to Its i rev Ions reputa
tion lor good service and meala. Mr.
Christine Wert and Miss Bessie Hepler
bave moved tbeir bakery from tbe Clark
building to tbia restaurant, wbere tbey
will continue to serve tbe piiblio with
home baked goodi. Mr. aod Mra. Light,
ner bave moved to tbe rooms on tbe
second floor of tbe Lawrenoe block.
Tbe borough oounoil has been in
formed tbat Its application for elate aid In
tbe reconstruction of (he road from tbe
end of tbe pavement at South Elm street
to tbe Tlonesta creek bridge, bas been ap
proved by tbe State Highway department.
The distance la about 1100 feet, and it ia
tbe intention lo make tbe newly con
structed road at least 16 leet in width.
Whether it will be of brick or Improved
macadam ia not yet determined. Engi
neer Frame of Warren was bere tbe latter
part of last week making a preliminary
survey of the road, and It la the intention
of the Department to bave the work be
gin as soon as weather will permit.
John F. MoCormlrk, a prom'nent
resident snd business man ol Lock Ha
ven, Pa., died at nla borne in tbat city
8unday morning, Jan. 25lb, 1914, after
an Illness of nearly tbree years. He was
sged 62 yeara and Is survived by one son,
J. Kennedy, and one daughter, Emily.
Tbe funeral waa beld at the family home
Wednesday afternoon and waa conducted
by Rev. C. H. Williamson, pastor of
Great Island Presbyterian church. In
terment was made in Highland cemetery.
Mr. McCormick waa known here aa one
of tbe partnera In tbe lumbering firm of
Coleman, Harter A McCormick, wboown
and operate tbe plant at Johna run, two
milea up Tloneata creek Irom Tlonesta.
Out of respect to his memory all work at
the plant waa suspended during tbe after
noon of tbe dsy of the funeral.
Peter J. Kelser, a former Marienville
boy, where be learned bla trade as a bar
ber, waa instantly killed by a fall In
Pittsburg last week aa told by the Gazette
Times of tbe 27tb ultimo; "When Mr.
and Mra. Robert 8chnetter of 6119 Lytle
atreet returned to their borne at 10 o'clock
last night tbey found Peter J. Keiser, a
barber lying dead at tbe foot of a diubl of
stalra on tbe fiist floor. Keiser bad been
employed by Sohnetter but, it is aaid,
was discharged yesterday morning. It ia
aupposed be returned to Ibe bouse Isst
evening In get something be bad forgotten
wben be had left yeaterday morning and
fell down tbe atalra. Hia neck was
broken." He waa aged 41 years aud
married, having left Marleoville ten
years ag , where bla mother still resides,
aud where bia body waa taken for burial
Tbe customary January breakup
came just in time last week to "save tbe
day." It looked for a spell as though tbe
turn lo tbe weather to colder might post
pone tbe annual evept and It would bave
to be pulled off In February, but on
Wednesday tbe ice in the river began
crumbling, aud by evening It bad all
passed out leaving tbe river comparative
ly clear. Tbe continued melting of tbe
heavy body of snow and rapid rising of
tbe river osused some apprehension that
a flood of unusual magnitude waa immi
nent, and Ibe water did till the banks by
Saturday night, but oolder conditions
checked tbe rise and a dangeroua flood
was averted. Tbe roada throughout tbe
country are no longer pas-able witb
sleighs, and wagnna and other wheeled
vehiclea aieagsln brought Into requsition.
But we are promised more cold weather
and anow flurries tbia very week by tbe
weather sbarpa, aa well as hy the ground
hog, who could bave basked In tbe sun
shine all of Candlemasa day, Monday, II
be cared lo. So with six weeks more of
snug winter weatber Ibe best aa well aa
tbe worst of u abo'ild be satisfied.
