The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 28, 1914, Image 2

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t. I. WINK, Iditok 4 PsopBitTOS.
Tbk Tam ninny crowd are now begin
Ding to realise how It feela to be on the
outside looking In
Is old limes a wife wan regarded aa ber
husband's htttlnr bolt, but nowabe wanta
to be tbe whole thine.
Hrnry Ford, the Auto King, ol De
troit, appear to bave had a rush of be
nevolence to bin carbureter.
Ovkk 18.000,000 pounds of meat were
Imported Iroin Canada, Argentine and
Australia in October and November,
This la three tlinea aa much as was Im
ported during the entire year of 1012. It
Is up to tbe Democrats to tell us why
tuest Is still high, Tbey lorineily claimed
tbal it was the wicked Tariff.
Tbk burning question before this great
American peoplejust now is, when are
the hens going to begin their pro lit shar
ing? Evidently tbe hen is In collusion
wilb the egg trust, or she would bare
taken advantage of Ibe mild weatber to
lay by something for a bard February to
It la to be hoped lLat President Wil
son's "constitution of peace" will put
stop to tbe warfare between Secretary
Redfleld and tbnse tnanulacturers who
have cut wages because of tbe effect up
on their business by the new tariff bill.
By the way, the revenues from ihe tariff
dropped off $50,000,000 in October and
November, and that, too, without aa yet
any corresponding decline in Ibe prices.
Titusvllle Hersld
Thr Pennsylvania stale alalute wblcb
prohibits siiens from bunting game in
this slate and also from having in their
possession either a shoignu or a rifl baa
been declared constitutional by Ibe au
(.rente court of Ihe United States. Joseph
Falsone, convicted of an offense against
tbe law at Nohleatown, Allegheny coun
ty, P., brought the test case lo Ibe higher
curl, alleging tbe law was unconstitu
tional. The Pennsylvania courts bad
uniformly asserted the law was valid.
"Tbk tariff is the mother of trusts."
That statement has been made in every
campaign since ibe trust question came
to be discussed on the atump in tbia
country. It has been Democaatio slo
gan, and one or tbe prinoipal arguments
given for killing tbe protective principle
in our larlll laws. Tbe deed baa been
done effectually. Protective tariff baa
been put In a mummy ebell-for the time
being. The cause of the trusts bave
therefore been done away wilb, why
bother any more about them? With that
which kept them in distance wiped out,
not even a message to suggest remedial
legislation for them would seem to be
necessary. Derrick.
Jefferson County License Court.
A dispatch from Brookville, under date
of Jan. 26, says: "Declaring from the
bench ibat he knew be bad dug bis politi
cal grave; but be would not sacrifice bia
interpretalion-of the law for political pre
ferment, Judge John W. Reed, In court
here today granted 37 retail liquor licenses
and four brewers' licenses. Judge Heed
denied that be or any member of his
family held slock in breweries. A peti
tion signed by 13,000 persons bsd Just
been presented to the court asking that
no liquor licenses be granted in Jefferson
Senator Hall to Quit.
Tbe Philadelphia Sunday Public Led
ger contained tbe following political gos
sip from Ibis districl:
"State Senator J. K. P. Hull's political
frieoda were discussing yesterday bia an
nouncement made to them that be would
not be a candidate to succeed himself in
Ibe coming primaries. Senator Hall, who
has represented Elk county for the last 12
yeirs. while s aying at the Bellevue the
last few days hss been reviving some
former statements of bis to tbe effect tbat
be would "retire from politics." The
Senator's friends said tbey believed be
would let his latest declarations on Ibat
subject die out uat aa be baa in tbe case
of the others. Nevertheless, the Seoator'a
term expires this year and be Is about 70
years of age.
"Should be really retire from the
Senate, it was thought most likely tbal be
would be succeeded by John M. Flynn,
of Elk county, who waa the Old Guard
Democratic leader in tbe last Stale House
of Representatives. Mr, Flynn is one of
tbe Senator's cbief political lieutenants.
"Senator Hall, reputed to be a wealthy
man, has fur a long time been a conspicu
ous figure in tbe Old Gusrd Democracy of
Pennsylvania. lie was Ibe leader of tbat
eleineut In the upper bouse of tbe State
Legislature. He began bia political
career by serving aa District Attorney for
Elk Couuty in tbe 60s sod 70s, served In
two sessions of Congress and then went
to the State House. His full name ia
James Knox Polk Hall."
