The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 28, 1914, Image 4

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Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, Pa.
Do You Think, When r Your Are
About to Order By Mail?
That with our wonderfully broad, complete stocks,
we have unsurpassed facilities to fill your ordert
That we are constantly studying methods to im
prove our service
That each order is filled at once by a careful, ex
perienced shopper
t lhat we deliver all orders to your door, free of
X charge, by Uncle Sam's Parcel Post
X The next time you are in need of something, and
X cannot shop in person, drop a card to the Smart & Sil-
X berberg Store. It's the quickest and most satisfactory
t way.
Garment Values That Hang Up a
Record For This Vicinity.
Our entire stock of Furs, Tailored Suits and Coats is in
every case marked from to off. And to. prices - like these,
the store's enviable reputation for style excellence adds still fur
ther weight and iuterest.
Making an old garment ''do" is not to be thought of for a
minute, in view of the extraordinary savings these clearance
prices will bring.
All Tailored Suits Are l2.
We restrict nothing. The staple and the ultra . fashionable
models; the newest weaves and colorings; for women or misses;
we are selling them all at just $ their former prices.
All Fur Sets and Pieces .
Of Itussian Mink, Mole, Black Fox, Pointed Fox, Tiger
Cat, Raccoon, Civit Cat, Coney, Belgian Hare, and all other
staple and fancy fur pieces, for women, misses and children.
NOTE. This does not include all our Fur Coats, a lew of
which are reduced
Choose Any Coat At
Coats o! every new and good material, Persianna, Bedford
Cord, Serge, Chinchilla, Matelasse, etc.; there is absolutely no
restriction to your choice at price.
No Account Is Too
- Small
To receive our most careful attention.
The person starting with $1.00 is shown the same courtesy
as one with a larger amount.
It is our business to get you to start.
By so doing, we help you, the community and ourselves.
Four Per Cent. On Your Savings.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
Monterey County, California, !
I Needs Farmers
X Notwithstanding the fact that Monterey County, California, produces
$5,000,000 worth of potatoes, sugar beets, apples, livestock and barley
every year, there is a lot of land that is waiting the aettler and farmer. '
You should learn more about this splendid coast county. We have is
X sued a booklet describing the county, which we will send along with a map
of California, and a sample copy of SUNSET MAGAZINE, the monthly
guide of the homeseeker and settler, if you will send us ten cents in stamps
X to help defray the cost of mailing. ;
San Francisco, California.
European Nostalgia For Wet Africa.
There Is u wonderful charm ubout
West Afrleu, wiys .Miijor Tremenrne
In "Some Austrnl-Afiicnn Notes nnd
Anecdotes." which few Europeans can
throw oft. Then he tells of n mini
who. nfter living for ten consecutive
years In n lonely part of southern Ni
geria, matte up his mind to have trip
home and sailed away In splendid spir
its. The (lolrt Coast ports were part of
West Africa, mid so he Illumined to
I lake himself fairly at home while
there, tlionyli the life on hoard ship
was already liccinnlni: to bore him.
nnd he wished that lie had never left
Nlcerla. Sierra I.eone he did not like
nt all. as it was not the West Afrlen
w ill' li appealed to liim, and he bewail
I Inns for his home In the hush. Aft
er leaving that port and with no sight
of land to cheer him he became des
perate, and on arrival at Las Paining
he declared: "I shall no no farther. I
must return at mice. I have bud quite
enough of Kurope."
"You will admit n wise man some
times changes his mind?"
"Yes." replied Senator Sorghum
"lie also changes his wardrobe, tiut
In doing bo be molds popular attention
us mticb as possible." Wushlnftoo
Open Windows at Night.
It Is dllllcult to get doctors to agree
mid to agree with the patient listener.
For years I had been n slave to the
open window, the fresh air at night
That doctrine of the open bedroom
window was m.v obsession, but recently
don lit crept In. Hy accident the bed
room window had been closed, nnd I
slept peacefully and woke refreshed
in a closed room. There was no ven
tilation of the official inedlcnl variety.
To a n led leal journalist I put the prob
lem of the window at night, nnd, to
my astonishment, he told me that I
am an animal when I sleep nnd do not
want fresh till at all.
"Look at the iinimnls: When they
sleep they choose the stulliest nooks
they can tlnd. and they know what Is
best for them. Shut your Is-drooin
windows ut ulght nnd open them In the
morning." Aud when I reflected on
the dormouse and the dog I nui en
couraged to tuck my nose with tho
other animals. Loudon Chrouicle.