The first passenger train to enter
Tlonesta over the Sheffield A Tlonesta
Railway waa brought down from Ne
braska last Saturday nlgbt when a special
excursion waa run to accommodate those
wbo desired to attend tbe concert given
by the (Islbrestb Brothera at the M. E.
oburcli. Tbe regular train was pressed
Into service after completing tbe daily
run from Sheffield and arrived here at 8
o'clock, coming as far as the Tlonesta
creek bridge. There were 73 passengers
on board wben it arrived bere. The trip
was made without incident and the train
left shortly after 10 o'clock for tbe return
trip. Conductor A. H. Hunter baa tbe
honor of bringing in tbe first train and
tbe other members of the crew were E.
8. Blauer, engineer, Walter Scott, fire
man, and Clevie Richarda, baggageman.
Fred. R. Klinestiver, tbe vice president
of tbe road, also csme along to see tbat
all waa running smoothly. Tbe passen
gers were met at tbe bridge by a tallybo
from tbe McCoy livery. It was planned
to meet tbe train witb tbe band on lis
arrival bere but tbe bowling blizzard
raging at tbat bour knocked out all Ibe
How to Prevent Bilious Attacks.
"Cominot events cast tbeir shadows be
fore." This Is especially true of bilious
attacka. Your appetite will fail, you will
feel dull and languid. If you are subject
to bilious attacka take three of Chamber
lain's Tableta as soou aa these symptoms
appear and tbe attack may be ward' d off.
tor sale ty an dealers. aav.
Mis Anna Anderson was home from
Polk. Pa., durloic the past week.
Mrs. Ilowe Lynns Is visiting friends
at ber old home in Butler, Pa.
Prntbnnotary S. R. Maxwell la visit
ing in Pittsburgh few daya Ibis week.
William R. Sboup haa been reap
pointed postmaster at Muzalle, this
- Harrison Blum came up from Oil
City Saturday and spent Sunday witb bis
Mrs. J. C. Dunn snd daughter Muriel
went to Oil City. Wednesday for a montb'a
visit with relatives and friends.
Former townsman A. 0. Urey, now
ofSandy Ike, Pa., waa shaking bauds
With Tlonesta friends Saturday.
Mrs. Anna Osgood went to Pitts
burgh Tuesday for a two weeks' visit
witb ber sister, Mrs. Katharine Sulllnger.
Mrs. W. C. lmel spent s few days lo
Corry last week, being called there by
tbeoritical Illness of ber brother, John
Mrs. R. W. Moon bss moved ber
household goods to the farm at Gulton
vllle, where abe will make her borne for
tbe future.
James and Nelson. Breuht of En
deavor were visitors in town Monday aud
gave tbe Republican office a pleasant
call while bere.
Miss Irene Mung wbo bas been visit
ing at Ibe borne of ber grandmother, Mrs.
Sarah Mong, for the past week, returned
lo her home at Oldtown Friday.
8. B. Snook, manager at Jobna run
for the lumber firm of Coleman, Harter
A McCormick, was In Lock Haven last
Wednesday to attend tbe funeral of John
F. McCormick.
Oscar L. Llndquist of Jamestown, N.
Y , and Miss Bessio Brown of Warren,
Pa., were united in marriage at tbe M. E.
parsonage, Tlonesta, Jan. 'IS', 1914, Rev.
H. L. Duulavy officiating.
Ralph Cook came home last week
from Lincoln vllle, Crawford county,
wbere for the past month be bad been
asslstiug in hauling a big stock of logs
to tbe mill of Lyman Cook A Sons,
Tbe marriage of George M. Nick las
of Marienville, and Miss Grace Leona
Cook of Clarlngton, Pa., was solemnized
at tbe R. C. parsonage, Crown, Pa., Feb,
2, 1914, by Rev. Father Joseph B. Keegan.
-Mra. J. W. Rodgera of Franklin, is
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mra, Henry
Sibble, On German Hill. Floyd Slbble
and Mra. Habn of Franklin, were also
guests at tbe Sibble borne a few daya
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Cnpelsnd of
Harmony twp. were welcome callers at
this office Monday afternoon. Tbey are
now occupying tbe old homestead wbere
tbe late Azro Copeland apent so many
years of bia lite.