The Rev. Mr, Wlnslow, of Brock port,
Pa., who baa been with Rev. Mr. Bryan
iu a series of revival meetings for tbe
past two weeks, returned to bis borne
Monday morning on the 8 o'clock train.
Mrs. George Sbepard and daughter
Opal were Kellettville visitor Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brewster of
Endeavor, are visiting tbe latter's sister,
Mrs. J. E. Fitzgerald, of this place.
Henry Desbner, with his son Charles,
attended tbe luneral services of Alonzo
Gibson, at Cherry Grove, Pa., Saturday
1st, Mr. Gibson'a death occurred
Thursday evening, Jan. 22, about 6:00
o'clock, from tbe Infirmities of old ago.
Funeral services were held at the old
homestead, with interment iu the family
buryiug ground beside bia wile, Mra.
Sarah Gibson,
A choir was organized In the M. E.
church, Friday evening, by tbe young
ladies snd young gentlemen of tbia place,
A large number joined, all being Inter
ested in helping to csrry on tbe work
which is for them to do.
Mr. and Mr. Victor Hendrickson and
son, Kger Lee, of Kellettville, visited
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Hendrickson, of tbia place, Sunday.
Miss Edna Smith attended tbe enter
tainment given by tbe Y.'a at Kellett
ville, Saturday evening, returning to her
home Sunday a. m., with ber unole,
Floyd E. Smith.
Tbe changeable wealber has bad Ita
effect upon the people of our town and
scarcely auy family has escaped the epi
demic of colds and Ita accompanying ail
ments. Dr. W. W. Serrlll la kept on the
job all tbe time looking after Ibe a filleted
Mr, and Mra. R. W. Wbitebill visited
tbe latter' parents at Sheffield over
Mrs, V, E. Carbatiiih and Blanche
Hendricks were Oil City visitors the last
of tbe week.
The members of tbe Helping Hand
Bible Class gave a aurprise lour o'clock
tea for Mrs. A. J. Spangler at ber borne
Tunrsnay afternoon. Forty six member
were present aud a very pleasant bour
waa spent. A half dnxen ailver table
spoons were presented to ber by the
Tbe VV. C. T. U. met at the home of
Mrs. Ida Nasb, Wednesday afternoon.
No plsce of meeting was appointed for
the next dale.
Ssger Watson's moved Into tbelr borne
on Hill street last week.
John Watson had tbe misfortune to
bave bia Snger caught while trying to
take a stick from tbe machinery at tbe
Salmon Creek mill last week, and it waa
quite aeriouely crushed and will lay bitn
off for some time.
Mrs. M. F. Catlin was down from Min
ister and attended the tea Thursday af
ternoon, remaining with Rev. and Mrs.
H. Smallenberger over night.
John K. Pettlgrew of East Hickory
waa tbe guest of bia niece, Mra. J. M.
Ault, over night Wednesday and attend
ed Ibe funeral of Mrs. Jones, at New
town, Thursday morning.
Tbe Y. P. B.'a of this place entertained
tbe Y. P. B 'a In Andrews' ball, Saturday
evening, Tbe Nebraska yonug people
came up by special train,
Frank Nasb, who baa been on tbe sick
list at borne for Ibe past week, returned
to bis work at Mayburg, Monday,
Rev. A. H. Wierabinskl was in town
over Sunday and conducted service In
tbe Catholic church Saturday evening
and Sunday morning and evening.
Misa Edna Smilb of Mayburg was tbe
guest of Albert Dunkle'a family over
Mra. Fred. McNaugbton waa op from
Nebraska several daya during the week
with ber mother, wbo waa confined to
ber bed wilb cold, but Is able to be out
Mra. Smallenberger, W. L. Watson and
F. E. Harklesa attended tbe funeral of
Mr. Jonea at Newtown, Thursday, Rev.
Smallenberger conducted the service.
Just two days after Mr, and Mr.
Andrew Spangler returned from their
wedding trip tbey bad word from tbe
former's son at Derry, Pa., aaylng tbe
stork bsd visited bis borne and made
tbem grandpa and grandma. Some class
to that. Not many people occupy tbia
exalted position just two days after tbeir
wedding day.
Friends of Dr, and Mra. Detar bave
word from tbem to tbe effect Ibat tbey
ate having lovely weather down there,
with no snow , but Ibe children are not In
love with Philadelphia and would rather
be back in Kellettville with tbe oppor
tunity of throwing a snow ball or Iwo.