Many a man who fears be will not
win her nfter he knows her n little
while fears he will. New Orleans Pie
h yune.
t The Distinctive Garment Store
For a Quick, Decisive Clearance:
Before Stock Taking We
Announce a
on our entire stock of
Women's Coats, Suits, Gowns
and Skirts,
X and name reductions that in many instances will
enable you to buy the choicest garments
t Far Below Half Our Regular
A man perfects himself by work much
more than by reading.--Carlyle.
$20.00 to $25.00
$10.00 f
Most wonderful assortment ever offered at this price. They
comprise all the finest materials in smart cutaway styles lined
throughout finest silk and satin linings. Materials Bedford cords,
smart poplins, serges and matelasse, blue, brown, black, grey and
novelty mizutres.
These suits are very dressy, beautifully trimmed smart cutaway
or blouse effects, skirts are all draped. The finest materials will be
found in this assortment, including velvet suits, broadcloth, wool
poplin and many other desirable materials.
$45.00 to $65.00
....$19.75 i
All remaining Fancy Novelty Suits in the newest models and
$16.00 to $27.60 Coats at $10.00. $27.60 to $40.00 Coats at $16.00
$12.60 to $22.60 Dresses $7.60. $26.00 to $30.00 Dresses $12.60.
Children's Coats at Quick Clearance.
Raincoats all Marked Down. Skiris at Rare Bargains.
Corsets at $1, $1.60, $2 and $2.60, actual values $2 and $6.
The Distinctive Garment Store
Henry J. McCarty,
The soloist and ohorus-director, who has been engaged by the Methodist
Episcopal church of Tlonesta to assst in the special gospel meetings to begin
next Sunday evening, baa written the pastor that be expects to reach Tlonesta
Ssturday afternoon. He comes here directly from a meeting in which he is
now engaged. Ia fact, so great has been the demand for bis services, that
without a bresk be baa spent the entire season In bvaogelistic work. Himself
a marvel of God's saving grace, he sings the gospel with a sweetness and
power that makes him a useful instrument In the Master's service.
8impie Transposition.
One of the artists had Just finished
singing "Sally In Our Alley." " The
song appeared to nffeet Pogson. I gave
bi in n dig In the ribs and Inquired:
"Upset you, old man?"
"That song." he began, "brings to
m.v mind nn Incident of many years
ngo which happened when I was a
boy. How well I remember the com
motion, the wall of the governess, the
shrieks of the mater! I had n little
sister' named Sally, nnd one day we
were playing marbles (we called them
'nlleys'l when all of n sudden Sally
swallowed one of my best 'glassies.' "
"Hut what's the connection with the
song?" I asked.
"The alley In our Sally," replied Pog
gou us he edged nwny. London Answers.
Ebony Backed Brushes.
When you clean the ebony blushes
on your toilet table rub petroleum Jelly
over the bncks before you wash the
bristles, as this prevents the soda or
ammonia in the water from Injuring
the ebony. The Jelly should after
ward be removed by polishing the
back with n dry cloth.
McAllster 'TIs threepence I'm owlu'
tn ye, uieenlster. The fact Is. I'm a
conscientious nion. nnd I pit nnethin'
In the plnte on Sunday. The smallest
1 had wl' me was a saxpence, nnd I
dldim theciik the sairtuoo was up tu it
Dundee Advertiser.
Defining an Epigram.
"Father." said the small boy, "what
Is an epigram';"
"An epigram." replied Mr. Cmwcher.
"Is usually a Inlet tail commonplace
remark made hy souielKidv who tins
beeu well advertised" - Washington
Judging a Man by His Clothes.
"Wlmt a mistake It is to judge men
hy their clothes!"
"Ves. know a self made million
aire who dresses as well as any of the
clerks In his establishment" Judge.
Make your environment lest your en
vironment utimakes you.
An Old Caddie's Retort.
lie Is nn old caddie on nn east const
course, nnd being n noted figure on the
links he endeavors as far as possible
to caddie only for thoroughly efficient
golfers. Occasionally, however, he finds
himself accompanying n "foozler." nnd
on these occasions his dignity Is in
jured. One day recently he found himself
cnddylng to nn old gentleman who
was out, clearly, more for exercise
than for the love of the gnme and who
was playing shocking golf.
By the time the twelfth hole was
reached he had been In most of the
bunkers en route and had succeeded in
breaking n club. "I think I shall give
up this hole." he remarked at Inst to
his Indignant caddie. "Na, nn." re
torted the old worthy bitterly: "feen
lsh the course, sir feenlsh the course.
Ye've gotten other four clubs to smash
yet an' nine bunkers tne due It In!"
Glasgow News.
A Merciful Farmer.
