The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 04, 1914, Image 1

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One Square, one inch, one week... 1 00
One Square, oun inch, one month. 3 00
One Square, one inch, 8 months.... 6 00
One Square, one Inch, one year .... 1010
Two Squares, one year mm ......... 16 00
Quarter Column, one year SO 00
Half Column, one year. 60 00
One Column, one year 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash
on delivery.
Publlnhed every Wednesday by
l. K. WENK.
Offlo in Bmearbangh & Wenk Building,
Terns, 91X0 A Yw, Strictly la A4 vases.
Entered second-class matter at the
poet-offloe at Tlonesta.
Mo subscription reoelved for a shorter
period than three months.
Oorreepondnnce solicited, but no notloe
will be taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
VOL. XL VI. NO. 50.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. S. D. Irwin.
Justices of the Pecuie C. A. Randall, D.
W. Clark.
Oounetimen. J. W, Landers, Q. B. Rob
inson, K. J. Hopkins, O. K. Watson, U.
W. Uolemao, J. H. Mue, Charles Clark.
Constable li. L. Zuvnr.
Collector W. H. Hood.
School Directors W. C. Imel, J, K.
Clark, S. M. Henry, Q. Jainlesoo, D. H.
Member of Congress Vf . J. Hulings.
Member of Semite J. It. P. Hall.
. Assembly A. K. Mechlina.
l. President Judge W. D. Hinckley.
Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph
M. Morgan.
Prothonotary, Register dt Recorder, te.
-8. R. Maxwell.
Sheriff Wm. H. Hood.
.,, Treasurer W. H.
Commissioners-Wm. H. Harrison, J.
C. Soowden, II. II. MoClellan.
District Attorney M. A. Carrlnger.
Jury Commissioners J . B. Eden, A.M.
Coroner Dr. M. 0 Kerr.
County Auditor! George H. Warden,
A. C. Uregg and 8. V. Shields.
County Surveyor Roy 8. Braden.
County Superintendent J. O. Carson.
. Keaslsr Terais af Csait.
Third Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Third Monday or tteptemDer.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and Sd Tuesdays of month.
t'barea aaa Habbaih Meksal.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a.
m. t M.E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
M. E. Wolcott, Pastor.
Preaoblng in the Presbyterian oho rob.
every Sabbalu at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. Rev. U. A. Bailey, Pastor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
O. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
TI .N ESTA LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
M ents every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each month at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Tioneata, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Office over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
Offloein Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sta., Tlonesta, Pa.
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Rank,
Physician A 8urgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Physician and Murgeon,
8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern. and up to-date in all its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
oomfort provided for the traveling public
R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tlonseta, Pa. This is the mostcentrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on Elm Btreet. Is prepared to do all
Inds of ouBtora work from the finest to
the ooarsest and guarantees his work to
five perfect satisfaction. Prompt at ten
Ion given to mending, and prices rea
, tonable.
3Ut-CbSiuiiy uaou i
for 34 .years
. 1
4246 Fifth AvlP.ttsburgh.Pa.
UlAlio.Mt lilt AMI IMI.I.H. for life
yen known as Best, Safest. Always Relithls
A Trade Marks
sVk. fsraiRMa
w . A
.. Designs
' T 1 1 1 1 . Copyrights Ac
Anron sending S "ketch and description msf
Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Inrentlnn Is probably patentapie. Oomrminlrs.
tlons strictly oonllilentlal. Handbook on Patent
ient free. Oldest airency for securlna-patents.