Guy Brady lost a milcb cow last week,
abe having found tbe feed bag and helped
herself ton bountifully.
H B. Watson is nursing a sore band.
Mrs. Fred. Letter, who has been on Ibe
ick list fur tbe past wnek, is improving.
Mra. Dillon and Mra, Wood attended
club at Mrs. Armstrong', Thursday, at
Burning Well.
Mra. 8. S. Esbelman was shopping at
Wilcox on Thursday.
Mr. W. W, Hottel and son Harry were
calling on Mt. Jewett friend Saturday.
Tom Stover and John Sbean of Brad
ford spent Saturday with their brother
and sister, Mr. and Mra, Stover.
Mr. and Mrs. Mayo were shopping In
Mt. Jewett Friday morning.
Sunday school was very well attended
Sunday. Hope it will continue so.
J. J. Kane, Jr. called on frienda at Mt.
Jewett Friday evening.
Lowell Hottel, who bad his arm brok
en, is getting along nicely.
Mr. Groecbupp la spending a few days
in Philadelphia on business,
Mrs. Mayo gave a pedro party on ber
twenty-fifth anniversary Friday evening.
She was presented by tbe ladies with a
aet of silver knives, folks and spoons,
Mrs. Wansley and Mrs. Read won bigb
and low pjizea.
Frsnk and Willie Dillon called on Mt.
Jewett friends Saturday evening.
R. J. Williams spent Sundsy with bia
wife, who is a patient at the Kane boa
pital. Mrs. Dan Black of Fremont was tbe
guest of ber niece, Mrs. Groscbupp, a
few days last week.
Mr. aud Mra. J. J. Kane spent Saturday
wibt frieoda at Wiloox.
Ladies of the Maccabees Installation.
Tionesta Hive, No. 234, was kindly In
vited by Lady Lanson to meet at ber
home and install tbe following officers:
Commander, Carrie Lanson; L. Com
mander, Viola Hood; Past Commander,
Lucy Jamteson; Record Keeper, Clara C.
Carson; Finsnce Auditor, Hattie Henler:
Cbsplsln, Delia H. Canfield; Mistress at
Arms, lona uerow; Sergeant, Mary
Geisi; Sentinel, Hattie M. Rodda; Muni
clan, Msyme MoOool. Anna Cottle, Past
Commander of Stanley Hive, No. 141,
Marienville, Pa., acted as installing offi
cer and did ber work in a very able and
pleasing manner. We were glad In ini
tiate snd welcome Hattie M. Rodda as a
new member to our order and would be
more than pleased to welcome more new
members. A One lunch was served at
tbe close of the installation, which all
enjoyed. After thanking Lady Lanson
for her kind bospllalitv we departed for
our different homes, after accepting Lady
McCnol'a kind invitation to ber borne for
our next meeting night, which is Feb. 27,
1914. H. Canfield,
Press Reporter,
State or Ohio Citt, of Toledo, J
Frank J. Cuknkt makes oath that be
is tbe senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in tbe
City ol Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by tbe use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
Sworn to before uie and subscribed in
my presence, this titli day ot December,
A. D. 1806.
seal. A. W.OLEANON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acta directly oq tbe blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, free. adv
Telepathy" l nn Instiince of a now
tangled word for at is old tiling. Biicon
?alled it Xvmpiith.v" between Iwo (lis.
tnnt mluds. Izititk Wnltoii similarly
explained Dr. Dunne's vision In Purls
of his wife and dend child, observing
that "If two lutes tiro strung to nil ex
act harmony mid one Is struck the oth
r sounds." Scottish lilKlihinilera. who
would have been pn..lcd by Hie word
telepathy." bnve long ikhmi familiar
with the Idea for which It stands. An
Jrew Lang quoted the case of a oor
highland woman who wrote to her son
Iu Glasgow, "Don't be thinking too
much of us. or I shall be seeing you
jome evening In the byre."
My father once had a curious tele
pathic experience. He was dressing
In his bedroom one morning when be
suddenly saw the face of a Scotch
servant girl, contorted with agony. In
the looking glass before him. tie
went downstairs to the kitchen and
found the girl writhing In n tit upon
the floor, her face exactly as be had
seen It In tbe mirror. London Specta
tor. Beneficial Exercise.