-Misa Cora Kahle aod Mrs. S. A. Mc-
Kindree, ol Marienville visited tbeir
aister, Mra. Alvin Tbomas, bere tbe past
week, Mra. MuKlndreu left for borne
yesterday, while Misa Cora expects to
spend tbe rest of Ibe winter witb ber ais
ter here.
Mr. Cbas. Korb and daughter Esther,
J. G. and J. E. Mong, Miss Myrtle Mong,
of Red Brush; Mrs. James Mealy of Wal
nut Bend, Mra. W. M. .Uauel aud eon
Arthur of Kossuth, and G. E. Mong of
Toledo, Ohio, called on tbeir Auut, Mra,
Sarah Mong, on Friday evening.
Mrs. Henry Wolfe, of Tlonesta town
abip, wbo underwent a serious operation
in a Pittsburg hospital about four months
ago, came borne from Franklin yester
dsy, wbere she bad been visiting ber
daughter, Mra. Roy Mong, for two
weeks. Mra. Mong came as far aa Tlo
nesta witb ber mother.
Miss Florence Maxwell, wbo bas been
tbe teacher at the Pigeon bill school, Tlo
nesta township, bas beeo elected to fill a
vacancy In tbe schools at Natrona, Pa,
She went to Natrona Monday and took
up tbe dutlea of Ibe new position Tues
dsy morning, Arthur Carson, of the
township, will bave charge of the Pigeou
bill school, beginning today,
John H. MoPherson of Franklin waa
bere Friday and Saturday looking over
Ibe property and posting the advertising
matter for the I. N. Patters in bankrupt
aale, notice of wbicb is now running in
tbe Rkpfulioan oolumns. Thirty years
sgo Mr. MoP'ierson was a frequent visitor
in this community where be represented
the Findley insurance agency, aod be
found a lot of old friends bere wbo mutu
ally enfoyed the very pleasant visit.
R. G. Brownell of Wtlliaoisport was
a business viitor lo Tlonesta a few bours
Friday, meeting many old-time friends
during bis short stay, Roy ia another ol
our boya wbo bave made good In tbe
world, having risen by the aid of steady
habits and pluck to Ibe Ireasurershlp of
the Central Pennsylvania lumber com
pany, oneoftbe largest concerns of the
kind in tbe country.
Kidgway Democrat: Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Olofson, of West Hickory, speot sev
eral days tbe first of the week io town
witb relativesand friends. Miss Lillian
Johnson left Saturday for a visit witb
relativea and friends at Tilusville,
Youngsville and West Hickory. Mrs.
A. M. Say lor moved ber household goods
Monday from 225 Depot street to Ibe
Bardwell property at 139 Main atreet.
James Higbfield, a former resident
of Hickory township, arrived borne from
Boaton, Mass., last Wednesday and is
visiting bia pannta, Mr. and Mra. John
Higbfield, in Ibat township. Tbe young
man enlisted In tbe U. S. Marines in
Tlonesta, four yeara ago, and finished his
term ol service last July, after a varied
and Interesting experience. He bas re
cently taken unto bimselfa wife and she
accompanied bim on tbe trip home.
Miss Frances Brown, the daughter of
Mr. and Mra. Walter Brown, wbo under
went an operation for appendicitis at tbe
Punxsutawney hospital on Saturday, is
getting along nicely. Misa Brown suf
fered a'i attack of acute appendicilia late
Friday night and the operation waa per
formed Ibe following day, says the Spirit
of receut dale. Miss Brown is pleasautly
remembered by many Tlonesta young
people aa a visitor to ber aunt, Mra. A. C.
"The Best Laxative I Know Of."
"I bave sold Chamberlain's Tablets for
several years. People' wbo have used
them will take nothing else. I can rec
ommend them to my cuxloinera as tbe
heat laxative and cure lor constipation
that I know ol," writes Frank Strouse,
Fruitland, Iowa, For sale hy all dealers.