Patents taken thrnuiih Munu Co. rocelr
tprrint nrtict, without clmme. Intba
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lnnrest dr.
dilation of any scientific Journal. Terms, :t
reur: four months, II. Sold by all newsdealer
Branch OBice, G25 V (jt.. Wash in I oil, U. C Auk yovr vniMiit lor a
t'lil-rkr-trr' Diamond Ilrad
I'llll In llrd n.l Uold niculllcV
!. Italf.1 ith Blue Rllhon. l
Take ii othrp. Jlujr of vnr
llrairirl.t. Ask f it II . II t H-TFR S
County Auditors Report, 1913
W H. Brsxee, Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty, la aooount with the Liquor Licenses foi
the year ending January S, 1914,
To amount reo'd or L W. Dana..$ 100 00
Amouut ree'd J. J Young loo 00
Amount rec'il Jos. Pierce 200 00
Amount ree'd II. 8. ('anfleld 100 00
Amount reo'd B. A. Fulton 200 00
700 00
By am't transferee to State acct. S lAii '26
4 per cent commission on S 175 00 8 75
Am't. trausfered to County soot.. 105 00
Paid Harmony Twp. treasurer... 00 00
Paid Jeuks Twp. treasurer 120 00
Paid Tlouesta Boro treasurer 240 00
1700 00
V. H. Brszee, Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty, in aooouut with the Stats of Peunsylva
uta, for the year ending January 5, 1014.
To balance January 4, 1913 $ 35 M
Amount of liquor license M... 175(0
Retail mercantile lax, 1913 920 93
Slate personal lux, 1913 1,804 59
Wholesale mercaullle tax, 1913... 6 KS
Brokers license 20 00
itealaurant license 10 60
Billiard license 160 00
Hunters license, non-resident 40 00
:t,lH2 83
By State Treasurers receipts $ 2,0.16 10
Printing bills allowed 100 62
Postage 6 82
Uucollec table mercantile tax ' 16 92
1 per ceut corn, on $1,804 SO .. 18 CI
5 per cent com. on St, 28.46 64 26
Hunters license, non resident 40 00
, 93,182 83
V. H. Brazee, Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty, in account with the Dog Fuud, for the
year ending Jauuary 5, 1914.
To balance Januaiy 4, 1913.... S 896 81
Dog tax, 1913 701 00
31,597 83
By sheep orders redeemed g 41 00
4 percent commission 1 64
Paid Barnetl Twp. school treas... 74 44
Harmony Twp. school treas 84 9
Hickory Twp. school treas 68 31
Howe Twp. school treas 97 22
Jenks Twp. school treas 132 2fi
Kmgsley Twp. school treas 62 21
Green Twp. school treas 46 42
Tlouesta Twp. school treas 65 69
Tlonesta Boro school treas 38 54
4 per cent commission on S07.03 211 80
Exonerations, 1911, "12, '13 106 75
Balance 751 61
' S 1,897 83
To balanoe, Jan. S, 1915 9 751 61
W. H. Brazee, Treasurer ot Forest Ooun
tv, In account with the Redemption Fund,
for the year endlug January 5, 1914.
To balance Jauuary 4, lb. 3 ... $ 315 73
Received of Leo Kosenblat 8 96
Received of G. V. Buhl 23 44
Received of G. W. Robinson 1.1 65
Received of Q. W. Buhl 40 62
Received or G. W. Robinson 33 86
Received of J. W. Baxter 13 69
Received of A. E. Daniels 41 51
Received E. E. Norton 29 30
Received F. B. Barnard - 27 93
S547 b9
By paid 8. M. Henry $ 23 44
M. A. Carrlnger 8 06
J. T. Brennau 58 61
Da'.lbousen 29 30
O. W. Proper 27 93
W. N. Magee 22 12
8 M. Henry ; 40 62
H.W.Tracy 33 86
J. F. Proper 23 75
N. P. Wheeler 117 48
W.N. Magee 34 70
4 per ceut com. on (450 77 - 18 13
By balance 7S 89
$547 69
To balance, January 5, 1913 S 78 89
W. H. Brazee, Treasurer or Forest Coun
ty, in account with said County for the
year endlug January 5, 1914.