A young lady from the city was go
ing one summer to make her first visit
to a cousin In the country. At the sta
tion she was met by tho cousin, nnd
after a half hour's drive he told her
they were approaching his farm.
In one of the broad fields that met
tho young lady's attentive eye stood a
windmill, and gathered around It, some
standing anil some reclining, were
several hogs.
"Well, that bents anything I ever
heard of!" exclaimed the fair one. "I
didn't know that you farmers were so
"What does?" queried the country
"That over yonder," replied the city
girl, pointing n pretty finger. "Just
think of having n fun out in the field
to keep those bogs cool 1" Christian
Endeavor World.
Flag Bunting Test.
Tho United States government's test
for color In bunting Is six hours Im
mersion In salt water nnd six hours'
exposure to the sun.
He Is ot many who yields to fits of
anger, but he who wields composure
and kindness. Marcus Atirelius.
Shirts made to order $2.00 and
Suits made to order $16.00 and
The Mighty Dollar Is Possessed
of Nimble Wings.
If money "burns a hole in your pocket" it would be a wise idea
to have no pockets. Or if you must spend make the money bring
back its face value or more. It's the person who spends foolishly
that wants eventually.
This Caught With The Goods Sale
of ours is the big opportunity to save. Send your dollars out to
work and make them work overtime.
This Week's Special Ladies' Raincoats $3.95
Boys' Fancy Knickerbocker Trousers one-third off. Men's
Good Mixed Sweaters 69c each. Going quickly, so step lively.
Oil Citj, P.
Oil City,
Story of a Lost Diamond.
A ludy residing in a suburb of Bos
ton sent her diamond ring to a well
known shop there to be cleaned. A
;lny or two later she took n Journey of
'veral hours. ' When she reached her
lestlnatlon she removed her glove, and,
to. tho diamond hud come out of her
ring. A diligent search failed to reveal
.'he lost stone. She waited until her re
turn to her borne, and when the dia
mond con d not lie found there she
went, to the Jeweler nnd told her story.
"1 am afraid that you loosened the
tone when you cleaned it." she con
cluded. She had little Idea that he
would agree with her, but to her sur
prise, nfter carefully examining the
setting, he ndmltted: "I am afraid we
did. I beg that you will select from
my unset stones a diamond of about
the size and quality of your old one,
and I will give you back your ring
looking as near us tossibl ns It did
when it wus new." And he never
charged hern cent! Of course he knew
who the lady was nnd that he could
trust her to tell n true story. Kate
L'yson Clark in Leslie's.
Brazilian Rat Catchers.
Uuts are u great nuisance in certain
parts of Hrii7.ll. where the climate Is
very warm. The common cat does not
thrive for some unnccoiiutable reason,
lint is replaced by n domestic rat catch
lt. whose presence causes a decidedly
unpleasant sensation to visitors when
first they come In contact with the
creature. It Is a species of small boa
constrlctor-the gilsila. The snakes
ire not venomous. They sleep in the
house, generally taking up their posi
tion nt the foot of the stairs. When
nightfall approm-lies they begin to
i uken. and during the night they
glide swiftly about the premises look
ing for rats, (illsilas are offered for
tale In the markets of Itahln and I'er
1111 in biico at prices ranging from $1 to
$5. according to the si.e of the crea
ture. It Is claimed that they are so
easily domesticated that. If removed
from one house to another, they In
variably return to the house whence
they have been taken.
Didn't Drop Into Poetry.
There Is an interesting story of
Wordsworth, who went to cnll on Miss
Harriet Martincau at Ambleside. In
the house which she had built nnd laid
out. writes A. C. Benson in the Cen
tury Magazine. There was n gathering
3t nelghliors present, and Wordsworth
stood for n long time nt the window
contemplating the beautiful landscape
outside. Then he turned to the party
and said:
"Miss .Martincau. I congratulate yon
on your beautiful little domain. The
views are wonderful, nnd It will turn
out to be the wisest thing you ever did
In your life."
He paused for a moment, and the
guests expected some comment on the
uplifting effects of communion with
nature, but Wordsworth, with a fine
gesture, continued:
"Your property will certainly be
trebled In value wltlilu the next ten
Mail by Rocket.
The Island of Good Hope was the
first of the Friendly islands to be dis
covered by the Pandora In 1701. But
this lord of many Islets Is very difficult
of approach, for the seas are dangerous
except to very small crnft. The post
master general has therefore invented
n method of bis own for the delivery of
malls. lie delivers them by rocket
When the hour of delivery arrives the
whole population assembles on the
shore to watch the great event, for It
bus happened that. In midcareor the
precious mall has burst and given its
news to the wnves. When the seven
foot long rocket Innds successfully
there Is a wild stampede of the natives
thirsting for the latest news from Sa
moa or tho FIJI islands. London Opinion.