Exercise to lie lieneflclnl must do
These things:
l'lrst.-lt must slightly Increase the
strength mid force of the heart beat
h as to improve the circulation and
do away with any tendency to sluggish
ness. Second.-It must slightly quicken
ind deepen the breathing rate so that
more pure ulr Is drawn Into the lungs
ind less Impure nlr Is left behind.
Third. It must stimulate into nor
mal activity the myriads of glands In
the skin whose duty it Is to rid the
body of a part of the poisonous sul
tnnces constantly lielng formed with
in us.
Practically any exercise. If curried
out with the correct degree of tnodcr
itlon. will accomplish thee results
i ml so deserves tin term "beneflclnl
exercise." The trouble Is that Indulg
ed In past moderation almost every
form of exercise can do more harm
than good. -New York World.
Th Greeting of Democracy.
The story that the kaiser loves most
to tell his Intimates, declares Mr Wil
liam Armstrong In the Woman' Maga
zine, concerns the visit of his brother.
Prince Henry of Prussia, to America.
The Incident happened Just as the
prince was landing at New York. Be
side him on deel- stood Admiral von
Tlrnitx. On the dock was a dense
crowd. From Its midst a stentorian
voice called. "Henry. Henry!"
The prince did not understand that
the hall was meant for him mull the
admiral, sinllliiu' broadly, said. "Your
royal highness. I think someone wants
to sHak to you."
Then Prince Henry looked over to
ward the human megaphone, who still
continued to bawl out Ills name. See
ing that he had caught the royal gaze,
the owner of the voice shunted,
"How's nuir
Borax In the Laundry.
The uses of refined borax nre mani
fold It is Infinitely better than soda
for washing purposes It may be used
lit the proportion of a large handful
to ten gallons of (toiling water, and
will effect a great saving in soap. If
you n:'c alout to wash delicate laces
or cambric use an extra quantity of
powder. The effect of Isirax Is to sof
ten the hardest water. mid. beluga neu
tral salt. It dues not in the slightest de
gree Injure the texture of linen or any
other delicate material washed with it.
-New York tllolie
Dangers of a Cold.
Do you know tbat of all tbe minor ail
ments colds are by far ibe most danger
ousT It la not ihe colds themselves tbat
you need to fear, but tbe aerloua disease
tbat tbev so olten lead to. For Ibat rea
son every cold should be gotten rid of
with tbe least possible delay, lo accom
plish tbia you will find Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy of great belp to you. It
loosens a cold, relieves tbe lungs, aids ex
pectoration and enables tbe system to
throw off tbe cold, f or sale by all
dealers. adv.
Biliousness and Constipation Cured.
If you are ever troubled with bilious
ness or constipation you will be Interested
in the statement of R. F. Erwin, Peru,
Ind. "A year ago last winter I bad an
attack of Indigestion followed by bilious
ness and oonHtipalion. Seeing Chamber-
lain'a Tablet so highly recommended, I
bought a bottle of them and tbey helped
me right away." For sale by all dealera.
Many West Hickory people wbo bave
obronio appendicitis, which Is not very
psinful, bave doctored for yesrs for gas
on the stomach, sour sto nach or consti
pation, Tbe West Hickory Drag Store
states if these people will try A SINGLE
DOSE of simple buckthorn bark, glycer
ine, etc., as compounded In Adler-l-ka,
tbe remedy which became famous by
curing appendicitis, tbey will be surprised
at tbe INSTANT benefit. adv
Excellent for Stomach Trouble.
"Chamberlain's Tablets are just One for
stomasb trouble," write Mrs. O. C.
Dunn, Arnold, Pa. "I was bothered
with this complaint for some time and
frequently had bilious attacks. Cham
berlain's Tablets afforded me great re
lief from tbe first, and since tsking one
bottle of them I feel likes different per
son." For sale by all dealers. ad.
WE fur YOU
to handle our beautiful and exclusive line
Etc. This is an exceptional opportunity
for you. No experience required,
Write today for particulars.
201-203 Water St., Binghamton, N. Y.
Desk A 116.
Furniture Dealer,
Bankruptcy Sale.