To Drill Several New Wells.
The annual meeting of tbe United Oil
and Gas Company, which is composed of
Warren and Jamestown capitalists, was
held last week In tbeir office In the War
ren National Bank Building. The board
of directors organized hy electing tbe
following olfl-ers: J, O. Lunn, president;
Ludwig Johnson, vice president; J, K.
Hultberg, treasurer, and Frsnk Kkey,
Tbe company haa 1,800 acres of land
under lease near Tlonesta, in Hickory
twp., npnn which they have 42 producing
wells. Dividends have been paid reg
ularly until a short lime ago when the
company decided lo use tbe surplus for
drilling new wells and the dividends will
accordingly be withheld for a time. It is
tbe Intenti-n of tbe company lo drill a
number of new wells, commencing as
esrly in Ibe spring ss conditions will per
mit, Tbe stockholders are much elated
over tbe showing made hy thn company
during tbe past year and believe the com
ing year will be even more prosperous.
January Oil Report.
Tbe monthly oil report for January
prepared by tbe Derrlok ahowa a grand
total of 2,249 wells completed In all fields,
with an initial production of 56.781 bar
rels. There w ere 379 dry holes and 150
gaa wells. Compared with Ibe December
report there waa a decrease of 224 In com
pletions and a decrease of 24,441 barrels
iu new production. There were 83 fewer
failurea and 47 lewer gas wells.
At the close of January the new work
consisted of 688 rms and 2.312 drilling
wells, a total of 3,000. This was a net
loss over the December report of 102.
During January 226 wells were com
pleted In tbe division composed of Alle
gheny, McKean, Potter, Warren, Elk,
Venango, Clarion, Forest, Mercer, Jef
ferson, Butler, Armstrong and Lawrence
counties. Tbe new production amounted
to 430 barrels Tbla was decline of 84
in completions and a loss of 126 barrels
In new production. Eighteen dry boles
and 15 gas wells figured in tbe comple.
lions. Eacb district showed a decrease
in completions and new production, the
decline being fairly proportionate among
all. Butler couuty Buffered tbe most in
Isilures, the number being 25 per cent, of
the total, without counting tbe gas wells,
Endeavor Y. P. S. C. E.
Tbe Christian Endeaver Society of tbe
Presbyterian church of Endeavor, Pa.,
recently observed the 33rd anniversary of
tbe founding of Ibe aociety by a special
service. Tbe first society waa organized
by Rev. F. E. Clark, D. D., In the Willis
Ion church, Portland, Me., Feb. 2, 1881.
In Ibe first society there were 60 mem
bers. Tbe number bas now grown to
3,000,000. The aocioty in Ibe Endeavor
Cburcb was organized March, 1896, with
17 members. It now consists of 64 active
members, of whom 11 are on the absent
list at present, 9 honorary, and 7 associate
members. Ot these all but 18 responded
to Ibeir names at the roll call. Letters
aud telegrama from all the absent and
former members were read, coming from
14 slates and countries.
Some remarkable facta In connection
witb Ibe society at Endeavor deserve lo
be recorded: Tbe orgaoizttion of Ibis
society preceded the organization of the
church, and gave the name to tbe church,
as well as to tbe town and post office, be
ing the first postolfloe io the United
Statea to be called Endeavor. Tbe aociety
bas never failed to bold Its regular weekly
meeting at the appointed time, and la still
a power fur good in the community ,
Sraokey Hill. '
Robert Mealy bad tbe misfortune to
lose one of bis team horses one day last
week nn the Kaglejob, at Pltbole.
Ed. Kagle ia putting on bold front
over a big boy Ibat arrived at bla house
Jan. 30.
Miss Altla Walter bas been in Oil City
for the past three weeks, where ahe ia
employed at Mr. and Mra. James
Thomas', where the stork brought an 8
pound b iy Monday, Jan. 26, 1914.