To balance January 4, 1913 $14,588 29
Trausfered from liquor license..... 105 00
Sixty day list, 1913 10 60
Seated tax, 1913 13,256 33
Uuseated lax, 1913 1,5,53 07
8tate persoual lax, 1913 1,339 90
Jury fees 4 00
Commonwealth costs 15 00
Forfeited bond C. Thomas 490 00
Tax of W. H. Hood 20
Attorney fees 12 00
Stove sold 5 00
Old platik sold 3 88
Hunters license, non-resident 40 00
Sealed land tax from County 14H 01
Kingsley township road 2 50
Credit on Poor and Twp. acct 430 00
$32,000 58
By orders redeemed $17,329 79
Notifying taxables 5 08
4 per cent commission 693 40
Vital statistics 73 25
4 per ceut commission 2 93
County rnstltute. 1912- '13 302 90
4 per cent commission 12 12
8cbool directors convention '12 '13 256 67
4 per ceut commission 10 26
Exonerations County 1911-12-13.. 118 40
Exoneratious Slate 1911-12-13 28 58
6 per cent collector's abatement... 532 94
2 and 5 per cent collectors com 484 87
4 per cent com. hunters license 1 60
Error in asssessmeot 74
Lands ret'd 1912 credit collectors 126 04
By balance 12,020 72
(32,000 68
To balanoe January 5, 1914 $12,020 72
W H. Brazee, Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty, in account with tbe Poor Funds, for the
year ending Jauuary 5, 1914.
To balance January 4, 1913 $ 4,707 74
Seated tax 1913 7,054 96
Uuseated tax 1913 lr.'6 06
Seated lands from County 82 22
F. Filziierald acct. J. Black 140 79
E. Rudolph acct. Son .. 25 00
A. C. Urey acct. Mrs. Urey 4S 00
Accoant Mary Cropp 25 00
Account J. Hinder S 00
Boarding men 21 25
Boarding borse 43 00
Coal sold 40 73
Hay sold 147 73
Oil sold 54 39
Cows sold 60 00
Pigs sold 10 50
Chickens sold , 10 75
Beef sold 23 85
Butter sold 2 85
Mileage refunded 18 74
Jefferson county 1 00
Team work 2 00
Tax missed on duplicate 5 86
$14,357 42
By orders redeemed .......$ 6,883 98
4 per cent commission 275 36
Interest 00 bonds ... 400 00
4 per cent commission 16 00
Exonerations 1911-12-13 61 05
5 per cent collectors abatement... 319 77
2 and 5 per cent collectors com... 290 93
Charged to County account 42 40
Error In assessment 52
Lands ret'd 1912 credit to Gol 75 52
By balance 5,99189
$14,357 42
To balance January 5, 1914 $ 6,991 89
8. R Maxwell, I'rothonolary, etc., ef
Forest County, in account with said Coun
ty, for tbe year ending January 5, 1914.
' v " Dr.
To orders drawn S 242 00
By fees allowed $ 212 00
W H Hood, Sheriff of Forest County, In
account with Hald County, fur the year end
ing January 8, 1914,
To orders drawn $ 374 44
By fees allowed.. $ 74 4)
Jailors salary 300 00
$374 44
M. A. Carrlnger, District Attorney or
Forest County, in account with said Coun
ty, for the year endlug January 5, 1914.
To orders drawn $ 400 00
By salary $ 400 00
The County Commissioners of Forest
County, in account with said Couuty, for
tbe year ending January 6, 1914.
W. H. Harrison, orders drawn $ 800 00
J. G. Scowden, orders drawu 800 00
H. H. McClellan orders drawn... 810 00
$2,400 00
W. H. Harrison, by salary $ 800 00
J. C. Soowden, by salary 800 00
H. H. McClellan, by salary 8D0 00
$2,400 00
County and Poor Tax In bands or Col
lectors uncollected January 5, 1914
Barnett township, 1913 $ 99 81
Green " 1111 125 28
" " 1912 158 80
" ' 1913 972 47
Hrmony " 1913 324 98
Hickory " 1905 45 70
' " 1912 3 64
" ' 1913 188 68
Howe " 1913 826 4'
Jenks " 1912 151 67
" 1913 752 69
Kingsley " 1910 3.-9 95
" " 1911 589 49
" 1912 419 50
" ' 1913 143 78
Tlonesta '' 1913 2(4 7!)