In the Matter of Isaac N. Patterson,
By virtuk of Ibe authority vested In It
ss Trustee snd tbe order of Court In the
shove entitled esse, dated January 13tb,
1914, Ihe Franklin Trut Company,
Trustee, will offer at publio sale In the
corridor of the Court House in Ibe Bor
ough of Tionesta, Forest County, Penn
sylvania, on
at 1:00 o'clock, P. M.,
tbe following described real estate, free
and divested of liens, to-wli:
First Parcel. -All ihe right, title and
Interest of tbe said I. N. Patterson In aud
to tbe oil aud gas right and tbe right to
go upon said land and operate for oil and
gas, in and to all thai certain tract ol
land situate in the Township of Tionesta,
Koiest County, Pa., beginning at black
oak on tbe Allegheny River, nortbeasl
corner of trsol; thence by Ibe courses up
the river 64 perches to a black oak and
post; thence by land couveyed by John
S. Mct'almonl, Executor of A. MeCal
inont, dee'd, to Blasell et al. part of same
original tract, north 32 west 624 perches
to a post aud stones ou bank line of tract;
thence by tract line south 25 west 7u
perches to post and atone; thence by
laud conveyed lo Sarah F. McCalmool
and obildren by deed of partiiion of June
12! b, 1878, aouth 8U east 600 perches to
the black oak on the Allegheny Ktver at
Ibe place of beginning. Containing 1961
acres more or less, and being the interest
reserved by Ihe ssld Isaao N. Patterson
snd wife in deed of said premises to S. 8.
Cautleld, dated July 12th, 1904, and re
corded in the Recorder's office in Forest
County iu Deed Book Vol. 37, psge 28.
Second Parcel All Ibat piece ol Und
siuate in Harmony Towusblp, Forest
County, Pa., beginning at a white oak on
corner of tract southwest corner of Jsmes
Davison's belrs north 23s esst 70 perches
to a post snd atones southeast corner of
tract conveyed to saran r. McCalmont
and children; Ibence by same nortb 49
weal 296 perches to a white oak sapling
on tbe back line of the tract; thence by
tract line ton lb 25 west 60 perches to a
post and stones and maple, corner ol
original survey; thence by tract line
south 47 east 299 perches to tbe post by
white osk, plsce of beginning, containing
117 aores, more or less. And being tbe
same premises conveyed by Alexander
McC. Wilson et al. to I. N. Patteraon by
deed dated March ltlth, 1884, and recorded
in Deed Book Vol. 85, page 610.
Ibird Parcel. Ail that certain piece ol
land aitoale In Harmony Township, For
est County, Pa., beginning at a stone and
at tbe southwest corner of tract 216, Ibence
nortb 2 east 130 perches lo a post; Ibence
south 88 east 153 perches to a poet: ibence
south 2 west 130 perches to a post; tbenoe
norm 88 west 163 percbes to tbe place ot
beginning, containing 124 acres, more or
less, excepting Ihe surface right, conveyed
by I. N. Patterson et nx. to Mra. S. K.
Wilson, by deed dsted July 12ib, 1904.
and recorded in Deed Book Vol, 37,
psge 41.
Fourth Parcel. All tbe right, title and
Interest of Issao N. Patterson, Bankrupt,
In and lo all Ibat certain piece of land
situate in Kingsley Tiwnsbip, Forest
County, Pa., beglonlng at a atake or
stones, being tbe northeast corner near
where tbe road from tbe upper mill dross
es the Fort Pitt Lumber Company
line south 42 esst along said Fort Pill
Lumber Company line 100 rods to a
stske and alooes; ibence south 48 west
along lands now or formerly of bund, 80
rods to a atake and atones; thence north
42 west along line of land now or for
merly of Hontl 100 rods lo alone on rock;
Ibence north 48s east along landa of tbe
said Boud 80 roda in Ibe place of begin
ning, containing 60 acres. For descrip
tion see deed recorded in Deed Book Vol,
16. psge 165
Fifth Parcel. All Ibe interest of Issso
N, Patterson in and lo Ihe follow
ing described piece of land, situste
In Tionesta Township, Forest County,
Pennsylvsnia, bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a maple
on ibe Allegheny River thence north
3ti0 percbes to a post; thence by land
now or formerly of the Holland Land
Company south 89) east 28 parches
to a white osk; thence south 10" esst
388 perches; thence down the aald Alle
gheny River to the place of beginning,
containing 81 acres more or less, and be
ing Ibe interest reserved by I. N. Patter
son in bia deed to Win. Haskell et al.
dated May 8tb, 18119, recorded iu Deed
Book Vol.32, page 116.