Edward Fox expects to move his family
to Eagle Rock Ibis week.
Will Wenlwortb la on tbe sick list.
Having ju-t recovered from an attack of
blood poison, be has now a bard attack of
Muriel Strickenherg ia on tbe alck list,
Andrew Mealy ia also on the sick list.
Our hill is bsvlng bard luck In tbe line of
Mr. and Mra. Robert Mealy attended
Ibe funeral of Mrs. Jnbn Mong last Fri
day at Ml. Zion cburcb.
MisaGeorgeda Eox la at Eagle Rock
visiting ber aister, Mra. Elmer Spsrks.
Mr. and Mra. Homer Brumbaugh bave
gone to Pbilipston to make their future
Fred. Msgee, while working at Little
Tlonesta, waa caught between two logs
and was seriously Injured. He ia under
the care of a physician.
Smokey Hill school has not been very
well attended on account of much sick
ness snd deep snow. Ethel Walter ia the
only one wbo bas attended every day,
Mra. John Harger was at Warren to at
tend tbe funeral of ber uncle, Wesley
Mra. J. B. Eden, Mra. C. D. Walleraml
daughter Bessie, and Mrs J. O. Harger
attend tbe funeral of tbe late R. W. Moon
at Tlonesta.
Mra. Charles Walter and son Forest,
called on Mrs. James Thomas of Tlonesta,
Retail Prices at Lanson Bros.' Mills.
Pure Mixed Grain f I 75 cwt
Pure Home Ground Corn and
and Oals Chop $1 45 cwt
Pure Home Ground Corn Meal...l 40 cwt
Wheat Middlings $1 U5 cat
Winter Bran l All cwt
Old Process Oil Meal l H."ct
Buckwheat Middlings fl tin cwt
Oyster Sheila and Mica Grit 0 owl
Shelled Corn 75 bu
White Oats fo bu
Best Timothy Seed $3,75 bu
Best Clover Seed, Medium and
Mammoth Ill 00 bu
Pure Spring Wheat Flour, Suc
cess 1 50 sk
Pure Spring Wbeat Flour, Occi
dent tl 50 sk
Golden Blend Wheat Flour ft 30 sk
Pure Buckwheat Flour i'i 00 cwt
Baled Hay $18 00 loti
Baled Straw 18 CO ton
Pittsburgh Lump Coal ; H 75 ton
Best Blacksmith Coal tl 50 tou
Phosphate from f 13 00 to f;jil 00 Ion
While Agricultural Lime $7. ill lou
Best Buffalo Paragou Wall
Plaster f 10.00 ton
Klalchford's Call Meal, 26th sk ...1 00 sk
Good Amber Gas Kngine oil 25 usl
Bust Cresceul Portland Cement. ..$1 70 bbl
ady LahbmN Bpob.
Mra. E. Wilson bas sold ber millinery
auppllea to Miss olive Wolfe and will
leave town In the near future. She baa
not made known yet wbere she Intends to
locate but was Influenced in ber decision
to sell by anxiety on account ol ber
daughter Rulh'a health. She ia suffering
witb a disease of tbe tbroat which tbe
heavy fogs of tbia locality bave a ten
dency lo aggravate, Our best wishes go
witb tbem for success and happiness in
the plsce they select to make their borne,
and we sincerely hope tbe change may
effect a radical cure in Ruth's cese. Olive
will bave, In connection witb tbe milli
nery rooms, a room devoted lo dressmak
ing, and Is prepared lo fashion the most
dainty gowna In tbe prevailing atyles,
and In season will be ready wben tbe
body is gracefully gowned, to furnish
just tbe lid lo fit, so you will do well
when in need of anything In tbia line to
call at the old aland.
Bertha Hpangler took her grandmother,
who had been her guest lor Ibe past two
months, over to Hickory Isst week. On
Thursday Bertha and ber father moved
their household goods to tbe home of tbe
latter's wife where they will make their
future borne. Roland Butler will move
lnt the house tbey vacate.