Tionesta Borough, 1903 HO 67
' ' 1904 109 75
" " 1913 371 04
$5 906 98
Dog fuud $ 751 61
Couuty fund 12,020 92
Poor fund 6 991 89
School fund 2 .337 40
Bulldlug fund 165 05
Cash fund 1,458 00
Hood fund 8 44
Road fund 2 52
$22,814 73
State of Pennsylvania,
County of Forest. , "
We, lbs undersigned Auditors in and for
said County, do hereby certify that we met
at the Court House, In Tlonesta Borough,
in said County, accord! ug to law, and did
audit and adjust tbe several accounts or tbe
Treasurer, Protbonotary, BherihT, District
Attorney and Couuty Commissioners, or
said Couuly, for tbe year A D 1913, and
find tbem as set forth la tbe foregoiug re
port In witness whereof we have here
unto set our bands and seals this 22ud day
ot January, 1914.
G. H. WARDEN, Isral ( County
A. C. Git EGG, 8BALJ ( Auditors
Attest D. W. CLARK, Clerk
Commissioners' statement of expend!
tuies of Forest Countv for tbe year end
ing January Sih, 1914:
Justices of tbe Peace f 276 00
Coostablee 204 35
Witnesses 153 66
Sheriff 374 4 4
Protbonotary, elo 242 02
District Attorney 4(10 00
Stenogrspher 313 66
Telephone and telegraph 62 07
Kerundlng orders 334 79
Soldiers' burial and headstones... 195 00
Livery 27 00
Koad Views 194 69
County Superintendent 7 75
Cniutnissionnrs' trav. expense ... 114 77
Eleotion expense 717 27
Western Penitentiary 115 00
Reform School 108 80
Coroner's inquests 5 43
Board of prisoners 10 00
Medical attendance (jail) S 50
Fuel, light and water 425 69
Commissioners -books, station
ery, eto 239 63
Prothonotary books, sta. elo 93 75
Treasurer books, stationery, eto 50 00
Sbentl -books, stationery, eto 2 00
Court House and Jail repairs
and supplies 144 49
Bridge repairs 2.36 72
Jury Commissioners 63 30
Grand Jurors 455 24
Traverse Jurors 1,102 94
Tipstaves and Court Crier 153 00
Assessors 1,406 63
Commissioner-.' Halanes 2,400 00
Commissioners' Clerk salary 900 00
Auditors and Clerk 1 124 48
Insurance 193 00
Janitor 640 00
Court Auditor 10 00
Printing 601 60
September primaries 748 92
Solicitor 100 00
Grand Army ot tbe Republic 46 00
Repairing lime lock Treasurer's
office 15 00
Express and d ray 1 11 k 24 21
forest tires 6 93
Donation toCbildren's Home 10 00
Bounties 00 noxious si) I male 777 00
Estimating timber 192 18
Attorney's expense to llarrm-
burg meeting with water com. 57 96
Dues to Commissioners' con 10 00
Law library 248 21
School Directors' Convention and
Teachers' Institute 1912 1913 659 66
Vital statistics 73 25
Seated lend returns for 1912, cred
ited to collectors 126 04
Notifying taxables 5 08
Treas.' coin, and exonerations ... 808 03
Collectors' com, sod abatements 1,017 81
$19,979 66
Amount In Treasurer's bands,
uncollected isxes, etc $12,020 72
Amount due trout Townships
and individuals 26 03
Amount due from State, Sep
tember primaries 748 92
Amount due from State, boun
ties paid 777 00
Bridiie plank in stock 700 00
Seated lands returned for 1912... 126 04
$14,398 71
Liabilities None
Commissioners' statement of expendi
tures of tbe Forest County Poor District
for tbe yesr endlnu Jsnuary 6tb, 1914:
Salaries, wages and labor $1,603 71
Provisions and supplies 656 21
fuel and light 458 HI
Clothing and shoes 53 96
Kurniture.beddinir, dry goods Ac 62 12
Medicine snd medical supplies... 86 60
Repairs 97 04
Commissioners' trav. expense 49 98
Farm expense 654 46
Physician 150 00
Commissioners' Clerk 120 00
Telephone and telegraph 25 45
Solicitor 60 (X)
Livery 6 45
Buildings and improvements 174 81
Insurance 10 78
Outside relief 702 09
lussne in State Hospital 1,810 25
Extraordinary expense 640 25
Bringing in paupers 2 00
Express 95
Justices of tbe Peace 8 60
Burial or paupers 10 00
Trsnsporting paupers 47 71