Sixlb Paroel.-All tbe right, title and
interest of I. N. Patterson in tbe oil and
gas and mineral right in and under the
following described piece of land, situate
In Tionesta Township, Forest Cuuty,
Penn'a, bounded and described as fol
lows; Beginning at a post on the Alls
gheny River tbe corner of ibe oriiclual
Alex. Holeman warrant; thence by the
river by Ibe courses and dislsnces Ibereol
65 rods to a post; thence by other land ol
first part 's north 7 west 415 rods to a
post on line ot land formerly or the un
land Land Company; thence by tbe same
north 87 west 20 rods lo a post and atone
corner on the Alex. Holeman warrant;
thence by tbe ssme south 388 rods to tbe
place of beglnuing, containing 100 acres.
be tbe same more or has, aud being tbe
interest in the said premises reserved by
I. N. Patterson in bis deed lo Hannah
McCray recorded in Deed Book Vol. 21,
page Zou
Seventh Parcel. -All tbe right, title and
interest to the oil aud gas snd other min
erals as reserved by I. N. Patterson el si.
in deed recorded in D. B. Vol. 281, psge
23, to Charles H. Hunter for land situste
In Tionesta Township, Forest County,
Penn'a, and bounded and described as
follows: Beginning al a poet near maple
on tbe bank of tbe Allegheny River,
thence by line of land now or formerly ol
D. C. B chus north 17 west 480 rods to
post by chestnut on line of land formerly
of Holland Land Company Tract 216;
thence by said tract line nortb 87" west
154 rods to a post; thence by land sold lo
Hsnnab McCray soulb 102 west 431 rods
to a post on tbe hsnk o tbe Allegheny
River; tbence south 65 east along the
hank of tbe Allegheny River 81 perches
to tbe place of beginning, containing 110
acres more or less.
Eighth Parcel. -All the right, title and
interest of I. N. Pstterson io tbe follow
ing described parcel of land, situate io
Tiooeata Towuhlp, Forest County,
Penn'a, bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning al a post tbe corner of
tract aold lo Dlngman s Derickson, later
owned by George Swab; tbence by land
of said Swab nortb 10) west 431 rods to a
post on line of Tract No. 216; thence north
87 west 20 rods to a posl; tbence by line
of land conveyed by Hannah McCray et
oon. to Henry P, Armburger south 7
esst 415 rods to a post on the bank ol Ibe
Allegheny River; Ibence up said river by
tbe courses snd distances Ibereol to the
place of beginning, containing 100 acres
snd being the nil and gas and mineral
right reserved by I. N. Patterson io deeds
hereinbefore mentioned.
Terms op Salb Twenty-five per
cent, of the purchase money In cash at
the time tbe property is struck down,
snd tbe balance upon final confirmation
of sale by the United States District Court
for Ihe Western District of Pennsylvsnia.
Thk Frankmn Trust Company,
Franklin, Pa.
Homf.r R. Hi.air. Attorney,
Franklin, Pa.
Introducing our very complete Spring
Hue of beautiful wool suitings, wash fab
rics, fancy walsting, silks, bdkfs, petti
costs, etc. Up to date N. Y. Cily pstterns.
Klne-t line on the market. Dealing direct
wilb tbe mills you will find our prices
low. If others can mske flO 00 to 30 00
weekly you csn slso. Samples, full in
structions in neat sample case, shipped
express prepaid. No money required.
Exclusive territory. Write for particulars.
Be first lo apply. Standard Dress Goods
Company, 100 1st St., Binghamton, N. Y.
$4.00 has the buying
power of $5.00.
Reduced 20 per cent.
Reduced 20 per cent.
Reduced 20 per cent.
Reduced 20 per cent.
$1.60 and higher,
Reduced 20 per cent.
A few pairs of
Reduced 10 per cent.
Above discount allowed
For Cash Only.
Legal Notice.
Forest County Common Pleaa, No. 2,
May Term. 1913. In Faulty.
MARION L. GEROW, Plaintiff,
MAN ROSS, Intermarried wilb
MURDOCH, intermarried wilb WIL
h termarrlod with VALENTINE BIG
LEN MCCAFFREY, intermarried wltb
John McCaffrey, maggie gil-
TINaN, intermarried with G. H.