Tbe upper classes of tbe blgb school en-
Joyed a half bolllday Wednesday.
Prof. J. L. Simmons waa a Warren
visitor Wednesday and Thursday.
The Ice passed out of tbe creek very
quietly Tburadav , moving along without
any trouble. The warm wlnda and aun
bad it worn an thin and soft tbat it easily
broke away from any obstacle in the way.
Tbe water was not bigb and at tio place
did It come over Ibe hanks.
Mrs. M. F. Cstlio waa down from Min
ister Friday and divided Ibe day with
Mra. Cbas. Pope and Mrs. Jay Cstlio.
Mra. Prints Philips Is Buttering from
the effect of a severe cold. She waa call
ing at tbe home of Mra. E, Babcnck
Wednesday and was taken sick and waa
unable to return borne until tbe next day,
when ahe waa improved enough lo be
taken borne.
Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Klnch were called
lo Corry during tbe week hy the serious
illness of tbe latter'a brother-in-law at
Ibat place. Mra Kincb staid over lo
await developments, but Mr, Kiucb re
turned borne Saturday.
Mr. aud Mra. Peter Slarner of Minister
were guests of Mr. and Mrs, II. B.
D illerrer over Sunday. '
Tbe Gleaners' bible class bave organ
ized themselves into a fancy work club
for pleasure and profit and will bold tbeir
first meeting Bt tbe borne of Mra. Jobu
Tbe heavy snow proved too much for
the roof of Ibe old tannery building and
it, witb Its load, caved in, leaving a yawn
ing opening which makes it look aa
Ihougb it will soou be a thing of tbe past.
Tressa HenJrickson waa down from
Mayburg over Sunday aa tbe guest of ber
brother, F. V.
Mrs. Clarence Jenkina ia Buffering an
attack of beart weakness wbicb baa con
fined ber to ber bed for tbe past few days,
Tbe aun shining so brightly the paH
few daya, melting tbe snow away, seemed
more like spring than winter. But the
strong winds which brought snow Satur
day evening aeema like winter once
Tbe Ice going nut Tburaday night about
7:15 caused great excitement for a lew
momenta but did no damage. All were
safe iu staying in tbeir bnmea, yet the
gorging may bave cauaed some to "sneak
Rev. John Kiferof Beaver Valley vis
ited rela ivea in this place Friday eve
ning and Saturday morning, returning
to his borne lo tbe afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hallerman are re
joicing over the arrival of a fine hoy
Tbursdsy morning, Jan. 29th.
Misa Treves Hendrickson, teacher ol
Room No. 1, at Parkey, waa unable to
get lo her school Thursday on account of
tbe S. A T. train being one hour late.
Mra. Clarence Brewster of Endeavor,
wbo baa been visiting her sister, Mra. J
E. Fitzgerald, of tbia place, for a few
daya, is now visiting ber mother, Mrs.
Whitehill, at Truemana.
L. W. Hendrickson waa a Sheffield
visitor Satuidsy.
Prof. K. C. Terrlll spent Friday eve
ning and Saturday with friends in Kel
lettville. C. T. Deshner, wbo some time ago bad
a bone in hia left arm broken, and having
to carry tbe arm Iu a aling, is now aide
to go without the sling and aeema to be
getting along fine.
Tbecboiror the M. E. church, lately
organized, met at tbe borne of Mr. and
Mra. Samuel Cook, Friday evening, to
practice, the piauist being Miss Edna
Rev. G. S. Bryan, who has been hold
ing revival meetings Iu the F. M. cburcb
here for the past few weeks, closed tLe
meetings Thursday nighl.
Mrs. J. E. Psul and children are visit
ing the former's mother, Mra, Henry
Desbner, at Cherry Grove, Pa.
Mra. Win. Desbner and Mrs. L. W.
Hendrickson were calling on friends on
Main street, Friday.