Feeble minded in Train. School.. 212 95
Treas.' com. and exonerations 352 93
To county account 42 40
Collectors' com. snd abatements.. 610 70
Interest on bonds 400 00
Seated lands returned for 1912,
credited to Collectors 75 62
$H,365 53
From the above total deduct tbe follow
ing Hems which will show the net expen
ditures of the Poor District:
Amount of produce, elo., sold
from County Farm $ 417 65
Amonot received for support of
patients, such amount having
been advanced by poor diBtriot 262 65
Collectors' 00m. and abatements.. 610 70
Treas.' com. and exonerations..,.. 352 93
Interest on bonds 400 00
Sested lends returned for 1912,
credited to Collectors 76 62
$2,119 45
Net cost of poor for year 1913 6,248 08
Amount In Treasurer's band ,
uncollected taxes, etc $5,991 89
Due from individuals 617 74
Liabilities 8,490 37
$10,000 00
Bonds outstanding $10,000 00
State of Pennsylvania,)
County or Forest. I '
We, the undersigned Commissioners of
Forest County, and Forest County i"oor
District, do hereby certify that tbe fore
uolng statement of receipts and expendi
tures snd ststement of assets and liabill
.ies are correct and true, to the best of
our knowledge snd belief.
h. h. McClellan, seal
Attest County Commissioners.
8. M. HENRY, Clerk.
Wilson Indorses Navy Increase.
"I am authorized by President Wil
son to tell the committee that he ap
proves thin naval increase program.
I conferred with him before coming
to the committee and am speaking the
last word."
Thus Secretary Daniels announced
to the house naval affairs committee,
urging additional naval construction.
"I recommend to the committee and
to congress," said Mr. Daniels, "author
ization for the construction of at least
two battleships of the first class, eight
torpedo boats and three submarine de
stroyers. This Is the smallest pro
gram that should be considered by the
committee even under the most eco
nomic legislative plan.
Farm Land Bank System.
There was introduced In congress a
bill providing for the establishment
of a national farm land bank system.
This measure is tentatively the ad-mii'-strntion
bill for the establishment
of uational rural credit system.
Tue bill as Introduced provides for
the creation, operation and super-visl-n
ot a national farm land bank
system through which the farm land
banks to be established under the
terms of the act or to be created
through the federalization of existing
state farm mortgage concerns and
farmers' banks shall become the new
rural credit system of the United
Radium Bill Appears.
A radium conservation bill was In
troduced In the house today by Chair
man Poster of the house mines and
mining committee, which provides for
government ownership and operation
of radium bearing ores on public lands
and distribution of the radium for free
use In cancer treatment. No effort
will be made by the government to
take over any private claims to radium
lands now being operated. Prospec
tors will be encouraged to locate the
radium ores on public lands, hut the
government will get the ores and ex
tract the radium at its own plants or
at private plants under Its supervision.
Holler For Stock Exchange Legislation.
Scores of letters urging stock ex
change legislation have been received
by the sennte committee on banking
and currency. The announcement
that hearings will begin Feb. 4 has
aroused such wide Interest that It now
is believed stock exchange legislation
will he made a distinct Issue this
not Barn's Fault.
Sam Sncduker. the commissary man
and held In the community to be a
good cliiiivliiium. annoyed the minister
extremely by gel ting up and walking
out of the church while the sermon
was In progress. TI10 preacher spoke
to Sam 11 bout It.