HANNAH FAH EY. Intermarried with
JOHN FA HEY. heirs at-law of
JAMES FITZGERALD, deceased, tbe
following minors, obildren of ELLEN
MCCAFFREY, now deceased, THOM
AS McCaffrey, maky McCaf
frey, and tbe following minors,
children of MAGGIE GILTINAN,
now deceased. AGNES GILTINAN,
To John 0. Fitzgerald, Dora Sigmao,
Valentin Sigman, Henry Fitzgerald,
John McCatlrey, Alice Fitzgerald, Han
nah Fabey, John eahey, Thomas Mc
Caffrey. Mary McCaffrey, Agnes Gllti
nan and Thomas William Giltlnan, a
number of Ihe defendants, take notice
tbat tbe bill of complaint of Marion L.
Qerow, plaintiff, bsa been filed against
you in aald Court to ibe above term and
number, praying tbat tbe partition of a
certain piece or parcel of land situste in
id. Towntnip or Tionesta, Uounly of
Forest, Stale of Pennsylvania, and con
taining eighty-seven (87) acres of land,
and known aa the Fitzgerald Farm, and
If same cannot be divided without injury
to and spoiling ibe whole, then tbe same
may be aold and tbe parties to bave di
vided among the several partiea, eta, and
tbat unless you cause an appearance to
be entered for and in asid Court of Com
mon Plesson or be'ore tbe second dsy
of Februsry next, tbe said bill of com
plaint may be taken assinat, you pro
confessn. D. U. Ariro,
Dec. 15, 1013. Solicitor for Plaintiff.
Made -To -Measure
Clothes of the
Highest Quality
may be purchased here at the
most modest prices in town,
See our marvels of beauty at
$15, $18 and $20
and our wonderful importa
tions at
$25, $30 and $35
Fit and finish guaranteed.
D. H. Blum,
At the
Racket Store
Graniteware, Tinware,
Glassware, Chinaware,
Stationery, Hosiery,
WallPaper, Window Shades
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
"Procrastination is the thief of time." It is constant
PUTTING OFF that gets a man in a fix like the one in the
picture "Going to stop wasting his money some day, some
day." Don't YOU put off banking your money. MAKE A
START begin now. Gome to our bank and start an ac
count. We will treat you courteously and take care to
serve you well.
CAPITAL STOCK, 150.000. SURPLUS, 1100,000.
Do your banking with us. 4 TOV POTlf
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, J3X j2lx U.
Forest County NaLtionaJ Bank.
Paper Towel llolls
1800 Towels, 12 Rolls
with White Enameled
Towel Hack, $4.00.
Ellsworth H. Hults, Jr.,
Every inoilier should know of Ibis new
remedy for skin diseases, and keep Pro
dlum on band. It stops llulilnn al once
and Is known as ihe best remedy for tbe
lender akin of infanta. It works wondsrs
In all esses of ecieins, teller, sore feet,
split toes, and all ailments afTm-tlng ibe
For sale at all druggists for '5 cents.
Including R. A. Walker. Trial package
upon request to tbe Prodluin Company,
Pialnlield, N. J.
Whkkkas, The Hon. W. D. Hi nek lev,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter fSpssions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Plnas.
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the Third Monday of February, being
the ltltb day of February, 11)14. No
tice is therefore Riven to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there iu their proper persons at ton
o'clock A. M., ol said day with th"ir
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their olUce appertain to be done,
and to those wboare hound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and thereto prosecute
against them as shall be Just. Given un
der my baud and seal this 19ih day of
January, a. u. 11114.
W. H. HOOD, US. Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial In the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Third Monday of February, 11114:
1. J. h Kubns vs. Urteuwood Oil and
Gaa Company, a corporation, No. 30, Feb.
ruary term, 1913. Summons Iu eject
ment. 2. E. L Chapman vs. L. W. Dana, No.
23, Hay term, 1813. Summons in tres
pass. 8. Jennie K. Patteraon, Ethel Patter
son, J. E. Chilesler, guardian ot Howard
Patterson, a minor child of M. V. Patter
son, deceased, vs. II A. Nell land, No. 19,
September term, 1913. Summons in as
sumpsit. 4 Lewis R. Brennsn vs. T. I). Collins,
F. X. Kreliler, F. K. Brown, No. 5,
September term, 1913. Summons In
Attest, 8. R. MAXWELL,
Tionesta, Pa., January 11), 1914.
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hereby given Hist the follow
ing accounts have boen Hied in my office
and will be presented at the next term of
Court, beginning on tbe Tbird Monday
of February, 1914, for confirmation :
Second triennial, account cf Lewis If.
Meusoli, guardian of Klenor M. Jl rc l
liott, minor child of Daisy Iola Mercll
liotl, Isle of Jenks Township, Forest
County, Pennsylvania, deceased.