Henry Deshner visited bia wife at
Cln rrygrove, Sunday.
The Misses Edtiaand Belle Smith and
Alms Malbewa enjoyed a slelghrlde Sun
day with the former's uucle, Floyd E.
Dura A. Mealy of Endeavor, after vis
iting with friends In Kellettville for a
few hours Saturday night visited hia
relatives bere Sunday, reluming to his
home on Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Deshner, while getting
break fast Sundav morning, stepped out
oo the back porch wbere ice had formed
and accidentally slipped and fell, atraln
log the ligaments of her right arm. Tbe
injury being very painful, a phyalcisn
was summoned In the afternoon.
Colds and Croup in Children.
Many people rely upon Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Implicitly In cases of
colds anil croup, aud It never disappoints
them. Mrs. E. H. Thomas, Logansport,
Iud., writes: "I have fouud Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to be tbe best
medicine for colds and croup I bave ever
used, and never lire of recommending It
to my neighbors and friends. I bave al
ways given It to my children wben suf
lering from croup, and has never failed to
give tbem prompt relief." For sale by
all dealera. adv.
Closing Out
on China,
and reducing stock of
Framed Pictures,
y2 off.
50c books at 40c.
25c books at 20c.
All boxed and Fancy Books
and Bibles at
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
Our Inventory
Unearthed entirely too
and the same with
Those stocks must be re
duced. The only way we
know is to
Cut the Price.
And that is what we are
going to do. Before you buy
your next Shoes or new Un
derwear see what we will of
fer you. It will pay.
...if A$? -' &
Make Your Horse Comfortable
With some good Blankets. We have them and the
quality and prices will be found right.
Sale Prices In Force
As stated before in our ads on the following lines only:
Men's Overcoats, Men's Heavy Weight Suits, Young Men's Overcoats, Young
Men's Suits, Boys' Overcoats, Boys' Suits.
And because the goods are reduced in price does not hurt the wearing qualities
or styles of such garments as we offer you at Reduced Prices, as this is our regular
stock, not goods bought for sale purposes.
Our 69c
A decided success, and should be, as these are the same quality shirts we sell
every year at these Reduced Prices the cloth in them is regular $1.00 and $1.60
shirt cloths, and only because bought at end of shirt maker's season are we able to
sell at this Reduced Price. We guarantee colors, size and quality or will refund
purchase price we do as we state, you know.
Were $2.60 to $4.00 r-in Stiff Hats the
the reason of the price.
Cloth Hats at $1.00 that were $1.60 and
sizes in some sort.
. -M mm BBi -m. Arv J
h T Af " m Js
41&435f,NF ,A ST.
At Lowest Prices
If it's anything concerning
Fritz's are the people to sec.
Now that the holidays are over we are
again in a position to take care of your
wants in short order.
Our repair departments were never in
better condition than they are now to
give you prompt and efficient service.
Making over heirlooms a specialty.
Now is the time to do it.
Our Motto: Lowest Prices, Quality
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa.
We take special care to re
duce prices on
Desirable Shoes,
Shoes which will be seasona
ble for the next three months,
and when you take in con
sideration the reliability and
seasonability of these Shoes
these prices should forcibly
$7.00 Shoes now $6.60
$6.00 Shoes now $4.96
$6.00 Shoes now $3.96
$4.00 Shoes now $2.96
$3.00 Shoes now $2.36
$2.60 Shoes now $1.96
$2.00 Shoes now $1.60
$1.60 Shoes now $1.20
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Oil, C ITY,
AVill be found in your
home if you invest in one
of these
For gas, coal or wood.
Changes can be made in
a few minutes and with
very little trouble. And
the saving in your fuel
bills will look good to you
when the bills come 'round
each month. While you
are about it why not stock
up with a few new kitch
en utensils? We can sup
ply them also.
Shirt Sale
sizes are 7 1-8 up, nothing smaller, is
$2.00 one and two of a sort, but all
m . A