"It Isn't m.v fault, doc." Sain pro
tested. "It's a sort of ntlliction I got."
The preacher told Sam he'd better
see the camp doctor. A few days later
the preacher met the doctor.
"Did Sum Hiiedpfcpr come to you for
advice?" asked the preacher.
"Vis." said Hit' doctor, "but I told
Sam I couldn't do anything for him."
"Wlni I was Sam's 11 miction?"
"Allllc'imi! lie didn't say anything
ilicnit that Sam said he'd been trou
bling yon by walking iti his Bleep." I
New Yolk Post,
No Panic Aboard Mcnroe; Fog
Cajses Collision
Nineteen Passengers Go to Death
When Liner Nantucket Crashes Into
Old Dominion Line Steamer Monroe.
Lost, passengers, 19; crew, 24.
Total, 43. Saved, passengers, 36;
crew, 55. Total, 91.
This Is the tragic summary of the
wreck of the Old Dominion liner Mon
roe, rammed and sunk by the steam
ship Nantucket off Chesapeake hay.
Surrounded by a dense sea fog the
two ships approached each other. Not
until they were within actual hall of
the voice did the officers of either
craft discover the lights of the other.
Then it was too late. The whistles
shrieked their warning, the signal
bells tinkled too late.
The great steel prow of the Nan
tucket struck the Monroe about thirty
feet abaft her port how. Right
through her plates the Nantucket
crushed away like a knife through
:heese. The ship was rent in an in
stant. The blow had struck to her
very vitals. She filled and sank and
now lies wholly submerged In nearly
forty fathom 1 of water.
A list of passengers lost from the
steamer Monroe corrected and -compiled
by the Old Dominion Steamship
company Is as follows:
First Class
Mrs. W. L. Bolton, Newark, N. J.
W. C. Clausen, Milwaukee, Wis.
Lieutenant L. B. Curts, U. S. army.
J. Edwards, U. S. navy.
.Mrs. D. Gibson, New York.
J. Cortlandt Haskell, New York.
Mrs. T. R. Harrington, Bridgeport,
W. H. Ingram, Sumter, N. C.
M. R. Jelleff. Macaria Theatrical Co.
Mr. Lewis, Macaria Theatrical Co.
J. Okakamato, Japanese.
Mrs. C. W. Pools, Gray, Va.
Poole child, infant, Gray, Va.
J. F. Ray, New York.
O. Wagner, U. S. marine corps.
J. P. Mildert. New York.
M. Bolen, New York.
C. Roper, New Y'ork.
N. I. Wilson, New Y'ork.
Shocking as was the tragedy the gal
lantry "of the officers and crew of the
doomed ship and of the vessrl which
had struck the fearful blow must fur
nish a brilliant page for the annals
of the American merchant marine. .
The white seamen and the black
stewards vied with each other In deeds
of gallantry and self-sacrifice that find
their prototypes In the history of the
men of the sea from the earliest days.
The stewards, with life preservers,
isslsted the passengers, the most of
whom vere clad only in night robes.
They fastened the preservers about
them, they helped them over the side
to the boats, they cajoled and en
couraged them and, let this be re
membered, these stewards were black
men. Many of them were drowned
In the rush of waters that followed
the downward plunge of the ship.
When the crash came practically all
of the passengers on the Monroe was
asleep. The force of the Impact threw
them out of their berths. Frightened
by the shock they rushed to the deck
In their night clothes only to find that
the ship was filling and sinking rapidly.
Many of the passengers and crew In
stantly threw themselves into the sea,
seeing that there would not be time
to lower the lifeboats and most of
these were aaved.
But there were many passengers
and seamen who went down with the
ship before ever reaching the deck.
Captain Johnson and all of the of
ficers of the ship except J. E. Gately
were saved. The officers were picked
up out of the sea by small boats from
the Nantucket. All of the passengers
who were saved were rescued In that
The wireleta calls for aid went out
'rom the Monroe immediately after
the crash and were caught as far away
as Boston, but there were no other
ships close enough to reach the scene
In time to render any aid.