First and final account of Emma S.
Pierce, administratrix ' of the 'estate .-or
Joseph B. Pierce; Ime of Tionesta Bor
ough, Forest County, Pennsylvania,. de
ceased .
Final account nf J. K. Cbltester, guar
dian of Howard Pstterson.
First sod final account of Tabitba Bate
man, administratrix of Ibe estate or A.
M. VauHorn, late of Howe Township,
Forest County, Pennsylvania, deceaned.
Clerk of Orphans' Court,
Tionesta, Pa., January 19, 1914.
Now is the time to order
Rose Point
I Km neI Lump Lime
cultural Lime. None better in
results. Haul in winter when you
have most time. Place on farm
in piles. Lime is ready for use
at Spring plowing.
Write for prices delivered at
your Station. Ask for booklet:
"Facts for Fanners."
Rose Point Ground RtirneH T ims
Rose Point Hydrated Lime.
new castle. Fa. i
r i i-r tup nrtnc ' sJ
lu i i he. rwrfc.
Paper Drinking Cups
1000 Cups for 2.75
Automatic Holders
Leased for $2.00.
25 N-Sixth St., Phila., Pa.
counts nf Tionetits Kornugb for the
year ending Jmuary 5th, lit 1 4:
J. C. Noowden, Boiough Treasurer.
To balance last settlement $ 748 60
W. 11. Hood, 1MH tax 1117 Hfl
" lHIOlsx 814 74
' lull lax ,'xW 00
l.2lax... (JftO (Ml
" 1U13 tax 1 IHH) 00
Show Licenses 18 ftO
Ma Psup 400 IK) lioroiigli Building 61 HI
l.lquor Licen-es 24(1 00
K. A. Cook, Lot ISO 00
Slate Tre.snrer 42 6S
Kobsle on Interest 2 50
William Street Sewer 20 40
15,305 23
;t.lHW 18
79 32
1.2.VJ 73
It v Orders Kedoemed
Commission jj per cent
Balance Iu Tipaury
15.305 23
W. H. Hood, Collector, 1913 Duplicate.
To 1913 Duplicate $2,933 02
5 per cent, added on fSHO 15 44 80
2,977 82
By J. C. Soowden, Tressurer $l,fi00 00
C n Union 2 per cent 32 06
5 percent. Atialemeut on $1,718 58 85 93
Cards snd Stamps a 50
J. C. Scowden, Treasurer 300 00
Comriiihinti 5 percent 15 78
Balance uncnl lectod 910 95
,2,077 82
Financial Statement.
A aimlf4
W. H. Hood, Collector, 1912 lax.f 283 47
1913 tax.. 94(1 95
PreOn terian Church 10 00
Rem Bornuuli Building 90 HO
M. A. Carringer. Secretary 40 00
William sneel Sewer 83 88
Municipal Liens 154 H9
Balance in Treasury 1,'iVJ 73
Liabilities iu exiress 10,59.1 73
1 13,403 (15
..$ 1,300 00
.. 1,6.' 90
42 75
.. 3.000 00
.. 7.500 09
113,403 65
... m 45
... 78 45
... 153 00
II 60
69 00
... 314 31
,.. 420 00
... 57 75
14 60
3 25
35 HO
... 11! 77
50 69
14 00
... 2,188 91
5 (Ml
... 79 32
Order No. 1.123
Order No. 1,431
Other Onlera Outstanding..,
Bonds, Ni Series
Bonils, 2 I Series
Lights ",
Board of Health
Interest Floating Debt ,
Interest Bonds
Printing ""t
Flie Depiiitmeul
Pan i Case
I n u ranee
Secretary slid Attorney '
Payment ou Floating Debt.!
Miscellaneous ,
Treasurer's Coiuinissiun....!!!!
... . 80
We, tbe undersianed Auditors of Tlo
nests Borough, hereby certify tbat we
bave audited Ibe foregoing accounts and
iiiunu mem io ne correct as above stmed.
J G. Jamikson, )
J.N. Bankhkao, V Auditors,
K. L. Uahlkt, I
Atlesi: M. A. Cahhinqkr, Clerk.
January 6, 1914.
Fred. Grottenborger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksmlthlug prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
tatisl'action guaranteed.
Shop In rear of and Just west of the
"haw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
J. L. Hcplor
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, am always
at reasonable rates Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Co mi and see us.
Rear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Ho. 20,