The High C.
The famous composer and the noted
tenor were standing by the rail of the
ship looking out upon the tumbling
"Yes." the composer was saying,
"you took that high C perfectly."
"If I don't feel better In the morn
ing." replied the tenor weakly, "the
high sen is golug to take me."
And he staggered toward bis cabin.
New York Suu.
Mrs. lien w as lu' tears. One of her
little ones bad been sacrificed to make
t repast for n visiting clergymnn.
"Cheer up. madam." said the rooster
comfortingly. "You should rejoice that
your son Is entering the ministry. He
was poorly qualified for a lay mem
ber unybow."-Philadelphia Lodjrex.
January, 1914
Thursday Friday Saturday f
29 30 31
The "Odds and Ends," "Broken Assortments,"
"Rummage and Riff Raff " from our January Clear
ance Sale will be thrown out on center aisle tables
and side counters in separate lots and sold for prices
that will make the last three days of this January
Clearance Sale memorable.
And the Second Floor Garment Section will con
tribute much that will be classed and sold as "Odds
and Ends."
A fitting climax to the most successful January
Clearance Sale ever held here.
A AafcafcalafcafcXafcafc afc
repcntlnj uliuigun, AluuU 4, it ime-auiKariiiR. 'beautifully.
Balanced gun, without any objectionable huinj, or bump.-,: t o b..K on ton for (ran to blow out
throuKli ur water to get in; can t fre.ic up with rani, snow, or sleet; it's oIu steel brercli
(not a .lull of wood) pcrir.iu i thoroushly synum irical gun without aacnlicing ttreugtb or
tufety; it uthatMUest brMch-loadini ihotgun ever built.
, It Hmm.rlM Willi Solid M..I Broach, (.inside a well g null Solid Top-Side
Ejection Matted Btml (which cosn $-1.00 extra on other guns) Preta Button Cartridga
Roloaaa (to remove loaded cartridges quickly from matraiine without working tlirouiili action)
Daubla Extractors Take-Dowa F aature Trigger and Hammer Safaty. llandlcs rapidly;
ffuaramccu in hnooting BDiuty; pnec ttanuaru Orada A sun, SZZ.oU.
Send 3 damps no.taee for Mi catalog- drcrihln No.
H A. II, (', ). T and Trap Special and all other
ffiarlu repeating rifles and shotguns. Co it now I
77ie J72ari'n firearms Co. ,
42 Willow Street. New HaTen, Conn.
Hvrilf innnr 8 r'"e p'tl or hotgun. you should have a copy of the Ideal Hand
yiU BltUUl Book 100 paies of uxeful information for shooters. It tells all about
powders, bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard ritle, pistol and shotgun
ammunition: how to measure powders accurately; shows you how to cut your ammunition
expense In half and do more acd better rhentirg. This book Is free to any shooter who will
send three stamps postage to The Marlin J-'iiearms Co., ti Willow St., New Haven. Conn.
Tt tie
dollar items
in white sale
A group of values you will find
It impossible to duplicate. Want
od pieces of undermuslins, in
fine materials, daintily trimmed
in popular styles beautiful gar
ments that will give you a new
understanding of what we mean
by special values.
Nainsook Niht Gown good
quality material lace yoke with
ribbon run through short
sleeves finished with lace, $i.oo.
Crinkled Crepe Night Gown
slip-over style colored rosebud
and inset or lace medallion fin
ished at neck with embroidery
and ribbon bottom of slip fin
ished with flat embroidery ruffle,
Petticoats c a m b r I C top
straight lines deep flounce of
lawn with open embroidery,
Combination Cover and Draw
ers of nainsook cover finished
with torchon lace and embroid
ery insertion and ribbon fly
front drawer trimmed to
match cover five other models,
Cfiamberlairfs Cough Remedy
Cures CoU& Croup and Whooping Cough.
It's the Simplest Thing in
the World
to do your hanking hy mail;
our perfected system carries
every advantage possessed hy
the city dweller to the resident
in the remotest district.
May we send you particu
lars? Your inquiry involves no
4?o Compound Interest 4 ?o
Pittsburgh Bank for Savings
IMnbliahrd in 186
jOit. City, Pa.J
Prescription leim grimier
Tor Hie ?j es, plus Collegl
ately I rained and Inter
nationally endorsed
Behind the (suiim.
Artlfieial Itye in Stock.
Both 'Phones.