Though the Nantucket was badly
damaged hff lifeboats were quickly
manned and put overboard and the
work of rescue began. Though lost In
the mist almost immediately aftr-r
their boats left the side of the ship
tho sallon of the Nantucket went
about their work undaunted and re
mained at the scene until no more
persons were to be found.
"It was Just a solid stunning crash,
no grinding and gritting, but thunder
ing crunch," said a Mrs. Rollins, one of
the rescued. "I had called my hus
band and iie started to rise when the
shock camt. He tumbled out of his
bunk, grabbing a single piece of his
clothing, and together we made our
way Into the dining saloon. The ship
already was careening and the dpek
was on a steep slant.
"I do not know how long the Mon
roe floated, but It seemed to me It
was hardly ten minutes from the time
she was struck until I was swept off
the rail by a wave of water and saw
the of the ship, which vns a
little space not bigger than a hall
bedroom, disappear beneath the
"The crew was just as brave as
they could be. There was uo excite-
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meat such as I would have expected
Everybody worked fast and furiously
but very quietly. The moment almost
that I hit tiie water 1 was assisted by
three men and they held me up and
encouraged me. We were all picked
up by a lifeboat and then 1 fainted."
Mr. Rollins remained in the water
for forty-five minutes calling for help
and finally was picked up.
E. J. J. Newby, U. S. N., was among
the survivors aboard the Nantucket.
Mr. Newby said:
"I was In bed when tho crush carpo
and grabbed my trousers, " coat and
cap and what little money I had. Im
mediately the ship listed and in going
up on deck I had to crawl like a
monkey hand over hand.
"The officers of the vessel acted
with promptness and elliclency. In
an incredibly short time all of the
ollicers and the members of the crew
were at their proper posts."
Every Reason For Improved Trade
Conditions, Says Dun's Review.
Dun's Review of Trade says this
"Recent improvement in business
conditions Is iu some measure senti
mental and certain branches of trade
and Industry have not shared in tho
forward movement to nny appreciable
extent. Briefly summed up the situa
tion continues Irregular, although
there Is tangible reason for the better
feeling prevalent.
"A noticeable revival of activity has
occurred in some mercantile lines and
this is especially true of the leading
dry goods markets, in which prospects
appear quite favorable. Conservatism
1b manifest where distant purchases
are Involved but orders for immediate
delivery are steadily expanding. An
other reassuring feature is the fact
that the turning point In Iron and
steel seems to havo been dclinitely
Judge Adam in St. Louis Authorizes
Because the Wabash railroad re
ceivers were unable to take advantage
of a legal opportunity to save the road
from foreclosure by paying the de
faulted Interest, aggregating more than
$4,000,000, the sale of the system was
authorized by Judge Kliiier B. Adams
in the United States 1 ircuit court n
St. Louis.
The decree of foreclosure was hand
ed down on motion of the Kquitablu
Trust compuny of New York, which as
trustee holds $40,600,000 in the bonds
of the Wubash.
Judge Adams directed that no bids
for the property lower than 4't4,Ol)0,
000 be accepted and that the sale be
made without appraisement.
Ex-Governor Beaver Passes Away.
General James Adams Beaver, aged
seventy-six, justii e of the superior
court and former governor of Penn
sylvania, died In his home In Belle
fonte from arterio sclerosis. General
Beaver's death Is the last of Belle
fonte's trio of governors, Curtin,
Heaver and Ilasting.i.
Self Sustained Humor.
"How did Boriim get his reputation
as a raconteur? His stories are not
really amusing, and he doesn't tell
Ihem very well."
"No. Rut he can laugh at them tu i'
way that makes htm sound Mko a
rrowd." Washington Star.
Wrappings of the Mummies.
The cloth woven by the ancient
Kgyptlans was so durable that 'though
ft has been used for thousands of
years as wrappings of the mummies
the Arabs of today can wear It. It is
all of linen, the ancient Kgyptiaus con
sidering; wool uucleuu
Gompers at Miners' Convention
Defends Federation
An Assessment For Copper Mine
Strikers in Michigan Would Have
Wrecked Federation, Says President.
In response to the request of tht
United Mineworkers that he appear
before thenr and explain the alleged
apathy of the American Federation of
Labor in connection with the copper
miners' strike In Michigan Samuel
Gompers, president of the federation,
addressed the convention.
"1 have given and will continue to
give all that is In me to further the
strike of copper miners," asserted
Mr. Gompe'-s. "You may not know
that the miners only pay nine cents a
year to the American Federation of
Labor. That is all the other organiza
tions affiliated with the federation pay
also. Do you think we can accumu
late a large defense fund on that tax?
"Mr. Moyer says the strike costs
about $.10,000 a week. The federation
could raise only $90,000 In six months
if every organization were to pay. An
assessment would mean the disintegra
tion of the American Federation of
Labor, for the constitution provides
for the expulsion of any union which
does not meet Its assessments and
only about one-third of the unions
can pay."
Mr. Gompers denied that he main
tained a machine to keep himself In
office and, as an illustration, said iie
had two offers of positions from the
governor of a great state, one paying
$S,000 a year and the other $10,000,
but bad refused both to continue in
the labor movement.
"The labor movement Is a part ol
my life," he continued, "and I'm going
to stick to it. You may drive me out
of office, but you can't drive me out
of the movement."
Answering the published reports
that the delegates tiad referred to the
executive officers of the federation as
"fossilized" and booze fighters, Mr.
Gompers declared that, although ho
owns up to sixty-four years, he is as
well preserved as any man of his ago
and that eight of the eleven men on
the executive council are total ab
stainers. When Duncan McDonald, delegate
from Illinois, told Mr. Gompers that
he did make the reported statements
referred to the convention cheered.
Mr. Gompers challenged any man
to show he had not done his work
thoroughly. Ho asked the delegates to
read the report on the development
of Industrial unionism and said that
every encouragement for amalgama
tion had been given by the federation.
The convention voted to increase the
salary of I'tesident White frcm $3,000
to $4,000 a year.
Huerta's Way to Get Rid of Enemies,
It Is Claimed.
Two Fellcistas, Fidonlo Hernandez,
who was secretary to General Felix
Diaz, and GiiMermo Meijuelro, both
members of the house of representa
tives from Oazaca and who were ar
rested In Mexico City when President
1 Inert 1 dissolved congress but were
Inter releused, were arrested on a
charge of b lng implicated in the plot
for an uprising on Feb. 12.
Secretary of the Interior Alcocer
says t ho numerous sudden arrests
have prevente 1 the conspirators from
formulating a definite plan. Up to the
time of their arrest they had merely
been .developing a seditious propa
ganda and the action of the govern
ment had probably disconcerted their
schemes. Secretary Alcocer said that
no political parties were implicated
but merely Individuals who were In
imical to the government.
Prominent Feliclstas deny the exist
ence ot a plot against the life of
Iluerta. They declare that the excite
ment was started and the charges
were made by the government as an
excuse for the arrest of the men and
to get rid of them. The police ex
onerate the Fellcistas, but declare ths
plot was organized by partisans nf
Carranza to bring about the over
throw of Iluerta.
CULLOM LEFT $100,0:0
Friends Surprised at Wealth of Late
Shelby M. Cullom, former senator
and late resident commissioner of the
Lincoln Memorial commission, died
possessed of $100,000 In glltedged
stocks when the men who had bet n
his closest friends in congress for a
generation thought him wltlu ut a
So sure were they In this esMmate
that all of the Democratic senators'
joined last March in the vote which
gave the aped man a $3,000 salary f t
Wellsville, O., Goes Dry.
Tho dry s won by seventy-one votf
In the local option election in Well
ville, O. The vote was 975 against
904 for the wets.
Robbers Attack Postoffice Safe.
The posti Mice at Dunlo, near Johns
town, Pa., was bur'brized Mini about
$r.0 in cash and $100 in stumps taken
from the aafo.